MRGMGCS :: Volume #30

#2919: Linked strategies

The battle efficiency of person king how, the demon sovereign has personally experienced. 人王的战斗力如何,魔皇可是亲身体验过的。 Naturally knows, six wings go crazy possibly are not her opponent. 自然知道,六翼风魔不可能是她的对手。 Then, in six wings go crazy in the fallen from the sky situation, oneself add on eight arms to be exceedingly high, how also possibly to resist dragon God, person king, that Human Race boy? 那么,在六翼风魔已经陨落的情况下,自己加上八臂通天,又怎么可能对抗得了龙神,人王,还有那个人族小子呢? Therefore eight arm direct access to the highest authorities after six wings go crazy, with falling from the sky, was the inevitable matter. 所以八臂通天在六翼风魔之后,跟着陨落,也就是必然的事情了。 Has thought that the good development, is deferring to the forecast of demon sovereign to advance slowly, how also to make the demon sovereign be surprised. 已经想好的发展,正在按照魔皇的预测缓缓推进,又怎么会让魔皇感到意外呢。 Therefore, the demon sovereign, you have prepared to be buried by me again?” “所以,魔皇,你已经准备好被吾再次埋葬了吗?” This time, I will not make you have the opportunity to wake up again!” “这一次,吾不会再让你有机会醒来了!” The words of person king Jie being bewitched sovereign, the tone spoke of faintly. 人王接着魔皇的话,语气淡漠地说到。 As if stating a fact, was saying the matter that can have immediately is the same. 仿佛是在陈述一个事实,在说一件马上就会发生的事情一样。 This is from in Renwang regarding the confidence of own strength , came from person king that one fearless fearless heart. 这是源自于人王对于自身实力的信心,也来自于人王那一颗无惧无畏的心。 Person king, the main body acknowledged, now is you is quite truly strong.” “人王,本尊承认,现在确实是你比较强。” The demon sovereign sinking sound spoke, but was quick, laughed. 魔皇沉声说到,但很快,又大笑了起来。 But, this does not represent, the main body during this fight, will suffer defeat!” “不过,这并不代表,本尊在这一场战斗之中,就会败北!” Person king, you have not thought that the main body thinks obviously the present condition, why doesn't have to leave here?” “人王,难道你就没有想过,本尊明明想到了现在的状况,为什么没有离开这里呢?” At this point, the voice of demon sovereign. 说到这里,魔皇的声音顿了一下。 Also is these stops, not only made the person king not have the response, dragon God and Qi Le gawked. 也是这一下停顿,不仅让人王没有了回应,就连龙神和齐乐都愣了一下。 Although dragon God and Qi Le have not meddled during the fight of person king Hemo sovereign now, but defended the escape route of demon sovereign. 虽说龙神和齐乐现在还没有插手到人王和魔皇的战斗之中去,只是守住了魔皇的退路。 However among them the dialogue, dragon God and Qi Le hear clear. 但是他们之间的对话,龙神和齐乐还是听得一清二楚的。 Therefore suddenly was mentioned this matter by the demon sovereign, made them be shocked. 所以突然被魔皇提起此事,也让他们愣住了。 Yes, if the demon sovereign really thinks this situation, why didn't leave territory Divine Mountain before? 是啊,如果魔皇真的想到了这种情况,为什么不在之前就离开中域神山呢? If were the demon sovereign thought through, decided that arrived at this bloody battle, did not leave. 如果说是魔皇想通了,决定在此血战到死,才不离开的话。 Qi Le will not believe in any case. 反正齐乐是不会相信的。 As for the dragon god and person king, it is estimated that understands the demon sovereign compared with Qi Le. 至于龙神和人王,估计比齐乐更加了解魔皇。 Naturally was impossible to believe. 当然也不可能相信了。 Therefore, had such situation, can have the answer that only had one. 所以,发生了这样的情况,会有的答案,就只有一个了。 The demon sovereign has the goal surely! 魔皇必定是另有目的! You do not have the odds of success!” “你没有胜算的!” Some little time in the past, the person king Cai made noise to speak. 好一会儿过去,人王才出声说到。 This is to the absolute confidence of own strength, regardless of the demon sovereign wants to resort to what method, is fearless! 这就是对自身实力的绝对信心,无论魔皇想要耍什么手段,都无所畏惧! Right, regardless of the demon sovereign wants to make anything, impossible by one's effort, reverses the present situation.” “没错,无论魔皇想做什么,都不可能以一己之力,来扭转现在的局势。” Qi Le also follows to nod. 齐乐也跟着点了点头。 Under the absolute strength, all means that are only useless struggling. 在绝对的战力之下,一切手段,都只是无用的挣扎罢了。 Even if according to the worst plan, the demon sovereign can restore to the most flourishing condition now, is not necessarily able to leave from here. 哪怕按最坏的打算来说,魔皇现在就能恢复到全盛状态,也未必能从这里离开。 Because Qi Le has been ready, if met the situation, even if putting together the body collapse, must borrow the System strength, keeps here the demon sovereign. 因为齐乐早就做好了准备,如果碰见了突发情况的话,哪怕是拼着身体崩坏,也要借用系统的力量,把魔皇留在这里。 Can have a getting it over and done opportunity with great difficulty, Qi Le does not want again and demon sovereign displays their wisdom and bravery. 好不容易能有个一劳永逸的机会,齐乐可不想再和魔皇斗智斗勇了。 Although each time, can make Qi Le gain full. 虽然每一次,都能让齐乐赚个盆满钵满。 But this day with trepidation, is short to be quite good, sad wound liver, was too uncomfortable. 可是这种提心吊胆的日子,还是少过点比较好,伤心伤肝的,也太难受了。 However person king said this words, made the happy expression that on the demon sovereign face that pondered thicker. 然而人王说出此话,却让魔皇脸上那玩味的笑意变得更浓了。 Person king, the main body knows that now does not have the odds of success.” “人王,本尊知道现在没有胜算。” But, the main body may say, is today's goal is to defeat you?” “但是,本尊可有说过,今天的目的,是要战胜你吗?” The demon sovereign at this point, the happy expression on face, has become somewhat fierce. 魔皇说到这里,脸上的笑意,已经变得有些狰狞了。 What you said!?” “你说什么!?” First proposed the doubts, instead was Qi Le. 第一时间提出疑惑的,反而是齐乐 However quick, Qi Le responded, the demon sovereign said right. 但是很快,齐乐就反应了过来,魔皇说得没错。 Because demon sovereign this time the primary purpose of coming territory Divine Mountain- seal big that is in the destruction territory Divine Mountain! 因为魔皇此次前来中域神山的根本目的-是破坏中域神山的封印大阵! Was bad, we forgot this point!” “糟了,我们都忘了这一点!” dragon God also recovered at this time. 龙神这个时候也回过神来。 With eight arm exceedingly high fights, was previously witnessing the appearance of person of king afterward, almost almost forgot, demon sovereign goal. 此前在和八臂通天战斗,后来又见证了人王的出现,几乎都快忘了,魔皇此行的目的了。 The demon sovereign arrives at territory Divine Mountain, originally to not fight with the person king. 魔皇来到中域神山,本来就不是为了和人王战斗的啊。 „Do you want to destroy seal big of territory Divine Mountain?” “你还是想破坏中域神山的封印大阵?” No, you cannot achieve!” “不,你做不到的!” Although the person king does not have dragon God like Qi Le, from the beginning is clear about the goal of demon sovereign. 人王虽然不像齐乐还有龙神那样,一开始就清楚魔皇的目的。 However by an demon sovereign such saying, so long as thinks slightly, can think. 但是被魔皇这么一说,只要稍微一想,就能想到了。 Therefore the tone returns as before faintly. 所以依旧语气淡漠地回到。 How does not give a try to know.” “不试试看怎么知道呢。” The demon sovereign actually does not care about the faintness in person of king tone, but continues to grin fiendishly speaking. 魔皇却不在乎人王语气之中的淡漠,而是继续狞笑着说到。 Has a look, has a look at the battlefield outside territory Divine Mountain, there, fell from the sky many demon god and Lord God!” “看看吧,看看中域神山之外的战场吧,那里,陨落了多少的魔神和主神!” These, may be the best strength originate!” “这些,可都是最好的力量来源啊!” Finishes barely the words, above horizon, that blood fog that is covering the blood-color front door, had the change unexpectedly. 话音未落,在天际之上,那一片笼罩着血色大门的血雾,蓦地出现了变化。 Becoming more and more thick! 变得越来越浓厚! Blood-color cloud that probably no longer blood fog, instead one group gathers probably unceasingly. 不再像是一片血雾,反而像是一团不断汇聚的血色云彩。 With the accumulation of blood-color cloud, the scarlet color gradually occupied the trim sky, looks like will soon have the dark clouds of rainstorm. 随着血色云彩的聚集,赤红的颜色逐渐占据了整片天空,就像是即将发生暴雨的阴云。 This time, occupied the sky is not the jet black dark cloud, but is the strange fearful blood clouds! 只是这一次,占据了天空的并非是漆黑的乌云,而是诡异可怕的血云! Following close on, that blood-color front door, changed the one blood-color precious pearl together again. 紧跟着,那一道血色大门,再一次变回了一颗血色宝珠。 Then fell in the hand of demon sovereign. 然后落到了魔皇的手上。 Perhaps, the main body must thank you, cutting to kill six wings to go crazy with eight arms is exceedingly high.” “也许,本尊还要感谢你们,斩杀了六翼风魔和八臂通天。” Without their dying, the main body wanted to condense this attack, has not known how long must wait.” “如果没有他们的身亡,本尊想要凝聚这一次的攻击,还不知道要等待多久呢。” The demon sovereign who grasps the blood-color precious pearl, the vision also has fluttered in Qi Le and body of dragon god. 手持血色宝珠的魔皇,目光也在齐乐和龙神的身上飘过。 Brings some to ridicule said: „The Human Race boy, the main body has not truly thought, you can actually expect ahead of time the appearance of demon god, is, it is for this reason that instead gave the main body opportunity!” 带着些许揶揄地说道:“人族小子,本尊确实没有想到,你竟然能够提前预料到魔神的出现,可是,正是因为如此,反而给了本尊机会!” Otherwise, where comes so many demon god and Lord God of falling from the sky?” “要不然,哪来这么多陨落的魔神和主神呢?” You-!” “你-!” A Qi Le brow wrinkle, just wants to say anything. 齐乐眉头一皱,刚想说些什么。 However in the heart detected suddenly was not wonderful, looks up hastily. 但是心中突然察觉到了一丝不妙,连忙抬头望去。 The sky, by the blood-color cloud overspreading, the depressing blood light sprinkled, is strange. 天空,已经被血色的云彩给铺满了,压抑的血光洒落下来,更是诡异至极。 By this time, Qi Le also wants to understand. 到了这时,齐乐也想明白了。 The plan of demon sovereign, wants the broken move, is not easy. 魔皇的计划,想要破招,根本就没那么容易。 Because this is the linked strategies! 因为这是连环计! If not prevent the invasion of demon god, seal big of in territory Divine Mountain cannot preserve. 如果不阻止魔神的入侵,中域神山的封印大阵保不住。 But, prevented the invasion of demon god like the present, then the demon sovereign can collect the sufficient energy, condenses a more powerful attack, comes in the direct destruction seal big of territory Divine Mountain! 可是,像现在这样阻止了魔神的入侵,那么魔皇就能收集到足够的能量,凝聚更加强大的攻击,来直接破坏中域神山的封印大阵! But falling from the sky that eight arms exceedingly high and six wings go crazy, is in this condensing attack, best nourishment! 而八臂通天和六翼风魔的陨落,就是这一次凝聚的攻击里面,最好的养料! Simply speaking, how regardless of Qi Le does, the plan of demon sovereign can work. 简单来说,无论齐乐怎么做,魔皇的计划都能够进行下去。 When can from the antiquity great misfortune starts, two die two to live, but can also stand erect the demon sovereign above Peak, really without is so simple! 能够从上古大劫之际开始,两死两生,还能屹立于巅峰之上的魔皇,果然没那么简单! Perhaps is the beforehand failure, making the demon sovereign make a preparation. 也许是之前的失败,让魔皇多做了一手准备。 However in any event, this time, the demon sovereign was successful! 但是无论如何,这一次,魔皇成功了! „Did person king, you prepare?” “人王,你准备好了吗?” Greets this, grand blood rain!” “来迎接这一场,盛大的血雨吧!” The demon sovereign, opened the both arms at this point fiercely, incomparably laughed insolent. 魔皇说到这里,猛地张开了双臂,张狂无比地大笑了起来。 It seems like echoing the words of demon sovereign to be the same, above sky, with dividing a blood-color thunder. 就好像是在附和魔皇的话一样,天空之上,也跟着劈下了一道血色的雷霆。 Bang-!” “轰隆-!” Then in the next flash- 然后在下一瞬间- Crash-bang......” “哗啦啦……” Blood rain, from the blood-color cloud in sky, fell to the land, fell to territory Divine Mountain! 一场血雨,从天空之中的血色云彩里面,落向了大地,落向了中域神山! Under the washout of blood rain, covers the black red mist above territory Divine Mountain, became thin. 在血雨的冲刷之下,就连笼罩在中域神山上方的黑红色雾气,都变得稀薄了起来。 Has not been able to prevent! 已经,无法阻止了! The blood rain has fallen, at this time began again, no helped. 血雨已经落下,这个时候再动手,也于事无补了。 The demon sovereign has waited till the best time, prepared all, said this matter. 魔皇早就等到了最好的时机,把一切都准备好了,才说出这件事情。 In the destruction seal big of territory Divine Mountain, has actually had two means. 破坏中域神山的封印大阵,其实一直都有两种办法。 One, destroys the seal big eye. 一个,是破坏掉封印大阵的阵眼。 Also is the throne of person king. 也就是人王的王座。 But this means that under present this situation, are naturally impossible to use. 只不过这个办法,在现在这种情况之下,自然是不可能使用的。 The person kings have revived, but also wants to destroy her throne, that is not courting death. 人王都已经苏醒过来了,还想要去破坏她的王座,那不是在找死吗。 Then, in addition, the second means. 那么,除此之外,还有第二种办法。 Then is the destruction entire seal big energy cycle! 便是破坏整个封印大阵的能量循环! But achieves this step, the biggest difficulty, seal big that lies in the person king leaves behind, is a whole, is unable to depend upon destroys some part purely, the goal of achieves destruction overall energy cycle. 而做到这一步,最大的难点,就在于人王留下的封印大阵,是一个整体,无法依靠单纯破坏某一个部分,来达到破坏整体能量循环的目的。 Needs direct attack entire seal big be good. 必须要直接攻击整个封印大阵才行。 However the seal big whole, the direct check carves above territory Divine Mountain, spread most mountain range mountain massifs. 但是封印大阵的整体,是直接勾刻在中域神山之上的,遍及了大部分山脉山体。 To attack entire seal big one time, easier said than done. 想要一次性攻击到整个封印大阵,谈何容易。 This is also the second-hand preparation that person of king Liu gets down. 这也是人王留下来的第二手准备。 Takes territory Divine Mountain for the carrier, cancels quarter seal big, the potential of gathering world, forms the energy cycle, grows continually! 以中域神山为载体,勾刻封印大阵,汇聚天地之势,形成能量循环,生生不息! Before, the demon sovereign used the skeletons of these demon gods, truly shook the seal big certain foundation. 之前,魔皇利用那些魔神的尸骸,确实动摇了封印大阵一定的根基。 But this degree of destruction, regarding entire seal big, is not the fundamental destruction, is impossible to disintegrate at the scene entire seal big, must supplement the follow-up attack to be good again. 可是这种程度的破坏,对于整个封印大阵来说,并不是根本性的破坏,也不可能当场将整个封印大阵瓦解掉,必须再附带后续的进攻才行。 Therefore had the demon sovereign's present action. 所以才有了魔皇现在的行动。 Also is before, attack that the demon sovereign condenses, to complete follow-up attack. 也就是之前,魔皇凝聚的攻击,正是为了完成后续的进攻。 But prevented by the dragon god and Qi Le promptly, evolves present this appearance. 只不过被龙神和齐乐给及时阻止了,才演变成了现在这个样子。 Was broken the first move of demon sovereign by Qi Le, thwarted directly, started own second-hand preparation. 齐乐破了第一招的魔皇,直接将计就计,开始了自己的第二手准备。 Through demon god who the temporary access summon comes, is the demon sovereign is used to condense a more powerful attack radically the nourishment! 通过临时通道召唤而来的魔神,根本就是魔皇用来凝聚更加强大的攻击的养料! Also is the so-called abandoned child! 也就是所谓的弃子! This also conforms to the personality of demon sovereign very much, in order to reach the goal, can resort to all means! 这也很符合魔皇的性格,为了达到目的,可以不择手段! However what lets Qi Le and dragon God has not thought that unexpectedly exceedingly high and six wings goes crazy including eight arms, from the beginning, in demon sovereign of abandoned child, and has not changed. 但是让齐乐和龙神没有想到的是,竟然连八臂通天和六翼风魔,在一开始,都在魔皇的弃子之列,而且从来没有变过。 No wonder when eight arm exceedingly high appearances, the demon sovereign will say such words. 难怪在八臂通天出现的时候,魔皇会说出那样的话。 Because of the demon sovereign from the beginning, has not cared about eight arm exceedingly high life and death. 因为魔皇在一开始,就没有在意过八臂通天的生死啊。 Or the demon sovereign is thinking radically eight arms fall from the sky exceedingly high are good, can complete his following action! 或者说,魔皇根本就是想着八臂通天陨落才好,才能完成他接下来的行动啊! That is now these blood rain that affected the entire territory Divine Mountain! 那就是现在这一场波及了整个中域神山的血雨! This is another corrosive attack, to perish the check carves seal big in territory Divine Mountain! 这是另一种腐蚀性的攻击,就是为了腐蚀掉勾刻在中域神山上的封印大阵!
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