MR :: Volume #11

#1053: Hand of dismemberment

malicious ghost that in the post office presents one after another, moreover is very terrifying, although has not presented the death, but also because of Yang Jian and Ye Zhen two individuals reason jointly, however at present, the situation actually changes, Ye Zhen this fellow compares an iron, left the position of hall, wants to cope with malicious ghost on own initiative. 邮局内出现的厉鬼一只接着一只,而且都很恐怖,尽管还没有出现死亡,但也是因为杨间叶真两个人联手的缘故,然而眼下,局势却发生了变化,叶真这家伙比较头铁,离开了大厅的位置,主动想要去对付厉鬼 The result was missing. 结果失踪了。 The whole person fell into that black letter paper everywhere, without a trace of disappearance. 整个人陷入了那满地的黑色信纸之中,消失的无影无踪。 Meanwhile, loafed malicious ghost of that code name opening the door ghost also appears in the post office. 同时,游荡在邮局内那代号开门鬼的厉鬼也出现了。 That is a spiritlessness, puts on the corpse of cheongsam, the whole body is sending out the light corpse stink, when had died are many, at this moment actually strange is walking in the post office, and slowly went to the post office 1st floor hall from the building. 那是一具死气沉沉,穿着长衫的尸体,浑身散发着淡淡的尸臭味,已经死去多时了,此刻却诡异的在邮局内行走着,并且缓缓的从楼上来到了邮局一楼的大厅。 Yang Jian has had the guess. 杨间有过猜测。 This opening the door ghost had the possibility and that Door-Knocking Ghost is malicious ghost this puzzle that the same person controlled is deliberately scattered for some reasons, otherwise this malicious ghost extremely non-solution, is unable to deal. 这开门鬼很有可能和那敲门鬼是同一个人驾驭的厉鬼只是因为某些原因这拼图被刻意的打散了,否则的话这厉鬼太过无解,无法应对。 Is unpurposed wanders, said that has stared among us somebody?” “是无目的的游荡过来,还是说已经盯上了我们当中的某个人?” This moment Yang Jian stares at that malicious ghost, in the hand is gripping tightly that long spear/gun, he completed preparation that dismembers this malicious ghost. 此刻杨间盯着那厉鬼,手中紧握着那长枪,他做好了肢解这厉鬼的准备。 ...... Present Ghost Shadow still in Sun Rui's body, helping it suppress malicious ghost revival, if using Ghost Shadow unable to determine that at this moment whether will have the influence on Sun Rui. 只是......现在鬼影还在孙瑞的身体里,帮其压制厉鬼复苏,如果此刻动用鬼影的话还无法确定是否会对孙瑞产生影响。 Now he cannot die. 现在他可不能死。 Sun Rui died, all these did not have the significance. 孙瑞死了,这一切就都没有意义了。 Yang Jian repressed the impulsion of innermost feelings, he refused to act on own initiative, but was the plan waits and sees, looked at the situation counter-attack. 杨间按捺住了内心的冲动,他拒绝了主动出手,而是打算观望,看情况反击。 In line of sight of Ghost Eye. 鬼眼的视线之中。 The spiritless old person after going down the staircase stopped temporarily, but this stop is not long, that old person is opening pair of dying embers, dim eye, step by step walks in the direction that the people are, also does not know that is intends to approach, is only a coincidence. 死气沉沉的老人在走下楼梯之后暂时的停顿了一下,但这个停顿并未太久,紧接着那个老人就睁着一双死灰,黯淡的眼睛,一步步的向着众人所在的方向走来,也不知道是有意靠近,还是只是一种巧合。 Came?” The Yang Jian complexion sinks: That did not have the means that can only its dismemberment.” “还是来了么?”杨间脸色一沉:“那没办法了,只能将其肢解了。” Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!” Meanwhile, the direction of front door actually hears impact noise one by one, the front door is vibrating, in swaying, the glass in gate is starting to present cracks, the front door of as if quick post office must by outside malicious ghost hitting. 与此同时,身后大门的方向却传来一下又一下的撞击声,大门又在震动,又在摇晃,就连门上的玻璃都在开始出现一道道裂纹了,似乎很快邮局的大门就要被外面的厉鬼给撞开了。 This situation is not Li Yang by stopping up the gate ghost can block. 这种情况不是李阳靠堵门鬼就能封锁的。 Even if has others to help, the gate of this post office shatter is also only the issue of time. 哪怕是有其他人帮忙,这邮局的门破碎也只是时间的问题。 I deal with the ghost who this time presents.” However at this moment, Wang Yong Station, he takes the shovel that stains the soil, the preparation wrestles furiously. “我来应对这次出现的鬼。”然而此刻,王勇站了出来,他拿着沾满泥土的铁锹,准备奋力一搏。 You?” Yang Jian Ghost Eye moved slightly, looked at his one eyes. “你么?”杨间鬼眼微动,看了他一眼。 Murder rule that this ghost very bad risk, having triggering must die, in addition whether other rules have not known temporarily, the words that approaches rashly might die.” “这鬼很凶险,有触发必死的杀人规律,除此之外是否还有其他的规律暂时还不知道,贸然靠近的话很可能会死。” Wang Yong dao: I understand, therefore first repels it is good, I should be able to achieve.” 王勇道:“我明白,所以得第一时间将其击退才行,我应该可以做到。” Good, the words such being the case, that gives you to deal.” Yang Jian has not rejected this proposition, he thought that oneself should also preserve the condition, to deal the huge bad risk that has not presented. “好,既然如此的话,那就交给你应对。”杨间也没有拒绝这种提议,他觉得自己还应该保存状态,以应对还未出现的巨大凶险。 The black letter is impossible merely is only such degree. 黑色的信件绝不可能仅仅只是这样的程度。 Wang Yong complied with the sound to take the shovel to walk, he in dark environment, although did not see clearly, was can actually the sensation malicious ghost position, this clearly was malicious ghost that and he controlled has the relations, after all he also had Ghost Territory. 王勇应了声就拿着铁锹走了上去,他在黑暗的环境虽然看不清楚,可是却能感知厉鬼的位置,这显然是和他自身驾驭的厉鬼有关系,毕竟他也是拥有鬼域的。 The distance of person and ghost in rapid pulling closer. 人和鬼的距离在迅速的拉近。 malicious ghost in step by step wanders, but Wang Yong is on anxious and resolute welcoming, idea of no retreat. 厉鬼在一步步的游荡过来,而王勇则是紧张而又果决的迎上,没有一丝后退的想法。 He is very clear, oneself today not only goes all out for oneself, goes all out for behind family member, supported this had closed him to get rid of curse of messenger. 他很清楚,自己今天不仅仅只是为自己拼命,也是为了身后的家人拼命,撑过了这一关他就能摆脱信使的诅咒了。 Dealt?” Yang Jian looks in the eye, in the heart somewhat is also disturbed. “应对的了么?”杨间看在眼中,心中也有些忐忑起来。 Wang Yong in the 5th floor messenger is top one approved, controlled two Ghost, has the strange goods, if he were repulsed instantaneously, then other messengers possibly are not this malicious ghost opponent. 王勇在五楼的信使之中算是顶尖的一批了,驾驭了两只鬼,拥有灵异物品,要是他都瞬间败退了,那么其他的信使更加不可能是这厉鬼的对手。 The gloomy and cold aura smuggled the corpse stink to head on. 阴冷的气息夹带着尸臭味已经扑面而来了。 Very nearly. 很近。 Wang Yong whole body ties tight, his vision stubbornly is staring at a present darkness, a fuzzy human form outline is reappearing at present. 王勇浑身紧绷,他目光死死的盯着眼前的一片黑暗,一个模糊的人形轮廓在眼前浮现了出来。 That then hidden malicious ghost in darkness. 那便是隐藏在黑暗之中的厉鬼 He all assembled slowly the iron shovel plan in hand began at this moment. 他此刻缓缓的聚齐了手中的铁铲打算动手了。 However at this moment, originally malicious ghost this moment strange that wanders stopped the footsteps, moreover what is in the top of the head, has blasted open lamp at this moment unexpectedly strange shone, just like a candle of slowly ignition, luminously from dark to bright, showy even more. 然而就在此刻,原本正在游荡过来的厉鬼此刻诡异的停下了脚步,而且紧接着的是在头顶,一盏早已经炸裂开了的灯此刻竟诡异的亮了起来,犹如一根慢慢点燃的蜡烛,光亮由暗到明,越发的显目了。 Dim, the light of turning yellow in the twinkle, has not been shining to have the feeling that one type must extinguish. 昏暗,发黄的灯光在嗤嗤的闪烁着,还未亮起就有一种要熄灭的感觉。 Yang Jian sees this situation, immediately complexion sudden change: This ghost can control in the post office the light, repels it before turning off the lights, otherwise the light will extinguish you dead.” 杨间见此情况,当即脸色骤变:“这鬼能控制邮局内灯光,在熄灯之前将其击退,否则灯光一灭你会死。” Originally is this.” “原来是这样。” Wang Yong is so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat instantaneously, understood this malicious ghost murder way, 王勇瞬间惊出了一身冷汗,明白了这厉鬼的杀人方式, That on top of the head the light of twinkle just like his life signal to be the same, once extinguishes, his life also arrived. 头顶上的那嗤嗤闪烁的灯光就犹如他的生命信号一样,一旦熄灭,他的生命也就走到头了。 Therefore Wang Yong no longer hesitated. 所以王勇不再犹豫了。 Taking advantage of light that shines slightly, the shovel that his accurate locking that malicious ghost form, in the hand lifted is patting fiercely to that malicious ghost. 借着那微微亮起的灯光,他准确无误的锁定了那厉鬼的身影,手中抬起的铁锹猛地对着那厉鬼拍去。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 A high thin strange malicious ghost form appeared in Wang Yong's side, that malicious ghost seemed like a shadow, as if a withered corpse, opened the arm at this moment unexpectedly, is bending the waist, keeps off in Wang Yong's top of the head, tried to isolate the influence of that light, this was malicious ghost that Wang Yong controlled. 一个高瘦诡异厉鬼身影出现在了王勇的身边,那厉鬼像是一道黑影,又仿佛一具干瘪的死尸,此刻竟张开了手臂,弯着腰,挡在了王勇的头顶上,试图隔绝那灯光的影响,这是王勇驾驭的厉鬼 During attack, Wang Yong has not forgotten on an insurance to oneself, although does not know to be useful, but at least must attempt. 在攻击的同时,王勇也没有忘记给自己上一份保险,虽然不知道有没有用,但至少得尝试一下。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 People and ghosts to bumping eruption. 人与鬼的对碰爆发了。 The shovel numerous rackets in Wang Yong hand in that malicious ghost body, that spiritless old person head this were patted directly pour crookedly in the one side, in addition, the body of that senile as if lost the support of some strange strength to fall down unexpectedly directly. 王勇手中的铁锹重重的拍在了那厉鬼身上,那死气沉沉的老人此刻脑袋被这一拍直接歪倒在了一旁,除此之外,那老态的身躯仿佛失去了某种灵异力量的支撑竟直接倒在了地上。 The heavy corpse did not have the sound suddenly unexpectedly. 沉重的死尸一时间竟没有了动静。 The light that however that strange on Wang Yong top of the head shines went out suddenly. 但是紧接着王勇头顶上的那盏诡异亮起的灯光骤然熄灭了。 The terrifying murder rule was triggered. 恐怖的杀人规律被触发。 Turning off the lights must die. 熄灯必死。 ! 啊! However in the dark environment actually transmitted strange and sad and shrill monster cry, that is the origin of sound unexpectedly is Wang Yong side that tall thin, just like the dry corpse general black malicious ghost form. 然而黑暗的环境之中却传来了一声怪异而又凄厉的怪叫,那是声音的来源竟是王勇身旁那具高瘦,犹如干尸一般的黑色厉鬼身影。 That malicious ghost opens mouth, as if the cheeks must be torn. 厉鬼张开嘴,仿佛脸颊都要被撕扯开来。 Frightened so, that malicious ghost body black skin in falling, is also defeated and dispersed incessantly, probably received the corrosion of other strange strengths to be the same. 惊悚的一幕还不止如此,那厉鬼身上黑色的皮肤正在一块块的掉落,溃散,像是受到了其他灵异力量的侵蚀一样。 Wang Yong's subconscious covering ear, he feels to by this sad and shrill monster cry making deaf. 王勇下意识的捂住耳朵,他感觉要被这凄厉的怪叫给弄的失聪了。 However fortunately, he has not died. 然而幸运的是,他没有死。 Does not know that was prompt repelled malicious ghost, said the ghost who he controlled blocked the light a moment ago, therefore he was not the murder rule that triggering turned off the lights to die. 不知道是及时将厉鬼击退了,还是说他驾驭的鬼刚才挡住了灯光,所以他本人不算触发熄灯必死的杀人规律。 Success?” The Yang Jian pupil moved slightly, saw this, felt somewhat surprised. “成功了?”杨间眸子微动,看见了这一幕,觉得有些吃惊。 This Wang Yong success upfront resistance opening the door ghost also lived. 这个王勇成功正面对抗开门鬼并且活了下来。 Really. 果然。 This messenger is very competent, before had not chosen to write off together it is a correct choice. 这个信使还是很有实力的,之前没有选择将其一起抹杀掉是一个正确的选择。 Was only he also repelled malicious ghost one time, the ghost will not kill, he was at the critical condition.” Yang Jian not, therefore is optimistic. “只是他也只是击退了厉鬼一次而已,鬼是不会杀死的,他还是处于危险状态。”杨间并没有因此就乐观起来。 He sees that to lie down malicious ghost in ground at this moment already the sign that has to move indistinctly, that malicious ghost covered entirely the deceased person palm of wrinkle to start, has been separated from the suppression, is recovering fast, according to such time judged, will support several minutes of this malicious ghost to restore to the beforehand condition. 他看见那躺在地面上的厉鬼此刻已经有隐约活动起来的迹象,那厉鬼布满皱纹的死人手掌开始动了起来,已经脱离了刚才的压制,正在快速的复苏,按照这样的时间来判断,撑死几分钟这厉鬼又会恢复到之前的状态。 In other words. 也就是说。 A resistance that Wang Yong this goes all out won several minutes of safety time merely. 王勇这拼命的一次对抗仅仅只是争取了几分钟的安全时间而已。 Like this was enough.” Yang Jian will actually not sit back and miss disappearance of this opportunity, he walks rapidly. “这样足够了。”杨间却不会坐失这个机会的消失,他迅速的走来。 I, I am all right, the ghost who I control withstood that attack for me.” Wang Yong said at this moment: That malicious ghost does not have the sound temporarily, but I do not think that I won, must think the method that other deal with is good, otherwise it will also stand again.” “我,我没事,我驾驭的鬼替我承受了那次的袭击。”王勇此刻说道:“那厉鬼暂时没有动静,但是我不认为我就赢了,得想个其他应对的方法才行,不然它还会再次站起来的。” He felt that Yang Jian walks, at this moment immediately explains a here situation. 他感觉到杨间走来,此刻立刻说明了一下这里的情况。 Wang Yong's judgment and Yang Jian are consistent. 王勇的判断和杨间是一致的。 Will not give this malicious ghost to stand again the opportunity of activity.” Yang Jian had arrived by that corpse. “不会再给这厉鬼站起来活动的机会。”杨间已经来到了那具尸体旁边。 He lifted the long spear/gun in hand, the hatchet did not need the set off medium also to dismember malicious ghost, what the premise cut was malicious ghost, rather than living person, if cut in living person body, or was the spot of living person is nothing's function. 他抬起了手中的长枪,柴刀不需要出发媒介也能肢解厉鬼,前提砍中的是厉鬼,而不是活人,如果是砍在活人身上,或者是活人的部位是没有任何的作用的。 This is in view of the malicious ghost strange weapon. 这是一把针对厉鬼的灵异武器。 The long spear/gun wields. 长枪一挥。 The head of malicious ghost was truncated directly, old person's head rumble rolling in side. 厉鬼的脑袋被直接削了下来,那老人的头颅咕噜噜的滚在了旁边。 But this has not calculated. 但这还不算。 Yang Jian does not think under the dismemberment the head can make this malicious ghost temporary is law-abiding, he begins again, an arm of malicious ghost unloading. 杨间不认为肢解下脑袋就能让这厉鬼暂时的安分起来,他再次动手,将厉鬼的一条胳膊给卸了下来。 Under peeping at Ghost Eye, the right hand on this corpse is lending the especially gloomy and cold aura, therefore his some reasons judged, murder curse that opening the door must die deposits in the arm of this malicious ghost. 鬼眼的窥视之下,这尸体上的右手散发着格外阴冷的气息,所以他有理由判断,开门必死的杀人诅咒就寄存在这厉鬼的胳膊之中。 Hatchet sharp does not make sense. 柴刀锋利的不像话。 The corpse was dismembered easily. 尸体被轻而易举的肢解了。 Had malicious ghost of activity sign to return to at this moment again normal, just like to fall into the deep sleep to be the same, the possibility of temporarily not having regained consciousness. 原本有活动迹象的厉鬼此刻再次恢复了平静,犹如陷入了沉睡一般,暂时没有苏醒的可能。 Yang Jian kicks the head one side, then picked up the arm ponder of that strange hesitant, then lost to the direction of front door: Li Yang, this is the opening the door ghost arm, above has curse that opens the door to die, if you are unable to support, is going malicious ghost revival, then tries to control this malicious ghost puzzle, could usefully.” 杨间将脑袋踢到一旁,然后捡起了那条诡异的胳膊思考犹豫了一下,然后丢向了大门的方向:“李阳,这是开门鬼的胳膊,上面具备开门必死的诅咒,如果你无法撑住,将要厉鬼复苏,那么试图驾驭这厉鬼拼图,或许能有用。” Li Yang stops up the gate ghost, but this is the opening the door ghost. 李阳是堵门鬼,而这是开门鬼。 Could form a subtle balance. 或许能形成一个微妙的平衡。 I understood, Captain, if cannot support me to bet one.” Li Yang touched to fall that stiffness by the foot, ice-cold deceased person arm. “我明白了,队长,如果撑不住我会赌一把的。”李阳触碰到了掉落在脚旁那条僵硬,冰冷的死人胳膊。 This is the puzzle that dismembers from malicious ghost, strictly speaking, this deceased person arm can also malicious ghost revival. 这是从厉鬼上肢解出来的拼图,严格说来,这条死人手臂也是可以厉鬼复苏的。 If can succeed, you will control three Ghost.” Yang Jian spoke, his subconscious tracing neck. “如果能成功,你就将驾驭三只鬼了。”杨间说到,他下意识的摸了摸脖子。 The fissure appears together, nearby flesh fast corruption. 一道裂痕浮现,附近的血肉正在快速的腐烂。 Belonged to curse of hatchet to appear. 属于柴刀的诅咒出现了。 However now Yang Jian does not plan to restart itself, because this degree of curse he can also support. 但是现在杨间并不打算重启自身,因为这种程度的诅咒他还撑得住。 Hasn't waked up?” Yang Jian looked to stand erect in nearby Sun Rui, in the heart the secretly thought. “还没有醒来么?”杨间看了看矗立在一旁的孙瑞,心中暗道。 Losing Ghost Shadow his condition was not very good, 失去了鬼影他状态并不是很好, However after Sun Rui tore into shreds the black letter, at this moment that fearful curse had actually been happening, remained unconscious, was only left over a point to remain Sun Rui of consciousness the eyelid to move slightly at this time, probably sleeps soundly for a long time person soon to wake up. 不过孙瑞此刻撕碎了黑色信件之后那种可怕的诅咒却已经在发生了,原本是昏迷不醒,仅剩下一点残留意识的孙瑞这个时候眼皮微动,像是一个熟睡已久的人即将醒来似的。 May also require time. 可还需要一点时间。 curse also needs to ferment. 诅咒还需要酝酿。 He does not have to solve the malicious ghost revival problem quickly. 他没这么快解决自身厉鬼复苏的问题。
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