MRGMGCS :: Volume #30

#2917: Gangs up on

Before has been by the conditions of eight arm exceedingly high suppressions, making the spirit of dragon god somewhat dejected, fighting really is not quite happy. 之前一直处于被八臂通天压制的状态,让龙神的精神都有些颓靡了,战斗起来还真是不太痛快。 Shop Manager Qi?” 齐店长?” dragon God hears sound, followed to look up Qi Le, does not know that he wants to make anything. 龙神闻声,也跟着抬头看了一眼齐乐,不知道他想做什么。 Dragon god, since the person king acts, diverted the demon sovereign for us.” “龙神,既然人王出手,为我们牵制住了魔皇。” „Should we in this time, what make?” “那我们是不是应该在这个时间段里面,做些什么呢?” Saw that dragon God looked, Qi Le hinted next eight arms to be exceedingly high with the look, started the frantic suggestion. 看到龙神看了过来,齐乐用眼神示意了一下八臂通天,开始了疯狂暗示。 No, this should say that was the clear instructions. 不,这应该说是明示了。 Made that dragon God was also startled. 弄得龙神还怔了一下。 To be honest, with the dragon god frank temper, gangs up on this matter, little did. 说实话,以龙神光明磊落的性子,群殴这种事情,还是做得少了。 However looks like in Qi Le, so long as is the enemy, but also manages anything to gang up on with selects only, can kill the enemy is the good method. 但是在齐乐看来,只要是敌人,还管什么群殴和单挑的,能弄死敌人就是好手段。 Qi Le always comes not to care about this issue in any case. 反正齐乐一向来都不在意这种问题。 So long as killed the enemy, who knows what method did oneself use? 只要把敌人弄死了,谁知道自己用了什么手段? Therefore this saying saying, was eight arm direct access to the highest authorities first responded on the contrary. 所以这话一说,反倒是八臂通天先反应了过来。 Damn!” “该死!” Eight arms pass in the sky overhead to be terrified immediately are startled. 八臂通天心中顿时悚然一惊。 Did not say jokingly, dragon god who before then, eight arms meet exceedingly high, frank, disdains in the sneak attack and ganging up on. 不开玩笑地说,在此之前,八臂通天遇见的龙神,光明磊落,不屑于偷袭和群殴。 But another- person king, let alone ganged up on, always comes is a person surrounds one group of enemies. 而另外一位-人王,别说是群殴了,一向来都是一个人包围一群敌人。 Therefore now hears the Qi Le's words suddenly, mood at heart is quite complex. 所以现在突然听到齐乐的话,心里的情绪可谓是相当复杂。 However will Qi Le care about this matter? 然而齐乐会在乎这种事情吗? While spoke with dragon God, already silently eight arms exceedingly high all escaped from the route stopping up. 在和龙神说话的同时,就已经默默的把八臂通天的所有逃脱路线给堵住了。 Tells the truth, although Qi Le now has no means with the demon sovereign, but copes with eight arms to be exceedingly high, is the issue is not big. 有一说一,齐乐现在虽然拿魔皇没什么办法,可是对付一个八臂通天,还是问题不大的。 Let alone also has dragon God in the side, prepares to act at any time. 更何况还有龙神在侧,随时准备出手呢。 This...... good.” “这……好吧。” Since Shop Manager Qi you must do that I have no opinion.” “既然齐店长你要这么做,那我也没什么意见。” To be honest, dragon God from the beginning, actually wants to reject subconsciously. 老实说,龙神在一开始,其实是下意识地想拒绝的。 But the words have not said that was stopped by oneself sanely, then agreed to the Qi Le's proposition. 只不过话还没说出口,就被自己理智的止住了,然后同意了齐乐的提议。 Gangs up to surround and beats up this matter, is the callow rookie has become an old pro. 围殴这种事情,都是一回生,二回熟的。 Oneself should also experience. 自己也该体验一下了。 The wind of gentleman, Knight spirit these thing, conditional time can say, without condition time, exempted. 君子之风,骑士精神这些玩意,有条件的时候可以讲一下,没条件的时候,还是免了吧。 That is good, without the opinion, that starts.” “那就好,如果没有意见的话,那就开始吧。” Qi Le pinched the fist, the strength of boundless principle erupts. 齐乐捏了捏拳头,磅礴的法则之力爆发而出。 Fights with the apex demon god, the first time is. 和顶尖之列的魔神战斗,还是第一次呢。 Qi Le wants to try, present do, with these demon gods, have the disparity. 齐乐还是想试试,现在的自己,和这些魔神之间,到底有没有差距。 Then, like the person king such having god-given wisdom rare talent , the dazzling star, that possibly is in the entire time river, cannot look for several existences, does not need to go to the hard ratio. 说起来,如同人王这样的天纵奇才,耀眼明星,那可能是整个时间长河之中,都找不出来几个的存在,没必要去硬比。 In the annals of god territory, can extremely with the dragon god and demon sovereign who the person king is on par with. 要知道,在神极域的史册之中,能和人王比肩的龙神和魔皇。 Has the body of real dragon, is in itself the talent different reported. 一个,拥有真龙之躯,本身就是天赋异禀。 Another, is the demon clan bloodlines, the potential is deep. 另一个,也是魔族血脉,潜力深厚。 Only person king, the race of family background, recognized most does not have the Human Race of talent and potential, can actually have such achievement. 唯独人王,出身的种族,是被公认的最没有天赋和潜力的人族,却能拥有如此成就。 Has to say is unprecedented, even after can also be, did not have the future. 不得不说是前无古人,甚至还能是后无来者了。 Therefore Qi Le did not feel, oneself must compare with the person king. 所以齐乐并不觉得,自己非要和人王去比较。 Honest tidied up the enemy on the line. 老老实实的把敌人收拾掉就行了。 Shop Manager Qi you make a move although, I will assist from side.” 齐店长你尽管出手吧,我会从旁辅助的。” dragon God also completed the combat readiness. 龙神也做好了战斗准备。 Since the Shop Manager Qi strength is stronger, that makes Shop Manager Qi be the key offensive player. 既然齐店长的实力更强,那就让齐店长做主攻手吧。 Dragon god regarding this issue, and no opinion, so long as can solve to be good eight arms exceedingly high. 龙神对于这种问题,并没有什么意见,只要能把八臂通天解决掉就好了。 Your behaviors, may really disappoint me.” “你们的行为,可真是让我失望啊。” Saw that dragon God and this Human Race boy collaborate, eight arms also can only make noise to satirize exceedingly high. 眼看着龙神和这个人族小子联手,八臂通天也只能出声讽刺一下了。 Without the means that previously the fight of that Human Race boy and demon sovereign, eight arms watched exceedingly high. 没办法,先前那个人族小子和魔皇的战斗,八臂通天可是看在眼里的。 Knows that the battle efficiency of this Human Race boy, is unable to despise absolutely, has the possibility very much, is the reliver of person king. 知道这个人族小子的战斗力,绝对无法轻视,很有可能,就是人王的接替者。 Therefore, when Qi Le and dragon God collaborate, eight arms exceedingly high also very much have self-knowledge, knows oneself possibly are not their opponents, can only profit orally. 所以,当齐乐和龙神联手的时候,八臂通天也很有自知之明,知道自己绝不可能是他们的对手,就只能在口头上占占便宜了。 Deals with the enemy, we never care about the method the issue.” “对付敌人,我们从来不在乎手段的问题。” Qi Le have a relish returned to one actually. 齐乐倒是饶有兴致地回了一句。 On the same day the demon god in territory dared to invade the god extremely territory extremely time, that should prepare for keeps god extremely territory forever! 当天极域的魔神胆敢入侵神极域的时候,那就应该做好永远留在神极域的准备! Any intruder, must have the preparation that the failure body falls! 任何入侵者,都要有失败身陨的心理准备! Commencing of action!” “战斗开始了!” The words fall, the Qi Le's attack, has acted. 话落,齐乐的攻击,已经出手。 Different with dragon god the principle of strength, principle strength that Qi Le grasps, the type may be too many. 和龙神的力之法则不同,齐乐所掌握的法则力量,种类可太多了。 When many principle power composition in together, fluctuates all kinds of attack mode, that all sorts unexpected attack, lets eight arms exceedingly high radically is virtually impossible to guard against. 当多种法则力量组合在一起,变幻出各种各样的攻击模式之时,那种种出其不意的攻击,让八臂通天根本就是防不胜防。 Before, with the demon sovereign fought, Qi Le must guard against the strength of slaughter god. 在之前,和魔皇战斗的时候,齐乐还得提防着屠神之力。 Although under the analysis of System, the strength of slaughter god to Qi Le, lost the proper function. 虽然在系统的解析之下,屠神之力对齐乐,失去了应有的作用。 However, uses above the defense, is very easy-to-use. 但是,用在防御上面,还是很好用的。 This is also Qi Le and fight of demon sovereign, the primary cause of deadlock. 这也是齐乐和魔皇的战斗,僵持不下的主要原因。 After all Qi Le does not major in the mortal body, dependence is also only the talent of body of principle different reports. 毕竟齐乐又不是主修肉身的,依靠的也只是法则之体的天赋异禀罢了。 Even if to cope with the demon sovereign, minors in temporarily the body and spirit, that in a short time, is still difficult to catch on. 就算为了对付魔皇,临时兼修一下体魄,那在短时间内,也难见成效。 Therefore the principle strength is the Qi Le's main attack method. 所以法则力量才是齐乐的主要进攻手段。 This when copes with the demon sovereign, became a weak area. 这在对付魔皇的时候,就成了一块短板。 But, so tyrannical principle strength, being used to cope with eight arms to be exceedingly high, actually has more than enough to spare. 可是,如此强横的法则力量,用来对付八臂通天,却是绰绰有余。 In addition dragon God plunders in the one side, soon, eight arms were suppressed by Qi Le exceedingly high stubbornly, do not have the slight strength to hit back. 再加上龙神在一旁掠阵,不多时,八臂通天就被齐乐死死压制,没有丝毫还手之力。 Apex demon god, probably also no more than so. 顶尖之列的魔神,好像也不过如此啊。 Qi Le at heart, had such idea suddenly. 齐乐心里,突然冒出了这样的想法。 However quick, was ejected outside the brain. 不过很快,就被抛出脑外。 Being arrogant and complacent is unrecommendable, arrogant is intolerable! 骄傲自满不可取,自高自大更是要不得! Because careful one wants to understand, although eight arm direct access to the highest authorities are the apex demon gods, may be not the most Powerhouse. 因为仔细一想就能明白,八臂通天虽然是顶尖之列的魔神,可也并不是最强者啊。 With for Lord God of boundary of Lord God, disparity big, was needless to say. 要知道,同为主神之境的主神,相互之间的差距有多大,就不用多说了吧。 Then in the apex demon god , still has the disparity even. 那么即使是同在顶尖之列的魔神,相互之间,也是存在着差距的。 This matter is also very normal. 这种事情也很正常。 If nothing else, said eight arm exceedingly high strengths, is one level above compared with the present dragon god. 别的不说,就说八臂通天的实力,也就比现在的龙神高出一筹。 Compared with the dragon god of heyday, that was falls far short. 和全盛时期的龙神相比,那可是差得远了。 Therefore, Qi Le felt, even if oneself present can suppress eight arms to be exceedingly high, probably still has nothing well proud. 所以,齐乐觉得,即使自己现在能够压制住八臂通天,好像也没什么好值得骄傲的。 Has a look at the person king upward, believes that can stop this being arrogant and complacent mood all of a sudden. 往上看看人王,相信一下子就能止住这种骄傲自满的情绪。 Let alone, Qi Le now and eight arm exceedingly high fights, dragon God plunders in side. 更何况,齐乐现在和八臂通天的战斗,还有龙神在旁掠阵呢。 Even if dragon God has not helped many be busy, but plays at least limits eight arm exceedingly high functions, moreover affects very in a big way! 哪怕龙神没有帮到多少忙,但起码起到了限制八臂通天的作用,而且作用很大! Because must the vigilant dragon God action, let eight arm exceedingly high quite timid and hesitant feelings frequently. 因为要时刻警惕龙神的举动,让八臂通天颇有一种束手束脚的感觉。 Why therefore to think. 所以何必多想呢。 Speed ends here fight, then helps solve the demon sovereign!” “速度解决掉这边的战斗,然后再去帮忙解决掉魔皇吧!” Qi Le thinks in the heart silently. 齐乐在心中默默想到。 Really felt sorry for six wings to go crazy with eight arms was exceedingly high, in the celestial pole territory, the good and evil was also the apex demon god, powerful, had absolute power over somebody, does not know that lived has moistens. 真是可怜了六翼风魔和八臂通天了,在天极域,好歹也是顶尖之列的魔神,位高权重,生杀予夺,不知道活得有多么滋润。 Must rush to the god extremely territory, right now good, delivers dying one after another. 偏偏要跑到神极域这边来,这下子好了吧,一个接一个的送了死。 This choice, really makes one sob. 这种选择,真是让人唏嘘不已。 However, the choice does, others could not say anything. 不过吧,选择都是自己做的,别人也说不得什么。 Since made such choice, then, must undertake the preparation of consequence! 既然做出了这样的选择,那么,就要有承担后果的心理准备! Qi Le not because this minor matter shows mercy, the tenderhearted this mood, does not use regarding the enemy. 齐乐可不会因为这种小事就手下留情,心软这种情绪,绝不是对于敌人来用的。 „The network of principle!” “法则之网!” As unceasing speeding up of offensive rhythm. 随着进攻节奏的不断加快。 Everywhere the strength of principle, was gathered the net by Qi Le finally! 漫天的法则之力,终于被齐乐汇聚成网! Interweaves at all sorts of principle strengths infinitely, but the unescapable net that forms, under the Qi Le's operation, changes into a prison immediately, blocked eight arm exceedingly high all actions! 以种种法则力量无限交织,而形成的天罗地网,在齐乐的操纵之下,顿时化为一间囚牢,封锁住了八臂通天的所有行动! Roar-!” “吼-!” No, is impossible, why I cannot break away!” “不,不可能,为什么我挣不开!” Eight arms exuded one to angrily roar exceedingly high, on the face also presented the color of shock, felt inconceivable. 八臂通天发出了一声怒吼,脸上也出现了震撼之色,感到不可思议。 The names of eight arm direct access to the highest authorities, then come from- the bodies of eight arm, the strength may be exceedingly high. 要知道,八臂通天之名,便是来自于-八臂之身,力可通天。 In strength this, on the one hand, which opponent eight arms have not feared exceedingly high. 在力量这一方面,八臂通天可没有怕过哪个对手。 Also grasped the principle of strength, but also has the body of real dragon dragon god, can pulls the wrist/skill in the strengths and eight arms exceedingly high. 也就是掌握了力之法则,还拥有着真龙之躯的龙神,能够在力量上和八臂通天扳扳手腕。 But when antiquity great misfortune, eight arms exceedingly high also and many Lord God to fighting. 而在曾经的上古大劫之际,八臂通天也和不少的主神对战过。 The met principle strength, does not have 10,000, there are 8000. 遇见的法则力量,没有一万,也有八千了。 Any principle strength cannot surround his. 从来就没有任何一种法则力量能够困得住他的。 But now, eight arm exceedingly high astonished discoveries, oneself unexpectedly by pure principle strength surrounding. 可是现在,八臂通天惊愕的发现,自己竟然被纯粹的法则力量给困住了。 Moreover, at own strength, is unable unexpectedly the fetter of breaking away principle strength! 而且,以自己的力量,竟然无法挣开法则力量的束缚! This radically is the impossible matter! 这根本就是不可能的事情! Of your strength, truly is my entire life only sees, so far is only.” “你的力量之强,确实是我生平仅见,只是目前为止是的。” After Qi Le hears eight arm exceedingly high angry roaring, shows a faint smile, makes noise to speak. 齐乐听到八臂通天的怒吼之后,微微一笑,出声说到。 This is not the praise, but is realistic. 这可不是什么夸奖,而是实事求是。 Since eight arm direct access to the highest authorities can disperse into top demon god, how also some good points. 既然八臂通天能够排入顶尖魔神之列,怎么着也得有些可取之处吧。 However, this words saying, Qi Le is thread of conversation one revolution. 然而,此话说完,齐乐又是话锋一转。 Was a pity, downs on one's luck!” “只是可惜,时运不济!” Because Qi Le knows, the sole principle strength, is not truly able to fetter to have the eight arms of such strength to be exceedingly high. 因为齐乐知道,单一的法则力量,确实无法束缚住拥有如此力量的八臂通天。 But, by the network of principle the innumerable principle strengths interweave, but was different. 可是,以无数法则力量交织起来的法则之网,可就不一样了。 Has Qi Le of body of principle, can deeply understand promoting and constraining mutually between principle strengths, how the nature is clear establishes the principle strength, can make the network of principle be the most reliable degree. 拥有法则之体的齐乐,能够深刻理解法则力量之间的相生相克,自然清楚如何编制法则力量,才能够让法则之网达到最为牢固的程度。 The prison that the unescapable net under arrange/cloth, condenses, may not have is so easy to work loose! 布下的天罗地网,所凝聚的囚牢,可没那么容易挣脱! Therefore can only sigh eight arms to down on one's luck exceedingly high. 所以只能叹一句八臂通天时运不济了。 Without meeting the Qi Le's words, he truly also somewhat rampant capital. 如果没有碰见齐乐的话,他确实还有些嚣张的资本。 Shop Manager Qi, one time is really every saw you, can let my surprised one time.” 齐店长,真是每一次见你,都能让我惊讶一次。” dragon God sees this, expressed admiration. 龙神看到这一幕,也不禁啧啧称奇。 The principle of strength may not have such use, at least does not have the means to be used to imprison eight arm exceedingly high actions. 力之法则可没有这样的用途,起码没办法用来禁锢八臂通天的行动。 Therefore sees the Qi Le superficial action, dragon God is quite surprised. 所以看到齐乐轻描淡写的举动,龙神还是相当惊讶的。 Is also thinking at heart: In Human Race, is really rich in monster? 心里也在想:人族之中,真的盛产“怪物”吗? The person king is this, present Shop Manager Qi is also this. 人王是这样,现在的齐店长也是这样。
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