MR :: Volume #15

#1497: Two people consumptions

In the spirit ship lost in the limiting case, the Yang Jian strange strength can release, in this situation he has with the capital of malicious ghost resistance, even if faces 34 malicious ghost simultaneously, he can also quite relaxed dealing. 在幽灵船失去了限制情况下,杨间自身灵异力量得以释放,这种情况下他具备和厉鬼对抗的资本,哪怕是同时面对三四只厉鬼,他也能比较轻松的应对。 After rapid processing three terrifying malicious ghost, Yang Jian focuses on at present that five senses fuzzy malicious ghost body. Waits for it to bend the waist to pick to take that copper coin the flash. 迅速的处理掉身边的三只恐怖厉鬼之后,杨间将注意力放在了眼前那五官模糊的厉鬼身上。等待它弯腰捡取那枚铜钱的一瞬间。 Does not have the reality malicious ghost is very difficult to deal with, but that copper coin actually broke down this boundary, in the reality appears malicious ghost that these have idealist forcefully, the time of although reappearing is very short, was enough regarding Yang Jian this top Ghost Controller. 不存在现实的厉鬼本来是很难对付的,但是的那枚铜钱却打破了这种界限,强行将那些唯心存在的厉鬼在现实之中出现,尽管浮现出来的时间很短暂,可是对于杨间这种顶尖的驭鬼者而言却已经足够了。 " Is now. " 「就是现在。」 Yang Jian waited till this moment, he saw that malicious ghost ice-cold stiff finger to contact the copper coin of ground, at this moment he is trying the winking eye , malicious ghost has not changed, it also in same place exam copper coin. 杨间等到了这一刻,他看见那厉鬼冰冷僵硬的手指接触到了地上的铜钱,此刻他尝试着眨眼睛,果然,厉鬼并未有所变化,它还在原地检铜钱。 This copper coin not only can attract malicious ghost of hidden, but can also attract the malicious ghost attention shortly, interrupts the strange attack of malicious ghost. 这一枚铜钱不但可以将隐藏的厉鬼吸引出来,还能短暂的吸引厉鬼的注意力,中断厉鬼的灵异袭击。 The under foot moves, the Yang Jian stride rushes over, draws out to sew in nearby red long spear/gun, then without hesitation bent the waist to pick money a malicious ghost blade toward this to cut. 脚下一动,杨间大步冲了过去,一把拔出钉在旁边的红色长枪,然后毫不犹豫的朝着这弯腰捡钱的厉鬼一刀就砍了下去。 At this moment the attack of hatchet has not failed, but is accurate ripped open the body of malicious ghost, dismembered two halves it directly. 这一刻柴刀的袭击没有落空,而是准确无误的撕开了厉鬼的身体,直接将其肢解成了两半。 " passes! " 「噗通!」 malicious ghost that heavy body numerous pouring on the ground, the copper coin in the hand just examining also let go to fall, at this moment even did not have the influence of copper coin, malicious ghost did not have the means to vanish in again at present, it was separated from idealist existence, became in the reality corpses that divided two halves. 厉鬼那沉重的身躯重重的倒在了地上,手中刚刚检到的铜钱也脱手掉落,此刻即便是没有了铜钱的影响,厉鬼也没办法再消失在眼前了,它脱离了唯心的存在,成为现实之中一具分割成两半的尸体。 Is equal to the strange strength to be scattered after by the hatchet dismembers malicious ghost, does not retrieve the puzzle malicious ghost not to have the means to restore to the initial condition forever. 被柴刀肢解后的厉鬼等同灵异力量被打散,不找回拼图的厉鬼就永远没办法恢复到最初的状态。 Yang Jian carried that dismembered half of bodies directly, then lost toward the ship under. 杨间将那被肢解后的一半身躯直接拎了起来,然后朝着船下丢了出去。 This malicious ghost is very dangerous, is very difficult to deal with, now dismembers it with great difficulty, definitely cannot buy to make it restore again, must therefore make malicious ghost the two halves bodies separate as far as possible, ceases possibility that it retrieves the puzzle. 厉鬼很危险,又很难对付,现在好不容易将其肢解了,肯定不能买再让它恢复过来,所以必须尽可能的让厉鬼的这两半身躯分开,杜绝其找回拼图的可能性。 Does not know where throws down the corpse that to fall from the spirit ship to goes. 只是不知道从幽灵船上丢下的尸体会落到什么地方去。 " Temporarily solved danger, but this situation should unable to continue to be very long. " Yang Jian is filling now as before vigilantly, in the heart does not have the half a point to relax. 「暂时解决身边的危险了,但是这种情况应该持续不了很久。」杨间现在依旧充满着警惕,心中没有半分放松。 Afterward he bent the waist to pick that copper coin that the ground fell, recycled this strange goods. 随后他弯腰将地上掉落的那枚铜钱捡了起来,回收了这件灵异物品。 However this matter just completed, Yang Jian complexion suddenly changed looks to a direction. 但是这件事情刚做完,杨间脸色忽的一变看向了一个方向。 That is the jack-o'-lantern combustion place. 那是鬼火燃烧的地方。 In the jack-o'-lantern has a fearful form to struggle, that was tried to attack Yang Jian malicious ghost a moment ago. 鬼火之中有一个可怕的身影在挣扎,那是刚才试图袭击杨间的一只厉鬼 This thinks that this malicious ghost under the combustion of jack-o'-lantern will be lit, was limited is unable to move same place, is now, that embezzled the malicious ghost jack-o'-lantern to start rapid extinguishment at this time unexpectedly. 本以为在鬼火的燃烧之下这厉鬼会被点燃,然后被限制在原地无法动弹,可是现在,那吞没厉鬼的鬼火这个时候竟在开始迅速的熄灭。 malicious ghost had not been lit, instead is putting off the jack-o'-lantern. 厉鬼没有被点燃,反而在扑灭鬼火。 Quick, originally jack-o'-lantern of flaming combustion at this time unexpectedly thorough extinguished, but in the place that the flame covered a moment ago is actually empty one piece, without the malicious ghost form, but actually left behind one pile of burned black residuums, probably one group of scorched bone ashes. 很快,原本熊熊燃烧的鬼火这个时候竟彻底的熄灭了,而在刚才火光笼罩的地方却是空荡荡一片,没有厉鬼的身影,但是却留下了一堆焦黑的残留物,像是一团被烧焦的骨灰。 The ghost is not possible to be burnt by the jack-o'-lantern, the only explanation is the jack-o'-lantern burns down that corpse that the ghost checked, the true ghost has gotten out of trouble to leave. 鬼是不可能被鬼火烧死的,唯一的解释就是鬼火烧毁了鬼寄存的那具尸体,真正的鬼已经脱困离开了。 " Really is troublesome. " Yang Jian can feel that Ghost to linger in the surroundings, and has stared. 「真是麻烦。」杨间能够感受到那只鬼就在周围徘徊,并且已经盯上自己了。 However he cannot deal with that Ghost all energy, because the danger on spirit ship may continue this, in this moment surrounding darkness also had other sounds to appear, Yang Jian can only pull back the attention, puts other places. 但是他不能将所有的精力去应对那一只鬼,因为幽灵船上的危险可不止这一个,此刻周围的黑暗之中又有其他的动静出现了,杨间只能将注意力拉回来,放到其他地方去。 Suddenly. 忽的。 Yang Jian felt that head has a dizzy spell, gloomy and cold aura appears from the back of the head, is corroding the own consciousness directly, making him almost faint on the ground. 杨间感觉脑袋一阵头晕目眩,一股阴冷的气息从后脑勺出现,直接侵蚀着自己的意识,让他差一点就昏倒在了地上。 Came. 来了。 This is a strange attack, the unknown ghost attacked the consciousness of Yang Jian. 这又是一次灵异袭击,未知的鬼袭击了杨间的意识。 Was good because of checking the wicked dog in memory appeared at this moment. 好在寄存在记忆之中的恶犬此刻显现了出来。 Indistinct, Yang Jian heard shouting and roaring of wicked dog. 隐约之间,杨间听见了恶犬的嘶吼和咆哮。 Afterward that attack consciousness drew back strange dispersed, gloomy and cold aura after behind retreating of Yang Jian, then in a series of footsteps sounds along with darkness, some Ghost gradual being far away, ended this attack. 随后那种袭击意识的灵异退散了,阴冷的气息从杨间的身后退走,接着伴随着黑暗之中一连串脚步声响起,某只鬼逐渐的远离,结束了这一次的袭击。 " Hateful, stands in this merely bewilderedly was attacked by malicious ghost, in this deck too bad risk. " The pouch consciousness of Yang Jian gradually restores, he shook the head, that dizzy feeling gradually reduces. 「可恶,仅仅只是站在这就会莫名其妙的遭受厉鬼的袭击,这甲板上太凶险了。」杨间的囊意识逐渐恢复过来,他晃了晃脑袋,那种晕眩感才逐渐减轻。 But his front leg just came to a stop, his split vision saw a form to run out in the darkness on the police, directly soars itself. 可是他前脚刚刚站稳,紧接着他的余光就警见了一道身影在黑暗之中冲出,直奔自己而来。 " Hateful. " 「可恶。」 Raises startled and anger, the Ghost Shadow gathering, changes to one not to tempt the wind the wall to keep off in densely at present. 扬间又惊又怒,鬼影汇聚,化作一堵密不诱风的墙壁挡在了眼前。 However he felt a tremendous strength transmits. 然而紧接着他就感觉到一股巨大的力量传来。 Ghost Shadow swayed, presented fierce openings, the jet black wall was flickered is routed, simultaneously that tremendous strength passed to the body, making the Yang Jian whole person fall to fly, tumbled several to stop on the ground. 鬼影摇晃,出现了一道道狰狞的口子,漆黑的墙壁被瞬被击溃,同时那股巨大的力量传到了身体上来,让杨间整个人都跌飞了出去,在地上翻滚了好几圈才停了下来。 " What ghost thing is this? " Yang Jian felt the whole body severe pain, the body breaks probably same almost passed out. 「这又是什么鬼东西?」杨间感觉浑身剧痛,身体像是散架了一样差点失去了知觉。 Actually his body is all right, but is Ghost Shadow this is hit some is not right, might fall into the deep sleep to be the same, even is unable to control the body. 其实他身体没事,而是鬼影被这一撞有些不对劲了,像是要陷入沉睡之中一样,甚至无法操控身体了。 His Ghost Eye opens, plans to see clearly that is anything. 鬼眼睁开,打算看清楚那是什么东西。 However the next quarter, that shadow in a flash, vanished in the line of sight of Ghost Eye unexpectedly, but the surrounding strange disturbance was serious, the line of sight of Ghost Eye is unable to peep at the too far place, can only see that shadow to flee helplessly. 然而下一刻,那一道黑影一晃,竟又消失在了鬼眼的视线之中,而周围的灵异干扰严重,鬼眼的视线无法窥视太远的地方,只能眼睁睁的看见那黑影逃离。 " Paced back and forth in the surrounding ghost were too many, even I can resist four Ghost, five Ghost, but could not stand up to consume like this. " 「徘徊在周围的鬼太多了,即便是我能对抗四只鬼,五只鬼,但也经不住这样耗下去。」 Yang Jian deeply inspires, he adjusted the condition to stand again, just stood, the hatchet in his hand cut to the surrounding darkness. 杨间深吸了一口气,他调整状态再次站了起来,刚一站起来,他手中的柴刀就斩向了周围的黑暗。 In the darkness an arm of deceased person fell, fell his under foot. 黑暗之中一条死人的胳膊掉落了出来,落到了他的脚下。 Some malicious ghost of nearness was given the dismemberment by Yang Jian conveniently. 某一只靠近的厉鬼杨间随手就给肢解了。 But the situation will not have slight improvement as before. 可是情况依旧不会有丝毫的好转。 The time in the deck treating is longer, the encountered danger are more, although the strange strength of Yang Jian control is very strong, can resist malicious ghost attack time and time again, may have the defensive careless mistake time, occasionally will also be attacked by malicious ghost, was injured. 在甲板上待的时间越久,遭遇的危险就越多,虽然杨间驾驭的灵异力量很强,能够对抗厉鬼一次又一次的袭击,可也有防守纰漏的时候,偶尔也会遭受厉鬼的袭击,受到伤害。 Like this spelled few minutes, Yang Jian has to use to restart, erases the strange wound on the body receiving. 这样拼了没几分钟,杨间就不得不动用重启,抹除自己身体上受到的灵异创伤。 But after having restarted one time, will have the second time. 而有了一次重启之后就会有第二次。 First restarting use beforehand Yang Jian insisted for five minutes, but restarted beforehand Yang Jian only to insist for the second time for three minutes. 第一次重启的使用之前杨间坚持了五分钟,但是第第二次重启之前杨间只坚持了三分钟。 Was not his strength weakened, but was the surrounding danger changes, some ghosts even appeared in some curse way, the hatchet is unable to cut off, the coffin nail is unable to fasten, finally has to use the ghost scissors that curse shear, interrupted that strange attack. 不是他的实力变弱了,而是周围的危险变多了,有些鬼甚至是以某种诅咒的方式出现的,柴刀无法斩断,棺材钉也无法钉住,最后不得不用鬼剪刀将那诅咒剪断,中断那种灵异袭击。 One person alone of Yang Jian in the darkness fights bravely, but in Ye Zhen of not far away also is almost the same bitter experience. 杨间在黑暗之中孤身奋战,而在不远处的叶真也差不多是同样的遭遇。 Ye Zhen grasps the long sword of twist deformation, in the darkness and malicious ghost resistance, he was also hit by fatal attack time and time again, the scapegoat but who he controls is really some non-solutions, forcefully shifts this strange attack to other ghost body. 叶真手持扭曲变形的长剑,在黑暗之中和厉鬼对抗,他也遭受了一次又一次的致命的袭击,可是他驾驭的替死鬼实在是有些无解,硬生生的将这种灵异袭击转移到其他的鬼身上 Therefore resists now, he has not even been injured, even the mood bellows to yell there. 所以对抗到现在,他甚至都没有受伤,甚至还有心情在那里大吼大叫。 " Yang does Wudi, you return alive? Needs me to help? Me is stress-free, if needs to help shout one on the line. " He said loudly. 「杨无敌,你是否还活着?需不需要我帮忙?我这边毫无压力,若是需要帮忙的话喊一句就行了。「他大声说道。 " Cannot die, you manage well yourself. " The Yang Jian sound responded in the darkness. 「死不了,你还是管好自己吧。」杨间的声音在黑暗之中回应。 Ye Zhen has the scapegoat, Yang Jian restarts, each other has the going on living energy, can kill their ways is only to present terrifying malicious ghost that surpasses the understanding, or is to make on this spirit ship that dense and numerous malicious ghost living consuming die they. 叶真有替死鬼,杨间有重启,彼此都有活下去底气,唯一能杀死他们的方式就是出现一只超出理解的恐怖厉鬼,亦或者是让这幽灵船上那密密麻麻的厉鬼活生生的耗死他们。 So far, appeared ghost, although is very fearful, is very hard to deal with, in the range of but in them dealing with. 目前为止,出现的鬼虽然很可怕,也很难缠,但是都在他们应对的范围之内。 Perhaps could not resist, but will not be killed by the ghost. 或许对抗不了,但是也不会被鬼杀死。 But Yang Jian felt, the ghost on this spirit ship is not only the quantity many is so absolutely simple, very terrifying ghost has not appeared absolutely, if merely is this, that all Captain assemble can deal with the spirit ship, the king not possibly organizes to stop up all on this ship. 可是杨间感觉,这艘幽灵船上的鬼绝对不仅仅是数量多那么简单,绝对还有非常恐怖的鬼没有出现,如果仅仅是这样的话,那所有的队长集结是可以应对幽灵船的,国王组织也不可能把一切都堵在这艘船上。 Now, they have not encountered the ghost who surpasses deals with the range. 只是现在,他们还没有遭遇到超出应对范围的鬼而已。 …… …… com- to examines com-到进行查看
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