MDSV :: Volume #54

#5325: The change said

Crossed him to walk in any case today, how was casual he saying that also no one knows, later did not fear to reveal the secret. 反正过了今天他就走了,随便他怎么说,也没人知道,以后也不怕露馅。 He puts out so many things, arrange/cloth Kun somewhat is coy, is not willing to receive. 他拿出这么多东西,布坤却有些扭捏,不愿去收。 Jian Wushuang brow slightly pressed, says: What's wrong? Also insufficiently!” 剑无双眉头微蹙,开口说道:“怎么?还不够!” „, Did not suffice.” arrange/cloth Kun is in reverential awe, making the rear Buroli complexion deep, the look somewhat is bad. “不不,够了够了。”布坤诚惶诚恐,让后方的布罗利面色深沉,眼神都有些不善。 Afterward arrange/cloth Kun said a word One Revolution, accepted these treasures hastily. 随后布坤言语一转,连忙收下这些宝物。 Jian Wushuang satisfied accepting Golden Sword. 剑无双才满意的收下金剑 Karma that he owes are many enough, pledged that is also Karma, can with the matter of treasure solution, try not to use Karma. 他欠下的因果已经够多了,承诺也是因果,能用宝物解决的事情,尽量不要动用因果 When the time comes is not good. 到时候不好去还。 After accepting Golden Sword, mixes day of Monarch to congratulate hastily. 收下金剑后,混天君连忙恭喜。 Afterward said arrange/cloth Kun the request quietly. 随后悄然说出了布坤的请求。 Originally the opposite party has the matter to request, will offer Golden Sword, now lets mix day of Monarch to help him convey a message. 原来对方是有事相求,才会献上金剑,现在让混天君帮他传话。 „The Wushuang (matchless) fellow daoist, this arrange/cloth Kunke is not ordinary, his wish makes that receive Buroli with the sheep senior who you come is a disciple, but must be in front of so many powerhouse to accept.” 无双道友,这布坤可不一般,他想要让那位跟你前来的羊前辈收布罗利为徒,还要当着这么多强者的面收下。” Jian Wushuang stares, the sheep's horn old man is only Rank 5 Emperor, even compared with same rank, these people should unable to look! 剑无双一愣,羊角老头只是五阶帝君,就算比同阶强很多,这些人应该也看不出来吧! In clear Palace Lord besides that. 除了那位上清宫主外。 Buroli's potential is huge, these raises the celebrities state time, wants to do obeisance that entrance person to have very high condition. 布罗利的潜力巨大,这一次扬名流州,想拜那一座山门都会都人出很高的条件。 On perhaps Qing will win over. 恐怕上清宫都会拉拢。 Rank 5 Emperor accepts the disciple, is not a difficult matter, perhaps if willing other Rank 5 Emperor on the scene to accept Buroli. 五阶帝君收徒,也并非难事,如果愿意恐怕在场的其他五阶帝君都会收下布罗利。 Does not need the acknowledging as teacher sheep's horn old man! 没必要拜师羊角老头啊! Jian Wushuang said own doubts. 剑无双说出了自己的疑惑。 Mixing day of Monarch is actually the heart laughs in one's heart, immediately replied: „When the Wushuang (matchless) brother, you with the sheep senior comes, met that day palace Palace Lord that is stationed in the class/flow state?” 混天君却是心底暗笑,当下回答道:“无双兄,你与羊前辈来时,是不是遇到了那位驻扎在流州的天殿殿主?” Originally is this!” Does not need to mix day of Monarch to explain, he understood. “原来是这样!”不用混天君解释,他就明白了过来。 arrange/cloth Kun wants to hold the thigh! 布坤是想抱大腿啊! Mixes day of Monarch, raised arrange/cloth Kun to run around for the family, one Rank 5 Emperor disciple, was not anything, these big influences at all impossible, because this relations yielded. 混天君,提起过布坤为了家族四处奔波,一位五阶帝君弟子,算不上什么,那些大势力根本不可能因为这个关系去让步。 But if the acknowledging as teacher sheep three items, by the sheep three items of relations with that Palace Lord, perhaps their family position also meet when production costs rise, prices rise too. 但要是拜师羊三目,凭借羊三目与那位殿主的关系,恐怕他们家族地位也会水涨船高。 Jian Wushuang has not truly considered too many. 剑无双确实没考虑太多。 Four big Secret Realm battles, compared with he imagines want the cold blood many. 四大秘境的争斗,比他想象中的要冷血的多。 So base and low, gives him a Daoist deity to offer a gift. 如此卑微,给他一个道君献礼。 Finally not only for oneself son, was the family. 最后不光是为了自己儿子,还有为了家族。 So, Jian Wushuang also had a new look slightly much to his impression. 如此看来,剑无双对他的印象也稍稍改观了不少。 However he and arrange/cloth Kun do not have so many Karma, said Source extremely, world alone, traded Golden Sword to rub. 不过他与布坤已经没了那么多因果,极道本源,世间独一份,换一把金剑搓搓有余。 Thinks the acknowledging as teacher sheep three items, but must say. 想拜师羊三目,还得自己去说。 He can also the present status, be able to make the sheep's horn old man unconsciously give him the face. 他也不觉得以现在的身份,能够让羊角老头给他面子。 After crossing this segment little interlude, seizes the sword to continue. 过了这段小插曲后,夺剑继续。 But he also continues to be out. 而他也继续下场。 Today's on Qing, was put down is the fact. 今日的上清宫,被扫平已经是事实了。 On clear Palace Lord, if spoke, he possibly show due respect for feelings, but no one raised, he is impolite. 上清宫主若是发话,他可能会给面子,但是没人提,他也就不客气了。 Second, chose the one Tai'e sword at will, similarly gave the opposite party the opportunity, three round relaxed wins. 第二场,随意挑选了一位太阿剑,同样给了对方机会,三个回合轻松取胜。 This is the Source steamroll, possibly is inferior to the opposite party on Absolute Art, but on the Source say/way, he has not feared anyone. 这是本源的碾压,在绝学上可能不如对方,但是本源道上,他还从没怕过谁。 The short two double-hour, he has then swept other Tai'e swords besides sword Kui. 短短两个时辰,他便扫过了除了剑魁外的其它太阿剑。 13 Tai'e swords, 13 th, seventh sword lost to wished eight fork and Buroli, the remaining ten Tai'e swords defeated in Jian Wushuang accepted. 十三太阿剑,第十三、第七剑子输给了祝八叉与布罗利,剩下的十位太阿剑都败在了剑无双收下。 Now on remaining one sword Kui. 如今就剩下一位剑魁了。 This is on the last fig leaf of Qing. 这是上清宫的最后一块遮羞布。 This is going to Qing historical, has never appeared. 这在上清宫的历史上,都从未出现过。 If Jian Wushuang is the heaven defying Daoist deity of state, on perhaps clear Palace Lord will definitely block for the face. 如果剑无双是中州的逆天道君,恐怕上清宫主为了脸面肯定会拦下。 But he is not various Great Sect people, he Daoist deity from grave Divine Mountain. 但他不是各大宗门的人,他是来自墓神山上的道君。 Did not say the background, said the strength. 不说背景,就说实力。 Numerous Emperor are obvious to all, if on clear Palace Lord really blocked, instead will make others look down upon. 众多帝君有目共睹,如果上清宫主真拦下了,反而会让旁人看不起。 Is inferior confidently. 不如坦然一点。 The heaven defying Daoist deity on grave Divine Mountain, sweeps away Sect Royal Child, said that does not lose face. 神山上的逆天道君,来横扫一个宗门帝子,说出去也不丢人。 Bang! 轰! Jian Wushuang falls into the arena again. 剑无双再次落入擂台。 On Qing, present age sword Kuiforever graciousness! „ 上清宫,当代剑魁”永恩!“ The blood elder brother of his expelling wind sword, the two brothers are the present age 13 Tai'e swords, forever graciousness or sword Kui. 他还是那位追风剑的亲哥哥,兄弟两个人都是当代十三太阿剑,永恩还是剑魁。 Their family's Emperor for this reason proud. 他们家族的帝君都为此自豪。 Front fight, what is like Jian Wushuang, he is also three round solution opponent, slightly not loathsome. 前面的交手,与剑无双相同的是,他也是三个回合解决对手,丝毫没有拖泥带水。 Now facing Jian Wushuang, flustered that also has no slightly. 现在面对剑无双,也丝毫没有任何的慌张。 Last war! 最后一战! Also is most likely to make Jian Wushuang put forth the full power opponent, in the watching the tide pavilion many people are gazing. 也是最有可能让剑无双使出全力的对手,观潮阁上不少人都在注视。 Except for that Buroli, he does not repair Sword Dao, unhappy in person many places, a person sits well there, drinks wine alone. 除了那位布罗利,他不修剑道,也不喜在人多的地方,一人端坐在那里,独自饮酒。 Strength that the sheep three items know Jian Wushuang, has not paid attention, instead looked at a Buroli, later spreads the news by the status token quietly. 羊三目知晓剑无双的实力,也没怎么注意,反而看了一眼布罗利,随后透过身份令牌悄然传出消息。 Jian Wushuang saw Buroli's difference, the sheep three items of natures looked, on these indigenous Emperor, Source is too weak, reading the strength is not good, could not discover the value of this uncut jade. 剑无双都看出了布罗利的不同,羊三目自然看了出来,也就这些土著帝君,本源道太弱,念力也不行,根本发现不了这块璞玉的价值。 Inserts one, Mew mew read app The sincerity is good, is worth installing, after all can the off-line read aloud! 插一句,【咪咪阅读app】真心不错,值得装个,毕竟可以离线朗读! Yuan eunuch. 元老宫。 black left sits the Dharmakaya on throne, after receiving the sheep three goal messages, the vision is deep. 乌左坐在王座上的法身,收到羊三目的消息后,目光深沉。 At that moment sets out directly, this Dharmakaya personally goes to the class/flow state. Is the change said? „ black left talked to oneself, if were really the change said, his time may probably contribute to the great merit. 当下直接起身,这具法身亲自前往流州。难道是变化道?“乌左自语道,如果真是变化道,他这一次可又要立大功了。 This matter, cannot White Tiger palace to know. 这件事情,千万不能让白虎殿的人知道。 If not this Venerable/main body is closing up, he will even make this Venerable/main body personally go. 如果不是本尊在闭关,他甚至会让本尊亲自去。 However one Dharmakaya also enough. 不过一具法身也够了。 He was Honorary Disciple of divergent god, the strength was once dreadful, even if the Dharmakaya has the Rank 6 strength. 他曾经是歧神的记名弟子,实力滔天,就算是法身都有着六阶战力。 Since returns to the divergent temple, he also obtained many advantage. 而且自从重返歧神殿后,他又得到了不少好处。 He in the divergent temple, may hide many good things initially, some powerful Vestige , which he knows, opening up wasteland time benefits a lot. 他在歧神殿内,当初可藏了不少好东西,还有一些强大的遗迹,他都知晓在哪,开荒的时候没少捞好处。 Now a Dharmakaya, brings several eternal Supreme Treasure. 如今一具法身,都带着数件永恒至宝 Moreover this Venerable/main body, once digests that treasure, his strength can also rise suddenly much. 而且本尊一旦消化掉那件宝物,他的实力还能暴涨不少。 Vertically and horizontally/Able to move unhindered four big Secret Realm? 纵横四大秘境 He has not thought highly of these indigenous Emperor. 他从来就没看得起过那些土著帝君 powerhouse battle path, in the outside world. 强者的征途,都在外界。 Powerful, or after pulled out emptied the treasure of divergent temple, must the going out wanderer. 实力强大了,或者了掏空了歧神殿的宝物后,还是要出去闯荡的。 The place that four big Secret Realm, he can go to has gone, to him, four big Secret Realm look like a back garden, no wanderer. 四大秘境,他能去的地方都去过,对于他来说,四大秘境就像是一座后花园,没什么好闯荡的。 General Emperor is good, like the character of his grade of strength, four big Secret Realm treasures, does not have too many attractions to him. 一般的帝君还行,像他这等实力的人物,四大秘境的宝物,对他已经没了太多的吸引力。 Eternal Supreme Treasure, he has many, has the jet black big snake that the divergent god refines, is Top Grade eternal Supreme Treasure. 永恒至宝,他有不少,更有歧神炼制的漆黑大蛇,乃是极品永恒至宝 Besides the treasure of Universe, other treasures, he cannot have a liking, because is very low to his use. 除了宇宙之宝外,其它的宝物,他也看不上,因为对他的用处很低。 After assuming Transmission Great Hall Qiu Huang to see black left, sets out to greet hastily. 坐镇传送大殿的邱煌看到乌左后,连忙起身迎接。 Qiu Huang fellow daoist, troublesome this Eminence Transmission to class/flow state!” “邱煌道友,麻烦将本座传送到流州!” The black left tone is very friendly, making Qiu Huang somewhat embarrassed, hastily nodded polite left sends in Transmission black, later pours into Divine Force, stimulated entire Great Array instantaneously. 乌左的语气很是友善,让邱煌都有些不好意思,连忙点头客客气气的将乌左送入传送阵,随后注入神力,瞬间激发了整座大阵
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