MRGMGCS :: Volume #32

#3145: Invisible advantage

Won the 24 players of prize, each is the jubilant, self-satisfied appearance. 赢得了奖品的二十四位参赛选手,每一个都是喜气洋洋,志得意满的样子。 But these eliminated player, is the fighting spirit is full, the preparation will fight next year again! 而那些被淘汰的参赛选手,则一个个的都是斗志满满,准备来年再战! No one disappointed, no one depressed. 没有人失望,也没有人沮丧。 So long as hopes also, will not despair. 只要希望还在,就不会绝望。 The giant demon god golden body, will certainly have! 巨型魔神金身,一定会有的! Ok, Little Qi, do not look, we first go to the frozen holy city.” “好了,小棋,别看了,咱们先去冰封圣城。” After similar, Qi Le that waits for other player to walk arrives at Nalan Qinqi. 等别的参赛选手都走的差不多了之后,齐乐才来到纳兰琴棋这边。 Although constructs the matter of giant demon god golden body, does not appear worries. 虽然建造巨型魔神金身的事情,并不显得那么着急。 However in the scope of authority, takes care of the person on one's own side, should. 但是在权限范围之内,照顾一下自己人,还是应该的。 Everyone also has no opinion. 大家也没什么意见。 simultaneous/uniform Guan advocates peace the relations of Nalan Qinqi, the customer in shop is well-known, first goes to the frozen holy city is also indisputable. 齐馆主和纳兰琴棋的关系,店里的顾客人尽皆知,先去冰封圣城也无可厚非。 However as the matter stands, many cultivator are pondering. 不过这样一来,就有不少修炼者在思考了。 Do oneself want to go to the frozen holy city to make a long stay? 自己要不要去冰封圣城长住呢? The words saying that this time, simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu the frozen holy city, will definitely construct tall tower that side the frozen holy city. 话说这一次,齐馆主去了冰封圣城,肯定会在冰封圣城那边也建造高塔吧。 That past frozen holy city made a long stay, as if was also a good option. 那过去冰封圣城长住,似乎也是一个不错的选项呢。 The good and evil is by the big city-state that simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu looks , the later benefits will not be definitely few. 好歹是个受齐馆主照顾的大城邦,以后的福利肯定不会少。 Although the environment was truly bad, what relations but this also has, everyone is cultivator, can unable to withstand? 虽然环境确实恶劣了一些,但是这又有什么关系呢,大家都是修炼者,难道还能顶不住? Therefore after a thinking, many cultivator made the decision. 所以在一番思索之后,很多修炼者就做出了决定。 First goes to the frozen holy city to have a look. 先去冰封圣城看看。 Since had decided that must the going all out effort, strive next year in brave on big competition toward straight, must capture a position. 既然都已经决定,要拼命努力,争取在明年的勇往直上大比拼上,要夺取一个名次了。 How can that be afraid the difficulty? 那怎么能害怕困难呢? The environment of frozen holy city is so bad, just to be good, is one hammers body sacred place! 冰封圣城的环境那么恶劣,岂不是刚刚好,是一个锻体圣地! To obtain thing in the goal, that must be cruel-hearted, frequently disciplines oneself to be good! 想要获得自己目标之中的东西,那就必须要狠下心来,时时刻刻磨练自己才行! This all of a sudden, obviously in remote, unvisited frozen holy city, suddenly on fire. 这一下子,明明地处偏僻,人迹罕至的冰封圣城,突然之间就火起来了。 Might be considered as the popularity bursting! 堪称是人气爆棚啊! Naturally, this was also something to be talked about later, at least the present is not able to see. 当然了,这个也是后话了,起码现在是看不到的。 Qi Le brings Nalan Qinqi, went to the frozen holy city, besides the construction giant demon god golden body, actually also has the meaning of constructing tall tower- before looks that here a person's shadow does not have, neglected subconsciously. 齐乐带着纳兰琴棋,去了冰封圣城,除了建造巨型魔神金身之外,其实也有修建高塔的意思-以前看着这边连个人影都没有,也就下意识忽略了。 However this time, the giant demon god golden body had continually, if again few tall tower, but could not be justified. 不过这一次,连巨型魔神金身都有了,要是再没有几座高塔的话,可就说不过去了。 Therefore was also matter while convenient. 所以也就是顺便的事情了。 Qi Le, such time has not seen, you made such big move to come.” 齐乐,才这么点时间没见,你就弄出这么大的动静来了。” Now the entire celestial pole territory, is discussing competition that you hold.” “现在整个天极域,都在讨论你举办的比赛吧。” Ice Spirit Saint King sees Qi Le, is a face is sigh with emotion. 冰灵圣王见到齐乐,也是一脸感慨。 Before also listened to a Overlord lecture of story, did not have how deep feelings, now personally sees, was really unusual. 之前还只是听霸王讲故事而已,没有多么深的感触,现在亲眼一见,果然不同寻常。 simultaneous/uniform Guanzhu the fame, overawes the entire celestial pole territory seriously. 齐馆主的名气,当真是威震整个天极域啊。 Overlord mentioned, Ice Spirit Saint King could not distinguish clearly Qi Le to make the charity, was for oneself. 要不是霸王说起,冰灵圣王都分不清齐乐是在做慈善,还是在为自己了。 Is prompted by a sudden impulse, temporarily conceives a plan, is not worth mentioning.” “心血来潮,临时起意,不值一提。” Qi Le beckons with the hand again and again, modest speaking. 齐乐连连摆手,谦虚的说到。 Because said truly is the truth. 因为说的确实是实话。 This matter, from the beginning, what Qi Le thinks how to use Faith Strength that these accidents/surprises come. 这件事吧,在一开始,齐乐想的是如何利用那些意外得来的信仰之力 Afterward thinks, turned into present this appearance. 后来想着想着,就变成了现在这个样子。 Then developed the giant demon god golden body. 然后就开发出了巨型魔神金身。 As for limit quantity, mainly because must control the Faith Strength pure degree. 至于限制数量,主要还是因为要控制信仰之力的精纯程度。 Telling the truth, reason that the thing of bestowed by heaven was precious, was not because few. 有一说一,天赐之物之所以珍贵,还不是因为少。 If the giant demon god golden body were in flood, how can also manifest its worth and precious degree? 如果巨型魔神金身泛滥了,又怎么能体现出它的身价和珍贵程度呢? This point , is not only because the vending channel is imperfect. 这一点,也不仅仅是由于售货渠道不完善。 More importantly, must make these Challenger have the consciousness of fair competition, builds benign competition. 更重要的,还是要让这些挑战者生出公平竞争的意识,来营造出良性竞争。 Only by doing so, Qi Le can harvest many Faith Strength. 只有这样,齐乐才能收获更多的信仰之力 Moreover one year holds a competition. 而且一年举办一届比赛。 Each competition, gives 24 quotas. 每一届比赛,也才给出二十四个名额。 Regarding the celestial pole territory above, the number by the city-states of 100,000 ideas, at all is not anything. 对于天极域之上,数以十万计的城邦来说,根本不算什么。 Even if conducted dozens, even several hundred, quota, actually still so many. 就算是举办了几十届,甚至几百届,给出去的名额,其实也就那么多。 Will not cause anything to affect completely. 完全不会造成什么影响。 However this saying said to the Ice Spirit Saint King hear, sees him to shake the head, then said: We do not care about this matter actually, but the emergence of this what giant demon god golden body, feared that must bring disorder to the celestial pole territory original order.” 不过这话说给冰灵圣王听,也就看到他摇了摇头,然后接着说道:“我们倒是不在意这件事,不过这个什么巨型魔神金身的出现,怕是要打乱天极域原本的秩序了。” Original order?” “原本的秩序?” The Qi Le eyebrow selects, gathers up to go, repeated one with the tone of doubts. 齐乐眉毛一挑,凑上前去,用疑惑的语气重复了一句。 Right, Qi Le, you have not thought that giant demon god golden body that oneself make, some strong attractions?” “没错,齐乐,你难道没有想过,自己弄出来的巨型魔神金身,有多大的吸引力吗?” Ice Spirit Saint King urgently not slow did not speak. 冰灵圣王不急不缓地说到。 If made Overlord see, certainly must say that he is studying presently sells presently. 要是让霸王看到了,肯定要说他是在现学现卖了。 Has thought some, but, should not have any major problem.” “想过一些,但是,应该不会有什么大问题吧。” Qi Le hears word, the hesitation moment, opens the mouth to answer. 齐乐闻言,沉吟片刻,才开口答到。 Must say that the giant demon god golden body does not have the attraction, that is absolutely the impossible matter. 要说巨型魔神金身没有吸引力,那是绝对不可能的事情。 Without the attraction, that brave competes toward straight on greatly also conducts a hammer, the players could not find continually. 要是没有吸引力的话,那勇往直上大比拼还举办个锤子呢,连参赛选手都找不到。 However, this and does the celestial pole territory original order, what relations have? 但是,这和天极域原本的秩序,有什么关系呢? Issue is not truly big, perhaps, is meddlesome.” “问题确实不大,说不定,还是好事呢。” After all had existence of giant demon god golden body, the quantity of life, was very important resources.” “毕竟有了巨型魔神金身的存在,生灵的数量,就是很重要的资源了。” This saying, truly was Overlord has mentioned the situation. 这话,就确实是霸王提及过的情况了。 Ice Spirit Saint King also repeated. 冰灵圣王也就是复述了一遍。 However Qi Le is intelligent. 不过齐乐是何等聪明。 Before was only has not thought, now such a was raised, the Ice Spirit Saint King words just now say opening, Qi Le has thought of the later development, then earnest nod. 之前只是没想到,现在被这么一提点,冰灵圣王话才刚说了个开头呢,齐乐就已经想到了之后的发展,然后认真的点了点头。 That's true, the essence of giant demon god golden body, is Qi Le is actually used to collect the Faith Strength item. 确实如此,巨型魔神金身的本质,其实是齐乐用来收集信仰之力的道具。 Although this essence, these players, no knowing and that's the end. 虽然这个本质,那些参赛选手,没一个知道的就是了。 But what is undeniable, giant demon god golden body regarding the quantity of life- is also so-called follower's the request of number, since bases on Faith Strength, that naturally the more better. 但不可否认的是,巨型魔神金身对于生灵的数量-也就是所谓信徒的数量的要求,既然是基于信仰之力,那当然是越多越好了。 But this point, will feed back on binding of giant demon god golden body. 而这一点,也会反馈在巨型魔神金身的绑定者身上。 Because offers worshipping of blood more, that they benefit are more. 因为献上鲜血的祭拜者越多,他们得到的好处就越多。 Therefore these binding, for the own interests, will maintain itself spontaneously in the security of city-state! 所以这些绑定者,就会为了切身利益,自发的维护自身所在城邦的安全! Guaranteed that the resident in city-state, can enjoy a good and prosperous life, can attract more outcomers, settles down in this. 保证城邦之中的居民,能够安居乐业,才能够吸引更多的外来者,在此定居。 This is a positive cycle. 这就是一种良性循环。 Before then, Qi Le only thinks the advantage that oneself can gain, actually neglected this point. 在此之前,齐乐只想到了自己能获得的好处,却忽略了这一点。 But now is mentioned by Ice Spirit Saint King, Qi Le detected suddenly. 而现在被冰灵圣王一提起,齐乐才突然发觉。 The giant demon god golden body can change, perhaps another thing. 巨型魔神金身能够改变的,恐怕还有另外一个东西。 That is the atmosphere in celestial pole territory! 那就是天极域的风气! Letting the weak one can be protected, rather than bullied by Powerhouse at will. 让弱者能够得到保护,而不是被强者随意欺压。 In fact, this point, is Qi Le has not looked incessantly, even these players, the manager in each city-state, are paying attention to people of sports event frequently, also had not realized. 实际上,这一点,不止是齐乐没有看出来,就算是那些参赛选手,各个城邦的管理者,还有时刻关注着赛事的人们,也同样没有意识到。 They only saw the giant demon god golden body can bring many actual advantage to them. 他们都只看到了巨型魔神金身能够给他们带来多少实际好处。 Actually neglected these invisible benefits. 却忽略了这些隐形的利益。
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