MDSV :: Volume #45

#4414: Going out

ka cha scratches. 咔擦擦。 The virtual space is unceasingly stave. 虚拟空间不断破碎。 Jian Wushuang opens the eye slowly, in the eye flashes through together sharp sword glow. 剑无双缓缓睁开眼睛,眼中闪过一道犀利剑芒 The fresh breeze on summit surges as before, nearby that round of full moon ray was still bright. 山巅上的劲风依旧激荡,旁边的那轮圆月光芒仍旧皎洁。 Regarding Jian Wushuang, he already in virtual space on dull 10,000 years, but regarding the outside world, but passed merely the Half Stick of Incense time. 对于剑无双来说,他已经在虚拟空间呆上了一万余年,但对于外界来说,不过仅仅过去了半柱香时间而已。 This harvest was too big.” “这次的收获太大了。” Jian Wushuang could not bear sigh one. 剑无双忍不住感叹了一声。 Through these 10,000 years of trainings and teaching, he not only grasped five type Sword Dao divine ability on Supreme Encompassing Sword Scripture, and comprehended Supreme Encompassing Supreme Sword Dao thoroughly, even in its foundation, has strengthened. 通过这一万年的训练和教学,他不仅掌握了太罗剑典上的五式剑道神通,并且彻底领悟了太罗至尊剑道,甚至在其基础上,又有所增强。 He defeated Supreme Encompassing Supreme in the virtual space, then has been representing, he when same cultivation level, has compared to Elementary Supreme Supreme Encompassing Supreme to be stronger in the past. 他在虚拟空间内战败了太罗至尊,便已经代表着,他在同等修为上,已经比起当年初等至尊时的太罗至尊更强。 This has not included Jian Wushuang other methods, for example Chaos Tyrant Body, Special Lifeform. 这还不包括剑无双的其他手段,例如混沌霸体特殊生命等。 This regarding Jian Wushuang, simply is epic enhancement! 这对于剑无双来说,简直是史诗般的加强! The icy cold night breeze, blows the Jian Wushuang long hair, after the moment, Jian Wushuang lowers the head, in the eye flashes through wipes the meaning of thinking. 冰凉的晚风,吹起剑无双的长发,片刻后,剑无双低下头,眼中闪过一抹思索之意。 Devouring Sovereign......” 噬皇......” According to Supreme Encompassing Supreme said that if Jian Wushuang has not guessed that wrong, this named Devouring Sovereign the person, only feared that was the past years causes the chief criminal who Supreme Encompassing Supreme indirectly or fell from the sky directly. 根据太罗至尊所说,如果剑无双没有猜错的话,这个叫做‘噬皇’的人,只怕便是当年导致太罗至尊间接或直接陨落的罪魁祸首。 In the past Top Supreme cultivation level Supreme Encompassing Supreme, in Supreme Encompassing Divine Sword and prestige by hand can extremely terrifying Sword Dao divine ability, sweep away Universe sufficiently, suppresses Myriad Clans, is not weak in Invincible Supreme, even cuts to kill some Invincible Supreme sufficiently. 要知道,当年顶尖至尊修为太罗至尊,凭借手中的太罗神剑以及威能极其恐怖的剑道神通,已经足以横扫宇宙,镇压万族,丝毫不弱于无敌至尊,甚至足以斩杀一些无敌至尊 Perhaps in Universe, there is a character of extremely rare rank, can defeat Supreme Encompassing Supreme, but can cut to kill him directly, even the Supreme Encompassing Divine Country together Destruction person, is almost zero. 或许宇宙内,有凤毛麟角级别的人物,能够战胜太罗至尊,但能够将他直接斩杀,甚至连太罗神国都一同毁灭的人,几乎为零。 If in Universe really has character so, Jian Wushuang must know. 如若宇宙内真有这般人物的话,剑无双不可能不知道。 After all, falling from the sky of Supreme Encompassing Supreme, actually to present also 300 Chaos Cycle, not remote. 毕竟,太罗至尊的陨落,其实离现在也不过三百个混沌纪罢了,并非有多遥远。 That this is Devouring Sovereign, who?” “那这噬皇,是谁?” Jian Wushuang narrowed the eye, he assured have not heard this character. 剑无双眯了眯眼睛,他笃定自己从没有听说过这号人物。 Actually he when nine luminary Large Star Territory, had once been chased down by one crowd of mysterious Supreme, was nearly killed. 倒是他在九曜大星域的时候,曾被一群神秘至尊追杀过,险些丧命。 These mysterious Supreme, as if are called as Devouring Seven and Devouring Five anything. 那些神秘至尊,似乎便称作噬七噬五什么的。 After the moment, Jian Wushuang shakes the head, since does not think clearly, he then no longer goes to think simply. 片刻后,剑无双摇了摇头,既然想不明白,他便索性不再去想。 „, If I later can meet that Devouring Sovereign, and can exceed him, I then cut to kill him for you and that's the end.” “也罢,如若我以后能遇见那噬皇,且能胜过他,那我便替你将他斩杀就是了。” Jian Wushuang indifferently talked to oneself. 剑无双淡淡自语道。 Following time, Jian Wushuang not anxiously departure, but notified one after Blood Wave Supreme, then announced again closes up. 接下来的时间,剑无双并没有急着离开,而是跟血波至尊通报了一声之后,便再度宣布闭关。 The thing when he and Supreme Encompassing Supreme fight of the long ten thousand years, comprehends are too really many are too many, he needs earnestly careful combs 12, making him achieve mastery through a comprehensive study thoroughly. 他与太罗至尊的这场时长万年之久的交手,领悟到的东西实在太多太多,他需要认真仔细的去梳理一二,让其彻底融会贯通。 ...... ...... The time in a flash, in 5000 passes by again. 时间一晃,五千年再度过去。 In Universe, gradually restored uneventfully, Great Void Temple, Blood Sky Palace and Red Sun Divine Country and other big influences, seem to have ceased all activities truly, does not raise to the matter of silent Jian Wushuang. 宇宙内,逐渐恢复了风平浪静,太虚神殿血天殿赤阳神国等五大势力,似乎已经真正偃旗息鼓,对剑无双之事闭口不提。 But the strength is most powerful, once excelled by far Universe Dragon Clan, for a while has not come out to make the monster again, fell into the quiet condition. 而实力最为强大,一度冠绝宇宙龙族,一时也没有再出来作妖,陷入了沉寂状态。 Entire Universe, an auspicious color. 整个宇宙,一片祥和之色。 After 5000, the Life Divine Palace day turned round past a day. 五千年后,生命神宫日复往日的一天。 The Sixth Mountain lineage/vein, belong to the Jian Wushuang manor, as he is seventh Supreme, had changed to the Supreme mansion. 第六山脉,属于剑无双的庄园,随着他位列第七至尊,已经改成了至尊府邸。 Creaking. 嘎吱。 Suddenly, tightened 5000 manor front door , by a fair palm, was shoved open from inside to outside slowly. 忽然,紧锁了五千年的庄园大门,从内而外的,被一只白皙的手掌,缓缓推开。 Wears the lower hem corner gold-plating long gown, the waist hangs the sword, lives the solemn youth of purple gold double pupil, the First Step step goes out from the manor. 一名身穿衣角镀金长袍,腰间悬剑,生有紫金双眸的冷峻青年,一步步从庄园里走出。 See Wushuang (matchless) Supreme!” “参见无双至尊!” The manor entrance place, two Life Divine Palace's disciple, saw that Jian Wushuang first stares, immediately bows to give regards hastily. 庄园门口处,两名生命神宫的弟子,见到剑无双先是一愣,随即连忙躬身问好。 Un.” “嗯。” Jian Wushuang toward their jaw head, is greets slightly, immediately the footsteps tread, then changes soars to the heavens sword glow, shoots at the Supreme temple. 剑无双朝他们略微颌首,算是打了招呼,随即脚步一踏,便化作冲天剑芒,射向至尊神殿。 Hu-hu. 呼哧呼哧。 In midair intense astral wind, passes through from the Jian Wushuang cheeks fast. 半空中激烈的罡风,从剑无双脸颊旁边快速穿过。 Now everything is ready, should to calculating the old debt time.” “如今万事俱备,该到算旧账的时候了。” In Jian Wushuang purple gold pupil, an indifferent color. 剑无双紫金瞳孔里,一片冷漠之色。 These five thousand li (500 km), he grasps finally adeptly Supreme Encompassing Sword Scripture five exceedingly high divine ability, and consolidated Supreme Realm. 这五千里,他总算把太罗剑典的五道通天神通掌握娴熟,并且稳固住了至尊境界 Originally strong fearful Jian Wushuang, on strength again 1 layer building. 本就强的可怕的剑无双,实力再上一层楼。 After the moment, Supreme temple. 片刻后,至尊神殿到了。 In 5000, the Supreme temple and has no change, only Blood Wave Supreme, First Step seemed to have known the news that early Jian Wushuang goes out, is sitting in the quiet Supreme god Palace Lord position waits. 五千年时间而已,至尊神殿并没有什么变化,唯独血波至尊,似乎已经早一步得知剑无双出关的消息,正坐在静悄悄的至尊殿主位上等候。 Blood Wave Supreme.” 血波至尊。” Jian Wushuang First Step enters, selected nodded toward Blood Wave Supreme. 剑无双一步走进,朝血波至尊点了点头 „Did Jian Wushuang, thorough live in Supreme Realm stably?” 剑无双,彻底稳固住至尊境界了吧?” Blood Wave Supreme asked with a smile. 血波至尊含笑问道。 Good fortune does not fail in one's mission.” Jian Wushuang returns to say with a smile. “幸不辱命。”剑无双回以一笑道。 Two people exchanged greetings at will the meeting, sees Blood Wave Supreme to sigh suddenly lightly, asks: 两人随意寒暄了会,就见血波至尊忽然轻叹了口气,问道: Jian Wushuang, I know why you come, but prepared to begin toward that six big influence?” 剑无双,我知道你为何而来,可是准备朝那六大势力动手了?” This matter does not have any to conceal, Jian Wushuang selected nodded, returns confidently said: 这事没有什么好隐瞒的,剑无双点了点头,坦然回道: Good, this/should with they calculate the old debt the time.” “不错,该是跟他们算旧账的时候了。” Blood Wave Supreme heard word deep looked at Jian Wushuang one, asked again: Jian Wushuang, did you really prepare?” 血波至尊闻言深深的看了剑无双一眼,再度问道:“剑无双,你真的准备好了么?” Jian Wushuang un, except Dragon Clan beside, he has not grasped now copes, several other big influences, are not placed in the Jian Wushuang eye now. 剑无双‘嗯’了一声,除开龙族之外,他现在没有把握对付,其他几大势力,现在已经不被放在剑无双眼里。 Even if they have what card in hand, Jian Wushuang is self-confident, is unable to pose the fatal threat to him. 就算他们有什么底牌在,剑无双自信,也无法对他产生致命的威胁。 That is good.” Blood Wave Supreme happily smiled, although he does not know present Jian Wushuang, powerful to what situation, but he understands the Jian Wushuang temper, if not over 80% assurances, Jian Wushuang absolutely not harebrained takes risks. “那就好。”血波至尊欣慰的笑了,他虽然不知如今的剑无双,到底强大到了什么地步,但他了解剑无双的性子,若非有八成以上的把握,剑无双绝对不会冒冒失失的去铤而走险。 Thinks, Blood Wave Supreme hesitates to open the mouth saying: Jian Wushuang, this time your whereabouts six big influences begin, our Life Divine Palace, it is estimated that is unable to provide the help to you.” 想了想,血波至尊沉吟开口道:“剑无双,这次你去向六大势力动手,我们生命神宫,估计无法向你提供帮助。” Jian Wushuang selected nodded, this in his expected, Life Divine Palace experiences two wars, the Supreme buckle is serious, many aspects have a hundred things to do, could not have withstood to toss about again. 剑无双点了点头,这在他的意料之中,生命神宫经历两番大战,至尊折损严重,很多方面都百废待兴,已经再经不起折腾。 Moreover, Jian Wushuang this time did not plan to get into the water anybody, including Sword Alliance. 而且,剑无双这次本就也并不打算将任何人拖下水,包括剑盟 Jian Wushuang, come, this is I these days, specially for six big influence information that you collect, you have a look later.” 剑无双,来,这是我这段时间,特意为你搜集的六大势力信息,你稍后看看。” The Blood Wave Supreme right hand turns, puts out one volume of jade tubes to give Jian Wushuang, immediately says: 血波至尊右手一翻,拿出一卷玉筒交给剑无双,随即开口说道: Jian Wushuang, this Eminence suggested you, best was first begins toward Blood Sky Palace.” 剑无双,本座建议你,最好是先朝血天殿动手。” Blood Sky Palace in these six big influences, is not only a weakest big influence, but also the foundation is superficial, the strength highest, is that Blood Sky Palace lord, Top Supreme cultivation level.” 血天殿在这六大势力当中,不仅是最弱的一大势力,而且根底浅薄,实力最高者,便是那血天殿主,顶尖至尊修为。” Blood Sky Palace? Good, I will consider.” 血天殿么?好,我会考虑的。” In the Jian Wushuang eye flashes through the color of thinking. 剑无双眼中闪过思索之色。 Two people also exchanged greetings a meeting, Jian Wushuang then wore a bamboo block bamboo hat in the head, left Life Divine Palace. 两人又寒暄了一会,剑无双便在头上戴起一顶竹块斗笠,离开了生命神宫 Remembers the cell phone version website: 记住手机版网址:
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