MRGMGCS :: Volume #25

#2450: Bold suspicion

However not difficult to imagine. 但是不难想象。 That war, not only ruined so many antiquities to be able greatly life, moreover deliberately sent out not participating the follower of person king. 那一战,不光是葬送了那么多上古大能的性命,而且还刻意把人王的追随者送出局外。 Thing that schemes, is surely big! 所图谋的东西,必定不小! Under situation that in this type intentionally conceals, Qi Le does not have the means to guess hardly. 只是在这种刻意隐瞒的情况之下,齐乐也没办法硬猜。 Syre this big energy that leaves behind from person king that years, thing that cannot guess correctly. 就连赛尔卡亚这种从人王那个时代遗留下来的大能,都猜不到的东西。 Before obtaining enough information, Qi Le felt, casts behind temporarily is quite good. 在没有得到足够的情报之前,齐乐觉得,还是暂时抛在脑后比较好。 After all the insufficiently powerful words, the known thing are many, is only the disciple increases the root of trouble. 毕竟自己不够强大的话,知道的东西再多,也只是徒增祸端。 Every so often, known are too many, is a mistake. 要知道,很多时候,知道的太多,也是一种过错。 However Qi Le had not planned that subsequent hand who Giant Dragon Saint Lord leaves behind, told Syre. 不过齐乐也没打算把巨龙圣王留下的后手,告诉赛尔卡亚。 Between two time, have the barrier eventually, even the charisma of person king, affects the All Directions Realm successor sufficiently, but plan of both sides, should not relate. 两个时代之间,终究存在着隔阂,即使人王的人格魅力,足以影响到四方界的后来者,但双方的计划,应该是没有联系的。 Since is this, if that Qi Le said the matter, perhaps will go bad plan of both sides. 既然是这样,那齐乐若是把事情都说出来了,说不定会坏了双方的计划。 The good and evil is also two time peak big energies, is impossible to handle the meaningless matter. 好歹也是两个时代最顶尖的大能,不可能做毫无意义的事情。 Therefore Qi Le has not met Syre words, but asked one. 所以齐乐也没有接赛尔卡亚的话,而是问了一句。 „The strength of what level Giant Dragon was Saint Lord initially?” 巨龙圣王当初到底是什么层次的实力?” Other Sealing King Level big energies, Qi Le had not asked. 其他的封王级大能,齐乐也没问。 Population so many, asking a little waste the time, moreover is not meaningful. 人数那么多,一个一个的问有点浪费时间,而且也没什么意义。 Because lives only then Giant Dragon Saint Lord, other Sealing King Level big capable people did not have, asked the information is useful? 因为活下来的就只有巨龙圣王,其他的封王级大能人都没了,问了情报有什么用呢? The Sealing King Level big energy of falling from the sky, may not have the means as the effective battle efficiency. 陨落的封王级大能,可没办法做为有效的战斗力。 Let alone, the Giant Dragon Saint Lord situation is a little also special. 更何况,巨龙圣王的情况也有点特殊。 Arrives at vault of heaven god with God of Summoning Giant Dragon Saint Lord, in the battle efficiency, has the inborn advantage. 召唤之神一起来到天穹神界的巨龙圣王,在战斗力上,有着天生的优势。 Qi Le is supposing, Sealing King Level of same time can , the Giant Dragon Saint Lord battle efficiency also be the top position greatly. 齐乐估摸着,同一个时代的封王级大能里面,巨龙圣王的战斗力也是排在前列的。 Therefore ascertained the Giant Dragon Saint Lord situation is similar. 所以把巨龙圣王的情况问清楚就差不多了。 Giant Dragon Saint Lord strength......” 巨龙圣王的实力吗……” Said, beginning on vault of heaven god when them, I have not paid attention to them.” “说起来,在他们初上天穹神界之时,我并没有关注他们。” Vault of heaven god that because they do not step onto from All Directions Realm Heaven Ascending Road, we are not willing to expose the status.” “因为他们并不是从四方界登天之路走上的天穹神界,我们也不愿意暴露身份。” Syre eyes pupil narrows the eyes, seems like recalling. 赛尔卡亚眼眸微眯,似乎是在回忆。 However these words, reminded Qi Le actually. 不过这句话,倒是点醒了齐乐 Yes, Giant Dragon Saint Lord arrives at vault of heaven god, walked is not All Directions Realm Heaven Ascending Road, but is Summoning Realm Heaven Ascending Road. 是啊,巨龙圣王来到天穹神界,走的可不是四方界登天之路,而是召唤界登天之路 Finally caused Summoning Realm Heaven Ascending Road to be destroyed, World Will by disintegration. 结果就导致了召唤界登天之路被毁,天地意志被崩碎。 Such a thinks, Giant Dragon Saint Lord wants to condense Summoning Realm World Will, is making reparations? 这么一想,巨龙圣王想要重新凝聚召唤界天地意志,难道是在赎罪吗? Thinks carefully also right, All Directions Realm Faith Strength, may be unable to provide for existences of so many Sealing King Level boundaries. 仔细想想也对,一个四方界信仰之力,可供养不起那么多封王级境界的存在。 Therefore goes to other Low Grade plane, is the matter in reason. 所以前往其他的低等位面,也是情理之中的事情。 All Directions Realm and fight of vault of heaven god, involved other Low Grade plane, somewhat felt sorry and that's the end. 只是把四方界和天穹神界的战斗,牵扯到了其他的低等位面,有些过意不去就是了。 The words that spoke, stem from the All Directions Realm Sealing King Level big energy, what in fact walks is not All Directions Realm Heaven Ascending Road. 那这么说的话,出自四方界封王级大能,实际上走的并不是四方界登天之路 No wonder the All Directions Realm plane Coordinate, can hide is so long, had not been discovered. 难怪四方界位面坐标,可以隐藏这么久,一直没有被发现。 Originally has not begun using. 原来根本就没有启用过吗。 According to this view, the followers of Syre these person of kings in the earlier period, should not clear Giant Dragon Saint Lord and the others the status. 按照这种说法,赛尔卡亚这些人王的追随者在前期,应该并不清楚巨龙圣王等人的身份。 Until afterward, because of some turning point, but knew this matter. 直到后来,才因为某种契机,而得知了这件事。 When Giant Dragon Saint Lord they are at the follower of initial contact person king, is very surprised. 想必巨龙圣王他们在初次接触人王的追随者之时,也很惊讶吧。 Thinks of here, Qi Le thought of another matter. 想到这里,齐乐又想到了另外一件事。 That is- when going to vault of heaven god, Giant Dragon Saint Lord has not mentioned the follower of person king. 那就是-在前往天穹神界之时,巨龙圣王并没有提及人王的追随者。 So wants to come, only had two possibilities. 如此想来,也只有两种可能性了。 One, is Giant Dragon Saint Lord does not know, the person the follower of king, will contact All Directions Realm on own initiative comes the person. 一个,是巨龙圣王并不知道,人王的追随者,会主动接触四方界的来人。 After all Giant Dragon Saint Lord they vault of heaven god that does not go to from All Directions Realm Heaven Ascending Road. 毕竟巨龙圣王他们并不是从四方界登天之路去的天穹神界。 But another, is Giant Dragon Saint Lord does not want to let the follower of him and person king has the contact. 而另一个,就是巨龙圣王不想让他和人王的追随者有接触。 Also or is both all has. 又或者是两者皆有。 But no matter how, this approach contained a meaning. 但不管如何,这种做法都蕴含了一个意思。 The plans of two time are inconsistent, at least Giant Dragon Saint Lord does not want to disclose the news to the follower of person king. 两个时代的计划并不一致,至少巨龙圣王是不想向人王的追随者透露消息的。 Thought through this point, Qi Le also knows how should do. 想通了这一点,齐乐也知道该怎么做了。 Rebel period type of thing, Qi Le has passed. 叛逆期这种东西,齐乐早就过去了。 Since Giant Dragon Saint Lord is not willing to disclose these information, that Qi Le did not say and that's the end. 既然巨龙圣王不愿意透露这些情报,那齐乐不说就是了。 Syre has not paid attention to the Qi Le's look, but continues saying: Afterward, because vault of heaven god had the turmoil sign, we noticed the Giant Dragon Saint Lord their crowd of manufacture turmoils person.” 赛尔卡亚也没注意齐乐的神色,而是继续说道:“后来,还是因为天穹神界又出现了动乱的迹象,我们才注意到了巨龙圣王他们这群制造动乱的人。” Only pitifully, they, although the courage under some people of royal crown, actually the strength under unmanned royal crown.” “只可惜,他们虽然有人王冕下的胆气,却无人王冕下的实力。” I and they, although has only contacted few several times, but the sensation results.” “我和他们,虽然只接触过寥寥数次,但还是感知得出来。” Their principle mark improvement degree, but is close to Lord God , compared with true Lord God, fell far short.” “他们的法则道纹完善程度,只是接近主神而已,和真正的主神比起来,还是差得远了。” At this point, Syre is also quite shaking the head of sigh. 说到这里,赛尔卡亚也是颇为感叹的摇了摇头。 Is close to the level of Lord God.” “只是接近主神的层次吗。” Qi Le touches the chin, in thinks at heart secretly. 齐乐摸了摸下巴,在心里暗自思索。 Such strength, in vault of heaven god, truly insufficiently looks. 这么点力量,在天穹神界,确实不够看。 However, Giant Dragon Saint Lord, since knows the name of person king, how that must know the strength of person king. 但是,巨龙圣王既然知晓人王之名,那就不可能不知道人王的实力如何。 However powerful such as person king, falls from the sky in vault of heaven god, since then did not have the message. 然而强大如人王,都在天穹神界陨落,从此了无音讯。 Then, their strengths, what storm can also raise in vault of heaven god? 那么,他们这点实力,又能在天穹神界掀起什么风浪呢? This matter, Giant Dragon Saint Lord must understand. 这件事,巨龙圣王不可能不明白。 But they did that as before. 可他们依旧这么做了。 Must say no special reason, that Qi Le does not believe. 要说其中没什么特别的原因,那齐乐是不相信的。 Even Qi Le was suspecting, Syre the sensation, is really Giant Dragon Saint Lord their real strengths? 甚至齐乐都在怀疑,赛尔卡亚所感知到的,真的是巨龙圣王他们的真实实力吗? Interesting, it seems like Giant Dragon Saint Lord subsequent hand, but also incessantly is Summoning Realm and All Directions Realm these two.” “有趣,看来巨龙圣王的后手,还不止是召唤界四方界这两个。” What makes me unable to think through, if Giant Dragon Saint Lord really such as I imagine such, hid the strength, why does that link a beast god is not solved?” “只是让我想不通的是,如果巨龙圣王真的如我想象中的那样,隐藏了实力,那为什么连一个兽神都没有解决掉呢?” This is also a questionable point that Qi Le discovers at present. 这也是齐乐目前发现的一个疑点。 Even if close to the Lord God level the strength, but must tidy up a beast god, is easy. 就算只是接近主神层次的力量,但要收拾一个兽神,还是轻而易举的。 But the beast god lived eventually, but also lives the present. 可兽神终究是活了下来,还活到了现在。 Really does not think clearly. 真是想不明白啊。 To...... is not right! 不对……不对! Also does not think clearly, this matter really must speculate, probably is not difficult to explain. 也不是想不明白,这件事情真要推测起来,好像并不难解释。 In the Qi Le brain the miraculous glow flashes, seemed like thought of some key point. 齐乐脑中灵光一闪,似乎是想到了某个关键点。 The remnant soul...... right, is the remnant soul! 残魂……没错,就是残魂! In Summoning Realm, is in All Directions Realm, Giant Dragon Saint Lord stays behind, is the remnant souls. 无论是在召唤界,还是在四方界,巨龙圣王留下的,都是残魂。 But the strength of strength and main body of remnant soul, differed is quite huge. 而残魂的力量和本体的力量,相差的极为巨大。 If according to this mentality speculates, then keeps that side God of Summoning, comes vault of heaven god with God of Summoning together, can also be only a Giant Dragon Saint Lord wisp of remnant soul? 如果按照这种思路推测下去,那么留在召唤之神那边,和召唤之神一同前来天穹神界的,会不会也只是巨龙圣王的一缕残魂呢?
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