MDSV :: Volume #38

#3729: Pure Fire Array

Haha, your family Palace Lord?” “哈哈,你家宫主?” Pupil Lord is whole face teasing looks at Gu Chi Lord, boy, do not think that this Eminence always acts alone, has no cares, thinks that this Eminence will know nothing to this piece of Star Territory information, this Eminence clear very much, this Red Clouds Realm reveals itself, your Palace Lord has not arrived in Red Clouds Realm, as for that Time and Space Palace Lord that you said that is he on fourth continent, which rushing to here now with enough time?” 瞳主则是满脸戏虐的看着古痴之主,“小子,你别以为本座历来独行,无牵无挂,就以为本座会对这片星域的情报毫不知情,本座清楚的很,这次红云界出世,你的那位宫主根本就没有到红云界内来,至于你说的那时空殿主,他现在正在第四大陆上呢,哪来得及赶到这里?” Let alone they were impossible to rush to here, even if they really rushed, how can also?” “别说他们根本不可能赶到这里了,就算他们真的赶到了,又能如何?” So many years of my Pupil Lord in this piece of Star Territory, High Ruler I do not even fear vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, will care about Star Palace Palace Lord and Time and Space Palace Lord these two Elementary Ruler? Really laughs!” “我瞳主在这片星域内纵横那么多年,连高等主宰我都丝毫不惧,会在乎星宫宫主时空殿主这两位初等主宰?真是笑话!” boy, this Eminence urged you do not struggle, that Top Domain Class Supreme Treasure, the Array that you display now gives this Eminence honestly, this Eminence perhaps will be bountiful your life, otherwise, waited for this Eminence to break open this Array, you must die without doubt!” 小子,本座劝你还是不要挣扎了,老老实实将那件顶尖领域类至宝,还有你现在施展的这法阵交给本座,本座兴许还会饶你一命,不然,等本座将这法阵破开,你必死无疑!” The Pupil Lord words, making the Gu Chi Lord complexion become extremely ugly. 瞳主的话,令古痴之主面色变得极其难看。 He has not thought that this Pupil Lord so will be shameless, for not just Top Domain Class Supreme Treasure makes a move to cope with his Rule Lord directly, and now sees Pure Fire Array that he uses, but also wants him also to hand over this Array. 他没想到这瞳主会这般无耻,不单为了一件顶尖领域类至宝直接出手对付他这位规则之主,且现在看到他动用的净火法阵,还要他将这法阵也交出去。 This Pure Fire Array, is he strongest card in hand, is he strongest taking advantage. 净火法阵,乃是他最强的底牌,也是他最强的依仗。 This Array is many years ago he when Drifting Sand Demon Territory wanderer, obtains by luck, so many year of wanderers get down, this Array has saved his life more than once. 法阵是很多年前他在流沙魔域闯荡的时候,侥幸得到的,这么多年闯荡下来,这法阵不止一次救过他的性命。 To him, this Array compared with that Top Domain Class Supreme Treasure must important. 对他而言,这法阵远比那顶尖领域类至宝要更加的重要。 Now, this does Pupil Lord actually want him also one and hands over this Array? 现在,这瞳主竟然要他将这法阵也一并交出去? How possibly? 怎么可能? He, will not rather die than hand over! 他宁死,都不会交! But now, he can only expect that Blood Sword Lord can a morning point rush. 而现在,他只能期望血剑之主能够早一点赶到了。 Although he does not know the Jian Wushuang true strength, but from Jian Wushuang in the Star Palace position, as well as Daoist Xuan Shen, Time and Space Palace Lord and the others to his attitude, Jian Wushuang compares even some disparities with Ruler, difference is not too many. 他虽然不知道剑无双的真正实力,但从剑无双星宫的地位,以及玄神道人时空殿主等人对他的态度来看,剑无双主宰比起来就算有些差距,差的也不是太多。 So long as he rushed, collaborates with, must be possible to block this Pupil Lord. 只要他赶到了,与自己联手,应当就有可能挡住这瞳主了。 Snort, impenetrably thickheaded, since you do not hand over, that then suffers to death.” “哼,冥顽不灵,既然你不交,那便受死吧。” The Pupil Lord sound is cold, the terrifying Xue Yun/blood cloud tumbling, bringing startled heavenly prestige to go toward that pure white sea of fire impact crazily, Gu Chi Lord also can only depend upon this Array to resist reluctantly, may erupt with the Pupil Lord true strength, his pressure naturally also rises dramatically. 瞳主声音冷冽,恐怖的血云翻滚,带着惊天威能疯狂朝那纯白色火海冲击而去,古痴之主也只能依靠着这法阵勉强抵挡着,可随着瞳主真正实力爆发开来,他的压力自然也暴增。 But over time, he resists is also getting more and more strenuous, that Pure Fire Array also reaches the limit that can withstand gradually. 而随着时间流逝,他抵挡起来也越来越吃力,那净火法阵也渐渐达到了所能够承受的极限。 Damn, Blood Sword Lord hasn't he, how come?” “该死的,血剑之主他,怎么还不来?” The Gu Chi Lord face has twisted completely, he has detected that now Pure Fire Array somewhat could not support, he can only clench teeth to continue to resist this, the heart was praying Jian Wushuang can earlier rushes to here. 古痴之主面庞已经完全扭曲开来,他现在已经察觉到净火法阵有些撑不住了,他只能咬牙继续抵挡这,心底则是在祈祷着剑无双能够更早的赶到这里。 However, from having enough 50 million li (0.5 km), Jian Wushuang, even if full speed hurries along, that must require some time. 然而,距离有足足五千万里,剑无双即便全速赶路,那也得需要一定时间啊。 In this pure white sea of fire surrounding Void, many Rule Lords, accumulation here. 在这片纯白色火海周边虚空,正有不少规则之主们,聚集在这里。 These Rule Lord participate in beforehand that Top Domain Class Supreme Treasure competing , detected the giant sound that here produces catches up specially. 这些规则之主很多是参与之前那顶尖领域类至宝争夺的,还有一些,是察觉到这里产生的巨大动静特意赶过来的。 These Rule Lords stand in that Pure Fire Array surrounding Void, is watching front that distantly. 这些规则之主们就站在那净火法阵周边虚空,遥遥观看着前方那一幕。 When saw when Gu Chi Lord Pupil Lord compels the limit, many Rule Lord secret sighed get up. 当看到古痴之主瞳主逼到了极限时,不少规则之主都暗暗唏嘘起来。 This Gu Chi Lord, the itself strength is extremely strong, Pure Fire Array this maintaining life card in hand, according to the truth does not bump into Ruler, that almost can walk sideways, has not thought his luck is so bad, just bumped into one Ruler, moreover this does not have scruples the status Pupil Lord.” “这古痴之主,本身实力就极强,还有净火法阵这一保命底牌,按道理只有不是碰到主宰,那几乎是可以横着走的,可没想到他运气就那么差,刚好碰到了一位主宰,而且还是这位丝毫不顾忌身份的瞳主。” This Gu Chi Lord is indeed hapless enough, the Pupil Lord temperament with being us was clear, as long as stared by him, no matter who must have a headache.” “这古痴之主的确够倒霉的,瞳主的脾气跟为人我们都清楚,但凡被他盯上的,不管是谁都得头疼。” Does not have the means that only if this Gu Chi Lord that Top Domain Class Supreme Treasure, his Pure Fire Array hands over, otherwise he feared that must die!!” “没办法,除非这古痴之主将那顶尖领域类至宝,还有他的净火法阵交出来,否则他怕是必死!!” That Top Domain Class Supreme Treasure is good, he just obtained in any case, works as the luck is not good, hands over and that's the end, the issue was Pupil Lord also has a liking for his Pure Fire Array now, who knows that this Pure Fire Array was the Gu Chi Lord strongest card in hand, this treasure, how will Gu Chi Lord hand over on own initiative?” “那顶尖领域类至宝还好,反正他是刚得到的,就当运气不好,交出来就是了,问题是瞳主现在还看上了他的净火法阵,谁都知道这净火法阵古痴之主的最强底牌,这种宝物,古痴之主岂会主动交出来?” Right that said that if I, I do not hand over.” “说的对,要是我,我也不交。” Many Rule Lords, are discussing in that majority sympathize with Gu Chi Lord, thought that Gu Chi Lord is hapless. 还有不少规则之主们,在那议论着,大多数都是同情古痴之主,觉得古痴之主倒霉的。 Over time, the people who the surroundings observe can very obvious feeling Gu Chi Lord, unable to support. 随着时间的流逝,周围观战的人都能够很明显的感受到古痴之主,已经支撑不住了。 But this time Jian Wushuang, from this piece of Void, as before over 20 million li (0.5 km) from, but also wants one to rush. 而此时的剑无双,距离这片虚空,依旧还有超过两千万里距离,还要一会才能够赶到。 Haha, boy, you could not support.” “哈哈,小子,你撑不住了吧。” Big laughter recklessly, the in this world reverberation resounds, rumble Heaven and Earth vibrates, the endless prestige can burst out, the battlefield that covered the smashing of enough over ten thousand li (0.5 km) pure white sea of fire impact, this sea of fire cannot shoulder that terrifying prestige to be able finally the impact, dissipates directly. 肆意的大笑声,在这天地间回荡响起,轰隆隆天地震动,无尽的威能迸发,将战场上那覆盖了足足上万里的纯白色火海冲击的粉碎,这火海终于是扛不住那恐怖威能的冲击,直接消散开来。 Gu Chi Lord Pure Fire Array, was routed by Pupil Lord directly. 古痴之主净火法阵,被瞳主正面击溃了。 But did not have the hindrance of Pure Fire Array, faces Pupil Lord by strength basic having no way of Gu Chi Lord directly. 而没有了净火法阵的阻碍,以古痴之主的实力根本没法正面面对瞳主 Knows this point, surroundings many people sighed secretly, Gu Chi Lord, were grieved smiles, in the eye has a despair. 知道这一点,周围不少人都暗叹了口气,就连古痴之主自己,都惨然一笑,目中有着一丝绝望。 But in Pupil Lord prepares makes a move Gu Chi Lord to cut to kill at present directly, together the person's shadow does not know when arrived at this piece of Void surrounding. 可就在瞳主准备出手将眼前古痴之主直接斩杀之际,一道人影不知何时来到了这片虚空周边 Here, lively.” “这里,蛮热闹的嘛。” Brings several points of pondering low laughter also to resound in this piece of Heaven and Earth. 带着几分玩味的低笑声也在这片天地间响起。 This low laughter caused presented everyone's attention, Pupil Lord that even if that prepared to act, still stopped the movement in hand, looked at always the person. 这低笑声引起了在场所有人的注意,即便是那准备出手的瞳主,也停下了手中的动作,看向来人。 After seeing clearly the appearance of person, Pupil Lord cannot bear frown. 当看清楚来人的样貌后,瞳主也忍不住皱起了眉头。 Coming the person is strange old man of scarlet cloak, the old man facial features are thin, the aquiline nose, the eye is very small, as if the mouse eye is common, and is narrowing the eyes, an incomparably astute appearance, but pondering smile that this old man corners of the mouth show, was makes his whole person have several points of evil aura. 来人是一名猩红披风的古怪老者,老者面容精瘦,鹰钩鼻,眼睛很小,仿佛老鼠眼睛一般,且还微眯着,给人一副无比精明的样子,而这老者嘴角露出的玩味笑容,更是让他整个人都多出了几分邪气。 This strange old man aura is actually not strong, very obviously is also only Rule Lord Level. 这古怪老者身上的气息其实也不强,很明显也只是规则之主层次 But is Rule Lord, Pupil Lord simply also has not paid attention to that Gu Chi Lord , but when he sees this strange old man, the brow of Pupil Lord actually slightly wrinkled. 但同样是规则之主,瞳主根本没将那古痴之主放在眼里,可当他看到这古怪老者的时候,瞳主的眉头却略微皱了起来。 Nether Bone! Is Nether Bone Old Monster!!” 冥骨!是冥骨老怪!!” In the middle of this piece of Star Territory numerous Rule Lord, was known as that the method are most, maintaining life ability strongest Nether Bone Old Monster!!” “这片星域众多规则之主当中,号称手段最多,保命能力最强的冥骨老怪!!” Unexpectedly is he?” “竟然是他?” Battlefield surrounding numerous Rule Lords, after seeing clearly this strange old man, revealed the color of being startled. 战场周边的众多规则之主们,看清楚这古怪老者后,也都纷纷露出了吃惊之色。
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