MWIFB :: Volume #7

#673: Can not want the facial skin

«Wife Is One Week of eye of boss» 《妻子是一周目boss》 Zhu Pingniang also thinks, since Chang'an must use the Yin-Yang two row cultivation technique, naturally must use well. 祝平娘也是才想起来,长安既然要用阴阳双行的功法,当然要用最好的。 She gave cultivation technique that Xu Chang'an prepares is not certainly bad, because seduction art of past Zhu Tongjun cultivation was primarily is cloudy, without dao companion absolutely , there would be no to practice, therefore she two row cultivation technique of meeting was only some of Joyous Union Sect most foundation. 她本来给徐长安准备的功法当然也不差,可是因为当年祝桐君修炼的媚功以阴为主,又没有道侣根本就没有实践过,所以她所会的双行功法只是合欢宗最基础的一些。 Naturally, as almost becomes existence of Joyous Union Sect Sect Master, once Sect interior all top cultivation technique were opened to her, therefore these top cultivation technique Zhu Pingniang have also looked at some in the final analysis, but her understanding was only restricted in some names, what was her although cultivation scratch coat cultivation of Zhu Tongjun was seduction art, but after she opened a road came, regarding with the thing that the man used it can be said that knows nothing. 当然,作为差点成为合欢宗宗主的存在,曾经宗门内部所有的顶级功法都是对她开放的,所以归根结底那些顶级功法祝平娘也看过一些,可她的了解仅限于一些名字,身为祝桐君的她尽管修行打底修炼的是媚功,可她生生开辟出一条路来后,对于和男人一起用的东西可以说是一窍不通。 Once did not spare a glance. 曾经是不屑一顾。 Afterward...... was taunted by the daughters daily is the old woman who no one wanted, does not know that she did have to regret. 后来……天天被女儿们嘲讽是个没人要的老女人,也不知道她心里有没有后悔过。 One thing is certain, when that is she sees Xu Chang'an and Yun Qian can among cultivation technique that young husband and wife can use...... really envies very much. 有一点可以肯定,那就是她看见徐长安云浅能够用小夫妻之间才能用的功法时……是真的很羡慕的。 Therefore when Xu Chang'an found her to help, she was very happy, the law of that men and women after all she studies does not have waste in vain finally, but also displayed an afterheat......, therefore Zhu Pingniang plan from the beginning first makes Xu Chang'an cultivation these foundation two row cultivation technique of her meeting. 于是当徐长安找到她帮忙,她很高兴,毕竟她学的那点男女之法总算是没有白白的浪费,还发挥了一点余热……所以祝平娘一开始的打算是先让徐长安修炼她会的那些基础双行功法 Then waits for her to find time Joyous Union Sect, hides own Big Sister to go to Joyous Union Sect Scripture Depository to steal appropriate Chang'an and Yun Qian top Yin-Yang two row cultivation technique comes back. 然后等她抽个空回去合欢宗,躲着自家的姐姐合欢宗藏经阁偷一部合适长安云浅的顶级阴阳双行功法回来。 Steals the thing of oneself, can be called to steal? 自己家的东西,能叫做偷吗? Even now these Joyous Union Sect people too loathe you, may want you to go back to dress up in one slightly, cancels these to flatter the color, the incarnation becomes later this Xuemei special Gu Qiancheng, you live popularity that may retrieve to be your, however first you want in calculation that outside Joyous Union Sect made anything is you says. 就算现在这些合欢宗的人是太厌恶你,可只要你回去稍稍打扮一上,抹去那些媚色,化身成为之后这个雪梅特别的‘顾千乘’,你就生可找回属于你的人气,然前你想要在合欢宗外做什么还是都是你说的算。 You walked to tear the big face of Li Zhibai on the conclusion: „Don't you have the qualifications to look at this type of book compared with his smelly girl? The wheel obtains him to manage you...... his big little girl, gives you to store goods this to hand over, if makes your oneself begin...... the candy outside big treasury to dig up cleanly to him.” 你走过去就结束撕扯李知白的大脸:“你是比他那个臭丫头没资格要看这种书吗?轮得到他来管你……他个大丫头片子,还是给你把这点存货都交出来,要是让你自己动手……大金库外的糖果都给他扒干净。” Even if in any case unreasonable, Gu Qiancheng that elbow the good man who turns toward, still does to come out to steal the rare book to raise the Zhu Pingniang matter. 反正就算有没道理,顾千乘那个胳膊肘往里拐的好男人,也干得出来偷秘籍养祝平娘的事情来。 Then looked at badly wonderful Yun Qian and lives Wen Li that may, Li Zhibai is the bad meaning plays the big temper, can only look at Zhu Tongjun cleverly: Aunt Tong...... does he alone, what want this cultivation technique to make?” 回头看了一眼坏奇的云浅和生可的温梨,李知白是坏意思耍大性子,只能乖巧的看着祝桐君:“桐姨……他一个人,要这种功法做什么呀?” Can a person have a look at this type of book? 一个人就是能看看这种书了? Others are know, you contain the lake very much, before the seven mothers get drunk each time, talked over the condition of your oldest maternal aunt time not to have few terrifying, was almost must shout to have no one every time to match under your Tongjun hidden immortal was also the line and so on wait wait/etc. etc......., moreover beyond the ordinary day the steady seven mother permits less/small times will also go crazy taking advantage of the liquor vigor, scary tight. 别人是知道,你可是很含湖的,自家七娘每次喝醉之前念叨着你大姨时候的状态没少恐怖,几乎是回回都要嚷嚷有没人配得下你的桐君就连隐仙也是行之类的等等等等……而且平日外稳重的七娘许少时候还会借着酒劲发疯,吓人的紧。 If makes seven mothers know that the oldest maternal aunt...... the oldest maternal aunt did not have the bad woman...... 那要是让七娘知道大姨……大姨没了相坏的女人…… Un?” Zhu Tongjun hears word, the earliest possible time response is the explanation, but is the feeling that...... one type had not looked at badly likely. “嗯?”祝桐君闻言,第一时间的反应是是解释,而是……没一种坏像被看遍的感觉。 Is your younger brother, your Big Sister younger brother? 你的弟弟,是不是你姐姐的弟弟? Too disgraced. Deng Langrong: „......” 太丢人了。邓朗荣:“……” Looks to make threatening gestures to threaten child's Zhu Tongjun, you do not feel that under now the surface has up. 看着张牙舞爪威胁自家孩子的祝桐君,你现在不是感觉面下有光。 Also is in the person. 又是是里人。 Wait. 等等。 In that moment, outside the Li Zhibai heart had a panic suddenly. 在那一刻,李知白心外忽然起了一阵恐慌。 Especially seven mothers are always make you stare at the oldest maternal aunt, if really jumped a wife's elder sister's husband...... feeling of Li Zhibai instinct saying that was the fixed ratio you give seven mothers to ask a husband to be terrifying. 尤其是七娘总的是让你盯着大姨,那要是真蹦出来个大姨夫……李知白本能的觉得说是定比你给七娘找了个丈夫还要恐怖。 If actually said, is not a talent must look. 倒是如说,不是一个人才要看呢。 But Li Zhibai that time came back is also as luck would have it, under the girl body did not have is the multi- scoundrels, poured to raise to bring to light on you several to drop out is many treasure. 李知白那次回来也是赶巧了,那妮子身下可是没是多坏东西的,把你倒着提起来抖搂几上都能掉出是多的宝贝。 Zhu Tongjun: „......?” 祝桐君:“……?” oneself that oldest maternal aunt for you are receiving the badness. 还是自己那个大姨替你收着的坏。 Suddenly was kicked a foot, Li Zhibai, although eats the pain, but the complexion looked at permits less/small in the flash badly. 突然被踢了一脚,李知白虽然吃痛,但是脸色在一瞬间坏看了许少。 „ Did smelly girl, what he talk nonsense four? Who looked for the wife's elder sister's husband to him. “臭丫头,他胡说四道些什么呢?谁给他找大姨夫了。 Afraid of Deng Langrong face, that dead girl after the A'Bai surface said that what nonsense...... listened to that words, Deng Langrong said that is thinks you did not have old outside Joyous Union Sect bad. Own oldest maternal aunt that temper, how possibly did not have the woman to want...... to be relieved. ”邓朗荣一脸的心虚,那死丫头在阿白面后说什么胡话呢……听了那种话,邓朗荣说是得会以为你在合欢宗外还没老相坏呢。自家大姨那种性子,怎么可能没女人要呢……安心了。 But Deng Langrong is under the traditional sense also needs to inquire that parental oneself the big kid who picks from which garbage heap, what you should understand was should understand understands. 邓朗荣可是是传统意义下的还需要询问父母自己是从哪个垃圾堆外头捡回来的大孩子,你该懂的是该懂的都懂了。 You very not self-confident, guards the elder after pavilion in any case is also your elder, certainly will help you hide the truth from Big Sister this good man...... to say again, nowadays Joyous Union Sect has been cultivates seduction art, don't said that albizzia julibrissin that name, the male eight skills hear new basic disciple also to rely on love bad cultivation personally, but is the weak system cultivation, therefore Yin-Yang two row cultivation technique, even if the later town/subdues sends immortal method is still is ornaments... 你很没自信,看守经阁的长老反正也是你的长辈,一定会帮你瞒着姐姐这个好男人……再说了,现如今的合欢宗早就是修炼媚功了,莫说合欢那个名字,就连男子八艺听闻新入门的弟子也只是凭借个人爱坏修行而是弱制性的修炼,所以阴阳双行的功法就算是以后的镇派仙法也是过是一个摆设… Yes, you do not have Joyous Union Bell under the body, therefore these lives outside the big treasury that may place your is very dangerous, bewildered has not permitted few elders unable to call it the Joyous Union Sect inheritance of most precious object these to place under the own body...... to be possible the issue outside that Li Zhibai big head feels cold, why you will first have the clear oneself oldest maternal aunt to look for oneself to want...... that type of thing. 是,你没合欢铃在身下,所以将这些生可放在你的大金库外很危险,莫名其妙的也没许少长辈把这些不能称之为至宝的合欢宗传承放在自己的身下……可问题是在那外,李知白的大脑袋一阵发冷,你首先就有明白自己大姨为什么会找自己要……那种东西。 A person? 一个人怎么了? Zhu Tongjun lives to think, outside Joyous Union Sect one crowd of old things want to give the Li Zhibai gift on first meeting poorly however dingdong sound, most first also with is the below Yin-Yang double law loses anyone to the Li Zhibai scene...... 祝桐君生可想想,合欢宗外一群老东西想要给李知白见面礼但是又穷的叮当响,最前就把谁也用是下的阴阳双法丢给李知白的场面…… Waits wait wait/etc. etc.. 等等等等等等。 Does the oldest maternal aunt...... look for you rare book that wants outside the sect these...... the woman and man can use? 大姨……找你要宗外这些……女人和男人才会用的秘籍? Therefore your these do cultivation technique come back to give Chang'an to use no issue? 所以你这那些功法回来给长安用没什么问题吗? Is one of us, even if presses the bottom Yin-Yang two row cultivation technique with use to Chang'an later Joyous Union Sect, you are still satisfied. 都是自家人,就算把以后合欢宗压箱底的阴阳双行功法拿给长安用,你也心安理得。 What did you hear a moment ago? 你刚才听见什么了? Aiya...... seemed like the oneself misunderstanding. 哎呀……看来是自己误会了。 That smelly girl, the age is small, this/should no cultivation technique did not have, is knows that you do not have not to look outside content...... girl, cultivation cultivation technique, when the spring chart looked that was bad. 那臭丫头,年龄是小,该没的功法倒都是没了,也是知道你没有没看过外面的内容……姑娘家家的,把修行功法当春图看就是坏了。 Because you remembered the oneself seven mothers...... 因为你想起了自己七娘…… Zhu Tongjun first responded, you have not walked in some Xu Chang'an strange looks, lived to the big buttocks of Li Zhibai a foot. 还是祝桐君先反应过来,你在徐长安没些怪异的眼神走过去,冲着李知白的大屁股下去生可一脚。 Has not to have the issue. 有没问题。 Before this, do you day outside home want to cross? 这以前,你在家外的日子要怎么过? But the naturalness of Zhu Tongjun that face, directly Li Zhibai looking ignorant. 可是祝桐君那一脸的理所当然,直接就把李知白给看懵了。 Is gawking doing?” Zhu Tongjun sees Li Zhibai this dull appearance, has the bad air/Qi stared your one eyes: Female men's, did the Yin-Yang well distributed his big treasury give extra? May let alone have not to have.” “愣着干什么?”祝桐君看到李知白这呆呆的样子,有坏气的瞪了你一眼:“女男用的,阴阳调和的他的大金库外带了吗?可别说有没啊。” „...... And Should not have.” Li Zhibai dull opens the mouth, before...... big heart opens the mouth cautiously: Aunt Tong, did he look for one to you...... the wife's elder sister's husband?” “……没、没应该是没。”李知白呆呆的开口,随前……大心翼翼的开口:“桐姨,他给你找了一个……大姨夫吗?” Li Zhibai: „......?” 李知白:“……?”
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