MDSV :: Volume #45

#4429: 4 seasons

Buries!” “葬!” Jian Wushuang foot treads Void, both hands pinches seal fast, coldly drinks lowly. 剑无双脚踏虚空,双手快速掐印,冷冷低喝。 When these words fall, that pit, looks like the black hole in desert to be common, starts to crash fast. 当这句话落下,那座凹坑,就像是沙漠里的黑洞一般,开始快速崩塌。 Arrives at Jian Wushuang now this situation, Sword Dao divine ability, has no longer rigidly adhered to sword technique by far! 到达剑无双如今这个地步,剑道神通,已经远远不再拘泥于剑术 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! In Universe, has earth-shaking bangs. 宇宙内,发出一声声惊天动地的巨响。 First is that is swallowed into the pit the stars, starts a one smashing to annihilate, changes to the nihility , strength smallest and weakest Hao Ji Imperial Prince, just like by Heaven and Earth is extruded, Divine Body instantaneous collapse smashing. 先是那被吞入凹坑的星辰,开始一颗颗粉碎湮灭,化作虚无,紧接着,实力最为弱小的昊极皇子,犹如遭到天地挤压,神体瞬间崩溃粉碎。 Royal Father saves me ~!” “父王救我啊~!” The Hao Ji Imperial Prince facial expression is panic-stricken, shouts loudly. 昊极皇子神情惊恐,大声喊道。 Bang! 嘭! The next breath, Hao Ji Imperial Prince relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, only has his miserable howling sound, reverberates in Universe unceasingly. 下一息,昊极皇子形神俱灭,只剩下他的惨嚎声,不断在宇宙内回荡。 Hao Ji my son!!” 昊极吾儿!!” Instantaneously, Large Heaven Divine Emperor ya zi wants to crack, the eye socket bursts open. 瞬间,大日神帝睚眦欲裂,眼眶迸开。 Since Young Emperor after Starry Sky Ancient Road was cut by Jian Wushuang kills, this Hao Ji Imperial Prince, is the Large Heaven Divine Emperor final painstaking care, is his ordered by the emperor personally Divine Emperor successor. 少帝星空古路剑无双斩杀之后,这位昊极皇子,便是大日神帝最后的心血,也是他钦定的神帝继承人。 Even, without Jian Wushuang this, Large Heaven Divine Emperor has prepared at the grand ceremony , to promote Hao Ji Imperial Prince to hold the post of Divine Emperor. 甚至,如果没有剑无双这一遭的话,大日神帝已经准备在大典上,推出昊极皇子担任神帝 His affection to Hao Ji, really Young Emperor! 他对昊极的喜爱,更甚少帝 But now, Hao Ji Imperial Prince is in front of his, died in the hand of Jian Wushuang. 而现在,昊极皇子当着他的面,死在了剑无双的手中。 The Hao Ji Imperial Prince final praying for rescue words, like a dagger, spike his innermost feelings. 昊极皇子最后的求救话语,就像一把尖刀般,戳进他的内心。 He is side Divine Emperor, he is Top Supreme, he in Universe earthshaking, wields myriad people of Life and Death exceedingly high giant arms. 他是一方神帝,他是顶尖至尊,他在宇宙内叱咤风云,执掌万千人生死的通天巨臂。 But he is Father. 但他更是一个父亲 At this moment, Hao Ji Imperial Prince death helplessly in his front, Large Heaven Divine Emperor instantaneous was demented! 此刻,昊极皇子眼睁睁的死在他的面前,大日神帝瞬间癫狂了! Jian Wushuang, you damn!!” 剑无双,你该死啊!!” Large Heaven Divine Emperor raised the head, by giant gulf, stubbornly looked to Jian Wushuang, the hatred in eye condenses the extreme. 大日神帝抬起头,透过巨大的深坑,死死的看向剑无双,眼中的怨毒凝聚到了极点。 It seems like you very painful?” “看来你很痛苦?” Jian Wushuang unemotional looks to him, the corners of the mouth pull up wipe the indifferent curve. 剑无双面无表情的看向他,嘴角拉起一抹冷漠的弧度。 No rush, was quick you to reunite with your son.” “别急,很快你就会和你儿子团聚了。” Bang! Bang! bang! 嘭嘭嘭! The avalanche speed of pit, became quicker! 凹坑的崩塌速度,变得更快了起来! Destruction Strength that is formed by Sword Qi, in the middle of the pit, is harvesting the vitality unceasingly. 一股股由剑气形成的毁灭力量,不断在凹坑当中,收割着生机。 Nightfall arrives, myriad things is on the wane. 黄昏降临,万物凋零。 Since then world falls into Eternal Night. 从此世间陷入永夜 This, is the Nightfall sword move true meaning! 这,便是黄昏剑招的真意! Roar roar roar!! 吼吼吼!! Large Heaven Divine Emperor is revolving unsurpassed Divine Force, resists the offensive that Nightfall sword move is bringing stubbornly, sends out to angrily roar unceasingly. 大日神帝运转着无上神力,死死抵抗着黄昏剑招带来的攻势,不断发出怒吼。 On him, like the flaming Large Heaven aura, is not having in fast bury, similarly expensive/noble is on Universe top ten Large Heaven Divine Body, bursts open the crack unceasingly, disperses the air leakage machine. 在他身上,本来如同熊熊大日的气息,正在快速堙没,同样贵为宇宙排名前十的大日神体上,不断迸开裂缝,散漏气机。 Ten breath time pass by. 十息时间过去。 Large Heaven Divine Emperor Divine Body finally starts cuns (2.5 cm) blasting open, finally is only left over the one head, stubbornly is staring at Jian Wushuang. 大日神帝神体终于开始一寸寸炸裂,最后只剩下一颗头颅,死死的盯着剑无双 Jian Wushuang, the this King incantation you die like a dog! this King incantation your whole families completely go to Yellow Springs up and down! this King incantation you......” 剑无双,本王咒你不得好死!本王咒你满门上下尽赴黄泉本王咒你......” Bang! 嘭! Did not wait for him saying that the head of Large Heaven Divine Emperor was similar to the watermelon of disruption to be common, exploded loudly. 不等他说完,大日神帝的头颅就如同碎裂的西瓜一般,轰然爆炸开来。 Is the Large Heaven Divine Emperor vitality, in light of this dissipation. 属于大日神帝的生机,就此消散。 In this moment, in that pit still had bang the loud sound to spread obviously unceasingly, the people but who the distant place observes actually as if lost one's hearing generally, dull looks at this, the mouth opening can the stopper next egg. 在这一刻,明明那凹坑内仍旧有轰隆巨响不断传出,但远处观战的众人却仿佛失聪了一般,呆呆的看着这一幕,嘴巴张大的能塞下一个鸡蛋。 Until long time, some people of lips had just now shivered saying: 直到过了良久,方才有人嘴唇颤抖道: Big... Large Heaven Divine Emperor, did one generation of fierce and ambitiouses fall from the sky unexpectedly like this?” “大...大日神帝,一代枭雄竟然就这样陨落了?” Large Heaven Divine Emperor, is in the middle of Universe, stands in peak that young stamp person, died in the Jian Wushuang hand?” 大日神帝,可是宇宙当中,站在巅峰的那一小戳人啊,就这么死在了剑无双手中?” Young Emperor died, Hao Ji Imperial Prince died, after Large Heaven Divine Emperor dies...... only feared, in the middle of Universe again does not have the Great Sun Divine Country foothold.” 少帝死了,昊极皇子死了,大日神帝死了......只怕以后,宇宙当中再无大日神国的立足之地。” Was too fearful, Jian Wushuang strong?” “太可怕了,剑无双到底有多强?” Countless people shock said. 无数人震撼说道。 They turn the head to look to Jian Wushuang, in the eye only have the color of deep awe. 他们转头看向剑无双,眼中只剩下深深的敬畏之色。 ..... ..... Bang! Bang! bang! 嘭嘭嘭! Nightfall sword move, had not finished, but was still continuing. 黄昏剑招,并没有结束,而是仍在继续。 Because of the person, was still also supporting, that is Jade Cauldron Supreme. 因为有一个人,仍旧还在支撑,那便是玉鼎至尊 In the pit, Destruction Aura, are dashing unceasingly Jade Cauldron Supreme. 凹坑内,一股股毁灭气息,不断冲撞着玉鼎至尊 But Jade Cauldron Supreme sits cross-legged to sit in Void, the whisking silver thread fast spread in his hand is insanely long, then like an egg shell, wraps Jade Cauldron Supreme in inside, to the Nightfall Sword Qi how wanton bombing, he from gorgeously motionless. 玉鼎至尊盘膝坐在虚空,他手中的拂尘银丝快速蔓延疯长,然后如同一个鸡蛋壳般,将玉鼎至尊包裹在里面,任凭黄昏剑气如何狂轰滥炸,他自巍然不动。 Jian Wushuang, this move indeed powerful, but was a pity, is those words, your cultivation level misses me is too many, cannot display this move of proper strength, otherwise, will put in an appearance this Eminence to be cut to kill.” 剑无双,这一招的确强大,只是可惜,还是那句话,你修为差我太多,不能发挥出这一招应有的战力,否则,一个照面本座就会被斩杀。” Shaking the head of Jade Cauldron Supreme regrets, thread of conversation One Revolution said subsequently: 玉鼎至尊惋惜的摇了摇头,继而话锋一转说道: Jian Wushuang, Large Heaven Divine Emperor has died now, your enmity has reported that how might as well put this Eminence to go out? Difficult to be inadequate you to consume with this Eminence here?” 剑无双,如今大日神帝已死,你的仇怨已报,不如放本座出去如何?难不成你就一直跟本座耗在这里么?” Time at this point, the Jade Cauldron Supreme corners of the mouth bring back slightly the meaning of mock. 说到这里的时候,玉鼎至尊嘴角勾起微微讥诮之意。 Jian Wushuang is unemotional, has saying that this Jade Cauldron Supreme is indeed powerful, a Nightfall move, is unable to cut to kill it thoroughly. 剑无双面无表情,不得不说,这玉鼎至尊的确强大,就连黄昏一招,都无法将其彻底斩杀。 Silent a meeting, Jian Wushuang said: Jade Cauldron, you still remember before me, has spoken words?” 沉默了一会,剑无双开口说道:“玉鼎,你还记得我之前说过的话么?” Un?” “嗯?” Jade Cauldron Supreme hears Yanmi narrowed the eye, the doubts asks: What words?” 玉鼎至尊闻言眯了眯眼睛,疑惑问道:“什么话?” Jian Wushuang indifferently looked at his one eyes, returns tranquilly said: I had once said that if you block me, I must kill you! You think, I am chatting with you?” 剑无双淡淡看了他一眼,平静回道:“我曾说过,你若阻我,我必杀你!你以为,我是在跟你说笑?” Bang! 轰! In an instant, that gulfs that ruins innumerable Life vanish. 刹那间,那座葬送无数生命的深坑消失。 Supreme Encompassing Divine Sword, condenses in the Jian Wushuang hand. 太罗神剑,重新凝聚在剑无双手中。 However, but also without and other Jade Cauldron Supreme faces on the surging happy expression, then suddenly by has never had the panic-stricken substitution! 然而,还没等玉鼎至尊脸上涌起喜色,便骤然被一股从未有过的惊恐替代! Supreme Encompassing Sword Scripture, Fourth Style, Four Seasons!” 太罗剑典,第四式,四季!” Jian Wushuang vision ice-cold is staring at Jade Cauldron Supreme, the dense/woods cold opens the mouth. 剑无双目光冰冷的盯着玉鼎至尊,森寒开口。 In a twinkling, entire Universe regeneration change. 霎时间,整个宇宙再生变化。 The trim Starry Sky temperature, reduces over a thousand degrees suddenly! 整片星空气温,骤然降低上千度! In all directions, blows the strong cold wind and snow, Bing Feng/icebound ten thousand li (0.5 km) Star Territory! 四面八方,刮起强劲冷冽的风雪,冰封万里星域 The world in the moment, just like fell into the severely cold deep winter. 世界在一刻,犹如陷入了严寒的隆冬。 The innumerable snowflakes, are sending out the piercing coldness, from in the air falls gently. 无数雪花,散发着刺骨的冷冽,从空中飘落。 Each snowflakes, are together Four Seasons Sword Qi!! 每一片雪花,便是一道四季剑气!! This... this is Four Seasons sword move!” “这...这是四季剑招!” In an instant, Jade Cauldron Supreme loses one's voice panic-strickenly. 刹那间,玉鼎至尊惊骇失声。 If, Jian Wushuang used Nightfall sword move before, he is shocked, then now, he is panic-stricken! 如果说,之前剑无双用出黄昏剑招的话,他只是震惊,那么现在,他便是惊恐! Four Seasons sword move, seemingly averagely not wonderful, is far from first three sword move coming the enormity that no matter but on deciding, is the prestige can on, is actually not first three sword move can compare by far! 四季剑招,看似平平无奇,远远没有前三道剑招来的声势浩大,但不管在立意上,还是威能上,却远远不是前三道剑招所能比拟! It can be said that starts from Four Seasons sword move, is a giant watershed! 可以说,从四季剑招开始,便是一个巨大的分水岭! Four Seasons sword move, like the needle of concealed in cotton, virtually impossible to guard against, is cruel! 四季剑招,就像藏在棉花里的一根针,令人防不胜防,最是阴损! puff puff puff!! 嗤嗤嗤!! Sad touching tender and beautiful snowflake falls gently, Jade Cauldron Supreme lifts whisking in hand, just about to prevents, sees that snowflakes, passed through whisking directly silently, reflects on his Divine Body. 一朵凄美娇艳的雪花飘落,玉鼎至尊抬起手中的拂尘,刚要阻挡,就见那片雪花,直接无声无息的穿过了拂尘,映在他的神体上。 In an instant, his Divine Body by the place that the snowflake contacts, by Bing Feng/icebound, Divine Force is unable to revolve directly! 刹那间,他的神体被雪花接触到的地方,直接被冰封,就连神力都无法运转起来! This......!!!” “这......!!!” The Jade Cauldron Supreme complexion changes instantaneously, has not waited for him to change, that Four Seasons sword move, has regenerated the change! 玉鼎至尊脸色瞬间大变,还不等他重新变招,那四季剑招,已经再生变化!
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