MWIABCEO :: Volume #15

#1450: Your simply is impervious

Yang Chen sighed gently, the meaning of Guo Xuehua he also understands that actually Guo Xuehua was unsatisfied to Lin Ruoxi this daughter-in-law some, in her eyes, virtuous sensible Mo Qianni was perhaps more suitable, even chose quite properly matched Cai Family sisters. 杨辰轻轻一叹,郭雪华的意思他也明白,其实郭雪华一直对林若溪这个儿媳妇有些不满意,在她眼里,或许贤惠懂事的莫倩妮更适合一些,甚至选择较为门当户对的蔡家姐妹也可以。 But Yang Chen thought that if Lin Ruoxi no longer is the own wife, that has not married other women for wife's necessity, because of the beginning, these women is not the chart status follows side own, but at this moment, married anyone is to unfair of other women. 杨辰却是觉得,如果林若溪不再是自己的妻子,那也没有娶其他女人为妻的必要了,因为从一开始,这些女人就不是图名分跟在自己身边的,但事到如今,娶了谁都是对其他女人的不公。 However Guo Xuehua does not receive, Yang Chen does not force, fills in bracelet space ring, said: „ Mother, I will not sign the divorce settlement on own initiative, at least legally, she is still my wife. 不过郭雪华不收,杨辰也不勉强,将手镯塞回空间戒指里,道:“妈,我是不会主动去签署离婚协议的,至少法律上,她依然是我的妻子。 I often thought that Ruoxi leaves me to have some special reasons, but I am unable to look insightfully, she is not willing to confess to me, I have decided that has been good to her, no matter she does approve. ” 我时常觉得若溪离开我有一些特殊的原因,只是我无法看通透,她又不肯对我坦白,我已经下决心,一直对她好,不管她认不认可。” Silly son, in my opinion, woman must divorce you, nothing but two reasons \; first, does not love you \; second, you cannot give the love that she wanted, which type, you are unable to recall, Guo Xuehua said with a sigh. “傻儿子,在我看来,女人要跟你离婚,无非两种原因,一是根本不爱你,二是你给不了她想要的爱,不论是哪种,你都无法挽回的”,郭雪华叹息道。 Yang Chen is silent, perhaps Guo Xuehua is right, but does not arrive at the final moment, Yang Chen will not give up. 杨辰默然,或许郭雪华是对的,但不到最后关头,杨辰都不会放弃。 Next day, Mo Qianni drives to deliver Lanlan to go to school, the woman also does the housework now, looks after Lanlan, grasps time practice while convenient, does not need to go to work. 第二天,莫倩妮开着车送蓝蓝去上学,女人如今也就做做家务,照顾蓝蓝,顺便抓紧时间修炼,并不需要去上班。 Yang Chen specially ran to look for Xiao Zhiqing, formerly the woman had not gone to Mediterranean, Yang Chen always thought that had a deficit she, therefore brought Xiao Zhiqing to stroll for day in the city, has had feast. 杨辰则是特意跑去找了萧芷晴,先前女人没去地中海,杨辰总觉得亏欠了她,所以带着萧芷晴在市里逛了一天,吃了一顿大餐。 Xiao Zhiqing regarding Wang Ma spoils many somewhat happy worry, and Yang Chen was saying these days mother and daughter interesting rumor that comes and between Wang Ma has, always enjoys. 萧芷晴对于王妈的溺爱多少有些幸福的烦恼,跟杨辰说着这些日子来跟王妈之间发生的母女趣闻,乐此不疲。 Yang Chen can feel, on girl mouth dislikes Wang Ma to manage her to be too many, but at heart is actually very happy, this made Yang Chen many reduce some guilty feelings. 杨辰可以感受到,女孩嘴上嫌王妈管她太多,但心里却是很甜蜜,这让杨辰多少减轻了一些愧疚感。 When at dusk, Yang Chen delivers Xiao Zhiqing to go home, runs the house entrance that Lin Ruoxi lives, waits for Lin Ruoxi to get off work to go home. 等到傍晚时分,杨辰萧芷晴回到家中,又跑去林若溪住的宅子门口,等着林若溪下班回家。 He must give the woman Dragonize Pill, this is very important goods, he does not dare to pull rank to deliver casually. 他要把化龙丹交给女人,这是非常重要的物品,他不敢托大地随便送过来。 But he cannot go to Yu Lei Headquarters, previous time after Mo Qianni and Liu Mingyu matter disseminates, goes to the company only to Lin Ruoxi to annoy troublesome. 但他又不能去玉蕾总部,上次跟莫倩妮刘明玉的事散播开后,去公司只会给林若溪惹麻烦。 Actually Yang Chen also has gate key, Wang Ma also in the room, but Yang Chen has not gone, was worried that Lin Ruoxi is not glad, said that own also enough vexed, who makes own not give up woman angry/vitality. 其实杨辰也有门的钥匙,王妈也在屋里,可杨辰并没进去,担心林若溪不乐意,说起来,自己也够窝囊的,可谁让自己舍不得女人生气呢。 Waited near half an hour, the Lin Ruoxi red Bentley car(riage) slowly stopped outside. 等了近半个钟头,林若溪的红色宾利车才缓缓停在了外头。 Takes a step to go down the car(riage), under a section of fresh-faced slender calf is the black crystal gloss high heels shoes, red and knee fold short skirt is dragging the moving spring scenery, upper body a white woman shirt of short lead(er), depending on adding for several points capable and Jane (simple) approximately beauty. 迈步走下车,一截粉嫩修长的小腿下是黑色的水晶光泽高跟鞋,红色的及膝褶皱短裙摇曳着动人的春色,上身一件短领的白色女士衬衫,凭添了几分干练与约的美。 Woman tall Wan black hair, one such as beginning past when sees elegantly beautiful is not docile, does not use the cosmetics the appearance not to have the slight defect, regardless of the looks or the figure, is perfect just like the handicraft that God creates. 女人高挽着一头青丝,一如过去初见时的冷艳不驯,不施粉黛的容颜毫无瑕疵,不论姿容还是身段,完美得宛如上帝创造的工艺品。 Yang Chen was calm, but when Lin Ruoxi appears, does not know how speeds up on heartbeat, with must see the small child who admires the female is common, this called Yang Chen to think laughable. 杨辰原本心情还算平静,但当林若溪出现,不知道怎么的就心跳加快起来,就跟要见到爱慕女子的小青年一般,这叫杨辰都觉得可笑。 This is the own husband and wife coexists two years of woman, so to be how characterless. 这是自己夫妻共处两年的女人,怎么会这般没骨气。 May see the cold and beautiful form that Lin Ruoxi walks, indifferently the wooden face, Yang Chen is actually a heart contraction, swallows the throat, feels a sadness. 可一见到林若溪走过来的冷丽身影,漠然无表情的面庞,杨辰却是心头一阵紧缩,咽了咽喉咙,不禁感到一丝哀伤。 Sense of distance... 距离感… Sense of distance that yes, Yang Chen had not thought once. 是的,一种杨辰没曾想到的距离感。 Lin Ruoxi looks at the own look, like is really a stranger, very natural looks at own, does not have the unnecessary mood. 林若溪看着自己的眼神,就像真的是个陌生人,非常自然地看着自己,没多余的情绪。 Her beautiful appearance won several points compared with it past probably, if before , with Jane (simple) in a level line, after several day does not see Lin Ruoxi, faintly has actually surmounted Jane (simple). 她的美貌比之过去好像又胜了几分,若是以前还跟在一个水平线上,几日不见后的林若溪,却是隐隐超越了 The appearance changed actually, this is one type from inside to outside, the mysterious makings of sends out. 倒不是外貌改变了,这是一种由内而外,所散发出来的神秘气质。 Yang Chen does not know how Lin Ruoxi underwent a change of innermost feelings, but the makings of woman, entered another level clearly. 杨辰不知道林若溪是经历了怎么一种内心的变化,但女人的气质,真真切切地进到了另一种层次。 Resembles, past she was the snow lotus that on the snowy mountain the ice sculpture came out, had no time purely beautifully moving, but now, all around of snow lotus, sends out the dimness that the fog was winding around, just liked the jade pond immortal lotus. 就好像,过去的她是雪山上冰雕出来的雪莲,纯净无暇美艳动人,而现在,雪莲的四周,散发着云雾缭绕的朦胧,恍如瑶池仙莲。 However, this is not Yang Chen wants to see that makes own think to more and more far Lin Ruoxi. 但是,这并不是杨辰所想看到的,一个让自己觉得离得越来越远的林若溪 You why, Lin Ruoxi stands firm here in Yang Chen front about one meter position, is not near, asked the sentence lightly. “你在这里干什么”,林若溪站定在杨辰面前一米左右的位置,不远不近,淡淡问了句。 Yang Chen has gawked the moment, remembers the matter, unnaturally smiles, takes out the jade bottle from space ring, gives Lin Ruoxi saying: This is Dragonize Pill that I refine, is one type surmounts top grade medicine pill, it may be said that the efficacious medicine of immortal pill rank, after you took, can wash after cutting down the marrow, the breakthrough enters Innate Realm...” 杨辰愣了片刻,才想起事情来,不自然地笑着,从空间戒指里取出玉瓶,递给林若溪道:“这是我炼制的化龙丹,是一种超越极品丹药,可谓仙丹级别的灵药,你服用了以后,可以洗经伐髓,突破进入先天境界…” I do not need, you leave others, Lin Ruoxi looked radically has not looked at one, turns head to turn back in the room. “我不需要,你留给别人吧”,林若溪根本看都没看一眼,就扭头要走回屋里。 When ice-cold manner, compared with it past and Yang Chen cold war goes beyond! 冰冷的态度,比之过去与杨辰冷战时有过之无不及! Yang Chen turns around suddenly, has held on the arm of woman, you listened to me to say!” 杨辰猛然转身,一把拉住了女人的手臂,“你听我说完!” Lets loose me!” “放开我!” The Lin Ruoxi apricot pupil is looking angrily at Yang Chen, in juicy eyes, full is the ice-cold cold air, piercing tap web! 林若溪杏眸怒视着杨辰,水灵灵的眼眸里,满是冰冷的寒气,刺骨锥心! Mr. Yang, I had finished with your contract marriage, I do not have the leisurely mood to accompany you to play!” 杨先生,我跟你的合约婚姻已经结束了,我没闲心陪你玩!” But the Yang Chen strength, where Lin Ruoxi can work loose. 杨辰的力量,林若溪又哪能挣脱。 Finished? Finished? I have not divorced you, legally, we are the husbands and wives, less than at the last minute, I absolutely will not give up you, Yang Chen vision brilliant tunnel. “结束?怎么结束?我还没跟你离婚,法律上,我们还是夫妻,不到最后一刻,我绝对不会放弃你”,杨辰目光灼灼地道。 Is haunted by the ghost, pastes brazen-faced and shameless, you did not think that own is very laughable?” Lin Ruoxi reveals wipes the satire look. “阴魂不散,死皮赖脸地贴上来,你不觉得自己很可笑么?”林若溪露出一抹讽刺的眼神。 I never thought that own is nobler than my woman, you can think me to be base and low, shameless, laughable, but you cannot write off me to be good to you heart, to give you all good things, I am happy, Yang Chen reveals wipes the bright smiling face. “我从来不觉得自己比我的女人高贵,你可以认为我卑微,无耻,可笑,但你不能抹杀我对你好的心,把所有的好东西给你,我高兴”,杨辰露出一抹灿烂的笑容。 We had finished, you had said you are willing to let loose me!” Lin Ruoxi do not go excessively. “我们已经结束了,你说过你愿意放开我!”林若溪别过头去。 Yang Chen lowered the head hehe has smiled several, a little laughed foolishly likely, raised the head, selected the eyebrow saying: „ Yes, but you also know that my facial skin is very thick, I can tell you, I regretted. 杨辰低头“呵呵”地自顾自笑了几声,像是有点傻笑,抬起头来,挑眉道:“是的,但你也知道,我这个人脸皮很厚,我可以告诉你,我又后悔了。 Lin Ruoxi, you more and more attractively, more and more have the feminine qualities, you also know that I was big pervert, did the big bastard, I possibly give others such pretty wife? 林若溪,你长得越来越漂亮,越来越有女人味了,你也知道我是个大色鬼,大混蛋,我怎么可能把这么漂亮的老婆送给别人呢? Does not tie up you side me, I am restless, my most hateful own woman had been profited by other man, with it when the time comes the whole world murder, might as well forever the never recurring trouble will be wresting away you. ” 不把你拴在我身边,我心里不安啊,我最讨厌自己的女人被别的男人占便宜了,与其到时候满世界杀人,还不如永绝后患地霸占着你。” Your simply is impervious! Shameless!” Lin Ruoxi clenches jaws, the air/Qi must in the eye to torch. “你简直不可理喻!无耻至极!”林若溪咬牙切齿,气得眼里要喷火。 Your a little popularity, a moment ago I also think finally you became an immortal thoroughly, Yang Chen said with a chuckle: „ You said again coarse, I accept, my this goes back South Korea to bump into a husband and wife to have clashes of opinion, that male told me, no matter after he, had anything, must be good to his wife, because he believed their each other love. “你终于有点人气了,刚才我还以为你彻底成仙了”,杨辰嘿嘿笑道:“你说得再难听,我都接受,我这回去韩国碰到一对夫妻闹矛盾,那男的告诉我,他不管以后发生什么,都要对他老婆好,因为他相信他们彼此的爱情。 I thought that he said very right, you said that my narcissism was also good, said my mental illness was also good, I thought that you were love my, but I was also loving you, no matter regarded the 17 substitute to be also good you, was Lin Ruoxi is also good, your this woman I liked in any case, was the love, I wanted you, you could not manage! ” 我觉得他说得很对,你说我自恋也好,说我神经病也好,我就觉得你是爱我的,而我也爱着你,不管把你当成十七的替代品也好,还是林若溪也好,反正你这个女人我就是喜欢,就是爱,我就是要你,你管不着!” You... You...” The Lin Ruoxi chest fluctuates unceasingly fiercely, vindicated to the extreme rascal to the Yang Chen scarlet fruit that is incapable of resisting. “你…你…”林若溪胸脯不断剧烈地起伏,对杨辰赤果到极点的无赖表白,无力招架。 If she hated the man, must cut off 3000 emotions with him but actually, she was making the play, was so straightforward actually to pull out the pit of the stomach facing the man the confession, the heart softly. 她若是真的恨极了男人,要跟他斩断3000情丝倒也罢了,她可是在作戏啊,面对男人这么直白却掏心窝子的告白,心不由就软了下来。 Which actually her also cares about any 17, cares about own is any substitute, two people have shared hardships for more than two years, how she can not know the Yang Chen cordiality. 其实她哪还在意什么十七,在意自己是什么替代品,两人风雨同舟了两年多,她怎么会不知道杨辰的情意。 Yang Chen attains in front of Dragonize Pill the woman, said resolutely: „ Eats up Dragonize Pill, enters Innate Realm, many one point safeguards, quite makes your life grow greatly, this is I cares. Enemy who I could face now, was not my these under can cope, wanted the security, must depend on our own. 杨辰化龙丹拿到女人面前,正色道:“吃下化龙丹,进入先天境界,多一分保障,也好让你的寿命大大增长,这是我所在意的。我现在可能要面对的敌人,不是我那些手下所能对付得了的,想要安全,就要靠我们自己 In this world, Dragonize Pill altogether ten, you eat must eat, does not eat must eat! If you revolt again, I knocked down you have eaten to you, at the worst helped you break through! 这个世界上,化龙丹总共就十枚,你吃也得吃,不吃也得吃!你要是再反抗,我就把你打晕了给你吃下去,大不了帮你来突破! However... Hehe, you may , to be clear, after you faint, I work you not to know to you that you also know why my this person most likes... ” 不过…嘿嘿,你可要想清楚,你昏过去以后,我对你做什么事你都不知道,你也知道我这人最喜欢干什么的…” Yang Chen said naturally is the lie, if has knocked down Lin Ruoxi, her unconsciousness controls True Qi in within the body, will break through Innate quite to be dangerous. 杨辰说的自然是假话,若真把林若溪打晕了,她无意识去控制体内的真气,突破先天会相当危险。 However, this little while Lin Ruoxi has actually believed that feared really Yang Chen knocks down own, not only eats medicine pill, but also delivers to own the bed blurry. 但是,这会儿林若溪却是相信了,真怕杨辰自己打晕,不仅吃丹药,还把自己迷迷糊糊又送到床上。 She is also a air/Qi pain, she does not make Yang Chen see the own innermost feelings diligently the real situation, wants to make the man leave from the life of own, has been suppressing the own real sentiment. 她心里也是一阵气苦,她努力地不让杨辰看到自己内心的真实状况,想让男人从自己的生活里离开,已经是强忍着自己真实的感情了。 If Yang Chen seizes to go to bed forcefully own, if has not controlled, when sentiment to thickness, coordinated the man, by Yang Chen was discovered own does not repel him, did that start to develop the play futile effort that from the Eve? 杨辰自己强行掳上床去,万一没控制住,情到浓时,配合了男人,被杨辰发现自己并不排斥他,那岂不是从除夕夜开始演的戏都徒劳了? Thinks that nightmare, Lin Ruoxi is all kinds does not want the exposed innermost feelings. 一想到那个噩梦,林若溪是万般不愿意暴露内心的。 Good... I eat. “好…我吃”。 Lin Ruoxi reveals color of the anger diligently, holds the tears to say. 林若溪努力露出一丝愤怒之色,噙着泪水说道。 Only can mix first this time, then finds the way to make Yang Chen lose heart. 只能先混过这一次,再想办法让杨辰死心。
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