MDSV :: Volume #45

#4431: 1 the sword censures this world

In the middle of Void, a deathly stillness. 虚空当中,一片死寂。 Only is left over the fresh breeze to reverberate unceasingly. 只剩下劲风不断回荡。 Has fallen back on extremely the observing people in distant place, dull looks at this, only thought that all over the body lives coldly. 已经退到极远处的观战众人,呆呆的看着这一幕,只觉得遍体生寒。 Imperial Prince Hao Ji, died. 皇子昊极,死了。 Large Heaven Divine Emperor, died. 大日神帝,死了。 In Universe earthshaking, Half Step Invincible Supreme cultivation level Jade Cauldron Supreme, buried to live in the hand of Jian Wushuang! 就连在宇宙内叱咤风云,半步无敌至尊修为玉鼎至尊,也葬生在了剑无双的手里! It is not able to use any spoken language, describes panic-stricken in their heart. 无法用任何的言语,来描述他们心中的惊骇。 Originally, Jian Wushuang once cut to kill Supreme in Ultimate Ruler, then already enough shocking, but now, Jian Wushuang Elementary Supreme cultivation level, has cut to kill Half Step Invincible Supreme! 本来,剑无双曾在终极主宰斩杀至尊,便已经足够令人震惊的了,而现在,剑无双初等至尊修为,斩杀半步无敌至尊 This extremely shocks everybody! 这太过惊世骇俗! In the middle of Universe, such matter is unprecedented! 宇宙当中,此等事情亘古未有! No matter east first talent before 100,000 Chaos Cycle also good, before similarly was considered that monstrous talent Heaven’s Chosen Nine Tribulations King, is well below present Jian Wushuang, the thousand li (500 km) of difference! 不管是十万个混沌纪前的第一天才界东也好,还是之前同样被认为妖孽天骄九劫王也罢,都远远不及现在的剑无双,差之千里! Space... Universe looked like really must cloud over!” “宇...宇宙看来真的要变天了!” Elementary Supreme cuts to kill Half Step Invincible Supreme, if not for this matter I personally see, will kill me not to believe!” 初等至尊斩杀半步无敌至尊,此事若不是我亲眼所见,打死我都不会相信!” Ten thousand Eternal First Heaven’s Chosen!” “万古第一天骄!” From now on the innumerable years, entire Universe will remember a name, that is Jian Wushuang!” “从今往后无数年,整个宇宙都会记住一个名字,那就是剑无双!” Legend! Jian Wushuang is a legend!!” “传奇!剑无双是个传奇!!” Starting today, the summit of Universe will be many a person, that is Jian Wushuang!” “从今天开始,宇宙之巅将再多一人,那就是剑无双!” Invincible Supreme, only feared that Jian Wushuang has swept away Universe sufficiently!” 无敌至尊不出,只怕剑无双已经足以横扫宇宙!” Countless people open the mouth. 无数人开口。 In this moment, they look to distant place black clothes black hair Jian Wushuang, in the eye surge the thick worship and frantic. 在这一刻,他们看向远处黑衣黑发的剑无双,眼中涌起浓浓的崇拜和狂热。 Has the female member, dazzling and intoxicating, sees stars. 更有女修士,目眩神迷,眼冒金星。 If not in the middle of Universe has the hearsay early, Jian Wushuang has tied Dao Companion, only feared that then wishes one could to rush at the scene, is the wife to be the concubine to Jian Wushuang! 若非宇宙当中早有传闻,剑无双已结道侣,只怕当场便恨不得冲上去,给剑无双做妻做妾! On the scene no one can be the idiot, Jian Wushuang is powerful, the talent is astonishing, after no one dares to say Jian Wushuang, future achievement, astonishing! 在场的没有人会是蠢货,剑无双实力强大,天赋惊人,谁也不敢说剑无双以后未来的成就,会有多惊人! If not for has scruples with Jian Wushuang hostile Dragon Clan, Great Universe Temple wait/etc. existed, in Universe does not know that many people want to make contact with the line with Jian Wushuang, has a good reason. 若不是顾忌与剑无双敌对的龙族大宇神殿等存在,宇宙内不知有多少人想要和剑无双搭上线,结下一段善缘。 But now, as after Jian Wushuang cuts kills Half Step Invincible Supreme Jade Cauldron, these people, immediately the courage come up in great numbers and from all sides, is unscrupulous! 而现在,随着剑无双斩杀半步无敌至尊玉鼎之后,这些人,顿时胆气横生,再无顾忌! Snort, Jian Wushuang just now practices for 700,000 years, then has to cut to kill the Half Step Invincible Supreme strength, if makes Jian Wushuang practice again for 700,000 years, this Dragon Clan not necessarily can also be the Jian Wushuang opponent!” “哼,剑无双方才修行七十万年,便有着斩杀半步无敌至尊的实力,若是再让剑无双修行七十万年,这龙族未必还会是剑无双的对手!” Dragon Clan was too easily and comfortably long, thought oneself infallible was too long, was the time makes one teach them, they were not the lords of Universe!” 龙族安逸太久了,也自以为是太久了,是时候让人去教教他们,他们并非宇宙之主了!” Dragon Clan said powerful, is actually also mediocre, two generations of Dragon Clan that several live on dishonorably, can only depend upon the deep sleep to continue the life, although other three generations of Dragon Clan are powerful, but when Jian Wushuang grows thoroughly, not necessarily does not have the opportunity to throw off them!” 龙族说起来强大,其实也就不过如此而已,几个苟活下来的二代龙族,只能依靠沉睡续命,剩余的三代龙族虽然强大,但等到剑无双彻底成长起来,未必没有机会将他们掀翻!” I am assured, after 10,000 Chaos Cycle, this Universe will belong to Jian Wushuang!” “我笃定,一万个混沌纪之后,这宇宙将属于剑无双!” Innumerable person vision brilliant, said resolutely. 无数人目光灼灼,语气坚定说道。 At once, they look at each other one, walks toward Jian Wushuang in abundance, plans to have a good reason. 旋即,他们对视一眼,纷纷朝着剑无双走去,打算结下一段善缘。 And, has protocol that attended the Large Heaven Divine Emperor ancestor worshiping ceremony, will be fast, Jian Wushuang that the footsteps will run will for fear that vent anger on them, must explain hastily. 其中,有来参加大日神帝祭祖大典的礼宾,更是脚步跑的飞快,生怕剑无双会迁怒在他们身上,连忙要去解释。 Wushuang (matchless) Supreme, below limitless Divine Sect golds blade Supreme, comes to give regards to you especially...” 无双至尊,在下无极神宗至尊,特来向您问好...” Wushuang (matchless) Supreme, in next five sea turtle island Island Lord, comes to apologize to you especially, this time ancestor worshiping ceremony that participates in Large Heaven Divine Emperor, is really my family Old Ancestor has with him old ..... 无双至尊,在下五鳌岛岛主,特来向您赔礼道歉,此次参加大日神帝的祭祖大典,实在是我家老祖与他有旧.....” At once, various sounds that flatters Jian Wushuang, resounding continuously. 一时之间,各种讨好剑无双的声音,此起彼伏的响起。 These people, without exception are Intermediate Supreme above powerhouse, however faces Jian Wushuang at this moment, is actually various types flatters, does not dare to have the color of least bit disrespecting. 这些人,无一例外都是中等至尊以上的强者,然而此刻面对剑无双,却是各种阿谀奉承,不敢有半点不敬之色。 If this falls in the person eyes that does not know the circumstances of the matter, will make one sharp drop eye absolutely. 这一幕若是落在不知情的人眼中,绝对会令人大跌眼睛。 The Jian Wushuang expression is light, these people are the people with no mind of his own who the wind blows to lean both ways, trims one's sails good, today was won fortunately, if oneself defeated, these people absolutely after he was cut by Jade Cauldron Supreme and the others killed, disdained spat saliva. 剑无双表情平淡,这些人不过是风吹两边倒的墙头草罢了,最善见风使舵,今天还好是自己胜了,若是自己败了,这些人绝对会在他被玉鼎至尊等人斩杀后,不屑的来吐上一口口水。 Extremely has not paid attention to them, the Jian Wushuang right hand absorbs toward Void, immediately Large Heaven Divine Emperor and Jade Cauldron Supreme Universe Ring, shoots toward his hand. 没有太过理会他们,剑无双右手朝虚空一摄,顿时大日神帝玉鼎至尊乾坤戒,朝着他手中射来。 After holding Universe Ring, Jian Wushuang Divine Force one sweeps toward inside slightly, the look cannot bear change countenance immediately. 抓住乾坤戒后,剑无双神力微微朝里面一扫,神色顿时忍不住动容。 In these two people of Universe Ring the wealth, simply may be called scary, even if has not started in Supreme Thunder Tribulation, his many Supreme Treasure from not exploding, was well below compared with these two people. 这二人乾坤戒内财富,简直堪称吓人,哪怕是在至尊雷劫尚未开始,他诸多至宝还未自爆的时候,比起这二人都远远不如。 These two only feared that depended cultivation level to be powerful, robbed others many chances!” “这两人只怕仗着自己修为强大,抢夺了别人不少机缘!” Jian Wushuang cold snort/hum, shakes the head at once, receives these two Universe Ring, then goes toward the Great Sun Divine Country lasing. 剑无双冷哼一声,旋即摇摇头,将这两枚乾坤戒收好,转而朝着大日神国激射而去。 puff! 咻! Jian Wushuang changes to together sword glow, immediately stretches across the horizon, has delimited like the meteor, crashes into Great Sun Divine Country. 剑无双化作一道剑芒,顿时横跨天际,如同流星划过,坠入大日神国内。 ...... ...... Large Heaven king Chengnei. 大日王城内。 Many have not run out of the people who Starry Sky surrounds, as well as remains behind the Great Sun Divine Country royal family juniors, was discussing mutually. 诸多并没有冲出星空围观的众人,以及留守大日神国的王族子弟,正在互相讨论。 Their whole face relaxed color, the attitude is comfortable, even also has tea of leisure, does not seem to be worried that Large Heaven Divine Emperor and the others will defeat. 他们满脸轻松之色,意态闲适,甚至还颇有闲暇的饮茶,似乎丝毫不担心大日神帝等人会败。 Queen, Divine Emperor your majesty they for a long time have not turned over, won't have an accident?” “王后,神帝陛下他们这么久还未归,不会出事了吧?” A Great Sun Divine Country guard, in look somewhat anxious saying. 一名大日神国侍卫,眼神中有些忧虑的说道。 This queen is the one beautiful woman, hears word puts down the teacup, said at will: Jian Wushuang that evildoer Elementary Supreme can cultivation level, how be your majesty Sir opponent? Let alone, this time may have Jade Cauldron Supreme to assist in side, whatever Jian Wushuang has the exceedingly high ability, this time must submit to punishment to execute the head.” 这名王后是一位美妇人,闻言放下茶杯,随意说道:“剑无双那贼子不过初等至尊修为,怎么会是陛下大人对手?更何况,这次可还有着玉鼎至尊在旁协助,任凭剑无双有通天本领,这次也要伏法诛首。” This ..... “这.....” This guard hesitated, says: Queen, for safety's sake, I thought that we do have a look?” 这名侍卫不由迟疑了一下,开口说道:“王后,为了保险起见,我看我们还是去看看吧?” A Large Heaven Queen hears Yanmeitou wrinkle, will reprove several. 大日王后闻言眉头一皱,正要训斥几句。 At this moment! 就在这时! With bang the loud sound, the low and deep sound blasts out like the thunder together, falls rolling. 伴随着一道轰隆巨响,一道低沉的声音如同雷霆炸开,滚滚落下。 Large Heaven Divine Emperor has died, the people of other Large Heaven royal families are also guilty, although until death, actually cannot pare cultivation level, warns others against following a bad example!” 大日神帝已死,其他大日王族之人同样有罪,虽不至死,却应当削去修为,以儆效尤!” puff! 咻! The Jian Wushuang form, condenses in Void. 剑无双的身影,在虚空凝聚。 Instantaneously, innumerable Great Sun Divine Country royal family juniors courage entirely cracks, does not dare to believe that Queen Large Heaven, is instantaneous beautiful face changing colors. 瞬间,无数大日神国王族子弟肝胆俱裂,不敢置信,那大日王后,更是瞬间花容失色。 How possibly?!” “怎么可能?!” How will your majesty defeat?!” “陛下怎么会败?!” The Jian Wushuang expression is indifferent, the black hair flies upwards, stands erect proudly in the middle of Void. 剑无双表情冷漠,黑发飞扬,傲然屹立在虚空当中。 He looked down Large Heaven king city, at once shakes the head, a sword divided conveniently! 他低头看了一眼大日王城,旋即摇摇头,随手一剑劈下! This sword, eliminates your cultivation level!” “这一剑,剥夺你们修为!” Bang!! 轰!! Instantaneously, this sword chops, seems like that has not caused the damage, even every bit of property has not alarmed, is actually directly in the middle of invisible, cut had the bloodlines to moisten person continually in each with Large Heaven Divine Emperor! 瞬间,这一剑劈下,看似没有造成伤害,甚至一草一木都没有惊动,却是直接在无形当中,斩在了每一个与大日神帝有血脉沾连的人身上! This sword, is a Eternal Night sword move variant! 这一剑,乃是永夜剑招的一个变种! Has to eliminate all strength!! 有着剥夺一切的力量!! Is Jian Wushuang after comprehending Supreme Encompassing Supreme sword intent, small divine ability that oneself deduce conveniently. 乃是剑无双在领悟太罗至尊剑意后,自己所随手推演出来的一个小神通 „! I and my cultivation level!” “啊!我、我的修为!” What's the matter? Why my cultivation level is abating!!” “怎么回事?为什么我的修为在消退!!” Does not want!!” “不要啊!!” At once, in Large Heaven Imperial Palace calls out in alarm again and again! 一时之间,大日皇宫内惊叫连连! Countless people felt the fast retrogression cultivation level, on the face panic-stricken to the extreme. 无数人感受到自己快速消退的修为,脸上惊骇到了极点。 These with the person who Jian Wushuang comes, notices this, is the whole body shakes, all over the body lives coldly. 那些随着剑无双前来的人,注意到这一幕,更是浑身一震,遍体生寒。 A sword pares cultivation level! 一剑削去修为 What ghosts and gods method is this?! 这是什么鬼神手段?! Large Heaven royal family, altogether about ten thousand people! 要知道,大日王族,一共近万人啊! Jian Wushuang indifferently looked at their one eyes, chops four sword glow again! 剑无双淡淡的看了他们一眼,再度劈出四道剑芒 These four sword glow shoot up to the sky, then goes into hiding in the middle of Void. 这四道剑芒冲天而起,然后隐匿在虚空当中。 Starting today, by the later 90 million years, the person of every Large Heaven royal family, can not tread Large Heaven Imperial Palace Half Step!” “从今天开始,到以后九千万年,凡大日王族之人,不得踏出大日皇宫半步!” Large Heaven Imperial Palace, seals the palace ten million years!” 大日皇宫,封宫千万年!” Scoff! 嗤! The four sword glow of concealment in the middle of Void, the sword transfers sharp, will cut to kill any to dare to tread the person of Large Heaven Imperial Palace Half Step! 隐匿在虚空当中的四道剑芒,剑尖调转,将斩杀任何一个敢踏出大日皇宫半步之人! Instantaneously, the person of complexion innumerable Large Heaven royal family despairs, looks ashen. 瞬间,无数大日王族之人脸色绝望,面如土色。 Jian Wushuang were not many said, the footsteps trod, change to the escaping light to go far away together. 剑无双再不多说,脚步一踏,化作一道遁光远去。 Remembers the cell phone version website: 记住手机版网址:
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