MDSV :: Volume #38

#3725: The babies are common

As the stormy junction engine knock resounds, dense and numerous blade light that Blood Slaughter Emperor displays were completely all resisted by Jian Wushuang. 随着密集的交击声响起,血屠帝施展的密密麻麻的刀光剑无双尽皆抵挡了下来。 Fierce, I displayed most Secret Technique, in Divine Force prestige energy that this flash burst out, was as good as general Ruler, but he can unexpectedly as before so relaxed resisted my blade light?” In Blood Slaughter Emperor is glittering the thick exciting color. “厉害,我都施展最秘术了,在这一瞬间所迸发出来的神力威能,都不亚于一般主宰了,可他竟然依旧可以如此轻松的将我的刀光抵挡下来?”血屠帝目中闪烁着浓浓的兴奋之色。 The next quarter, he also no longer hid is pinching. 下一刻,他也不再藏着捏着了。 Blood Sword Lord, meets my strongest blade.” 血剑之主,接我最强一刀。” The voice falls, then saw that Blood Slaughter Emperor figure draws back fiercely anxiously, his in hand a blood-color Yao Mei/bewitching war blade also fiercely stroke on the way of anxious drawing back. 话音一落,便看到血屠帝身形猛地一个急退,在急退途中他手中血色妖魅战刀还猛地一划。 Crash-bang endless blood-color blade light bursts out towering. 哗啦啦无尽的血色刀光突兀迸发开来。 These blood-color blade light, each just like curved blood-color bright moonlight to be the same, hundreds and thousands of this blood-color blade light, just like giant blade light sea fully, blocks the sky. 这些血色刀光,每一道都犹如一弯血色明月一般,足有成百上千道这道的血色刀光,犹如一片巨大的刀光海洋,遮天蔽日。 Suddenly, entire Heaven and Earth was covered by this blood-color blade light sea. 一时间,整个天地都被这血色刀光海洋所覆盖。 But in this blood-color blade light sea most central, made innumerable Rule Lords raise for the aura that it trembled with fear sufficiently towering. 而在这血色刀光海洋的最中央,一股足以令无数规则之主们为之惊颤的气息突兀升起。 Sees only the front end, the cold and gloomy blood light, plunders together straightly. 只见前方的尽头,一道森冷的血光,笔直掠来。 That moment that this blood light, incomparable dazzling, is shining, the surrounding entire blood-color blade light sea as if lost the color to be the same. 这道血光,无比的耀眼,在亮起的那一刻,周边整个血色刀光海洋都仿佛失去了颜色一般。 Entire Heaven and Earth seemed dark thorough, in this boundless darkness, was only left over this blood light. 整个天地都仿佛彻底黑暗了下来,在这无垠的黑暗当中,就只剩下这道血光。 It, is the Heaven and Earth focus, is among Heaven and Earth the only color. 它,是天地的焦点,是天地间唯一的颜色。 This blade, but also is good.” “这一刀,还不错。” Jian Wushuang shows a faint smile, he has not drawn a sword as before, as before by referring to sword. 剑无双微微一笑,他依旧没有拔剑,依旧是以指成剑。 When that blood light compels toward him, his right hand finger, stretches out straightly, just like the sharp sword, thorn to front Void. 在那道血光朝他逼来时,他的右手手指,也笔直伸出,犹如利剑般,刺向前方虚空 This sword, Jian Wushuang has not displayed sword technique as before, as before is only a simple straight thrust, but in the Jian Wushuang hand on, is actually filling incomparably rich Sword Dao Universe Source. 这一剑,剑无双依旧不曾施展剑术,依旧只是简单的一个直刺,可剑无双手中上,却弥漫着一股无比浓郁的剑道宇宙本源 Shortly, surrounding all vanished. 顷刻间,周边的一切都消失了。 That blood-color blade light sea has dissipated thoroughly, before that say/way, becomes among Heaven and Earth the only color blood light, is gloomy immediately, even also nearly dissipates. 那血色刀光海洋已经彻底消散,那道之前成为天地间唯一颜色的血光,也立即暗淡下来,甚至也近乎消散。 But that finger of Jian Wushuang, has not smuggled any prestige energy, has actually selected above the chest of Blood Slaughter Emperor. 剑无双的那根手指,不曾夹带任何威能,却已经点在血屠帝的胸膛之上。 You lost.” Jian Wushuang indifferently opens the mouth. “你输了。”剑无双淡淡开口。 This, how is this possible?” “这,这怎么可能?” Blood Slaughter Emperor stands there as before, looks at that finger of chest front Jian Wushuang, the eye actually stares perfectly round, in the middle of his mind at this moment is also blank. 血屠帝依旧站在那里,看着胸前剑无双的那根手指,眼睛却瞪得滚圆,他的脑海当中此刻也是一片空白。 He was completely ignorant. 他完全懵掉了。 He has not thought that strongest blade that oneself are proud, this blade is Ruler Level Absolute Art, in addition after he displays Secret Technique, short has to compare favorably with the Ruler Divine Force prestige energy, his strength at this moment must be close to Ruler infinitely. 他万万没有想到,自己引以为傲的最强一刀,这一刀已经是主宰层次绝学了,加上他施展秘术后,短暂的拥有媲美主宰神力威能,此刻的他战力应当是无限接近主宰的。 But is such a blade, finally as before by Jian Wushuang relaxed direct routing. 但就是这样的一刀,结果依旧是被剑无双轻轻松松的直接击溃。 He has not drawn a sword, with own finger, routed his sword technique on the upfront merely, then selects above his chest. 他都没有拔剑,仅仅是用自己的手指,就正面击溃了他的剑术,然后点在他的胸膛之上。 This feeling, a giant is bullying a small and weak baby to be common probably. 这种感觉,就好像一个巨人在欺负一个弱小的婴儿一般。 He can see, Jian Wushuang the useless full power, he very at will has been very from beginning to end relaxed, but so, easily beat him even as before. 他看得出,剑无双至始至终都没用全力,他一直都很随意很轻松,可即便如此,依旧是轻轻松松就击败了他。 He by the Jian Wushuang steamroll, was bullied by Jian Wushuang completely. 他完全被剑无双碾压,被剑无双给生生欺负了。 In nearby Void, continuously in observing Heavenly Mark Divine Lord, was shocked. 在旁边虚空,一直在观战的天痕神主,也惊呆了。 How can? Miserable that so Blood Slaughter Emperor he, how can defeat?” “怎么会?血屠帝他,怎么会败的这般惨?” Even if that Blood Sword Lord strength surpasses Blood Slaughter Emperor, but does not know disparity such big?......” “就算那血剑之主的实力超过血屠帝,可也不知道差距如此之大的啊?难道……” Heavenly Mark Divine Lord thought of a possibility immediately. 天痕神主立即想到了一种可能。 But Blood Slaughter Emperor reluctantly is at this moment tranquil, he raised the head, deep looked at Jian Wushuang one, asked: Blood Sword Lord, did you break through Ruler?” 血屠帝此刻已经勉强平静下来,他抬起头,深深的看了剑无双一眼,问道:“血剑之主,你突破成主宰了?” Breaks through Ruler?” Jian Wushuang is startled, with is actually speechless smiles, I have not broken through Ruler, my strength, has surpassed general Elementary Ruler.” “突破主宰?”剑无双一怔,跟着却是哑然一笑,“我并没有突破主宰,不过我的实力,早已经超过一般的初等主宰了。” Has not broken through Ruler, but does the strength actually surpass general Ruler?” Blood Slaughter Emperor is astonished, partly makes a sound he helpless expiration, „seemed like I seats the view day, thought in the middle of Rule Lord, I must be strongest that existence, you compared with me, will still be no better even absolutely, but...... you were too finally more than me, is completely two different Level.” “没有突破主宰,但战力却超过一般主宰?”血屠帝一脸愕然,半响他才无奈的吐了口气,“看来是我坐进观天了,原以为规则之主当中,我应当已经属于最强的那种存在了,你就算会比我强,也绝对强不到哪去,可结果……你却比我强太多了,完全就是两个不同的层次。” Blood Slaughter Emperor, you do not use discouraged, I can achieve today this step, solely is not because I have many special reasons, is because I have had some special spells of good or bad fortune, as for you, in the middle of Rule Lord, you indeed is very fearful.” Jian Wushuang said. 血屠帝,你也不用气馁,我能够达到今天这一步,不单单是因为我自身有很多特殊原因,同时也是因为我有过一些特殊的际遇,至于你,在规则之主当中,你的确算是非常可怕的了。”剑无双道。 He spoke this saying, to comfort Blood Slaughter Emperor actually not, but was latter's strength indeed. 他说这话,倒不是为了安慰血屠帝,而是后者的实力的确很了得。 At least in the middle of Rule Lord, this Blood Slaughter Emperor strength can make Jian Wushuang approve absolutely. 起码在规则之主当中,这血屠帝的实力是绝对能够让剑无双认可的。 It is Special Lifeform, but also has powerful Divine Force Secret Technique, can burst out in a short time beginning is as good as the general Elementary Ruler Divine Force prestige energy, in addition he created Ruler Level Absolute Art, this grade of strength, to a certain extent, already not compared with on one Elementary Ruler weak many. 本身便是特殊生命,还拥有一强大的神力秘术,能够在短时间内迸发初不亚于一般初等主宰神力威能,加上他自身又创出了主宰层次绝学,这等实力,在一定程度上,已经不比一位初等主宰弱上多少了。 „No matter how my strength, has no way to compare with you in any case, but with your war, makes me understand, mountain also mountain tall, solely in this piece of Star Territory, in the middle of Rule Lord has compared with I stronger existence, let alone entire vast Universe, there definitely has many are like you, even compared with you stronger fearful talent with powerhouse, I could not have waited.” “不管我的实力如何,反正跟你没法比,而与你的这一战,也让我明白,一山还有一山高,单单在这片星域内,规则之主当中都有远比我更强的存在,更别说整个浩瀚的宇宙了,那里肯定有着更多的跟你一样,甚至比你更强的可怕天才跟强者,我已经等不及了。” „After and other competitions of Red Clouds Realm finished, I then, front Universe deep place!” Blood Slaughter Emperor said. “等红云界的争夺结束后,我便出发,前方宇宙深处!”血屠帝道。 „Do you want to go to the Universe deep place wanderer?” Jian Wushuang is startled. “你要去宇宙深处闯荡?”剑无双一惊。 In Blood Slaughter Emperor that nearby Void observes, revealed the color of shock. 在旁边虚空观战的血屠帝,也露出了震惊之色。 He has not thought, Blood Slaughter Emperor and Jian Wushuang one post-war, will present this idea unexpectedly. 他没想到,血屠帝剑无双一战后,竟然会出现了这种想法。 Blood Sword Lord, this war, many thanks you.” Blood Slaughter Emperor said. 血剑之主,这一战,多谢你了。”血屠帝道。 Polite.” Jian Wushuang is tranquil. “客气。”剑无双平静。 Right, the matter, you fear that now hasn't known?” Blood Slaughter Emperor said suddenly. “对了,有一件事,你现在怕是还不知道吧?”血屠帝忽然道。 What matter?” Jian Wushuang inquired. “何事?”剑无双询问。 Some time ago, in this third continent, No. 17 ruins surrounding, had the one sword stone born.” Blood Slaughter Emperor said. “不久前,就在这第三大陆,第十七号废墟周边,有一颗剑石出世了。”血屠帝道。 Sword stone?” Jian Wushuang is startled. “剑石?”剑无双一怔。 He on third continent, and Daoist Xuan Shen through various channel information in methods in collecting Red Clouds Realm, but he has not actually heard what sword stone. 他自己就在第三大陆上,且玄神道人一直通过各种渠道手段在搜集红云界中的情报,但他却并未听到过什么剑石。 What unique element this sword stone has, finally was obtained by whom?” Jian Wushuang asked continually. “这剑石有什么特殊之处,最后被谁得到了?”剑无双连问道。 This sword stone has what use specifically, I do not know, what we definitely know is that to comprehending Sword Dao cultivator advantage, and when this sword stone reveals itself is connecting the Red Clouds Realm land, it can be said that the member in this stretch of land, no one can take away it radically, therefore this sword stone must now also there, you , if there is time, can have a look.” Blood Slaughter Emperor said. “这剑石的具体有什么用途,我并不知道,但可以肯定的是,对参悟剑道修炼者大有益处,且这剑石出世时连接着红云界的大地,可以说是这片大地的一份子,根本没人能够将它收走,所以这剑石现在应当还在那里,你若是有时间的话,可以自己去看看。”血屠帝道。
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