MDSV :: Volume #59

#5848: Wu ceremony/etiquette goes out

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[ Oboe novel net] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[欧巴小说网]https://最快更新!无广告! This makes him have a headache very much. 这让他很头疼。 Super through ancient times has not changed, he meets most common five tribulation boundary powerhouse, the means of having no. 没有超级亘古变,他遇到最普通的五劫境强者,都没任何的办法。 Pondered over for quite a while, discovered. 琢磨了半天,才发现。 Reason that has no way to display. 之所以没法施展。 Is because he now is not the lord of Universe. 是因为他现在不是宇宙之主。 This point, he has long known. 这一点,他早就知道。 Not clear reason. 只是不清楚其中的缘由罢了。 Now after having displayed one time, he saw clearly the current situation thoroughly. 现在施展过一次后,他就彻底看清了当下的处境。 Emperor he, is just like one the fruit that drops from the tree. 帝君的他,就好比是一颗从树上跌落的果实。 But the lord of Universe, is just like long the fruit on tree. 宇宙之主,就好比长在树上的果实。 The latter has the root. 后者有根。 Displays super through ancient times changes, has Source Universe to make the backing. 施展超级亘古变,有着本源宇宙做依托。 Backing that the former has no. 前者却没有任何的依托。 After understanding the reason, he starts to search for the means. 明白原因后,他就开始寻找办法。 Finally made him give to try to find out. 最终还是让他给摸索了出来。 So long as every displays one time super through ancient times changes, first gathers the time that the air/Qi burns a joss stick. 只要每一次施展超级亘古变的时候,先聚气一炷香的时间。 Is centered on being mad, incarnation Universe, displays again super through ancient times changes, at one fell swoop success. 以气为核心,化身宇宙,再施展超级亘古变,一举成功。 Thinks of this. 想到这。 In Jian Wushuang also Source Universe, starts the unceasing attempt. 剑无双本源宇宙内,开始不断的尝试。 First is displays through ancient times changes. 先是施展亘古变。 Then gathers the air/Qi. 然后聚气。 When the aura arrived at Peak, the double pupil changes, shouted angrily! 气息到达了顶峰时,双眸一变,怒喝一声! Super through ancient times changes!” “超级亘古变!” „!!!!” “啊!!!!” He got hold of the fist, the breath erupts from within the body all at once. 他握紧了拳头,一股气息从体内爆发。 Aura starts to change instantaneously. 身上的气息瞬间开始改变。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Buzz after whining noise, he changes the body again super through ancient times changes. 一股嗡鸣声过后,他再次变身超级亘古变。 This time, he finally had the time to feel this strength carefully. 这一次,他总算有时间细细感受这股力量了。 Unceasing shaking the fist, feels Divine Force to turn in within the body wells up. 不断的挥拳,感受着神力在体内翻涌。 800,000 Divine Force. 八十万的神力 Each fist wind, cut to kill four tribulation boundary powerhouse sufficiently. 每一道拳风,都足以斩杀四劫境强者了。 This is the qualitative change of strength. 这是实力的质变。 Promoted 50 times of normal state Divine Force. 足足提升了五十倍常态神力 After ending Divine Force, familiar. 熟悉完神力后。 He starts to feel Source. 他开始感受本源 The strength of Starry Sky also promoted 50 times. 星空之力也提升了五十倍。 Now his Starry Sky record, no matter Life of first sword, were the death of second sword. 现在他的星空图录,不管是第一剑的生命,还是第二剑的死亡。 Can cut to kill five tribulation boundary powerhouse. 都能够斩杀五劫境强者 Even is a worthy opponent six tribulation boundaries. 甚至匹敌六劫境。 !” “呼!” That constriction was too intense. 只是那股压迫感太强烈了。 He can only the time that persists in burning a joss stick. 他只能坚持一炷香的时间。 When first displaying, is quite special, he can insist such a long time. 第一次施展的时,比较特殊,他才能够坚持那么长时间。 Now looks like, the gathering air/Qi that burns a joss stick, trades peak that burns a joss stick. 现在看来,就是一炷香的聚气,换来一炷香的巅峰 However has always does not compare. 不过有总比没有强。 When he arrived at the lord of Universe, has not displayed at will. 等他到了宇宙之主,还不是随意施展。 Now has not completely grasped, does not represent later does not have the means completely to grasp. 现在没有完全掌握,不代表以后没办法完全掌握。 Through ancient times gets with the Starry Sky record, is he acts according to the peak mystique that the strength of Starry Sky creates. 亘古变与星空图录,是他根据星空之力创造出来的巅峰秘法。 Also is his life strongest mystique. 也是他的此生最强的秘法。 The present is only initial period. 现在只是初期而已。 Behind continually will also improve. 后面还会不断的完善。 Super through ancient times changes looks like the Starry Sky record to be the same. 超级亘古变就像是星空图录一样。 The Starry Sky record has nine swords. 星空图录有九剑。 At present creates five swords. 目前创出了五剑。 Grasped two swords. 掌握了两剑。 Respectively is Life and Death. 分别是生死 The third sword Samsara 第三剑“轮回 The fourth sword Time and Space 第四剑“时空 The fifth sword Time and Space Samsara 第五剑“时空轮回 According to his calculation, must arrive at five tribulation boundaries at least, Universe perfection, was born Life, Life moved toward the death. 按照他的推算,起码要到达五劫境,宇宙圆满,诞生了生命,生命走向了死亡。 He can thoroughly comprehend the Samsara sword. 他才能够悟透轮回剑。 Only is the Samsara sword, is so troublesome. 光是轮回剑,就这么麻烦。 Let alone, the strength and death strength of union Life Samsara Strength. 更别说,生命之力与死亡之力结合的轮回之力了。 That be more difficult than the present. 那要比现在更难。 Following Time and Space was actually much simple. 后续的时空倒是简单了不少。 Was the same as Life and death. 就跟生命与死亡一样。 With Level, can display these two swords. 层次,都可以施展这两剑。 However following Time and Space Samsara sword. 但是后续的时空轮回剑。 Needs him to arrive at seven tribulation boundaries, and even eight tribulation boundaries can display. 就需要他到达七劫境,乃至八劫境才能够施展了。 This was he had five swords that were clear about the cognition. 这是他有了明确认知的五剑。 The following sixth sword. 后面的第六剑。 He felt a that future prestige energy. 他只是感受了一下那股未来的威能。 Could not completely understand. 根本看不透。 Only clear, if can display the sixth sword. 只清楚,若是能够施展第六剑。 Three in nine big Time and Space exist to break off the wrist/skill through ancient times. 九大时空中的三位亘古存在都可以掰掰手腕。 Therefore is called ancient also enemy 所以叫做“亘古亦可敌” As for following seven, eight and nine. 至于后续的七、八、九。 The qualifications that these three swords, he looks at do not have. 这三剑,他连看的资格都没有。 Universe lord Realm not to think. 宇宙之主境界就别想了。 Super through ancient times changes, compared with having goal. 还是超级亘古变,比较有奔头。 Through ancient times changes, super through ancient times changes. 亘古变、超级亘古变。 Is the strengths of fast improvement normal state time. 都是快速提升常态时候的战力。 This also lets his to normal state time, request was stricter. 这也让他对常态时候的自己,要求的更加严格了。 The normal state is more powerful, after displaying super through ancient times changes, is more powerful. 常态越强大,施展完超级亘古变后,就更强大。 His present Divine Force, really had no way to promote. 只是他现在的神力,是真的没法提升了。 Otherwise must the one breath eat a fatty. 不然非得一口气吃成一个胖子。 Eastern Mr.'s skeleton, but also on him. 东君的骸骨,可还在他身上。 Waited till the lord of Universe, crosses five tribulations one time, becomes five tribulation boundaries the lord of Universe directly. 等到了宇宙之主,一次渡五劫,直接成为五劫境的宇宙之主。 Then the eastern Mr.'s entire skeleton swallowing. 然后再把东君的整个骸骨给吞噬了。 Divine Force of his normal state, can break 1 million. 他常态的神力,都能破百万。 When the time comes, did not say that super through ancient times changes. 到时候,不说超级亘古变。 Uses beast God's Force, perhaps he can fight with seven tribulation boundaries. 就是使用兽神之力,他恐怕都能够跟七劫境交手了。 He cannot completely understand east this now Mr.'s skeleton. 只是他现在一直看不透这东君的骸骨。 Also does not know that can promote many. 也不知道能够提升多少。 In any case 1 million is a foundation. 反正百万是个基础。 The upper limit he is not clear. 上限他就不清楚了。 Also does not know five tribulation boundaries time, can swallowing. 也不知道五劫境的时候,能不能一口气给吞了。 Even if cannot swallow, he must swallow itself unable to bear. 就算吞不完,他也要吞到自己受不了。 This manifested, fleshly body powerful advantage. 这就体现到了,肉身强大的好处。 The initial tiger, simply was his good teacher. 当初的山君,简直是他的良师。 Also there is own insistence with diligently. 也有自己的坚持跟努力。 All have not wasted. 一切都没有白费。 Own strength and Realm, from made a summary newly. 将自己的战力与境界,从新做了一个总结。 At present, remaining Universe perfection this ridges. 目前,就剩下宇宙圆满这一道坎了。 Once Universe perfection, this/should impact tribulation boundary. 一旦宇宙圆满,就该冲击劫境了。 Where couldn't he feel oneself tribulation? 只是他一直感受不到自己的劫在哪儿? Originally thinks in Wanliu divine wood. 本来以为会在万柳神木之中。 However looked by the current situation where perhaps does not plunder! 但是以目前的情况看,或许劫不在哪儿! But more breaks through in the infinite macrocosm early, more is favorable for him. 而是在无穷大世界内越早突破,对他越有利。 He cares actually not very much. 他倒不是很在乎。 !” Treated for day in the Source world. “呼!”在本源世界内又待了一天。 He returns to this Venerable/main body, the standing up body, stretches oneself. 他回归本尊,站起身子,伸了个懒腰。 Jumps an eye of to look into the distance, performs not to look at the side mountain peak. 跳目远望,尽是望不到边的山峰。 It seems powerhouse to tower general. 就好似一个个强者耸立一般。 Buzz! 嗡! Wild from back. 一股狂放从背后袭来。 Jian Wushuang complexion one happy, turns the head to look. 剑无双面色一喜,转头去看。 The Cave Mansion front door opens wide, Wu ceremony/etiquette stands outside the hole, the whole person was much young. 洞府的大门敞开,吴礼就站在洞外,整个人都年轻了不少。 Moreover aura, wanted powerful hundred times compared with the past. 而且身上的气息,比以往要强大了百倍。 Broke through four tribulation boundaries unexpectedly. 竟然突破到了四劫境。 Moreover is not the general four tribulation boundaries. 而且还不是一般的四劫境。 Just broke through, then arrived at four tribulation boundary peak. 刚刚突破,便到达了四劫境巅峰 „, You so will be quick!” Fostered talent to take the lead to set out, looks to Wu ceremony/etiquette. “没想到,你会这么快!”树人率先起身,看向了吴礼。 Jian Wushuang opens mouth, is actually words wind One Revolution, congratulated: Wu Lixiong, congratulations!” 剑无双张了张嘴,却是话风一转,恭贺道:“吴礼兄,恭喜啊!” Sees him also in this place, some Wu ceremony/etiquette obviously surprise, but has not asked anything. 看到他也在此地,吴礼显然有些诧异,不过也没有多问什么。 But moved toward fostering talent. 而是走向了树人。 ! 啪! High-spirited Wu ceremony/etiquette, knelt unexpectedly immediately. 意气风发的吴礼,竟然当即跪了下来。 disciple does not lose the teacher to look, has broken through four tribulation boundary peak!” 弟子不负老师所望,已经突破四劫境巅峰!” Teacher? 老师? The Jian Wushuang eyeground does not have the flowing light that is easy to detect. 剑无双眼底有着不易察觉的流光。 It seems like he guesses also right. 看来他猜的也没错。 This fosters talent, is not ordinary with the Wu ritual relations. 这树人,跟吴礼的关系不一般。 Moreover the understanding of Wanliu, surpassed the average man. 而且对万柳的了解,超出了常人。 Although he understanding of Wanliu, merely from a Wu ceremony/etiquette person. 虽然他对万柳的了解,仅仅来自吴礼一个人。 However for a long time, where without hears the matter of Wanliu from others obstinately. 但是这么长时间,愣是没有从其他人哪儿听到万柳的事情。 Also can see, person who knows the Wanliu secret, rarely. 也能看出,知晓万柳秘密的人,很少。 This fostering talent, can deposit by the spirit of vegetation, is not definitely ordinary. 这个树人,能够以草木之灵寄存,肯定不一般。 The spirit of vegetation, only recognizes the lord to the day female. 草木之灵,只对天女认主。 This request, to others is day of wise, the possibility without overstepped. 这要求,对其他人就是天哲,没有逾越的可能。
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