MDSV :: Volume #56

#5531: Destruction!

Without your things, you get out of the way finally!” Jian Wushuang took a fast look around one to sit these Emperor by Great Hall, said: Otherwise under injured accidentally you not to blame me!” “没你们的事情,你们最后走开!”剑无双扫视了一眼坐在大殿两边的那些帝君,开口说道:“不然等下误伤了你们可别怪我!” Destruction Source of that terrifying, the people were chaotic. 那恐怖的毁灭本源一出,众人就乱了。 Without he said, leaves in abundance. 没等他说完,就纷纷离开。 Sees a play, but injures accidentally to oneself may not be good. 看戏可以,但是误伤到自己可就不好了。 The iron three facial colors changed, he has not thought that Jian Wushuang can get so far as Universe Source unexpectedly, moreover Destruction Source, this, if in this Great Hall from exploding, he must the severe wound not be possible. 铁三面色变了,他没想到剑无双居然能够弄到宇宙本源,而且还是毁灭本源,这要是在这大殿中自爆,他非得重伤不可。 Jian Wushuang, you a prisoner, this Eminence can now unscrupulous begins to you, you best the knowing the limitation point hurry to roll, when I have not happened! „ Iron three outstretch the hand, principle of righteousness that very said. 剑无双,你现在一个囚犯,本座可以肆无忌惮的对你动手,你最好识相点赶紧滚,我就当没发生过!“铁三伸开手,说的很是大义。 This is because that Destruction Source was too terrifying, really must spell, perhaps he has no good end with Jian Wushuang. 这是因为那股毁灭本源太恐怖了,真要拼了,恐怕他跟剑无双都没什么好下场。 The opposite party is inheritance, has really gives to reveal spirit, will not fall from the sky. 对方是传承者,有真灵给兜底,根本不会陨落。 He was different, really spells, if Jian Wushuang killed him, really spirit because of a senior statesman, Jian Wushuang not writing off. 他就不一样了,真拼下去,剑无双要是杀了他,真灵也不会因为一个元老,就将剑无双给抹杀了。 Instead if he killed Jian Wushuang, perhaps will bring in the really spirit anger. 反而他要是杀了剑无双,恐怕会引来真灵的怒火。 Nearby palace wonderful somewhat refuses to compromise according to the complexion. 旁边的宫妙依面色有些僵持。 Suddenly actually does not know Jian Wushuang is really false, the heart presented one to change countenance unexpectedly. 一时间竟然不知剑无双是真是假,心底竟然出现了一丝动容。 But ripped day of this time, only wants to leave here, may have breath all at once to block him, keeping him from moving. 而撕天这时,只想离开这里,可有着一股气息一直拦着他,让他无法动弹。 The master of this aura, naturally is black left. 这股气息的主人,自然是乌左。 Jian Wushuang has said explicitly, must rip the day dead. 剑无双可是明确说过,一定要撕天死。 Beast Divine Weapon, must snatch. 神兵,一定要抢过来。 This is the golden opportunity. 这是绝佳的机会。 In the Jian Wushuang eye pupil is divulging huge killing intent. 剑无双眼眸中透漏着巨大的杀意 Iron three old dogs, suffer to death!” His whole body read the strength to erupt instantaneously, Destruction Source of right and wrong expressed buzz the cry instantaneously intermittently. “铁三老狗,受死吧!”他全身念力瞬间爆发,一条曲直的毁灭本源瞬间发出阵阵嗡鸣。 The iron on Great Hall three will certainly not wait for death, draws the palace wonderfully according to probably escape. 大殿上的铁三当然不会等死,拉着宫妙依就要往外逃。 At this time, did not spell hardly. 这个时候,根本不是硬拼的时候。 Escapes!” The iron three are only an idea. “逃!”铁三只有一个想法。 Ripping the day somewhat was miserable, is unable to move, suppressed, spells to go all-out to shout stubbornly: Saves me!” 撕天就有些惨了,根本无法动弹,被镇压的死死的,拼尽全力喊道:“救我!” At this time the crisis on top of crisis, the iron three simply have not managed to rip the day the life, only wants to hurry to leave here. 此时危机重重,铁三根本没有管撕天的死活,只想赶紧离开这里。 Everyone, must die!” Jian Wushuang finishes speaking, the wing of Torch Dragon wrapped the whole body instantaneously, but black left also stood in his front at this time. “所有人,都得死!”剑无双话音刚落,烛龙之翼瞬间包裹了全身,而乌左此时也站在了他的前面。 Do not resist hardly, after a breath, I will begin!” “别硬抗,一息之后我会动手!” After black Zuo Zhuan sound, powerful strength is wrapping Jian Wushuang. 乌左传音后,一股强大的力量包裹着剑无双 Without his protection, will also fall from the sky in Jian Wushuang of Destruction Source core. 没有他的保护,在毁灭本源核心的剑无双也会陨落。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Destruction Source radical rupturing, the entire Fushoutang was razed to the ground instantaneously, later dreadful aura started to condense changed to a point. 毁灭本源彻底爆裂,整个福寿堂瞬间被夷为平地,随后一股滔天气息开始凝聚化作了一个点。 That is the black hole. 那是黑洞。 This 10% Destruction Source, continent that was at Fushoutang condenses the black hole directly, the strength of huge swallowing, swallows continent that the entire Fushoutang was at completely. 这10%的毁灭本源,直接将福寿堂所在的大陆凝聚成了黑洞,巨大的吞噬之力,将整个福寿堂所在的大陆全部吞噬。 Iron three wants to struggle is useless, finally discards the palace to depend on wonderfully, wants to flee alone, but Jian Wushuang has rushed over at this time. 铁三在其中想要挣扎都没有用,最终舍弃宫妙依,想要独自逃离,可这时剑无双已经冲了过去。 „To walk!” A Jian Wushuang dive, first held the palace to depend on wonderfully, later held the hand that the palace is depending on wonderfully to block in the iron three front. “想走!”剑无双一个俯冲,先是抓住了宫妙依,随后拉着宫妙依的手拦在了铁三的面前。 Overlooks the opposite party, Fushoutang Hallmaster that one keeps aloof, now likely stray cur. 俯瞰对方,一位高高在上的福寿堂堂主,如今像个丧家之犬。 Jian Wushuang, I want you dead!” The iron three thorough were angry, acting boldly regardless of one's safety flushes away toward Jian Wushuang. 剑无双,我要你死!”铁三彻底愤怒了,奋不顾身的朝着剑无双冲去。 Although has been seriously injured, but the iron 31 come up to spell to try, even burnt Source, making the strength restore the Top level. 虽说已经受了重伤,但是铁三一上来就拼尽了全力,甚至是燃烧了本源,让实力恢复到了顶尖水准。 Extinguishes the god palm!” Iron three peak Absolute Art, are one set of prestige can infinite extinguishing Divine Technique. “灭神掌!”铁三的巅峰绝学,便是一套威能无穷的灭神术 A palm lays out, extinguishes Divine Technique to stimulate instantaneously, around the Jian Wushuang reading strength starts feebly, could not have felt the position that the opposite party is. 一掌拍出,灭神术瞬间激发,剑无双周围的念力开始衰弱,已经感受不到对方所在的位置了。 Read the strength, once vanished, the cultivator looked like a blind person. 念力一旦消失,修行者就像是一个瞎子。 black left in the black hole core of distant place, in his hand also carries is ripping day of Emperor. 乌左在远处的黑洞核心之中,他手中还拎着撕天帝君 At this time rips day to say rendingly: ” Sir black left, saves me! „ 此时撕天撕心裂肺道:”乌左大人,救救我!“ Saves you?” black left sneers, forcefully after opposite party beast Divine Weapon seizes next, will directly rip the day to throw into the vortex of black hole. “救你?”乌左冷笑,强行将对方身上的兽神兵夺下后,直接将撕天扔进了黑洞的旋涡之中。 Rips the hate of day of whole face, the anger exclaims: No!!!” 撕天满脸的怨恨,怒吼道:“不!!!” He is unwilling!!! 他不甘心!!! Walks, he is not easier than anybody, in primitive star to preserve beast Divine Weapon, not only provokes Jian Wushuang. 一路走来,他比任何人都不容易,在原始星为了保住兽神兵,不但去招惹剑无双 Arrived grave Divine Mountain, was bullied by other inheritance, now step by step crawls with great difficulty this position, how he is resigned to fall from the sky. 到了墓神山,又被其他传承者欺负,如今好不容易一步一步爬到了这个位置,他怎么就甘心这么陨落。 But the huge attraction of back black hole, lets his mind entirely to extinguish, fleshly body also changed to the innumerable pellets, belongs to the deposition. 可背后黑洞的巨大引力,让他心神俱灭,肉身也化作了无数的颗粒,归于沉积。 But in black hole surface, but also prints to carve is ripping the day finally fierce expression, that is one group of mist. 可黑洞表面上,还印刻着撕天最后狰狞的表情,那是一团雾气. Solves rips the day later, black left First Step takes, arrived at the black hole most core place. 解决完撕天后,乌左一步迈出,来到了黑洞的最核心处。 „Does Jian Wushuang, want me to help?” 剑无双,要不要我帮忙?” Now Jian Wushuang did not have to read the strength, can only hear the sound, at this time he also has one to make an all-out effort, shouts: I can solve!” 如今剑无双没了念力,只能够听到声音,此时他也有着一股狠劲,喝道:“我能解决!” According to the plan, is black left solved the iron three, the Jian Wushuang solution rips the day. 原本按照计划,是乌左解决铁三,剑无双解决撕天。 Now actually in turn. 如今倒是反过来了。 Strongest black left, killed a weakest ripping day, but Jian Wushuang chooses to gnaw the bone that is most difficult to gnaw. 最强的乌左,去杀了一个最弱的撕天,而剑无双选择去啃一个最难啃的骨头。 Found you!” The Jian Wushuang corners of the mouth leak off a smile. “找到你了!”剑无双嘴角漏出一丝笑容。 Has not read the strength, he also has the strength of Life. 没有念力,他还有生命之力。 So long as contains the Life aura, he can feel. 只要是蕴含着生命气息,他都能够感受到。 Huge being in charge raids, Jian Wushuang drew out slowly shouldered after cloud sword definitely. 巨大的掌印袭来,剑无双缓缓拔出了背负在后的决云剑。 At this moment his temple flies upwards, the clothes robe waves with the attraction, both eyes shut tightly, actually extracted decided cloud sword, prepared to display his strongest sword. 这一刻他鬓角飞扬,衣袍随着引力舞动,双目紧闭,却抽出了决云剑,准备施展他最强一剑。 Stands depends on Jian Wushuang behind palace wonderfully, is looking at Jian Wushuang, he from the body of opposite party, saw the Father appearance probably. 站在剑无双身后的宫妙依,望着剑无双,他好像从对方的身上,看到了父亲的样子。 Because of initially, her Mother has told him, Father most likes carrying long sword, initially also had this reason, two people arrived at one. 因为当初,她母亲跟他讲过,父亲最喜欢背着一柄长剑,当初也有这个原因,二人才走到了一起。 May think of Father, he somewhat changes countenance. 可一想到父亲,他又有些动容。 The iron three really must fall from the sky, what to do his does Father, look for Father by whom when the time comes? 铁三真要陨落了,他的父亲怎么办,到时候靠谁去找父亲 By Jian Wushuang? 剑无双 Although now Jian Wushuang outwardly for her, but she cannot guarantee that the opposite party will certainly help her. 虽然现在剑无双明面是为了她,可她也不敢保证对方一定会帮她。 If by some chance Jian Wushuang uses her again, at the same time what to do then throws to ignore! 万一剑无双再次利用她,然后扔到一边置之不理怎么办! When the time comes, because she fell from the sky the iron three, strong wind from afar Palace Lord will not forgive her. 到时候,因为她陨落了铁三,长风宫主也不会饶了她。 Cruel fate person! 苦命人! The palace somewhat is wonderfully ruddy according to the eye pupil, but she is actually not able to make any choice, can only do as one pleases! 宫妙依眼眸有些红润,可她却无法做出任何的选择,只能任人摆布! However in the meantime, cloud sword in definitely Jian Wushuang hand, aims at the giant palm at the same time, then looked that depends on to the palace wonderfully, the tender feelings said: Relax, our father's matter, I can also help you manage!” 不过就在此时,剑无双手中的决云剑,指向巨掌的同时,回头看向宫妙依,柔情道:“放心,咱爹的事情,我也能帮你办!” Words that this is not concerned about face, Jian Wushuang acts instantaneously. 这句不要脸的话一出,剑无双瞬间出手。 All generations!” “万劫!” Decides cloud sword, sends out one buzz the cry, that is the transformation of strength of Life. 决云剑,发出一阵嗡鸣,那是生命之力的转化。 Dreadful sword intent arrives at the world, a sword leaves initiates the entire space the resonance! 滔天的剑意降临人间,一剑出引发整个空间的共鸣! Only is on Jian Wushuang that aura, washed out that to extinguish Divine Technique instantaneously, later got angry shouts: Falling life!” 光是剑无双身上的那股气息,就瞬间冲散了那股灭神术,随后怒喝道:“陨命!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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