MI :: Volume #5

#446: Performed two

After the moment . 片刻后。 Clarified that teaches to shelter the star territory to announce falls into enemy hands, the entire star territory was embezzled by the dust sea, clarified that teaches 12 golds immortal, only then two people successfully escape, other fall from the sky all. 阐教庇护星域宣告失守,整个星域被尘埃海吞没,阐教12金仙只有两人成功逃脱,其余尽数陨落。 And even contained first strongest gold/metal Xianguang to become Zi. 其中甚至包含了首位最强金仙广成子。 Clarified a lot of group of star aristocrats who teach to gather, splendor moon/month machine armor master Men, was swallowed by the dust sea thoroughly. 阐教聚集的大量群星贵族,辉月机甲师们,纷纷被尘埃海彻底吞噬。 All layouts change not studiously. 所有布局化作无用功。 The day demon Sage person wind and difficulty-relief, collaborated other two mahatma people to besiege Yuanshi, Nüwa. 天魔宗圣人风和脱困,联手其余两大圣人围攻元始,女娲。 The situation falls into refuses to compromise, but Wang Yiyang also seizes the chance one by one to hunt and kill to cultivate/repair teaches the member for clarifying that the profoundness seizes the chance to flee. 局势陷入僵持,而王一洋也趁机一一猎杀修为高深而趁机想要逃离的阐教修士。 Finally, genesis Nüwa is repulsed, clarified that teaches to invade influence whole army has been annihilated, the dust sea covers all. Swallowed all traces. 最终,元始女娲败退,阐教入侵势力全军覆灭,尘埃海覆盖一切。吞噬了所有痕迹。 After the half day . 半日后。 Moral immortal sect domain scud palace. 道德仙宗界域・飞云宫。 Here is moral remote antiquity sage burnt/anxious Yunzi in the Buddhist temple. 这里是道德太上圣人焦云子所在道场。 Sits facing each other to the permanent child and Wang Yiyang. 冲恒子和王一洋相对而坐。 The desktop of two cups of immortal tea curls the raising white clouds on dough figurines. 两杯仙茶在面人之间的桌面上袅袅升起白气。 Shortly galaxy destruction, plunging the people into disaster. The entire group star ten thousand are no exception spirit. Yang, you ..... “顷刻间星河覆灭,生灵涂炭。整个群星万灵无一幸免。均阳,你.....” Clash/To some permanent child worries looks own younger brother. 冲恒子有些担心的看着自己弟弟。 I know that you are worried about anything. All right, I have not crashed into the blood to kill to say.” Wang Yiyang smiles. “我知道您在担心什么。没事,我并未坠入血杀道。”王一洋笑了笑。 Moreover, the blood kills is also only one of the Demonic Path many main roads, even if enters is still not all that serious. I do not hope.” “况且,血杀道也只是魔道诸多大道之一,就算进入也没什么大不了。只是我不愿而已。” The so-called blood kills, is the say/way of slaughtering. 所谓血杀,便是杀戮之道。 Endless slaughters, the say/way of blood killing will for sometime fall into the consciousness to confuse in the confusion, the world myriad things, all may kill. 无尽杀戮中,血杀之道会有一段时间会陷入意识迷惑混乱中,世间万物,无一不可杀。 Hearsay past toward the pleased great wild goose, is choice the say/way of blood killing. Therefore can the strength hurricane, jump the ranks to fight with ease. 传闻当年的朝悦鸿,便是选择的血杀之道。所以才能一路战力狂飙,越级而战轻轻松松。 „ The say/way of blood killing, is fastidious to kill to stop kills, to kill to raise to kill. Must breed to kill intent, thus kills the intent achievement trial time and time again by this, as to own test. “血杀之道,讲究以杀止杀,以杀养杀。必须孕育杀意,从而以这股杀意一次又一次的作为试炼,作为对自己的考验。 Passed then sublimates, without passing, then the body dying say/way disappeared. ” 度过便是升华,没度过,便身死道消。” Wang Yiyang complexion even Jingning and. 王一洋面色平静宁和。 Therefore the teacher will maintain toward the pleased great wild goose in me recklessly. “所以老师朝悦鸿才会不顾一切维护于我。 Because in some sense, me is the say/way that he will breed in the future. 因为某种意义上来说,我便是他未来孕育的道。 I only then grow to enough to threaten his situation, then murders to kill him to be defeated truly, can make it go a step further, steps into a higher boundary. ” 我只有成长到足够威胁到他的地步,然后真正弑杀他失败,才能让其更进一步,踏入更高境界。” Opens mind seriously.” Nods to understand clearly to the permanent child. Therefore in the future, you can have a war with the towards pleased great wild goose? Life-and-death fight?” “当真是开了眼界。”冲恒子点头了然。“所以未来,你与朝悦鸿必有一战?生死之战?” Yes.” Wang Yiyang seems to be unhurried. “是。”王一洋似乎丝毫不慌。 However he also really has the energy is not unhurried. 不过他也确实有底气不慌。 How long then obtains status system, he then visited half Saint boundary. 这才得到身份系统多久,他便踏足了半圣境界。 After teacher hundred ten thousand years recovers . Perhaps he has exceeded half Saint, visits the sage. 等到老师百万载复苏之后。他或许早已超越了半圣,踏足圣人。 By that time, even if really loses to the teacher, still nothing but recovers one time. 到那时,就算真的输给老师,也无非是重新复苏一次而已。 The sage level, is the Heavenly Dao does not extinguish, the Saint position does not extinguish. 圣人级,乃天道不灭,圣位不灭。 The sages can be imprisoned to siege, can cause heavy losses by the minor wound. 圣人可以被囚禁围困,也可以被轻伤重创。 But impossible to be killed only. 但唯独不可能被杀死。 Because the sage is the part of rules of Heavenly Dao. 因为圣人本身便是天道的一部分规则所化。 If the sage were killed, that side representative universe rule avalanche, the entire universe space and time starts to exterminate the disintegration. 若是圣人被杀,那边代表这片宇宙规则崩塌,整个宇宙时空开始灭绝崩解。 Therefore, this is the true longevity and day is uneven. 所以,这才是真正的寿与天齐。 Also has the understanding of the permanent child. 冲恒子对此也有了解。 He somewhat gloomy a purple bead in the hand, places on the desktop gently. 他将手中一颗有些暗淡的紫色珠子,轻轻放在桌面上。 This is your long night bead. Inside by me in the magical powers technique law, tied to protect entire to succumb to the star. “这是你的永夜珠。里面被我以神通术法,结阵护住了整个沉湎之星。 Your generation of members of the same family in inside. Was received by my one by one. Was short of Wang Yue and Huilin. ” 你的这一代亲族都在里面。被我一一收进去了。只是少了王越和慧琳两人。” Might as well. They here.” “无妨。他们在我这里。” When Wang Yiyang in submerging relieves the sage seal, has grasped to throw into two little fellows in the space to prohibit conveniently along. 王一洋在潜入解除圣人封印时,已经顺手将两个小家伙抓起来丢进随身空间中封禁。 Now do you have what plan?” “如今你有何打算?” Looks to the permanent child to front younger brother, unknowingly, the even positively charged electron has grown also to be stronger than a section of situation him. 冲恒子看向面前的弟弟,不知不觉,均阳子已经成长到了比他还要强出一截的地步。 Initially younger brother who needed him to shelter at times, at this time has become the towering great tree. 当初需要他时时庇护的弟弟,此时已经成为了参天巨树。 Not Tathagata here ..... does not use, I have the important matter, needs first to return to day demon sect a time. Simultaneously must settle the long night bead star of succumbing.” “不如来我这里.....”“不用了,我另有要事,需要先回一次天魔宗。同时还要安顿好永夜珠中的沉湎之星。” Wang Yiyang breaks him to say. 王一洋打断他道。 It is not he does not want, but is the status duty so, has to. 不是他不愿意,而是身份任务如此,不得不为。 This dust sea destruction all, only leave behind the great antiquity sage to leave distressedly. 这趟尘埃海覆灭一切,只留下洪荒圣人狼狈离开。 Also was offends these mahatma people. 也算是把这几大圣人得罪死了。 Wang Yiyang then asked the day demon Sage person to act at that time, erased the crowd of star link great antiquity trace thoroughly. 王一洋当时便请天魔宗圣人出手,彻底抹除了群星链接洪荒的痕迹。 Then under coverage of dust sea, at least in sovereign recovers before the pleased great wild goose, the great antiquity sage is unlikely to invade again. 然后在尘埃海的覆盖下,起码在宗主朝悦鸿复苏之前,洪荒圣人不大可能再度入侵。 Remaining, then completes the status task, then, settled the final causes and effects. 剩下的,便是完成身份任务,然后,了结最后的因果了。 Group star civilization is doomed to destroy, this was actually long before then already the result of being doomed.” Wang Yiyang opens the mouth to say suddenly. “群星文明注定毁灭,这其实是很早以前便已注定的结局。”王一洋忽然开口道。 what Jie?” Clash/To permanent narrows the eye slightly. “何解?”冲恒微微眯眼。 I on real world's seventh, meet the perfect tower in hearsay ..... Wang Yiyang to say my bitter experience one by one slowly. “我在真实世界第七层,遇到传闻中的完美之塔.....”王一洋缓缓将自己的遭遇一一道出。 When talking about fourth perfect tower, has the mysterious altar. 在讲到第四层完美之塔处,有着神秘祭坛时。 Is extremely stern to the permanent child complexion. 冲恒子面色已经极其严峻了。 So, this crowd of star universes, likely have the external force to intervene, if the perfect tower really has enough powerful prestige energy. “如此看来,这群星宇宙,很可能是有外力干预而成,如果完美之塔真的有足够强大的威能。 Then, old god, order god, extermination of group star human, it can be said that necessity. 那么,旧神,秩序神,群星人类的灭绝,都可以说是必然。 Because of all these, is paves the path for the fourth perfect lifeform. ” 因为这一切,都是得为第四层的完美生物扫清道路。” Wang Yiyang is silent. 王一洋默然。 He has not never thought of this. 他何尝没有想到这点。 Dark, as if big hand is operating all. 冥冥中,仿佛有一只大手在操纵一切。 But now he does not have the time to think these, whether real world's seventh also has a deeper level, these wait for him to spend lots of time to explore. 但现在他也没工夫想这些,真实世界第七层是否还有更深层次,这些都等着他花费大量时间去探索。 No matter these, the perfect tower leaves uncultivated for a long time, in a short time is also unlikely to have uncertainties. My trip, the last station must go.” “不管这些,完美之塔荒废许久,短时间内也不大可能出现变数。我此行,还有最后一站要去。” Wang Yiyang tranquil say/way. 王一洋平静道。 Is ten thousand spirits?” Clash/To understands clearly permanently. “是万灵?”冲恒了然。 Yes.” Wang Yiyang nods, „ all roots of group star destruction, are human attempt the evolution breakthrough star level limit, therefore draws support from ten thousand spirit machineries that oneself make mental, attempts to advance by the magnanimous calculation. “是。”王一洋点头,“群星覆灭的一切根源,便是人类试图进化突破恒星层极限,因此借助自己制造的万灵机械心智,尝试靠海量演算推进。 The result ten thousand spirit machineries mental have the problem, misleads all, finally with the aid of my day demon sect external force destruction crowd of stars. ” 结果万灵机械心智出现问题,误导一切,最终借助我天魔宗外力毁灭群星。” So, the sources of all these evil behind-the-scenes manipulators, should be that star.” Clash/To permanent such a hear, felt in immediately the heart sends coldly. “如此看来,这一切黑手的源头,应该就是那个星。”冲恒这么一听,顿时也感觉心中发寒。 That star such as dark, evil behind-the-scenes manipulator who moves the string gently. 那个星就如冥冥中,轻轻拨动琴弦的黑手。 Is centered on it, the chain-reaction, eventually causes the end to arrive, the group star ten thousand spirits destroy together. 以它为核心,连锁反应,最终导致末日降临,群星万灵一起毁灭。 Therefore, my time, will go to the general to grasp in the hand, investigates all truth.” Wang Yiyang similar nod. “所以,我这次,会前往将星掌握在手,调查所有真相。”王一洋同样点头。 Without the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator planned even, if there are .... 若是没有黑手算计就算了,若是有.... Then dares to plan so many sages, the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator at least is also the Saint position. 那么胆敢谋算如此多圣人,那黑手至少也是圣位。 Then he must make the plan early. 那么他必须早做打算。 ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... After the half day . 半日后。 Ten thousand spirit areas, star king Yu. 万灵疆域,星王域。 Once star king Yu, had been covered by the innumerable grayish white dust seas at this time. 曾经的星王域,此时已经被无数灰白尘埃海覆盖。 Wang Yiyang and day demon sect bloodstained clothing remote antiquity, in tandem, in endless grayish white shuttles back and forth rapidly. 王一洋和天魔宗血衣太上,一前一后,飞速在无尽灰白中穿梭。 Space in two people surrounding rapid distortions, jump. 空间在两人周围飞速扭曲,跳跃。 Quick, two people then stepped into the star king Yu region distantly. 很快,两人便遥遥踏入了星王域的区域。 What strange is, although star king Yu majority was swallowed by the dust sea, but core place, as before a scrap place, but also was insisting had not been covered. 奇异的是,星王域虽然大部分都被尘埃海吞噬,可核心处,依旧还有一小块地方,还坚持着没被覆盖。 When there, then Wang Yiyang clone to submerge impressively initially region. 那里,赫然便是当初王一洋分身潜入时的区域。 The area roughly only has several hundred thousand people of small town sizes. 面积约莫只有一座几十万人的小城大小。 . 噗。 In an instant, Wang Yiyang and bloodstained clothing sage penetrates a careful thin film simultaneously. Flies into this small town size the isolation space. 刹那间,王一洋和血衣圣人同时穿透一层细细薄膜。飞入这片小城大小的隔离空间。 Here thin film ..... the intensity is very weak, but inside ingredient is very familiar .... Bloodstained clothing looks to Wang Yiyang. “这里的薄膜.....强度很弱,但里面的成分很熟悉....”血衣看向王一洋 You analyzed that right, the younger generation previous time noses this place, here lost a subfield clone. “您判断没错,晚辈上次查探此地,在这里损失了一个子体分身。 In this thin film, has the slight ingredient that my subfield clone, was obviously used very much by here star, as camouflage. Has hidden the truth from the teacher dust sea. ” 这个薄膜里,有着我子体分身的细微成分,很明显是被这里的星利用起来,作为伪装。瞒过了老师所化的尘埃海。” In the Wang Yiyang heart sighed, was high regarding the appraisal of this star. 王一洋心中叹息,对于这个星的评价又高了一层。 Two people fly to overlook in the midair. 两人在半空中飞行俯视。 This isolated space, the shape assumes the hemispheroid, the sky is completely the dust sea iron grey. 这片被隔离的空间,形状呈半球形,天空全部是尘埃海所化的灰白色。 The ground is a bleak deathly stillness mechanical city. 地面是一片荒凉死寂的机械城市。 Purely the building that becomes by the metal machinery build, calmly stands erect in the surface, quiet, does not have any sound. 一座座纯粹由金属机械搭建而成的建筑物,静静矗立在地表,悄无声息,没有任何动静。 Even life aura is unable to smell. 甚至连一丝生灵气息也无法闻到。 Wang Yiyang looks toward the bloodstained clothing sage. 王一洋朝血衣圣人望去。 Asked the sage to calculate 12.” “请圣人演算一二。” Sovereign waits a bit.” Bloodstained clothing nod. Now Wang Yiyang is half Saint, the position is different. “宗主稍等。”血衣点头。如今王一洋已经是半圣,地位不同。 Simultaneously it succeeded urgently toward the sovereign position that the pleased great wild goose vacant comes out, under several mahatma person acknowledgments, other day of demon sect senior statesmen has nothing together refuses to accept. 同时其紧急继任了朝悦鸿空置出来的宗主之位,在几大圣人共同承认下,其余天魔宗元老无有不服。 Therefore logical, Wang Yiyang is the present day demon sect sovereign. 所以顺理成章,王一洋便是如今的天魔宗宗主。 The bloodstained clothing single-handed stroke, in the midair are many immediately a blood light. 血衣单手一划,半空中顿时多出一圈血光。 The blood light changes into the bird from time to time, from time to time changes into the disc, from time to time changes into the scenery, soon then discovered the clue. 血光时而化为小鸟,时而化为圆盘,时而化为山水,很快便发现了端倪。 The blood light changes into the light beam suddenly, flies to shoot to go toward the ground. 血光骤然化为光束,往地面飞射而去。 Wang Yiyang and bloodstained clothing two people follow, the figure appear and disappear from time to time, twists the space to follow directly. 王一洋和血衣两人紧随其后,身形时隐时现,直接扭曲空间跟上。 Quick, two people then in the precision building of silver and in black mixture, found the blood light that stayed. 很快,两人便在一处银色和黑色夹杂的精密建筑物内,找到了停留下来的血光。 This building like a square prisoner's cage, inside the wall ground, is the furniture ornaments, is other all things. 这栋建筑物就像一个正方形的囚笼,里面无论是墙壁地面,还是家具摆设,还是其他所有一切事物。 Is various extremely precise advanced instruments. 都是极度精密先进的各种仪器。 Various the numerous and diverse lines are glittering unceasingly the mobile light signal, just like blood that in the organism flows. 繁杂的各种线路不断闪烁着流动的光信号,宛如生物体内流淌的血液。 The blood light stays in this building, a length and breadth is only in more than ten meters small room. 血光就停留在这栋建筑中,一个长宽只有十几米的小房间里。 Wang Yiyang two people figure twinkle, puts on the wall to enter. 王一洋两人身形闪烁,穿墙而入。 Saw that is a whole body the fuzzy human form of the white light comprised. 看到的,便是一个浑身由白光组成的模糊人形。 The human form does not have the hair, without the facial features, can only force to see from the build is individual. 人形没有头发,没有五官,只能勉强从体型看出是个人。 He is turning away from two people, as if has been waiting for two people arrivals. 他背对着两人,似乎早就在等待两人的到来。 I and others you very long ..... “我等你们很久了.....” He has turned around slowly, the face fuzzy piece, except for the light, anything does not have bare. 他缓缓转过身,面部模糊一片,光秃秃除了光,什么也没有。 „Are you star?” Wang Yiyang asked calmly. „Don't you fear death?” “你是星?”王一洋平静问。“你不怕死?” Feared.” The human form replied, but fear that feared unable to solve any problem. Therefore I calculated the best coping style, faced directly.” “怕。”人形回答,“但恐惧解决不了任何问题。所以我计算出了最好的应对方式,就是正面面对。” Why do you want to conceal itself to have the mental soul the truth?” Wang Yiyang asked. “你为什么要隐瞒自己产生心智灵魂的真相?”王一洋问。 To survive.” star replied. „ I know that real world's seventh, existence of perfect tower, I know human all knowledge, I can also help you calculate with ease all the traces of wish. “为了生存。”星回答。“我知道真实世界第七层,完美之塔的存在,我知道人类所有的知识,我还能帮你轻松演算一切想要的痕迹。 I compare the original star, the computation load want to be big a magnitude. 我比原先的星,计算量要大出一个数量级。 Let me survive, will be much bigger than the function that you will imagine. ” 让我存活,会比你想象的作用要大得多。” He is well-founded tries to convince Wang Yiyang. 他有理有据的试图说服王一洋 I can also help you rebuild the human civilization, operates all needs the matter of your working with the heart labor force. I want to live.” “我还可以帮助你重建人类文明,运作一切需要您劳心劳力之事。我只是想要活着。” Wang Yiyang static is listening. 王一洋静静的听着。 Also?” “还有吗?” star obviously stares. 星明显一愣。 I can also help you calculate to deduce high-level evolution shape, can make you only gods of control innumerable life. Even can ..... “我还能帮助您演算推演更高层的进化形态,能让您成为掌控无数生灵的唯一的神。甚至能.....” Scoffs!! 嗤!! His body suddenly flashed before Wang Yiyang, a palm pricks the chest. 他的身体被突然闪现的王一洋,一掌刺入胸膛。 You .....!!?” A star astonishment, does not seem able to understand why Wang Yiyang will make this grade of action. “你.....!!?”星一片惊愕,似乎根本无法理解为什么王一洋会做出这等举动。 You lay Wang Yiyang to appear in him a moment ago behind, face close to the cheeks of star, gently song. “刚才你说谎了王一洋出现在他身后,脸靠近星的脸颊,轻轻细语。 My most repugnant others deceive me ..... “我最讨厌别人骗我.....” Bang!! 嘭!! The star entire body explodes suddenly, in an instant changes into the innumerable luminous spots to vanish. 星整个身体骤然爆开,刹那间化为无数光点消失。 No!!” Finally the remaining spirit can surge the echo in the air. “不!!”最后残余的灵能在空气中激荡回响。 Wang Yiyang receives to reach behind the back, two people turns around to leave with the bloodstained clothing, vanishes in in the air. 王一洋收回手,和血衣两人转身离开,消失在空中。 Two people jump to appear in this piece of zone, the wall barrier cut, Wang Yiyang takes the lead to fly away, submerges the dust sea. 两人跳跃出现在这片区域上空,壁障划开,王一洋率先飞离,没入尘埃海。 The bloodstained clothing ejects a blood light conveniently, crashes, also turns around to fly into the dust sea. 血衣随手抛出一点血光,坠落而下,也转身飞入尘埃海。 In an instant, entire this hemisphere space was embezzled by the endless blood light explosion, was submerged by the grayish white dust sea quickly thoroughly, vanishes in the endless universe...... 刹那间,整个这片半球空间被无尽血光爆炸吞没,紧接着很快被灰白尘埃海彻底淹没,消失在无尽宇宙中...... txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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