MDSV :: Volume #38

#3732: Arrogant

Blood Sword Lord, is Star Palace Blood Sword Lord!!” 血剑之主,是星宫血剑之主!!” Blood Sword Lord, is Peak Expert in our piece of Star Territory recognized Rule Lord, heard early he also wanderer on this third continent, now looked like him to receive praying for rescue of Gu Chi Lord, caught up specially.” 血剑之主,可是我们这片星域公认的规则之主中的最强者,早听说他也在这第三大陆上闯荡,现在看来他应当是接到了古痴之主的求救,才特意赶过来的。” Blood Sword Lord came, then had the good play to look actually, but depending on this Blood Sword Lord strength, can deal with Pupil Lord?” 血剑之主来了,这下倒是有好戏看了,不过光凭这血剑之主的实力,能够应付得了瞳主吗?” Was difficult saying that although the Blood Sword Lord strength was very strong, Invincible in the middle of Rule Lord, but he may not have Nether Bone Old Monster such method of emerging one after another incessantly, he will face one Ruler directly, I looked very dangerous.” “难说,血剑之主的实力虽然很强,在规则之主当中无敌,但他可没有冥骨老怪那样层出不穷的手段,正要他正面面对一位主宰,我看很悬。” Numerous Rule Lords that the surroundings observe are whooping. 周围观战的众多规则之主们都在议论纷纷。 These Rule Lords, the impression to Jian Wushuang, stay more than 10,000 years ago as before, in Demon Smoke Valley, Jian Wushuang one's effort routs five Rule Lord that to fight directly. 这些规则之主们,对剑无双的印象,依旧停留在一万多年前,在魔烟谷,剑无双一己之力正面击溃五位规则之主那一战上。 At that war, Jian Wushuang, although exposed in Rule Lord the Invincible strength, but compared with Ruler, as before was two different Level. 在那一战,剑无双虽然展露出了规则之主无敌的实力,但跟主宰比起来,依旧是两个不同层次的。 Therefore most people, to Jian Wushuang whether can deal with Pupil Lord, is full of the question. 所以大多数人,对剑无双是否能够应付得了瞳主,是充满质疑的。 „The Nether Bone senior, we talked about old days later again, making me first this Pupil Lord sending.” Jian Wushuang is the clear and resonant voice says with a smile. 冥骨前辈,我们待会再叙旧,让我先将这瞳主给打发掉了。”剑无双则是朗声笑道。 Ok, but this Pupil Lord strength is not weak, you may result in carefully.” Nether Bone Old Monster indifferently is smiling. “行,不过这瞳主实力可不弱,你可得小心点。”冥骨老怪淡淡笑着。 Jian Wushuang is actually an incomparably relaxed appearance. 剑无双却是一副无比轻松的模样。 As for that Pupil Lord, after he sees the Jian Wushuang arrival, why he actually did not know directly there. 至于那瞳主,当他看到剑无双到来后,他却不知为何直接愣在了那里。 Right, he indeed was shocked. 对,他的确愣住了。 The reason for this is that he is startled actually not arrival of suddenly Jian Wushuang, but stems from him that special treasure condition at this moment. 之所以如此,他倒不是吃惊剑无双的忽然到来,而是源于他身上那件特殊宝物此刻的状态。 Why also does not know, when Jian Wushuang arrives, appears after him Void, on him that special treasure, unexpectedly was completely crazy generally. 也不知道为何,当剑无双到来,出现在他面前虚空后,他身上的那件特殊宝物,竟是完全疯狂了一般。 That is an unprecedented excitement, unprecedented hope. 那是一股前所未有的激动,前所未有的渴望。 Probably hungry ten days and ten nights wolves, suddenly saw the sheep is common. 就好像一匹已经饥饿了十天十夜的狼,忽然看到了绵羊一般。 On him that treasure, at this moment is such burning hot and crazy. 他身上的那件宝物,此刻就是那样的炙热与疯狂。 What's the matter?” “到底怎么回事?” On this Blood Sword Lord, actually to have anything, will make my treasure so excited unexpectedly crazy!!” “这血剑之主身上,究竟有什么东西,竟然会让我那件宝物如此的激动疯狂!!” Was too crazy, since I have obtained that treasure, I had not noticed that it has been excited as well as longed.” “太疯狂了,自从我得到那件宝物以来,我还从来没有看到它如此激动以及渴望过。” The Pupil Lord vision also becomes the incomparable burning hot to get up instantaneously. 瞳主的目光也瞬间变得无比炙热起来。 But this burning hot, quick was then concealed by him. 但这丝炙热,很快便被他掩饰掉了。 Above Void, Nether Bone Old Monster has let nearby Void, is only left over Jian Wushuang, Gu Chi Lord and Pupil Lord three people stands there. 虚空之上,冥骨老怪已经让到了旁边虚空,只剩下剑无双古痴之主瞳主三人站在那里。 Jian Wushuang and Gu Chi Lord naturally stand. 剑无双古痴之主自然站在一起。 Blood Sword Lord, this Pupil Lord strength is indeed fearful, in the middle of Elementary Ruler absolutely is extremely strong that my strongest card in hand Pure Fire Array has also been broken now by him, in a short time has no way to display again, but at his speed, my two people is also very difficult to escape from his front directly.” 血剑之主,这瞳主的实力的确非常可怕,在初等主宰当中绝对是极强的那种,我的最强底牌净火法阵现在也已经被他破去了,短时间内根本没法再次施展,而以他的速度,我二人也很难从他的面前直接逃掉。” Therefore, your I feared that can only collaborate, finding the way to socialize 12 with him.” Gu Chi Lord said. “所以,你我怕只能联手,想办法跟他周旋一二了。”古痴之主说道。 Has no way to display Pure Fire Array, Gu Chi Lord definitely has no way to socialize with Pupil Lord. 没法施展净火法阵,古痴之主自己肯定是没法与瞳主周旋的。 But he knows that the Blood Sword Lord strength is very strong, two people have certain vitality jointly inevitably. 但他知道血剑之主实力很强,两人联手必然还有一定的生机。 After may hear his words, Jian Wushuang actually waves, Gu Chi Lord, you draw back, this Pupil Lord, giving me was good.” 可听到他的话后,剑无双却是挥了挥手,“古痴之主,你退下吧,这瞳主,交给我就行了。” Gives you?” Gu Chi Lord is stunned. “交给你一人?”古痴之主错愕。 my one person fully.” Jian Wushuang self-confident very much, draws back.” “我一人足矣。”剑无双自信的很,“退下吧。” The Gu Chi Lord vision concentrates slightly, he looked at Jian Wushuang one, has not thought that but plunders toward rear Void. 古痴之主目光微微一凝,他看了剑无双一眼,也没有多想,而是朝后方虚空掠去。 Pupil Lord sees the meaning that this does not have to prevent slightly. 瞳主见此也没有丝毫要阻挡的意思。 After Jian Wushuang arrives at this piece of Void, Pupil Lord now in eye, only then Jian Wushuang, he had cared about nothing as for Gu Chi Lord. 剑无双来到这片虚空后,瞳主现在眼中只有剑无双了,至于古痴之主他已经毫不在乎了。 Even if Gu Chi Lord turns around to run away now, he will not pursue again. 哪怕古痴之主现在转身逃窜,他都不会再去追。 To him, now Jian Wushuang is the first goal. 对他来说,现在剑无双才是第一目标。 Blood Sword Lord, in this piece of Star Territory recognized Rule Lord Peak Expert.” Pupil Lord cracks into a smile, he shot a look at rear Gu Chi Lord one, on the face the smile, is planned evidently dealt with this Eminence, snort/hum, but also really enough extremely arrogant.” 血剑之主,这片星域公认的规则之主最强者。”瞳主咧嘴一笑,他瞥了后方的古痴之主一眼,脸上笑容更甚,“看样子是打算独自一人来应对本座了,哼,还真够狂妄的啊。” Extremely arrogant?” “狂妄?” Jian Wushuang is actually only indifferently smiles, the heart has an excitement. 剑无双却只是淡淡一笑,心底却有着一丝兴奋。 Also does not blame him being excited , since he breaks through Rule Lord, since the strength has risen suddenly, he has also never disputed with Ruler Level powerhouse truly fairly. 也不怪他兴奋,要知道,自从他突破规则之主,实力暴涨以来,他还从未真正与主宰级强者公平较量过。 Although he and Heavenly Peng Ruler has fought, has fought with Heaven Ancestor, in Supreme Beginning Divine Realm, even also cut to kill three Ruler. 虽说他与天鹏主宰交过手,与天祖交过手,在太初神界的时候,甚至还斩杀了三位主宰 However Heavenly Peng Ruler that time, he is only under passive keeping off the Heavenly Peng Ruler three attacks. 不过天鹏主宰那一次,他只是被动的挡下天鹏主宰三次攻击罢了。 But Heaven Ancestor, that with his simple comparing notes, making him have a basic understanding of own strength. 天祖,那只是跟他简单的切磋,让他对自己的实力有个基本了解。 Cuts that three Ruler that kills as for Supreme Beginning Divine Realm, that three Ruler were limited by Heavenly Dao, the strength cannot display. 至于太初神界斩杀的那三位主宰,那三位主宰受到天道限制,实力根本发挥不出来。 Therefore even to the present, he cannot erupt full power Ruler to fight to slaughter with one directly. 所以即便到现在,他都没有跟一位可以爆发全力的主宰正面交手厮杀过。 Until now, this Pupil Lord, stands in his front...... 直到现在,这瞳主,站在他的面前…… Pupil Lord, in the middle of this piece of Star Territory, the strength is stands in Peak one Elementary Ruler.” In the middle of the Jian Wushuang mind flashes through this Pupil Lord material. 瞳主,这片星域当中,实力算是站在顶端一位初等主宰。”剑无双脑海当中闪过这瞳主的资料。 Pupil Lord, not only the strength is very strong . Moreover the body treasure is numerous. 瞳主,不单单实力很强,而且身上宝物众多。 It is said that he not just has Strongest Supreme Treasure Divine Weapon, even on him also has Strongest Supreme Treasure battle armor!! 据说他不单单有最强至宝神兵,甚至他身上还有一件最强至宝战甲!! That his maintaining life ability is not weak, even if bumps into High Ruler, he still can not fear. 加之他保命能力也不算弱,就算碰到高等主宰,他也可以丝毫不惧。 Such one powerful Ruler, to Jian Wushuang, pours happen to be a right opponent. 这样一位实力强大的主宰,对剑无双来说,倒正好算得上是一个合适的对手。 „This first time in the middle of Universe Battlefield is I battled with Ruler Level powerhouse, moreover some surrounding also so many people watch...... this war, takes Pupil Lord to set up the prestige.” “这是我在宇宙战场当中第一次与主宰级强者交战,而且周边还有那么多人看着……这一战,就拿着瞳主来立威。” In Jian Wushuang severe Mangbao flashes, immediately then explodes shouts: Pupil Lord, hands over three peak Supreme Treasure, the matter of today stops there, otherwise my Blood Sword my Star Palace Ruler definitely will have chased down you to arrive at the ends of the earth!!” 剑无双目中厉芒爆闪,当即便爆喝道:“瞳主,交出三件巅峰至宝,今日之事就此作罢,否则我血剑已经我星宫主宰们必然会追杀你到天涯海角!!” Exploding that this contains illustrious Divine Might drinks, fierce in Heaven and Earth crack. 这道蕴含着赫赫神威的爆喝,猛的在天地间炸响。 This piece of Void peaceful. 这片虚空都安静了下来。 Silent! 寂静! Everyone is completely silent, stares greatly the eye, stunned looks at Jian Wushuang. 所有人都鸦雀无声,一个个瞪大着眼睛,愕然的看着剑无双 They were just still saying, this Blood Sword Lord and Gu Chi Lord two people collaborate, does not know that is full of the promise to block that Pupil Lord. 他们刚刚还在说,这位血剑之主古痴之主二人联手,不知道有没有希望挡住那位瞳主 But who once thinks, this Blood Sword Lord arrival, instead is arrogant wants Pupil Lord to hand over three peak Supreme Treasure to be willing directly to give up? 可谁曾想,这位血剑之主一到来,反而是盛气凌人的直接要瞳主交出三件巅峰至宝才肯罢休? Hasn't he clarified the situation in field? 他是还没有弄清楚场上的局势吧? Gu Chi Lord, at this moment is also stunned extremely, perplexed. 就连古痴之主,此刻也是错愕万分,不明所以。 boy, good guts!!” 小子,好胆!!” The Pupil Lord anger instead smiles extremely, the entire face twists. 瞳主怒极反笑,整个面庞都扭曲开来。 He does not have the idle talk of least bit again, acted directly. 他再没有半点的废话,直接就出手了。
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