MDSV :: Volume #53

#5298: Time Source

Breaks through ten thousand times, is difficult such as to ascend to heaven, perhaps needs to consume several Universe Secret Realm to be good. 突破万倍,更是难如登天,恐怕需要消耗数座宇宙秘境才行。 But these Secret Realm early by Special Lifeform wresting away, Jian Wushuang traded with anything. 可是那些秘境早被特殊生命给霸占了,剑无双拿什么去换。 Is powerful! 只有实力强大! Trial tower. 试炼塔。 Ninth Layer. 第九层 Here and difference in Jian Wushuang imagination, was not magnificent Great Hall, but was a thatched hut, with a broken incense burner. 这里与剑无双想象中的差了很多,并非是辉煌大殿,而是一座茅草屋,与一尊残破的香炉。 The above also braves the pitiful white smoke, enters nose very sleek/moist, making the person whole body comfortable. 上方还冒着凄惨白烟,入鼻很润,让人浑身舒坦。 After eighth refining up, Jian Wushuang outside has restored the human form, the scale also desalinated, this is a phenomenon of atavism, he listened to the tiger to say. 经过第八炼后,剑无双的外边已经恢复成了人形,鳞片也淡化了,这是一种返祖的现象,他听山君说过。 After nine refine is what appearance, tiger are unable to talk clearly. 至于九炼之后是什么样子的,山君自己也无法说清。 It is said is unique, this point is to possibly imitate Universe birth unique Special Lifeform. 据说是独一无二,这一点可能是仿照宇宙诞生独一无二的特殊生命 Jian Wushuang takes a step gently, cautious close to the thatched hut, the footsteps is lithe, even the one bushes are willing to step on. 剑无双轻轻迈步,小心翼翼的靠近茅草屋,脚步轻盈,连一颗茅草都愿踩踏。 Just walked into the garden, on the status token presented the promotion. 刚刚步入庭院,身份令牌上就出现了提升。 Sits alone in boredom first!” “枯坐一世!” Such prompt makes him somewhat unable to feel the mind, sits alone in boredom first! 这样的提示让他有些摸不着头脑,枯坐一世! „Is this ninth refining up?” He a little cannot believe. “这就是第九炼?”他有点不敢相信。 Sits alone in boredom first, in first of this world, is his Life first. 枯坐一世,是在这个世界的一世,还是他生命的一世。 The life span of fifty immortal is uneven with Heaven and Earth, how possibly to sit alone in boredom first. 大衍仙的寿命可是与天地齐,怎么可能枯坐一世。 When may waits for him to walk into the thatched hut truly, all change. 可等他真正走入茅草屋内时,一切都变了。 His naked eye obvious speed in senile, naturally the average man cannot look. 他肉眼可见的速度在衰老,当然常人是看不来的。 The structure in within the body, is consuming every time, hundred years he must die! 体内的结构,每时每刻都在消耗,不出百年他必死! this life, what said is first of mortal. 这一世,说的是凡人的一世。 This marvelous feeling, making Jian Wushuang very flustered. 这种奇妙的感觉,让剑无双很是慌张。 He had not realized this feeling, sits alone in boredom to wait for death! 他还没有体会过这种感觉,枯坐等死! Here Time Flow Speed many, can let rapidness of such he so powerful fleshly body consumption. 这里的时间流速得多块,才能让他如此强大的肉身消耗的这么快。 He can feel, the vitality in within the body is vanishing, but Divine Body and Source are instead growing, the speed of growth is quick, hundred years can be as good as 1 million years of practicing , under this is he sits alone in boredom on the line, does not need practice. 他能够感受到,体内的生机在消失,可神体本源反而在增长,增长的速度很快,百年时间能够抵得上百万年的修行,这还是他枯坐下就行,都不需要修炼 Moreover Divine Body is also stiffening, according to his deduction, one year can grow hundred times! 而且神体也在变强,按照他的推演,一年时间可以增长百倍! Although will definitely grow to the later period is slow, but hundred years least can also increase thousand times, this is what kind of mystery, so marvelous treasure, if sat alone in boredom 1 million years of that also to in this place. 虽然到后期肯定会增长非常慢,可是百年最少也能增加千倍,这是何等的神奇,如此奇妙的宝物,若是在此地枯坐个百万年那还得了。 Perhaps is a pig can become the fifty immortal, even about the success, reaches the Emperor fruit position. 是头猪恐怕都可以成为大衍仙,甚至合道成功,登顶帝君果位。 This thatched hut, absolutely is in Universe the highest level treasure!” In Jian Wushuang heart assured. “这件茅草屋,绝对是宇宙中最顶级的宝物!”剑无双心中笃定。 This exceeds the eternal Supreme Treasure treasure. 这是超越永恒至宝的宝物。 Even outraced that Universe bronzes furnace, in this thatched hut, implication Source, Jian Wushuang looks cannot understand, can only see the colorful world. 甚至超越了那件宇宙炉,这座茅草屋内,蕴含的本源,剑无双看都看不懂,只能看到五彩斑斓的世界。 That is space Source, he knows, is the line that but passes innumerably what? 那是空间本源,他知道,可是无数流转的线条是什么? This he really could not understand. 这个他真看不懂了。 Lifts hand touching, no point feeling, received to reach behind the back and vanish. 抬手触摸,没有一点的感觉,收回手又消失了。 Cannot see unable to feel, cannot feel. 看不到摸不着,感受不到。 But when uses own fleshly body to contrast, he can clear seeing. 可是用自己的肉身去对比时,他又能清晰的看到。 „Is this?” “这难道是?” Jian Wushuang eye socket contraction! 剑无双眼孔收缩! This is the time!” “这是时间!” Time Source in legend! 传说中的时间本源 The space corresponds Emperor, once space perfection may reach the summit of Universe. 空间对应帝君,一旦空间圆满可登顶宇宙之巅。 But summit of Universe powerhouse, they practice what Source is? 宇宙之巅的强者,他们又修炼的又是什么本源 The answer is time Source. 答案是时间本源 The highest truth of Universe, flowing of Time and Space river is the time. 宇宙的最高真理,时空长河的流动便是时间。 This on behalf of most peak. 这代表着最巅峰 Grasps the space, Universe in the under foot, grasps the time to jump out of Time and Space, not in present age, not in once not in the future. 掌握空间,一座宇宙都在脚下,掌握时间跳出时空,不在当代,不在曾经也不在未来。 The bracelet goes out exist, they exist above the time. 跳脱出去的存在们,他们存在于时间之上。 Jian Wushuang has not thought, oneself will meet time Source. 剑无双万万没想到,自己会遇到时间本源 The swallowed thought raises instantaneously, but is unable to start, this Source at all is not he can bribe. 吞噬的念头瞬间升起,可是又无从下手,这道本源根本不是他所能够染指的。 The entire demon sound mountain, is perhaps most precious on this Source. 整个魔音山,恐怕也就这道本源最珍贵。 What Jian Wushuang does not know, actually nine large spaces in trial tower, not in demon sound mountain. 剑无双不知道的是,其实试炼塔内的九大空间,都不在魔音山。 What on the demon sound mountain is most precious is that Universe bronzes furnace. 魔音山上最珍贵的是那尊宇宙炉。 The so precious treasure, how possibly places this place. 如此珍贵的宝物,怎么可能放在此地。 Sits alone in boredom first, hundred years of time, merely mediocre. 枯坐一世,百年光阴,不过尔尔。 Hundred years pass by, the Jian Wushuang body is ordinary in that skeleton that the mysterious space sees like him, lost the vitality, changed to a skeleton. 百年过去,剑无双的身躯如同他在神秘空间见到的那具骸骨一般,失去了生机,化作了一副骨架。 Divine Body phantom sighed, this life quick, but was very real, because his short distance felt the time. 神体虚影叹息一声,这一世过的很快,但却很真实,因为他近距离感受到了时间。 Although is only hundred years, but he promotes unusual is comprehensive, is as good swallows that wisp of Universe Source. 虽然只是百年,可他提升的非常全面,丝毫不亚于吞噬那一缕宇宙本源 Divine Body broke through 5000 times, although now the beast god Domain increase is unable to break through ten thousand times, may compare before, he maintained beast god Domain changes accomplished a task with ease. 神体突破到了五千倍,现在兽神领域增幅虽然还是无法突破万倍,可相比以前来说,他维持兽神领域变的更加游刃有余了。 Even displays beast god Domain, no burden, instead makes his body and mind joyful. 甚至施展兽神领域,没有一点负担,反而让他身心愉悦。 The skeleton remains, Jian Wushuang Divine Body phantom, left this thatched hut. 骸骨残留,剑无双神体虚影,也离开了这座茅草屋。 His body of this time transfers, does not know how long to sway, arrives in mountain valley that a skeleton piled in heaps. 此时的他的身躯不由自己调动,不知飘摇了多久,来到了一处骸骨成堆的山谷中。 What he needs to do, enters the mountain valley to seek for a new skeleton. 他需要做的是,进入山谷寻找一副新的骨架。 On the prompt according to status token, he wants to obtain the best skeleton, the price of pays is also high. 按照身份令牌上的提示,他想要获得最好的骨架,所付出的代价也非常高昂。 In this mountain valley, has the gold and silver copper steel four color skeletons. 这座山谷中,有着金银铜铁四种颜色的骨架。 Jian Wushuang marches into the mountain valley slowly, these skeletons seemed like discarded at will are sprawled like an antiquity battlefield. 剑无双缓缓步入山谷,这些骸骨好像是被人随意丢弃四仰八叉就像一处上古战场。 Let him think of skeleton Ancient Road in serious famine. 让他想到了大荒之中的尸骸古路 Perhaps these skeletons, each one master, has the Emperor strength, moreover specializes in fleshly body Emperor, on some bones has a faint trace colored trace, likely is some Special Lifeform, or is the descendant of beast god. 只是这些骸骨,每一位的主人,恐怕都有着帝君实力,而且还是专修肉身帝君,还有一些骨头上有着一丝丝彩色的痕迹,很可能是一些特殊生命,或者是兽神的后代。 Jian Wushuang in the mountain valley a day, the golden color skeleton had more than 100, brings the colored trace, only then 17, the colored trace is heavier, representative is more powerful. 剑无双在山谷中走了一天,金色骨架有一百多具,其中带着彩色痕迹的只有十七具,彩色痕迹越重,代表着越强大。 Jian Wushuang also fully realizes this point, although dying thing, but the above aura will not vanish, he can feel. 剑无双也深知这一点,虽然都是死物,可上方的气息是不会消失的,他还是能够感受到的。 When round trip, after screens layer on layer/heavily, he designated a colored trace seems like the line common skeleton, these lines pass through the whole body of skeleton. 往回中时,经过重重筛选,他选定了一具彩色痕迹像是线条一般的骨架,这些线条贯穿骨架的全身。 Jian Wushuang believes that own vision, this skeleton is most suitable he, is best is not the key, suiting is essential. 剑无双相信自己的眼光,这具骨架最适合他,是不是最好的不是关键,适合才关键。 As for obtaining price! 至于得到的代价! He is narrowing the eye. 他眯着眼睛。 Very primitive! 很原始! Slaughter! 厮杀! The absolute strength, has not wanted to obtain the skeleton, simply wishful thinking. 没有绝对的实力,想要获得骨架,简直痴心妄想。 Although the masters of these skeletons, may be very plundered by powerhouse of divergent temple, was as the respect to powerhouse, the divergent temple also sets the custom, same rank slaughtered, the winner plundered. 虽然这些骨架的主人,很可能是被歧神殿的强者强掠来的,可是作为对强者的尊重,歧神殿也定下了规矩,同阶厮杀,胜者掠夺。 Defeated! 败者! Simply does not have the qualifications to obtain the skeleton. 根本没有资格获得骸骨。 Starting from that moment of Jian Wushuang choice, on that selected skeleton, appears together Divine Demon phantom. 剑无双选择的那一刻开始,那具被选中的骸骨上,就显现出一道神魔虚影 His appearance, making one be enchanted by. 他的模样,让人迷醉。 This is Jian Wushuang has seen the most beautiful body, cannot distinguish clearly the sex, the entire body is smooth, probably White Jade. 这是剑无双见过最美的身躯,分不清性别,整个身体都光滑的,像是白玉 Without the ear, or his ear is big, is a water shape, but inside does not have the crevice, looking like the ornaments is the same. 没有耳朵,或者说他的耳朵非常大,还是一个菱角形状的,可是里面却没有空隙,就像是摆设一样。 https:// https:// Please remember this book first round domain name:. Apex novel cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。顶点小说手机版阅读网址:
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