MRRB :: Volume #2 Three years as a Martial Saint and five years as a Martial God

#95: Infiltrates the enemy internal deep place

This Qi Yishan doppleganger, although is 713 appearances, even uses is also......, but intrinsic actually by Xu Qiji's greatsword rune ability and spirit power that structure 713 hair manifest come out comes out, therefore to a certain extent, can be the Xu Qiji's half incarnation. 这个齐伊珊号的分身,虽然是713的外貌,甚至用的也是713的头发显化出来的……但内在却是以许奇寂的大剑符文能力精神力构架出来,所以在某种程度上来说,也可以算是许奇寂的半个化身。 To be honest, Xu Qiji oneself already forgot this doppleganger exist(ence). Puts in order this doppleganger, to let her attracts pursuit, quite enables the Qi Yishan main body to escape smoothly. 说实话,许奇寂自己已经忘记了这个分身存在。整出这个分身,就是为了让她吸引走追击者,好让齐伊珊的本体能顺利逃脱。 Later, the Qi Yishan safe and secure, the Xu Qiji's consciousness returned to...... this pitiful doppleganger to forget. 之后,齐伊珊平安,许奇寂的意识回归……这个可怜的分身号就被遗忘了。 Really brutal. 实在无情。 In fact, doppleganger has not worried. On the contrary, now she is very happy. Although tied up on the autopsy table, appearance that immediately must be dissected, but she has actually been suppressing the exciting mood. 事实上,分身号并没有烦恼。相反,现在她很开心。虽然被绑在解剖台上,马上就要被解剖的样子,但她其实一直在强忍着兴奋情绪。 She when makes the own body leave that quick collapse dissipation —— diligently to is make this crowd of Intruder achieve excitedly. 她在努力让自己的身体别那么快崩溃消散——为了就是让这群入侵者达到最兴奋的时候。 She must prepare to dissect own that flash in them, in them felt that must succeed and to contact the oneself secret that moment, makes the body collapse to dissipate again suddenly, making their happiness turn completely loses. 她要在它们准备解剖自己的那一刹那,在它们感觉要成功、要接触到自己秘密的那一刻,再让身体突然崩溃消散,让它们的开心全部变成失落。 Crawling high, falls painful. 爬的有多高,摔得就有多痛。 She has been waiting for the time, the time of shortly anticipating will soon approach, finally suddenly the laboratory exploded! 她一直在等待着时机,眼看着期待的时机即将来临,结果突然实验室就炸了! The laboratory in that flash of exploding, the Qi Yishan doppleganger whole person was ignorant...... then, a fierce sense of being lost and lonely, wells up her heart. 实验室在炸的那一瞬间,齐伊珊分身号整个人都懵了……然后,一种剧烈的失落感,涌上她心头。 This is not she script that wants to see. 这不是她想要看到的剧本。 Bang rumble ~ thunder and lightning and flame like having spirituality are jumping in void. 轰隆隆隆~雷电和火焰如同有灵性般在虚空中跳跃着。 This is Heavenly Tribulation. 这是天劫 doppleganger is also identified as that Xu Qiji part of this individual...... will also share part of tribulation power of similarly. Therefore, the strength of tribulation ferments to take shape in 713's World. 分身也被确认为是‘许奇寂’这个个体的一部分……同样也会分担一部分的劫力。于是,劫的力量在713的世界酝酿成型。 The instance that the Thunder Fire explosion produces, six elite scientific researchers of lacking the strength to truss up a chicken bear the brunt. Because they are standing, but Qi Yishan doppleganger is lying down, they are quite high, attracts the thunder compared with doppleganger. 雷火爆炸产生的瞬间,手无缚鸡之力的六个精锐科研人员首当其冲。因为它们是站着的,而齐伊珊分身号是躺着的,它们比较高,比分身吸雷。 Facing the Thunder Fire positive/direct knocking, six scientific research members change into the hard coke directly! 面对雷火的正面爆击,六个科研成员直接就化为焦炭! Outside the laboratory, was away from the thick transparent wall Intruder to see this scene, the pupil stares in a big way, mouth big actually as if forgot the breath. 实验室外,隔着厚厚透明墙壁的入侵者们看到这一幕,瞳孔都瞪大了,嘴巴大张却仿佛忘记了呼吸。 In six scientific research members of death, two were the level of Intruder national treasure level, in another four had three is next to national treasure Level 1 protects rank, one was the Level 2 protection level. 死亡的六个科研成员中,有两位是入侵者国宝级的级在,另外四位中有三位是仅次于国宝的一级保护级别,一位是二级保护级。 Because the first time is discovered that this world has to injure to ability of their ethnic group, therefore caused the curiosity of two national treasure level researchers, they want to take a look at this woman body to have what secret, can harm them. 因为是第一次发现这个世界拥有伤害到他们族群的能力,所以引起了两位国宝级研究者的好奇,它们想看看这个女人身上到底有什么秘密,能害到它们。 The curiosity guides the vital factor that the intelligent lifeform unceasingly is progressing...... is also kills the intelligent life the fatal factor. 好奇心是引导着智慧生物不断进步的重大因素……同时也是害死智慧生命的致命因素。 Because is not the fight member, these scientific research member bodies are not powerful, when facing the Thunder Fire Tribulation strength dies special is simple, is not loathsome. 由于不是战斗成员,这些科研成员身体并不强大,面对雷火劫力时死的特别干脆,丝毫不拖泥带水。 Because of too weak the reason, after they vanish, even Energy Stone does not have drop. 因为太弱了的原因,它们消失后,甚至连‘能源石’都没有爆出 To Xu Qiji, these scientific research members, not harvested value. 许奇寂而言,这些科研成员,没有被收割的价值。 The protector in laboratory also opens immediately, disappears the poison mist air/Qi and freezing mist, to have does not know that the function the black fog spouts completely, spurts to Thunder Fire. 实验室内的保险装置也在第一时间开启,消毒雾气、冷冻雾气、还有不知作用的黑雾全部喷出,喷向雷火 However these protectors facing Thunder Fire, have little effect the —— Thunder Fire widespread destruction laboratory, finally throws toward Qi Yishan number doppleganger. 但是这些保险装置面对雷火,收效甚微——雷火大面积破坏实验室,最后朝着齐伊珊的号分身扑去。 Although has not walked according to my script......, but the development of story is good.” Qi Yishan doppleganger said in a soft voice, then closed the eye, waits for tribulation thunder to destroy her. “虽然没按我的剧本走……但故事的发展还行。”齐伊珊分身轻声说道,然后闭上了眼睛,等着劫雷将她毁去。 yáyáyá!” The Intruder member outside laboratory, exudes the painful cry. 牙牙牙!”实验室外的入侵者成员,发出痛苦的叫声。 The scientific researchers of this precious level, especially two of national treasure level, do not want to train...... exist(ence) of this national treasure level can train, every time presents one is the luck of entire ethnic group. 这种珍贵级的科研人员,特别是国宝级的两位,不是想培养就能培养的……这种国宝级的存在,每出现一个都是整个族群的幸运。 In the past this rank member, died, they must lift the clan to be sorrowful, held a memorial service for the dead with fasting. 往常这种级别的成员,死掉一个,它们都得举族悲痛,用禁食来奠祭亡者。 Finally today dies two! 结果今天一口气就死了两个! In addition that three Level 1 protection level member and a Level 2 protection member who are next to the national treasure, each holds a memorial service to need to fast. 再加上那三个仅次于国宝的一级保护级成员和一位二级保护成员,每个奠祭起来都需要禁食。 Do the words of six fasting time overlay...... at least want above hungry half a month? 六次禁食时间叠加的话……至少要饿半个月以上? Their entire ethnic group must starve to death may not! 它们整个族群都得饿死不可! This is the disaster of extermination of the clan! 这是灭族之灾! Bang ~ laboratory was covered by the mist, but is unable to stop Thunder Fire to wreak havoc as before. 轰~实验室被雾气笼罩,但依旧无法制止雷火肆虐。 Qi Yishan number doppleganger, had not actually been exploded, instead as if also obtained from the strength that main body that shares. 齐伊珊的号分身,却没有被爆掉,反而似乎还得到了来自本体那共享过来的力量。 Here main body, does not refer to Qi Yishan, but refers to Xu Qiji. 这里的本体,并不是指齐伊珊,而是指许奇寂 Xu Qiji...... promoted third big realm. 许奇寂……晋升第三个大境界了。 As doppleganger, when production costs rise, prices rise too. 身为分身,水涨船高。 She withstood first wave of Thunder Fire, but also successful withdrew from the autopsy table. 她承受住了第一波雷火,还成功从解剖台上脱身。 heaven will always leave a door open?” Qi Yishan doppleganger with the aid of covering of various types of mist, turns over/stands up under. 天无绝人之路?”齐伊珊分身号借助各种雾气的笼罩,翻身而下。 Then now, what she does want to make? 那么现在,她要做什么? Self-interest maximization !” She makes the decision quickly. “将自身利益最大化!”她很快做出决定。 She is only doppleganger, the dissipation is sooner or later matter......, therefore escapes this matter from here, does not have the significance. Therefore, might as well while the time that oneself have not collapsed, makes anything, many information will transmit to the main body. 她只是一具分身,消散是迟早的事……所以从这里逃出去这种事,毫无意义。所以,不如趁着自身还没崩溃的这点时间,做点什么,将更多的信息传递给本体。 Remembers here, is high-level laboratory of Intruder world?” Place of this hidden, with large army guard. human of 713 world are unable to approach this region. “记得这里,是入侵者世界的高级实验室?”这种隐藏的地方,重兵把守。713世界的人类根本无法靠近这片区域。 If she has a more abundant time, flips this laboratory well, thinks to know that with the toe can have the huge harvest. 如果她有更充裕的时间,将这个实验室好好翻翻,用脚趾想想都知道能有巨大收获。 What a pity the time, she does not have. 可惜时间,她没有。 Is good because, she has the space. 好在,她有空间。 Time and space, so long as can have is the same, is hopeful. 时间和空间,只要能拥有其中一样,就有希望。 Gate of Miracles...... the main body, do not disappoint me.” The Qi Yishan doppleganger attempt is relating that possibility on own initiative Xu Qiji that she forgets. 奇迹之门……本体,不要让我失望啊。”齐伊珊分身号尝试着主动联系那个可能将她忘记的许奇寂 After the moment, communicates successfully! 片刻后,沟通成功! From, only then fingernail big Gate of Miracles flashes past in this laboratory. 小到只有指甲盖大的‘奇迹之门’在这个实验室中一闪而过。 Then, only then rust embroidery needle size greatsword was transmitted. 接着,只有锈花针大小的‘大剑’就被传送过来。 Qi Yishan doppleganger pinches to reduce to pinnacle greatsword, hidden it to one pile of equipment of laboratory. 齐伊珊分身号捏起缩小到极致的大剑,将它隐藏到实验室的一堆器材中。 No matter is useful, first keeps coordinate to get down. 不管有没有用,先留个坐标下来。 Has coordinate, has the leeway that the show operates. 坐标,就有骚操作的余地。 After completing all these, her body again by several waves of Thunder Fire bang. 做完这一切后,她的身躯再被好几波雷火轰中。 This time, after without main body that energy support, doppleganger completed the own mission. 这一次,没有本体那的能量支持后,分身完成了自己的使命。 The doppleganger dissipation, that tribulation thunder also dissipates slowly quietly. 分身号消散,那劫雷也缓缓沉寂消散。 Only leaves behind a ruins laboratory. 只留下一个废墟般的实验室。 Outside the laboratory, Intruder feel helpless. Old after long time, they remember upper level the communication. 实验室外,入侵者们不知所措。老半晌后,它们才想起沟通上层。 Then, how to place the body of national treasure scientific research, how to reorganize the laboratory, how to stop the loss, how to the higher authority to report that this heavy accident, how must face the penalty, is the major problem. 接下来,如何安置国宝科研者的尸体,如何整理实验室,如何制止损失,如何向上级报道这件重大事故,要如何面对惩罚,都是大问题。 Moreover perhaps then, they must face the long fasting memorial ceremony period......, if the penalty cannot that awfully, they also be able to live the fasting period. 而且接下来,它们恐怕还得面临漫长的绝食祭奠期……如果惩罚不会那么要命,它们还能活到绝食期的话。 Intruder after the accident, the processing speed is actually quick. 入侵者在事故发生后,处理速度倒是很快。 Cleans the laboratory, wraps the corpse, as far as possible reorganizes the thing in laboratory...... 打扫实验室,将尸体包裹好,尽可能的将实验室中的东西整理好…… Because situated in does not know how oneself must be punished in worry, manages Intruder of this region, always somewhat absent-minded appearance. 由于处于‘不知道自己要被如何惩罚’的忧心中,管理这片区域的入侵者,总有些心不在焉的样子。 Flurried they, have not discovered a , only then rust embroidery needle big sword in the action of stealthily. 慌乱中的它们,没有发现一柄只有锈花针大的‘剑’正在悄咪咪的行动。 【, Has a major problem.】 Xu Qiji looks up the day. 【啊,有个大问题。】许奇寂抬头望天。 He cannot understand the Intruder writing. 他看不懂入侵者的文字。 Since awakening, he discovered profoundly own is incompetent, as well as despair in language innate talent aspect, the hamster language and dog language this extraterrestrial language, his does not understand. 自从觉醒后,他深刻发现了自己的无能,以及在语言天赋方面的绝望,无论是仓鼠语、狗子语还是这种外星语,他一个都不懂。
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