MRRB :: Volume #2 Three years as a Martial Saint and five years as a Martial God

#98: Amn't I villain bā?

Why Mr. Xu will you appear here? Also hangs in such ashamed way in my top of the head?” Doctor Exterminating Nix is pointing at cloud Xu Qiji in sky, loud say/way. “为什么许先生你会出现在这里?还以这么羞耻的方式挂在我头顶?”灭凰医生指着天空中的云彩许奇寂,大声道。 But has not waited for Xu Qiji to reply that her issue, she quick oneself devised conformed to present situation possibility: I understood, are you my heart demon?” 但还不等许奇寂回答她的问题,她又很快自己构想出了一个‘符合现状’的可能性:“我明白了,你是我的心魔吗?” tribulation clouds Xu Qiji: „???” 劫云所化的许奇寂:“???” What, did I how become heart demon? 啥,我怎么就成心魔了? „Before elder sister and Chief Black Belly they entered second big realm, has spoken of similar experience, said when entering second big realm, will have the attack of mental aspect...... not mistakenly, was heart demon I needs to rush to trial ?” Doctor Exterminating Nix self-examines answers, spoke the topic, did not give others the opportunity of aside. “之前姐姐和腹黑队长他们进入第二个大境界时,提起过类似的经历,说在进入第二个大境界时,会有精神方面的攻击……不会错了,心魔就是我需要闯过试炼?”灭凰医生自问自答,将话题都讲完了,不给别人旁白的机会。 tribulation clouds Xu Qiji uses the stuffy thunder -like sound reply: No, in fact I am not heart demon this type of lovable thing. Why will present here, my oneself as for me has not clarified suddenly completely.” 劫云许奇寂用闷雷般的声音回复:“不,事实上我并不是心魔这种可爱的东西。至于我为什么会出现在这里,一时间我自己也没完全弄清楚。” —— he was estimating oneself will become Tribulation to appear, cannot withdraw the responsibility with 《Great Xia System》 most likely, in addition is possibly related with that Defense Layer. ——他估计着自己会成为‘劫’出现,十有八九和《大夏系统》脱不开干系,另外还可能和那防御层有关。 But this is also only his guess, cannot be regarded. 但这也只是他的猜测,算不得准。 Although does not know why I appear here, but I know that I indeed was become your 1 promote 2 tribulations......, therefore, which type of Fated Tribulation Doctor Exterminating Nix were you good at dealing with?” Xu Qiji makes noise the inquiry. “虽然不知道我为什么出现在这里,但我知道我的确是成为了你一晋二的劫……所以,灭凰医生你擅长应付哪一种类型的劫数?”许奇寂出声提问。 Since he became the tribulation, Doctor Exterminating Nix is the oneself person, that naturally must open back door ! 既然他成了劫,灭凰医生又是自己人,那当然要开后门 This promote 2 tribulations have certainly wanted, but the oneself person can definitely is more relaxed...... for example according to her the link that is good at dealing with, arranges Fated Tribulation, lets her smooth transcending tribulation. 这一晋二的劫是肯定要过的,但自己人肯定能过的轻松些……比如按她最擅长应付的环节,来安排劫数,让她顺利渡劫 Comes , said that you excel at anything, I quite give the clearness that you arrange. ,说说你擅长什么,我好给你安排的明明白白。 I am not listening, I will not obey your mouth to escape.” Doctor Exterminating Nix said calmly: You are heart demon, regardless of you want to guide me to make anything, you said that I do not believe.” 我不听,我不会听从你的嘴遁。”灭凰医生冷静道:“你是心魔,无论你想引导我做什么,你说的话,我都不会相信。” Although Doctor Exterminating Nix is the first experience heart demon, but she lives in the time of information explosion, moreover as Awakener she has also looked at Great Xia many Ancient Scripture and Dao Scripture, to prepare emergency requirement. 灭凰医生虽然是第一次经历‘心魔’,但她生活在信息爆炸的时代,而且身为‘觉醒者’她还看过大夏很多古经道经,以备不时之需。 When facing heart demon, most important was not misled by heart demon. 面对‘心魔’时,最重要的就是不被心魔蛊惑。 Whose appearance regardless of heart demon turns into, spoke, other heart movement. Treats calmly, has rushed to Heart Demon Tribulation with the big will! 无论心魔变成谁的样子,说什么话,都别心动。冷静对待,以大毅力闯过心魔劫 She only needs to remind oneself, this is not Mr. Xu, is only trivial heart demon, can treat calmly. 她只需要提醒自己,这个并不是许先生,只是一只区区心魔,就能冷静对待。 In the sky, Xu Qiji does not know whether to laugh or cry: „......” 天空中,许奇寂哭笑不得:“……” You create a scene!! 你无理取闹!! Is one opens the back door to arrange the oneself person relaxed transcending tribulation link obviously, why will turn into this? 明明是一个开后门安排自己人轻松渡劫的环节,为什么会变成这样? Under. 下方。 Doctor Exterminating Nix already exhibits to sit cross-legged to sit the good posture, the beautiful pupil shuts, she will not be sealed up the own mind by stance —— of external object disturbance absolutely. 灭凰医生已经摆出盘膝坐好的姿势,美眸闭起,一副绝对不会受外物干扰的姿态——她封闭了自己的心灵。 as a result, where Xu Qiji wants to chat several with her, chatted inadequately. 如此一来,许奇寂哪想和她闲聊几句,都聊不成。 Regardless in any case Xu Qiji said anything, Doctor Exterminating Nix by I am not listening, I am not listening flow finished. 反正无论许奇寂说什么,灭凰医生都是以‘我不听,我不听’流程结束。 How such words do I want to give the Doctor Exterminating Nix arrangement Fated Tribulation?】 【这样的话我要怎么给灭凰医生安排‘劫数’啊?】 head labor pain. 脑壳阵痛。 Or, arranges the arrangement casually?” Xu Qiji induces the present condition carefully. “要不,就随便安排安排?”许奇寂细细感应自身现在状态。 As Fated Tribulation he, within the body contains 100 units tribulation power. 身为劫数的他,体内蕴含着100个单位的‘劫力’。 Naturally, this part tribulation power does not need to release completely...... basically, facing normal tribulation transcender, so long as releases over 70% tribulation power, following tribulation transcender also lives is going through a strategic pass even. 当然,这部分的‘劫力’并不需要全部释放……基本上,面对正常的渡劫者,只要释放完七成以上的‘劫力’,下面的渡劫者还活着就算过关。 If following tribulation transcender fated, release over 50% tribulation power, can be qualified. 而如果下面的渡劫者有缘的话,释放完五成以上的劫力,也能算合格。 Nowadays, even Heavenly Tribulation must speak the favor...... not to have the favor, in this dangerous world, is really difficult. 这年头,连天劫都要讲人情……没人情,在这个险恶的世界,真是寸步难行。 The mental aspect Tribulation pattern are also many. 精神方面‘劫’花样也不少。 Has direct attack spirit, for example the illusion of direct structure severe pain, making tribulation transcender withstand real illusion pain —— this function in Mental World, Xu Qiji falls in love. 有直接攻击精神型的,比如直接构架剧痛的幻觉,让渡劫者精神世界中承受真实般的幻觉痛苦——这功能,许奇寂一眼就爱上了。 Has indirect guidance, with various seductions or the stomach ache winding sentiments, lets tribulation transcender cultivation deviation. 有间接引导型的,用各种的诱惑或是胃痛曲折的感情,让渡劫者走火入魔 Gentle wallowing...... similarly is structure dreamland, meets the structure to make people unable to extricate oneself, not being able to distinguish clearly the reality is the illusory fond dream, falls into is unable to extricate oneself, finally becomes the vegetable. 还有温柔沉迷型的……同样是构架梦境型,会构架让人无法自拔,分不清现实还是虚幻的美梦,陷入其中无法自拔,最后成为植物人。 【Such a looked, Doctor Exterminating Nix has not really guessed wrong.】 After Xu Qiji sees these Fated Tribulation pattern, felt oneself now also is really heart demon is not good. 【这么一看,灭凰医生还真没有猜错啊。】许奇寂看到这些‘劫数’模式后,感觉自己现在还真是心魔的不行。 With the official heart demon only difference is, he is kind-hearted. 和正式心魔唯一的区别是,他是善良的。 Gentle wallowing first removes...... the red light district is fatal, moreover is extremely real, making one really unable to distinguish clearly illusory, if turns into the vegetable, Exterminating Phoe that small havenot can only go all out with me.” “温柔沉迷型的先排除……温柔乡最是致命,而且太过真实,让人分不清真实还是虚幻,万一变成植物人,灭凤那小只还不得和我拼命。” Distortion stomach ache cultivation deviation, is not very suitable, if my oneself presents in Doctor Exterminating Nix that distortion stomach ache in sentimental story, becomes a villain, snatches the Huamei's words with her, is very bad?” “扭曲胃痛的走火入魔式,也不是很适合,万一我自己出现在灭凰医生那‘扭曲胃痛’的感情故事中,成为一个反派,和她一起抢画眉的话,岂不是很糟糕?” Therefore selection scheme , on the pain of direct illusion...... this is also the type of best control.” Xu Qiji sets firm resolve. “所以还是选择方案一,直接上幻觉的痛苦……这也是最好控制的类型。”许奇寂下定决心。 Other two plans, controlling the first plan are not simple. Only if after he skilled, can begin tries. 其他两个方案,控制起来没第一个方案简单。除非等他熟练了后,才可以上手试试。 „Before making a move, first reminded Exterminating Nix, making her have a psychology to prepare.” Xu Qiji thinks of here, tribulation clouds big face starts to exclaim: Doctor Exterminating Nix, prepared...... a while illusion pain soon to approach. I will minimize as far as possible pain, you are ready.” “出手前,先提醒一下灭凰,让她有个心理准备。”许奇寂想到这里,劫云大脸开始吼道:“灭凰医生,准备好了……一会儿幻觉痛苦即将来临。我会尽量将痛苦度降到最低,你做好准备。” Closes eyes the Doctor Exterminating Nix ear in meditation to move, but casts down one's eyes immediately, the nose view heart, perseveres spiritual platform pure brightness. 闭目冥想中的灭凰医生耳朵一动,但马上又眼观鼻、鼻观心,坚守灵台清明。 Buzz ~ next quarter, she felt that has some type strength to descend from Xu Qiji big face in sky. 嗡~下一刻,她感觉到有某种‘力量’从天空中的许奇寂大脸上降落。 Afterward her body seemed elongated and drawn the width, finally changed into a greatsword shape. Fierce painful function in her soul. 随后她的身体仿佛被拉长、拉宽,最终化为了一柄‘大剑’的形态。紧接着,剧烈的痛苦作用在她灵魂上。 That body seemed made a severe pain of hole forcefully, made her cold sweat like the rain. This pain, already reaches the limit that normal human withstands. 那种身体仿佛被硬生生打出一个孔的剧痛,令她冷汗如雨。这种痛苦,已经达到正常人类承受的极限。 But pain that she bears, actually after Xu Qiji weaken. 但她所承受的痛苦,其实还是经过许奇寂削弱的。 Moreover, after the drilling slot quantity not many...... she only experienced 12 holes, this Fated Tribulation achieves even. 而且,打孔数量也不多……她只经历了12个孔后,这场劫数就算达成。 To had just experienced 900 a short time ago, but also increases the painful value Xu Qiji...... the 12 pain after weaken, should be not too painful is right. 对前不久刚经历过900孔,还加大痛苦值的许奇寂来说……削弱后的12孔痛苦,应该不算太痛才对。 Margin for safety that belonging to Doctor Exterminating Nix can withstand. 属于灭凰医生能承受的安全范围。 Will not have the cultivation deviation danger , the stupor will not cause transcending tribulation to be defeated in the past. 不会有走火入魔的危险,也不会昏迷过去导致渡劫失败。 Became, congratulates you, is successfully promoted for 2nd realm Awakener ~ the tribulation clouds Xu Qiji congratulation said. “成了,恭喜你,成功晋级为第二境界觉醒者~”劫云许奇寂祝贺道。 I will not give up vigilantly...... has what method to come although.” Under, pain to Doctor Exterminating Nix actually unyielding ruthless of looking deathly pale. “我不会放弃警惕的……有什么手段尽管来。”下方,痛到脸色惨白的灭凰医生却硬气的狠。 Sees this unyielding appearance, under making one unable to bear want to bully her. 看到她这硬气的模样,让人忍不住想欺侮下她。 Xu Qiji almost cannot bear other 50 tribulation power offer a sacrifice to completely, pounds her body —— this is he at this time as Fated Tribulation one instinct. 许奇寂差点忍不住将余下的‘50份劫力’全部祭出,一口气砸她身上——这是他此时身为‘劫数’的一种本能。 Is good because of he controlled Fated Tribulation sanely the impulsion. 好在他理智控制了‘劫数’的冲动。 Xu Qiji finished Doctor Exterminating Nix Fated Tribulation decisively, puts her spiritual return. 许奇寂果断结束了灭凰医生劫数,放她的精神回归。 As Doctor Exterminating Nix is successfully promoted, Mental World contraction. 随着灭凰医生成功晋级,精神世界收缩。 Finally, contracts the limit Mental World, changes into grain of starlight, as Xu Qiji's consciousness one and returns to his main body. 最终,收缩到极限的精神世界,化为一粒星光,随着许奇寂的意识一并回归到了他本体中。 This grain of starlight, along the liquified qi circulation of Xu Qiji within the body, entered dantian. 这一粒的星光,一路沿着许奇寂体内的液化气流转,进入到了‘丹田’中。 Finally, it like ordinary around the planet that the star revolves, starts to revolve the vortex of Xu Qiji within the body to rotate. 最终,它如同围绕着恒星运转的行星一般,开始围绕着许奇寂体内的漩涡转动起来。 Xu Qiji: „......” 许奇寂:“……” This what's the matter? 这又是怎么回事? He is inducing this grain of starlight carefully, above also has Doctor Exterminating Nix faintly remains the spirit power aura. 他细细感应着这粒星光,其上隐隐还有着灭凰医生的残留精神力气息。 „Amn't I villain ?” Xu Qiji looking pensive. “我不会是反派?”许奇寂若有所思。
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