MRGMGCS :: Volume #25

#2448: The follower of person king

Snake Human Race that seven fools, really get what one deserves.” “蛇人族那七个傻子,真是活该。” Said, we must thank them to propose one to awake for us, so as to avoid provoked being able to stir up Powerhouse.” “说起来,我们还是要感谢他们为我们提了一个醒,免得招惹到了惹不起的强者。” You said that Sir rushes to the chaotic region to open a shop, what thing will sell?” “你们说,那位大人跑到混乱区域来开店,会出售什么样的东西呢?” Who knows that but such a saying, we should pass to support.” “谁知道呢,不过这么一说,我们是不是应该过去捧捧场啊。” Right, goes together.” “没错,同去同去。” However the ideas of these gods, Qi Le could not guess correctly. 不过那些神明的想法,齐乐是猜不到了。 Also does not want to guess. 也不想去猜。 Allow nature to take its course. 顺其自然吧。 Actually Syre sudden visit, making Qi Le a little think that does not understand his goal. 倒是赛尔卡亚的突然造访,让齐乐有点想不明白他的目的。 But Qi Le most thinks that not clear place, is, Syre so will be why assured, he came from All Directions Realm. 齐乐最想不明白的地方,就在于,赛尔卡亚为什么会这么笃定,他来自于四方界 Shop Manager Qi, my self introduction has said that now, was one's turn you.” 齐店长,我的自我介绍已经说完了,现在,轮到你了。” Syre does not want to continue to intertwine in fame immaterial place. 赛尔卡亚也不想继续纠结在名气这种无关紧要的地方。 Fame type of thing, regarding no fellow, is truly important. 名气这种东西,对于没有的家伙来说,确实很重要。 However, regarding Syre this type can in the chaotic region, occupy powerful gods in stretch of own territory, but also is really unimportant. 但是,对于赛尔卡亚这种能够在混乱区域之中,占据一片属于自己的领地的强大神明来说,还真就不重要。 This like money. 这就像钱一样。 No time, frequently is thinking must have. 没有的时候,时时刻刻想着要有。 After waiting really to have money, actually is also one string of numbers. 等真有了钱之后,其实也就是一串数字罢了。 Human Race, Qi Le.” 人族,齐乐。” Qi Le brief and to the point speaking. 齐乐言简意赅的说到。 Good, Shop Manager Qi, it seems like you in All Directions Realm, should know anything, therefore so will be vigilant.” “好吧,齐店长,看来你在四方界的时候,应该知道些什么,所以才会这么警惕。” Syre stared at Qi Le to look some little time, spoke of a smile. 赛尔卡亚盯着齐乐看了好一会儿,才笑着说到。 The expression on face, not accidental/surprised Qi Le will as if say. 脸上的表情,似乎并不意外齐乐会这么说。 Also right, All Directions Realm this name, because of person king, but in vault of heaven god much-quoted. 也对,四方界这个名字,是因为人王,而在天穹神界广为流传的。 But knows to turn over to know, will mention the person of this name on own initiative, is very few. 但知道归知道,会主动提起这个名字的人,还是少之又少。 After all Lord God is not good regarding the attitude of person king, violating the taboo may not be good. 毕竟主神对于人王的态度可不好,犯了忌讳可就不好了。 Therefore, after Syre has smiled, is the vision concentrates, treating a matter seriously then said: Shop Manager Qi, such being the case, I did not beat around the bush with you.” 所以,赛尔卡亚笑过之后,也是目光一凝,郑重其事的接着说道:“齐店长,既然如此,那我也就不和你绕弯子了。” Your body, the aura under some people of royal crown, therefore, you do not need not to acknowledge this matter.” “你的身上,有人王冕下的气息,所以,你不用不承认这件事。” Such remarks, almost made Qi Le move killed the heart. 此话一出,差点让齐乐动了杀心。 This person king, if Lord God drawing on, that may trouble. 这一句“人王”,要是把主神给招来了,那可就麻烦了。 Qi Le does not think student king that appearance, arrives at vault of heaven god to meet the tough head-on with toughness with these gods. 齐乐可不想学人王那个样子,一到天穹神界就和那些神明硬碰硬。 Except that the Qi Le's personality and person king is completely different beside, main reason, after big event that because presents the excellent king, these Lord God regarding the attitude of committing a crime, became completely different. 除开齐乐的性格和人王完全不一样之外,更主要的原因,还是因为出现过人王的大事件之后,那些主神对于犯事者的态度,变得完全不同了。 However, Syre mentioned the person king suddenly, should have other goal. 但是,赛尔卡亚突然提到人王,应该是有别的目的吧。 What do you want to say?” “你又想说什么?” Without denied directly, that default. 没有直接否认,那就是默认了。 Qi Le careful one wants to know, mentioned a person of king, it is estimated that had the important matter to say. 齐乐仔细一想就知道,提到了人王,估计是有大事要说。 Is the enemy is the friend, looked at a few words. 是敌是友,也就看下一句话了。 Syre looks at Qi Le, deeply inspires, keeps a serious look speaking. 赛尔卡亚看着齐乐,深吸了一口气,表情严肃的说到。 Introduced, I, Syre, Beast Ears Race from All Directions Realm, once followed under the person royal crown to go on an expedition together.” “重新介绍一下,我,赛尔卡亚,来自四方界兽耳族,曾跟随人王冕下一同征战。” Just at that time, I was also only a young private, has not seen right in front of one qualifications under person royal crown.” “只不过那个时候,我还只是一个小卒子而已,并没有面见人王冕下的资格。” At this point, Syre somewhat sigh with emotion shrugging. 说到这里,赛尔卡亚有些感慨的耸了耸肩。 Makes Qi Le be startled actually, on the face also appeared some to shock. 倒是让齐乐大吃了一惊,脸上也浮现出了些许震撼。 Present, once followed person of king Yitong has gone on an expedition the gods unexpectedly! 眼前的这位,竟然是曾经跟随人王一同征战过的神明! Thinks of here, Qi Le cannot bear took a look at present Syre. 想到这里,齐乐忍不住重新打量了一番眼前的赛尔卡亚。 Does not look at the words of that pair of furry beast ear, this should be a man of makings scholarly, in the look brings the vicissitudes. 不看那一对毛茸茸的兽耳的话,这应该是一个气质儒雅的男子,眼神之中带着沧桑。 With Beast Ears Race man that tall figure, has very big difference actually. 兽耳族男子那五大三粗的身形,倒是有很大的差别。 But, person king not already......” “可是,人王不是已经……” When shocks, Qi Le could not bear ask such a few words. 震撼之余,齐乐还是忍不住问了这么一句话。 The person king under encircling of numerous Lord God, is defeated unfortunately, without guessing wrong, should be the body falls was right. 人王在众多主神的围剿之下,不幸落败,如果没猜错的话,应该是身陨了才对。 After all with the personality of person king, without the body falls, vault of heaven god is impossible is so tranquil. 毕竟以人王的性格来说,要是没有身陨的话,天穹神界不可能这么平静。 Let alone, the person the strength of king is not weak. 更何况,人王的实力又不弱。 A samsara principle mark close to 90% improvement degrees, that absolutely is the vault of heaven god highest Level 1 battle efficiency. 接近90%完善程度的轮回法则道纹,那绝对是天穹神界最高一级的战斗力。 Gods who if person king Shenyun, that these followed the person king, is definitely cleaned up. 而若是人王身陨了,那这些追随人王的神明,是肯定会被清理掉的。 After Lord God falls from the sky, being the god with causes[ pen interest pavilion] disciple will be sent to be buried along with the dead to be the same. 就像主神陨落之后,属神和使[笔趣阁]徒都会被送去陪葬一样。 Person king Nenggou makes earth-shakingly vault of heaven god, has become thorn in the side of innumerable gods. 人王能够把天穹神界闹得天翻地覆,早就成了无数神明的眼中钉,肉中刺。 The gods who when the person king one but actually, once followed the excellent king, cannot live absolutely. 等到人王一倒,曾经追随过人王的神明,绝对是都活不成的。 However, now this Syre what's the matter? 但是,现在这个赛尔卡亚是怎么回事? I know that Shop Manager Qi will ask.” “我就知道齐店长会这么问。” Some Syre as if early expectations, expression not mighty waves on face. 赛尔卡亚似乎早有预料,脸上的表情没有一丝波澜。 Actual situation, just like Shop Manager Qi said that after the person under the royal crown is defeated, the person the follower under royal crown, will truly become the goal that many gods issue a warrant for arrest.” “实际情况正如齐店长所说,人王冕下落败之后,人王冕下的追随者,确实会成为众多神明通缉的目标。” But, has under the person royal crown of samsara principle, how possibly unable to think of these things.” “但是,拥有轮回法则的人王冕下,怎么可能想不到这些事情呢。” The samsara principle is quite complex top level principle. 轮回法则可是相当复杂的高位级法则。 Not only and contains the strength of life and death, similarly also contained a time principle and causes and effects principle. 其中不仅蕴含着生死之力,同样也包含了一丝时间法则和因果法则在内。 By the strength of samsara principle, sees a future destiny, regarding the person king, is not the difficult matter. 透过轮回法则的力量,看到一丝未来的命运,对于人王来说,并不是什么困难的事情。 In other words, the person the king at that time, had possibly seen scene that oneself are defeated. 也就是说,人王在那个时候,可能已经看到了自己落败的场景。 The person king Yijiu accepted a challenge. 只是,人王依旧应战了。 So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Qi Le nods. 齐乐点了点头。 Such a looked that could convince. 这么一看,那就说得通了。 By the writing skill of person king, wants to place part of followers, naturally no issue. 以人王的手笔而言,想要安置好一部分的追随者,当然没什么问题。 Cleaned follower trace to be good with the samsara principle. 用轮回法则洗净追随者身上的痕迹就好了。 Follower who that present vault of heaven god, the person the king leaves behind, how many?” “那现在的天穹神界,人王遗留下来的追随者,还有多少?” Qi Le also asked issue that quite cares about. 齐乐又问了一个相当在意的问题。 If the follower of person king, that basically can calculate that becomes the allied force. 如果是人王的追随者,那基本上都能算成是友军。 If can gather these allied forces, that Qi Le in vault of heaven god does not calculate that fought single-handedly. 若是能把这些友军集合起来,那齐乐在天穹神界也就不算是孤军奋战了。 Sorry, Shop Manager Qi, this issue, I am not clear.” “抱歉,齐店长,这个问题,我就不清楚了。” Syre actually shakes the head, somewhat regrettable saying: Among followers, will not look for the opposite party on own initiative.” 赛尔卡亚却是摇了摇头,有些遗憾的说道:“追随者之间,是不会主动寻找对方的。” Because of seeking on a grand scale, will only expose our existence, this is the matter that does not permit absolutely.” “因为大张旗鼓的寻找,只会暴露了我们的存在,这是绝对不允许的事情。” Therefore some of my not clear present also many followers.” “所以我也不清楚现在还有多少追随者。” Matter that this can want to obtain actually. 这倒是能想得到的事情。 The follower of person king, that may be name on the wanted list. 人王的追随者,那可都是通缉名单上的名字。 Hid the identity with great difficulty, ambushes in vault of heaven god so many years, if exposed, all may waste diligently. 好不容易隐藏了身份,潜伏在天穹神界这么多年,要是暴露了,一切努力可就白费了。 Also right, wants also to think, this matter was I am offensive.” “也对,想也能想到,这事是我唐突了。” Qi Le flexure scratched the head, said was sorry. 齐乐挠了挠头,说了一声抱歉。 Might as well.” “无妨。” Syre gave the response. 赛尔卡亚给了回应。
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