MDSV :: Volume #60

#5969: The king coronates

After stepping god ladder, pill treasure is the god of Life. 踏上成神阶梯后,丹宝就是生命之神。 No accident/surprise. 没有任何的意外。 Has arrived at Peak. 一直走到了顶峰 Used several years time, strength of practice Life to perfection. 只是用了数年的时间,将生命之力修炼到了圆满 The halo of god, arrives in this moment. 神之光环,也在这一刻降临。 The Wanliu god territory, erupts the change again. 万柳神域,再次爆发异动。 The sky of god territory. 神域的上空。 The projection arrives together, on the face brings happily. 一道投影降临,脸上带着欣慰。 Comes the person king. 来人正是界王。 His subordinate presented the god of Life finally.. 他的麾下总算出现了生命之神。。 Directly under cultivator, will grow again. 直辖内的修行者,也将再次成长。 Having Life has the hope. 有着生命就是有着希望。 Congratulates Sir king!” That moment that the king presents, goes into hiding three in Void to exist through ancient times, walked. “恭喜界王大人!”界王出现的那一刻,隐匿在虚空中的三位亘古存在,也走了出来。 The king sees is these three people, extremely polite, you were also the same, had the appearance of god of Life, the Nine Tribulations boundary, to you, extremely easy to obtain!” 界王看到是这三人,也极为的客气,“你们也一样,有了生命之神的出现,九劫境,对于你们而言,唾手可得!” This relied upon Sir king!” “这还是仰仗了界王大人!” The appearance of god of Life. 生命之神的出现。 Profits in a big way was these three. 受益最大的就是这三位了。 They had touched the Nine Tribulations boundary, may also probably suppress own Realm. 他们早就触碰了九劫境,可还要一直压制着自己的境界 Does not dare to go to crossing tribulation. 不敢去渡劫 Because northern Time and Space Life Level is low, once crossing tribulation succeeds, even if becomes the Nine Tribulations boundary, still lives is about day. 因为北时空生命层次较低,一旦渡劫成功,就算成为了九劫境,也活不过一天的时间。 Even the quarter of an hour is very difficult. 甚至一刻钟都很难。 Initial that day female was a lesson. 当初的那位天女就是一个教训。 They have first Divine Body to promote the Nine Tribulations boundary, Source Universe to suppress. 他们只好先将神体提升到了九劫境,本源宇宙一直压制着。 Is waiting for the appearance of god of Life. 等待着生命之神的出现。 In this was the king was not cruel enough to be directly under initially cultivator Heaven’s Chosen, took place of the fallen to jump in the fiery pit, taught own mystique to give these three people secretly. 这还是当初界王不忍心直辖内的修行者天骄,都前仆后继跳进火坑,偷偷的传授自己的秘法给这三人。 Naturally, this is not the blunder. 当然,这也不是什么大错。 Even if Vyse saw, turns a blind eye. 哪怕维斯看到了,也是睁一只眼闭一只眼。 Has not investigated anything. 没有追究什么。 Resulted in the direction. 得了指点。 Said that these three exist through ancient times, is disciple of king. 说起来这三位亘古存在,还是界王的弟子 They had also acknowledged as teacher on own initiative, was given the veto by the king. 他们也曾经主动去拜师过,都被界王给否决了。 After all is the one king, runs the northern Time and Space highest god. 毕竟是一位界王,掌管北时空的最高之神。 If can pays respects Jiewang be the master, isn't walks sideways? 要是能够拜界王为师,不就是横着走吗? What a pity they do not have that good fortune. 可惜他们没那个福分。 Really is lively!” King behind, presented one person suddenly. “真是热闹啊!”界王的身后,忽然又出现了一人。 Wears the yellow Daoist robe, leads tall Guan. 身穿黄色道袍,带着高冠。 Caret-shaped face, yellow skin, as well as thick eyebrow. 八字脸,黄色的皮肤,以及浓厚的眉毛。 The king with black left who comes together. 正是跟着界王一同前来的乌左。 Three existed through ancient times just also in sighed, saw that black left appeared has a scare, the brow jumped just wanted to get angry. 三位亘古存在刚刚还在唏嘘,看到乌左出现都是吓了一跳,眉头一跳刚想要发怒。 Before king unexpectedly so impolite. 在界王面前竟然如此的无礼。 This highly improper. 这成何体统。 Has not needed three people to get angry. 还不待三人发怒。 The king then puts out a hand empty to press, said indifferently: Introduced, this was my disciple, black left!” 界王便伸手虚按,淡然道:“介绍一下,这位是我的弟子,乌左!” „!” Three exist through ancient times, cannot believe that simply own ear, said with amazement: Outstanding disciple who you, when receive?” “啊!”三位亘古存在,简直不敢相信自己的耳朵,惊讶道:“您老人家,什么时候收的高徒?” Also the little while ago matter, you wound in this ripe, I must enter Wanliu divine wood!” The king waves, then took a step to enter the Wanliu divine wood. “也就前不久的事情,你们在此熟络一下,我得进入万柳神木一趟!”界王挥了挥手,便迈步进入了万柳神木。 Only left behind black left to exist with three through ancient times. 只留下了乌左与三位亘古存在。 Doesn't know ..... the fellow daoist given name?” Three in most Top powerhouse that nine big Time and Space walk sideways, not only left leaked off the envying look to black, but also has the meaning of flattering. “不知.....道友名讳?”三位在九大时空横着走的最顶尖强者,不但对乌左漏出了羡慕的眼神,还有着巴结的意思。 After all is disciple of king. 毕竟是界王的弟子 Must win over. 必须要拉拢一下。 ....... ....... In Wanliu divine wood. 万柳神木内。 Is livelier than the outside world. 比外界还要热闹。 Everyone stands the edge in everlasting temple, is gazing at pill treasure. 所有人站在不朽神殿的边缘,注视着丹宝。 Is also talking in private. 私下也在交谈。 This life, value!” one seven tribulation boundary powerhouse, cannot bear the sigh. “这一生,值了!”一位七劫境强者,忍不住叹息。 Seven tribulation boundary powerhouse that fortunately survives much, chin up and chest out one by one. 不少幸存下来的七劫境强者,各个昂首挺胸。 Got down, saw many super powerhouse. 一路下来,看到了不少超级强者 Quick was numb. 都快麻木了。 Also in this moment, sees pill Bao-Cheng is the god of Life time, leaked off the shocking expression. 也就是在这一刻,看到丹宝成为生命之神的时候,才漏出了震惊的表情。 The lord of permanent wood, does not forget to be flattery in one side, does intentionally said mystically: Actually, I know Xiaodan treasure to become the god of Life very early in the morning, I had also suspected my eye initially, but has not suspected the ability of pill treasure!” 恒木之主,在一旁也不忘溜须拍马,故作神秘道:“其实,我一早就知晓丹宝能够成为生命之神,我当初还怀疑过自己的眼睛,但是没有怀疑过丹宝的能力!” Such remarks, 此话一出, Causes the people to laugh. Brew is looking at pill treasure, in the look some are be only gratified. 引得众人大笑。布鲁望着丹宝,眼神中有的只有欣慰。 Great Elder, sees me to see, you can rest!” 大长老,见我所见,您可以安息了!” pill treasure bathes the appearance in Life. 丹宝沐浴在生命之中的样子。 After Jian Wushuang looked at several, then received the thoughts. 剑无双只是看了几眼后,便收起了心思。 Although pill Bao-Cheng for the god of Life, but his heart has a stone, naked eye unceasing which big monk takes a look. 虽然丹宝成为了生命之神,可他心底还是有着一块石头,肉眼不断的打量哪位大和尚。 Berm person who is known as pill treasure. 号称丹宝的护道人。 The opposite party have had the secret. 对方一直有着秘密。 In that moment of pill Bao-Cheng god, greedy in big monk look had arrived at peak. 在丹宝成神的那一刻,大和尚眼神中的贪婪已经到了巅峰 Is greedy to the god of Life? 生命之神贪婪? Jian Wushuang thinks immediately the one terrifying exists. 剑无双立刻就想到了一位恐怖存在。 Extinguishes lives!” “灭生!” It is not he is sensitive, is really extinguishes lives to seize every opportunity. 不是他敏感,实在是灭生无孔不入。 Even Time and Space can shuttle back and forth, plans him. 时空都能够穿梭,去算计他。 If he becomes the god of Life, first thinks, was extinguished lives planning. 如果是他成为了生命之神,第一时间就会去想,是不是被灭生给算计了。 Without the means that the opposite party became very big shadow at heart to other party. 没办法,对方给他造成了很大的心里阴影。 Not extinguishing lived extinguishing, he slept is not calm and steady. 不把灭生给灭了,他睡觉都不安稳。 Also is now, he becomes the lord of Universe. 也就是现在,他成为了宇宙之主。 Had some energy. 才有了一些底气。 Now so many powerhouse, his energy are bigger. 现在这么多强者在,他底气更大。 Therefore also dares to face directly the big monk. 所以也敢直面大和尚。 To have a look at the opposite party to extinguish lives. 想要看看对方是不是灭生。 pill treasure coronates the god. 丹宝加冕成神。 King phantom, arrives again. 界王虚影,再次降临。 Is becoming the god ladder end. 在成神阶梯的尽头。 The king arrives, in the hand also takes heavy/thick books. 界王降临,手中还拿着一本厚重的书籍。 pill treasure!” The king top of the head halo, looks that pill treasure said kindly: Starting from this moment, you is north Time and Space the god of Life, runs all Life, including every bit of property!” “丹宝!”界王头顶光环,看着丹宝和蔼道:“从这一刻开始,你便是北时空生命之神,掌管所有的生命,包括一草一木!” The books in his hand, glance through automatically. 他手中的书籍,自动翻阅。 Stayed after one page, the last minute/share presented the name of pill treasure. 停留在了某一页后,上分出现了丹宝的名字。 „The god of Life: pill treasure!” 生命之神:丹宝!” In his above, but also has an god position. 在他的上方,还有着一个神位。 The god and name death were unclear. 死亡之神、名字不详。 Life and Death. 生死 Lives the fruit to live the chicken to be the same with the chicken. 就跟鸡生蛋蛋生鸡一样。 Was asking, which first has. 都在问,先有哪一个。 Now the answer appeared. 现在答案出现了。 First had the death, then had the new student/life. 先有死亡,再有新生。 If only had Life not dead. 如果只有生命没有死亡。 Then this place, absolutely is Hell. 那么此地,绝对是地狱 Only the dead spirit in Hell does not die. 只有在地狱中的亡灵才是不死的。 Because they must always be punished. 因为他们要永世受到惩罚。 World that has not died, is more fearful than the fresh world. 一个没有死的世界,比生的世界还要可怕。 Therefore must first have the death, then has Life. 所以要先有死亡,再有生命 pill treasure coronates successfully. 丹宝加冕成功。 The northern Time and Space nine Time and Space perpetual flows vibrate together. 时空的九条时空长河一同震动。 Dozens directing current of middle reaches, are linking up end in Time and Space river together. 连带着中游的数十条直流,一同连贯到了时空长河的末尾。 pill treasure changes, the body wears the green long gown, is green together with the skin. 丹宝摇身一变,身上穿着绿色长袍,连同皮肤都是绿的。 The makings of whole person have the tremendous changes again. 整个人的气质再次发生翻天覆地的变化。 From once ignorant, to firm and resolute. 从曾经的懵懂,到了坚毅。 Turns into the present wisdom again. 再变成现在的睿智。 In the look contains a color. 眼神中都蕴含着一种色彩。 Young god, pays a visit Sir king!” pill treasure bows slightly, is doing obeisance to the king. “小神,拜见界王大人!”丹宝微微躬身,对着界王一拜。 The king lights up with pleasure, dispense with ceremony dispense with ceremony, in the future we will be the people on one's own side, this will be your Spiritual God ring, will say goodbye with your little friends quickly, but also has a more important matter, is waiting for you!” 界王喜笑颜开,“免礼免礼,日后我们就是自己人了,这是你的神灵戒子,还有快跟你那些小伙伴们告别吧,还有着更重要的事情,等着你呢!” Yes!” pill treasure also understood. “是吧!”丹宝也明白了过来。 The position of god, is not the child's play! 神之位,可不是儿戏! On pill treasure brings that moment of ring, becomes god ladder to start ruined. 丹宝带上戒子的那一刻,成神阶梯开始破败。 Source of Wanliu, scrubbed the corrosion of metal Life. 万柳的本源,也洗刷了金属生命的侵蚀。
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