MDSV :: Volume #56

#5525: Kneels down to me

Aura does not reduce, falls into the garden directly. 身上的气息不减,直接落入庭院。 The hand had no difference day conceals with the dead dog in still in one side. 将手中跟死狗没什么区别的天藏仍在了一边。 Saw when bell vice- Hallmaster accident/surprise that has no, all during plan. 看到钟副堂主时没有任何的意外,一切都在计划之中。 „Does palace depend on wonderfully?” Jian Wushuang slightly not polite, in palace wonderful according to sitting the place, sits down, directly soars the subject. “宫妙依呢?”剑无双丝毫没有客气,在原本宫妙依坐的地方,一屁股坐下,直奔主题。 The iron three facial colors do not change, personally took one cup of tea to Jian Wushuang but actually, said indifferently: Jian Wushuang, a maid, does not need to drag in lots of people!” 铁三面色不改,亲自剑无双倒上了一杯茶,淡然道:“剑无双,一个婢女而已,没必要这么兴师动众吧!” Haha!” The Jian Wushuang anger instead smiles extremely, is rubbing on the chair the hand, later makes an effort suddenly, shatter that the arm rest shakes, the sawdust departs directly, the direct iron three easily reduce and solve. “哈哈!”剑无双怒极反笑,摩擦着椅子上的把手,随后猛然用力,直接将扶手震的破碎,木屑飞出,直接铁三轻易化解。 Reduces and solves this easy, but Jian Wushuang is in front of so many people, dares so to disrespect, how that must reduce and solve, if he endured, how these subordinates will see? 化解这个容易,可剑无双当着这么多人的面,敢如此不敬,那要如何化解,他要是忍了,那些属下会怎么看? In the riding the wind courtyard, is standing many people. 乘风庭内,站着不少人。 To be used to frighten Jian Wushuang, but actually works just the opposite now. 原本是想用来吓唬剑无双的,可现在却适得其反。 Another one vice- Hallmaster of Fushoutang, stood directly, the anger shouted: Jian Wushuang, do not go too far!” 福寿堂的另一位堂主,直接站了出来,怒喝道:“剑无双,你不要太过分!” Snort!” Jian Wushuang cold snort/hum, disdains saying: You are what, share that here some you spoke?” “哼!”剑无双冷哼一声,不屑道:“你算老几,这里有你说话的份吗?” You!” That vice- Hallmaster usually that receives this type of air/Qi, immediately on the strategic place, was actually blocked by iron mountain. “你!”那位副堂主平时那受过这种气,当下就要冲来,却被铁山拦了下来。 The iron three deep breath, suppressed got down, grasp the rack that making tea in hand is using, said indifferently: Matter that ” palace depends on wonderfully, indeed was I neglected, this matter you did not come even, after I still, brought the generous gift to go to visit, has not thought that got so far as this situation! „ 铁三深呼吸,强忍了一下去,把握着手中的泡茶用的架子,淡然道:”宫妙依的事情,的确是我疏忽了,这件事情你就算不来,我也后带着厚礼前去拜访,没想到弄到了这个地步!“ „The request, has any insufficient place, or requirement, my iron three achieve certainly!” “说说要求吧,有什么不足的地方,或者要求,我铁三一定做到!” Jian Wushuang carries the teacup, swayed, later the double pupil contains the enormous anger, sprinkles the tea in cup directly to the iron three, the anger shouted: 剑无双端起茶杯,摇晃了一下,随后双眸蕴含着极大的怒火,直接将杯子中的茶水泼向铁三,怒喝道: You were muddled, making me put forward the request?” He was somewhat mad laughs atme to in that myriad things Source north to tower, you give? Do not think that is one Hallmaster, can talk big carelessly, otherwise I turns you on the grass one time! „ “你老糊涂了,让我提要求?”他有些被气笑了“我要北望塔中的那条万物本源,你给的起吗?别以为是一位堂主,就可以胡乱说大话,否则我一次就草翻你!“ The iron 31 wild aura evaporate the tea on face directly completely, just must explode, after may hear myriad things Source, has to depress the heart forcefully the anger. 铁三一股狂暴气息直接将脸上的茶水全部蒸发,刚刚要爆起,可听到万物本源后,不得不强行压下心底的怒火。 He here matter bulletin his Big Brother strong wind from afar Sword God, his Big Brother had even said that do not provoke Jian Wushuang, the opposite party nothing but is to blackmail some treasures, drew cash to send on the line. 他已经将这里的事情告示他大哥长风剑神了,连他大哥都说不要去招惹剑无双,对方无非就是要来敲诈一些宝物罢了,拿钱打发走就行了。 But Jian Wushuang too does not show due respect for the feelings now, this did not flush money to come, this is to shame him! 可现在剑无双也太不给面子了,这根本不是冲了钱来的,这就是要羞辱他! What bell vice- Hallmaster also looks is dumbfounded, now moved the position behind. 钟副堂主也看的是一愣一愣的,如今把位置挪到了后面。 If he, perhaps had begun, he also very admires the iron three tolerance, this can bear. 如果是他,恐怕早就动手了,他也挺佩服铁三的忍耐力的,这都能够忍住。 Before the iron three were not very imposing? 以前铁三不是很威风的吗? Now how to draw the boasts. 怎么现在拉了夸了。 Jian Wushuang!” The iron three complexions pull down finally, stare at Jian Wushuang to wish one could the opposite party to eat, clench jaws saying: My Big Brother has confessed that you died early 100 times!” 剑无双!”铁三的脸色总算是拉了下来,盯着剑无双恨不得将对方吃掉,咬牙切齿道:“要不是我大哥交代过,你早死一百次了!” The last few words, he also said that looks. 最后一句话,他也只是说说看。 In the Yuan eunuch, who dares to kill Jian Wushuang? 元老宫中,谁敢杀剑无双 Really must kill Jian Wushuang, did not say that was really spirit, even if black left must breakneck with the opposite party. 真要把剑无双杀了,不说是真灵了,就算是乌左都要跟对方玩命。 I must tell you one, I have not gathered said, you are implicated do not have with the share that I spoke, without your Big Brother, you were this Hallmaster cannot even hold on to your hat!” “那我也要告诉你一声,要不是我还没合道,你连坐着跟我说话的份都没有,没有你大哥,你更是连这个堂主都坐不稳!” Two people also set out, the body depends is very near, two people faces also paste is very near. 二人同时起身,身子靠的很近,两人的脸也贴的很近。 Is staring at the eyes of opposite party mutually. 互相盯着对方的眼睛。 Today, making the palace wonderful according to follow me, either you kneel down to crack with the teeth three heads to me, I also calculate that acknowledged this wedding!” “今天,让宫妙依跟我走,要么你给我跪下嗑三个头,我也算承认这门婚事了!” Jian Wushuang sets out, rubbed the forehead, later said: Or gives me is also good myriad things Source, let alone does not give you face, demanding me, you look at the office!” 剑无双直起身只,揉了揉眉心,随后说道:“或者把万物本源给我也行,别说不给你面子,要求我说完了,你看着办吧!” These three requests, no matter that makes the opposite party bring ruin and shame upon oneself sufficiently. 这三个要求,不管是那一个都足以让对方身败名裂。 Let the palace wonderful according to follow him, this is absolutely impossible. 让宫妙依跟他走,这绝对不可能。 The written invitation sent, Dao Companion followed others, this face was loses. 请帖都发出去了,道侣跟别人跑了,这脸算是丟完了。 As for myriad things Source, gives him ten lives, does not dare to take responsibility! 至于万物本源,给他十条命,也不敢做主啊! Finally only then kowtowed this means! 最后只有磕头这个办法了! That might as well killed him directly. 那还不如直接杀了他。 Clock vice- Hallmaster was somewhat unable to continue watching in one side, this is what kind of big shame. 钟副堂主在一旁都有些看不下去了,这是何等的大辱。 For a female, is unworthy! 为了一个女子,不值得! You draw back!” The iron three faces are vibrating, wave to hint these people to diverge. “你们都退下!”铁三的面部都在抖动,挥手示意那些人散去。 Vice- Hallmaster of that Fushoutang, somewhat changes countenance. 那位福寿堂的副堂主,有些动容。 Let them leave, was this really prepares to compromise? 让他们离开,这是真准备妥协了吗? If really this, after that their Fushoutang must be shamed for a lifetime. 如果真这样,那以后他们福寿堂一辈子都要蒙羞。 Was stepped on the face by a Daoist deity. 被一个道君踩脸。 Hallmaster, we ........ 堂主,我们........” But has not waited for them saying that the iron mountain complexion like the white wax, was on the rise to take a fast look around people, the anger shouted: Go away!” 可还没等他们开口说完,铁山面色如白蜡,抬起头扫视了一眼众人,怒喝道:“滚!” shua! 唰! The people do not dare to treat, the heart was also simultaneously cool. 众人不敢在多待下去,同时心也凉了。 Usually then imposing Fushoutang Hallmaster, mixes is so out now, must kneel down to a Daoist deity. 平时那么威风的福寿堂堂主,如今混到如此下场,要给一个道君下跪。 After everyone draws back, is only left over iron mountain, Jian Wushuang and bell vice- Hallmaster three people. 所有人退下去后,只剩下铁山、剑无双与钟副堂主三人。 „The person were many a moment ago, now did not have the bystander, my iron three personally accompanied to you are not, treasure value 30,000 side Universe Crystal in this mustard seed, were my lifetime obtained, but also please accept!” The iron three present in front of mustard seed both hands Jian Wushuang. “刚才人多,现在没外人了,我铁三亲自给你陪个不是,这芥子中的宝物价值三万方宇宙晶,是我毕生所得,还请收下!”铁三将一枚芥子双手奉到剑无双面前。 The Jian Wushuang vision flashes, 30,000 side Universe Crystal, he now could not really have had a liking. 剑无双目光闪动,三万方宇宙晶,他现在还真看不上。 He has Universe Crystal of several hundred thousand sides, does not miss this 30,000, the opposite party can have 30,000 side Universe Crystal actually, perhaps takes the advantage in secret a lot. 他自己就有几十万方的宇宙晶,不差这三万,倒是对方能够有三万方宇宙晶,恐怕私下里没少拿好处。 This is 1 million years of accumulation. 这过是百万年的积累罢了。 In the future will have. 日后还会有更多。 30,000 side Universe Crystal are not any big losses, later can also obtain. 三万方宇宙晶不算什么大损失,以后还能够获得更多。 However the palace wonderful according to cannot give back to Jian Wushuang. 但是宫妙依不能还给剑无双 Others do not know, iron three are clear, the physique that the palace depends on wonderfully is very very suitably special double to cultivate/repair. 别人不知道,铁三自己心里清楚,宫妙依的体质很特殊非常适合双修。 Father that so long as he depends on the palace wonderfully found, the palace wonderful according to promises him double to cultivate/repair. 他只要将宫妙依的父亲找到,宫妙依就答应他双修。 Now has grasped the palace wonderfully according to the Father information, after the wedding, can bring the palace wonderfully according to finding Father of opposite party surely, once starts double to cultivate/repair, his strength can also enter First Step again. 现在已经掌握了宫妙依父亲信息,大婚之后定会带着宫妙依找到对方的父亲,一旦开始双修,他的实力还能够再进一步 Hopeful certainly summit, moreover wants is very big. 有望绝巅,而且希望还很大。 At the appointed time, the two brothers are certainly summit powerhouse, in this Yuan eunuch, will not be fearing anybody. 届时,兄弟二人都是绝巅强者,这元老宫中,将不在惧任何人。 Therefore the palace depends on wonderfully, is impossible to let. 所以宫妙依,绝不可能让出去。 He can bear, because of this. 他之所以能够忍住,就是因为这个。 If by some chance Jian Wushuang wants Jian Wushuang, which when the time comes gets so far as land magnificence Palace Lord this matter, to will not help him only then. 万一剑无双非要剑无双,到时候将这件事情弄到陆华宫主哪儿,对方可不会帮他。 The key he does not have reason on one's side! 关键他也不站理啊! His Big Brother raises selects him, his air/Qi is almost muddleheaded. 要不是他大哥提点他,他差点气昏了头。 Endures for a while, after he strides in certainly the summit, does not need to fear Jian Wushuang. 忍一时罢了,等他跨入绝巅后,也无需怕剑无双 Even if Jian Wushuang will gather a success in the future, he was still certainly summit powerhouse, does not need to look at the Jian Wushuang complexion. 就算剑无双日后合道成功,他也是绝巅强者了,根本不需要看剑无双的脸色。 In the final analysis, this Yuan eunuch that is the really spirit personal influence. 说到底,这元老宫那是真灵的私人势力。 Ultimate Emperor also has, but which Ultimate Emperor are not related with them, at most to every way a face. 终极帝君又不是没有,可哪些终极帝君跟他们又不相关,顶多给多方一点面子罢了。 Said again big, that is also the potential. 说的再大,那也是潜力罢了。 Ultimate Emperor may have no power, assiduous practice, which is bypassing this sometimes. 终极帝君可没什么权力,都在刻苦修炼,哪有时间管这个。 https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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