MWIH :: Volume #5

#30: Liking of Luo Xiao

Why travels time can read the newspaper?” “为什么旅游的时候要看报纸?” In High Speed Rail first-grade place, Wang Quan, helpless looks around Luo Xiao. 高铁一等座上,王泉无奈看着旁边的洛潇 This already one week that later the A’Jiu appointment ends. 这已经是跟阿玖约会完的一个礼拜之后了。 Since there is a steamed bean-jam bun, Wang Quan felt oneself drop in A’Jiu position at heart suddenly. 自从有了豆包,王泉感觉自己在阿玖心里的地位骤然下降。 The small girl gathers round this cat to saunter now daily, raising the cat is so good? 那小丫头现在天天就围着这猫转悠,养猫就这么好? Shakes the head, Wang Quan looks to Luo Xiao. 摇了摇头,王泉又看向身边的洛潇 This girl is the issue is also very big. 这丫头也是问题很大。 Wang Quan also thinks she wants to lead her to go to wuxia world to come, for example what moon's orbit saintess was turned the plot that by prodigal son warrior hero runs. 王泉本来还以为她要自己带她去个武侠世界来着,比如什么白道圣女被浪子游侠拐跑的剧情。 The result is not, this girl draws Wang Quan to travel unexpectedly! 结果不是,这丫头居然拉着王泉去旅游! Isn't this skull has the pit? 这不是脑壳有坑? Because I want to take a look at the place that the young master grows up since childhood.” “因为我想看看公子从小长大的地方。” Puts down the newspaper, has had the feeling very low former saintess Sir dimple like the flower. 放下报纸,一直存在感很低的前圣女大人笑靥如花。 Wang Quan shot a look at newspaper front page headline «Celebration Great Motherland 100 th anniversary of the founding of the party» on. 王泉瞥到了报纸上的头版头条《庆祝伟大的祖国建党100周年》。 Therefore you do want to take a look at Tiananmen? However the ticket that we buy goes to Shanghai. Moreover I live since childhood in Luoyang, to be honest Beijing Shanghai I have not gone.” “所以你想去看看天安门?不过咱们买的票是去上海的。而且我从小生活在洛阳,说实话北京上海我自己都没去过。” Has what relations ~ Luo Xiao holds the Wang Quan arm to act like a spoiled brat, considered to accompany me ~ the young master you had said tomorrow will be to belong my.” “有什么关系嘛~”洛潇抱着王泉手臂撒娇,“就当是陪我了呗~公子你说过明天是属于我的。” Therefore you want me to lead you to travel one day ahead of schedule, did this have can have the half-day two people of time?” “所以你提前一天要我带你去旅游,这有就可以多拥有半天的二人时光了是吧?” „” “诶嘿嘿” tch, truly I usually very neglect your.” Wang Quan knocks her bright and clean forehead, was sorry, initially I hugged am destroying your idea therefore, sorry.” ,确实我平时挺忽略你的。”王泉敲敲她光洁的脑门,“抱歉,当初我只是抱着毁灭你的想法所以,对不起。” Good.” “挺好的啊。” Luo Xiao actually thinks little, that world to me is a shackles, my original destiny was treated as the sacrificial offering to offer sacrifices, the so-called saintess is a pitiful creature.” 洛潇却不以为意,“那个世界对我来说就是牢笼,我原本的命运就是被当作祭品献祭,所谓的圣女不过是可怜虫罢了。” she tilted her head, was the young master saved me. My destiny was rather saved by the young master.” 她歪歪头,“是公子拯救了我。不如说我的命运就是被公子拯救呢。” No, I must thank you.” The Wang Quan head with her by the same place, many thanks you made me look to understand that world.” “没有,我也要谢谢你。”王泉脑袋跟她靠在一起,“多谢你让我看明白了那个世界。” Doesn't matter ~ “没关系啦~” Be that as it may, but Luo Xiao is obviously happy. 话虽如此,但洛潇心情明显不错。 She with Wang Quan by the same place, mouth light snort/hum not well-known song. 她跟王泉靠在一起,嘴里轻哼着不知名的歌谣。 Listened to the long time, Wang Quan to ask: This what song? Strange of pleasant to hear.” 听了半晌,王泉问道:“这什么歌?怪好听的。” Does not know that is I had heard in childhood song, which mother is coaxes child's song probably.” “不知道啊,是我小时候听到过的歌,大概是哪家母亲哄孩子的歌吧。” Luo Xiao shows a smile, I am unclear.” 洛潇露出个微笑,“我已经记不清了。” Un.” “嗯。” Wang Quan had not asked again, but snuggles with her in the same place. 王泉没再多问,而是跟她依偎在一起。 In this night High Speed Rail first-grade place compartment as if remaining their two people. 这夜晚的高铁一等座车厢里仿佛就剩下他们两个人。 Actually also is only left over them. 其实也就只剩下他们两个人。 Several after hours, 几小时后 Huangpu River bank, rain cats and dogs under. 黄浦江畔,大雨倾盆而下。 Wang Quan is opening an umbrella snuggle with Luo Xiao is sitting, in the bridge peak is overlooking misty rain dim the Bund dim light of night. 王泉洛潇打着伞依偎着坐在桥顶俯瞰着烟雨朦胧中的外滩夜色。 Stream of vehicles light under the neon light and bridge that in the Bund tall building as well as Oriental Pearl glitter all night collects Milky Way to horizon. 外滩高楼以及东方明珠上彻夜闪烁的霓虹灯和桥下的车流灯光汇集成通往天际的银河。 The raindrop rap in the umbrella cover, falls on the ground moistens the bottom of pants leg, later gallops in the ground recklessly. 雨点敲击在伞面,落在地面打湿裤脚,随后在地面上肆意奔腾。 The air of rainwater mix soil smell enters the nasal cavity, the symphony of thundering and loudspeaker of car engine adds on the noise of city to oppress two people ears. 雨水混合泥土气味的空气进入鼻腔,汽车引擎的轰鸣和喇叭的交响加上城市的噪声压迫着两人的耳朵。 An city as if giant steel monster lies face downward generally under two people. 城市仿佛一只巨大的钢铁怪兽一般俯卧在二人身下。 Two people calmly are walking arm in arm like this, enjoys this to be similar to the isolated island loneliness and warmth. 两个人就这样静静依偎着,享受这如同孤岛般的寂寞与温馨。 Really good “真好啊” The Luo Xiao pillow on the Wang Quan shoulder, in the eye pupil is producing an inverted image like the tie light. 洛潇枕在王泉肩上,眼眸中倒映着如同纽带般的光。 Young master’s world, really good “公子的世界,真好” But the time grew, you would thinking that in this place here is not itself.” “但时间长了,在这种地方你总会觉得这里不属于自己。” Wang Quan lifts the hand, empty is grasping the lights of Bund, it was too big, such city cannot accommodate the dregs of medical decoction.” 王泉抬起手,虚握着外滩的灯火,“它太大了,这样的城市容不下药渣。” The outside young people of going north deep work are having similar feeling. 在北上深工作的外地年轻人都有类似的感觉。 We cannot remain. 我们留不下来。 Before dawn gets off work, walks on the road of going home. 凌晨下班,走在回家的路上。 Lifts tall buildings that looks at to keep aloof, as if the vault of heaven falls down, the pressed person has not gasped for breath. 抬首看着高高在上的高楼大厦,仿佛天穹倾塌,压的人喘不过气。 Here their families/home, they have not belonged to here. 这里没有他们的家,他们不属于这里。 Arrived the similar age, they will leave, like pressed out the dry/does dregs of medical decoction. 到了差不多的年纪,他们就会离开,如同被榨干的药渣。 Then this city will welcome the next batch prosperously to the young people who future full contain anticipates, several years later they also become the dregs of medical decoction. 然后这座城市会迎来下一批欣欣向荣对未来满含期待的年轻人,直到几年后他们也成为药渣。 Different.” “不一样的。” After Luo Xiao brain, sends the silk with reaching vacillates, what they want is the life, but that world everyone biggest pursue is the survival.” 洛潇脑后发丝随着臻首左右摇摆,“他们想要的是生活,可那个世界大家最大的追求是生存。” Sometimes I am thinking “有时候我在想啊” Luo Xiao in a soft voice twittering. 洛潇轻声呢喃着。 If the young master you did not want me, I will integrate this reinforced concrete in the forest, henceforth made an average person who to live to rush about.” “如果公子你不要我了,那我是不是会融入这钢筋混凝土的森林之中,从此做一个为了生活奔波的普通人。” Her hand stretches out the umbrella external connection the raindrop. 她手伸出伞外接着雨滴。 If now only then I, I think “如果现在只有我自己,那我就会想 Perhaps the young master your there also rains. “也许公子你那里也下雨了。 Perhaps young master your there colorful Yanggao photo. “也许公子你那里艳阳高照。 Perhaps the young master you are resting the head on the noise of the rain to plan to go to sleep in the room. “也许公子你正在屋里枕着雨声打算入睡。 Perhaps the young master you also raised the head with me same in some place is looking at the raining nighttime sky. “也许公子你也在某个地方抬头和我一样望着下雨的夜空。 But thinks of these, I felt that has not gasped for breath my heart good pain.” “但一想到这些,我就感觉喘不过气我就心脏好痛。” Wang Quan looked down the eye she to cover the hand of chest, said in a soft voice: What you cover is the right chest.” 王泉低头看了眼她捂着胸口的手,轻声道:“你捂的是右胸。” Luo Xiao: „” 洛潇:“” Young master is really the puzzled character and style, but she smiled suddenly, I am the myth lifeform, in my body does not have the heart, because I only have the young master.” “公子真是不解风情,不过”她忽然笑了,“我是神话生物,我的身体里没有心脏,因为我心里只有公子。” Wang Quan „” 王泉“” Lying trough! 卧槽! This earth taste talk between lovers also withstood/top! 这土味情话也太顶了! Wang Quan is luckily experienced, otherwise same hadn't played with by this woman with pitiful T in applauding? 幸好王泉见多识广,否则还不是跟可怜的T一样被这女人玩弄于鼓掌? Was too hot.” Wang Quan discards the umbrella, to the rain wash the body, Little Luo, you may meet “太热了。”王泉丢掉雨伞,任由雨水冲刷着身体,“小洛,你可太会了” Luo Xiao tilts the head the chuckle in the rainwater slightly, young master, I am quite cold, take a bath can a while to the hotel together?” 洛潇在雨水中微微歪头轻笑,“公子,我好冷,一会儿到酒店能一起泡个澡吗?” Looks at the dimple such as the flower young girl, the Wang Quan whole person hemp 看着笑靥如花的少女,王泉整个人都麻了 This hemp on hemp one all day. 这一麻就麻了一整天。 To third day early morning, two talents rush to the capital. 一直到第三天凌晨,两人才赶到首都。 Three o'clock, they arrived at Tiananmen. 三点钟,他们就到了天安门。 Today has the centennial day's flag-raising ceremony, they come early, therefore stood the forefront. 今天就有百年纪念日的升旗仪式,他们来得早,所以站到了最前面。 The rain still in lightly drainings underground, since the sky overlooks, more and more umbrellas gathered in the square, gathered Wang Quan around two people, filled up the entire square gradually. 雨还在淅沥沥地下,从天空俯瞰,越来越多的雨伞汇聚到了广场,汇聚到了王泉两人周围,渐渐填满了整个广场。 The Eastern sky raises wipes fish-belly white, just right that the rain stops. 东方的天空升起一抹鱼肚白,雨停的恰到好处。 Receives the umbrella, the national flag class starts to hoist a flag. 收起雨伞,国旗班开始升旗。 With the national anthem, the audience no one makes noise. 伴随着国歌,全场无人出声。 Raises the flag, the salute plays the cry, while day not yet greatly bright, the day blowdown had the fireworks. 升完旗,礼炮奏鸣,趁着天尚未大亮,天空放起了礼花。 Young master, do you like me?” “公子,您喜欢我吗?” Looks down focuses reflects the Luo Xiao profile of fireworks, Wang Quan was saying in a soft voice: Likes.” 低头看着眼中倒映着礼花的洛潇侧脸,王泉轻声道:“喜欢。” Why do you like me?” “那您为什么喜欢我?” Likes a person not needing the reason.” “喜欢一个人不需要理由。” Real?” “真的吗?” Real? 真的吗? Wang Quan is also thinking this issue. 王泉也在想这个问题。 Looks at the Luo Xiao profile, six months ago that Wang Quan in named confused shadow partly visible, he looks to Wang Quan, in the eye envies completely. 看着洛潇的侧脸,半年前那个王泉在名为迷茫的影子中若隐若现,他看向王泉,眼里满是羡慕。 Actually he had changed. 其实他已经变了很多。 Once sleeping slept as late as one wants, the morning has Luo Xiao to ask him to get out of bed with various ways every day. 曾经睡觉睡到自然醒,现在每天早上有洛潇用各种方式叫他起床。 Because once in the room did not clean to fall completely the dust, every day Luo Xiao will clean up industriously and takes this as happily. 曾经屋子里因为不怎么打扫落满了灰尘,现在每天洛潇都会辛勤打扫卫生并以此为乐。 Once the hair can three months not cut, the beard can not blow for half a month, now each month Luo Xiao will help tonsure, every day will shave for him. 曾经头发可以三个月不剪,胡子可以半个月不刮,现在每个月洛潇都会帮忙剪发,每天都会为他刮胡子。 Once a day only had food, moreover instant noodles or going that ate, every day Luo Xiao will be busy in the kitchen, helped except for Ye Shengge frequently, so long as their family waited to eat meal well. 曾经一天只吃一顿饭,而且吃的还是泡面或者外卖,现在每天洛潇都会在厨房忙碌,除了叶笙歌经常帮忙,他们一家子只要等着吃饭就好。 Once a person ate meal had a look at the news, now the whole family will sit together every night on time looked that the movie or pursued the play. 曾经一个人吃饭的时候看看新闻,现在一家子每天晚上都会准时坐在一起看电影或者追剧。 He once is not that to future piece of confused older teen Wang Quan. 他已经不是曾经那个对未来一片迷茫的大龄青年王泉了。 At that time he did not have the family member, the friend was also few. 那时候他没有家人,朋友也很少。 Now he friend is still few, but the contact method of telephone book gradually is becoming many. 现在他依然朋友很少,但电话薄的联系方式在渐渐变多。 Moreover he had the family member. 而且他有了家人。 Therefore he tightened to hug the hand of Luo Xiao, softly said: Because is you make me well.” 于是他紧了紧搂着洛潇的手,温柔道:“因为是你让我变得更好。” Then he asked back: You? Do you like me sincerely?” 接着他反问道:“那你呢?你真心喜欢我吗?” Likes.” “喜欢。” What likes my?” “喜欢我什么?” Luo Xiao opens mouth, spoke a few words. 洛潇张了张嘴,说了一句话。 This moment fireworks was by chance brilliant, covers her voice. 恰巧此刻烟花绚烂,遮盖住了她的声音。 But Wang Quan heard. 王泉还是听到了。 Because you are my young master “因为您是我的公子呀”
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