MDSV :: Volume #45

#4418: Easily accomplished

Rumbling ~! 轰轰轰~! Supreme Encompassing Divine Sword has the sheath half a point merely, gangs of Sword Qi dragon scroll then spread, forms the powerful sword pressure! 太罗神剑仅仅出鞘半分,一股股剑气龙卷便扩散而出,形成强大的剑压! The Jian Wushuang full black hair completely all to/clashes, the pupil of that pair of purple-golden, flashes through wipes the cold meaning. 剑无双满头黑发尽皆冲起,那双紫金色的眸子,闪过一抹冷冽之意。 Draws a sword to cut!” “拔剑斩!” In an instant, Supreme Encompassing Divine Sword like changing to the bolt of white silk crazy snake, fiercely toward to a blood column Yuan gas bomb that the Jian Wushuang lasing came, cut under! 刹那间,太罗神剑如同化作了匹练狂蛇,猛地朝着向剑无双激射而来的血柱元气弹,一斩而下! In this moment, the trim vast expansive sky as if by the enormous and powerful minute/share of sea, had been just liked the minute/share to make the two sides, only remains the frontline. 在这一刻,整片浩瀚长空都仿佛被浩浩荡荡分海而过,犹如分作两边,只剩一线。 The field of vision in people eyes grow darked, is only left over together golden sword glow, has delimited together the sad touching curve, chops slantingly under! 众人眼中的视野变黑了,只剩下一道金黄色的剑芒,划过一道凄美的弧度,斜劈而下! The Supreme Encompassing Divine Sword true prestige energy, erupts loudly! 太罗神剑的真正威能,轰然爆发开来! Cuts the tofu like the blade, is projected a blood column Yuan gas bomb that by blood Heavenly Supreme, was truncated to divide into two directly, incomparably relaxed breaking open, the Supreme Encompassing Sword glow continues to cut toward blood Heavenly Supreme! 如同刀切豆腐般,由血天至尊射出的血柱元气弹,直接被削开一分为二,无比轻松的破开,太罗剑芒继续朝着血天至尊斩下! This boy!!” “这小子!!” Blood Heavenly Supreme clenches jaws, the both feet treads on the ground, immediately shoots like the one big meatball, evaded this sword. 天至尊咬牙切齿,双脚在地上一踏,顿时如同一颗大肉球般弹起,躲过了这一剑。 Although he build becomes huge, but the speed not only does not have the least bit to slow down, instead rises dramatically! 他虽然体型变得庞大,但速度不仅没有半点变慢,反而暴增! Rumble! 轰隆隆! This sword cuts on the asteroid of blood Heavenly Supreme under foot, immediately truncates the egg on such as the blade, will put in order the stars to make the two sides. 这一剑斩在血天至尊脚下的小行星上,顿时就如刀削鸡蛋般,将整颗星辰切做两边。 And this has not given up, this together bolt of white silk sword glow, after no hindrance this stars cut open, the prestige can not reduce continues to shoot at the Universe deep place, until flushing several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m), just now dissipation. 并且这还不作罢,这一道匹练剑芒,在毫无阻碍的将这颗星辰切开后,威能丝毫不减的继续射向宇宙深处,直到冲出去数万丈,方才堪堪消散。 Terrifying Sword Qi spreads recklessly loose, the Jian Wushuang surrounding area in thousand zhang (3.33 m), changes to a stretch of forbidden area. 恐怖的剑气肆意铺散,将剑无双方圆千丈之内,化作一片禁区。 The Jian Wushuang expression is faint, present he, a sword then can the sword break Galaxy conveniently, the Destruction star! 剑无双表情淡漠,如今的他,随手一剑便能剑断银河,毁灭星球! Secret Technique, Blood Demon arrow!” 秘术,血魔箭!” Blood Heavenly Supreme leaps in the middle of Starry Sky, after looking at Jian Wushuang, in mouth fast opens the mouth. 天至尊腾在星空当中,看了一眼剑无双之后,嘴中快速开口。 In an instant, that tens of thousands of arm that on his body multiplies, pinches finger joints with the thumb uses/gives seal simultaneously. 刹那间,他的身体上滋生出来的那成千上万的手臂,同时掐诀施印。 An enormous and powerful evil spirits demon sound sends out from the blood Heavenly Supreme belly, just like the stomach to wriggle, at once, then saw that one from the blood Heavenly Supreme body crawls like the small snake tens of thousands of arms of blood arrow, then toward the Jian Wushuang lasing. 一股浩荡邪祟魔音从血天至尊肚子里发出,犹如肠胃蠕动,旋即,便看到一颗颗如同小蛇般的血箭从血天至尊身体上成千上万的的手臂爬出,然后朝着剑无双激射而来。 ~! 咻咻咻咻~! It is not able to use any spoken language, describes this magnificent sight, 无法用任何的言语,来描述这一幕的壮观, The dense and numerous innumerable blood arrow are enormous and powerful, blocks the sky, completely all crowds all Heaven and Earth, blots out the sky to come, the speed will draw near the extreme. 密密麻麻的无数只血箭浩浩荡荡,遮天蔽日,将所有天地尽皆塞满,铺天盖地而来,速度快到了极点。 This each blood arrow has Elementary Supreme to strike the terrifying full power, this moment ten thousand arrows fire, gather after together, shoots the screen Top Supreme sufficiently. 这每一道血箭都有着初等至尊全力一击般恐怖,此刻万箭齐发,汇聚在一起之后,足以将顶尖至尊都射成筛子。 The asteroid group member who the distant place many observe sees that only thought that the eyelid jumps crazily, been able to bear swallows the saliva. 远处诸多观战的小行星群修士见状,只觉得眼皮狂跳,忍不住的直咽唾沫。 Blood Heavenly Supreme, was too truly powerful! 天至尊,确实太强大了! However, making them feel that dumbfounded happened. 然而,令他们感到目瞪口呆的一幕发生了。 Facing being similar to rainstorm pear flower over ten thousand blood arrow, Jian Wushuang narrowed the eye merely, the expression said indifferently: 面对如同暴雨梨花般的上万血箭,剑无双仅仅只是眯了眯眼睛,表情淡然道: Star Severing.” 斩星。” In an instant, in Universe the innumerable energies gather in the Jian Wushuang hand, forms a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dense/woods blue sword rainbow, falls under! 刹那间,宇宙内无数能量汇聚在剑无双手中,形成一条万丈森蓝剑虹,一落而下! This sword, the horizon, passes through Sun and Moon horizontally certainly! 这一剑,横绝天际,贯穿日月 This sword falls, sharp powerful Sword Qi, strangles to death eight sides directly, almost with an easily accomplished steamroll stance, shatters directly the fragment powder innumerable Blood Sword! 这一剑落下,锋锐强大的剑气,直接绞杀八方,几乎是以一种摧枯拉朽的碾压姿态,将无数血剑直接震裂成齑粉! Sword broken ten thousand laws! 一剑破万法! Blood Heavenly Supreme is powerful, but Jian Wushuang is more terrifying! 天至尊强大,但剑无双更加恐怖! Sincere. 笃笃笃。 The depressed sound resounds. 沉闷的声音响起。 Has by luck not by the blood arrow of Star Severing sword rainbow steamroll disruption, hits on Jian Wushuang, has not actually passed through Jian Wushuang, but hits like the arrow arrow an edition on ten zhang (3.33 m) thick steel plate, after splashing sparks/Mars, the unexpectedly then jumped missile starts. 有侥幸没有被斩星剑虹碾压碎裂的血箭,撞在剑无双身上,却是没有将剑无双贯穿,而是如同箭矢撞在十丈厚的钢板上一版,溅出火星之后,竟然便被迸飞弹开。 Even, Jian Wushuang also extends the big hand, lowers the head to grasp a blood arrow directly, like throwing the javelin is ordinary, instead throws toward blood Heavenly Supreme pounds to go! 甚至,剑无双还伸出大手,低头直接抓出一条血箭,如同丢标枪一般,反朝着血天至尊掷砸而去! Blood arrow that is pounded by Jian Wushuang, no matter the speed or the prestige energy, all rise dramatically! 剑无双砸出的血箭,不管是速度还是威能,皆是暴增! Bang!!! 嘭!!! Immediately, blood Heavenly Supreme is hit by the blood arrow that this reflection comes, the whole person thump thump thump retreat Third Step, the complexion surges flushed. 顿时,血天至尊被这道反射而来的血箭击中,整个人‘噔噔噔’后退三步,脸色涌起一阵潮红。 This has not calculated, then before Jian Wushuang a Star Severing sword that chops, after shattering innumerable blood arrow, sword glow slightly was dim some, then chops again ruthlessly on the blood Heavenly Supreme chest, just like plays the baseball to be the same, pounded to fly blood Heavenly Supreme. 这还不算完,那由剑无双之前劈下的斩星一剑,在震裂无数血箭之后,剑芒只是略微黯淡了些许,便再度狠狠劈在血天至尊胸口上,就犹如打棒球一般,将血天至尊砸飞了出去。 In an instant, the innumerable person mind that the distant place observes shake crazily, the whole body shivers. 刹那间,远处观战的无数人心神狂震,浑身颤抖。 Among them, has the person of cultivation level far ultra Jian Wushuang many, even High Supreme exists, but all loses one's voice at this moment panic-strickenly: 在他们当中,不乏有修为远超剑无双之人,甚至还有高等至尊存在,但此刻俱是惊骇失声: This, this Jian Wushuang is a anomaly!” “这、这剑无双是个怪胎!” Powerful, sword technique Wushuang (matchless)! Not only striking power Invincible, defensive power same Invincible! This who can also hit Jian Wushuang?” “强大,剑术无双!不仅攻击力无敌,防御力同样无敌!这还有谁能打剑无双?” Below terrifying Half Step Invincible Supreme, no, should say is below Invincible Supreme, only feared that already again incompetent to the person who Jian Wushuang poses the threat!” “恐怖半步无敌至尊以下,不,应该说是无敌至尊以下,只怕已经再无能给剑无双造成威胁的人!” Was too terrifying!” “太恐怖了!” In this moment, the people all were observing closely Jian Wushuang stubbornly, in the eye alarmed and afraid to the extreme. 在这一刻,众人皆是死死的盯住剑无双,眼中惊惧到了极点。 Before then, they have never thought that dominates of asteroid group about 500 Chaos Cycle Blood Sky Palace lords, unexpectedly one day, will not be the person of Invincible Supreme, suddenly/violently to retreat of successively suppression! 在此之前,他们从未想过,称霸小行星群近五百个混沌纪之久的血天殿主,竟然会有一天,被不是无敌至尊之人,压制的节节暴退! As if in the hand of Jian Wushuang, blood Heavenly Supreme is not that cruel fierce and brutal Blood Demon, but rubs the projectile that pinches at will! 似乎在剑无双的手里,血天至尊不是那残忍凶暴的血魔,而是随意揉捏的弹丸! Some people said no wonder before, has not experienced the Jian Wushuang method face to face, will not understand the Jian Wushuang powerful place, with that startled certainly colorful talent!” “怪不得之前有人说,没有当面见识剑无双的手段,根本不会明白剑无双的强大之处,和那惊才绝艳的天赋!” Countless people remember the rumor that in beforehand Universe once spread, originally they also disdain to scoff at the nose secretly, thinks that Jian Wushuang several make a move, either is dependence Supreme Encompassing Divine Sword and Wuxu Chaos Cauldron this grade of Supreme Treasure, either is the prestige of use Thunder Tribulation, the itself real horizon is not much. 无数人想起之前宇宙里一度流传的传言,本来他们还暗自不屑嗤鼻,认为剑无双几番出手,要么便是依靠太罗神剑戊戌混沌鼎这等至宝,要么就是利用雷劫之威,本身真实水平并不怎么样。 But in this moment, they awakens fiercely, oneself made a mistake, moreover wrong odd!! 但在这一刻,他们才猛地醒悟,自己错了,而且错的有多离谱!! In they think of another a few words that in Universe spread spreads. 他们又想到了宇宙里流传里流传的另一句话。 How fortunately, can with Jian Wushuang in same Era, is how unfortunate, with Jian Wushuang in same Era! 何其有幸,能与剑无双在同一个时代,又何其不幸,与剑无双在同一个时代 Since Jian Wushuang rise, in what Sacred Land Holy Child that the Universe deep place advanced freely and quickly, Divine Country Divine Child, all was disappears to conceal invisible, by the Jian Wushuang three characters, the least bit ray of even suppression could not be released. 自从剑无双崛起之后,之前在宇宙深处纵横驰骋的什么圣地圣子,神国神子,皆是消匿无形,被剑无双三字,压制的连半点光芒都释放不出。 In the vision of awes, the Jian Wushuang expression is light, Heaven Trampling comes, in eye gold/metal flame flaming, the sound vibrates Heaven and Earth, just like thunderous: 在一道道敬畏的目光中,剑无双表情平淡,踏天地而来,眼中金焰熊熊,声音震动天地,宛若雷鸣: Blood Sky Palace lord, you, if on this ability, then burns a joss stick exactly.” 血天殿主,你若就这点能耐,接下来活不过一炷香。” This word falls, blood Heavenly Supreme immediately the complexion changes, changes to a paleness. Jian Wushuang, you were too arrogant, my Blood Heaven experiences ten thousand wars, what storm hasn't seen? I told you, Jian Wushuang, this Eminence was lives is refuses stubbornly is you decides! ” 此言落下,血天至尊顿时脸色一变,化作一片铁青。剑无双,你太自大了,我血天经历万战,什么风浪没见过?我告诉你,剑无双,本座是生是死不是你说了算!” „To kill me, you also fall far short!” “想要杀我,你还差得远!” Blood Heavenly Supreme angrily roars, uses the mystique again! 天至尊怒吼一声,再度施展秘法! In this moment him, still had not lost heart, must with Jian Wushuang fight in which both sides perish! 在这一刻的他,仍旧还未死心,要与剑无双鱼死网破! Yes?” Jian Wushuang selected the brow, immediately shakes the head saying: “是么?”剑无双挑了挑眉头,随即摇头道: Impenetrably thickheaded.” “冥顽不灵。” The voice falls, in the Jian Wushuang eye flashes through together the ice-cold murderous intention, opens the mouth slowly: 话音落下,剑无双眼中闪过一道冰冷杀机,缓缓开口: Supreme Encompassing Sword Scripture, Second Style.” 太罗剑典,第二式。” In the deepest darkness, the first bunch of light that tear.” “于最深沉的黑暗中,撕裂开来的第一束光。” Daybreak!” 破晓!”
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