MTOAW :: Volume #6

#546: How I possibly am Lolicon!

Saeko, you come up with this troublesome woman, I.” 冴子,你跟着这个麻烦的女人上去吧,我就不去了。” To one side is sitting Saint emperor who did not speak to pout Dongfang Yan to hold the summer world peacefully to open the vehicle door to leave afterward directly, this made the person who went forward to receive stare directly. 对着一旁安静坐着不说话的圣天子努了努嘴随后东方焱直接抱着夏世打开车门离开,这让上前接待的人直接一愣起来。 Good, but the flame may probably remember do not walk was too far.” “好吧,不过焱可要记得别走的太远了哦。” Shows a faint smile, Saeko also says with a smile to Dongfang Yan that is having no alternative from car(riage). 微微一笑,冴子也是从车中下来对着无可奈何的东方焱一笑道。 Does not know why really Saeko you will comply with this troublesome woman, owes woman that tidies up to manage her life like her.” “真不知道冴子你为什么会答应这个麻烦的女人,像她这样欠收拾的女人管她死活啊。” Similarly helpless rolled the eyes, Dongfang Yan holds summer world to leave afterward directly, after this lets the Saint emperor who gets out to hear, in half a word words heart is also the raising anger looks angrily at the back that Dongfang Yan is leaving similarly. 同样无奈的翻了个白眼,随后东方焱直接抱着夏世离开,这让同样下车的圣天子听见后半句话心中也是升起怒火怒视着东方焱离开的背影。 Good, you also know that the flame the disposition was poor.” “好了走吧,你也知道焱的性格不怎么好了吧。” The chuckle one, Saeko Busujima is also the vision gentle gazes after Dongfang Yan to leave, but the Saint emperor for Saeko felt that is unworthy general. 轻笑了一声,毒岛冴子也是目光温柔的目送着东方焱离开而圣天子则是替冴子感到不值一般。 Obviously to Miss Saeko so outstanding person why with this bad fellow.” “明明向冴子小姐如此的优秀的人为什么会跟着这个性格恶劣的家伙。” Indignant looks at that back Saint emperor also felt that annoyed intent is dry, couple days ago bloody suppression as if still generally let the Saint emperor yesterday is also helpless. 愤愤的看着那背影圣天子也是感到心烦意燥,前几天的血腥镇压仿佛还在昨天一般让圣天子也是无奈。 Although own gastraea innovation under the so bloody suppression was not only implemented also greatly to be changed many, but concerned about Dongfang Yan that powerful manner all unwilling was also quiet. 虽然在如此血腥的镇压下自己的原肠动物新法不仅得到了执行还被大改了好多,不过碍于东方焱那强势的态度所有的不甘也沉寂下来。 But regarding subsidy anything of school has not given, naturally Dongfang Yan naturally does not care about these. 只不过对于学院的补助什么的来说一点也没给,当然东方焱自然也不在意这些。 Like this to recognize how possibly as the fiendish person. 作为魔王怎么可能会就这样认了。 Just when by the space shifted to a secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator family/home, Saint emperor also exactly also for this matter. 刚透过空间转移到一个幕后黑手家中时,圣天子也恰好的也是为了这件事而来。 Therefore was hugged when by the Saint emperor arm was requesting to show mercy, Dongfang Yan is not feeling well. 因此被圣天子抱着手臂请求手下留情时,东方焱也是很不爽。 Was in front of Saint emperor then to chop an opposite party arm, blood that spurted also by Dongfang Yan exactly control whereabouts on the Saint emperor pure white small face. 当着圣天子的面便砍了对方一条手臂,飞洒的鲜血也被东方焱恰好的控制着落在圣天子洁白的小脸上。 Although the Saint emperor does not know that is because is afraid or frightened anything, the whole body was shivering actually to clench teeth to grip tightly the fist to endure. 尽管圣天子不知道是不是因为害怕还是恐惧什么的,浑身都在颤抖却还是咬着牙紧握拳头忍了下来。 This makes Dongfang Yan not hear the scream of opposite party is the self inductance is also senseless, under the guarantee that in the Saint emperor I will process the space shift leaves baseless. 这让东方焱没有听到对方的尖叫也是自感无趣,在圣天子我会处理好的保证下空间转移凭空离开。 That will momentarily kill your voice to reverberate for a very long time in the room. 那句随时都会杀了你的声音久久回荡在房间之中。 In the afternoon, various compensations about school not, the subsidy of teachers anything all-around was changed a Saint emperor of clothes to deliver to the school entrance. 当天下午,关于学院的各种补偿不,教师们的补贴呀什么的全方位的被换了一声衣服的圣天子送到学院门口。 Also merely shows a faint smile regarding resenting Saeko of Saint emperor, the eyeground presented the anticipation of several points of teasing. 对于圣天子的愤恨冴子也仅仅只是微微一笑,眼底却是出现了几分戏谑的期待。 Was leading summer Shimai some eating just when arrived at the park before this conference, suddenly discovered that and summer world were almost old, as if when the Russian hybrid white golden color beautiful hair as if just awoke general appearance. 带着夏世买了一些吃的刚走到这个会议前的公园时,忽然发现一位年纪和夏世差不多大,仿佛俄罗斯混血般的白金色秀发仿佛刚睡醒时一般的打扮。 Is riding the closing one's eyes advance that the bicycle is swaying, this is to let Dongfang Yan dumbfoundedly summer world simply is also to at present this closing one's eyes, rested to ride the girl of bicycle to feel inconceivable. 正骑着脚踏车摇摇晃晃的闭着眼前进,这一幕简直是让东方焱目瞪口呆就连夏世也是对眼前这个闭着眼,睡骑自行车的女孩感到了不可思议。 That lax pajamas revealed half shoulder to come out, tread on the foot of footboard to step on a slipper. 那一件松垮垮的睡衣露了半个肩膀出来,蹬着踏板的脚上踩着一双拖鞋。 The hair just awoke the appearance that completely has not combed, opens the small mouth as if to result in breath. 头发完全就是刚睡醒没有梳理的模样,微张着小嘴仿佛在呼吸似得。 Closes one's eyes to ride the bicycle that the appearance of sleeping does sway to go forward simply, this asked the person unable to think highly. 闭着眼以简直就是在睡觉的样子摇摇晃晃的踩着脚踏车前进,这就叫人无法恭维。 Elder Brother...... Onii-sama that person...... Good fierce ......... “哥……哥哥大人那个人……好厉害………” Saw the bicycle that sleepwalk does sway generally, pedestrian all around does not want the relations with her obviously, gets out of the way rapidly. 看到那辆梦游一般摇摇晃晃的自行车,周遭的行人明显不想跟她扯上关系,迅速地走开。 Does not have the means that may few courage think formerly such to bully in the fiendish person Dongfang Yan's bloody execution next present person by the curse child. 没办法,在魔王东方焱的血腥执行下现在的人可没几个胆子在想从前那样欺负被诅咒的孩子了。 Naturally, but, that also some do not fear death after all is minority. 当然,也有一些不怕死的不过,那毕竟是少数。 Within one day died 100-200 individuals, one week was less than died about 1000 individuals, 一天之内就死了一两百个人,才一个星期不到就死了将近1000个人, Must know experiences the gastraea war later the Tokyo area also living person also several hundred thousand people. A day of this is the Tokyo area entire total number of people, a day dies 100-200 individuals not to be how frightening. 要知道经历过原肠动物大战之后东京地区还活着的人也就几十万人而已。一天这还是东京地区整个一块的总人数,一天就死一两百个人如何不让人恐惧。 Which day therefore the present people saw not to be dared to approach or bully by the curse child to be very afraid oneself also to meet dead in home suddenly. 因此现在的人们看见了被诅咒的孩子也不敢靠近或者欺负深怕自己也会哪天突然死在家中。 Before because larceny bullied so was wears the clean uniform/subdue to arrive had once stolen several steamed stuffed buns places under the opposite party eyeful fears. 以前因为偷窃被欺负的比奈如此更是身穿干净的制服来到曾经偷了几个包子的地方在对方满眼恐惧下。 All provides all steamed stuffed buns, the final money does not dare to receive, lets is thorough left foul odor. 把所有的包子全都送上,就连最后钱也不敢收,让比奈可谓是彻底的出了一口恶气。 Naturally, Teacher that after all money leaves behind has taught, once was compelled, wants to be a willful succuba now, then abducts charming Onii-sama on...... Going home. 当然,钱还是留下的毕竟老师有教导过,曾经是被生活所迫,现在比奈想做个任性的魔女,然后把帅气的哥哥大人诱拐上……回家。 Naturally, even if there is a Dongfang Yan bloody warning. Person who on World actually never deficient courts death. 当然,就算有东方焱血腥的警告。世界上却从不缺乏找死的人。 Does not know really did not fear death or thought this matter will not occur on oneself leaving things to chance. 真不知道是不怕死还是觉得这种事情不会发生在自己身上的侥幸心理。 Does anything the smelly little rascal!! Does not have long eyes!” “搞什么啊臭小鬼!!没长眼睛吗!” In Dongfang Yan has summer world to approach toward Loli of this rarely seen (weirdo). A bicycle foot that three dyes golden bad youngster arrogance rampant will then sway the hair to trample but actually. 就在东方焱带着夏世朝着这个奇葩的萝莉靠近时。三个将头发染成金色的不良少年便气焰十分嚣张的将原本就摇摇晃晃的自行车一脚踹倒。 Was trampled from the bicycle young girl but actually is also fierce from falling asleep the condition of originally wakes, as if has not made clear the condition, in the eye has sized up around one very confusedly, finally sudden angry roaring frightens her whole body one to tremble. 从自行车上被踹倒的少女也是猛的从原本的睡着的状态中醒过来,似乎是还没搞清楚状况,眼中十分迷茫的打量了一眼周围,结果突如其来的怒吼吓得她浑身一个哆嗦。 Smelly little rascal, father asked your words!! Hasn't heard?” “臭小鬼,老子问你话了!!没听见吗?” As if because opposite party that confused performance lets feel bad oneself received anything to insult general, is a foot tramples to young girl that was jumping, then actually surprisedly developed itself as if unable to move is framed generally is lifting the instance of foot. 似乎是因为对方那迷茫的表现让不良感觉自己受到了什么侮辱一般,对着下了一跳的少女便是一脚踹去,然后却惊奇的发展自己仿佛不能动了一般被定格在抬脚的瞬间。 The pupil contracts immediately, in the eye filled the panic-stricken cold sweat is also unceasing presents just now the also active estimate from forehead also only then own consciousness as well as heartbeat. 瞳孔顿时收缩,眼中充满了了惊恐冷汗也是不断的从额头出现只不过现在自己还能动的估计也就只有自己的意识以及心跳了吧。 Hou, it seems like half a month ago that matter was done was not very good, such quickly some people forgot the lesson of blood saying that you thought the own that bad luck quilt will not meet right? Bullies Little Girl, doesn't think ashamed? Let alone is so lovable Little Loli.” “嚯,看来半个月前的那次事情做的还是不够好啊,这么快就有人忘了血的教训还是说你们觉得自己不会那么倒霉被遇上对吗?欺负一个小女孩,不觉得羞耻吗?更何况还是一位如此可爱的小萝莉。” On bad shoulder that hand building gently in lifting the foot is unable to move, this let hear suddenly bad behind broadcast the sound desperate, ground were also simultaneously many a beach water stain. 一只手轻轻的搭在抬着脚无法动弹的不良肩头上,这让听见身后忽然传来声音的不良更加的绝望了起来,同时地上也多了一滩水渍。 Saw the opposite party to be frightened to urinate Dongfang Yan naturally is also a brow wrinkle, very shut out the disgusting removing reaching behind the back vision to look that was the sleepy eyes just awoke to that as before dimly results in young girl Dongfang Yan also to shake the head. 见对方被吓尿了东方焱自然也是眉头一皱,十分嫌弃恶心的撤回手目光看向那依旧是睡眼朦胧刚睡醒似得少女东方焱也是摇了摇头。 Let summer world take the bicycle of opposite party, Dongfang Yan puts out a hand Loli to hold this expression confuses very( may) vast( love) directly in the bosom. 让夏世把对方的脚踏车带上,东方焱是直接伸手把这个表情十分迷(可)茫(爱)的萝莉抱在怀中。 Wipes the pajamas that the head of opposite party has drawn that to expose to block from the chest that the opposite party sticks out slightly toward the park chair to walk gently. 轻轻的抹了抹对方的头拉了拉那更加暴露的睡衣遮住对方微微隆起的胸脯朝着公园处的座椅走过去。 behind summer world sees Dongfang Yan decisively forgetting is also in discontented very rolled the eyes heart is secretly sighs Onii-sama oneself worthily is super abnormal Lolicon, just met the person who others called anything not to know forgetting own initiating agent. 身后的夏世见东方焱果断的把自己给忘了也是十分不满的翻了个白眼心中则是暗叹哥哥大人不愧是超级变态萝莉控,才刚刚见面连别人叫什么都不知道的人就把自己的起始者给忘了。 Also really made the person fire big, but this fellow was a powerful enemy! 还真是让人火大了,不过这个家伙是个强敌! As for bullies young girl three bad youngster from the beginning when also thinks oneself were saved the body ruptured suddenly. 至于一开始欺负少女的三个不良少年就在还以为自己得救了的时候身体突然爆裂开来。 The blood fog of that everywhere has all covered the surrounding area five meters, the water in fountain also dyed piece of red. 那漫天的血雾将方圆五米全都笼罩了进去,喷水池里的水也染成了一片红色 Without any bone, hashed meat and so on, only then as if the water vapor common blood fog, the so terrifying picture immediately was also makes the surrounding passer-by as if see Devil to be the same, sent out the grating scream to scatter in all directions the escape. 没有任何的骨头,碎肉之类的,只有仿佛水汽一般的血雾,如此恐怖的画面顿时也是让周围的路人仿佛看见了恶魔一样,发出刺耳的尖叫四散逃命。 Just hero... This whole life first time saw......” “正义的英雄…这辈子还是第一次见到了……” Was hugged in the bosom, face blurry young girl is also raises the head the looks at Dongfang Yan's profile twittering saying that but the vision saw the death of that three person to install also in the sleepy eyes dim eye presented shock. 被抱在怀中,一脸迷糊的少女也是抬着头看着东方焱的侧脸呢喃道,而目光看见那三个人的死装也是原本睡眼朦胧的眼中出现了震撼。 I am not just hero, did not say objectively, I am a good person.” “我可不是什么正义的英雄,不客观的说,我是个好人。” looks at opposite party that face blurry expression Dongfang Yan also felt that very funny putting out a hand rubbed the head of young girl to say with a smile gently lightly. 看着对方那一脸迷糊的表情东方焱也是感到十分的好笑不由的伸手轻轻揉了揉少女的脑袋轻笑道。 Has patted young girl gently, because a moment ago was trampled to pour in the dust that the ground stains, not any consideration puts out a hand one group of water ball then appearances baseless in in the hand. 轻轻拍了拍少女因为刚才被踹倒在地上沾上的灰尘,毫无任何顾及的伸手一团水球便凭空的出现在手中 Holds young girl in the bosom, water ball as if towel generally gentle cleaning small face of young girl. But young girl is also in surprise gets up, but actually the raising chin of coordination, narrows eyes not to know that in the way was pondering anything whatever actually organizes, the feeling of as if very much enjoying this type look. 少女抱在怀中,水球仿佛毛巾一般轻柔的擦拭着少女的小脸。而少女也是眼中诧异起来,不过却还是十分配合的扬起下巴,眯起眼睛不知道眼中在思考什么却任凭摆布,似乎很享受这种被人照顾的感觉。 Why always thought that you to this matter felt probably was very excited.” “为什么总觉得你好像对这种事情感到十分的兴奋了。” Sees Dongfang Yan to stop wiping the face, young girl is also speaking of that narrows to focus on, but that appearance bit by bit seems dozing off results. 东方焱停止擦脸,少女也是眯着眼的说到,只不过那一点一点的模样仿佛在打瞌睡似得。 Where has, certainly is your misconception.” “哪有,一定是你的错觉啦。” As if towel lukewarm water to restore the water ball in the hand, optional lost Dongfang Yan to shoot under young girl forehead to say toward the basin. 手中仿佛毛巾般的温水恢复成水球,随意的往水池一丢东方焱弹了下少女额头道。 young girl taking advantage of opportunity in the future one supine will not have to restore. 少女头顺势的往后一仰却没有在恢复过来。 Felt strange Dongfang Yan subconscious looked at the past, good, this fellow closed one's eyes the breath gently to fall asleep very obviously. 感到奇怪的东方焱下意识的看过去,好吧,这家伙闭着眼呼吸十分的平缓显然是睡着了。 The so lovable expression makes Dongfang Yan also feel not to know whether to laugh or cry, is almost subconscious putting out a hand hugs young girl in the bosom, but was startled young girl that arrives at to open eyes suddenly, sees itself to be hugged in the bosom seems coaxing the child to sleep same Princess to hug is also blurry stares. 如此可爱的表情让东方焱也是感到哭笑不得,几乎是下意识的伸手把少女搂在怀中,而被惊到的少女猛然睁开眼,见自己被人抱在怀中仿佛在哄小孩子睡觉一样的公主抱也是迷糊的一愣。 Suppresses the sleepiness that is raiding, young girl was trying to find out own pocket, takes out attaches the jar of English label, grasps the pill then as if sugar bean big mouth to chew, naturally knows that whose Dongfang Yan the opposite party was also the expression silent. 强忍着袭来的睡意,少女摸索着自己的口袋,从中取出贴有英文标签的瓶子,抓出其中的药丸便仿佛糖豆般的大口咀嚼起来,自然知道对方是谁的东方焱也是表情沉默了一下。 That ......... Because I am the night owl, if daytime does not eat this ............... Could not raise the spirit to come.” “那个………因为我是夜猫子,如果白天不吃这个的话………就……就提不起精神来。” Although is because narrows the eyes to focus very much sleepily, young girl explained toward Dongfang Yan, once more pours the massive pills to force in the mouth from the jar, by very trapped/sleepy expression big mouth chewing, looks like in Dongfang Yan, bites then to swallow merely the pill. 尽管是因为很困眯着眼,少女还是朝着东方焱解释了一下,同时也再次从瓶子中倒出大量药丸塞进嘴里,以很困的表情大口咀嚼,在东方焱看来,仅仅只是把药丸咬碎便吞咽下去。 looks at this, Dongfang Yan has loved dearly immediately, robs her in the hand medicine bottle, in young girl one perhaps is because a moment ago that massive pill raised under several points of spiritual doubts expression to lose toward nearby trash can in directly. 看着她这样,东方焱顿时心疼了起来,一把抢走她手中的药瓶,在少女一愣或许是因为刚才那大量的药丸提起了几分精神疑惑的表情下直接往一旁的垃圾桶里一丢。 Does not understand why very gentle person will make this behavior, young girl also dull looks at entered the medicine bottle of trash can be silent. 不明白原本很温柔的这个人为什么会做出这种行为,少女也只是呆呆地看着已经进了垃圾桶的药瓶沉默。 You so are young, if too will rely on this type of thing to injure the body very much. On the other hand I had not asked that you name, your guardian.” “你还这么小,如果太依赖这种东西的话会很伤身体的。话说回来我还没问你叫什么名字呢,还有你的监护人。” Expression earnest looks at present young girl, simultaneously Dongfang Yan also transportation spiritual qi quietly enters the body of young girl. 表情认真的看着眼前的少女,同时东方焱也悄悄的输送灵气进入少女的身体。 „......” “......” As before is silent looked at the trash can seems secretly is sighing follows I that long pill sauce to leave me to go to anything finally. 依旧是沉默的看了眼垃圾桶仿佛是在暗叹跟了我那么久的药丸酱最后还是离我而去了嘛什么的。 Although young girl somewhat is from the beginning blurry, but Dongfang Yan loses afterward feeds in spiritual qi of body also to start to play own role, young girl also gradual sobers, simultaneously felt that the body is warm. 少女虽然一开始还有些迷糊,不过随后东方焱输送进身体的灵气也开始发挥自己的作用,少女也是逐渐的清醒过来,同时感觉身体暖洋洋的。 Before took a drug will also get sleepy now unexpectedly very soberly, this also made young girl doubts today's drug efficacy be able good a point. 以前就算吃了药也会犯困现在居然十分的清醒,这也让少女疑惑今天的药效会不会太好了一点。 Orange-red, orange-red. Sprunt. As for guardian ......... No.” “缇娜,缇娜.斯普朗特。至于监护人………没有。” Although young girl orange-red sobered came is actually a blurry appearance, does not know that has been used to it or is camouflaging anything. 少女缇娜虽然清醒了过来却还是一副迷糊的样子,不知道是习惯了还是在伪装什么。 Orange-red? Is comes the Devil school to report? If so some little time together is going back with me.” “缇娜是吗?是来恶魔学院报道的嘛?如果是的话那么正好一会就跟着我一起回去吧。” naturally is impossible just now to meet on one to ask opposite party name me to know your appearance very much, therefore Dongfang Yan is also one takes advantage of opportunity, but to smile speaking. 自然不可能才刚见面就一口叫出对方名字一副我很认识你的样子啦,因此东方焱也是一个顺势而为微笑着说到。 „?” “诶?” Orange-red very trapped/sleepy narrows the eye, all around rocking head, and resists chin leisurely start to talk by the index finger. 缇娜一副很困的眯起眼,前后左右晃动脑袋,并以食指抵住下巴慢条斯理开口 „If there is not remembered incorrectly, today wakes up in the apartment, cleans the teeth, showers, changes the clothes, is refreshing goes out.” “如果没记错,今天在公寓醒来,刷牙,淋浴,换衣服,神清气爽地出门。” Is refreshing does not raise for the time being, hasn't your this fellow taken a bath and changed the clothes? Obviously is the appearances that just got out of bed!” “神清气爽暂且不提,你这个家伙根本就没有洗澡和换衣服吧?明明都是一副刚起床的样子!” Was neglected in nearby summer world could not bear, therefore is also fierce start to talk makes noise, after having brought in the Dongfang Yan's vision, cold -ly snorted and said. 被忽视在一旁的夏世也是忍不住了,因此也是猛的开口出声到,引来了东方焱的目光后冷哼道。 „, summer Shijiang was this is jealous?” “诶,夏世酱这是吃醋了嘛?” Regarding summer world that me did not know that your appearance Dongfang Yan is also collecting that cannot bear lightly says with a smile near the ear of summer world. 对于夏世那一副我不认识你的模样东方焱也是忍不住的凑在夏世的耳边轻笑道。 ~ “诶~” Orange-red elegant surprise looked at Dongfang Yan one, a moment ago did Dongfang Yan have any orange-red who conceals naturally to sober also to hear, therefore was also surprised, but afterward immediately you unexpectedly compared with me, but must understand my expression looks at summer world. 缇娜诧异的看了东方焱一眼,刚才东方焱有没有任何的掩饰自然清醒过来的缇娜也是听见了,因此也是惊讶起来,不过随后立马一副你居然比我,还要了解我的表情看着夏世。 This fellow is super abnormal Lolicon, I also want as his initiating agent naturally ......... Ok. Your bicycle has gone bad, simply does not want.” “这个家伙可是一个超级变态萝莉控哦,我作为他的起始者自然也要………算了。你的脚踏车坏了,干脆不要了吧。” As if got rid to oneself in one side felt that very suffering from injustice with discontented summer world excited speaking, Onii-sama did not say that but actually restored the calm vision to shoot a look at eye face really such Dongfang Yan to say finally. 似乎对自己被抛弃在一旁感到十分委屈和不满的夏世激动的说到,就连哥哥大人也不说了,只不过最后却还是恢复了冷静目光瞥了眼一脸果然如此的东方焱道。 „? Bicycle? Have I ridden that type of thing?” “诶?脚踏车?我有骑过那种东西吗?” ..................... “…………………” Orange-red elegant these words let Dongfang Yan and summer Shijie are speechless of face, after looking the eye had been placed nearby bicycle, Dongfang Yan actually suddenly very excited speaking. 缇娜这句话让东方焱与夏世皆是一脸的无语,看了眼被放在一旁的自行车后东方焱却忽然十分兴奋的说到。 Since your bicycle went bad looked that your very trapped/sleepy appearance was inferior one I will return to the school with Elder Brother.” “既然你的脚踏车坏了看你那一副很困的样子不如一会就跟哥哥我回学院吧。” Thanks Onii-sama, but I remember road that goes home, therefore together did not go with Onii-sama, takes the liberty asked one, was Onii-sama really super abnormal Lolicon?” “谢谢哥哥大人,不过我记得回家的路,所以就不跟着哥哥大人一起去了,不过冒昧的问一句,哥哥大人难道真的是超级变态萝莉控嘛?” Shook the head in the Dongfang Yan bosom, orange-red is also curious appearance looks at at present this person. 东方焱怀中摇了摇头,缇娜也是一副好奇的模样看着眼前这个人。 How I possibly am super abnormal Lolicon, you are talking nonsense any Ah!! Small girl.” “我怎么可能会是超级变态萝莉控,你都在胡说八道什么啊!!小丫头。” Stares, very ill-humored explodes the chestnut in orange-red forehead one, saw that orange-red shows the painful expression. 一瞪眼,十分没好气的在缇娜额头一个爆栗,看到缇娜露出痛苦的表情。 Afterward gentle the knocked place strokes. 随后又轻柔的在被敲的地方抚摸起来。 I called Dongfang Yan, naturally, if possible, called me Elder Brother on the line.” “我叫东方焱,当然,如果可以的话,叫我哥哥就行了。” Narrows the eyes to focus, shows as if the kitty general expression once more, orange-red nods. 眯着眼,再次露出仿佛猫咪一般的表情,缇娜点点头。 I knew, Onii-sama.” “我知道了,哥哥大人。” If will meet any matter also me to call next time again, no matter any matter Elder Brother will help you solve.” “如果下次再遇见什么事情的话也可以跟我打电话哦,不管是什么事情哥哥都会帮你解决的。” Movement relaxed finding the clue make kills, has been full of the smile that the gentle vision as well as favored to drown to remise orange-red of looking at each other also to stare. 动作轻松的摸头杀,充满了温柔的目光以及宠溺的微笑让与之对视的缇娜也是一愣。 Ok?” “可以嘛?” Restores to come, orange-red was also excited, put out own cell phone small face anticipation looks at Dongfang Yan to say. 恢复过来,缇娜也是心动了起来,拿出自己的手机小脸十分期待的看着东方焱道。 Naturally.” “当然。” Favors smiles, immediately said own number that drowns, orange-red as if somewhat cannot remember, bites was saying to Dongfang Yan that a finger face is worrying in a soft voice. 更加宠溺的一笑,随即将自己的号码说了出来,缇娜似乎也是有些记不住,咬着手指一脸犯难的对着东方焱轻声道。 Wait a bit.” “稍等。” As if racks brains to resemble to result in the Dongfang Yan eye a series of Ara digital input cell phone, obvious can realize that orange-red that relaxed results in the appearance. 东方焱眼中仿佛绞尽脑汁似得将一连串阿拉伯数字输入手机,明显的能察觉到缇娜那一副松了一口气似得模样。 .................. “………………” Excessively looked at Dongfang Yan orange-red to bury in the Dongfang Yan's bosom simultaneously to pull out cell phone the face to press afterward gently, before long on Dongfang Yan then resounded the sound of wonderful sounds of nature. 偏过头看了眼东方焱随后缇娜把脸埋进东方焱的怀中同时掏出手机轻轻一按,不一会东方焱身上便响起美妙的天籁之音。 This makes orange-red of first hearing also stare. 这让第一次听见的缇娜也是一愣。 „Is here Elder Brother, small girl this is fears Elder Brother to your fake telephone?” “这里是哥哥,小丫头这是怕哥哥给你假的电话吗?” What a moment ago orange-red behavior naturally is witnessed by Dongfang Yan, therefore also connected the call to place speaking of that the ear did not know whether to laugh or cry. 刚才缇娜的行为自然的是被东方焱目睹着,因此也是接通了电话放在耳边哭笑不得的说到。 Naturally, Onii-sama may leave my fake telephone number.” “当然,哥哥大人或许会留给我假的电话号码。” Nod of earnest expression, after orange-red so has also replied one, then has hung up the telephone. 认真表情的点了点头,缇娜也是如此的回复了一句后这才挂断了电话。 Un. Takes the liberty to ask one, Onii-sama should really super abnormal Lolicon.” “嗯。冒昧问一句,哥哥大人应该是真的超级变态萝莉控吧。” ............ “…………” The Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth cannot bear pulls out, but orange-red also as if knew from his face anything resembles to result. 东方焱嘴角忍不住的一抽,而缇娜也仿佛从他的脸上知道了什么似得。 „When a moment ago Onii-sama takes away the pajamas button for me, always felt that was very excited.” 刚才哥哥大人为我重新扣睡衣纽扣时,总感觉很兴奋了。” „!!!!!!” “!!!!!!”
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