MI :: Volume #5

#402: Swallows two

The men are directing Poos, quickly across street, on an aerocar that stops in the roadside. 男子引着普斯莱,很快穿过街道,上了一辆停在路边的飞行车。 The vehicle seems like the process to re-equip, the glass and surrounding interior placed the special shielding system instrument. 车子似乎是经过改装过,车窗和周围内部都布置了特殊的隔离装置仪器。 Poos follows not to have boarding of protection, sits well in the back row. 普斯莱跟着毫无防备的上了车,在后排坐定。 The aerocar back row is big, has four rows of 12 positions. 飞行车后排非常大,足足有四排十二个位置。 And the middle two rows of seats took down, left the space. 其中中间两排座位被放倒下来,留了空间。 Poos opposite, sitting an appearance is fine, keeps the black leotard female of golden wave long hair. 普斯莱的对面,坐着一名容貌精致冷艳,留着金色波浪长发的黑色紧身衣女子。 The female hot stature of exposes under the leotard with nothing left. 女子火辣的身材在紧身衣下展露无遗。 Perhaps they want to depend upon the opposite sex mutual attraction, reduces friction and contradiction in talk. 或许他们是想依靠异性相吸,来减少谈话中的摩擦和矛盾。 Therefore arranged a beautiful woman to come. The short distance, talked to less than one meter enclosed compartment. 所以安排了个美女过来。还是近距离,相距不到一米的密闭空间里谈话。 Tries to serve the purpose by this. 试图以此达到目的。 What a pity this is invalid to Poos. 可惜这点对普斯莱无效。 He from beginning to end, likes young Junior Sister Huilin. 他从头到尾,喜欢的只有小师妹慧琳。 Regarding people like him, is together massive favorable impressions and recollections that for a long time accumulates, will let its many several points treasure. 对于他这类人,只有长时间相处积累下来的大量好感和回忆,才会让其多几分珍视。 Falls in love as for what? Believes the fate? 至于什么一见钟情?相信缘份? If really encounters suddenly, can let the Poos falling in love excited female student. 如果突然真的遭遇到,能让普斯莱一见钟情心动的女生。 Then his big probability will pinch the dead opposite party at the scene. 那么他大概率会当场捏死对方。 Because he thinks certainly the opposite party used some special mystique, is vacillating his spirit. 因为他铁定会认为对方是用了某种特殊秘法,在动摇他的精神。 „To say anything, said. I must rush to time.” Poos does not care about an opposite party anything weaponry completely. “想说什么,说吧。我还得赶时间。”普斯莱完全不在乎对方什么阵仗。 His self-confident strength is tyrannical. 他自信实力强横。 The strength of the superficial camouflage only then eight levels, this also confused the opposite party, only sent out eight levels of nine levels of experts facing him. 其表面伪装的实力只有八级,这也迷惑了对方,只派出了八级九级的高手面对他。 Therefore his confidence is very full. Because several people on the scene are inferior to him. 所以他信心很足。因为在场几人都不如他强。 The blonde female is full of meaning is taking a look at him. 金发女子饶有意味的打量着他。 Poos is, interested, cooperates with us.” “普斯莱,有没有兴趣,和我们合作。” What cooperates?” Poos narrows a low and deep say/way, „, if you are want me to join you? That exempts discussed. “什么合作?”普斯莱眯起眼低沉道,“如果你是想要我加入你们?那就免谈。 My Poos is not willing to occupy the person under person. ” 我普斯莱不是愿意屈居于人之下的人。” Not... about your teacher. Succumbs to the heart uncrowned king, Wang Yiyang.” The females smile to say. “不...是关于你的老师。沉湎之心无冕之王,王一洋。”女子微笑道。 What do you want to make?!” Poos cold sound said. “你们想做什么?!”普斯莱冷声道。 I heard that you are very discontented with your teacher. He has been suppressing you intentionally. “听说,你对你的老师十分不满。他一直在故意打压你。 Must cooperate with us. Finds an opportunity ....Female smiles, the sound lowers gradually , to continue to narrate. 要不要和我们合作。找个机会....”女子微笑,声音渐渐放低,继续叙述。 Poos complexion, as opposite party's sound speech slightly change, gets up looking pensive. 普斯莱的面色,随着对方的声音讲话微微一变,若有所思起来。 Quick, he then starts, as opposite party's inquiry, falls into hesitates with hesitant. 很快,他便开始随着对方的询问,陷入迟疑和犹豫。 But this short hesitation, not long sleeve how long. 但这短暂的迟疑,并未长袖多久。 Quick, the Wang Yiyang bias, making his heart depressing anger ascend again. 很快,王一洋的偏心,让他心头压抑的愤怒再度升腾起来。 Obviously his Innate Skill Ability by far strong Wang Yue, but he obtains finally, is actually inferior to the opposite party throughout. 明明他的天赋能力远远强过王越,但最终他获得的,却始终不如对方。 Since you are unkind, do not blame my non- righteousness!” “既然你不仁,就别怪我不义!” His heart issues the determination fiercely. 他心头猛地下达决心。 What kind of? So long as you young coordination we, go in this small thing belt/bring. “怎么样?只要你小小的配合一下我们,将这个小玩意带进去。 Then, we will open wide the organic armor master training method to you not only, the comet levels of various massive types of schools, splendor moon/month level, even the machine armor master ancient book of star level, opens to you free! 接下来,我们不光会对你敞开所有机甲师训练法,还有大量各种流派的彗星层,辉月层,甚至恒星层的机甲师典籍,免费对你开放! With your aptitude, so long as there are enough many resources and experiences, quick can grow to far exceed your present true powerhouse! ” The blonde female seduces to say. 以你的资质,只要有足够多的资源和经验,很快就能成长为远超你如今的真正强者!”金发女子诱惑道。 Poos has known at this time, this group of people wanted to be disadvantageous to teacher Wang Yiyang. 普斯莱此时已经知道,这群人是想要对老师王一洋不利了。 But since decided must do, that achieves the bottom. 但既然决定了要做,那就做到底。 Wants me to coordinate you, these insufficient!” In Poos eyes flashes through the faint trace ambition the flame. “要我配合你们,这些不够!”普斯莱眼里闪过丝丝野心的火焰。 „? What do you want?” “哦?那你要什么?” 1 billion Singapore dollars, measure splendor moon/month level machine armor that the body makes surely with one set for me!” “十亿星币,和一套为我量身定作的辉月级机甲!” The blonde female heart pulls out, this boy appetite is big enough. 金发女子心头一抽,这小子胃口够大。 However if can succeed, this puts in the contrast harvest, was not anything. 不过如果能成功的话,这点付出对比收获,也不算什么了。 Thinks, was quick she then to have the decision. 想了想,很快她便有了决定。 Ok.” “可以。” „, The cooperation is so happy!” Poos puts out a hand, the vision satisfies immediately. “那么,合作愉快!”普斯莱伸出手,目光顿时满意起来。 The blonde female also follows to put out a hand, two people grasp gently. 金发女子也跟着伸出手,两人轻轻一握。 The special fact-finding meeting, after the elimination methods of these time, the special goal of quickly determining altogether five points. 特异调查会,经过这些时间的排除法,很快确定了一共五个点的特殊目标。 But Wang Yiyang is one of them. 王一洋便是其中之一。 Quick, above passed sentenced the action, determined unified opinion that these five goal totals eliminated. 很快,上面通过了处刑行动,确定了将这五个目标全数清除的统一意见。 The action turns over to the action. 只是行动归行动。 Always, Wang Yiyang reduces in succumbing to the supreme headquarters of heart, does not go out. 一直以来,王一洋都紧缩在沉湎之心的大本营里,不外出。 Could not find the opportunity. 根本找不到机会。 Succumbs to the heart situated in the day demon sect and moral immortal sect domain, at all is not the star territory that crowd of stars can touch. 沉湎之心位于天魔宗和道德仙宗领域,也根本不是群星能触及的星域。 Therefore they have been seeking for the time and crevice. 所以他们一直在寻找时机和空隙。 But now, finally, Poos leaving, gave them a best opportunity. 而现在,终于,普斯莱的出走,给了他们一个最好的机会。 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Real world. 真实世界。 Fifth. 第五层。 In the land of length and breadth, a palatial golden temple, stands erect in the yellow land. 广袤的大地上,一座巍峨金色神殿,矗立在黄色大地之中。 All around connection path, the surroundings surround the trees, green and luxuriant. 四周连接道路,周围环绕树木,郁郁葱葱。 This is the god of hope, the order various god Ella's temple. 这是希望之神,秩序诸神艾拉的神殿。 Fifth is only then land and sky, sea and underground huge world. 第五层是只有大地和天空,海洋和地下的庞大世界。 Here does not have the star, Wang Yiyang has explored here the area, is equivalent to crowd of star more than ten galaxy sizes. 这里没有星球,王一洋在这里探索过的面积,相当于群星十几个恒星系大小。 Perhaps other regions have many area, these that but he explores enough had eaten, has not continued. 其余地域或许还有更多面积,但他探索的这些已经够吃了,也就没有继续。 Wang Yiyang strolls on the plain, looks giant temple that the dense and numerous followers are passing and out. 王一洋漫步在平原上,望着密密麻麻信徒们进出的巨大神殿。 Here just like another star, another kingdom. 这里俨然就是另外一个星球,另外一个王国。 The civilization of followers also stayed in the ancient agriculture period. 信徒们的文明还停留在古代农耕时期。 Their clothes appearance, cannot see the least bit era of scientific technology trace. 他们身上的衣服打扮,看不到半点科技时代痕迹。 Soldier and other class people who occasionally see, wears the sword, wears the armor. 偶尔看到的战士等阶层人,也是佩戴刀剑,身穿铠甲。 This is the cold weapons world. 这是冷兵器世界。 Genshijidai who dependence mortal body valor/military skills dominates. 还是依靠肉身武勇称雄的原始时代。 A Wang Yiyang black robe, stands before the god of temple front door hope. 王一洋一身黑袍,站在希望之神神殿大门前。 Arrived holds two breaking a horse car(riage) driving sides by side broadly sufficiently the main roads, was blocked by him completely center. 宽广到足以容纳两排马车并列行驶的大路,也完全被他挡住了正中。 Here civilians, believers, followers, crowd that but also the bright officer and aristocrat dress up, discovered the Wang Yiyang unusual action. 这里的平民们,教徒们,信徒们,还有神官和贵族打扮的人群,也都发现了王一洋的异常举动。 They gather together respectively, was saying different words, distant does not dare to approach, but surrounds Wang Yiyang actually to make anything. 他们各自聚在一起,说着不同的话语,远远的不敢靠近,只是围观王一洋到底想做什么。 Wang Yiyang does not pay attention to here human. 王一洋根本不予理会这里的人类。 They were bred the lamb here by order various God. Small and weak, no use, pitiful, but also is blind. 他们只是被秩序诸神养殖在这里的羊羔。弱小,无助,可怜,还盲目。 He does not care, does not represent others not to pay attention to him. 只是他不在意,不代表其他人不注意他。 On the main road outside temple, a white magnificent and expensive carriage, drives slowly toward the front door. 神殿外的大路上,一辆白色华贵马车,缓缓朝着大门驶去。 But the vanguard of carriage, quick was then blocked the road ahead by the Wang Yiyang physique, is unable to go forward. 但马车的前行,很快便被王一洋的身姿挡住前路,无法前进。 On the vehicle sits, is a long hair hangs loose impressively, skin snow white temple saintess. 车上坐着的,赫然是一位长发披散,皮肤雪白的神殿圣女。 The god of hope has many saintesses, what is responsible for praying is one batch, what is responsible for managing is one batch, what is responsible for propagandizing is one batch. 希望之神有很多圣女,其中负责祈祷的是一批,负责管理的是一批,负责宣传的是一批。 But Selina, is one of them that is responsible for managing. 而赛琳娜,便是负责管理的其中之一。 And is manages in the saintess, richest Ability and ambition. 并且是管理圣女中,最富有能力和野心的一位。 She shows to look from the colored glaze of carriage, happen to looked that arrives in black robe person Wang Yiyang that center the main road is in the way. 她从马车的琉璃透出望去,正好看到站在大路正中挡路的黑袍人王一洋 Matches Qi, front what happened?” She knits the brows to make noise to ask. “赛琪,前面发生什么事了?”她皱眉出声问。 Your highness, some front people dare to prevent on the temple main road unexpectedly. “殿下,前面有人居然敢在神殿大路上阻挡。 Quick, the person who the temple knight rolls will immediately come to solve the problem. ” The cart drivers match Qi to reply in a low voice. 想必很快,神殿骑士团的人会马上过来解决问题。”车夫赛琪低声回答。 Selina hears word, carefully looks at that black robe person who was in the way. 赛琳娜闻言,仔细看了看挡路的那个黑袍人。 The opposite party are pretty, the makings are chilly. Appearance fine just like virgin. 对方眉清目秀,气质清冽。容貌精致宛如处子。 But why does not know, will stand on the temple main road. 但就是不知道为什么,会站在神殿主干道上。 In this god rules in all land, although the god often does not come, but receives the hero and royal family who they blessed is not rare. 在这个众神统治一切的大地上,神祗虽然并不时常现身,但受到他们祝福的英雄和王族也并不少见。 Many big heroes can surpassingly brave in the war, striving to turn the tide, is because his body shoulders the god bloodlines. 很多大英雄能够在战争中勇武过人,力挽狂澜,也是因为其身上背负神祗的血脉。 Although various God is not born personally, but their forms are ubiquitous. 诸神虽然不亲自降世,但他们的身影无处不在。 What is to make this person so unable to look on the bright side of thing, prevents the temple main road, is this must commit suicide?” In the Selina heart guessed. “是什么让这个人如此想不开,阻挡神殿大道,这是要自杀么?”赛琳娜心中猜测。 As the carriage gradually approaches, her line of sight on that person of black robe flashes past somewhere. 只是随着马车逐渐靠近,她的视线在那人黑袍上的某处一闪而过。 On there gown, is printing a special mark. 那里袍子上,印着一个特殊的标记。 Is an extremely unusual black eye mark. 是一个极为奇特的黑色眼睛标记。 When the normal many religious sects, choose the symbol with opening eye pupil as symbol. 正常的很多教派,选择徽记时都是用睁开的眼眸作为标志。 But this black robe person is different. 但这个黑袍人身上则不同。 What he uses is shutting tightly the eye pupil. 他使用的是紧闭着的眼眸。 Selina not about the naive female who the outside world knows nothing. 赛琳娜并不是对外界一无所知的天真女子。 She when seeing that mark the earliest possible time, then the complexion changes. 她在看到那个标记时的第一时间,便面色微变。 That is .... Mark of no news!” “那是....无信者的标记!” Before Selina recalled rapidly, the god of hope had arranged duty about no news. 赛琳娜迅速回想起了之前,希望之神曾经布置过的关于无信者的任务。 She somewhat is suddenly clear, why this person stands is so here long, did not have the knight to come to drive away him as before. 她忽然有些明白,为什么这个人站在这里这么久,却依旧没有骑士前来驱赶他了。 No news, dares to act generally alone, the strength is powerful. 无信者,一般敢于独自行动的,实力都非常强悍。 Your highness? Had no way to go forward, were we wait a bit the moment or?” The cart drivers match Qi to ask in a low voice. “殿下?没法前进了,我们是稍等片刻还是?”车夫赛琪低声问。 We .... The Selina words have not said, then saw the front that person of form disappears instantaneously. “我们....”赛琳娜话没说完,便看到前面那人身影瞬间消失。 Her heart is not good, hurries to leap from the carriage, lifts hood, reveals the fine nearly perfect beautiful facial features. 她心道不好,赶紧从马车上一跃而出,掀开身上兜帽,露出精致近乎完美的美艳面容。 She takes a fast look around the position that person of institute is just at carefully, tried to find the opposite party whereabouts. 她仔细的扫视着刚刚那人所在的方位,试图找到对方行踪。 „Are you looking for me?” Suddenly, Selina behind a towering appearance depressing sound. “你是在找我?”陡然间,赛琳娜身后突兀的出现一个压抑的声音。 You!” She turns round fiercely, tries to turn the head, but was fixed the neck by an inexplicable strength stubbornly, keeping her from turning around. “你!”她猛地回身,试图转过头,但被一股莫名的力量死死固定住脖子,让她无法转身。 Do not be afraid.” That sound pleaded in a low voice. „ I am only one pitiful, attempts to seek the redemption being at a loss. “别害怕。”那个声音低声恳求道。“我只是一个可怜的,企图寻求救赎的迷惘者。 I want to enter your temples to pray, seeks the direction of god. 我只是想要进入你们的神殿祈祷,寻求神的指引。 But, I do not dare, does not dare to approach that temple alone. You can help me , helping I such being at a loss follower? ” 可是,我不敢,不敢独自靠近那座神殿。你能帮帮我,帮助我这样一个迷惘的信徒者么?” Selina somewhat was anxious, but is quick, in the tone of opposite party, the sorrow and pity of implication, making her have to pity. 赛琳娜原本还有些紧张,但很快,对方的语气中,蕴含的悲哀和可怜,让她心生怜悯。 Originally is one pitiful no news who is unable to approach the temple. 原来是一个可怜的无法靠近神殿的无信者。 Once no news wanted to return to the arms of god, had the example. 曾经的无信者想要重返神的怀抱,也不是没有例子。 Often because such no news is unable to enter the temple, therefore can only plead the reverends to help pray redeems. 往往这样的无信者因为无法进入神殿,所以只能恳求神职者们帮助祈祷救赎。 Obviously, she meets is also a person such. 很显然,她遇到的也是这么样的一个人。 „Do you really want the pray?” Selina asked earnestly. “你真的只是想要进去祈祷?”赛琳娜认真问。 „. I had wandered here for a long time, but no one is willing to help me. Before also several knights came, approach inquired me. “是真的。我已经在这里徘徊了许久,可没有谁愿意帮助我。之前还有几个骑士过来,靠近了询问我。 But they are worried to be afraid are responsible, therefore is not willing to help me. 可是他们担心害怕负责,所以也不愿意帮我。 I despaired. The years are gradually swallowing my body, my spirit. 我绝望极了。岁月逐渐在吞噬我的身体,我的精神。 I so long for obtaining Ella's comforting. I wanted to repent, want to confess. Actually does not get the gate to enter. ” 我是如此的渴望得到艾拉的安抚。我想要悔过,想要忏悔。却不得门而入。” That person replied in a low voice, in the tone full is sorrowful. 那人低声回答,语气里满是悲哀。 He as if soon arrived at the desperate edge. 他似乎都快要到了绝望的边缘。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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