MI :: Volume #5

#404: Invades two

Wang Yiyang calmly stands in the temple great hall, holds their palms together, closes eyes the pray. 王一洋静静站在神殿大堂,双手合十,闭目祈祷。 His facial expression is reverent, the bearing is tall and straight and respectful. 他神情虔诚,站姿挺拔而恭敬。 Seeming like same as the surrounding other followers, even with deep veneration and respect. 看起来和周围其他信徒一样,甚至更有一丝肃然和尊敬之意。 Selina in the one side, calmly read aloud the god article prayer in a low voice, in the hand had the branch, stained the holy water from white Pingli unceasingly, scattered on him. 赛琳娜就在一旁,静静低声念诵神文祈祷词,同时手里持有枝条,不断从白瓶里沾上圣水,撒在他身上。 This is for the process of its baptism. 这是为其洗礼的过程。 The holy water meaning is washes off the sin for it. 圣水意为为其洗掉罪孽。 Selina cannot think. 只是赛琳娜怎么也想不到。 This time Wang Yiyang, in level that in the average man is unable to see. 此时的王一洋,在常人无法看到的层面上。 His behind, appears a gigantic whole body armor human form. 他的身后,浮现出一具硕大的全身铠甲人形。 The human form opens behind the innumerable colored wings, the terminals of all wings, lengthen to grow colored straws, above deep prick temple in idol. 人形张开身后无数彩色羽翼,所有羽翼的末端,都延长生长出一根根彩色吸管,深深的刺入神殿上方神像上。 Straws, are common just like the living creature, wriggles unceasingly is sucking, absorbs massive golden supernatural powers from the idol. 一根根吸管,宛如活物一般,不断蠕动着吮吸着,从神像上吸取大量金色神力。 Thank affection Ella, gave me to redeem. Gives me to hope.” “感谢慈爱的艾拉,给予我救赎。给予我希望。” Wang Yiyang is praying devotionally. Mind main body color wing person, accelerates is swallowing Ella's supernatural power main body. 王一洋虔诚的祈祷着。身后的心灵本体彩翼人,也更加加速的吞噬着艾拉的神力本体。 Demon .... ten thousand Shenhui punishes you! Your soul, will detain the hell abyss most bottom, forever can not work loose!! Forever and ever will suffer!” “邪魔....万神会制裁你!会将你之灵魂,收押到地狱深渊最底部,永远不得挣脱!!永生永世折磨!” Ella's empty shadow roared in the idol crazily. 艾拉的虚影在神像上疯狂咆哮。 But does not have the significance. 但毫无意义。 Giant black dragon claw, her god body fixing forcefully in the original position, cannot move, can only , whatever Wang Yiyang swallows unceasingly. 一只巨大的黑色龙爪,将她神体硬生生的固定在原处,动弹不得,只能任由王一洋不断吞噬。 That is only zhao huge black dragon, then hopes Dragon King Hong Mi right arm black. 那只巨大黑色龙爪,便是黑愿龙王洪密的右臂。 Wang Yiyang is swallowing unceasingly, the magnanimous Spiritual God main body, will detain in the thought jail. 王一洋不断吞噬着,将海量的神灵本体,关押进思维监牢内。 This time, compared with the beforehand any time, must come turbulently. 这一次,比起之前的任何一次,都要来得汹涌。 Innumerable golden supernatural powers just like ocean waves, irrigation one after another thought jail. 无数的金色神力宛如海浪,一股一股的灌注进思维监牢。 Then was transformed by the thought jail, becomes the strength of mind, flows in his own main body. 然后又被思维监牢转化,成为心灵之力,流入他自己的本体。 As if inexhaustible supernatural power, before the quality went far beyond Wang Yiyang, other machine armor masters or real world monsters that swallow. 仿佛无穷无尽的神力,质量远远超过了王一洋以前吞噬的机甲师或者真实世界其他层怪物。 The strength of mind is increased, is rising crazily, consciousness strength and sensation, starts to increase crazily. 心灵之力在提升,在狂涨,连带着意识力和感知,也开始疯狂攀升。 Wang Yiyang even somewhat lost in this rapid promotion, is unable to extricate oneself. 王一洋甚至有些迷失在了这种飞速提升中,无法自拔。 He can the clear experience, oneself sensation, in increase toward above the star level boundary rapidly. 他能清晰的体会到,自己的感知,正在朝着恒星层以上的境界迅速攀升。 25 levels, are not the limits of human sensation. 二十五级,并不是人类感知的极限。 Because to this level, wants to proceed again one step, is incomparably difficult. 只是因为到了这个层次,再想往前一步,都是无比艰难。 The human inborn life span is in addition limited. 再加上人类天生寿命有限。 Therefore rarely rarely has to hear above the star level, but also is stratified. 所以很少很少有听说恒星层之上,还有层次。 Hiss .... 嘶.... As one type swallows the saliva similarly the sound, spreads in the unusual level slowly. 随着一种类似吞咽口水的声音,在超凡层面缓缓传开。 Ella on Wang Yiyang front idol, desalinates finally thoroughly, disappears. 王一洋面前神像上的艾拉,终于彻底淡化,消失。 This clone in this supernatural power on behalf of her, had been swallowed to finish eating thoroughly. 这代表她在这一片的神力分身,已经被彻底吞噬吃完。 Selina saintess. Thank your help. Regarding your goodness and ray, I really hope that can maintain forever.” “赛琳娜圣女。感谢您的帮助。对于您的善良和光芒,我真希望能永远一直维持下去。” Wang Yiyang finished eating, puts down the hand, expressed gratitude toward Selina earnestly. 王一洋吃完,放下手,朝着赛琳娜认真道谢。 You're welcome, this is I as the saintess, should do.” Selina earnest say/way. “不用客气,这是我身为圣女,应该做的。”赛琳娜认真道。 „, I first said goodbye. When there is a need, can contact with me with this.” “那么,我就先告辞了。如果有需要时,可以用这个联系我。” A Wang Yiyang ball, the finger departs a blood red tiny block gently immediately. 王一洋轻轻一弹,手指顿时飞出一枚血红色的细小方块。 The block falls into the Selina hand accurate. She did not have to examine with enough time carefully, then saw that front Wang Yiyang desalinates suddenly, vanishes. 方块精准落入赛琳娜手中。她还没来得及仔细查看,便看到面前的王一洋骤然淡化,消失。 But another side, stood erect for several thousand years, the god of idol keeping aloof divine nature immortal hope, in this moment , covered entirely the innumerable cracks all over the body. 而另一侧,竖立了数千年,高高在上神性不朽的希望之神神像,在这一刻,咔嚓一声,通体布满了无数裂纹。 In an instant the squeal resounds in the temple. 刹那间尖叫声在神殿中响起。 In abundance panic-stricken the followers, the god officer gate, the saintess gate, shocks is looking at the splitting idol, helpless. 信徒们,神官门,圣女门,纷纷惊恐震撼的望着裂开的神像,不知所措。 The Selina flash opens the eye, dull looks at the idol to change, blood-color block unconscious falling in hand in place. 赛琳娜一瞬间睁大眼睛,呆呆的看着神像变化,手里的血色方块不自觉的掉落在地。 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... Group star. 群星。 Succumbs to the star. 沉湎之星。 Poos changes the attire, rode a micro air vehicle, returns from Singapore and Hong Kong. 普斯莱改换装束,重新坐了一艘小型飞行器,从星港回归。 When he leaves what uses is not Poos status, but is Meister gives another special status of arrangement. 他离开时使用的并不是普斯莱的身份,而是米斯特给安排的另一个特殊身份。 Meister now under king Xiaosu the control. Naturally, is only the revolution in pure commercial economy, is controlled by Mr. and Mrs. king Xiaosu. 米斯特如今是在王小苏的掌控下。当然,只是其中纯粹的商业经济方面的运转,是由王小苏夫妇控制。 But dark influence of hidden, then as before positive governing in Wang Yiyang. 而隐藏的暗势力方面,则依旧直接控制于王一洋 The so huge influence, arranging several new status is not strange. 如此庞大的势力,安排几个新身份并不为奇。 Similarly, must grasp his status the whereabouts, is not the difficult matter. 同样的,要把握他这个身份的行踪,也不是什么难事。 Poos manner is ease, tranquil calm, could not see had the different kind thoughts at heart. 普斯莱神态悠然,平静镇定,丝毫看不出心里有了别样心思。 On the Singapore and Hong Kong huge long sword track, the innumerable spaceships take off and land unceasingly. 星港庞大的长剑型轨道上,无数飞船不断起起落落。 Some glides, some launches. 有的滑行,有的发射。 Poos the spaceship that from just stop walks. 普斯莱从刚刚停稳的飞船上走下来。 In front of him has Meister several people of driving approaches. 他面前已经有米斯特的数人主动迎上来。 „Didn't Mr. Charlotte, you just leave Singapore and Hong Kong?” A Meister black suit man sinking sound asked. “夏洛特先生,您不是刚刚才离开星港?”米斯特的一名黑西装男子沉声问。 I forgot also a little matter must process.” Poos light say/way. What's wrong? Did I go out unable to come back?” “我忘记了还有一点事要处理。”普斯莱淡淡道。“怎么?我出去了就不能回来了?” Of course not, whether then needs subordinate circular Mr. Wang Yue and ..... “当然不是,那么是否需要属下通告王越先生和.....” Does not need.” Poos raises the hand. I took the thing to walk, did not need to manage me, you yourself went busily.” “不需要。”普斯莱举起手。“我拿了东西就走,不用管我,你自己去忙吧。” Understood.” The men nod to understand clearly. Will evacuate. “明白。”男子点头了然。正要撤离。 Suddenly a subordinate approaches on own initiative, to his low voice whisper. 忽然身旁的一名下属主动靠近来,对他小声耳语。 Mr. Charlotte, hadn't you passed through the security check light beam to come in a moment ago?” The male vision is earnest. “夏洛特先生,您刚才是没经过安全检查光束进来的?”男子目光认真起来。 I am sad, does not want to accept the inspection, has the issue?” Poos replied lightly. “我心情不好,不想接受检查,有问题么?”普斯莱淡淡回答。 Disciple as Wang Yiyang, star main disciple. 身为王一洋的弟子,星球之主的弟子。 The men naturally do not dare to offend the opposite party. 男子自然是不敢得罪对方。 But the security check cannot avoid, this is his responsibility is, has no alternative but to do. 但安检不能避开,这是他职责所在,不能不做。 The male complexion is contradictory, hesitates at heart. 男子面色矛盾,心里犹豫起来。 But over time, he sees the Poos more and more ugly expression, the heart is even more disturbed. 但随着时间推移,他看到普斯莱越来越难看的表情,心头越发忐忑起来。 Got it.” The men made the decision. For a security check offends Poos this future great person, this is the acting without wisdom. “明白了。”男子做出了决定。为了一次安全检查就得罪普斯莱这个未来大人物,这是不智之举。 „, Hopes that do not mention to the outside...” “那么,希望您一定不要对外提起...” Good line! I know. Will not say that is you allows to pass.” Beckoning with the hand that Poos does not care at all. “行了行了!我知道的。不会说是你放行的。”普斯莱满不在乎的摆摆手。 His own heart also relaxes. 他自己心底也松了口气。 On him also hides the dice that the special fact-finding meeting is giving. 他身上可是还藏着特异调查会给的小方块。 It is no doubt that also knows that this dice definitely has the issue. 不用说,也知道这个小方块肯定有问题。 Sinks the star of dormancy to be able calm since, because of the complicated security check procedure/program of its powerful improvement, is then comprehensive. 沉眠之星之所以能沉稳至今,便是因为其强大完善的繁复安检程序,非常全面。 The immortal said, the day demon, the group star, under the tertiary security check, any spy questionable point, cannot escape this triple scanning. 仙道,天魔,群星,三重安检下,任何奸细疑点,都逃不过这三重扫描。 After Poos wields draws back men's one group, then in the Singapore and Hong Kong public garage, found own speeding car, sits, opens the protection pattern, isolates the external interference and spying on. 普斯莱挥退男子一行人后,便在星港公共车库里,找到自己的飞车,坐进去,打开防护模式,隔绝外界干扰和窥探。 Isolates system to open the ray of glass, enters exempts disturbs the sleep mode. 将车窗的光线隔绝系统打开,进入免打扰睡眠模式。 Poos then fishes out a black dice from the pocket. 普斯莱这才从衣兜里摸出一个黑色小方块。 What kind of?” He asked in a low voice. “怎么样?”他低声问。 Very good, all smooth, so long as here, without the security check protected system, succumbs to the star no matter what then we handle at will.” “很好,一切顺利,只要进了这里,没有安检防护系统,沉湎之星便任我们随意处置。” In the block spreads the tiny sound, impressively before is , the voice of that female. 方块内传出细小声响,赫然是之前那个女子的声音。 Went through the security check, here hardly garrisoned, the family member of Wang Yiyang that old fogy, the later generation, all can process as you like. You think how was good to do?” Poos sneers to say. “过了安检,这里就几乎不设防了,王一洋那老家伙的家人,后辈,全都都能随你们处理。你们想好怎么做了么?”普斯莱冷笑道。 Said probably succumbs to star situation. If Ok, best first grasp Wang Yiyang wife Su Xiaoxiao.” The females said with deep veneration. “大概说说沉湎之星内部的情况吧。如果可以,最好先掌握王一洋的妻子苏小小。”女子肃然道。 This is very simple. Succumbs to the star altogether 56 communities. “这很简单。沉湎之星一共五十六处居住区。 And giant residential area three, the people of Wang and Su live in these three communities. 其中巨型居住区三个,王家和苏家的人都住在这三个居住区内。 In the residential area besides basically stands guard the personnel, is not worth vigilantly. ” Poos relaxed say/way. 居住区里除了一点基本的警戒人员外,就没什么值得警惕的。”普斯莱轻松道。 As for Su Xiaoxiao, she opens one to weave the shop in No. 1 residential area, oneself also looked at the shop often in the past. Must find her to be very easy.” “至于苏小小,她在一号居住区里开着一家编织店,自己也经常过去看店。要找到她很容易。” Good, you first lead us to look for Su Xiaoxiao.” Women's rapid say/way. “那好,你先带我们去找苏小小。”女子迅速道。 I only promised you, belt/bring dice comes, has not complied to coordinate this situation.” Poos sneers. “我只答应了你们,带这个小方块进来,可没答应要配合到这个地步。”普斯莱冷笑。 Doesn't matter, can add money.” The female heart understands Poos meaning, very refreshed complying. “没关系,可以加钱。”女子心头明白普斯莱的意思,很爽快的答应。 One person 100 million Singapore dollars, without issue?” Poos wants to have a lion's share to say. “一个人一亿星币,没问题吧?”普斯莱狮子大开口道。 This is the money, if changes into for dozens years ago, 100 million Singapore dollars can buy some remote small-scale stars. 这是一大笔钱,要是换成几十年前,一亿星币都能买一些偏远的小型星球了。 Good.” The premise is you must have the life to be colored. “好。”前提是你要有命花。 The female heart sneers, but in the surface should refreshedly under. 女子心头冷笑,但表面上爽快应下。 Poos is not anxious, first in account that waits to open, after springing 10 million advance payment of prepay to the account, he starts the speeding car, flies straightly toward No. 1 residential area. 普斯莱也不急,先等着自己开的账户上,弹出了预付的一千万定金到账后,他才启动飞车,笔直朝着一号居住区飞去。 Between the residential area and residential area, are the big piece yellow sand wilderness. 居住区和居住区之间,是大片的黄沙荒漠。 The speeding car spent for one hour, arrives in No. 1 residential area quickly. 飞车花了一个多小时,很快抵达一号居住区。 Before Poos, sees Su Xiaoxiao frequently, after all is the wife of teacher. Is usually more attentive normally. 普斯莱以前也经常去看望苏小小,毕竟是自己老师的妻子。平时殷勤些也正常。 Before and this time goal was different. 只是之前和这次的目的不同。 Quick, the aerocar then arrived found Su Xiaoxiao to weave the shop. 很快,飞行车便抵达找到了苏小小编织店。 The vehicle stops in the roadside, is away from a street to see opposite shop. 车子停在路边,隔着条马路能看到对面店铺。 Look, that is Su Xiaoxiao's knitting shop, inside has the person. The words that you later must make an arrest best as soon as possible. No one protects while the present.” Poos relaxed say/way. “看吧,那就是苏小小的编织店,里面有人。你们之后要抓人的话最好尽快。趁现在没人保护。”普斯莱语气轻松道。 ........ “........” In the dice, the female looks splendor moon/month level member who in the shop is receiving money. 小方块内,那女子看着店里正在收钱的辉月层修士。 Also looked in the nearby shop the dense and numerous comet building store heights to be able the reacting system. Under foot dense and numerous huge really Yuan strategy systems. That is can erupt the terrifying strategy of star level at least. 又看了看边上店铺里密密麻麻的彗星层高能反应体。还有脚下密密麻麻的庞大真元阵法体系。那是起码能爆发出恒星层的恐怖阵法。 She fell into silent. 她陷入了沉默。 „Is this relaxedness that you said can seize? ..... Female felt own voice is trembling. “这就是你说的轻松可以抓走?.....”女子感觉自己声音都在发颤。 What's wrong? Has the issue?” Poos does not know completely has what issue. Also strange looked in the hand the dice. “怎么呢?有问题么?”普斯莱完全不知道有什么问题。还奇怪的看了看手里小方块。 First left said again! Here is unsafe!” The females clench teeth to say rapidly. “先离开再说!这里不安全!”女子迅速咬牙道。 The smile in Poos surface one stiff, hasn't he induced to where is completely unsafe? 普斯莱面上的笑容一僵,他完全没感应到哪里不安全啊? I said, walks quickly!” In the block, the voice of female could not soon have suppressed. “我说,快走!”方块内,女子的声音已经快要压制不住了。 The speeding car stopped for a long time, has caused near shop one customer suspicion. 飞车停了许久,已经引起店铺边上的一个‘顾客’怀疑了。 Some customers are approaching from the back. 有顾客正在从背后靠近。 Has the customer to surround from the left and right. 有顾客正在从左右两侧包围。 The customer is turning around, prepares to come toward here from the shop. 还有顾客正转身,准备从店铺里朝这边过来。 If were the average person even, but these approached, all he was above the comet level! 如果都是普通人就算了,可这些靠近的,全他么是彗星层以上! Moreover their life symptoms, all are not the person!! 而且他们身上的生命体征,全都不是人!! Run!!” The females finally spoke a few words, then rapid quiet hidden. Does not dare to make noise. “快跑!!”女子最后说一句话,便迅速沉寂隐藏。不敢出声。 Remaining Poos faces are confused, does not know that had anything. 剩下普斯莱一脸迷茫,不知道发生了什么。 However he vigilance is fortunately good after all, steps on the accelerator rapidly, before being surrounded, drove rapidly, left same place. 不过还好他终归警觉性不错,迅速一踩油门,在被包围前,迅速开车,离开了原地。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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