MWIH :: Volume #5

#32: Wang Yuelin academy sacrifice

hah...... owes......” ......欠......” Lies crooked Wang Quan on sofa to turn the television conveniently. 斜躺在沙发上的王泉随手翻着电视。 Has saying that the Japan television draws the hip now more and more. 不得不说,岛国的电视现在是越来越拉胯了。 During the daytime is completely some newspaper reports of talking nonsense. 白天尽是些扯淡的新闻报导。 Which minister is not bows, which enterprise was created a false impression or had/left the trick, then the high level held the press conference to bow. 不是哪个大臣鞠躬,就是哪个企业又造假或者出了幺蛾子,然后高层开新闻发布会鞠躬。 Bows, bows the bird bow! 鞠躬鞠躬,鞠个鸟躬! Bows the bow then? 鞠完躬然后呢? Then did not have. 然后没有了。 My fucking bowed, wants me to change? 特么都鞠躬了,难道还要我改? Then morningtide play type of thing, Wang Quan really cannot look. 然后晨间剧这种东西,王泉实在看不来。 That gadget hits the chicken blood to use, why otherwise wants to broadcast in the morning? 那玩意儿就是给人打鸡血用的,不然为啥要早上播出? Before being to let the corporate slave morning goes to work, sit before the television eats meal hits the dozen of chicken blood, then facilitates to continue to go to the company, when the domestic animal was squeezed by the enterprise. 就是要让社畜们早上上班前坐在电视机前吃饭的时候打打鸡血,然后方便继续去公司当个畜牲被企业压榨。 Then is the night files. 然后就是深夜档。 The recent animation curried favor with the world more and more, might as well the old man is happy. 最近的动画越来越媚俗了,还不如老头乐。 Late at night variety. 还有深夜综艺。 Should say that the Japan idol worthily is the entertainment world floor, does not calculate the person simply. 该说岛国偶像不愧是娱乐圈底层吗,简直连人都不算。 Various large scale entire gu programs, anything grabs idol little miss one to hug to fall. 各种大尺度整蛊节目,什么抓着偶像小姑娘一个抱摔。 What feeds the idol little miss to eat the cockroach and so on. 什么喂偶像小姑娘吃蟑螂之类的。 Is the night party variety show also so involution? 就连个深夜党综艺节目也这么内卷的? Volume! Gives me to curl! 卷!都给我往死里卷! Closes in the point, Wang Quan sighed. 关上点上,王泉叹了口气。 Since was found this by Su Qianning one day appointment and after BUG other girls have not expressed the view, Wang Yuelin this long straight black hair JK brave. 自从被苏浅凝找到这个“一日约会”的BUG且其他姑娘没发表看法之后,望月凛黑长直JK就胆子大了起来。 The appointment place that she requests is like Su Qianning, went to other world directly. 她要求的约会地点跟苏浅凝一样,直接跑到了别的世界。 Moreover she is more ruthless than Su Qianning! 而且她比苏浅凝更狠! She draws in that false world that Wang Quan is running up to her to create directly. 她直接拉着王泉跑到了她所创造的那个虚假世界里。 So long as she thinks, even if she treats here for 100 years with Wang Quan, went out also just over the past several minutes. 只要她想,哪怕她跟王泉在这里待一百年,出去也只不过才过去几分钟。 tch, even the appointment started involution. ,连约会都开始内卷了。 Really social nowhere does not curl. 真是社会无处不卷。 In fact just came back from wuxia world, Wang Quan arrives at the Japan world that this she created with Wang Yuelin. 实际上刚从武侠世界回来,王泉就跟着望月凛来到了这个她创造出的岛国世界。 Then...... has crossed for a year. 然后......已经过了一年。 In this year in life...... the detail cannot write. 这一年里的生活嘛......细节写不出来。 However two can serve as the reference the cartoon. 不过有两本可以用作参考的漫画。 «With Stray cat Young girl Lives together Daily» as well as «1 LDKJK». 《与野猫少女的同居日常》以及《1LDKJK》。 Un, is the 18 X books. 嗯,都是18X的本子。 Even is also 20-30 words serializing editions. 甚至还都是20-30话的连载版本。 Telling the truth, the pure love is ultra. 有一说一,纯爱超甜。 These two books told was corporate slave picks JK, then the sweet dog grain in living together process. 这两个本子讲述的都是社畜捡到个JK,然后同居过程中的甜甜狗粮。 Naturally Wang Quan has not looked. 当然王泉没看过。 Before him, has colleague who in the company writes the game script, that works together oneself also to write the novel. 只是他以前在公司的时候有个写游戏剧本的同事,那同事自己还写小说。 It is said his colleague had written a recreation novel, the setting inspiration of opening from these two books. 据说他那同事曾经写过一本文娱小说,开头的设定灵感就是从这两个本子里来的。 According to the view of his colleague, the plot of that two book «Shaves To probably Pick» JK Q10000 time compared with what! 按照他那个同事的说法,那两个本子的剧情比什么《剃须捡到JK》强10000倍! Here wants the solemn declaration, Wang Quan truly not to look, he listens to that friend who writes the novel said. 这里还是要严正声明,王泉确实没看过,他是听那个写小说的朋友说的。 Moreover he stayed for a year here also is actually very simple. 而且他在这边待了一年的时间其实也很简单。 Because comfortable, the pressure is not big. 因为舒坦,压力没那么大。 How can I say, Wang Quan is actually very single-minded, he only likes the attractive miss. 怎么说呢,王泉其实很专一,他只喜欢漂亮姑娘。 Miss An and white Miss, Ye Zi their domineering big sister Wang Quan naturally like very much. 安小姐、白姑娘、叶子她们那种强势的大姐姐王泉自然很喜欢。 But the time was long...... also to need to change the posture. 但时间长了吧......也需要换换姿势。 Then A’Jiu, Luo Xiao and Su Qianning these three people of groups are another style. 然后阿玖洛潇苏浅凝这三人组又是另一种风格。 That is not definitely strong, but makes one ascertain airtight, moreover warm somewhat excessive. 那肯定不算强势,但让人捉摸不透,而且热情的有些过分。 Wang Quan also likes certainly very much. 王泉当然也很喜欢。 But sometimes, needs domineering one that type. 但有的时候吧,还是需要自己强势一把那种的。 Or he needs the opposite party to look like only the delicate small white rabbit, then his timber wolf can sexually harass the opposite party heartily, then looked that the opposite party frowns to blush actually glances the circulation the appearance. 或者说,他需要对方像只柔弱的小白兔,然后他这条大灰狼就可以尽情调戏对方,然后看对方蹙眉脸红却眼波流转的模样。 A’Jiu, Luo Xiao and Su Qianning these three...... 阿玖洛潇苏浅凝这仨...... Truly is the red painted-face, but will throw immediately. 确实是红脸,但马上就会扑过来。 As for Miss An that three...... 至于安小姐那三位...... Does not raise. 不提了。 If Wang Quan really sexually harasses, their racket the bed, will then only put down one elbow, entered room to carry Wang Quan to enter the room with me. 如果王泉真的去调戏,她们只会拍拍床,然后撂下一句“肘,跟我进屋”就扛着王泉进屋了。 Copes with them to need another way. 对付她们需要另一种方式。 Is the warm heart gentle care, this basically can defeat their paper same defense. 就是暖心温柔的关心,这样基本就能击破她们纸一样的防御。 Sometimes therefore in the final analysis, Wang Quan also needs Wang Yuelin such miss, at least is together to be very comfortable together, will not make him produce is in itself the great infant or little brother's misconception, but is the earnest 28 -year-old ripe male. 所以说到底,王泉有时候也需要望月凛这样的姑娘,最起码在一起相处起来很舒服,不会让他产生自己是巨婴或者小弟弟的错觉,而是正儿八经的二十八岁熟男。 Looks up the clock that on a wall hung. 抬头看了眼墙上挂的时钟。 The present is 2 : 30 pm. 现在是下午 2 点半。 Three o'clock Wang Yuelin their Akeboshigakuen will start the opening to the outside world, because today is the day that the campus offers a sacrifice. 三点钟望月凛她们晓星学园会开始对外开放,因为今天是校园祭的日子。 Wang Quan has promised her to look. 王泉已经答应她去看了。 Sets out to change the charming heavy blue suit, combs the Sir appearance the disorderly hair, Wang Quan walks with a self-important air to shake goes out. 起身换上帅气的藏青色西装,把凌乱头发梳成大人模样,王泉一步三摇晃出了门。 After going out, he stares, because he saw acquaintance who has not seen for a long time. 出了门之后他就是一愣,因为他看到个许久未见的熟人。 Just bought. the coffee to plan to return to the black suit male on vehicle, this fellow chest is also hanging anything, then had the ear wheat from the clothes continually on the ear the cup 刚买了杯咖啡打算回到车上的黑西装男,这家伙胸口还挂着个啥东西,然后有个耳麦从衣服里连在耳朵上。 Saw that Wang Quan he obviously also stares, then walked. 看到王泉他明显也是一愣,然后走了过来。 Brother Quan?” 泉哥?” Yo, sword pond Sang, very long has not seen.” “哟,剑池桑,挺久没见了。” Right, sword pond Ichirou who this person is willing to return to this false world. 没错,这人正是甘愿回到这个虚假世界的剑池一郎。 Wang Quan both hands insert the pocket, doubtfully spoke: I remember that you didn't go to the Heavenly Dynasty? How to run?” 王泉双手插兜,疑惑道:“我记得你不是去天朝了吗?怎么又跑回来了?” I travel on official business.” Sword pond Ichirou refers to that on the vehicle vice- harnessed to sit here young woman who is suspending the dirty look, „ we accompanies the big shot to come to visit as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs members. “我来出差的。”剑池一郎指了指车上副驾坐着的那个摆着臭脸的年轻女人,“我们是作为外交部成员陪同大佬来这边访问的。 Our domestic custom Brother Quan you are clear, controls causes to match a strangeness spirit, both of us are the field personnel group.” “咱国内的规矩泉哥你是明白的嘛,一个控灵使搭配一个怪异,我们俩就属于外勤组。” On the vehicle that woman seemed like strange. 车上那女人看来就是怪异了。 Un, you refuel.” “嗯,那你加油吧。” Coming out that Wang Quan looks, sword pond Ichirou this goods are interesting about that miss. 王泉看的出来,剑池一郎这货对那姑娘有意思。 hai, said again said again, our time is very in any case long.” Sword pond Ichirou is somewhat embarrassed, hurries to shift the topic, right, outside Elizabeth they also very thought your, when Brother Quan did you go back to have a look?” “嗐,再说再说,反正我们时间还很长。”剑池一郎有些不好意思,赶紧转移话题,“对了,外面伊丽莎白她们还挺想你的,泉哥你啥时候回去看看?” Had free time.” The Wang Quan racket his shoulder, felt relieved, I accompany cold come back to travel, several days later will walk, leaving is so anxious.” “等有空吧。”王泉拍拍他肩膀,“放心,我只是陪凛回来旅游的,过几天就走,别这么紧张。” No matter, Brother Quan you leave think.” “没有的事,泉哥你别多想。” Be that as it may, but sword pond Ichirou obviously relaxes. 话虽如此,但剑池一郎明显松了口气。 He feared that is this world must have anything, will therefore see Wang Quan. 他就怕又是这个世界要出什么事儿,所以才会看到王泉 Ok, you then cross two people of the world, the buddy must go to two people of the world.” Wang Quan beckons with the hand, turns around to leave natural, has the matter to call me, can definitely make a connection in any case.” “行,那你们接着过二人世界去吧,哥们也要去过二人世界了。”王泉摆摆手,转身潇洒走人,“有事儿给我打电话,反正肯定能打通。” Ok, that Brother Quan you are busy.” “行,那泉哥你忙着。” Gazes after the Wang Quan back to go far away, sword pond Ichirou shakes the head with a smile, turns around to return to the vehicle. 目送王泉背影远去,剑池一郎笑着摇摇头,转身回到车上。 Received coffee that he handed over, the woman has stared at the back that Wang Quan is going far away stubbornly, looked like the stray cat of tooth, even her eye turned into the beast pupil, who was that? Very terrifying......” 接过他递来的咖啡,那女人已经死死盯着王泉远去的背影,就像是呲牙的野猫,甚至她的眼睛都变成了兽瞳,“那是谁?很恐怖......” Sword pond Ichirou gives the thumbs-up, that is my big brother, you later rampant time is paying attention, my above has the person!” 剑池一郎一竖大拇指,“那是我大哥,你以后再嚣张的时候注意着点儿,我上面有人!” Beast pupil strange miss: „......” 兽瞳怪异姑娘:“......” She decided that today does not vindicate with this fellow. 她决定了,今天不跟这家伙表白了。 Snort! Lives with your big brother! 哼!跟你大哥过日子去吧! ............ ............ Wang Quan shakes is shaking, finally shook the Akeboshigakuen higher section. 王泉晃悠着晃悠着,终于晃悠到了晓星学园高等部。 Puts out Wang Yuelin to his invitation ticket, he successfully entered the campus. 拿出望月凛给他的邀请券,他成功进入了校园。 The before campus sacrifice of Japanese University...... him, has only seen in the animation. 日本高校的校园祭啊......他以前只在动漫里看到过呢。 Now, the person are truly many. 现在来看,确实人不少。 Each mass organization is giving the performance, but also some are placed the stall sold some snacks with the small present and so on gadget in the road two sides. 各个社团都在表演着节目,还有的就在路两边摆起了小摊贩卖些小吃跟小礼品之类的玩意儿。 Wang Quan arrives at three directly high, he planned that looks for Wang Yuelin. 王泉直接来到高三,他打算去找望月凛 In the morning before going out, he asks the opposite party in their class to do what program this year. 早上出门之前,他问过对方今年她们班里要搞什么节目。 Result that girl also blushed not agrees to say. 结果那丫头还脸红着不肯说。 hai, Wang Quan guessed. 嗐,王泉一眼就猜出来了。 Maid coffee shop. 女仆咖啡店呗。 Why? 为啥? Yesterday this girl brought one package of clothes are coming back Wang Quan to shoot a look. 昨天这丫头带着一包衣服回来的时候王泉就瞥到了。 Does the black and white interaction belt/bring lace, what install also to be besides the maid? 黑白相间带蕾丝,除了女仆装还能是啥? However can make long straight black hair JK so shy...... looks like this maid attire is similar Luo Xiao that design. 不过能让黑长直JK如此羞涩......看来这女仆装是类似洛潇那种款式的。 Can, Wang Quan think that tonight had the luck. 可以可以,王泉觉得今晚有福了。 Saliva soybean .jpg 口水黄豆.jpg Fly rubbing hands hand .gif 苍蝇搓手手.gif Arrives at the third-grade A class, front surface Wang Quan hears a Japanese that carves DNA. 来到三年级A班,迎面王泉就听到一句刻进DNA的日语。 Irassyaimase, the dog cultivates gold/metal Sa ~ “irassyaimase,狗修金撒嘛~” Wang Quan swept one to have the vigor also to lead the delightful smile high-school student beautiful young girls very much, nod. 王泉扫了一圈很有活力还带着甜美笑容的高中生美少女们,不由点头。 Ok, had that taste. 可以,有那味儿了。 King sensei?” “王sensei?” Some people recognized Wang Quan to come. 有人认出王泉来了。 Right, according to Wang Yuelin has revised the setting, Wang Quan quick one year ago has left job to travel. 没错,按照望月凛修改过的设定,王泉已经在快一年前离职跑路了。 Un un, you good ~ “嗯嗯,你们好~” With the Wang Quan ripe male makings, was surrounded by the high-school student beautiful young girls is also being very normal matter. 王泉的熟男气质,被高中生美少女们环绕着也是很正常的事情。 Mo! sensei!” “mo!sensei!” When Wang Quan smiles is enjoying the youth, Wang Yuelin appears. 就在王泉笑眯眯享受着青春的时候,望月凛出现了。 Her delicate eyebrows slightly pressed, is staring Wang Quan ruthlessly, how you can like this! Really had no sense of shame!” 她秀眉微蹙,狠狠瞪着王泉,“您怎么能这样子!真是太不知羞耻了!” Wang Quan is sizing up Wang Yuelin. 王泉打量着望月凛 tch, what unexpectedly puts on is a school uniform? ,居然穿的是校服? JK in their class put on the maid to install to say obviously...... 明明她们班里的JK们都穿着女仆装的说...... Although is only that type of short sleeve maid attire, the following skirt also achieved the position of knee. 虽然只是那种短袖女仆装,下面的裙子也达到了膝盖的位置。 But could not see that the Wang Yuelin maid installs Wang Quan also to think was a pity. 但看不到望月凛的女仆装王泉也觉得挺可惜。 Yo, full moon schoolmate ~ “哟,望月同学~” Wang Quan greets. 王泉打了个招呼。 In the words of school, do not say good of name. 在学校的话,还是别直呼名字的好。 Comes with me!” “跟我来!” Wang Yuelin held up the hand of Wang Quan to run from the crowd. 望月凛拉起王泉的手就从人群中跑了出去。 Which going to this is?” “去哪儿啊这是?” Wang Quan by drawing runs while asked. 王泉被拉着边跑边问。 Wang Yuelin has not spoken has not turned head, only then long straight black hair turns along with step fast like waves wells up. 望月凛没说话也没回头,只有黑长直伴随着飞快的步伐如波浪般翻涌。 long straight black hair did JK draw him to go into...... the sports warehouse? 黑长直JK拉着他一直跑到了......体育仓库? Then, the gate does not know why locked on the other side. 然后,门不知道为什么就被反锁了。 Wang Quan: „......” 王泉:“......” Cold, if you want to play the appeal, actually spoke frankly was enough, I.” “凛,如果你想玩儿情趣,其实直说就行,我还可以。” Now wants to come, the previous cultivated land is the three months ago matters. 现在想来,上次耕地已经是三个月前的事了。 Conserves strength for three months, Wang Quan felt one knife edge got up. 养精蓄锐仨月,王泉觉得自己又支棱起来了。 Not......” “没有......” Wang Yuelin white/shell Chiqing is nipping the lower lip, sensei, can you first transfer?” 望月凛贝齿轻咬着下唇,“sensei,您能先转过去吗?” Yo feeds! Appeal? 诶呦喂!情趣是吧? Wang Quan understood, naturally does not have the issue.” 王泉懂了,“当然没问题。” After having turned around, he hears resounds the sound of rustling sound behind. 转过身后,他就听到身后响起悉悉索索的声音。 Crossed for almost five minutes, he hears the Wang Yuelin shy sound, was OK......” 过了差不多五分钟,他才听到望月凛羞涩的声音,“可以了......” Wang Quan transferred, what heaving in sight is can make him catch fire Beautiful woman who 王泉转了回来,映入眼帘的是能让他着火的小美人儿 The maids install the maid attire, the head has the swirl, on the arm to wear has covered the silk system glove of stopping elbow. 女仆装还是女仆装,头上带着发饰,胳膊上戴着一直覆盖住手肘的丝制手套。 Is this maid installs a little...... the fever. 就是这身上的女仆装有点儿......烧。 It is not good, this character is uncivilized. 不行,这个字太不文明。 Should say...... the character and style? 应该说......风情? On the clean white like snow shoulder only has two transparent suspenders. 洁白如雪的肩膀上只有两条透明吊带。 On the delicate nape of the neck is wrapping flower bud bobbin. 细嫩的脖颈上套着蕾丝圈儿。 Under the fine collar bone is the powerful enterprise line. 精致的锁骨下面是强大的事业线。 Again downward is black binds the chest same strapless maid to install the coat similarly. 再往下是黑色的类似裹胸一样的露背女仆装上衣。 In the revealed delicate waists was blocked by the white apron. 露出的细嫩腰肢中间被白色围裙挡住。 However this apron is not big, only blocked the navel actually not to keep off the solid delicate waist, very obvious horse A-wire in apron edge appear and disappear from time to time. 不过这围裙不大,只挡住了肚脐却没挡严实细嫩的腰肢,十分明显的马甲线在围裙边缘时隐时现。 Blocks from under the important region skirt to hang the suspenders of silk stockings reluctantly. 勉强遮住重要地带的裙子下面是吊着丝袜的吊带。 The silk stockings edge forces indistinct hollow the sex appeal thigh. 丝袜边缘把肉感的大腿勒出隐约的凹陷。 Along the silk stockings downward, is fine brown small leather shoes. 沿着丝袜一直往下,是一双精致的棕色小皮鞋。 This dresses up......” “这装扮......” Elder Sister Luo Xiao helps me elect......” 洛潇姐姐帮我选的......” Worthily is Little Luo, the vision is splendid.” “不愧是小洛,眼光就是出色。” Wang Quan gives the thumbs-up, is suddenly enlighted, I know finally why you did not put on outside. This clothes...... truly can only look to me.” 王泉竖起大拇指,接着恍然大悟,“我总算知道为什么你不在外面穿了。这衣服......确实只能给我一个人看。” This clothes are more exaggerating than that wrap/sets that Luo Xiao puts on. 这衣服比洛潇穿的那套还夸张。 Wang Quan DNA has moved. 王泉的DNA已经动了。 After all he young fine, moreover had conserved strength for three months, when is dragon Jinghu is fierce. 毕竟他年少多精,而且已经养精蓄锐了三个月,正是龙精虎猛之时。 The pale yellow setting sun ray that very obviously, this ambiguous atmosphere, outside the room the diaphanous small window illuminates made Wang Yuelin understand anything. 很显然,这暧昧的气氛,屋外透光小窗户照进来的昏黄夕阳光芒都让望月凛明白了什么。 Her auricle naked eye obvious red, continuously as red as the nape of the neck, red to collar bone. 她耳廓肉眼可见的红了起来,一直红到脖颈,红到锁骨。 However, she drew Wang Quan to run the sports warehouse, locked on the other side the front door from inside while convenient...... 不过话说回来,她一路拉着王泉跑来了体育仓库,顺便还从里面反锁了大门...... Actually, this is her goal. 其实,这就是她的目的吧。 But she will not revolt, or her character is the place that Wang Quan most likes. 但她不会反抗,或者说,她的这个性格就是王泉最喜欢的地方。 gentle and considerate of others, facing Wang Quan always a vulnerable side. 温柔体贴,面对王泉总处于弱势的一方。 Wang Quan has what excessive request, she also can only is blushing to be pressed the eyebrow to say mo ~ ~ ~ while bites the lower lip to meet the strange request of Wang Quan. 王泉有什么过分的要求,她也只能一边红着脸蹙着眉说着“mo~~~”一边咬着下唇满足王泉的奇怪要求。 For example present...... 比如现在...... Cold.” “凛。” The Wang Quan racket nearby that only arrives at the balance beam of his knee, comes, to kneel above......” 王泉拍拍旁边那个只到他膝盖的平衡木,“来,跪在上面......” Un...... sensei......” “嗯......sensei......” The face of Wang Yuelin was redder. 望月凛的脸更红了。 She glances the circulation, bites the lower lip lightly. 她眼波流转,轻咬下唇。 Then the left leg steps the foot heel of right foot small leather shoes, then putting on tui of right jio of long tube silk stockings from shoes. 然后左脚踩住右脚小皮鞋的脚后跟,接着把穿着长筒丝袜的右jio从鞋子里蹆了出来。 Then in turn, is left jio...... 然后反过来,是左jio...... Then, she walks slowly and aimlessly to the balanced wood radical near, quiet as a mosquito, sensei...... which direction?” 接着,她踱到平衡木旁边,声若蚊蝇,“sensei......哪个方向?” Wang Quan DNA same had sounded the warning like the red caution light of Ultraman chest twinkle toward him! 王泉的DNA已经如同奥特曼胸口闪烁的红色警示灯一样朝他发出了警报! Deeply inspires, the Wang Quan corners of the mouth rise. 深吸一口气,王泉嘴角上扬。 First toward me, then turns away from me ~ ~ “先朝我这边,然后再背对我这边~~” „Oh......” “唔......” The time is very long. 时间还很长。 ............ ............ With a bright moon and few stars, blue sky. 月明星稀,万里无云。 Bypassed the noise sacrificial ceremony business district, exchanged in the Wang Yuelin hand of light pink oriental cherry kimono to take an apple sugar to be partly supported by the arm by Wang Quan summit that arrived at the school back side of the mountain. 绕过了喧嚣的祭典商业区,换上了浅粉樱花和服的望月凛手中拿着一根苹果糖被王泉半搀扶着来到了学校后山的山顶。 Looked for a big tree, two people sit down. 找了棵大树,两人坐下。 On the mountain is very peaceful, only then summer knew keeping calling. 山上很安静,只有夏日的知了叫个不停。 Under former Fangshan, the lamplights of ten thousand families are brightly lit, the liveliness of Tokyo takes in everything at a glance. 前方山下,万家灯火通明,东京的繁华一览无余。 The Wang Yuelin pillow on the Wang Quan shoulder, is enjoying the peace of living alone. 望月凛枕在王泉肩上,享受着独处的安宁。 They are waiting, is waiting for the coming of that time. 他们在等待着,等待着那个时刻的到来。 Also is that FY most is not willing to face, is sacrificial ceremony necessary that. 也就是FY最不愿意面对的那个,也是祭典必备的那个。 Fireworks. 烟花。 The time seems like very slow, slowly to the small head of Wang Yuelin already bit by bit. 时间似乎走的很慢,慢到望月凛的小脑袋已经一点一点。 Really, the beforehand matter too consumed the physical strength. 果然,之前的事情还是太耗费体力了。 Wang Quan is embracing her shoulder gently, has not awakened by noise her. 王泉轻轻揽着她的肩膀,也没吵醒她。 Falls asleep, Wang Yuelin feels at present one suddenly brightly. 睡着睡着,望月凛忽然感觉眼前一亮。 Hazy within she opens eyes, sees the meteor to fly to the midair exactly together from bottom to top, sends out seven color rays suddenly. 迷蒙间她睁开双眸,恰好看见一道流星由下而上飞至半空,骤然散发出七彩光芒。 With a loud sound. 伴随着的,还有一声巨响。 Then, is many rays and more bangs. 接着,是更多的光芒与更多的巨响。 The fireworks, bloomed. 烟花,绽放了。 Wang Yuelin suddenly snort/hum song. 望月凛忽然哼起了歌谣。 Light() xiao()( we look at fireworks) “光()咲()(我们看着烟花啪的一下) Colored fire() sees)( blooms with a crash ray) “花火()见)(砰然绽放出光芒) Finally() summer()( certainly is summer that had not finished) “终()夏()(一定是那尚未结束的夏天) Ambiguous() heart() solution() xi()( ambiguous heart will melt together) “暧昧()心()解()繋()(将暧昧的心融化在一起) Night() () wanted()( hope tonight do not finish)......” “夜()続()欲()(希望今夜不要结束)......” If some people here, will certainly see one like the picture general scene. 如果有人在这里,一定会看到一副如同画一般的场景。 On the high mountain, the sky is blooming the fireworks. 高高的山上,天空绽放着烟花。 The fireworks reflects in the shadow of ground, two forms fuse gradually together. 烟花倒映在地上的影子里,两道身影渐渐融合在一起。
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