MWIH :: Volume #5

#27: Myth lifeform beach football competition

However next appointment is partner Ye Shengge, this Wang Quan said does not calculate. 不过下一个约会对象是不是叶笙歌,这个王泉说了不算。 The girls must compete with the decision. 姑娘们要竞争决定。 Originally be better than to come to Wang Quan whom, then makes Wang Quan choose. 本来是要比谁对王泉好来着,然后让王泉选择。 But two reasons let the girls otherwise this way. 但有两个原因让姑娘们否了这个方式。 First, Wang Quan body. 第一,王泉身体真的遭不住了。 He also treats now in the sage pattern has not come out, otherwise where has the time key politics? 他现在还待在贤者模式里没出来,不然哪有功夫键政? Second, his LSP essential girls are clear. 第二,他LSP的本质姑娘们一清二楚。 Really must make him elect, the big probability is „you are my wing, we travel to consider as finished together. 真要让他选,大概率就是“你们都是我的翅膀,咱们一起旅游算了”。 That is not absolutely good! 那绝对不行! Therefore thinks it over, the way of them most excelling at decides. 所以思来想去,还是用她们最擅长的方式来决定吧。 That only had the military force. 那就只有武力了。 But impossible to hit on Earth, otherwise cannot let loose. 但又不可能在地球上打,否则也放不开。 Therefore 于是 Uses the beach football to decide.” “就用沙滩排球来决定吧。” Wang Quan flips the supercilious look, in brief do not hit me to fear that here Earth cannot withstand.” 王泉翻了翻白眼,“总之别在这里打吧我怕地球承受不住。” Does not need to fear that is definitely cannot withstand! 不用怕,那是肯定承受不住! Put on An Wanying of black bikini to look at Wang Quan. 穿着黑色比基尼的安婉莹看了眼王泉 Wang Quan really lies down on the deck chair, Luo Xiao wears the purple bikini to lie down in his arms helps him pull out the ear. 王泉真躺在躺椅上,洛潇穿着紫色比基尼躺在他怀里帮他掏耳朵。 This behavior has the specialized term bosom to pick. 这种行为有个专业名词怀采。 Un, Wang Quan was also listens to others saying that his was also the first attempt. 嗯,王泉也是听别人说的,他这也是第一次尝试。 An Wanying sighed, after Mr. Wang since knew the truth, the whole person was long-drawn-out, lost the interest in a lot. 安婉莹叹了口气,王先生自从知道真相之后,整个人都悠哉了许多,或者说,对很多事情都失去了兴趣。 Really, he came under the influence. 果然,他还是受到影响了。 Therefore 所以 Plays the volleyball, Mr. Wang you are the referee.” “来打排球吧,王先生你来当裁判。” She looks to Ye Shengge. 她看向叶笙歌 Ye Shengge sipped a drink, advances on the sunglasses the forehead, shrugs, I do not matter.” 叶笙歌抿了口饮料,把墨镜推到脑门上,耸耸肩,“我无所谓。” Side puts on Bai Xiyao shook briefly ponytail of creamy-white bikini, just this did not have the meaning, do we want to play exciting?” 旁边穿着奶白色比基尼的白夕瑶晃了晃马尾辫儿,“只不过这样太没意思了,咱们要不要玩点刺激的?” She exchanged under the look with An Wanying. 她跟安婉莹交换了下眼神。 Two people understand the meaning of opposite party. 两人都明白对方的意思。 First, now Wang Quan at sage pattern, even if looked that the swim suit beautiful woman plays the beach football still basically mind like still water. 首先,现在王泉处在贤者模式,就算看泳装美女打沙滩排球也基本是心如止水。 The appreciation definitely appreciates, perhaps but the knife edge does not get up. 欣赏肯定是欣赏,但恐怕支棱不起来。 Therefore there is no construction without destruction! 所以不破不立! Pushes down the aesthetic lower limit simply, then restores the human form, that Wang Quan should be able rapidly to restore. 干脆拉低审美下限,然后再恢复人形,那王泉应该就能快速恢复了。 Therefore their choices are 所以她们的选择是 Doesn't play the beach football with the main body good?” “不行用本体打沙滩排球吧?” „” “” „” “” „” “” The girls have not spoken, everyone's vision placed on the Wang Quan face. 姑娘们都没说话,大家的目光都放在了王泉脸上。 To be honest, they actually do not want to display inhuman side, especially in front of Wang Quan. 老实说,她们其实都不太想表现出非人的一面,特别是在王泉面前。 Like the present, Luo Xiao changed has the micro tentacle of tiny down to help Wang Quan pull out the ear already the limit of being they can achieve. 像现在这样,洛潇变出带有细小绒毛的超微型触手帮王泉掏耳朵已经是她们能做到的极限了。 Only if Wang Quan requests them to change a tentacle or shark tooth anything's adding to the fun in sleeping, otherwise they definitely maintain the human form as far as possible. 除非王泉在困觉的时候要求她们变出个触手或者鲨鱼齿啥的助助兴,否则她们肯定还是尽量维持人形。 In this will change the tentacle only frequently is Luo Xiao. 这里面唯一会经常变出触手的就是洛潇 However that also for Wang Quan XP. 不过那也是为了王泉的XP罢了。 Wang Quan this got down the interest, „Oh?” 王泉这下来了兴趣,“哦?” He sits sets out, sizes up in girls swim suit. 他坐起身,在姑娘们身上的泳装打量起来。 Several wear the bikini. 好几个穿比基尼的。 Two have not worn the bikini. 只有俩没穿比基尼。 One is A’Jiu, what she puts on is that joined bodies swimsuit of powdery white inked ribbon lace. 一个是阿玖,她穿的是粉白色带花边的那种连体泳衣。 Su Qianning does not want to change the swimsuit, but was exchanged by the Wang Quan force. 苏浅凝不想换泳衣,但被王泉强迫换上了。 However bikini anything she totally could not accept, but Wang Quan requested her to wear the bikini. 不过比基尼什么她完全接受不了,但王泉就要求她穿比基尼。 Then under she yields with a show of reluctance, was forced to agree to wear the tight-fitting athletics swim suit of that type of long sleeve trousers. 然后她半推半就之下,被迫同意穿上了那种长袖长裤的紧身竞技泳装。 But does this reveal the stature? 但这样岂不是更显身材? Moreover seems like the color. 而且看上去更色。 Right, this is the classics broken window theory. 没错,这就是经典破窗理论。 Originally she kills does not wear the swim suit. 本来她打死不穿泳装。 But Wang Quan wants her to wear the bikini, she also agreed to wear the swim suit. 王泉要她穿比基尼,她也就同意穿泳装了。 Good! How should that hit? Your this main bodies become visible, was Earth finished directly?” “好!那该怎么打?你们这本体一现形,地球就直接完蛋了吧?” Especially he has seen the Bai Xiyao main body. 特别是他已经见过了白夕瑶的本体。 Miss An does clone indifferently, but Ye Zi appears the main body words in this universe 安小姐是分身无所谓,可叶子在这个宇宙现出本体的话 That also plays! 那还玩儿个屁啊! „Do we decide a custom otherwise?” “咱们要不然定个规矩?” Wang Quan actually also very wants to look that one crowd of myth lifeform chaos fight. 王泉其实也挺想看一群神话生物大乱斗的。 But the fight wound is friendly, the beach football is good. 但打架伤和气,沙滩排球就挺好。 Good, the custom I decide, then Brother Quan weighs to be fair.” “好,规矩我来定,然后泉哥来秤一下公不公平。” Wang Quan agreed joyfully, felt relieved, everyone is my wing, I have a steelyard.” 王泉欣然同意,“放心,大家都是我的翅膀,我心里还是有一杆秤的。” Saw everyone not to have the opinion, Ye Shengge to hit a sound to refer. 见大家都没意见,叶笙歌打了个响指。 Here beach football location increased instantaneously innumerable times. 这里的沙滩排球场地瞬间变大了无数倍。 Then the blue sky turned into the universe to be void, a distant place red giant star hung there slightly. 然后蓝天白云变成了宇宙虚空,稍远处一颗红巨星挂在那里。 Ye Shengge lifts the hand, in her palm presented a blue giant star. 叶笙歌一抬手,她手心上出现了一颗蓝巨星。 Looks with Yuan gas bomb. 看着跟元气弹似的。 This is the ball, the rule is the rule of beach football, what we use is the village gauge. “这个就是球,规则就是沙滩排球的规则,不过咱们用的是村规。 One-to-one, the ball cannot fall to the ground, simultaneously cannot hit a ball continuously twice, regardless of does not matter with main body what, but biggest cannot over 300 meters, simultaneously the strength cannot surpass the planet level myth lifeform, cannot use the source ability, by the physical body, can accept purely?” “一对一,球不能落地,同时不能连续击球两次,无论用本体还是什么都无所谓,但最大不能超过三百米,同时力量不能超出行星级神话生物,不能使用本源能力,纯靠肉体,能接受吗?” Several girls think, thought the issue is not big. 几个姑娘想了想,觉得问题不大。 Although three universe level myth lifeform limit being an expert star class even powerful still incomparable, but cannot use the source ability, in addition other girls have the Wang Quan sign generator, now basically also grows the limit of good star-level myth lifeform, believes that so long as pressed out two moon/month juice to evolve again the galaxy level myth lifeform. 虽然三位宇宙级神话生物就算限制在行星级也强大无匹,但不能使用本源能力,加上其他姑娘们有王泉牌儿发电机,现在基本也都成长到了行星级神话生物的极限,相信只要再榨俩月汁就能进化成星系级神话生物了。 In the build limits in 300 meters, and everyone cannot use the strength of source to need purely by the situation of physical body, several girls have the confidence to do 55 to open with three giants. 所以在体型限制在三百米内且大家都不能使用本源之力需要纯靠肉体的情况下,几个姑娘还是有信心跟三巨头搞个五五开的。 Also did not fight, but played a ball game. 再说又不是打架,只是打球而已。 Ok, we accept.” “可以,我们接受。” Sees several girls to agree, three giants naturally do not have the opinion. 见几个姑娘同意,三巨头自然没意见。 Their what strengths? 她们什么实力? That each one has keen eyesight in withstand/top very universe overlord( although the universe of some position exploded)! 那个个都眼高于顶很宇宙霸主(虽然其中某位的宇宙炸了)! Were cricket how many birds, considered as what? 蛐蛐几只小鸟而已,算得了什么? Cannot understand the gold content of universe level myth lifeform! 懂不懂宇宙级神话生物的含金量啊! Good, that draws lots by Brother Quan ~ “好,那就由泉哥来抽签啦~” Put on the Ye Shengge hand of bikini to hold a box to run up to by Wang Quan, came Brother Quan, drew ~ 穿着比基尼的叶笙歌手中捧了个箱子就跑到王泉旁边,“来吧泉哥,抽个奖~” The Wang Quan doubt looks that this absolutely does not have the young girl in universe level myth lifeform air/Qi field, hasn't cheated?” 王泉狐疑地看着这完全没有宇宙级神话生物气场的小妞,“没作弊吧?” Person who I cheat probably?” The chest Q ball that Ye Shengge pats, said again so many people look, my cheating others can definitely look!” “我像是作弊的人吗?”叶笙歌拍的胸口Q弹,“再说这么多人看着呢,我作弊人家肯定看得出来!” Actually they really cannot look. 其实她们真看不出来。 Ok.” “算了。” Wang Quan sighed, put out a hand to start to draw lots. 王泉叹了口气,伸手进去开始抽签。 Name An Wanying of first person. 第一个人的名字安婉莹 On the Miss An face brings smiling as before, even if wears the black bikini, she also took was obstructing second half stretch/open face the fan. 安小姐脸上依旧带着笑,哪怕穿着黑色比基尼,她也拿了把扇子遮着下半张脸。 However her look became sharp, looked like the wild animal of discovery prey. 不过她的眼神变得犀利了起来,就像是发现猎物的野兽。 That pair of scarlet pupil becomes taking a look at others like the beast pupil generally, seems choosing own prey. 那双猩红眸子变得如同兽瞳一般打量着其他人,似乎在挑选自己的猎物。 Quick, Wang Quan took her opponent. 很快,王泉就抽出了她的对手。 Su Qianning. 苏浅凝 tch.” 。” The uncomfortable person is Bai Xiyao. 不爽的人是白夕瑶 She also thinks oneself can first compare one with An Wanying. 她还以为自己能第一个跟安婉莹比一场呢。 Appointment anything's she crisp. 约会什么的她已经爽过了。 This ballot only on behalf of the appointment order, she was actually also indifferent. 再说这个抽签只代表约会顺序,她倒是无所谓。 But competes with this matter with An Wanying, she is interested very much. 但跟安婉莹比试这种事情,她很感兴趣。 Wang Quan looked at Su Qianning, concentrates shallowly, or ok?” 王泉看了看苏浅凝,“浅凝,要不算了?” Miss An starts tactless, he fears being able to withstand of little princess soft and fair skin. 安小姐下手没轻没重的,他怕小公主细皮嫩肉的顶不住。 I have not related.” “我没关系的。” Su Qianning spoke softly friendly, but displayed made Wang Quan quite speechless self-confidently. 苏浅凝和和气气细声细语,但表现出的自信让王泉颇为无语。 The girls, it seems like you do not understand the universe level myth lifeform very much the gold content. 姑娘,看来你不是很懂宇宙级神话生物的含金量啊。 However he will not export to deny Su Qianning. 不过他不会出口否定苏浅凝 At this time what must do is encourages, but is not negative. 这时候要做的是鼓励而不是否定。 Concentrates shallowly, come on, but don't dying brace. If felt that did not hurry to say good, no. Draws back a step boundlessness.” “浅凝,加油,不过别死撑。要是感觉不行了就赶紧说,没什么的。退一步海阔天空。” Su Qianning two lifted the long hair gathered together a high ponytail, then smiles, felt relieved that I can.” 苏浅凝两手抬起把长发拢了个高马尾,接着笑笑,“放心吧,我可以的。” Saying, her is jumping to the arena, is away from the net to look at opposite An Wanying, „the Sister An elder sister, please grant instruction.” 说着,她跳到赛场上,隔着球网看着对面的安婉莹,“安姐姐,请赐教。” Others stand on the scene under concentrate all one's attention on, plan to have a look at the showdown between this rare myth lifeform. 其他人都站在场下屏气凝神,打算看看这场难得一见的神话生物之间的对决。 The Wang Quan vision swept, sees Bai Xiyao both hands to surround holds that two groups, that serious expression looks with Vegeta. 王泉目光扫了一圈,见白夕瑶双手环抱托着自己那两团,那严肃的表情看着跟贝吉塔似的。 „Is déjà vu so why strong?” “为什么既视感这么强?” Wang Quan ponders, wants to understand. 王泉左思右想,想明白了。 This fucking with 《Dragon Ball》 in „the Cell game the Number One Under Heaven martial arts of that some plots can resemble. 特么《龙珠》里的“沙鲁游戏”那部分剧情的天下第一武道会似的。 But isn't this beach football? 可这不是沙滩排球吗? Although is only the village gauge. 虽然只是村规。 Breathing out Luo Xiao raises up the index finger, said in a soft voice, young master, the showdown between so peerless experts is rare, we are careful the observation are.” “嘘”洛潇竖起食指,轻声道,“公子,如此绝世高手之间的对决难得一见,咱们还是细细观察便是。” Wang Quan: „” 王泉:“” This young girl, cynical remark one after another. 这小妞,怪话一套一套的。 This village gauge beach football makes summit of night of purple banning the moon/month circle probably she said same. 这村儿规沙滩排球让她说的好像月圆之夜紫禁之巅一样。 On the field, Su Qianning asked: „Does the Sister An elder sister, want to use the main body?” 场上,苏浅凝问道:“安姐姐,要用本体吗?” Copes with you, without that necessity.” “对付你,没那个必要。” An Wanying flung under the wrist/skill, I suggested that you turn into the main body directly, otherwise most one second, one second of competition ended.” 安婉莹甩了下手腕,“不过我建议你直接变成本体,不然最多一秒钟,一秒钟比赛就结束了。” „But who we are first to five points who wins to consider as finished.” Su Qianning also warmed-up, then said, I am familiar with the use body, style, I self-confident will not lose to anybody.” “但我们是谁先到五分谁赢算了。”苏浅凝也活动了下身体,接着说道,“我还是更习惯使用身体,招式方面,我自信不会输给任何人。” That starts.” “那就开始。” Floats compresses the blue giant star volleyball to vanish in of An Wanying top of the head instantaneously does not see! 浮在安婉莹头顶的那颗压缩蓝巨星排球瞬间消失不见! Then they stand in same place motionless. 然后她们俩就站在原地一动不动。 Wang Quan looked at for quite a while, even lifted the hand to look at a time. 王泉看了半天,甚至抬手看了眼时间。 Had passed for three minutes. 已经过去了三分钟。 But have they moved. 但那俩人还是一动没动。 Ball? 球呢? Are you why motionless? 你们为啥都不动? He has turned head, discovered that other girls are looking in the locations with total concentration . Moreover the expression is getting more and more serious. 他扭过头,发现其他姑娘都在聚精会神地看着场地中间,而且表情越来越严肃。 He could not bear ask: Their this is 他没忍住问道:“她们俩这是” Attractive reaction speed!” “好看的反应速度!” „” Wang Quan was ignorant, what? It is not, did they really move?” “”王泉懵了,“啥?不是,她俩真的动了吗?” Peaceful! This is the rare myth lifeform competition! Too splendid!” “安静!这可是难得一见的神话生物比试!太精彩了!” What speech is Bai Xiyao, she looks in the locations, the expression is very serious. 说话的是白夕瑶,她看着场地中间,表情十分严肃。 Other girls nod in abundance, the expression is one by one dignified. 其他姑娘纷纷点头,表情一个比一个凝重。 „” “” Wang Quan opens mouth, but does not know that should say anything, has to shut up. 王泉张了张嘴,但又不知道该说什么,只好闭嘴。 Attractive!” “漂亮!” Also crossed for several seconds, what this time cheering is Ye Shengge. 又过了几秒,这次喝彩的是叶笙歌 „???” Wang Quan is helpless, what? Aren't they have not moved from the start?” “???”王泉无奈,“啥啊?她俩不是压根就没动吗?” „It is not.” What saying to be Luo Xiao, „ in that flash, Sister An made a maneuver banana shot a moment ago, younger sister Su does not dare to meet hardly, but she used to melt the vigor to shoot. “并不是。”接话的是洛潇,“就在刚才那一瞬间,安姐打出了一记回旋香蕉球,苏妹妹不敢硬接,但她用化劲弹了回去。 Because the Sister An strength is too strong, younger sister Su or the movement distort. “不过因为安姐力量太强,苏妹妹还是动作变了形。 Then Sister An thinks that the ball can be out-of-bounds has not managed, but the ball falls to the ground quickly she discovered that the ball has the maneuver, this ball can fall on. “接着安姐以为球会出界就没管,但球快落地的时候她才发现球有回旋,这球会落在界内。 Therefore she responded immediately did splits to save the ball with the leg, finally younger sister Su the goon was out-of-bounds. “所以她马上反应过来一个劈叉用腿把球救了回来,结果苏妹妹打手出界。 Now Sister An 1 : 0 was in the lead.” “现在安姐1:0领先了。” A’Jiu looked at Wang Quan one, coldly complains, elder brother, too out of it.” 阿玖看了王泉一眼,冷冷吐槽,“哥,太逊了。” Wang Quan: „” 王泉:“” Wort?! 沃特?! What your is fucking saying? 你们特么到底在说啥? How 1 : 0? 怎么就1:0了? My hasn't fucking seen? 特么怎么没看到? However that ball truly appeared in the An Wanying top of the head again. 不过那颗球确实再次出现在了安婉莹头顶。 Even they added the words. 甚至她们俩还说上话了。 Sister An, you are truly strong, but I have the opportunity. Then I wanted earnestly whole-heartedly.” 安姐,你确实很强,但我也不是没有机会。接下来我要认真全力以赴了。” Su Qianning gripped a horse stance, both hands assumed a catching a ball posture, invited.” 苏浅凝扎了个马步,双手摆了个接球的姿势,“请。” Good, never expected that you can depend upon the skill to counter-balance between you and me to the disparity of strength control.” “不错,没想到你能依靠技巧抵消你我之间对力量掌控的差距。” An Wanying faintly said: You should from the beginning whole-heartedly, but even whole-heartedly still useless, the score of this competition, can be 5 : 0.” 安婉莹淡淡道:“你从一开始就应该全力以赴,不过就算全力以赴也没用,这场比赛的比分,会是5:0.” Must come! Their two must start earnestly! Favors to be diligent well.” “要来了!她们两个要开始认真了!好好看好好学。” This saying was Bai Xiyao they says to A’Jiu. 这话是白夕瑶阿玖她们说的。 Wang Quan opens mouth, felt oneself like the outsider. 王泉张了张嘴,感觉自己就像个局外人。 Therefore he has drawn Wang Yuelin, cold, can you be able to see clearly their competitions?” 于是他拉过望月凛,“凛,你能看得清她俩的比赛?” Naturally mister! This is I have watched the most attractive showdown!” “当然了先生!这是我看过的最好看的对决!” long straight black hair JK puts on the dead storehouse water, what a pity the leg too long chest too big buttocks curl upwards, this dead storehouse water puts in her appears the special character and style. 黑长直JK穿着死库水,可惜腿太长胸太大臀太翘,这死库水穿在她身上显得特别的风情。 On especially her leg was also requested to put on long continuously by Wang Quan to the white silk stockings of thigh. 特别是她腿上还被王泉要求穿着一直长到大腿的白丝袜。 This appeared the character and style. 这就显得更风情了。 However this JK has not cared about the Wang Quan look now, her excited double cheek is red, the look is not willing to leave the front sand beach volleyball court. 不过这JK现在并没在意王泉的眼神,她激动的双颊通红,眼神一刻也不愿离开前面的沙滩排球场。 Waah! Sri Lanka one!!!” “哇啊!斯国一!!!” Wang Quan: „???” 王泉:“???” „It is not! Do they really have in? But in the sand does not have the footprint! Ball? Ball where?” “不是!她们真的有在动吗?可是沙子上都没脚印啊!球呢?球又在哪里?” Is two elder sister speeds is too quick.” Wang Yuelin found time then to give Wang Quan expressed a doubtful look, „couldn't mister, you see clearly? Cannot! Red bean mud?” “是两位姐姐速度太快啦。”望月凛抽空回头给了王泉一个疑惑的眼神,“先生,您看不清吗?不会吧!红豆泥?” Wang Quan: „” 王泉:“” Now he felt that oneself did not seem like the outsider. 现在他感觉自己不像是局外人了。 Now he felt that oneself seems like a clown. 现在他感觉自己像是个小丑。 Are these girls earnest? 这些姑娘认真的? For the entire gu jointly below wrap/sets? 还是为了整蛊自己联手下的套? Actually they truly stand in same place have not moved! 其实她们确实站在原地没动! „Don't you believe?” Ye Shengge smiles, suddenly threw a stone in the locations. “你不信?”叶笙歌笑笑,忽然往场地中间丢了块石头。 That stone turned into the powder instantaneously. 那颗石头瞬间变成了粉末。 Wang Quan: „” 王泉:“” Indeed real? 敢情是真的? He felt oneself looked like the clown. 他更觉得自己像小丑了。 Turned the head to look at the girls. 转头看了看姑娘们。 Their one after another with total concentration, the looked intense place will even make a fist to applaud subconsciously. 她们一个个聚精会神,看的激烈处甚至会下意识握拳叫好。 But Wang Quan, anything cannot see clearly. 王泉,什么都看不清。 He only noticed that two girls stand in the locations. 他只看到两个姑娘站在场地中间。 Good, this is the ten minutes ago things. 好吧,这已经是十分钟前的事情了。 Now in his eyes, this is the spatial beach football location. 现在在他眼里,这就是个空的沙滩排球场地。 Without the sound, no one, without ball. 没有声音,没有人,没有球。 Other young woman's that only then near the ear resounds unceasingly cheered the applauding sound with the sound that pitifully sighed. 只有耳边不断响起的其他姑娘的喝彩叫好声跟可惜叹气的声音。 Wang Quan watches the volleyball, looked around, looked at a loneliness. 王泉看排球,看来看去,看了个寂寞。 Therefore he starts to be in a daze. 于是他开始发呆。 Then the time passed by for a half hour. 然后时间过去了半小时。 Bang! 嘭! A loud sound shakes Wang Quan awakes. 一声巨响把王泉震醒。 He looks up, the position of sand beach volleyball court was exploded the meteorite crater. 他抬头一看,沙滩排球场的位置被炸出了陨石坑。 Then An Wanying floats with Su Qianning in the midair. 然后安婉莹苏浅凝都漂浮在半空中。 An Wanying is all right completely, some Su Qianning joined bodies athletics swimsuit breakages, revealed many white soft/greasy. 安婉莹完全没事,苏浅凝身上的连体竞技泳衣有些破损,露出了许多白腻。 Her double cheek flood red is also puffing to lift the hand to wipe away sweat slightly. 她还双颊泛红微微喘着粗气抬手擦汗。 Sister An, was I loses.” 安姐,是我输了。” Wang Quan looked at the score board, what above demonstrates is 5 : 2, An Wanying wins. 王泉看了眼比分牌,上面显示的是5:2,安婉莹获胜。 Plays well, you made me hold in high esteem.” An Wanying nodded, walks, gives others the location.” “打得不错,你让我刮目相看了。”安婉莹点点头,“走吧,把场地让给别人。” They are useless the main body, therefore is actually Su Qianning has the advantage. 她们俩都没用本体,所以其实是苏浅凝有优势。 Because of An Wanying by body fight, skill anything to her is completely useless. 因为安婉莹都是靠身体战斗,技巧什么的对她来说完全没用。 But now similar of physical quality limit, but also is the human form of using, naturally Su Qianning has the advantage. 但现在身体素质限制的差不多,还都是用的人形,理所当然苏浅凝有优势。 What a pity, the universe level myth lifeform is different. 可惜,宇宙级神话生物还是不同的。 Does not use the skill not because of not, is disinclined to use. 不用技巧不是因为不会,是懒得用。 After An Wanying change strength habit, Su Qianning did not have the opportunity again. 安婉莹改变力量使用习惯之后,苏浅凝就再也没机会了。 This competition everyone enjoys oneself to the full very much. 这场比赛所有人都很尽兴。 Except for Wang Quan. 除了王泉 He looked at a loneliness. 他看了个寂寞。 Moreover may lonely for a long time. 而且可能还要寂寞好久。 Because the next competition must start. 因为下一场比赛就要开始了。 Pulls out to fighting both sides is Bai Xiyao, to fighting Ye Shengge. 抽到的对战双方是白夕瑶,对战叶笙歌 :.: :。:
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