MDSV :: Volume #56

#5528: All generations sword „perishes”

Wanted to fuse the strength of Life is too difficult, he can only then using Absolute Art, transform the strength of Life to Sword Qi on. 想要融合生命之力太难了,他只能转而利用绝学,将生命之力转化到剑气上。 Only then this can display the huge strength. 只有这样才能够发挥出巨大的战力。 No matter the strength of extremely abundant myriad things, or is Samsara Strength, wants to fuse on own say/way, is difficult. 不管是极为雄厚的万物之力,又或者是轮回之力,想要融合到自己本身的道上,都非常困难。 „The Life course, the itself/Ben is various day of all generations!” Jian Wushuang floats in the sea of Source, but actually holds to decide cloud sword. 生命的历程,本就是诸天万劫!”剑无双漂浮在本源之海上,倒持决云剑。 All generations sword can also be all generations space and all generations Universe, this and myriad things is the same, is only the direction is different, this first tribulation, in Sword Dao!” “万劫剑也可以是万劫空间、万劫宇宙,这与万物相同,只是方向不同,这第一劫,就在剑道!” Jian Wushuang lifts the hand suddenly, decides cloud sword to leave, all sea surges! 剑无双猛然抬手,决云剑出,四海激荡! This sword! 这一剑! May cut to kill Rank 6 Emperor. 可斩杀六阶帝君 peak Absolute Art all generations are his lifetime create, walks related with him. 巅峰绝学“万劫”是他毕生所创,与他一路走来有关。 Disaster that he passes through, far more than is all generations. 他走过的劫难,何止是万劫。 Initially when was small and weak, was placed in front of him the first tribulation, was Sword Dao. 当初弱小时,摆在他面前的第一劫,便是剑道 Now his collection big accomplishment in a sword, is to a confession of Sword Dao, to an own confession. 如今他集大成于一剑,也算是对剑道的一个交代,对自己的一个交代。 Said extremely, although strong, follows his time to be very short eventually, has not had too many special sentiments. 极道虽强,终究跟随他的时间很短,并未有太多的特殊感情。 Sword Dao is different, from weak, then accompanies with him, seems inherent general. 剑道却不一样,从微弱之际,便与他相伴,就好似与生俱来一般。 Otherwise he has not diverted attention to try to find out Sword Dao, after having more powerful side say/way, why must minor in say/way of the Ultimate, this does not look for trouble to oneself. 不然他也不会一直分心去摸索剑道,有了更强大的极道后,为何还要去兼修一条终极之道,这不是给自己找不自在。 When about, so long as discarded Sword Dao to be good. 合道时,只要舍弃剑道就好了。 May discard, will he be resigned? 可舍弃了,他会甘心吗? Jian Wushuang engages in introspection. 剑无双扪心自问。 Ten thousand Sword Venerable! 万道剑尊 In ten thousand that he grasps, cherishes Sword Dao only. 在他掌握的万道之中,唯独钟爱剑道 He must carry forward Sword Dao , to promote it to the altitude that cannot be touched. 他要将剑道发扬光大,将它提升到不可触碰的高度。 In ten thousand, strongest, most perfect stance that Sword Dao promotes. 在万道之中,将剑道提升到的最强,最完美的姿态。 Moreover murdering of Sword Dao, is very suitable he. 而且剑道的杀伐,很适合他。 All generations sword!” The Jian Wushuang double pupil burning hot, is looking at this sword, said excitedly: Finally success!” “万劫剑!”剑无双双眸炙热,望着这一剑,激动道:“总算成功了!” Although Ultimate Sword Dao, has not stepped into 9 layers Realm, the sword that but creates now, has been able to cut to kill Rank 6 Emperor. 虽然终极剑道,还未踏入九层境界,但是如今创造出的这一剑,已经能够斩杀六阶帝君了。 Because has the transformation strength after of Life, the thing that this sword contains were too many. 因为有着转化后的生命之力,这一剑蕴含的东西太多了。 A sword wards off, may is not only the strength of murdering is so simple, the above also contains is reading the strength and mental effort, to swallow, myriad things and even Life. 一剑辟出,可不但是杀伐之力那么简单,上方还蕴含着念力、心力、吞噬、万物乃至生命 A sword cuts, can perish! 一剑斩出,便可殒命! Then called it to perish!” Jian Wushuang muttered. “便叫它殒命吧!”剑无双喃喃道。 Afterward starts to enter practice. 随后又开始进入修炼 He has many Universe Crystal, progresses by leaps and bounds regarding space Realm, continuously unceasing exploration. 他有着很多宇宙晶,对于空间的境界突飞猛进,一直不断的探索。 Was also quick from black hole Realm. 距离黑洞境界也快了。 This plan, his enemy . 这一次的计划,他敌人,很多。 It is not the iron 31 people, but is the entire Yuan eunuch. 可不是铁三一个人,而是整个元老宫。 Is good in three Palace Lord, strongest that is closing up, strong wind from afar Palace Lord is not also, land magnificence Palace Lord full power supports him. 好在三位宫主中,最强的那位在闭关,长风宫主又不在,陆华宫主则是全力支持他。 black left is the manipulator of plan. 乌左又是计划的操纵者。 In the situation of certainly summit, was only left over these peak Emperor. 绝巅不出的情况下,只剩下那些巅峰帝君了。 Although black left will be supporting secretly he, but all perhaps. 虽说乌左会在暗中支持他,但是一切都说不定。 He must as far as possible promotes to arrive at the strongest condition the strength. 他得尽可能的将实力提升到最强状态。 Otherwise has the risk of exposure. 不然就有败露的风险。 Their plans are in progress, the plan of Spiritual God also in arrangement. 他们的计划在进行,神灵的计划也在布置当中。 Hides in that certainly summit powerhouse of hidden place, secret operation some powerhouse in Yuan eunuch. 隐藏在暗处的那位绝巅强者,秘密操纵的元老宫中的一些强者 Darkness is covering the entire Yuan eunuch. 一股黑暗正在笼罩整个元老宫。 The hidden place of Yuan eunuch ......... 元老宫的暗处......... Shadow three, 16 with 17 have taken place, can begin momentarily!” “影三,十六跟十七已经就位,随时可以动手!” „ It is not anxious, waits to look again, these begins time, we will expose, may not eagerly for a while! „ “不急,再等等看,这一次动手,我们都会暴露,不可急于一时!“ Jian Wushuang in the prison, the Law Enforcement hall has 14, absolutely safe!” 剑无双在牢狱中,执法堂有十四在,万无一失!” Waits again!” “再等等!” This shadow three, are the shadow sect top three characters, certainly summit strength. 这位影三,是影宗排名前三的人物,绝巅的战力。 The time such as flashes by. 时间如白驹过隙。 Several thousand years, in the mediocre world is a civilized birth, alternations of several dynasties, may regarding the cultivator, check, a breath. 数千年的时间,在凡俗世界是一个文明的诞生,数个王朝的更迭,可对于修行者来说,就是一刹、一息罢了。 On this day, in islands that Fushoutang is at extremely busy, all palaces turned into the red. 这一日,福寿堂所在的岛屿上热闹非凡,所有宫殿都化成了红色。 The place of this Jian Wushuang destruction, had restored the original design. 原先本剑无双毁坏的地方,早就恢复了原样。 Let alone, today is the Fushoutang Hallmaster iron three weddings, the entire islands were overhauled. 更别说,今日是福寿堂堂主铁三的大婚,整个岛屿都被翻修了一遍。 In the morning the ten points, everyone on island are bustling about. 清晨十分,岛上的所有人都在忙碌。 For this wedding, the iron three made a number of Daoist deities to handle from the outside world time specially, because in island was short-handed, must arrange appropriately. 为了这一次的大婚,铁三更是从外界弄了一批道君专门操办,因为岛上的人手不足,必须要安排妥当。 This coming character, is one by one pivotal, in the Yuan eunuches is powerful. 这一次前来的人物,各个举足轻重,在元老宫都是位高权重。 Even the temple of sworn enemy will have powerhouse to arrive. 甚至死对头的神殿都会有强者到来。 In Fushoutang Great Hall, the innumerable long narrow tables have placed at this time appropriately, some strength quite weak Emperor, very tactful arrival early, in the face is gives fully the iron relatively three. 福寿堂大殿内,此时无数条案已经摆放妥当,一些实力相对比较弱的帝君,已经很识趣的早早到来,面子上是给足了铁三。 In Great Hall out of the door, iron three personally greet each one guest, no matter Rank 4 Emperor or Rank 6 Emperor, talked with the opposite party warmly. 大殿的门外,铁三亲自迎接每一位来客,不管是四阶帝君还是六阶帝君,都与对方热情交谈。 Even outside the island arranged several Rank 6 Emperor, distant welcome. 连岛外都安排了数位六阶帝君,远远的迎接。 This coming guest, mostly is four big Secret Realm indigenous Emperor as well as some senior statesmen, as for a inheritance side is to come few. 只是这一次前来的客人,大多都是四大秘境的土著帝君以及一些元老,至于传承者一方则是来的很少。 Tied up inheritance to come with the Yuan eunuch together actually, for example ripped day of Emperor. 一些与元老宫捆绑在一起的传承者倒是来了,比如撕天帝君 Teacher!” Rips day to salute respectfully. 师尊!”撕天恭敬行礼。 disciple, you receive the honored guest in this place for me, I go to the rear palace to have a look!” The iron three are always smiles, he cannot dispute to this disciple. “徒儿,你在此地代我接待贵客,我去后殿看看!”铁三笑口常开,对这位弟子他是没的说。 Not is only practices, even in the financial resource helps one another. 不但是修行上,连财力上都鼎力相助。 Rips the day the circumstances to look like with him very much, is the aptitude is the same, but the luck is very good. 撕天的境遇跟他很像,都是资质一般般,但是运气很好。 Moreover rips the day not to disappoint him, every is raised one time with steady steps. 而且撕天也没有让他失望过,每一次都是稳步提升。 Now is Rank 5 peak Emperor, was also passing through 48 north to the tower. 如今已经是五阶巅峰帝君了,在北望塔也穿过了四十八层。 How long breaks through Rank 5 Emperor also not, has this strength, in the future will also be hopeful certainly summit Heaven’s Chosen. 突破五阶帝君还未多久,就有此实力,日后也是有望绝巅的天骄 The iron three put down the matter on hand, turns around to enter the rear palace. 铁三放下手上的事情,转身进入后殿。 In the palace, is placing the bright red silk, celebrates very much. 殿中,摆放着的鲜艳的红色丝绸,很是喜庆。 Depends on wonderfully!” The iron three stroll to walk, the complexion full is the smile. “妙依!”铁三漫步走去,脸色满是笑容。 The palace according said with a smile wonderfully pale: „Was outside arrangement appropriate?” 宫妙依淡笑道:“外面安排妥当了?” All are ready, missed you!” “一切就绪,就差你了!” Passes today ........ palace wonderfully according to looking up to the iron three, hoped saying: My Father really in mine?” “过了今日........”宫妙依抬起头看向铁三,期盼道:“我父亲真的在矿山吗?” The iron three points nodded, said: This matter, I have not dared bulletin Big Brother, but asked his person to help me investigate, that sword cultivator looked like with your Father very much!” 铁三点了点头,开口说道:“这件事情,我没敢告示大哥,但是拜托了他身边的人去帮我调查了一番,那位剑修与你的父亲很像!” „Do we, when go?” Palace wonderfully according to happy say/way. “那我们,什么时候去?”宫妙依开心道。 Passed today, can go momentarily!” Afterward the iron three said hesitant: Is only ........ “过了今日,随时可以去!”随后铁三犹豫道:“只是........” The palace is wonderfully serious according to the complexion, said seriously: So long as found Father, the girl this life asked husband!” 宫妙依面色郑重起来,严肃道:“只要找到父亲,小女子今生就拜托夫君了!” Good, I do not decide lost/carrying you!” “好,我定不会负你!” The iron three are very excited. 铁三很是兴奋。 Initially he also feared that the palace wonderful according to did not want, after all was Rank 5 peak Emperor, generally has the arrogance, was the one female, the physique was very special. 当初他还怕宫妙依不愿意,毕竟是五阶巅峰帝君,一般都有着傲气,又是一位女子,体质还很特殊。 Now he wants actually. 如今倒是他想多了。 So long as obtains the palace to depend on wonderfully, his marvelous ability Mahayana, enters certainly the summit, naturally cannot treat unjustly the opposite party. 只要得到宫妙依,他神功大乘,进入绝巅,自然不会亏待对方。 When the time comes he can also help the palace wonderfully according to the rapid separation of husband and wife, strides in Rank 6 Emperor. 到时候他还可以帮助宫妙依迅速破镜,跨入六阶帝君
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