MWIABCEO :: Volume #10

#986: Such uncouthly

Is unfair to everybody very much, the vertebra and were very sore, rest two late finally to press, struggled confusedly is being very painful. 很对不起大家,脊椎和头很疼,睡了两晚总算压下来了,心烦意乱挣扎着很痛苦。 How perhaps Yan Buwen thinks again, has not thought that met finally on biochemical transformation body of dying before one's death once last completion. 恐怕严不问再怎么深思熟虑,也没想到会是最后死在生前最后一个完成的生化改造体手上。 But Yang Chen does not think that this own pursued for several months with the mysterious person help, with madman that the body of own shoots down, actually does not die in front of own! 杨辰也不会想到,这个自己追了好几个月才在神秘人帮助下,用自己的身体击落的狂人,其实并非死于自己面前! When Wen Tao has spat saliva on his remnant body, seems also making clear, entire China once a topest rare talent, finally withered away. 文韬在他的残躯上吐了一口唾沫,仿佛也昭示着,全华夏曾经最为顶尖的一名奇才,终于消亡了。 After the Yang Lie eye flashes through several unusual trains of thought that opens the mouth to ask: You believe firmly that Yan Buwen technology, did you receive versatilely?” 杨烈眼里闪过几丝异样的思绪后,开口问道:“你确信严不问的技术,你全能接过?” Wen Tao shot a look at his one eyes, has referred to the brain of own, you have forgotten, he has said that his memory synchronization, what depends upon?” 文韬瞥了他一眼,指了指自己的脑子,“你难道忘了,他说过,他的记忆同步,是依靠什么?” Little Cripple, did you say biological chip?” Luo Cuishan flatters to say with a smile. 小瘸子,你说生物芯片?”罗翠珊媚笑着道。 Good, Wen Tao grins to say with a smile: „ Only needs to take biological chip in his brain, assigns out thing that we need, after waiting for that wants to turn into the Yan Buwen beforehand strength, does not make any effort. “不错”,文韬咧嘴笑道:“只需要将他脑子里的生物芯片取出来,调出我们所需要的东西,等那以后,想变成严不问之前的实力,根本不费什么气力。 So long as we like Yan Buwen this idiot, do not go with the Yang Chen directly opposite confrontation, how can play him in secret! ” 只要我们不像严不问这蠢货一样,去跟杨辰正对面地交锋,暗中怎么都能玩死他!” Yang Lie selects the eyebrow, that I can only anticipate that you achieve this plan earlier, as for commodity rear service, I will help you handle. 杨烈挑眉,“那我只能期待,你早点达成这个计划,至于物资后勤方面,我会帮你搞定”。 Luo Cuishan said with a giggle: You now already by the Yang Family rejection outside, what's wrong, has the own little strongbox?” 罗翠珊咯咯笑道:“你现在已经被杨家剔除在外,怎么,难道还有自己的小金库?” Snort, Yang Lie sneers, camel of skinny is big, let alone, I have not lost...” “哼”,杨烈冷笑,“瘦死的骆驼比马大,何况,我还没输…” Wen Tao and Luo Cuishan look at each other one, each other shows the smile that varies. 文韬罗翠珊对视一眼,彼此露出各异的微笑。 The atmosphere under North Pole ice layer, appears especially strange... 北极冰层下的气氛,显得格外诡异… ... Beijing. 燕京 Significant change of Tang Family, already not any suspense. 唐家的重大变革,已经没任何悬念。 Tang Zhechen did not have any escape route, but the arrogance of old person, keeping him from standing the prison and trial life end point. 唐哲琛已经没了任何退路,但老人的高傲,让他根本无法接受牢狱和审判的人生终点。 When the old person takes out a pistol from the pocket, aims at the own brain door clamp to move the instance of trigger, the audience can respond only instantaneously Yang Chen that and prevents, has not chosen to prevent. 当老人从衣袋里取出一把手枪,对准着自己的脑门扣动扳机的瞬间,全场唯一能够瞬间反应过来并阻挡的杨辰,并没有选择去阻止。 Nobody will suspect that this is the old person final decision. 没人会怀疑,这是老人最后的一个正确决定。 At least, he is having the Tang Family Patriarch last dignity. 至少,他带着唐家家主的最后一丝尊严。 Although has encountered cruel treatment, but Tang Wan and Tang Xin moved incomparable, in the short-term will not feel better after all. 虽然遭到了残忍的对待,可唐婉唐心还是伤感无比,短期内毕竟不会好过。 This lets Li Dun and Tang Xin hundred passes through the happiness after troubles, appears pale dim. 这让李钝唐心的百经周折后的甜蜜,也显得苍白黯淡。 After losing pillar that until now has relied upon, Tang Family most is capable of taking over Patriarch, only has Tang Wan and Tang Huang two people. 失去了一直以来仰仗的主心骨后,唐家最有能力接任家主的,只有唐婉唐璜二人。 But continuously by two people that competitor treats, is makes the whole family feel that chose the peace to work together as colleagues strangely. 但一直都是以竞争对手相待的二人,却是让一家人感到奇怪地选择了和平共事。 Tang Huang still is mainly responsible for the northern Tang Family industry, but Tang Wan still manages the southern industry, does things their own way. 唐璜依然主要负责北部的唐家产业,而唐婉依然管理南方的产业,各自为政。 Properly speaking, Tang Zhechen such nearly treason, should make Tang Family be banned the Four Great Families status, and majority of industrial nationalization. 按理说,唐哲琛如此的近乎“叛国罪”,应该让唐家被取缔四大家族的地位,并且将大部分产业收归国有。 But, making the Beijing upper circles of society feel that what wonders, Tang Family actually besides dying Tang Zhechen, perfect! 可是,让燕京上流社会感到纳闷的是,唐家竟然除了死去唐哲琛以外,完好无损! Even, Li Family, Ning Family, Yang Family , etc. has not been riding this opportunity, swallows some Tang Family enormous wealth. 甚至,李家宁家杨家等都没乘着这个机会,吞掉部分唐家的巨额财富。 Only the person of closest fact, will understand most key aspect. 只有最接近事实的人,才会明白其中的最关键因素。 Although Tang Family did not have Senior Statesman of Tang Zhechen this Republic, but also has Tang Wan, Tang Wan is actually unqualified, but Tang Wan Yang Chen, lets Li Family and Ning Family does not have the thoughts to think of a way. 唐家虽然没了唐哲琛这个共和国的元老,但却还有唐婉,唐婉倒是不够资格,但唐婉身边的杨辰,却让李家宁家都没心思多打主意。 Especially Li Family, how even if Li Moshen wants to process Tang Family again, must consider whether Yang Chen wants, even if in the Yang Chen surface said that any also being disinclined manages. 特别是李家,哪怕李莫伸再怎么想处理唐家,也得考虑杨辰是否愿意,即便杨辰表面上说什么也懒得管。 Furthermore, although Tang Zhechen walked, but has left behind many riddles. 再者,唐哲琛虽然走了,但留下了不少谜团。 First, Tang Family unexpectedly and Primordial Chaos has the enmity, the Tang Wan father Tang Lun death, really also has the secret facts. 首先,唐家竟然和鸿蒙有着仇怨,唐婉的父亲唐伦的死,竟然还有隐情。 Next, the Primordial Chaos mysterious veil in once was unveiled one, Primordial Chaos Envoy is cut to kill by Yan Buwen, no one knows that what movement Primordial Chaos will have. 其次,鸿蒙的神秘面纱在一度被揭开了一层,鸿蒙使者严不问斩杀,谁也不知道鸿蒙会有什么样的动作。 Regarding Li Moshen and the others, then the possible fight, is not they can interfere, possibly critical time, but also needs to reply on the Yang Chen strength, naturally cannot be all right to look for Yang Chen is not glad. 对于李莫伸等人来说,接下来可能发生的战斗,不是他们能去干涉的,可能紧要时刻,还需要借助杨辰的力量,自然不会没事去找杨辰的不乐意。 Most awkward, is Yellow Flame Iron Brigade that Cai Yuncheng commands, true first time saw Primordial Chaos Envoy that founder Primordial Chaos sends, attacks brutally with the enemy, has not actually thought that Primordial Chaos Envoy hung directly! 最为尴尬的,要数蔡云成统领的炎黄铁旅,还是真正的第一次见到创建者鸿蒙派来的鸿蒙使者,与敌人大打出手,却没想到鸿蒙使者直接挂了! This makes Cai Yuncheng worry very much, person who later can have Primordial Chaos looks for its question, vents anger in him, even if not close his matter. 这让蔡云成担忧得很,以后会不会有鸿蒙的人来找其问话,迁怒于他,哪怕根本不关他的事。 Therefore, Cai Yuncheng also can only hope at heart looks own has delivered in two daughters' shares, the Yang Chen later critical moment draws own this father-in-law. 所以,蔡云成心里也只能盼着看着自己都送了俩女儿的份上,杨辰以后紧要关头拉自己这老丈人一把。 In the afternoon, Tang Zhechen on the reason of according to passing away, has publicized the death news. 当日下午,唐哲琛就以因病去世的理由,公开了死讯。 Yang Chen calculated the next time, Lin Ruoxi has taken plane to return to Zhong Hai, should probably to the evening, therefore accompanied Tang Wan to attend the funeral together. 杨辰计算了下时间,林若溪坐飞机返回中海,应该要到晚上,于是陪着唐婉一起参加完葬礼。 The Tang Wan condition is not good, this type has related to be intimate with for dozens years, actually suddenly discovers the close person in using own, and has not cared about the own life the result, if not for the woman about 40 years accumulated, perhaps will be attacked to be unable to recover. 唐婉的状态并不好,这种一直关系亲近了数十年,却突然间发现至亲的人一直在利用自己,并且还不在乎自己生命的结局,若不是女人已经40左右的岁月积淀,恐怕会被打击得一蹶不振。 At Tang Zhechen wedding, besides dispersing the Tang Family industry heads in all over the world, had not been called on Tang Tang, Tang Wan does not hope that the daughter sees the own so thin and pale appearance. 唐哲琛的婚礼上,除了分散世界各地的唐家产业负责人外,也就糖糖没被叫回来,唐婉并不希望女儿看见自己这般的憔悴模样。 The night falls, saw off these to come Tang Family after the guest who the old person memorial tablet saw off, Tang Wan of white clothing Zhaizinei that returned to own to live. 夜幕降临的时候,送别了那些来唐家向老人牌位送别的客人后,一身素服的唐婉才回到了自己住的宅子内。 Changing constantly of this day, lets her some feelings of having a dream rapidly, but all occurred. 这一天的风云变幻,急促地让她有些做梦的感觉,但一切已经发生完了。 Starting from tomorrow, Tang Family is one of the Four Great Families, rather is relying upon the plutocrat family of Yang Family support. 从明天开始,唐家与其说是四大家族之一,不如说是仰仗着杨家支持的财阀家族。 When Tang Wan enters the room, discovered that Yang Chen is sitting in the living room telephones, remembers if not for today this man goes all out to strive to turn the tide, own the soul returned to heaven now outside, Tang Wan several points of recollections at the same time, looks that the Yang Chen vision was also gentle several points. 唐婉进屋的时候,发现杨辰正坐在客厅里打着电话,想起今天若不是这个男人拼命地力挽狂澜,自己现在已经魂归天外,唐婉几分感怀的同时,看着杨辰的目光又温柔了几分。 The Yang Chen brow is tight, he listened to Ron saying that the airplane arrived at Zhong Hai, but own telephoned, the Lin Ruoxi cell phone actually closed down! 杨辰眉头紧蹙,他听罗恩说,飞机已经到了中海,可自己打电话过去,林若溪的手机却是关机! own telephones in the family/home, along with Lin Ruoxi proficient Wang Ma, said together Lin Ruoxi own drives out, not at home, where also has not raised her. 自己打电话回家中,随着林若溪一同到家的王妈,说林若溪自己开车出去,并没在家,也没提她在哪里。 After having made the Lin Ruoxi office and cell phone phone call continuously, Yang Chen is just about to give returns to Zhong Hai Morren to telephone together, asked that which his woman went, saw Tang Wan to walk. 连续打了林若溪的办公室和手机电话后,杨辰正要给一同回到中海莫林打电话,问他那女人到底去哪了,就见唐婉走了进来。 Sees the complexion pale beautiful woman to the own pursing the lips chuckle, Yang Chen actually somewhat to love dearly, sighs, puts down the cell phone. 看见面色苍白的丽人对自己抿嘴轻笑,杨辰却是有些心疼,叹了口气,放下手机。 „Did person walk?” “人都走了?” Un, Tang Wan nods, arrives at Yang Chen behind, bent the waist, holds in the arms the neck of Yang Chen, deeply exhaled, was some said that was sees off, thing that actually happily blossomed at heart.” “嗯”,唐婉点头,走到杨辰身后,弯下腰,搂住杨辰的脖子,深深地呼了口气,“都是一些说是来送别,其实心里都乐开花的东西。” „After it seems like, you will have many pressures with Tang Huang, many people should start to think that Tang Family is very good to bully.” “看来以后你跟唐璜会有不少压力,不少人应该会开始觉得唐家很好欺负。” Goes along with them, contests to be the same with the master, from the beginning begins, will expose weaknesses, I did not fear, who will be the winner not necessarily.” “随他们去吧,就跟高手过招一样,一开始动手,就会露出破绽,我也不怕,鹿死谁手未必呢。” Yang Chen traces woman bright and clean face, stands up, turns around closely to grasp Tang Wan. 杨辰摸了摸女人光洁的脸蛋,站起身来,转身将唐婉紧紧抱住。 Must accompany you to treat for several days in Beijing. “要不要在燕京陪你待几天”。 You such suddenly hurry back, new bride affirmed that had a mortal hatred of you, I looked that tomorrow morning will go back, Tang Wan also knew Lin Ruoxi returns to the Zhong Hai message. “你这么突然赶回来,新娘子肯定已经恨死你了,我看还是明早就回去吧”,唐婉也知道了林若溪返回中海的消息。 Yang Chen actually at heart smiles bitterly, this matter does not have a mortal hatred of own such simple, this chapter was the opportunity of explanation seemingly is not willing to give. 杨辰却是心里苦笑,这事不是恨死自己这么简单,这回是解释的机会貌似都不肯给了。 At this time also forgave me, your this asked the woman really to do may arrive, Yang Chen jokingly said. “这种时候还体谅我,你这请妇做得可真到位”,杨辰玩笑道 „”, Tang Wan was angry white his eyes, not only invites the woman, in Beijing certain person eyes, the woman who I serve the interest of outsiders now.” “嘁”,唐婉嗔白了他一眼,“岂止是请妇,在燕京某些人眼里,我现在可是吃里扒外的女人。” Which people dare saying that my Little Wan, I have killed them now!” Yang Chen righteousness words. “哪些人敢这么说我的小婉,我现在就去杀了他们!”杨辰义正言辞。 Tang Wan pffft smiles, finally had a smiling face, sound of talking said gently: At this time had the person who can depend upon to be really good, thank you have not gone back Zhong Hai immediately.” 唐婉扑哧一笑,总算有了丝笑容,语声柔柔地道:“这种时候有个能依靠的人真好,谢谢你没立刻回去中海。” Yang Chen handles gently is patting the back of woman, another is screwing on Tang Wan that plentiful beautiful buttocks, that full sex appeal, making him enjoy very much. 杨辰的一只手轻轻拍着女人的脊背,另一手在唐婉那丰满的美臀上扣着,那饱满的肉感,让他很享受。 Although my this person compares color, but should have the conscience that to have, but sometimes cannot attend to, Yang Chen said lightly. “虽然我这人比较色,可该有的良心还是有的,只是有时候顾不过来”,杨辰轻笑着说。 Tang Wan feels the buttocks to be rubbed to pinch unceasingly, finally the complexion somewhat blood flushes, apricot pupil wet raised the head, has pecked one toward the Yang Chen lip on. 唐婉感受到屁股被不断地揉捏,终于脸色有几分潮红,杏眸润润抬起头,朝杨辰嘴唇上啄了一口。 I want to make love. “我想做愛”。 If not for leaves such nearly, Yang Chen suspected that the own ear had problems. 若不是离得这么近,杨辰都怀疑自己耳朵出问题了。 Has been startled a while, Yang Chen took a deep breath, how you become such directly.” 怔了一会儿,杨辰深呼吸一口气,“你怎么变得这么直接。” But there is a request. “但是有要求”。 Anything. “什么”。 „After completing, I want to return to Zhong Hai happily, Tang Wan smiled faintly gentle. “做完后,我想开开心心地回中海”,唐婉柔媚地浅笑。 Yang Chen had not replied, but was both hands has torn the woman front collar unrestrained/no trace of politeness! 杨辰没回答,而是双手毫不客气地扯开了女人胸前的衣领! When several buttons were fallen by collapse Duan directly, Tang Wan has called out in alarm one, blushes face saying: You... You leave such thickly... wu wu...” 当数枚纽扣直接被崩断掉落,唐婉惊呼了一声,羞红着脸蛋道:“你…你别这么粗…呜呜…” Did not wait for her saying that Yang Chen has kissed the woman maliciously tenderly and beautifully such as the red lip of flower. 不等她说完,杨辰已经狠狠地吻上了女人娇艳如花的红唇。 During the lips and tongue windings, such as the fervor of fire bursts out, is bringing lilac soft tongue of sweet intent, made an effort to attract by Yang Chen is pecking. 唇舌缠绕间,如火的激情迸发,带着甜意的丁香软舌,被杨辰用力地吸啄着。 Nearly makes Tang Wan suffocate in a hot kiss, Yang Chen has torn the Tang Wan underwear, in trousers directly were also torn to pieces, have left most probably behind a purple-red flower bud silk to be small. 近乎让唐婉窒息地一个热吻中,杨辰又扯开了唐婉的内衣,一条长裤也被直接撕烂了大半,就留下一条紫红色的蕾丝小内。 When lip minute, Yang Chen has pushed over the woman before spreading the living room tea table of rug. 当唇分的时候,杨辰已经将女人按倒在铺着地毯的客厅茶几前。 Let the woman lie on the tea table, the Yang Chen whole person presses from behind, panting for breath, is emitting the steam, is not so uncouthly, how will you return to Zhong Hai tomorrow happily?” 让女人趴在茶几上,杨辰整个人从后面压上,喘息着,喷吐着热气,“不这么粗鲁,你明天怎么会开心回中海?” Tang Wan was blurry because of some oxygen deficits, only felt that under body of own in road, after breaking into a scalding hot impulse, anything did not have the means to ponder, has sent out the thorough marrow subconsciously recited lightly... 唐婉已经因为有些缺氧而迷迷糊糊的,只感觉自己的身下甬道里,破入了一股灼热的冲击力后,就什么也没办法去思考,下意识地发出了深入骨髓的轻吟…
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