MR :: Volume #12

#1132: Three people of curse

„Before our three people, suffered curse, but affected at that time is also not very big, now the situation intensified, the body seemed being corroded, I felt the gravity of issue, therefore chose to retreat temporarily, otherwise really began three people to have the condition to be finished together absolutely.” “我们三个人之前就遭受了诅咒,只是那时候影响还不是很大,现在情况加剧了,身体仿佛在被侵蚀,我感觉到了问题的严重性,所以暂时选择撤退,不然真动起手来三个人一起出状况绝对要完蛋。” In Yang Jian this moment hand also takes the ghost scissors. 杨间此刻手中还拿着鬼剪刀。 He saw that curse. 他看到了那诅咒 A gloomy and cold female corpse almost and Liu San has superposed, starts to affect the consciousness of Liu San, controls his behavior. 一具阴冷的女尸几乎和柳三已经重合了,开始影响柳三的意识,操控他的行为。 A moment ago Liu San absent-minded time at all is not he is moving, but is that female corpse is acting, his body looked like raises the line puppet to be taken possession by malicious ghost equally, is towing walk. 刚才柳三失神的时候根本不是他在活动,而是那女尸在行动,他的身体就像是提线木偶一样被厉鬼附身,牵引着行走。 However Yang Jian similarly so. 然而杨间同样如此。 He compares Liu San to be better, he was only the body lost control, Ghost Shadow has not lost control. 只是他比柳三要好一点,他只是身体失控了,鬼影并没有失控。 Ghost Shadow can recapture the control of body as before forcefully, but this not goings to the roots of the problem as before. 鬼影依旧可以强行夺回身体的掌控权,不过这依旧治标不治本。 Situation best should be Li Jun, he is affected by curse to be youngest, because he is the person skin, what the person in the skin is flooding is the jack-o'-lantern, depends entirely on the ghost makeup to maintain live person's consciousness, under muddy body does not have one is the place of living person, therefore has not lost control Li Jun to the present, but slightly some invaded traces. 情况最好的应该是李军,他遭受诅咒的影响最小,因为他自身就是人皮,人皮里面充斥着的是鬼火,全靠鬼妆维持着活人的意识,浑身上下就没有一处是活人的地方,因此李军到现在都没有失控,只是稍微有一些被入侵的痕迹而已。 Also without beginning on rout, this too does not make sense.” Li Jun is gloomy the face, is unhappy. “还没动手就溃败,这实在是太不像话了。”李军阴沉着脸,并不开心。 Had been in this situation, they withstood so many dangers, has not actually thought that when doubts facing that is source malicious ghost actually escaped directly. 已经到了这种地步了,他们承受了这么多危险,却没想到在面对那疑是源头厉鬼的时候却直接逃了。 Sinks to the ghost lake time they have not run away, was sieged by the innumerable female corpses has not run away, finally now ....... 沉入鬼湖的时候他们没有逃,被无数女尸围困的时候没有逃,结果现在....... Perhaps this is we resists the limit that the ghost lake can reach, sees that only malicious ghost merely, further words we continue to grow either, either must try to find other solution.” Cao Yang has not suffered curse, his very calm say/way. “或许这就是我们这些人对抗鬼湖能达到的极限吧,仅仅只是见到那只厉鬼而已,再进一步的话要么我们继续成长,要么就得想过别的办法。”曹洋没有遭受诅咒,他很冷静道。 Moreover at present does not process curse, do not want to return to the ghost lake, approached might be drowned.” “而且眼下不处理掉诅咒,别想返回鬼湖了,一靠近说不定又要溺水身亡。” A'Hong said: Yang Jian, you have what means to process curse not to have.” 阿红道:“杨间,你有什么办法处理掉诅咒没有。” Can shear curse with the ghost scissors, but corresponding must withstand to contaminate other malicious ghost curse risks, if wants totally to depend on the ghost scissors to eliminate ghost lake curse, I thought that at least must withstand three other malicious ghost curse to be good, curse of ghost lake, I never had also seen before.” Cao Yang said. “用鬼剪刀就可以剪断诅咒,只是相应的也要承受沾染其他厉鬼诅咒的风险,如果想要完全靠鬼剪刀消除鬼湖诅咒的话,我觉得至少得承受三种其他厉鬼诅咒才行,鬼湖的诅咒还强了,我以前从未见过。”曹洋说道。 He has a lingering fear as before. 他依旧心有余悸。 Because curse of ghost lake attaches just like true malicious ghost in your body, is very difficult to get rid. 因为鬼湖的诅咒宛如一只真正的厉鬼附着在你身上,很难摆脱。 Li Jun body curse does not need to manage, he live people are not, many curse few curse has no difference to him, his body the devil, will not have died in any case.” Yang Jian said. 李军身上诅咒不用管,他连活人都不是,多一份诅咒少一份诅咒对他来说都没什么区别,反正他身体已经死鬼了,根本就不会死。”杨间说道。 As for me, I do not need to use the ghost scissors, oneself can process.” “至于我,我不需要动用鬼剪刀,自己可以处理。” What since withstands curse is this body, then I discarded this body simply, traded a new body to be good, the brand-new body naturally cannot contaminate this ghost thing.” “既然承受诅咒的是这身体,那么我干脆就舍弃了这身体,重新换过一具新的身体好了,全新的身体自然不会沾染这鬼东西。” The words saying, Yang Jian acted. 话才说完,杨间就行动了起来。 He does not evade. 他也不避讳。 Ghost Shadow was separated from the original that body, carried off becoming dark Ghost Hands, carried off Ghost Eye in body, meanwhile took away body all valuable things and strange goods. 鬼影脱离了原先的那身体,带走了发黑的鬼手,也带走了身体内的鬼眼,同时还将身上所有有价值的东西和灵异物品拿走了。 Therefore. 于是。 His that loses the palm, the spiritless body was stripped. 他那具失去手掌,死气沉沉的身体被剥离了下来。 Ghost Shadow stands erect in same place, the face that the shadow above blood rubbing comes out presented the Yang Jian appearance, as if this was true he, that familiar body was only the substitute that can replace momentarily. 鬼影矗立在原地,影子上面一张鲜血拓印出来的脸庞呈现出了杨间的样子,仿佛这才是真正的他,那熟悉的身体只是一个随时可以更换的替代品。 Afterward. 随后。 Make person everyone feel that unthinkable appeared. 让人所有人感到匪夷所思的一幕出现了。 A new Yang Jian outline gradual and appears at present, this outline from the fuzziness to clear, last formed with Yang Jian exactly the same person thoroughly. 一个新的杨间轮廓逐渐的又浮现在了眼前,这个轮廓从模糊到清晰,最后一个和杨间一模一样的人彻底的形成了。 This person does not have the aura, without breath, but has a ruddy complexion, the facial expression is very good, probably falls into the vegetable in deep sleep, has the aura of living person, is entirely different from the beforehand spiritless gloomy and cold appearance. 这个人没有气息,没有呼吸,但是却面色红润,气色很好,像是一个陷入沉睡之中的植物人,有活人的气息,和之前死气沉沉的阴冷样子截然不同。 Changes the reality, made a new body?” “更改现实,制造了一具新的身体?” The Cao Yang vision twinkle, he understood all that at present this has, may feel inconceivable as before. 曹洋目光闪烁,他理解眼前这发生的一切,可依旧感到不可思议。 Li Jun, A'Hong also showed the astonished look. 李军,阿红也是露出了惊异的神色。 Under everyone's gaze, jet black Ghost Shadow invaded this new body directly. 在所有人的注视之下,漆黑的鬼影直接入侵了这具新的身体。 Ghost Hands splicing, Ghost Eye parasitic, strange strength shift. 鬼手拼接,鬼眼寄生,灵异力量转移。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 New Yang Jian opened the eye to sober again, but in his front, a exactly the same person. 新的杨间再次睁开了眼睛清醒了过来,而在他的面前,还有一个一模一样的人。 That is the old body, spiritless, but has not actually dropped down as before, stands in the front as before, moreover at this moment unexpectedly in unceasing proceeds to walk, every time walked one step to leave a wet footprint, simultaneously body under losing the situation of strange strength started fast the curse corrosion by ghost lake. 那是老的身体,死气沉沉,但却依旧没有倒下,依旧站在前方,而且此刻竟在不断的往前走去,每走一步都留下了一个湿漉漉的脚印,同时身体在失去了灵异力量的情况之下开始快速的被鬼湖的诅咒侵蚀。 Really, the method is very successful, I got rid of curse.” “果然,方法很成功,我摆脱了诅咒。” Yang Jian grasps the ghost scissors, is observing the front own corpse. 杨间手握鬼剪刀,观察着前面自己的尸体。 The gloomy and cold female corpse and beforehand body have overlapped thoroughly in one, and is far away in the direction of ghost lake gradually, has not contaminated to shift to the new body. 阴冷的女尸和之前的身体已经彻底重叠在了一块,并且在渐渐朝着鬼湖的方向远离,并没有沾染转移到新的身体上来。 This is fair. 这是合情合理的。 Because the new body is the ghost necklace changes the reality to manufacture, is the product of another strange goods, does not have with ghost lake relations. 因为新的身体是鬼项链更改现实制作出来的,是另外一件灵异物品的产物,和鬼湖一点关系都没有。 So that's how it is, you stay the living person condition through this method, no wonder you are maintaining not by the malicious ghost influence appearance.” “原来如此,你是通过这种方法保持活人状态的,难怪你一直保持着没有被厉鬼影响的样子。” Li Jun also understood, he stares at Yang Jian, in the eye socket the jack-o'-lantern is beating, does not know that is pondering anything. 李军也明白了过来,他盯着杨间,眼眶之中鬼火跳动,不知道是在思考什么。 Li Jun was pondering, such Yang Jian is really Yang Jian? 李军在思考,这样的杨间到底真的是杨间么? When true Yang Jian had died unknowingly. 真正的杨间又是在什么时候不知不觉已经死去了。 Afterward Li Jun shakes the head, does not go to think that this philosophical question, this is not he excels. 随后李军摇了摇头,不去想这种哲学问题,这不是他擅长的。 Corpse had the change.” Before Feng Quan is staring at Yang Jian, body that discards. “尸体出现变化了。”冯全一只盯着杨间之前舍弃的身体。 At this time Yang Jian that suffered the body of curse, in unceasing of proceeding is also having the change of strange, first was the hair of corpse lengthened, this point was like Liu San, but this change was more serious than Liu San, because the growth rate of hair was too fast. 这个时候杨间那遭受诅咒的身体在不断的往前走的同时也在发生着诡异的变化,首先是尸体的头发变长了,这一点就和柳三一样,只是这种变化比柳三严重多了,因为头发的生长速度太快了。 Also without after a while, the Yang Jian corpse on full black hair, moreover wet is in the water drop. 还没有过一会儿,杨间的尸体就满头黑色的头发,而且还湿漉漉的正在滴水。 The skin of corpse gradually is afterward pale, the blood-color on body is retreating fast. 随后尸体的皮肤渐渐苍白起来,身体上的血色正在快速的退去。 The body clothes also started to fade, turned into a paleness of strange. 就连身上的衣服也开始褪色了,变成了一种诡异的苍白。 Passed merely for more than ten seconds, original Yang Jian had vanished, what replaces it is a new female corpse. 仅仅只是过去了十几秒的时间,原本的杨间就已经消失了,取而代之的是一具新的女尸。 His beforehand body seemed like by that curse is replaced. 他之前的身体像是被那诅咒取代了。 Originally is this.” Cao Yang saw this one immediately suddenly. “原来是这样。”曹洋见此一幕顿时恍然了。 Feng Quan said: Suffered ghost lake curse later Ghost Controller gradually to be corroded evidently, finally turned into a new female corpse, before had the strange strength time can also resist this change, without the strange strength disturbance, this type corroded the quick fearfulness, absolutely did not have the means to resist.” 冯全道:“看样子遭受了鬼湖诅咒之后的驭鬼者会逐渐被侵蚀,最后变成一具新的女尸,之前有灵异力量的时候还能对抗这种变化,一旦没有了灵异力量干扰,这种侵蚀快的可怕,完全没办法抵挡。” Invasion, replacing, this attack way definitely is not the ghost lake, does not know that is which Ghost Controller the ghost lake steals.” Yang Jian is unemotional, he flings conveniently. “入侵,取代,这种袭击方式肯定不是鬼湖的,又不知道是鬼湖窃取到哪一位驭鬼者的。”杨间面无表情,他随手一甩。 The long spear/gun flies, passed through that body that directly changed to the female corpse. 长枪飞去,直接贯穿了那具化作了女尸的身体。 The coffin nail suppresses, the corpse fell down directly, is unable to move, simultaneously massive water stain unceasing the class/flow from the body came out. 棺材钉压制,尸体直接倒在了地上,无法动弹,同时大量的水渍正在不断的从身体之中流出来。 The corpse looks like a discouraged balloon to be the same, starts fast withered getting down, later the body melts, the clothes are rotten, in an instant was only left over a beach to send out the odor corpse water. 尸体就像是一个泄气的气球一样,开始快速的干瘪下去,随后皮肉消融,衣服腐烂,转眼之间就只剩下了一滩散发着恶臭的尸水。 I understood, this female corpse does not have the reason that the means come ashore, once came ashore, the female corpse is unable to contact the ghost lake, was suppressed will turn into a beach with this directly water stain, but contacted the female corpse of lake water to be equal to true malicious ghost to be the same, is unable to be killed.” “我明白了,这就女尸没办法上岸的原因,一旦上岸了,女尸无法接触鬼湖,被压制就会和这样直接变成一滩水渍,而接触了湖水的女尸就等同于真正的厉鬼一样,无法被杀死。” Cao Yang sees this, obtained a very important information information. 曹洋见此,又得出了一条非常重要的信息情报。 Yang Jian said: Is reasonable, but the ghost lake is big enough, the female corpse does not need to come ashore, it is waiting for us there, even if we know how this can, simply not have the means its processing.” 杨间说道:“有道理,但是鬼湖足够大,女尸根本不需要上岸,它就在那里等着我们,我们哪怕是知道了这点又能怎么样,根本没办法将其处理。” This but actually is also, the ghost does not leave the ghost lake, can actually invade other waters through the ghost lake, affects the city.” That Cao Yang just appeared joyful pinches out immediately. “这倒也是,鬼根本不离开鬼湖,却能通过鬼湖入侵其他的水域,影响城市。”曹洋刚刚浮现出来的一丝喜悦立刻就被掐灭了。 Your curse solved, my curse does not need to manage, then Liu San?” Li Jun said: His situation is quite as if bad.” “你的诅咒解决了,我的诅咒不用管,那么柳三呢?”李军道:“他的情况似乎比较糟糕。” Yang Jian looked to Liu San. 杨间又看向了柳三 On this moment Liu San had grown the black hair, the skin is pale and exquisite, the consciousness seemed being corroded, an eye is pale, curse had at least corroded he half of bodies, the words that continues he must be corroded completely. 此刻柳三头上已经长出了黑色的头发,皮肤惨白而又细腻,意识仿佛都在被侵蚀,一只眼睛惨白麻木,诅咒至少已经侵蚀了他一半的身体,继续下去的话他就要完全被侵蚀了。 If so, paper person Liu San only feared that must turn into ghost lake Liu San. 一旦如此,纸人柳三只怕是要变成鬼湖柳三了。 When the time comes another serious malicious ghost will appear. 到时候又一个不得了的厉鬼将会出现。 Does not have the means that can only use the ghost scissors, he will really die this way.” Cao Yang says immediately. “没办法,只能动用鬼剪刀,他这样下去真的会死的。”曹洋立刻道。 I know.” “我知道。” The Yang Jian look moves slightly, in his hand has taken up the ghost scissors. 杨间神色微动,他手中已经拿起了鬼剪刀。 The line of sight changed. 视线发生了变化。 He saw that gloomy and cold female corpse and Liu San almost overlapped in one, and as if also had the sound of talking in whispers to transmit. 他看到了那具阴冷的女尸和柳三几乎重叠在了一块,并且似乎还有窃窃私语的声音传来。 Meanwhile around during him has fallen into one piece to be dim. 同时他周围已经陷入了一片昏暗之中。 The incomplete corpse, the head of strange, drops the sound of blood, the approached footsteps...... various strange phenomena appeared in the surroundings, that was curse that saved. 残缺的尸体,诡异的脑袋,滴血的声音,靠近的脚步......各种灵异现象出现在了周围,那都是积攒下来的诅咒 The use ghost scissors are equal to touching these curse each time, even the slightest misstep will contaminate on. 每次使用鬼剪刀就等于触碰这些诅咒,稍有不慎就会沾染上。 Yang Jian you not convenient words I come.” Cao Yang said: Really contaminated curse I also to find the way to process.” 杨间你不方便的话我来吧。”曹洋说道:“真沾染上了一点诅咒我也会想办法处理的。” Does not need, I withstand the curse ability to be stronger compared with anybody, even/including Guihu curse I can get rid, believes that other curse could not affect me.” Yang Jian swung requirement, rejected the Cao Yang good intention. “不需要,我承受诅咒的能力比任何人都要强,连鬼湖的诅咒我都能摆脱,相信其他的诅咒也影响不了我。”杨间摇了摇托,拒绝了曹洋的好意。 Afterward he proceeded a step preparation to begin. 随后他往前一步准备动手了。 He takes up the ghost scissors almost and Liu San overlaps to cut on the same place female corpse neck to that. 他拿起鬼剪刀对着那几乎和柳三重叠在一起的女尸脖子上剪去。 The scissors use the first time he cut the half piece of head of that female corpse. 剪刀使用第一次的时候他只是剪下了那女尸的半片脑袋。 All curse in Yang Jian line of sight lived probably, has the malicious ghost revival terrified feeling, is turning toward him to approach. 紧接着,杨间视线之中的所有诅咒像是活了过来,有种厉鬼复苏的悚然感,都在向着他靠近。 But relieved the curse effect on appear. 而解除诅咒的效果已经出现了。 A Liu San pale eye returned to normal, his consciousness also sobered. 柳三一只惨白的眼睛恢复了正常,他的意识也清醒了过来。 Also insufficiently.” Cao Yang said. “还不够。”曹洋道。 At least must use three times to be good.” Yang Jian said, later he stretched out the scissors to cut second. “至少得使用三次才行。”杨间说道,随后他伸出了剪刀剪了第二下。 Also the head was cut together. 又一块脑袋被剪了下来。 The black long hair that the Liu San head that is long starts rapid disappearance, his invaded trace disappears. 柳三头上那长出来的黑色长发开始迅速的消失,他被入侵的痕迹不见了。 But the second time, the Yang Jian complexion concentrates, he lowers the head looks. 可是第二下的时候,杨间脸色一凝,他低头一看。 A rotten death head/number of people does not know when had transferred, and strange is doomed he, moreover this rotten death head/number of people starts in disappearance gradually, but that gazed at feeling has actually existed. 一个腐烂的死人头不知道什么时候已经转了过来,并且诡异的注定着他,而且这颗腐烂的死人头开始在渐渐的消失,可是那种被注视的感觉却一直存在。 Looks again. 再次看去。 Does not know when that rotten death head/number of people in the darkness of own side not far away, stood erect terrifying malicious ghost in darkness to stare at him just like one. 不知道什么时候那腐烂的死人头就在自己的身旁不远处的黑暗之中,宛如一个矗立在黑暗之中的恐怖厉鬼已经盯上了他。 Contaminated curse.” In the Yang Jian mind had such a idea. “沾染到诅咒了。”杨间脑海之中冒出了这么一个想法。 Does not need many inquisitions, depends on an intuition to assess the current situation merely sufficiently. 不需要过多的探究,仅仅只是靠着一种直觉就足以判断出目前的情况。 Really the ghost scissors are not the easy-to-use strange goods, since this situation is avoidless, was disinclined to pay attention.” “果然鬼剪刀也不是什么好用的灵异物品,既然这种情况无法避免,也就懒得理会了。” He said that used the third scissors. 他说完动用了第三剪刀。 The head of Liu San body that female corpse cut a bulk. 柳三身上那具女尸的脑袋又剪下了一大块。 At this moment. 这一刻。 Liu San stopped the vomit, without the water continued to flow, the sound that by the ear talked in whispers also vanished. 柳三停止了呕吐,没有积水继续流出来了,耳旁窃窃私语的声音也消失了。 His consciousness had not been invaded the danger again. 他的意识没有再被入侵危险。 ...... Yang Jian does not want to begin as for the body, because is extremely complex, needs to use at least 67 ghost scissors, he thought that this is not cost-effective, after all now Liu San will not die. 至于身体......杨间不想动手,因为太过复杂,需要动用至少六七下鬼剪刀,他觉得这样不划算,毕竟现在柳三已经不会死了。 Contaminated curse, although luck not, but is not bad.” The Yang Jian look moves slightly, then received the ghost scissors. “只是沾染了一个诅咒,运气虽然不算好,但也不算坏。”杨间神色微动,然后收起了鬼剪刀。 Ghost lake it can corrode the consciousness, is our these different kind difficult adversaries, you must be careful.” “鬼湖它能侵蚀意识,是我们这些异类的克星,你们要当心。” After Liu San is at this moment sober, the first few words that said were actually this. 柳三此刻清醒之后,说出的第一句话却是这个。 Has looked.” Cao Yang said: You are very a moment ago difficult keep sober, this way you died absolutely, luckily the ghost scissors have not lost in the ghost lake, otherwise really did not have the means to process this curse.” “已经看出来了。”曹洋道:“你刚才已经很难保持清醒,这样下去你绝对死定了,幸亏鬼剪刀没有丢失在鬼湖之中,不然还真没办法处理这种诅咒。” Many thanks, I owe you a life.” Liu San said. “多谢,我欠你一条命。”柳三道。 Cao Yang said ; „It is not I rescues your, is Yang Jian, you must thank thank him.” 曹洋道;“不是我救你的,是杨间,你要谢就谢他吧。” The Liu San consciousness is not sober thinks that was Cao Yang used the ghost scissors. 柳三意识不清醒以为是曹洋动用了鬼剪刀。 Yang Jian, very sorry, put to trouble to you.” He later some ashamed say/way. 杨间,很抱歉,给你添麻烦了。”他随后又有些惭愧道。 „It is not the trouble, the real trouble has not been solved.” Yang Jian said. “算不上麻烦,真正的麻烦还没有解决呢。”杨间道。 Ghost lake? 鬼湖么? The people were silent, fell into a quite dignified atmosphere. 众人沉默,陷入了一种比较凝重的气氛之中。 This paranormal event was too difficult to deal. 这件灵异事件太难应对了。 Moreover the situation is very complex, from before contacting the situation , the ghost lake did not meet the requirement of detaining. 而且情况还很复杂,从之前接触的情况来看,鬼湖根本就不具备关押的条件。 Once in malicious ghost attack by ghost lake, even if has not died, that will also contaminate curse, and will also be stolen the strange strength. 一旦被鬼湖之中的厉鬼袭击,哪怕是没死,那也会沾染诅咒,并且还会被窃取到灵异力量。 In other words. 也就是说。 The ghost lake more resists is more terrifying, 鬼湖越对抗就越恐怖, Has the possibility of infinite growth. 具备无限成长的可能。 Next time will act, if has not grasped processing, was attacked several times by the ghost lake again, who knows that the ghost lake will grow to what situation. 下次行动如果没有把握处理,再被鬼湖袭击几次的话,谁知道鬼湖会成长到什么地步。 Can see from the current information. 从目前的信息上可以看出。 The ghost lake invasion replaces the living person, should steal Shen forest. 鬼湖入侵取代活人,应该是窃取沈林的。 The quantity steals Liu San. 数量是窃取柳三的。 The clothes steal that one-eyed old person. 衣服是窃取到那个独眼老人的。 Yang Jian was attacked, but had not been stolen, because he had strange of ghost lake before, therefore is not affected. 杨间被袭击了,但是没有被窃取,因为之前他具备鬼湖的灵异,所以不受影响。 As for Li Jun, did not seem stolen, does not know that is because he lost the reason of consciousness at that time. 至于李军,似乎也没有被窃取,不知道是不是因为他当时失去意识的缘故。
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