MWIFB :: Volume #6

#506: Named Shi Qingjun tide( 2 gathers 1)

Mixed the wind of night rain to bring some shore unique water vapor to pass over gently and swiftly the women's clothing of front women's, fell in the Li Zhibai surface slowly. 混合着夜雨的风带着些许岸边独特水汽掠过面前女子的衣裙,缓缓落在李知白的面上。 Knows white, can my appearance...... be attractive?” “知白,我的样貌……可算是好看的?” Li Zhibai hears front person to ask like this, suddenly when remembers met Sect Master to her praise. 李知白听见面前的人这样问,忽然想起了一见面时掌门对她的夸赞。 Original, Sect Master is also a female.】 【原来,掌门也是个女子。】 Li Zhibai in absent-minded, must realize this matter suddenly. 李知白在恍忽间,蓦得意识到了这件事。 oneself should be amazed. 自己应该惊诧吗。 Perhaps no. 也许不。 Li Zhibai is telling oneself at heart, when she discovers Sect Master in brothel after little girl plays cards, must does not have any be worth her being amazed. 李知白在心里告诉自己,当她在青楼中发现掌门在与小姑娘打牌后,就应当没有什么值得她惊诧的。 Really strange. 真是奇怪。 How the Sect Master topic is in so serious matter...... jumps from world Chang'an to the daughter family/home appearance suddenly. 掌门的话题是怎么从‘天下长安’这般严肃的事情中忽然……跳到女儿家样貌的。 Li Zhibai felt, the so-called immortal is also good, Chang'an, in Sect Master at heart is unimportant, discussed them and discusses the female appearance...... no distinction. 李知白又觉得,所谓的长生也好、长安也罢,在掌门心里都是不重要的,谈论它们和谈论女子样貌……没什么分别。 Is oneself this Pill Lord useless, cannot keep up with the Sect Master mentality. 自己这个丹主没出息,跟不上掌门的思路。 Cannot be startled. 不应当吃惊。 Is calm. 要冷静。 Li Zhibai thought that if in the past, she can holds a family banquet with Yun Qian, Chang'an, Wen Li and Tongjun daughter be the extremely rare matter. 李知白心想若是在往日,她能够和云浅长安温梨桐君的女儿办一场家宴就是极为难得的事情了。 Heard Tongjun saying that to her in the back that imprudent words, was the rare rarity. 听见桐君在背后对着她说那种不检点的话,更是罕见中的罕见。 Let her go on a journey to wear so attractive skirt clothes, is the extremely rare matter. 让她出行穿这般好看的裙裳,也是极为难得的事情。 But the whole looks at the past now , compared with Sect Master these matters, her Li Zhibai strolls brothel, to wear the skirt clothes...... most is not instead worth saying. 可如今整体看过去,与掌门的这些事比起来,她李知白来逛青楼、穿裙裳……反而是最不值得说道的。 Therefore, even then has the big matter, she can accept. 所以,就算接下来出再大的事情,她都能够接受吧。 Li Zhibai deeply inspires, makes oneself tranquil diligently, later to the line of sight on Shi Qingjun. 李知白深吸一口气,努力让自己平静下来,随后对上石青君的视线。 Sect Master, non- is knows does not know the ritual white/in vain.” Li Zhibai said. 掌门,非是知白不知礼。”李知白说道。 No one can appraise the Sect Master appearance recklessly, this is the lese majeste. 可不是谁都能肆意评价掌门的长相的,这是大不敬。 Un.” “嗯。” Shi Qingjun is sizing up Li Zhibai all as before up and down, seems like wants to look that understands this ‚the master of sage has any special place. 石青君依旧上下打量着李知白的一切,似乎是想要看明白这个‘圣人之师’有什么特殊的地方。 Is the stature very good? 身材很好? But this matter, must unable to be used to label the value of female. 可这种事,应当是无法用来标注女子的价值的。 However...... 但是…… The Li Zhibai stature is very good. 李知白的身材真的很好。 Usually in hidden in extending the Great Dao robe, now changes the skirt clothes, is then conspicuous enough. 平日里都隐藏在宽大道袍中,如今换上裙裳,便足够惹眼。 Was under permission of Sect Master, Li Zhibai smiled. 得到了掌门的允许,李知白笑了笑 You naturally are the attractive person.” Her earnest saying: I have never seen, resembling is your female so.” “您自然是好看的人。”她认真的说道:“我从未见过,似是您这般的女子。” Shi Qingjun is, the most perfect woman who she thinks- not one. 石青君就是她所认为的、最为完美的女人-没有之一。 From various significances is this. 从各种意义上来说都是这样。 Li Zhibai said these words time is very tranquil, the idea from innermost feelings makes her not have one is not comfortable. 李知白说这些话的时候十分平静,来自内心的想法让她没有一丝不自在。 I am the attractive person.” Shi Qingjun has listened to too many praises, although no custom was praised the beautiful appearance, but not covers up in Li Zhibai, in the pure statement, she then knows own firmly is the attractive woman. “我是好看的人。”石青君听过太多的赞美,尽管没有习惯被人夸赞美貌,但在李知白不加掩饰,纯粹的陈述中,她便知晓自己的确算是好看的女人。 Therefore, the Xu Chang'an cause, this/should can fall to her on. 所以,徐长安的因缘,该是能够落到她头上的。 Shi Qingjun cares about the cause, should not be close to Xu Chang'an. 石青君在意因缘,并非是要接近徐长安 More actually because of Yun Qian. 更多的其实是因为云浅 Probably only then through Xu Chang'an, can contact that female, therefore Shi Qingjun is thinking that...... the own appearance is qualified. 大概只有通过徐长安,才能接触那个女子,所以石青君才在想……自己的样貌是不是合格的。 Why has Shi Qingjun also thought she such caring Yun Qian? Yun Qian has not clearly displayed anything to come mystically, she is only the set-off of her husband. 石青君也有想过她为何如此的在意云浅云浅分明就没有表现出什么神秘来,她只是她夫君的陪衬。 But when Xu Chang'an and Yun Qian in the same place, her vision more falls on Yun Qian body. 可当徐长安云浅在一起的时候,她的目光更多的就是落在云浅身上 When Xu Chang'an and Yun Qian journey, she will take a liking to two occasionally. 徐长安云浅出行的时候,她偶尔会瞧上两眼。 When Xu Chang'an and Yun Qian go boating while the night, she passed by, looks at that miss according to rest in husband bosom, the vision also on the side face that the miss sleeps soundly. 徐长安云浅趁夜泛舟时,她路过,瞧着那姑娘依在夫君怀中小憩,目光也是在姑娘酣睡的侧颜上。 Shi Qingjun is not really clear. 石青君不甚明白。 But she can feel, dark has a strength to drive her to pay attention to and care about Yun Qian much much. 可她能感觉到,冥冥中有一种力量在驱使她多多关注、多多在意云浅 Therefore she did. 于是她就去做了。 Many times, regarding like this woman who she lives in the universe, work already not to need too many logic. 许多时候,对于她这样身居乾坤的女人来说,做事情已经不需要太多的逻辑。 Since she can the subconscious have this idea, certainly reasonable. 既然她会潜意识产生这种想法,就一定是有道理的。 Even if she cannot discover the reason temporarily, what special characteristics actually doesn't hinder her to be close to Yun Qian, finding out by secret inquiry this to be able...... to be has to tow oneself the miss who Xu Chang'an entire eats? 即使她暂时找不出理由,却也不妨碍她想要更加接近云浅、去探知这个能够将徐长安整个吃掉的姑娘……是有着什么特质在牵引自己 Thinks of here, Shi Qingjun will focus on front Li Zhibai body. 想到这儿,石青君将视线放在面前的李知白身上 Therefore, she thought that this Pill Lord is a fierce person. 所以,她才觉得这个丹主是个厉害的人。 The relations of Li Zhibai and Yun Qian, are actually very good. 李知白云浅的关系,其实是很好的。 She is Xu Chang'an Teacher, enough was also intimate with Yun Qian...... leads the people too many on already. 她又是徐长安先生,和云浅也足够亲近……就已经领先了众人太多。 Is thinking a matter as Shi Qingjun that once in the world of big struggle emerged at this time. 作为曾经大争之世中脱颖而出的石青君此时在想一件事。 Heavenly Dao, is often in inverse proportion. 天道常在,此消彼长。 The present way of the world, the Chang'an abundant point, the immortal is weak a point. 如今的世道,长安盛一分,长生就弱一分。 When the goal turns into Chang'an from the immortal, her the person of such old time does not change must leave the stage, that in this time, who can now the selected person? 当目标从长生变成长安,她这样旧时代的人不改变就要退场,那么在当今这个时代,谁会是被选中的人? First removes Xu Chang'an, he not in the range that can discuss. 首先排除徐长安,他本身就不在能够讨论的范围。 Can be Li Zhibai. 会是李知白吗。 Shi Qingjun is gazing at the Li Zhibai fine eye, in the mind Li Zhibai passing, has shaken the head at once. 石青君注视着李知白精致的眼睛,在脑海中过了一下李知白的过往,旋即摇摇头。 The feeling does not look like. 感觉不太像。 Li Zhibai was somewhat old. 李知白的年龄有些大了。 Li Zhibai: „......?” 李知白:“……?” She looks helplessly Sect Master stares at oneself to look, then swung the head? 她眼睁睁的看着掌门盯着自己看,然后摇了头? Li Zhibai knits the brows. 李知白皱眉。 She made the any mistake. 她是做错了什么吗。 …… …… Shi Qingjun has not noticed the Li Zhibai not comfortable expression, is thinking oneself that student. 石青君没有注意到李知白不自在的表情,在想自己那个学生。 Tongjun? 桐君 Although the Zhu Pingniang draw is the ancient and modern all even draw, may miss. 虽然祝平娘的平是古今皆平的平,可还是差了些。 Gawked slightly. 微微愣了一下。 Shi Qingjun remembered Wen Li suddenly. 石青君忽然想起了温梨 She how almost this miss forgetting. 她怎么差点将这个姑娘给忘了。 Was, Chang'an that Wen Li asked. 是了,温梨所求的正是长安 Also is young enough. 也足够年轻。 And when she does not know restored the flaw on divine soul, in the future will it can be said that have boundless prospects. 而且还在她所不知的时候就修复了神魂上的缺陷,未来可以说是前途无量。 The most important thing is, their these unmarried woman, has gone out of own saying that then does not need to be worried. 最重要的是,她们这些‘老姑娘’,早就走出了自己的道,便不需要担心。 Does not seem like Wen Li, while youth. 不像是温梨,正当青春。 The young girls, need to train well. 少女,是需要好好培养的。 Shi Qingjun prepares to find an opportunity to direct Wen Li personally. 石青君准备找个机会亲自指点温梨 Sect Master, what matter do you have to tell?” Li Zhibai asking silently. 掌门,您可是有什么事要吩咐?”李知白默默的问。 It‘s nothing.” Shi Qingjun smiled, she takes up one side winecup, looks inside surplus some clear, said at will: Is WTO entry, thought were many.” “没什么。”石青君笑了笑,她重新拿起一侧的酒盅,看着里面剩余的些许晶莹,随意的说:“只是重新入世,想的多了些。” enter the world......” Li Zhibai has the experience. “入世……”李知白身有体会。 Actually, she and Sect Master are the same, in the past did not keep aloof. 其实,她和掌门一样,以往并不是高高在上的。 They also do not have the so high position since birth, how to know nothing about this mortal world? 她们又不是生来就有这般高的地位,怎么会对尘世一无所知? Really is this mortal world changes is too big, to them, perhaps is only simple closing up, in this mortal world is one time earth-shaking......, therefore makes them enter the world again, floods everywhere strangely. 实在是尘世变化太大,对于她们而言,也许只是简单的闭关,尘世里就是一次天翻地覆……所以让她们再重新入世,四处就充斥陌生。 If she were the past mentality is also indifferent, after all this mortal world turned into what appearance, which person was the emperors not to have the relations...... to be possible with her, since she lowers the stance choice enter the world now, that required the time to adapt. 如果她还是以往的心态也无所谓,毕竟尘世变成什么样子,哪个人做皇帝都和她没有关系……可既然现在她放低了姿态选择入世,那就需要时间去适应。 Makes Li Zhibai feel amazed only, is the original Sect Master such fierce female enter the world, needs to adapt. 唯一让李知白觉得惊诧的,就是原来掌门这样厉害的女子入世,也是需要适应的。 This world true understanding changed.” Li Zhibai is somewhat sigh with emotion. “这世道真的变了许多。”李知白有些感慨。 Right?” Shi Qingjun thinks, asked: Who is present Azure Province mansion Monarch?” “是吗?”石青君想了想,问:“如今的青州府君是谁?” „......” “……” Li Zhibai hears word, the eye eyelash trembled trembling. 李知白闻言,眼睫颤了颤。 In this moment, Li Zhibai deep feeling so-called generation gap existence. 在这一刻,李知白深深的感觉到所谓‘代沟’的存在。 Azure Province mansion Monarch? 青州府君? Her already had many years not to listen to this word. 已经有多少年没有听过这个词了。 Li Zhibai deep cuts in the memory carefully, only remembers that she had heard the mansion Mr.'s legend in childhood. 李知白仔细在记忆中深挖,也就只记得她小时候曾经听过府君的传说。 Only feared in the current old book unable to find this word. 只怕当今古籍中都找不到这个词儿了吧。 Li Zhibai silent for a long time, this tranquil saying: Sect Master, in the world already did not have Azure Province mansion Mr .” 李知白沉默了许久,这才平静的说道:“掌门,天底下已经没有青州府君了。” Right.” Shi Qingjun nods, resembles to lose mansion Monarch matter to feel amazed regarding Azure Province. “是吗。”石青君点点头,似是对于青州失去了府君这件事感觉到惊诧。 Li Zhibai regarding the response of Shi Qingjun, helpless. 李知白对于石青君的反应,就只有无奈。 If after she enters Immortal Sect, knows right, once ruled and enslaved Azure Province mansion Monarch lineage/vein...... eradicating by Sect Master. 若是她入仙门后所知晓的没错,曾经统治、奴役青州的府君一脉……就是被掌门给连根拔起的。 However Li Zhibai can also understand. 不过李知白也能理解。 You can also remember how much tea oneself has eaten? 你还能记得自己吃过多少次茶吗? Cannot remember. 记不住的。 Sect Master is also this. 掌门也是这样。 In once dark age, the powerhouses of innumerable old time in named Shi Qingjun under the tide was embezzled all, cannot raise including a spray. 在曾经的黑暗年代,无数旧时代的强者都在名为‘石青君’的浪潮下被尽数吞没,连一个浪花都掀不起。 Azure Province mansion Monarch is only. 青州府君只是其中一个。 False azure Monarch before true azure, collapses at the first blow. 虚假的青之君在真正的青君面前,不堪一击。 Sect Master does not know that extinguished killed and buried many residual of dark age, how can also everyone remember. 掌门不知灭杀、埋葬了多少黑暗时代的残渣,又怎么会每个人都记住。 Present this mortal world is not a body.” The Li Zhibai tone, explained the current situation with Shi Qingjun simply. “如今的尘世并非是一体的。”李知白语气顿了一下,简单和石青君解释了当今的情况。 Azure Province was divided into the innumerable quick, every large or small influences separated. The feudal lords make treaties of alliance, the small country goes on an expedition with the great nation, analysis and synthesis does not know many years. 青州被分成了无数快,大大小小的势力割据。诸侯会盟,小国随着大国征战,分分合合的不知多少年。 The custom and etiquette that , once they understood in such a case have changed external appearances only, making one not recognize. 也正是在这样的情况下,曾经她们所了解的规矩、礼仪早就改头换面,让人认不出了。 The world only know that own king monarch sovereign, what Azure Province mansion Monarch...... has become a legend. 世人只知道自家的国主,什么青州府君……早就成了一个传说。 Shi Qingjun nods, some understanding. 石青君点点头,有些了解了。 Because of this, she will think that oneself needs to enter the world to take a look, world that because she understands...... already with present was different. 就是因为这样,她才会觉得自己需要入世瞧瞧,因为她所了解的世界……早就和如今的不同了。 She of knowing nothing, is also good, is also good with Yun Qian with Xu Chang'an, can unable to talk? 一无所知的她,与徐长安也好、与云浅也好,应当都是无法对话的? After all compared with oneself this old woman, Yun Qian just when Fang magnificent. 毕竟和自己这种老女人相比,云浅可是正值芳华。 Un...... in the sect should have these years records.” Li Zhibai said. “嗯……宗里应该有这些年的记录。”李知白说道。 If Sect Master is interested in this mortal world these years history, can go back to have a look. 掌门若是对尘世这些年的历史感兴趣,可以回去看看。 Un.” Shi Qingjun accordingly. “嗯。”石青君应声。 Li Zhibai has not spoken. 李知白没有说话。 Her present mood is very complex. 她现在的心情就是很复杂。 Yes. 是啊。 including the residence Monarch this was once sprinkling the shadow existence already to become the legend to Azure Province, but...... scatters the existence such hand of shadow to grasp the wine glass to stand in her front personally. 连府君这个曾经对着青州洒下阴影的存在都已经成为了传说,可……亲手驱散阴影的存在就这么手握酒杯站在她的面前。 The absent-minded feeling of this time, making Li Zhibai have sigh with emotion suddenly, somewhat is simultaneously disappointed. 这种时间的恍忽感,让李知白一时间心怀感慨,同时有几分怅然。 She in the past was only an ordinary miss, age that she was born, residual already of old time was swept away by Shi Qingjun is that most...... she enjoyed is cleaned up the world of entire world. 她当年只是一个普通的姑娘,她所出生的年代,旧时代的残渣已经石青君横扫了大半……她所享受的就是一个被廓清寰宇的世界。 Therefore in the Li Zhibai memory, the abundance that can live, even there is the time and a best friend makes tea the meeting. 所以在李知白的记忆中,才能够生活的富足,甚至有时间与闺蜜开茶会。 As once trod the woman of Shi Qingjun time tail, Li Zhibai can say that from entering into cultivation starts to listen to azure and ‚the Morning Clouds fairy maiden the legend, how can also not look forward to this miss. 作为曾经踏着石青君时代尾巴的女人,李知白可以说从迈入修行开始就听着‘青君’、‘朝云仙子’的传说,又怎么会不憧憬这个姑娘。 Li Zhibai has not thought that oneself also one day can so tranquil and Sect Master was saying makes her oneself unable to feel the mind the daily family activity. 李知白没有想过,自己也会有一天能够这般平静的和掌门说着让她自己都摸不着头脑的家常。 The time, is really the most terrible thing. 时间,真是最可怕的东西。 Many seniors were embezzled by the tide, but her such woman walked on the contrary. 多少前辈都被浪潮所吞没,而她这样的女人反倒走了出来。 „......” “……” Shi Qingjun does not know that Li Zhibai is thinking anything, she looks at the wine glass in oneself hand. 石青君不知道李知白在想什么,她看着自己手中的酒杯。 Shi Qingjun does not care passing. 石青君不在意过往。 She will only look forward, but so-called Azure Province mansion Monarch, nothing but is thinks, therefore proposed one, heard does not have also in arousing the situation of recollection, somewhat was amazed. 她只会向前看,而所谓的青州府君,无非是想起来所以提了一句,听到早就没了也只是在激起了回忆的情况下,有几分惊诧。 Without , there would be no. 没了就没了吧。 She cares about other things now. 她现在更在意其他的事情。 Shi Qingjun said suddenly: Knows white, do you understand the liquor?” 石青君忽然说道:“知白,你懂酒吗?” „?” “?” Li Zhibai hears word stares, later at heart is completely helpless. 李知白闻言一愣,随后心里尽是无奈。 Sect Master. 掌门 Was your topic span big. 您的话题跨度是不是大了些。 How to being WTO entry...... she to discover the tiny bit relation from Chang'an to the appearance to the liquor? 长安到样貌到入世到酒……她怎么就找不出一丝一毫的联系? As if Sect Master is really thinks that anything said anything. 似乎掌门真的是想到什么就说什么。 No, is not. 不,也不是。 Li Zhibai looked at the wine of wine glass and her body undulating in the Sect Master hand, thought that liquor water from beginning to end, passes through throughout, raise of Sect Master is not prompted by a sudden impulse. 李知白看了一眼掌门手中的酒杯和她身上澹澹的酒香,又觉得‘酒水’自始至终都在,贯穿始终,掌门的提起并非是心血来潮。 Liquor......” Li Zhibai said: I do not know that is understands......” “酒……”李知白说道:“我也不知道算不算懂……” Before will eat some ratafia actually occasionally, now drinks tea to drink quite many. 以前倒是偶尔会吃一些果酒,现在喝茶喝得比较多。 But, the liquor of this mortal world, I definitely do not understand now.” Li Zhibai defines to oneself. “不过,如今这个尘世的酒,我肯定是不了解的。”李知白自己下了定义。 «Sword» 《剑来》 Before often drank?” Shi Qingjun asked. “以前常喝?”石青君问。 Is.” Li Zhibai smiled: Once I probably was also thousand gold (daughter) Young Lady, like this said that the feeling was somewhat embarrassed.” “算是。”李知白笑了笑:“曾经我好像也算是一个千金小姐,这样说感觉有些不好意思。” She is saying embarrassed, has not actually blushed, should not blush. 她说着不好意思,却没有脸红,也不应该脸红。 I have not eaten.” Shi Qingjun said. “我没怎么吃过。”石青君说道。 Li Zhibai nods, she can understand. 李知白点头,她能够理解。 Sect Master and she such idle person are different, looked like in the past Sect Master, ate what liquor...... certainly unable to understand. 掌门和她这样闲的人不同,在以往的掌门看来,吃什么酒……一定是无法理解的吧。 It is not willing to make oneself compared with Sect Master strong Li Zhibai said: Actually I had also only drunk the ratafia in the past , the alcohol capacity is not good.” 不太愿意让自己掌门‘强’的李知白说道:“其实我以往也只喝过果酒,并且,酒量不好。” Shi Qingjun asked: Having many isn't good?” 石青君问:“有多不好?” Li Zhibai thinks, said: „It is not very good.” 李知白想了想,说道:“很不好。” Daughter Young Lady, generally is one cup of that but actually, her alcohol capacity is very bad. 千金小姐,大抵是一杯倒的那种,她酒量真的很差。 Naturally that was in the past. 当然那是以往。 After cultivation, liquor anything...... has lost the ability that has made her be drunk, therefore could not remember. 修行后,酒什么的……早就失去了让她醉的能力,所以也记不得了。 Alcohol capacity?” Shi Qingjun looking pensive: I do not know how the own alcohol capacity is.” “酒量?”石青君若有所思:“我不知自己的酒量是如何的。” What kind of feeling eating to be drunk...... can be? 吃醉……会是怎么样的感受? Shi Qingjun is somewhat curious. 石青君有些好奇。 This curiosity, will like on the flowers and plants, wanting to start like her to snack to be the same. 这种好奇,就如同她会喜欢上花卉、会想要开始吃零嘴一样的。 Li Zhibai has not said. 李知白没有接话。 She does not know that said anything. Very strange, said what alcohol capacity in front of Universe Realm. 她也不知道说什么。很奇怪啊,在乾坤境面前说什么酒量。 This feeling seems Shi Qingjun to ask her, can some people be able to resemble to result on the wound to her with a wooden club. 这种感觉就好像石青君问她,能不能有人能用一根木棍就伤到她似得。 I do not understand the liquor, what liquor may have, can make me be drunk?” Shi Qingjun asked. “我不甚懂酒,可有什么酒,能让我醉?”石青君问。 „......” Li Zhibai is silent. “……”李知白沉默。 Cracks a joke, in the world has anything to let Sect Master...... 开什么玩笑,天底下有什么东西能让掌门…… Wait. 等等。 In the Li Zhibai eye covered a fluorescence. 李知白眼睛中镀上了一层荧光。 She remembered some unable by the person who the wisdom pondered. 她想起了某个不能以智慧去思考的人。 Chang'an? 长安 Perhaps, the feeling of being drunk that Sect Master wants, cannot achieve. 也许,掌门想要的醉意,并非是做不到。 https:// https:// :. Cell phone version reading website: :。手机版阅读网址:
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