MI :: Volume #4

#395: Mighty current one

In dark jet black space city master control hall. 幽暗漆黑的空间城主控厅内。 On the wall the velocitron in broken bits glitters slowly, just like the stars. 墙上细碎的电子灯缓缓闪烁,宛如星辰。 Andes calmly stands in same place, around his body is lingering three transparent distortion fields of force. 安第斯静静站在原地,他身体周围萦绕着三道透明的扭曲力场。 Three fields of force like the ellipses of three sol molds, fix him in center stubbornly. 三道力场如同三层胶质塑造的椭圆形,死死将他固定在正中。 Fixed elliptic space only has several meters diameter, but the spatial warping, the time was changed rapidly, sometimes quickly sometimes slow. 被固定的椭圆空间只有数米直径,但其中空间扭曲,时间被急速变化,时快时慢。 The intense disturbance in this space and time, is not the forms of defensive action of assigning. 这种时空上的强烈干扰,并不是指定的攻击方式。 But merely is only the Yuan god sensations of three real demons, makes a move to suppress to continue forever association president Andes together, produced phenomenon. 而仅仅只是三位真魔的元神感知,一起出手压制住永续会长安第斯,产生的异象。 The resistance between sensation and sensation, naturally caused the twist deformation of space and time. 感知与感知之间的对抗,自然导致了时空的扭曲变形。 Never expected that you can pursue to come ..... the Andes complexion unexpectedly to be quiet to here. “没想到你们居然能追到这里来.....”安第斯面色平静下来。 But if your strengths, only then these, that .... “但如果你们的实力,只有这些,那么....” . 咔嚓。 Suddenly his complexion, is on the rise suddenly. 忽然他面色一顿,猛然抬起头。 In the midair in master control hall, is reappearing at this time slowly an incomparably complex complicated blood red strategy. 在主控厅的半空中,此时正缓缓浮现出一个无比复杂繁复的血红阵法。 The strategy center, is black red light screen of fuzzy distortion. 阵法中心,是一片模糊扭曲的黑红光幕。 In the light screen the main story dispatches a faint trace to let the fluctuation of his incomparable palpitation. 光幕中正传递出一丝丝让他无比心悸的波动。 Welcomed sovereign!” “恭迎宗主!” Wang Yiyang first making noise, lowers the head to salute toward the light screen. 王一洋第一个出声,朝着光幕低头行礼。 Welcomed sovereign!” “恭迎宗主!” The resentful shadow demon and Harajuku of other both sides sink, also lowers the head , indicating the respect, sent regards with one voice. 其余两侧的怨影魔和原宿沉,也同时低头,表示尊敬,齐声问候。 Andes does not feel wonderfully, the body desalinates rapidly vanishes. 安第斯感觉不妙,身体急速淡化消失。 In 1/1000000 seconds must escape into the real world to be far away instantaneously. 在百万分之一秒的瞬间就要遁入真实世界远离。 But pitifully .... 但可惜.... Suddenly, law on his top of the head expands loudly, penetrates all around wall, penetrates the entire space city, across the surrounding big piece star, star territory. 瞬息间,他头顶上的法阵轰然扩张,穿透四周墙壁,穿透整个空间城,穿过周围大片星球,星域。 !! 唰!! A huge white shadow falls from giant law loudly. 一道巨大白影从巨大法阵中轰然落下。 That is a hand! 那是一只手! A giant pale corrupt arm. 一只巨大惨白的腐败手臂。 Entire space city Aierfala, was passing and out large number of ships, the mass level just like the star. 整个空间城艾尔法拉,原本进进出出着大量舰船,体量级犹如星球。 At this time actually by huge law complete coverage. 此时却被巨大法阵完全覆盖。 Huge arm size unexpectedly just like star, loudly whereabouts instance. 庞大的手臂大小竟然宛如恒星,轰然下落的瞬间。 The entire space city even had anything unclear, then like a dexterous paper model, was gripped gently. 整个空间城甚至连发生了什么也不明白,便如同一个轻巧的纸质模型,轻轻被握住。 The pale arm grasps gently, the entire space city is located in its palm, then pinches tightly, the extrusion, grasps. 惨白手臂轻轻一抓,整个空间城位于它掌心,然后捏紧,挤压,一握。 The entire movement process exists in the top powerhouse merely can the ultra amazingly quick condition of sensation. 整个动作过程仅仅存在于顶尖强者才能感知的超神速状态。 The time did not have the significance. 时间没有了意义。 Under the distortion of enormous force, the surrounding space and time is stagnates completely chaotic. 在巨大力量的扭曲下,周围的时空完全是混乱凝滞的。 Even part of space and times also presented the time of small range to flow backwards. 甚至一部分时空还出现了小范围的时间倒流。 The ray, the material, the space, all, were locked in this region. 光线,物质,空间,一切的一切,都被锁定在这一片区域。 It is not able to flee. Irresistibly. It is not able to reverse! 无法逃离。无法抵抗。无法逆转! All as if have been doomed. 一切仿佛早已注定。 Huge star level space city Aierfala, on the doodle just like white paper, was rubbed by the rubber gently, then vanishes does not see. 庞大的星球级空间城艾尔法拉,宛如白纸上的涂鸦,被橡皮轻轻一擦,便消失不见。 The giant pale arm continued for several seconds, slowly desalination, dissipation. 巨大惨白手臂持续了数秒,才缓缓淡化,消散。 In flash of dissipation. 就在消散的一瞬间。 All flow. 一切重新流动起来。 Time, space, material, energy. 时间,空间,物质,能量。 Broken human form that as well as most center, only saves together. 以及最中心处,一道仅存的残破人形。 Andes whole body everywhere just like black vortex cavity. 安第斯全身上下到处是宛如黑色漩涡般的空洞。 His face only has an eye and opens mouth. 他面部只剩下一只眼睛和一张嘴。 At this time he is looking at the distant place starry sky, as if opened the mouth to say anything. 此时他望着远处星空,似乎开口想要说什么。 But is useless. 但已经没用了。 The body that he only remains starts to shine, distortion, just like mud of boiling. 他仅剩的身体开始发光,扭曲,宛如沸腾的泥浆。 Bang!!!! 轰!!!! In an instant, the Andes whole body smashing breaks up, changes into the innumerable black light balls. 刹那间,安第斯全身粉碎崩解,化为无数黑色光球。 Each light ball collapses again, blasts out, changes into the bunch of black huge vortex. 每一个光球再度崩溃,炸开,化为一团团黑色巨大漩涡。 The vortex attempts the repolymerization, restores the human form, but continued less than merely for several seconds, then blasted out again. 漩涡试图再度聚合起来,恢复人形,但仅仅持续了不到数秒,便再一次炸开。 This time is final struggling. 这一次是最后的挣扎。 All vortex explode thoroughly, just like innumerable bright golden fireworks. 所有漩涡彻底爆炸,宛如无数灿烂的金色烟花。 The huge golden ray covered the surrounding dozens galaxies instantaneously. 巨大的金色光芒瞬间覆盖了周围数十个恒星系。 When the terrifying energy storm releases to be equivalent to several hundred supernova explosions rays. 恐怖的能量风暴释放出相当于数百个超新星爆炸时的光芒。 These radiant golden rays, look from afar, like a giant dandelion. 这些璀璨的金色光芒,远远望去,如同一个巨大蒲公英。 The ray by the way that the space jumps, off and on, shuttles back and forth the innumerable distances. 其光芒以空间跳跃的方式,断断续续,穿梭无数距离。 Spans space macrozonality that the light is unable to span. 跨越了光也无法跨越的空间广域。 Explosion golden dandelion surrounding. 爆炸的金色蒲公英外围。 Three black robe person's shadows jump suddenly, appear in the universe outer space. 三道黑袍人影骤然跳跃,出现在宇宙太空中。 Calmly is looking at front the beautiful brutal scene. 静静望着面前美丽的残酷景象。 Starting today , to continue forever to become the history.” Wang Yiyang is gazing at the huge golden ray tranquilly. “从今日起,永续会成为历史。”王一洋平静注视着巨大金色光芒。 Original continues forever the meeting member, merges to succumb to the heart all.” “原有永续会成员,尽数并入沉湎之心。” Understood.” Harajuku sinking low and deep response. “明白。”原宿沉低沉回应。 The resentful shadow demon in the one side vision twinkle, has not made noise. 怨影魔在一旁眼光闪烁,没有出声。 He of human form looks like the mummy, the whole body is binding the black big piece bandage, only reveals a blood red eye. 人形的他就像是木乃伊般,全身裹着黑色的大片绷带,只露出一双血红眼睛。 Continues forever from begin to crown prince Wang Yiyang, to was counter-attacked, until now destruction. 永续会从对太子王一洋动手,到被反击,到如今覆灭。 Also is for half a month. 前后也就是半个月。 Crown prince Wang Yiyang in half a month, rapidly with the way that they are unable to understand, controlled continued forever a lot of high levels. 太子王一洋在半个月里,迅速用他们无法理解的方式,控制了永续会大量中高层。 Every so often, so long as his look, continuing forever that these average men are unable to catch can high-level, does not have the little darling of strength of resistance to lose the intelligence, degenerates into the puppet. 很多时候,只要他一个眼神,这些常人根本无法捕捉的永续会高层,就毫无反抗之力的乖乖丧失神智,沦为傀儡。 Even if can jump to enter real world's high level unceasingly, is unable to flee, similarly has this Ability Wang Yiyang to capture. 就算是能不断跳跃进入真实世界的高层,也无法逃离,同样具备这能力王一洋追捕。 Short for half a month, Wang Yiyang then held concealed wirings of continuing forever, direct impact its headquarters. 短短半个月,王一洋便抓住了永续的一条条暗线,直冲其总部。 Then applied sovereign to act, the layout got down this encircled kills the ambush. 然后申请宗主出手,布局下了这场围杀埋伏。 But the result is also perfect. 而结局也非常完美。 Walks.” Wang Yiyang no longer looked, turns around to desalinate slowly, vanishes. “走吧。”王一洋不再多看,转身缓缓淡化,消失。 Harajuku sinks with the resentful shadow demon looks at each other one, has not made noise. 原宿沉和怨影魔对视一眼,都没有出声。 From that moment on, the attitude to Wang Yiyang, horizontally view from beforehand attaching great importance, rose quietly again first-level. 只是从这一刻起,他们对王一洋的态度,从之前的重视平视,悄然再升了一级。 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Centaur star. 半人马星。 In a broad silver science and technology hall. 一座宽阔的银色科技大厅内。 The facial features were fuzzy, wore the group star congressman of white clothing to Sagittarius say anything, 面容模糊,身披白衣的群星议员正在对人马座的诸位说些什么, Suddenly he acts, raises eyes to look, the line of sight as if penetrates the numerous construction roofs, looks to the remote galaxy. 忽然他动作一顿,举目望去,视线仿佛透过重重建筑屋顶,看向遥远星河。 Your excellency?” Sagittarius congressman who under is listening to the speech reminded in a soft voice. “阁下?”下方正在听取讲话的人马座议员轻声提醒。 All right.” The group star congressman is silent. Has huge is evil is arriving, .... Perhaps I come am not the time.” “没事。”群星议员沉默下来。“有庞大的邪恶正在降临,诸位....或许我来得不是时候。” Looks at the sky quickly!! Taurus direction!!” Suddenly some people called loudly. “快看天空!!金牛座方向!!”忽然有人高声叫到。 Hall several thousand people of hears word, is on the rise, the big piece sensation penetrates the construction roof in abundance, concentrates to the Taurus direction. 大厅数千人闻言,纷纷抬头,大片感知纷纷穿透建筑屋顶,投注向金牛座方向。 In there profound starry sky, when does not know, is blooming a golden dandelion light ball. 那里深邃的星空中,不知道什么时候,正绽放着一朵金色蒲公英光球。 That group star congressman who comes Sagittarius to visit, at this time is looking out the dandelion, did not say a word, as if fell into some recollection. 那位前来人马座访问的群星议员,此时遥望着蒲公英,一言不发,似乎陷入了某种回忆。 Some many years ..... trial level falls from the sky .... “有多少年了.....审判级的陨落....” ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... The bow of hunting. 狩猎之弓。 The clear corpuscle and child is going boating to play from morning until evening, a person plays a qin, a person plays the flute. 清微子和朝夕子正泛舟游玩,一人抚琴,一人吹笛。 The music in the misty mist, reverberates to scatter in the lake. 乐声在蒙蒙雾气中,于湖泊上回荡飘散。 Suddenly from morning until evening in the child hand flute, puts down gently, begins to look supinely to the sky. 忽然朝夕子手中长笛一顿,轻轻放下,仰起头望向天空。 What's wrong?” The clear corpuscle doubts stop the string, looks to the companion. “怎么?”清微子疑惑地停下琴弦,看向道侣。 Had the serious matter to happen .... From morning until evening the child relaxed facial features, got up slowly with deep veneration. “有不得了的事发生了....”朝夕子原本轻松的面容,缓缓肃然起来。 You said ....?” “你是说....?” The clear corpuscle as if also detected that was not right, looks up to the Taurus direction. 清微子似乎也察觉到了一丝不对,抬起头看向金牛座方向。 That is .... “那是....” That was the real immortal apex level powerhouse falls from the sky .... “那是真仙顶点层面的强者陨落了....” From morning until evening in the child tone is passing at a loss, awe, with faint trace to future worry. 朝夕子语气中透着茫然,敬畏,和丝丝对未来的担忧。 The real immortal does not extinguish eternally, permanent invariable, strength exceedingly high penetrating place, among strong outstanding people. 真仙万古不灭,恒久不变,实力通天彻地,强绝人间。 But now, the powerhouse of real immortal apex also falls from the sky unexpectedly continually. 可现在,居然连真仙顶点的强者也陨落了。 That and other powerhouses are unable to preserve itself, then below their these immortal say/way the person, how works as from the place ..... 那等强者都无法保存自身,那么他们这些仙道以下之人,又当如何自处..... Way of the world, was chaotic.” From morning until evening the child puts down the bamboo flute, lifts the hand gently, pinches to begin definitely toward the sect gate communication. “世道,要乱了。”朝夕子放下笛子,轻轻抬手,捏动手决朝宗门通讯。 .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Moral immortal sect domain. 道德仙宗界域。 In some celestial mountain secret cave mansion. 某座仙山隐秘洞府中。 Sits cross-legged to the permanent child is jet black void, the surroundings surround the innumerable white purple air current. 冲恒子盘坐于漆黑虚空之中,周围环绕无数白色紫色气流。 In continuing forever the association president falls from the sky. 就在永续会长陨落之时。 His both eyes open suddenly, the whole body aura disorder fluctuated flickered. 他双目猛然睁开,浑身气息紊乱波动了一瞬。 He induced himself to keep the crowd of star universes examination Buddhist musical instrument, some people transmitted the news from that side. 他感应到了自己留在群星宇宙的检测法器,有人从那边传来讯息。 „Is this beginning of tumultuous times said Yang?” “这就是均阳所言的乱世之始?” The powerhouse of real immortal level, said that falls from the sky falls from the sky. 真仙层次的强者,说陨落就陨落。 Even if better than his time level, still the feeling shocks extremely. 就算强如他此时的层次,也感觉极其震撼。 Thinks no threat the group star universe, the hazard classification also promoted at this time in his eyes first-level. 原本以为没什么威胁的群星宇宙,此时危险等级也在他眼里提升了一级。 Ten thousand Yeshan. 万叶山。 Melts white calmly to stand in the crowns, the forehand playing black white plays chess alone. 融皓子静静站立于树冠之间,正手执黑白子独自对弈。 Suddenly the aquamarine bird shoots together rapidly from the distant place, falls on his shoulder. 忽然一道碧绿色飞鸟从远处急速射来,落在他肩上。 On the bird departs an invisible news, drills into his ear. 紧接着飞鸟身上飞出一道无形讯息,钻入他耳中。 Melts movement in white child hand, cannot continue again. 融皓子手里的动作一顿,没再能继续下去。 Continues forever to change .... The trial level falls from the sky .... Really great writer...” “永续会大变....审判级陨落....真是大手笔...” He in the midair, long time, actually a board game piece cannot fall. 他顿在半空,良久,却一颗棋子也没能落下。 Melts white child sigh one, diverges the checkerboard and board game piece in hand, sets out to vanish in the woods. 融皓子叹息一声,散去手里的棋盘和棋子,起身消失在树林中。 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... Succumbs to the star. 沉湎之星。 Looks quickly, what is that?” “快看,那是什么?” In the city, several playing children, raise head to look suddenly to the sky. 城市里,几个正在玩耍的小孩子,忽然仰头看向天空。 In the nighttime sky, one group of golden rays shine slowly, forms a bright golden dandelion. 夜空中,一团金色光芒缓缓亮起,形成一朵灿烂的金色蒲公英。 Quite beautiful!” “好美啊!” Space blossomed!!” “天上开花了!!” The children yelled, probably saw any unusual phenomenon, hurried to look for the surrounding Sir. 小孩子们纷纷大叫起来,像是看到什么稀奇现象,赶紧去找周围的大人。 The Sirs in city night scene, discovered dandelion that this blooms slowly. 城市夜景中的大人们,也发现了这朵缓缓绽放的蒲公英。 No one spoke. Many people hold up the cell phone to the photograph video recording. 没有人说话。很多人纷纷举起手机对着拍照录像。 Before a supermarket gate . 一家超市门前。 Wang Yue raises head to look at the nighttime sky, the facial features are amazed and dignified. 王越仰头望着夜空,面容惊诧而凝重。 Side him, in Huilin hand is taking the shopping bag, the sweet and delicate voice was saying goes back to eat what night and so on words. 在他身旁,慧琳手里提着购物袋,正娇声说着回去吃什么宵夜之类的话。 Two people big strong, charming slender, the complementing contrasts, attracts the eyeball very much. 两人一个高大强壮,一个娇媚窈窕,映衬对比起来,很是吸睛。 What's wrong? What is looking at?” Huilin suddenly discovered that the Elder Brother raises head to look at the sky. “怎么了?在看什么?”慧琳忽然发现哥哥仰头望着天空。 She also follows to look up to the nighttime sky. 她也跟着抬头看向夜空。 Immediately she also saw golden dandelion that blooms slowly. 顿时她也看到了那朵缓缓绽放的金色蒲公英。 „, Is quite beautiful!” “哇,好美!” No .... That is not beautiful, but is brutal.” Wang Yue tranquil say/way. “不....那不是美,而是残酷。”王越平静道。 What?” “什么?” Walks, goes back to continue to practice the teacher to our machine armor.” Wang Yue low and deep say/way. Achieving lets concept machine armor and entity machine armor as soon as possible fuses a body. Like this our strengths can also increase.” “走吧,回去继续练习老师给我们的机甲。”王越低沉道。“尽快做到让概念机甲和实体机甲融合一体。这样我们的实力也能大增。” Wang Yue said right... you to accelerate .... An old sound resounds in two people ears. “王越说得没错...你们得加速了....”一个苍老的声音在两人耳边响起。 I smelled the tumultuous times aura .... “我闻到了乱世的气息....” txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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