MI :: Volume #4

#399: Promotes one

Wife Su Xiaoxiao, approaches from the one side, grips the hand of Wang Yiyang gently. 妻子苏小小,从一旁走近过来,轻轻握住王一洋的手。 Wang Yiyang shakes the head slightly, looks to the surroundings room. 王一洋微微摇头,看向周围房间。 Father Wang Xinhai and mother Xue Ningwan also arrived. Su Xiaoxiao's parents, Su Shen with Yao Haidi also. 父亲王心海和母亲薛宁晚也到了。苏小小的父母,苏甚和姚海迪也在。 Daughter Mr. and Mrs. king Xiaosu, cousin Xue Ruihua and his daughter son. 还有女儿王小苏夫妇,表妹薛瑞花和其女儿儿子。 And he has not seen distant relative. 以及很多他没怎么见过的远方亲戚。 These people gather silently here, waits for the doctor in bedside to give the final diagnosis. 这些人都默默地聚在这里,等着床边的医生给出最后的诊断。 Just like the big room of basketball court size, gathered the minimum 30 people. 宛如篮球场大小的诺大房间内,聚集了起码三十人。 The doctor from the pharmacology member of moral immortal sect family background, the medical skill is excellent. 医生是从道德仙宗出身的药理修士,医术高超。 What a pity, even the high medical skill, does not have the means saving birth and death natural truth. 可惜,就算再高的医术,也没办法挽救生老病死的自然真理。 Two temple gray pharmacology member sighed, loosen the hand that took the pulse, stood up, shook the head to Su Xiaoxiao and Wang Yiyang. 两鬓花白的药理修士叹了口气,松开把脉的手,站起身,冲苏小小和王一洋摇摇头。 Is the visceral organ comprehensive failure causes, destiny, beyond any help. Below helpless.” “是内脏器官全面衰竭导致,天命将至,无可挽回。恕在下无能为力。” Many thanks.” Father Wang Xinhai nods to say. In the eye reveals the faint trace to be moved. “多谢。”父亲王心海点头道。眼里流露出丝丝伤感。 Before Wang Yiyang , is not he usually takes responsibility. At this time also naturally is he acts. 王一洋之前不在时,就是他平时做主。此时也自然是他出面。 All right, sees through, person since birth, sooner or later.” “没事,看开点,人从出生以来,就早晚有这么一天。” Wang Xinlong looks pale, the lip is withered, but does not have the negativity. 王心龙面色苍白,嘴唇干枯,但却丝毫没有负面情绪。 His in turn actually safety son. 他反过来倒是安危儿子。 Looks that prince several generations are assemble, his line of sight has swept on each face. 看着王家几代人齐聚一堂,他视线在每一个人脸上扫过。 Then finally stopped on Wang Yiyang. 然后最后停在了王一洋身上。 Namiko, I... also how long?” “洋子,我...还有多久?” He knows that Wang Yiyang the skill is enormous now, therefore the question is also directly asked to this grandson. 他知道王一洋如今本事极大,所以问话也是直接对这个孙子问。 Wang Yiyang lifted the hand to look at the starting link last time. 王一洋抬手看了下手环上时间。 Dies quickly the grandfather. A while makes here, I have the matter to go back to process.” “快死吧爷爷。一会儿弄完这边,我还有事要回去处理。” Indoor atmosphere is suddenly certain. 室内气氛陡然一定。 The Wang Yiyang sound reverberates in the surroundings unceasingly, making each think the person who oneself misunderstand, can determine, this is not the auditory hallucination. 王一洋的声音不断在周围回荡,让每一个以为自己听错的人,都能重新确定,这不是幻听。 „!?!” Wang Xinlong opens the eye, does not know what completely he is saying? “!?!”王心龙睁大眼睛,完全不知道他在说什么? Not only he, other family members also opens the eye, the complexion is stiff, does not understand why completely Wang Yiyang will say this words. 不只是他,其余亲人也都睁大眼,面色僵硬,完全不明白王一洋为什么会说出这种话。 The words of this unfeeling righteousness, steer in the population to say from Wang Yiyang this star certainly unexpectedly!? 这种绝情绝义的话,居然是从王一洋这个星球掌舵人口中说出!? I gave you to prepare dozens bodies, waited to meet you to select one well. Has no difference when with you are young the body absolutely!” “我给你准备了几十具身体,等会你好好挑一具。绝对和您年轻时的身体没有任何区别!” The Wang Yiyang complexion is tranquil. 王一洋面色平静。 Traded, a while you can also play the basketball in the evening.” “换好了,一会儿晚上您还可以去打篮球。” He end made up one. 他末了补上一句。 ....... Wang Xinlong face stiff there, moves also motionless. “.......”王心龙一张老脸僵在那里,动也不动。 Under the major rises, he felt that oneself can also support a while, now quickly is not good. 大起大落之下,他感觉自己本来还能撑一会儿的,现在也快不行了。 The one side Wang Xinhai and his wife who prepares the opens the mouth to curse at people, followed seems like stopped up the throat, a sound could not send out. 一旁正准备张口骂人的王心海夫妇,也跟着像是被堵住了嗓子眼,一点声音也发不出。 Let alone other prince Su family. 更别说其余的王家苏家人。 Everyone is tasting those words that just Wang Yiyang spoke. 所有人都在回味刚刚王一洋说的那句话。 This is wants... to trade the body!?” Su felt really own heart is not quite good. Has to plant soon the feeling of myocardial infarction. “这是要...是要换身体!?”苏甚感觉自己心脏不太好。有种快要心肌梗塞的感觉。 Un, according to the existing topest technology, replaces body to have no issue a time. Can prolong life one generation normally. However only limits one time. Were many soul unable to withstand.” “嗯,按照现有最顶尖技术,更换一次身体没有什么问题。可以正常延寿一辈。不过仅限一次。多了灵魂承受不住。” Wang Yiyang light explanation. 王一洋淡淡解释。 He probably said the replacement body changes clothes to be the same, superficial, does not have the difficulty. 他把更换身体说得像是换件衣服一样,轻描淡写,毫无难度。 Truly, truly does not have the difficulty regarding present him. 确实,对于现在的他也确实没难度。 The immortal said three with the day demon sect and others, had to seize the shed and taking advantage of the method that the corpse came back to life. 仙道三宗和天魔宗等,都有夺舍和借尸还魂的方法。 Although is only restricted in the god above member. 虽然只限于化神以上的修士。 If the mortals want to achieve this, is very difficult. 凡人要想做到这点,很难。 But others are difficult, not representative Wang Yiyang is also difficult. 但别人难,不代表王一洋也难。 He has given the family member all preparations the appropriate cultivation body. 他早就给家里人所有的准备了合适的培育身体。 Only waits for the family member to have problems, immediately replaces the mortal body. 只等家里人出什么问题,马上更换肉身。 Although the mortal can only replace one time, consuming the resources is quite troublesome greatly. 虽然凡人只能更换一次,消耗资源还比较麻烦巨大。 But he most does not lack now, is money and resources. 但他现在最不缺的,就是钱和资源。 „Can I... also really be saved?” Wang Xinlong two shine immediately. “我...真的还有救?”王心龙顿时两眼放光。 If can not die, who doesn't want to live for dozens years? 如果可以不死,谁不想多活几十年? It’s nothing issue. The grandfather you died quickly, died I also to pull out the soul belt/bring in the past the exchanging body.” Wang Yiyang tranquil say/way. “没什么问题。爷爷你快断气吧,断了气我还抽魂带过去换新身体。”王一洋平静道。 His the sensation of present splendor moon/month limit, turns god late cultivating in addition into, must achieve this is not difficult. 他如今辉月极限的感知,加上化神后期的修为,要做到这点并不难。 I .... How I feel a little...” Wang Xinlong always felt that the one breath stops up in the throat, a little cannot say. “我....我怎么感觉有点...”王心龙总感觉一口气堵在喉咙里,就是有点说不上来。 Feels strangely. 感觉怪怪的。 All right, trading the body is quick, one minute is less than becomes.” Wang Yiyang lifts hand one finger/refers. “没事的,换身体很快,一分钟不到就成。”王一洋抬手一指。 Immediately Wang Xinlong nearby ground, had/left a wooden bed baseless. 顿时王心龙一旁的地上,凭空多出了一张木床。 On the bed is lying down with his young time exactly the same man body. 床上躺着一具和他年轻时候一模一样的男子身体。 Impressively Wang Xinlong young mortal body. 赫然正是王心龙的年轻肉身。 Wang Xinlong then feels relieved, looks at Wang Yiyang, the opens the mouth wants to say anything. 王心龙这才放心下来,看着王一洋,张口欲说什么。 ! 啪! Wang Yiyang being disinclined rubbish, a finger/refers separates spatially. 王一洋懒得废话,一指隔空一点。 Immediately Wang Xinlong two turn, the complexion is pale, died at the scene. 顿时王心龙两眼一翻,面色铁青起来,当场断了气。 „Your your you!!!” Nearby Wang Xinhai and his wife in great surprise, have not responded immediately. “你你你你!!!”一旁的王心海夫妇顿时大惊,还没反应过来。 ! 噗! Nearby Wang Xinlong new body sits from the bed fiercely sets out, opens the eye slowly. 一旁的王心龙新身体猛地从床上坐起身,缓缓睁开眼睛。 I .... Did I live?!” “我....我又活了?!” He lifts the hand, does not dare to believe looks own young skin. 他抬起手,不敢置信的看着自己年轻的皮肤。 Grandfather, this body I debugged was very long, does not have any issue, the health was incomparable, can not getting sick indolence live 150 years old. You felt relieved with.” “爷爷,这具身体我调试了很久,没有任何问题,健康无比,可以无病无痛活到一百五十岁。您放心用着好了。” Wang Yiyang in nearby tranquil say/way. 王一洋在一旁平静道。 He lifts an old body of hand finger/refers of Wang Xinlong again. 他再度抬手一指王心龙的老身体。 Immediately that body misfiring self-ignition, fires the innumerable black luminous spots rapidly. 顿时那具身体无火自燃,迅速烧成无数黑色光点。 All luminous spots fly to the new body of Wang Xinlong, permeates his skin rapidly. 所有光点飞向王心龙的新身体上,迅速渗入他皮肤。 Ok, the present is unites new and old, some essence complete vitalities in your old body, made up to you.” “好了,现在是新旧合一,您的老身体里的精华完好的部分生命力,都给你补过来了。” Wang Yiyang explained the sentence. 王一洋解释了句。 Looks look that the old person lights up with pleasure, periphery the person exclaimed in surprise expression that shocks. 看着老人喜笑颜开的神色,还有周围人惊叹震撼的表情。 Wang Yiyang has not stayed for a long time, but is holding Su Xiaoxiao's hand, gently revolution motive power. 王一洋没有久留,而是拉着苏小小的手,轻轻运转原力。 Immediately around two people reappearing innumerable strategy rune/symbol writing. 顿时两人周围浮现无数阵法符文。 Under the feeling acceleration, the strategy from tying to the start, to the display potency, is only less than one second. 在时感加速下,阵法从结阵到启动,到发挥效力,前后只是一秒不到。 Two people figure vanishes suddenly. 两人身形骤然消失。 Appears again, had arrived on a flat roof of Wang Village. 再度出现,已经到了王家堡的一处露台上。 You said a moment ago that unites new and old, should be false?” Su Xiaoxiao makes noise to ask suddenly. “你刚才说那个新旧合一,应该是假的吧?”苏小小忽然出声问。 Un, did you look?” Some Wang Yiyang slightly surprise. “嗯,你看出来了?”王一洋略微有些诧异。 The new status actually does not need the fusion of old body completely. 新身份其实完全不需要旧身体的融合。 That is Wang Yiyang for Mr. secure heart, lets a it quicker adaptation, felt own body also follows oneself, the view of compiling. 那不过是王一洋为了安老人的心,让其更快适应,觉得自己身体还跟着自己,才编撰出来的一个说法。 In fact, the old body was cremated by him, as for departing black luminous spot, light shadow effect that but he makes conveniently. 实际上,老身体是被他火化了,至于飞出的黑色光点,只是他随手做出的光影效果。 Is all false. 全是假的。 If I died, will have replaces one day of body?” Su Xiaoxiao asked. “如果我死了,是不是也会有这么更换身体的一天?”苏小小问。 Naturally. I also prepared for you.” Wang Yiyang tranquil reply. “当然。我也为你准备好了。”王一洋平静回答。 Su Xiaoxiao had not replied, but looks into the setting sun of distant place gradually submersion. 苏小小没有回答,只是眺望远处渐渐下沉的夕阳。 Actually lives for a long time, is no interesting.” “其实活得久,没有什么意思。” Perhaps is you lives insufficiently for a long time, lives for a long time, could find the significance.” Wang Yiyang replied. “或许是你活得不够久,活得更久点,也许能找到意义。”王一洋回答。 Su Xiaoxiao shakes the head slightly. 苏小小微微摇头。 She thought that she was away from Wang Yiyang to be getting more and more far. 她觉得自己距离王一洋越来越远了。 She cannot understand, does not understand that Wang Yiyang is making anything. She was not clear that husband's goal is anything, does not know that he is facing what situation. 她看不懂,也不明白王一洋到底在做什么。她不清楚丈夫的目标是什么,也不知道他面临着什么处境。 She does only, waits. 她唯一做的,就是等待。 Do not worry, I will process all.” Wang Yiyang holds in the arms her gently, replied in a soft voice. “别担心,我会把一切都处理好的。”王一洋轻轻搂住她,轻声回答。 Always felt, you are quite tired.” Su Xiaoxiao low and deep say/way. “总感觉,你好累。”苏小小低沉道。 Wang Yiyang has not opened the mouth again. 王一洋没有再开口。 Because he truly felt very tired. 因为他确实感觉很累。 Tired is very very tired. 很累很累。 Status duty system continuous gives various duties. 身份任务系统源源不断的给出各种任务。 New status, follow more troublesome dangerous threats that comes. 一次次新身份,伴随而来的一次次的更麻烦的危险威胁。 Such threat, forcing him only to proceed unceasingly. 这样的威胁,逼迫他只能不断往前。 But evil consequence that now, massive status bring, is the entire universe life, will be threatened. 而现在,大量身份带来的恶果,就是整个宇宙的生灵,都将受到威胁。 This almost inevitably. 这几乎必然的。 After is status system appears, the result of certainly causing. 是身份系统出现后,必然导致的结果。 Ok, relax, I have been accompanying you. We must go to other group star places to travel together, enjoy the life.” The Wang Yiyang smile comfort said. “好了,放心,我会一直陪着你。我们还要一起去群星其他地方旅游,享受生活。”王一洋微笑安慰道。 Quick, was quick we to be able on the calm and steady tranquil life.” He said in a low voice. “很快,很快我们就能过上安稳平静的生活了。”他低声道。 Un.” “嗯。” Su Xiaoxiao does not doubt him, nod. 苏小小不疑有他,点头。 Buzz. 嗡。 Suddenly Wang Yiyang demon mark exudes the pale red glimmer. 忽然王一洋身上的魔纹泛起淡红微光。 The demon mark illumination, represented the day of demon sect that side to leave generally troublesome. 魔纹发光,一般代表天魔宗那边出了麻烦。 I handle a matter, you first rest. Does not use I.” Wang Yiyang urged the sentence. “我去处理点事,你先休息。不用等我。”王一洋叮嘱了句。 Un good.” Su Xiaoxiao now is also a member, although cultivates for is not high, but usually practice to the time sense was also weaker. “嗯好。”苏小小如今也是修士,虽然修为不高,但平时修行对时间观念也弱了很多。 Two people one month sees one time is also the routine matter. Su Xiaoxiao, closes up one time to be possible several weeks. 两人一个月见一次也是常事。就连苏小小自己,闭关一次也可能要几个周。 Therefore has been used to it regarding this being together way. 所以对于这种相处方式早已习惯了。 Wang Yiyang leaves Wang Village, took already prepared the spaceship, directly soared the day demon sect headquarters in outer space. 王一洋离开王家堡,乘坐早已准备好了的飞船,直奔太空中的天魔宗指挥部。 In the headquarters base, after processing the critical situation direction . 在指挥部基地内,处理完紧要的局势指挥后。 Wang Yiyang will focus on the status duty again. 王一洋再度将注意力集中到身份任务上。 Now his strength of mind, after swallowing innumerable lives, had entered the great will level initially. 如今他的心灵之力,在吞噬了无数生灵后,已经初步进入了伟大意志的层面。 The great will, is a boundary, is existing form after a qualitative change. 伟大意志,是一种境界,是一种质变后的存在形式。 This is attracts the strange clan to have record soul Innate Skill spirit early, is the strength of mind from sublimates to the unusual special change ordinary. 这是灵吸怪一族早有记录的灵魂天赋,是心灵之力从平凡升华到超凡的特殊变化。 When the spirit attracts the strength of mind takes strangely to be many enough, when the quantitative change results in the qualitative change. 当灵吸怪吸食的心灵之力足够多,量变引发质变时。 The mind will promote to the great will level. 心灵就会晋升到伟大意志层面。 The promotion of this level, needs two conditions. 这个层面的晋升,需要两个条件。 First, is the strength of enough many mind. 一,是足够多的心灵之力。 Second, is enough strong individual mind will. 二,是足够强的个体心灵意志。 Both are indispensable. 两者缺一不可。 After handling the business, Wang Yiyang enters the static cultivating room, starts to inspect own condition. 处理好事务后,王一洋进入静修室,开始检视自身状态。 Indoor gloomy static cultivates, on the surroundings ground wall arranged the complicated three-dimensional strategy everywhere. 阴暗的静修室内,周围地面墙壁上到处都布置了繁复的立体阵法。 And has the protection, has the isolation sound, has the isolation energy aura. Has variously. 其中有防护的,有隔绝声响的,有隔离能量气息的。各种各样都有。 Center Wang Yiyang sits well, both eyes shut tightly. 王一洋端坐正中,双目紧闭。 He consciousness in the space, the thought jail from the initial small-scale construction, has expanded the present huge giant jail. 他意识空间内,思维监牢已经从最初的小型建筑,扩张成了如今的庞大巨型监牢。 Prisoner who light/only holds, has reached as high as over a million. 光容纳进去的囚犯,就已经高达上百万之多。 Every time, in the jail refines the strength of massive mind, integrates his mind. 每时每刻,监牢内都提炼出大量的心灵之力,融入他脑海。 Every day, will have lots of prisoners, because was extracted to quenching, loses the value thoroughly, thus the autodecomposition dissipates. 每天,都会有大量囚犯,因为被抽取淬炼完毕,彻底失去价值,从而自动分解消散。 From the beginning Wang Yiyang also somewhat takes the blame at heart, but, he did not repel afterward gradually. 一开始王一洋还有些负罪心里,但后来渐渐地,他也不排斥了。 Because he knows, to serve the purpose, must pay the price. 因为他知道,要想达到目的,就必然要付出代价。 One is by the tens of thousands dry the merit bone, this is the world highest good. 一将功成万骨枯,这是天地至理。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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