MDSV :: Volume #48

#4753: Supreme Encompassing Divine Sword was destroyed

sword intent Sword Dao to become Shanhai, does not have symmetrially, originally. 剑意剑道自成山海,无所相称,自来也。 Concentrates the sword blade even without sword intent, only uses a branch merely, a Chinese alpine rush, Jian Wushuang can also display the Wushuang (matchless) Sword Dao ten tenths ten sword prestige self-confidently! 即便是不用剑意凝出剑刃,仅仅只用一段树枝,一根蓑草,剑无双也自信能够发挥出无双剑道十成十的剑威! Previously in the Divine Force Universe clouds palace, he discussed sword more than ten ten thousand years with sword immortal Ding Baiyi, used was a peach flowering branch. 早先于神力宇宙云霄宫上,他与剑仙丁白乙论剑十余万载,用的便是一段桃花枝。 Invisible long sword condenses, Ding Bei spring the aura of entire figure for it one cold, just like own to become sword. 无形长剑凝聚而出,丁北春整个身形的气息为之一凛,宛如自身成剑。 Invisible sword intent dissipates from his each pore continuously, his stark naked upper part, flowed the cloud ripple to start to fluctuate, ascended just like Jiang Dahai greatly. 一缕缕无形剑意从他的每一个毛孔逸散而出,他精赤的上半身,流云水纹开始波动了,宛如大江大海升腾。 Before a sword refers, roughly myriad mighty waves ripple social climbing on the sword blade, seemed startled dragon Xushi to treat strikes. 一剑前指,约莫万千波涛水纹攀附在了剑刃身上,好似惊龙蓄势待击。 My Sword Dao, north spring seven swords on named, although names of the seven swords, only have the realities of three sword merely, when surplus four sword intent, perhaps are also difficult the complement.” “我的剑道,就名为北春七剑,虽有七剑之名,却仅仅只有三剑之实,剩余四道剑意,恐怕也难有补全之时。” Ding Bei spring slow sound said, „, but, my only three swords, once drove back 6000 to enter spread out the top to cultivate/repair, has not defeated, today invites a Brother Jian view.” 丁北春缓声道,“不过,我仅有的三剑,曾逼退六千入衍顶修,至今未尝一败过,今天请剑兄一观。” Jian Wushuang hears word, to stops.” 剑无双闻言,“点到即止。” Airborne swings ripples quietly, Ding Beichun concentrates to stand same place, but his aura as actually invisible sword in hand, suddenly dense ten thousand zhang (3.33 m). 空中悄然荡起一丝涟漪,丁北春凝立原地,但他的气息却随着手中的无形之剑,猛然氤氲万丈。 Until at this time, Jian Wushuang discovered, Ding Bei spring the densely covered class/flow cloud ripple is not some mark, but together item likely sword intent! 直到这时,剑无双才发现,丁北春身上密布的流云水纹并非是某种纹式,而是一道道具象化的剑意 Each streams clouds the ripple, was together sword intent, in this moment this entire natural moat abyss, almost crossed the half space, was covered by Ding Beichun Sword Dao. 每一道流云水纹,就是一道剑意,此刻这整个天堑深渊中,几乎过半空间,都被丁北春的剑道所覆盖了。 Just like hundred myriad swords overheads, an unprecedented pressure, making Jian Wushuang have dignifiedly. 宛如百万剑当头,一阵前所未有的压力,让剑无双都有所凝重。 Before star character sword intent, drove back Ding Beichun. 之前一记星字剑意,逼退丁北春。 River character sword intent, follows, was more vigorous and sword intent of lofty Daguan, changed to the galloping Milky Way, hung from the Jian Wushuang sleeves near. 河字剑意,也随之而起,更加雄浑且巍巍大观的剑意,化作奔腾天河,从剑无双的衣袖中垂临而出。 About Wushuang (matchless) Sword Dao, the Galaxy lake sea sword intent first two types, present Jian Wushuang to even more understand clearly in heart. 关于无双剑道,星河湖海剑意的前两式,如今的剑无双以愈发了然于心。 star character, with river character these two sword intent, not only has the meaning of complementing one another, and has the respective unique sword potential. 星字,与河字这两道剑意,既有着相辅相成之意,又有着各自独特的剑势。 These two type sword intent as the entire Wushuang (matchless) Sword Dao frame and cornerstone, making among it two not have the mutual steamroll the condition, is imposing, has summit sword intent of certainly be continuous unceasingly potential. 这两式剑意作为整个无双剑道的框架和基石,使之二者之间并不存在着相互碾压的境况,都是气势雄浑,有着绵延不绝之势的绝巅剑意 Perhaps, only then the latter two types, the lake and sea, have a more terrifying and shocking performance. 或许,只有后两式,湖与海,才会有着更加恐怖和惊艳的表现。 So-called Sword Dao, sword technique, sword intent. 所谓剑道,剑术,剑意 Even packing again for magnificent, in the final analysis still kills the technique, only has is even more tyrannical and limitless, is the ultimate goal. 即便是包装的再为华丽,归根结底也不过是杀技,唯有愈发的强横和无极,才是最终的目的。 This time, was Jian Wushuang takes the lead. 这一次,是剑无双率先动了。 A sword pushes 1 million horizontally, the sword waterfall river rushes to Ding Beichun crazily. 一剑横推百万,剑瀑长河狂涌向丁北春。 Jian Wushuang no longer sits above the river, but stands in same place, lifts the hand to condense a invisible sword, buries in that sword waterfall river, meets the approaching enemy to go forward! 剑无双不再坐于长河之上,而是站在原地,抬手凝聚出一柄无形之剑,埋入那剑瀑长河中,迎击上前! Ding Bei at this moment spring in the eye was only left over frantically, his sword mark is all engraved by master Father, strikes to draw back 6000 full power to cultivate/repair. 此刻的丁北春眼中只剩下了狂热,他身上的剑纹全由师父亲手镌刻而成,全力一击可退六千顶修。 If his sword defeated, explained the present youth, really does have with the strength of master war? 如果他的这一剑败了,是不是就说明眼前的这个青年,真有和师父一战之力? Xuan dazzling class/flow cloud ripple surges, like hundred startled dragons, coils around mutually is sweeping across, but. 煊赫耀眼的流云水纹翻腾,如同百尊惊龙,相互盘绕着席卷而至。 Sword Dao of two with belonging to summit certainly, collided. 两道同属于绝巅的剑道,碰撞了。 Small Emperor that waits and sees from afar, the vision is panic-stricken, rapid recession that almost wants not to think on this day in moat abyss. 远远观望的小帝君,目光再次惊骇,几乎是想也不想的飞速退离这天堑深渊之中。 Buzz...... bang!” “嗡……轰!” Shakes the place the junction to strike, tore this institute and all heavenshaking. 震天撼地的交击,撕裂了这目之所及的一切。 The sea of purplish red magma gallops, jumps thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, crazy is swallowing this last lands. 紫红岩浆之海奔腾,跃升千丈之高,疯狂的吞噬着这最后一片土地。 Simultaneously this entire black stone great palace starts to crash, hangs the myriad swords with one voice trembling cry above vault of heaven, then simultaneously break. 同时这整座黑石巨殿开始崩塌,高悬在天穹之上的万剑齐声颤鸣,而后齐齐断裂。 So the destroying heaven extinguishing earth junction strikes, the deafening sound entire sword day Heaven and Earth, in the meantime, the invisible complementary waves spread over most Heaven. 如此毁天灭地的交击,震响了整座剑天天地,同时,无形余波传遍了大半个天界。 Still combed the hair and wash the face a lot of Fairy Maiden that in sea of flowers, first felt this shake complementary waves, all surprised uncertain looked to the sword day direction. 仍旧在花海中梳洗的千百仙子,是最先感受到这股震荡余波的,全都惊疑不定的看向剑天方向。 Elder sister, there is not the place that Emperor prohibits strictly, how to have such big sound.” Can the yellow jersey Fairy Maiden tight say/way, pass reports Emperor?” “阿姐,那里不是帝君严令禁止的地方吗,怎么会发生这么大的声响。”黄衫仙子紧张道,“要不要去通禀帝君?” White garment Fairy Maiden hears word, extends the delicate hands to hint to keep silent, should not we inquire, do not manage, some forehead people will examine.” 白衫仙子闻言,伸出纤手示意噤声,“不该我们过问的,就不要管,天庭自会有人审查。” Other Fairy Maiden hears word, did not talk too much , to continue to comb the hair and wash the face. 其余仙子闻言,再不多嘴,继续梳洗。 Only has in the white garment Fairy Maiden eye to flash through wipes hesitant, can at this moment, and there is a jurisdiction to enter that sword day, only has small Emperor. 唯有白衫仙子眼中闪过一抹犹豫,能够在此时此刻,且有权限进入那剑天的,唯有小帝君 He enters, has what goal? 只是,他进入其中,又会有着何种目的? Thinks of this, wipes the flowing light that Overflowing Force changes, disperses from her hand, plundering fast enters the cloud layer to vanish does not see. 想到此,一抹衍力化作的流光,从她手中散出,飞快的掠入云层消失不见。 Meanwhile, is listening to Uncle Yu who wind platform center sits becomes aware to open both eyes suddenly, the next quarter body advantage of terrain disappears. 与此同时,在听风台中坐悟的虞伯猛然睁开双目,下一刻身形便不见了。 Black stone great palace breakage more than half, the tread was opened nearly ten thousand li (0.5 km) by the notch, the purple-red magma as if boiled the vault of heaven. 黑石巨殿破损过半,连带着地面都被豁开近万里,紫红色的岩浆仿佛将天穹都煮沸了。 But in such as the deep pool such as under the ground in prison, three figure remote stands above the magma. 而在如渊如狱的地面之下,三道身形遥立在岩浆之上。 And is stark naked Ding Bei of upper body spring breathing heavily of big mouth, although Jian Wushuang a face is indifferent, but infiltrated the palm of hemorrhage bead as if to indicate indistinctly he won is not relaxed. 其中精赤着上身的丁北春大口的喘着粗气,剑无双虽然一脸淡然,但隐约渗出血珠的手掌似乎表明了他赢得并不轻松。 that confrontation, although Jian Wushuang joined a certainly sword in river sword intent, but nearly defeated. 刚才的那一场交锋,尽管剑无双在河式剑意中加入了一道绝剑,但还是险些败了。 He has not thought, Ding Beichun that Sword Dao, is hiding three sword intent unexpectedly. 他并未想到,丁北春的那一记剑道,居然是隐藏着三道剑意 About three one, for a sword. 合三化一,是为一剑。 Has saying that this Ding Beichun Sword Dao is tyrannical, has the unprecedented imposing manner, makes Jian Wushuang feel faintly, has the wonder of equally good results from different methods with Ding Baiyi that sword certainly. 不得不说,这丁北春的剑道强横无比,带着一往无前的气势,隐隐让剑无双感觉到,与丁白乙那一记绝剑有着异曲同工之妙。 However even so, Jian Wushuang won, he wins is not Realm, is not Overflowing Force behind, purely is the Sword Dao competition of victory. 不过即便是如此,剑无双还是胜了,他胜的不是境界,不是衍力的身后,纯粹是胜的剑道比拼。 After Ding Beichun returned to normal the breath, was arching cupping one hand in the other across the chest to Jian Wushuang, Brother Jian, was I loses.” 丁北春平复了呼吸之后,对着剑无双拱了拱手,“剑兄,是我输了。” Continues to practice assiduously, when your Sword Dao circle melts, looks me to prove to say.” Jian Wushuang responds with says with a smile. “继续勤勉修行,待你剑道圆融之际,来找我证道。”剑无双报以一笑道。 Ding Beichun hears word, said with a smile, „, if I really had Sword Dao circle friendly that day, said to the Brother Jian card inevitably.” 丁北春闻言,也是笑道,“如果我真有剑道圆融的那一天,必然向剑兄证道。” Small Emperor arrives among two people floating, having the indifferently doubts saying that on the other hand, what flavor you do smell?” 帝君飘然来到二人之间,带着淡淡疑惑道,“话说回来,你们有没有闻到什么味道?” Ding Beichun stares, immediately turns the head to look had been embezzled most ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) furnace cauldron slowly to that by the magma. 丁北春一愣,随即转头缓缓看向那已然被岩浆吞没大半的万丈炉鼎 I, my stove!!” “我,我的炉子!!” Strong winds racing plunders, his figure rises suddenly against the wind ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), plunges into the magma directly, dragging to hold that huge furnace cauldron. 狂风奔掠,他的身形迎风暴涨万丈,直接跳入岩浆中,将那巨大的炉鼎给拖抱了上来。 But all, in furnace cauldron that has been similar to shining shining Large Heaven radiance late no longer, becomes gloomy incomparable. 但一切都已经晚了,炉鼎内那如同耀耀大日的光华不再,变得暗淡无比。 Ding Beichun is shivering both hands, opened furnace cauldron slowly. 丁北春颤抖着双手,缓缓打开了炉鼎 Immediately, innumerable irritating the nose Hei Yan/black smoke jump out. 登时,无数股呛人的黑烟窜出。 Brother Jian, your sword, seemingly was destroyed......” him to put on a long face, puts out a hand to take out changing beyond all recognition Sword Embryo from furnace cauldron. 剑兄,你的剑,貌似被毁了……”他哭丧着脸,伸手从炉鼎中取出了一块面目全非的剑胚 Jian Wushuang: „......” 剑无双:“……” Small Emperor, northern spring, thinks how is good to come under attack not to have.” 帝君,“北春,想好怎么挨打没有。” Please remember this book first round domain name:. 4 novel net cell phone version reading websites: 请记住本书首发域名:。四小说网手机版阅读网址:
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