MR :: Volume #11

#1051: Torn into shreds black letter/believes

Although Dahan City head Sun Rui had disappeared many days, but Dahan City is still maintaining the beforehand liveliness and stable. 尽管大汉市的负责人孙瑞已经消失了很多天了,但是大汉市依然维系着之前的繁华和安定。 This city has not presented any paranormal event. 这座城市并没有出现任何一件灵异事件 But does not mean that here is the absolute safety. 但并不意味着这里就是绝对安全的。 Involves the really big ghost post office at this moment the edge that loses control, if this matter cannot be solved, Dahan City will face the giant crisis. 一座牵扯甚大的鬼邮局此刻正在失控的边缘,如果这件事情不能得到解决的话,大汉市将面临巨大的危机。 This?” “就这?” At this moment, 20 over, the young handsome man stands on the sidewalk at this moment, looks up slightly street opposite that abandons for a long time construction building. 此刻,一个二十出头,年轻英俊的男子此刻站在人行道上,略微抬起头看着街对面那栋废弃许久的建筑楼。 Nearby nobody left. 附近空无一人。 Here is situated is blocked the region. 这里是处于被封锁区域。 Before Sun Rui's permission, the blockade in view of this region will not relieve. 在没有孙瑞的许可之前,针对这片区域的封锁是不会解除的。 However all these do not have the significance to Ye Zhen, he from sea city set off, rushed to Dahan City, since the weather falls, arrives at this agreement the place. 但是这一切对叶真毫无意义,他从大海市出发,赶到了大汉市,并且从天儿降,来到这约定的地点。 Finally is somewhat unexpected. 结果有些出乎意料。 Here, a Ye Zhen living person had not seen, even of agreement position abandons in the messy building is also a nobody left, he has not seen Yang Jian, has not seen the ghost. 在这里,叶真一个活人都没有看到,甚至约定位置的那栋废弃烂尾楼内也是空无一人,他既没有看见杨间,也没有看见鬼。 Can it be that was I deceived?” Ye Zhen lowers the head slightly, he is pondering like this. “我莫不是被骗了吧?”叶真微微低着头,他这样思考着。 No, is not right, here indeed had is blocked . Moreover the range of blocking was very big, then indicated that here had certainly paranormal event to happen, I came to right the position, has not come to the place.” “不,不对,这里的确是有被封锁了,而且封锁的范围很大,那么表明这里一定是有灵异事件发生的,我只是来对了位置,并没有来对地方。” Interesting, I was probably clear.” “有意思,我大概明白了。” Ye Zhen holds the waist was hanging the long sword, then moved toward at present that abandoned messy building directly. 叶真扶了扶腰间挂着的长剑,然后径直的走向了眼前那栋废弃的烂尾楼。 With his advance, the surrounding thing is twisting, nearby scenery is vanishing, he entered in Ghost Territory of deep level all of a sudden, tries to see clearly the surrounding reality with the strange strength. 随着他的前进,周围的事物在扭曲,附近的景物在消失,他一下子进入了一种深层次的鬼域之中,试图用灵异力量来看清周围的真实。 Really. 果然。 This method was effective. 这个方法奏效了。 In Ghost Territory of deep level, this abandoned messy building changes an appearance at present completely. 深层次的鬼域之中,眼前这栋废弃的烂尾楼完全变了一个模样。 An architecure of Republic of China style presents at present, moreover this building as if also had in the sign of use, that entrance colorful neon light twinkle, advertisements that write the ghost post office three characters especially striking. 一栋民国风格的建筑呈现在了眼前,而且这栋建筑似乎还有在使用的迹象,那门口五颜六色的霓虹灯闪烁,一个写着鬼邮局三个字的招牌格外的醒目。 Really, the decipher game cannot baffle my Ye.” “果然,解密游戏还是难不倒我叶某人。” Ye Zhen satisfied nod, he walks toward that ghost post office immediately. 叶真满意的点了点头,他立刻朝着那鬼邮局走去。 The intuition told him, Yang Jian in inside. 直觉告诉他,杨间就在里面。 Meanwhile. 于此同时。 Yang Jian in ghost post office is actually waiting for peacefully. 鬼邮局内的杨间却是安静的等待着。 Captain, I have connected the Supernatural Forum person, they said that Ye Zhen already set off, according to the words that the time estimates he should be able to rush to Dahan City in one hour, but does not remove Ye Zhen to put the possibility of pigeon.” 队长,我已经连线了灵异论坛的人了,他们说叶真已经出发了,按照时间来估算的话他应该能在一个小时之内赶到大汉市,不过也不排除叶真放鸽子的可能。” After Li Yang makes the call, returned to the ghost post office to inform this news. 李阳打完电话之后就返回了鬼邮局告知了这个消息。 Yang Jian looked for a position to sit down at will the rest, in his one side, Sun Rui's corpse straight standing erect in side. 杨间找了个位置随意坐下休息,在他的一旁,孙瑞的尸体笔直的矗立在旁边。 Ghost Shadow also in helping suppress malicious ghost in Sun Rui body, is maintaining the short balance. 鬼影还在帮忙压制孙瑞身体内的厉鬼,维系着短暂的平衡。 Since complied, Ye Zhen should not put the pigeon, the Supernatural Forum many a little sign surface, is impossible to make this contradictory matter to come, patience wait/etc.” Yang Jian said. “既然答应了,叶真应该是不会放鸽子的,灵异论坛多少还是有点牌面的,不可能做出这种出尔反尔的事情来,耐心等等好了。”杨间说道。 Tears into shreds the black letter to be able faced with many dangers who not to know, this not compared with the delivering a letter duty, the delivering a letter duty post office also to the opportunity that you will go on living, but will rip the letter/believes is actually a real malicious ghost attack, words everyone who will unable to shoulder must roll to extinguish here.” “撕碎黑色信件会面临多少危险谁也不知道,这不比送信任务,送信任务邮局还会给你活下去的机会,但是撕信却是一次货真价实的厉鬼袭击,扛不住的话所有人都要团灭在这里。” Nearby Wang Yong said ; Tears into shreds the letter the danger compared with difficulty at least high ten times of delivering a letter, I some people had proven in delivering a letter before more than once, besides rips the letter/believes for the first time, rips person ten that the letter/believes lives not necessarily to have one for the second time, if facing special letter, then must be more difficult.” 一旁的王勇说道;“撕碎信件的危险比送信的难度至少高十倍,我以前在送信的时候已经不止一次有人亲身证明过了,除了第一次撕信之外,第二次撕信活下来的人十个都不一定有一个,若是面对特殊的信件,那么还要更困难。” „, if advantage is also very obvious, after tearing into shreds the letter, can live, is equal completes the delivering a letter task unconditionally, if this time succeeded that can decode the 5th floor dead end, even if when the time comes we did not participate in the delivering a letter duty still being able to be safe and sound.” “好处也很明显,撕碎信件之后如果能活下来,那么等同无条件完成送信任务,如果这次成功了那么就能破解五楼的死局了,到时候我们即便不参与送信任务也能安然无恙。” Zhou Ze also said: Perhaps this can get rid of the post office rule only the method.” 周泽也道:“这或许就是唯一能够摆脱邮局规则的方法吧。” Perhaps the post office sends out this black letter the goal not to make us complete the task, but unites tears into shreds the letter life-and-death to wrestle.” That bald old person named Brother Long said. “也许邮局送出这封黑色信件的目的并不是让我们去完成任务,而是团结在一起撕碎信件殊死一搏。”那个叫龙哥的光头老人说道。 That female named bell swallow asked curiously: How will you have such idea?” 那个叫钟燕的女子好奇问道:“你怎么会有这样的想法?” General person was old, the person old thought will change, I thought that the young people united the ratio to manipulate strategically together, the young people could create a new future, if during died is mistrusting each other that to be a pity.” Brother Long says with emotion. “大概人老了吧,人老了思想就会改变,我就觉得年轻人团结一起比勾心斗角好,年轻人也许可以创造一个新的未来,要是死在尔虞我诈之中那多可惜。”龙哥略带感慨道。 „Is the manager in post office also this idea?” “邮局的管理者也是这个想法么?” Others ponder. 其他人略带沉思。 But chatted in the people, discussion not passing a while. 而就在众人聊天,讨论没过去一会儿。 Suddenly. 突然。 Bang!” “砰!” A loud sound, the front door of post office suddenly opened, simultaneously strong winds howl to enter, the blown people almost cannot open the eye, along with the retrogression of this strong winds, dazzling luminous the sky acclivity from front door was illuminating. 一声巨响,邮局的大门突然打开了,同时一阵狂风呼啸而入,吹的众人几乎睁不开眼睛,伴随着这股狂风的消退,一道耀眼的光亮从大门外的天空上斜着照了进来。 Dim, the haze, constrains to be scattered. 昏暗,阴霾,压抑被驱散一空。 At this moment, the dust-laden for a long time ghost post office once again exposed under the sunlight. 这一刻,尘封许久的鬼邮局再一次暴露在了阳光之下。 What situation, is quite dazzling.” Some people said one. “什么情况,好刺眼。”有人说了一句。 Long-term staying be used to it under dim environment, suddenly the ray is intense, eye some of many do not adapt. 长时间的在昏暗的环境之下呆习惯了,突然光线强烈起来,很多人的眼睛有些不适应。 He came.” “他来了。” By sitting Yang Jian on one side wall opened the eye at this moment slowly. 靠坐在一旁墙壁上的杨间此刻缓缓的睁开了眼睛。 Scarlet Ghost Eye disregards this dazzling sunlight toward to look toward the front door outside. 猩红的鬼眼无视这耀眼的阳光向着往大门外看去。 In the line of sight of Ghost Eye a person's shadow from far to near, steps on the ray stride to turn toward in the ghost post office to walk. 鬼眼的视线里一个人影由远而近,踩着光线大步向着鬼邮局内走来。 „The weak one, even looks straight ahead my qualifications not to have.” “弱者,连直视我的资格都没有。” cold proud a voice conveys, familiar incomparable. 一个冷傲的声音传来,熟悉无比。 Yang Wudi, your vision is really correct, knows that requests reinforcements to the strongest person, at the invitation of your, my Ye came, only ghost post office, I can shortly its destruction.” “杨无敌,你的眼光果然是正确的,知道向最强之人求援,应你之邀,我叶某人来了,区区一个鬼邮局罢了,我顷刻之间就能将其覆灭。” As the sound falls. 随着声音落下。 Ye Zhen stepped into the ghost post office. 叶真踏入了鬼邮局内。 As behind front door closes gradually, the dazzling sunlight that shines also diverged slowly. 随着身后的大门渐渐关上,身后那照射进来的耀眼阳光也缓缓的散去了。 He is not a messenger, but used the strange strength to invade the ghost post office strongly?” Wang Yong sees this heart to jump fiercely. “他不是信使,而是动用了灵异力量强势入侵进了鬼邮局?”王勇见此一幕心头猛地一跳。 Isn't the messenger can also rush hardly? This person of what background.” Zhou Ze is also the eyelid moves, is sizing up the person who goes into the ghost post office. “不是信使也能硬闯进来?这人什么来头。”周泽也是眼皮一动,打量着闯入鬼邮局的这个人。 Others also damn same look at Ye Zhen. 其他人也纷纷见鬼了一样看着叶真 Young, handsome, probably idle rich second generation goes out the traveling, the person of not probably strange circle, but the waist is hanging a long sword, is very fine, probably a handicraft. 年轻,英俊,像是一个无所事事的富二代出门旅游,一点都不像是灵异圈的人,不过腰间挂着一柄长剑,很精美,像是一件工艺品。 But as they of messenger did not think that is only a handicraft, only feared that the big probability is a strange weapon. 但身为信使的他们却并不觉得那只是一件工艺品,只怕大概率是一件灵异武器。 Quick that you come, passed for 20 minutes to the present from telephoning, the sea city from here distance about 800 kilometers, any transportation vehicle does not have the means to deliver you, therefore you do hurry along with Ghost Territory?” “你来的很快,从打电话到现在才过去了二十分钟,大海市距离这里的路程近八百公里,任何交通工具都没办法把你送到,所以你是用鬼域赶路过来的?” Yang Jian stood slowly. 杨间缓缓的站了起来。 Ye Zhen shows a faint smile: Small gift, I, so long as my Ye thinks, place that without me.” 叶真微微一笑:“小意思罢了,我只要我叶某人想,没有我到不了的地方。” The two individuals previous sea City Fu Shou Yuan event leaves, today meets in this small ghost post office again. 两个人上次大海市福寿园事件一别,今日在这小小的鬼邮局内再次碰面了。 This time, Ye Zhen not at daggers drawn began, but restrains very much. 这一次,叶真没有剑拔弩张的动手了,而是很克制。 It seems like previous that hits very necessary. 看来上次那一架还是打的很有必要的。 This time I must process the ghost post office, provides against contingencies, therefore I ask you to assist, settles favor of that day while convenient, therefore is conscientious in discharging official duties today.” Yang Jian said. “这次我要处理鬼邮局,以防万一所以我找你过来相助,顺便了结那一天的人情,所以今天公事公办。”杨间说道。 Ye Zhen said: Is conscientious in discharging official duties? That was really also a pity, meets rarely, I also want to ask you to compare notes, recently I had the progress, could defeat you, recaptures my invincible name.” 叶真说道:“公事公办?那还真是可惜,难得见面,我本来还想找你切磋一下的,最近我有了进步,或许能够战胜你,重新夺回我无敌名。” Invincible name? 无敌之名? In whose his mother's caring such two names, moreover did your have the nickname randomly is too much too? 谁他娘的在意这么一个中二的称呼,而且你这样乱给人起外号是不是有一点太过分了? Yang Jian cannot bear the corners of the mouth pull out. 杨间忍不住嘴角一抽。 Since is conscientious in discharging official duties, then this time comparing notes postpones, when I took that key one step, we disputed again are not late, said that what ghost this time does need to process? Has my Ye, these mixed fish can toward depend on at the same time.” “不过既然是公事公办,那么这次的切磋就暂缓,等我迈出了那关键一步,我们再较量也不迟,说吧,这次要处理什么样的鬼?有我叶某人在,这些杂鱼可以往一边靠一靠了。” Ye Zhen waves, as if catches up with the trash to be the same, wants to drive away these 5th floor messengers completely. 叶真挥了挥手,仿佛赶垃圾一样,想把那些五楼的信使全部赶走。 The 5th floor messenger sees so the attitude, immediately the face sinks. 五楼信使见到如此态度,顿时脸一沉。 They can come the 5th floor delivering a letter skill definitely not to miss, pointed at the nose to scold many like this is very unhappy. 他们能来五楼送信本事肯定不会差,被人这样指着鼻子骂多少还是很不开心的。 Why does not know, I have wish to hit his impulsion.” Zhou Ze could not bear complain one. “不知道为什么,我有一种想要打他的冲动。”周泽忍不住吐槽了一句。 You cannot be victorious his.” The Li Yang complexion was tranquil, said the fact. “你打不过他的。”李阳脸色平静,说出了事实。 Ye Zhen heard, actually laughs: Young people, have the courage, although I lost the first reputation, but as before self-confident invincible, you want to look for the words that I fight to welcome at any time, relax, copes with your like this small role, my Ye will show mercy, after all where has the Sir and child fights the earnest truth.” 叶真听到了,却是哈哈一笑:“年轻人,有勇气,我虽然失去了第一的名头,但依旧自信无敌,你想找我打架的话随时欢迎,放心,对付你这样的小角色,我叶某人会手下留情的,毕竟哪有大人和小孩子打架认真的道理。” He obviously 20 over, the age only compared with Yang Jian greatly, in the face of these people are smallest, actually a vice- Sir, the conduct of senior. 他明明二十出头,年纪仅比杨间大一点,在这些人面前是最小的,却一副大人,前辈的做派。 Zhou Ze complexion moves slightly, did not say. 周泽脸色微动,并不接话。 He has crossed the impulsive age, could not get used to seeing to complain one a moment ago, is not really can fight with this Ye Zhen. 他早就过了冲动的年纪,刚才只是看不惯吐槽了一句,并不是真会和这个叶真打架。 Rubbish, you so negligent words die seriously today here, here you have not thought is so simple.” Yang Jian is staring at Ye Zhen, reminded one. “不要废话了,你如此大意的话当真今天死在这里,这里没有你想的那么简单。”杨间盯着叶真,提醒了一句。 Ye Zhen received the smile, he said: „Did you, fear? My Ye did not fear, if can win, nature fearless, if unable to win, but goes to confidently, but my Ye Zhen will not die, will only rise in the adversity, finally is bolder with each setback, until reaching strongly.” 叶真收起了笑容,他说道:“你,怕了?我叶某人可不怕,若是能赢,自然无惧,若是无法获胜,不过是坦然赴死罢了,但我叶真不会死,只会在逆境之中崛起,最后越挫越勇,直到登顶最强。” Fear, but is the breeding invincible capital grain.” “恐惧,不过是孕育无敌的资粮罢了。” Yang Jian does not want to speak with this person, the feeling is insulting the own intelligence quotient, if possible, he wants to make Gui Tong go to and Ye Zhen exchange. 杨间不想和这个人说话,感觉在侮辱自己的智商,如果可以的话,他想让鬼童去和叶真交流。 Should start.” “该开始。” Immediately, he no longer wastes the time, hinted others to be ready. 当即,他不再浪费时间,示意了其他人做好准备。 Afterward. 随后。 Sun Rui's body moved, Ghost Shadow controlled Sun Rui's body to walk, but Yang Jian also took out that black letter to hand in Sun Rui's hand him. 孙瑞的尸体动了,鬼影控制着孙瑞的尸体走了过来,而杨间也取出了那封黑色的信件将其递到了孙瑞的手中。 Others see this, the look ten segregate heavily. 其他人见此,神色都十分凝重。 They have been ready, at present is to wait for the start of matter. 他们早就做好了准备,眼下不过是等待事情的开始罢了。 But under everyone's gaze. 而在所有人的注视之下。 Sun Rui's body after receiving that black letter tranquil and natural tore into shreds it. 孙瑞的尸体在接过那封黑色的信件之后平静而又自然的将其撕碎了。 The black letter that more than ten years has not damaged, as if has some strange strength, at this moment after being torn into shreds, was similar that strange strength also to dissipate, black letter immediately rotten, oxidized, changed to the paper scraps, the powder, fell on the ground. 十几年都不曾损坏的黑色信件,似乎具备某种灵异力量,此刻被撕碎之后仿佛那灵异力量也消散了似的,黑色的信件立马就腐烂,氧化了,化作了纸屑,粉末,掉落在了地上。 The black letter/believes vanished. 黑色的信消失了。 But accordingly. 但相应的。 curse of post office must come. 邮局的诅咒也要来了。 Bang! Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!砰!” Almost in tearing into shreds the next second of black letter, strange matter happened, along with bangs, the light that during the daytime that in post office turns yellow blasts out one after another, after the 1st floor light blasts out, 2nd floor of post office also transmits the sound that the light bulb blasted open. 几乎在撕碎黑色信件的下一秒,诡异的事情就发生了,伴随着一声声的巨响,白天邮局内的那发黄的灯光一个接着一个炸开,一楼的灯光炸开之后,紧接着邮局的二楼也传来了灯泡炸裂的声响。 3rd floor, 4th floor, 5th floor ..... and even not well-known place. 三楼,四楼,五楼.....乃至不知名的地方。 All lights blasted open at this moment. 所有的灯光此刻都炸裂了。 Although outside is during the daytime, but in the post office actually entered the evening in this moment instantaneously. 尽管外面是白天,但是邮局内却在这一刻瞬间进入了晚上。 The darkness attacked everyone suddenly. 黑暗骤然侵袭了所有人。 Although has been ready, but this sudden mutation is to make the heart shrink fiercely. 尽管早就做好了准备,但是这突然的异变就是让心头猛地一缩。 „Is my Ye forever glorious, how may by the dark additional body?” “我叶某人光芒万丈,岂可被黑暗加身?” Later that the darkness covers, Ye Zhen one, proceeded fiercely one step. 黑暗笼罩的之后,叶真猛地一哼,往前走了一步。 The front door of post office was shoved open suddenly, a wisp of sunlight illuminated. 身后邮局的大门陡然被推开了,一缕阳光照了进来。 However next quarter. 然而下一刻。 A stronger strange strength emergence, the front door bang closed, later human form standing erect of shadow strange beside the post office, as if died of suffocation the front door firmly. 一股更强的灵异力量出现,大门砰地一声又关上了,随后一个人形的阴影诡异的矗立在了邮局之外,仿佛将大门牢牢的堵死了。 Nanie?” Ye Zhen opened the eye. “纳尼?”叶真睁大了眼睛。
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