MI :: Volume #4

#397: Soon one

Sacrifice .... What sacrificed, what are you saying?” “牺牲....什么牺牲,你在说些什么?” God of thunder stunned looks at Wang Yiyang. 雷神愕然的看着王一洋 The Wang Yiyang complexion is tranquil. 王一洋面色平静。 „ The universe innumerable lives will soon welcome finally end. “宇宙的无数生灵即将迎来终末。 I am seeking for a path of renewal for everyone, that is all. 我只是在为所有人寻找一条更新的道路,仅此而已。 But the exploration, seeks, needs to consume, needs to attempt. In this process, would paying, must have the sacrifice. ” 而探索,寻找,需要消耗,需要尝试。在这个过程,总会有付出,总要有牺牲。” What finally end? What are you saying? Were you insane? You know that you are doing? Lord God will rip the smashing you!” “什么终末?你在说什么?你疯了么?你知道你在干什么么?主神们会把你撕成粉碎!” The god of thunder is unable to believe that at present this person, before is, good friend who is also proud. 雷神无法相信眼前这人,是自己之前还引以为傲的好友。 He could not understand the opposite party to say anything completely. 他完全听不懂对方在说什么。 When can the universe arrive finally end? 宇宙什么时候要走到终末了? He does not know these, he only knows, he sees with one's own eyes Wang Yiyang to swallow various God the flesh. 他不知道这些,他只知道,他亲眼看到王一洋正在吞噬诸神的血肉。 He has never thought one day, oneself can confront with Wang Yiyang face-to-face, is saying such matter. 他从未想过有一天,自己会和王一洋面对面对峙,说着这样的事。 Do not worry.” The Wang Yiyang complexion is tranquil. He is swallowing the continuous golden light ball unceasingly. “别担心。”王一洋面色平静。他不断吞噬着源源不断的金色光球。 The magnanimous various God god country illusion, just like liking a moth to the flame, was accelerated to attract own , before by him. 海量的诸神神国幻境,宛如飞蛾扑火,被他加速吸引到自己身前。 On such as by the material that the black hole catches. 就如被黑洞捕捉到的物质。 It is not able to work loose, is unable to flee, can only unceasingly step by step was towed the most deep place of Wang Yiyang thought jail. 无法挣脱,无法逃离,只能不断一步步的被牵引到王一洋思维监牢的最深处。 I, so long as obtains the sufficient strength, will call a halt. Will not exterminate entire fourth thoroughly.” “我只要取得足够的力量,就会停手。不会彻底灭绝整个第四层。” Wang Yiyang has not spoken incorrectly, he absorbs the strength of same type mind is too many, will have the resistance, will then lose the effect on behind. 王一洋没说错,他吸收同类型心灵之力太多,就会产生抗性,到后面便会失去效果。 How long therefore fourth could not want, will lose the effectiveness. 所以第四层要不了多久,就会失去效用。 But in the god of thunder ear was not this meaning. 但在雷神耳中就不是这个意思了。 He looks at Wang Yiyang wooden. 他木然的看着王一洋 Look vacant from the beginning, is then puzzled, again to being furious. 眼神从一开始的茫然,然后不解,再到震怒。 You are not normal .... Your this, will destroy here incessantly, will also destroy you!” “你已经不正常了....你这样,不止会毁了这里,还会毁了你!” The god of thunder had felt that the good friend lost the reason. 雷神已经感觉好友失去了理智。 Walks again, the fifth Lord God will join up to punish Wang Yiyang. 再这么走下去,第五层的主神会联合起来制裁王一洋 By that time .... 到那时.... Calls a halt! You will die!” Thunder God urged. “停手吧!你会死的!”雷神劝道。 ..... Wang Yiyang no longer spoke, but in the monster different gloss flashed past. “.....”王一洋不再说话,只是眼中妖异光泽一闪而过。 In an instant an invisible distortion covers the god of thunder, the sensation strengths of 23 levels of limits, suppress the god of thunder forcefully. 刹那间一股无形扭曲笼罩雷神,二十三级极限的感知力量,强行压制住雷神。 Huge sensation just like mighty current sea water, unexpected, wells up crazily from the god of thunder eyes place. 巨大感知宛如洪流海水,猝不及防下,从雷神双眼处狂涌进去。 You!!” The god of thunder wants to dodge, but already without enough time. “你!!”雷神想闪躲,但已经来不及了。 After his eyes glittered several wisps of thunder light, then transforms slowly with the Wang Yiyang same colored gloss. 他的双眼闪烁了几缕雷光后,便缓缓转换成和王一洋一样的彩色光泽。 My friend, first temporarily deep sleep. When wakes up, all will return to normal.” “吾友,先暂时沉睡一下吧。等到醒来,一切都会恢复正常。” Wang Yiyang has not killed the god of thunder. 王一洋没有杀雷神。 Temporarily the seal hypnosis he, let the dreamland illusion that it fell into himself to want. 只是暂时封印催眠了他,让其陷入自己想要的梦境幻觉。 At intensity of pressure his time mind, with the attainments of mesmeric mind magic arts. 以他此时的心灵之力强度,和催眠术心灵法术的造诣。 Must achieve this quite easily. 要做到这点相当容易。 Although the god of thunder is strong, but the main body strength is also the splendor moon/month. 雷神虽强,但本体实力也就是辉月。 Processes the god of thunder. 处理好雷神。 Wang Yiyang continues to stretch out the arms, swallows the golden light ball that flies massively. 王一洋继续张开双臂,吞噬大量飞来的金色光球。 The strength of his mind just like boiling, is moving restlessly crazily, is fusing the strength of fining mind flows out from the thought jail bang rapidly. 他的心灵之力宛如沸腾般,疯狂躁动着,融合着从思维监牢轰急速流出的精炼心灵之力。 The refinement of thought jail digests Ability, has reached the limit. 思维监牢的提炼消化能力,已经达到了极限。 But the background that various God accumulates are too really many. 但诸神积累的这一层底蕴实在太多。 The light ball is almost inexhaustible, it is representing innumerable fantasies and sustenance of human to the god. 光球几乎无穷无尽,其代表着人类对神的无数幻想和寄托。 But at this time, these fantasies, continuous was swallowed by Wang Yiyang. 而此时,这些幻想,正源源不断的被王一洋所吞噬。 These and fifth, is not pure only refers to a star, a region. 这一层和第五层,不是单纯的只指一个星球,一片区域。 But is the fantasy and worship of entire group star human to the god. 而是整个群星人类对神的幻想和崇拜。 The belief and affection that these cognition bring, change into the innumerable accumulation the sensations, thus unified various God. 这些认知带来的信仰和喜爱,化为无数积存的感知,从而凝聚成了诸神。 But Wang Yiyang now, is swallowing these beliefs. 王一洋现在,就是在吞噬这些信仰。 But his own sensation, in rapidly increases fast. 而他自己的感知,也在急速的飞快攀升中。 This increasing speed, spanned, but other machine armor master dozens years of accumulations and self-tortures, spanned other population polishes and refinements for ten years. 这种攀升速度,跨越了而其他机甲师数十年的积累和苦修,跨越了其他人数十年如一日的打磨和提炼。 Toward the high-level qualitative change, flies toward the limit of human. 朝着更高层的质变,朝着人类的极限飞去。 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ Aries. 白羊座。 As inheritance history, with the record human change most exhaustive classical constellation. 作为传承历史,和记录人类变迁最详尽的古典星座。 The entire Aries has one type to sink the thick historical atmosphere. 整个白羊座都有着一种沉厚的历史氛围。 Here has the most ancient human vestige, there are from once Genshijidai started, the god who then had worshipped the culture. 这里有着最古老的人类遗迹,也有从曾经原始时代开始,便存在的神祗崇拜文化。 Here is the heaven of history, is various classical cultural and art the place of gathering. 这里是历史的天堂,是各种古典文化和艺术的汇聚之地。 At this time, Aries main star, two horns star. 此时,白羊座主星,双角星。 A Wei Huan windproof coat, walks slowly in the star biggest national library. 魏欢一袭风衣,缓缓走在星球最大的国立图书馆内。 In the giant library, constructed the bookshelves of screw high tower models, above covered entirely the innumerable light yellow books densely and numerously. 巨大图书馆内,修建成了一根根螺旋高塔式样的书架,上边密密麻麻布满了无数淡黄书册。 Wei Huan was invited, does the thought development course for the young people of two horns star. 魏欢是受邀过来,为双角星的青少年们做思维拓展讲座。 As the entire group star intelligence was known as that one of the highest 12 people, he naturally has this qualifications acting thought development curriculum teacher. 作为整个群星智力号称最高的十二人之一,他自然是有这个资格担当思维拓展课程的老师。 When leisure safe/without matter rest, how he is also thinking processes, before complied to contact Wang Yiyang that matter. 闲暇无事休息时,他也在思索如何处理,之前答应接触王一洋的那件事。 With the contact of Wang Yiyang, must put on the agenda as soon as possible. 王一洋的接触,必须尽快提上日程。 Wei Huan was pondering the later itinerary, is walking in the library at the same time slowly. 魏欢思考着之后的行程安排,一边慢慢在图书馆内行走着。 He from nearby diminutive bookshelf, took historical publicity booklet to this library conveniently. 他随手从一旁的矮小书架上,取了一本对这个图书馆的历史宣传手册。 In the handbook wrote the historical origins of this libraries. 手册上写了一些这个图书馆的历史来历。 And has to this library hall explanation. 其中就有对这个图书馆馆名的解释。 Saint Hladii Library, Hladii in given name, came from in god of Hladii record. 圣赫拉蒂芙图书馆,本名中的赫拉蒂芙,源自于记录之神赫拉蒂芙。 This god is only in Aries many myths a total of neutral god. 这位神祗是白羊座诸多神话中共有的一位中立神祗。 Closes the propaganda book, Wei Huan is pinching conveniently , to continue to proceed. 合上宣传册子,魏欢随手捏着,继续往前。 Turns around an approaching hall. 拐过一个临近的大厅。 In his dead ahead stretch of open area, one group of elementary students who wear the red cap in visit library. 他的正前方一片空地上,正有一群戴着红帽子的小学生们在参观图书馆。 The leading teacher is a young attractive gentle female, wears the lunar white long skirt, wears near the wave the big white cap, is explaining here history to the students. 带队老师是个年轻漂亮的温柔女性,穿着月白色长裙,戴着波浪边大白帽,正在给学生们讲解这里的历史。 Saint Hladii Library, is the two horns star biggest library, its at first, is from a place named Hladii. “圣赫拉蒂芙图书馆,是双角星最大的图书馆,其名最初,也是取自于一个叫赫拉蒂芙的地方。 There once has many writers to live in seclusion, to avoid then chaos caused by war, to preserve many books of writers difficult collection. 那里曾经有着许多文学家隐居,为了躲避当时的战乱,也为了保存文学家们艰难收藏的诸多书籍。 Therefore, had this library. 于是,才有了这个图书馆。 As for the prefix of Saint, represented here once to be sealed by the later empire monarchy. ” 至于圣的前缀,代表这里曾经被之后的帝国君主加封。” Wei Huan also heard the female teacher's explanation. 魏欢也听到了女老师的讲解。 His brow slightly pressed, just he saw in the propaganda book, is not such explanation. 他眉头微蹙,刚刚他在宣传册子上看到的,可不是这样的解释。 He takes up the book in hand, reads library name that page. 他重新拿起手里的册子,翻看图书馆名字的那一页。 On pure white paper surface, clear printing an all various professions small character. 洁白的纸面上,清晰的印刷着一行行小字。 ‚The name of Saint Hladii Library, came from once an award of monarchy, village given name that and library was once.’ ‘圣赫拉蒂芙图书馆之名,源自于曾经一位君主的封赐,以及图书馆曾经所在的村庄本名。’ Un??!” Wei Huan footsteps, both eyes open slightly. “嗯??!”魏欢脚步一顿,双目微微睁大。 The page that he just looked , before a moment ago a half minute, is not such writing. 他刚刚才看的这一页,刚才半分钟前,还不是这样的文字。 But now ....! 可现在....! Wei Huanxin imposing, stands in rapidly same place, reads the book in hand fast. 魏欢心头凛然,迅速站在原地,快速翻看起手里的册子。 Whatever but he leafs through the entire handbook, could not find any god the relevant record about record. 可是任凭他翻遍整个手册,都找不到任何关于记录之神的相关记录。 How can ....? I just saw obviously .... “怎么会....?我刚刚明明看到了....” Wei Huan eyes even more open. 魏欢双眼越发睁大。 If he is only an average person, the memory presents the confusion is very perhaps normal. 他如果只是个普通人,记忆力出现混淆或许很正常。 But he is not an average man, but is the machine armor master. 但他并非常人,而是机甲师。 Moreover obtained entire group star highest intelligence title one of the 12 people. 而且还是获得了整个群星最高智力称号的十二人之一。 Deduces the strength or the memory, is the space imagination, he without a doubt is strongest. 无论是推演力还是记忆力,还是空间想象力等,他毫无疑问都是最强的。 But now, he has the phenomenon that the memory confuses unexpectedly!? 可现在,他居然出现记忆混淆的现象!? No .... Is impossible! I had not just misread obviously, the name of this library, should come from the god of record... the god of record... wait/etc., who is it?” “不....不可能!我刚刚明明没有看错,这个图书馆的名字,应该来自于记录之神...记录之神...等等,它是谁?” Suddenly Wei Huan discovered with amazement, oneself is fading from the memory unexpectedly rapidly the given name of god of this record. 忽然魏欢骇然发现,自己居然正在飞速的淡忘这个记录之神的名讳。 This situation, is simply inconceivable. 这种情况,简直不可思议。 Also is his type to own sensation and memory, the control very fine person, can notice this. 也就是他这种对自身感知和记忆力,掌控非常精细的人,才能注意到这点。 Quick was a half minute passes. 很快又是半分钟过去了。 Wei Huan discovered who oneself have recorded god of the unclear record thoroughly is. 魏欢发现自己已经彻底记不清记录之神是谁了。 Moreover he starts to suspect gradually, these writing that oneself just saw, perhaps was the vertigo misreads. 而且他渐渐开始怀疑,自己刚刚看到的那些文字,或许是自己眼花看错了。 This does not close one's eyes to ..... Wei Huan, carefully observes own sensation, realized whether own consciousness was disturbed. “这不对.....”魏欢闭上眼,仔细观察自己的感知,体会自己的意识是否受到干扰。 But does not help matters. 但无济于事。 He has not received any disturbance. 他没有受到任何干扰。 Certainly has anything, is happening .... Wei Huan has such premonition. “一定有什么东西,在发生....”魏欢有这样的预感。 He has been tracking down to continue forever the meeting, tries to revenge. 他一直在追寻永续会,试图报仇。 But continues forever most to excel is the assassination sneak attacks. 而永续会最擅长的便是暗杀偷袭。 Therefore this also causes Wei Huan to be at the alert posture anytime and anywhere. 所以这也导致魏欢随时随地都处于警戒状态。 Although recently, spread continues forever the meeting president to fall from the sky, replaced the rookie high-rank the news. 尽管最近,传出永续会会长陨落,更换新人上位的消息。 But Wei Huan not fluctuates. 但魏欢对此并无波动。 He only wants to find initially the murderer/culprit who killed the father. 他只想找到当初杀死自己父亲的真凶。 Because of be at vigilant condition momentarily, therefore he can detect the temporary change of own thought cognition. 正因为处于随时的警惕状态,所以他才能发觉自己思维认知的短暂变化。 This is .... Intuition told him, had what extremely serious and important matter, is happening. “这到底是....”直觉告诉他,有什么极其严重和重要的事,正在发生。 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... Capricorn, east star cluster, on several hundred housing stars, in innumerable temple colony construction. 摩羯座,东部星群,其中数百颗居住星球上,无数的神庙集群建筑中。 About god of Hladii record all record murals, start to desalinate slowly, fuzzy. 关于记录之神赫拉蒂芙的一切记录壁画,都开始缓缓淡化,模糊。 As if has some invisible strength, at the same time affected these all record murals. 似乎有某种无形的力量,在同一时间影响了这些所有的记录壁画。 But what is strange, notices this person to be few. 但诡异的是,注意到这点的人非常非常少。 Many people look obviously helplessly the mural blurs changes, probably anything has not actually discovered to be the same. Selfish appreciation picture as before. 很多人明明眼睁睁的看着壁画模糊变化,却像是什么也没发现一样。自顾自的依旧欣赏画面。 But not everyone has not paid attention. 但并非所有人都没有注意。 Capricorn has nowadays the group star biggest real research institute- blue hole research institute. 摩羯座存在着现如今群星最大的真实研究所-蓝洞研究所。 At this time in research institute. 此时研究所内。 Full beard old people of some bald people, are grasping the ancient book of god of record, knits the brows glances through carefully. 一个有些秃顶的大胡子老人,正手持记录之神的典籍,皱眉仔细翻阅。 The handwriting on ancient book, is rapid in the naked eye obvious speed, desalinates, turns into the blank. 典籍上的字迹,正在肉眼可见的速度迅速模糊,淡化,变成空白。 Bell. It seems like you also discovered.” Right the old person broadcasts a fuzzy low and deep sound. “贝尔。看来你也发现了。”老人右侧传来一个模糊低沉的声音。 Quick red robe person's shadow flashes before baseless, falls on the vacancy. 很快一道红袍人影凭空闪现而出,落在空处。 Coming the person is a middle-aged woman of aquiline nose brown long hair. 来人是一名鹰钩鼻棕色长发的中年女性。 In the group star present atmosphere, the female will modulate the facial features for oneself generally, making oneself attractively more perfect. 在群星如今的风气中,女性一般都会为自己调制面容,让自身更漂亮更完美。 But at present this red robe female is actually a different number. Her whole piece face has no has modulated the trace. 但眼前这个红袍女子却是个异数。她整张面孔没有任何调制过的痕迹。 Is unattractive, is not ugly, merely is only ordinary and ordinary. 不漂亮,也不丑,仅仅只是平凡和普通。 Leica. You came .... “西莱卡。你来了....” The baldheaded full beard old head/number of people named Bell does not lift, in the vision stares to begin as before stubbornly the manual. 名叫贝尔的秃顶大胡子老人头也不抬,目光依旧死死盯着手里的教本。 Before 1300 the record is exactly the same. Now the same matter happens.” Bell low and deep say/way. “和一千三百年前发生的记录一模一样。现在同样的事又发生了。”贝尔低沉道。 This time is the god of record.” Red robe female Hille freeze point said that facial features with deep veneration. “这次是记录之神。”红袍女子西莱卡点头道,面容肃然。 He is falling from the sky slowly. We must investigate had anything clearly.” “他正在慢慢陨落。我们必须调查清楚发生了什么。” Bell nods had not answered that affirms her suggestion. 贝尔点头却没有回话肯定她的建议。 As the crystallization sect the helmsman of present age, Bell has own full consideration now. 作为结晶教派如今当代的掌舵人,贝尔有着自己的全盘考虑。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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