MRGMGCS :: Volume #25

#2439: Selected location

Opening a shop, naturally is also.” “开店,自然也是。” Really a few words, talked clearly the biggest rule of chaotic region. 真是一句话,就说清楚了混乱区域的最大规则。 However Qi Le coming tavern, to not listen to these idle talk. 不过齐乐过来酒馆这边,可不是为了听这些废话的。 In chaotic region, although truly takes the military force as to revere, whose fist is big who is Boss. 在混乱区域之中,虽然确实是以武力为尊,谁的拳头大谁就是老大 But similarly, is the chaotic place, more will be one will wrap own rule to exist. 但同样的,越是混乱的地方,越是会有一套自己的规则存在。 Although does not have Lord God in the chaotic region, but these battle efficiency tyrannical gods, always do not lack. 虽然在混乱区域之中并不存在主神,但是那些战斗力强横的神明,从来都是不缺的。 But the battle efficiency is the powerful gods, the fame in chaotic region is bigger. 而战斗力越是强大的神明,在混乱区域之中的名气就越大。 No matter ominous also good, is the prestige. 不管是凶名也好,还是威名也罢。 Qi Le wants to know that now, where is these has illustrious fame the domain of fellow. 齐乐现在想要知道的,就是那些有着赫赫名气的家伙的地盘在哪里。 Then the address of shop, naturally must avoid the range that these domains cover. 然后店铺的地址,自然是要避开那些地盘笼罩的范围。 Otherwise from the beginning draws on the powerful enemy, Qi Le could not somewhat have supported. 要不然一开始就招来强敌,齐乐还真有点撑不住。 The food must eating one after another, the fame, naturally also be firing slowly step by step. 饭要一口一口的吃,名气,当然也是一步一步的慢慢打响。 When Qi Le opened a shop the belief stone that took to be many enough, that really anything does not fear. 齐乐开店拿到手的信仰石足够多了,那才是真的什么都不怕了。 Is good because of these information, in the chaotic region also is really not the matter of what secret. 好在这些情报,在混乱区域还真不算什么隐秘之事。 Looks for senior in chaotic region casually, can inquire clearly. 随便找个混乱区域的资深者,就能打听清楚。 These receiving and instructing but who bumped into before, but also really does not have the qualifications to be senior in this chaotic region. 只不过之前碰到的那些接引者,还真就没资格做这个混乱区域的资深者。 Can live in the chaotic region enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water, that also needs the real skill. 能在混乱区域活得风生水起,那也是需要真本事的。 Therefore the bartender also has nothing to conceal, Qi Le asked that he narrated truthfully. 所以调酒师也没什么可隐瞒的,齐乐问起了,他就如实叙说。 Naturally, said is also only neighbor some powerful gods. 当然了,说的也只是附近的一些强大的神明。 After all the chaotic region length and breadth is boundless, compared with any god country, wants to be big innumerable times. 毕竟混乱区域广袤无垠,比起任何一个神国来说,都要大出无数倍。 Is surrounding vault of heaven god in all directions, the broadness of concrete area, vast of area, no one knows. 更是环绕着天穹神界的四面八方,具体的疆域之宽广,面积之辽阔,无人知晓。 The bartenders live in the tavern, the known information, naturally also obtains from chatting of guest. 调酒师居住在酒馆之中,知晓的情报,自然也是从客人的闲聊之中得到的。 But tavern type of building, in the chaotic region, that is innumerable. 而酒馆这种建筑物,在混乱区域之中,那可是数不胜数。 Will arrive in the tavern the guest, actually majority, lives in the nearby. 会到酒馆里来的客人,其实大部分,都生活在附近。 Information that therefore Qi Le can ask, is actually very limited. 所以齐乐能问到的情报,其实还挺有限的。 However there is no relations, can understand that nearby situation was actually similar. 不过这并没有什么关系,能了解附近的情况其实就差不多了。 Is far a point place, looked for a tavern to be good again, was the minor matters. 再远一点的地方,再找一家酒馆就好了,都是小事。 It seems like, opens the shop in the chaotic region, instead is better.” “这么看来,把店开在混乱区域,反而更好。” Qi Le has not thought, alternative can change the first choice unexpectedly. 齐乐也没想到,备选居然能变首选。 Actually laborious Giant Dragon Saint Lord explained the situation in god country's for him, in the end has not prepared to choose some god country. 倒是辛苦巨龙圣王为他讲解神国的情况了,到头来也没准备选择某一个神国。 Because Qi Le has not come vault of heaven god time, has not thought that also has belief stone such good thing. 因为齐乐没来天穹神界的时候,也没想到还有信仰石这么个好东西。 Originally what does is the long-term preparation, who knows that turned into the amassing money important matter all of a sudden. 本来做的是长期准备,谁知道一下子就变成了敛财大计了。 Looked up a direction of look country's, the Qi Le thinking moment, finally the choice walked in the opposite direction. 抬头看了一眼神国的方向,齐乐思索片刻,最后还是选择往相反的方向走去。 More is far away from the place of god country's, is chaotic region the place of gathering. 越是远离神国的地方,越是混乱区域的汇聚之地。 The god country and chaotic region, are ordered and extreme reflection of disorder. 神国和混乱区域,就是有序和无序的极端表现。 Takes care of your pennies and dollars will take care of themselves, while, is in the riches and honor danger asks. 一边,是细水长流,一边,是富贵险中求。 Before Qi Le arrives at vault of heaven god, thinks oneself will choose the former, who knows, after coming vault of heaven god, discovered that the latter seems more appropriate the present situation. 齐乐来到天穹神界之前,以为自己会选择前者,谁知道,来了天穹神界之后,发现后者似乎更合适自己现在的情况。 Made the choice, should not be overcautious and indecisive again.” “做出了选择,就不要再瞻前顾后了。” Toward the deep place of chaotic region.” “往混乱区域的深处出发吧。” Qi Le shakes the head, decisive walks toward the front, the direction, naturally is far away from the god country. 齐乐摇了摇头,果断的往前方走去,方向,自然是远离神国。 Most main reason, Qi Le does not want to make these Lord God that notice itself quickly. 最主要的原因,还是齐乐不想让那些主神那么快注意到自己。 Since having that matter of person of king, Lord God regarding killing intent of this non- controllable factor, did not have to be weak. 自从出了人王的那件事之后,主神对于这种不可控因素的杀意,就一直没有弱下来过。 Qi Le does not want to touch these mildew heads of Lord God now. 齐乐现在可不想触那些主神的霉头。 All the way, Qi Le gets out of trouble, but also several taverns, inquired some information. 一路上,齐乐兜兜转转,还去了好几间酒馆,打听了一些情报。 Is good because of these receiving and instructing who before bumped into, left behind many belief stones to Qi Le. 好在之前碰到的那些接引者,给齐乐留下了不少的信仰石。 Otherwise, Qi Le possibly including one glass of liquor unable to drink. 要不然,齐乐可能连一杯酒都喝不起。 Although Qi Le all the way, drunk is the lemon juice, sweetens...... 虽然齐乐一路上,喝的都是柠檬汁,加糖的…… However these are not the key points, the key point is the information that Qi Le inquired, but also really made Qi Le find a good place. 不过这些都不是重点,重点是齐乐打听到的情报,还真让齐乐找了个好地方。 In chaotic region, although likely has the fight everywhere. 在混乱区域之中,虽然随处都可能发生战斗。 However, these battle efficiencies were tyrannical, made the illustrious fame gods, had own domain. 但是,那些战斗力强横,打出了赫赫名气的神明,都是有自己的地盘的。 The alternation in the chaotic region, looks like every large or small influences same. 穿插在混乱区域之中,就像是一个个大大小小的势力一样。 Naturally, said that possibly is a little inaccurate. 当然了,这么说可能有点不准确。 A more accurate view, should be these powerful gods seizes the behavior of domain, is more like to these Lord God shoddy imitations. 更准确的说法,应该是这些强大的神明占领地盘的行为,更像是对那些主神拙劣的模仿。 They also want to found oneself god country, pitifully the strength is only insufficient, without this qualifications. 他们也想建立起自己的神国,只可惜实力不足,没有这个资格。 Therefore arrived at the chaotic region, occupies a place, as own domain. 所以就来到了混乱区域,占据一片地方,做为自己的地盘。 After all in the chaotic region, is not only living these gods, similarly is also living the vault of heaven god innumerable indigenous people. 毕竟在混乱区域之中,不仅仅生活着这些神明,同样也生活着天穹神界无数的原住民。 But the circumstances of these indigenous people, may in these indigenous people compared with god country miss far. 只不过这些原住民的境遇,可比神国之中的那些原住民差远了。 The life of chaotic region is always abyss of suffering. 混乱区域的生活从来都是水深火热的。 However this matter does not turn over to the Qi Le manages. 不过这事不归齐乐管。 Qi Le spoke of the issue of domain, was mainly place that because, he found now, happen to big group of powerful gods an intersection point of domain. 齐乐之所以提起地盘的问题,主要是因为,他现在所找到的地方,正好在一大堆强大的神明的地盘的交界处。 The geographical position extends in all directions, the source of tourists definitely does not worry. 地理位置四通八达,客源肯定是不愁的。 But this good position, reason that also no one opens a tavern and so on shop, possibly is because the pressure was too big. 而这个好位置,之所以还没有谁开个酒馆之类的店铺,可能是因为压力太大了吧。 Was encircled by so many powerful gods in the middle, all day feels alarmed and anxious, might as well does not open a shop here. 被这么多实力强大的神明围在中间,整天担惊受怕的,还不如不在这里开店呢。 However Qi Le did not fear. 但是齐乐又不怕。 Because of the border meeting point of this multi- influence, often is the place that the fight most little presents. 因为这种多个势力的交界点,往往是战斗最少出现的地方。 After all presented the collision and friction in this place, once hits, perhaps is the tangled warfare of several big influences. 毕竟在这种地方出现了碰撞和摩擦,一旦打起来,说不定就是好几个大势力的混战。 Before preparing completely safe, these imitate the influence that the god country is establishing, will definitely maintain a relative balance the condition. 在没有做好万全的准备之前,这些模仿着神国而建立起来的势力,肯定会维持一个相对平衡的状态。 But in this time, enough Qi Le has grown. 而在这个时间里,已经足够齐乐发育起来了。 What therefore has to be good to fear? 所以有什么好怕的呢? System, these opens a shop time, you will not make me give you first to construct one.” 系统,这一次开店,你不会让我给你先建一间吧。” After confirming the address, Qi Le also shouted in mind. 确认了地址之后,齐乐又在脑海里喊了起来。 If in Eastern Desolate or Northern Mountain Range, by the Qi Le present strength, wants to construct a house, is the time of eating meal. 要是在东荒或者北山脉,以齐乐现在的实力,想要建个房子,也就是吃顿饭的功夫。 Transfers the strength of principle, can make a shop rise straight from the ground at the scene, carries package of moving in fine repairs. 调用法则之力,当场就能让一座店铺拔地而起,还是拎包入住的精装修。 However in vault of heaven god, so firm space wall barrier. 但是在天穹神界,如此坚固的空间壁障。 To construct the house using the strength of principle, perhaps is somewhat difficult. 想要利用法则之力建房子,恐怕有些困难。 Regarding present Qi Le, somewhat is at least difficult. 至少对于现在的齐乐来说,有些困难。 Because of the consumption of divine creative force principle, very greatly! 因为造物法则的消耗,很大! System: Host felt relieved, you only needed the selected location to be good, the matter of shop gave this System to be good.” 系统:“宿主放心,你只需要选址就行了,店铺的事情交给本系统就好了。” That is good, that here.” “那就好,那就在这里吧。” Qi Le nods. 齐乐点了点头。
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