MTOAW :: Volume #6

#504: Chapter 504: Finally

The fierce eruption some energies of control, see only red, purple, gold/metal, white, various blue Strength systems unceasing the difficulty from the body, has swallowed nearby white light group in Dongfang Yan startled expression next black flame one fiercely, but flame sending out of that black is actually the profoundness that cannot completely understand, as if the abyss is common. 猛的爆发出有些控制不住的能量,只见红的,紫的,金的,白的,蓝的各种力量体系不断的从身体中难处,在东方焱惊楞的表情下一朵黑色的火焰一口猛的吞噬了一旁的白色光团,而那黑色的火焰散发的却是一股根本看不透的深邃,仿佛深渊一般。 As the energy light group was swallowed by the black flame, Gold Dragon when final nine days of profound gold/metal changes to was also swallowed by the black flame, but the black flame also turned into dragon shadow, just the golden profound thunder turned into the black the flame winding of thunder and same black in the body. 随着一个个能量光团被黑色火焰吞噬,当最后九天玄金雷所化作的金龙也被黑色的火焰吞噬,而黑色的火焰也变成了龙影,只不过金色的玄雷变成了黑色的雷与同样黑色的火焰缠绕在身躯上。 As black demon dragon opens eyes, enormous and powerful pressure as if move of a palm law generally crush of dropping from the clouds ruthlessly on people. 随着黑色魔龙睁开眼,一股浩荡威压仿佛一招从天而降的掌法一般狠狠的碾压在众人身上。 Below Canaan school by this sudden pressure crush is unable to move, that as if stubbornly was observed closely by the great antiquity ominous beast, moved will then die the common palpitation all is above frightened raising the head looks at, may actually because purple isolated the space no matter how to reconnoiter had not discovered the master who this pressure who was. 下方的迦南学院更是被这一股突如其来的威压碾压的无法动弹,那仿佛被洪荒凶兽死死盯住,一动便会死掉一般的心悸让所有人皆是恐惧的抬起头看着上方,可却又因为紫隔绝了空间不管怎么侦察都没有发现这股威压的主人是谁。 Raises!!!!!” “昂!!!!!” The black demon dragon opens mouth to send out angry dragon roar, immediately that instantaneously those who try the breakthrough blockade soul Strength to be annihilated at the same time the outside was a person of instantaneous face whiten fierce blood head has spurted, soul Strength was annihilated is not that simple. 黑色的魔龙张嘴发出愤怒的龙吟,随即那试图突破封锁的灵魂力量瞬间被湮灭与此同时外界的为首之人瞬间脸色苍白猛的一口鲜血喷了出来,灵魂力量被湮灭可不是那么简单。 Who is, indeed so can annihilate my soul clone this place not to be suitable instantaneously stays for a long time, fights a battle to force a quick decision.” “到底是谁,尽然能瞬间湮灭我的灵魂分身此地不宜久留,速战速决。” held already lived not to have the love, as if person occasionally, whatever the soul grabbed oneself neck to lift quiet. 一把抓住身上早已生无可恋,仿佛人偶般任由魂幽抓着自己脖子举起来。 Puff ......... 噗呲………” The young girl whole body trembles, on the face shows the painful expression, but in the eye actually reveals the extrication, afterward was the pupil is then defeated and dispersed dead. 少女浑身一颤,脸上露出痛苦的表情,而眼中却是流露出解脱,随后便是瞳孔溃散死去。 On! The chicken dog does not remain.” “上!鸡犬不留。” Has wiped the blood of corners of the mouth, the soul quiet big hand wields, as if incarnation elder brother Breene's dozens people of bit on devastated the young girl neck suck dry life Strength after the body then toward taking Su thousand flushes away for the crowd of defensive battleline. 抹了抹嘴角的鲜血,魂幽大手一挥,原本仿佛化身哥布林的数十人纷纷一口咬在身下被蹂躏的少女脖子上吸干生命力量后便朝着以苏千为防守阵线的人群冲去。 Compared with Wu Hao, the Su thousand strengths, have not the small promotion actually, but so cannot shoulder the black robe person's attack. 比起吴昊,苏千的实力,倒是有着不小的提升,不过就算如此也扛不住黑袍人的进攻。 Dissolute!!!!” “放肆!!!!” Shouted angrily, that Canaan school inner courtyard direction blew out two tyrannical aura suddenly, two old silhouette appeared, facial color somewhat ugly was looking at these black robe people. 一声怒喝,那迦南学院内院方向突然爆出两道强横气息,紧接着两道苍老身影浮现而出,面色有些难看的望着这些黑袍人。 Comes the person to be hundred old, thousand old. 来人正是百老,千老。 But Su thousand see these two to appear, is in the heart relaxed slightly, these two are the strongest people of Canaan school, two people have been the level that the Big Dipper has fought to revere now, the words that collaborates, revere with eight stars, can fight 而苏千见到这两人出现,也是心中微微松了一口气,这两位算是迦南学院的最强的人,两人如今已是达到了七星斗尊的层次,联手的话,与八星斗尊,都是能够一战 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” They make an appearance, is the sinking sound asks, these people on sky, feel the palpitation including them, Su thousand also smile bitterly, formerly matter will say, when hears wants to conquer by killing the Canaan school unexpectedly, two people all cannot bear is angry 两人一露面,便是沉声问道,天空上的那些人,连他们二人都是感到心悸,苏千也苦笑一声,将先前的事情说了一遍,只不过听见竟然想血洗迦南学院时,两人皆是忍不住的大怒起来 Two Big Dipper fights to revere, may look reluctantly, but also that is all.” “两名七星斗尊,勉强可看,不过也仅此而已。” The soul quiet seemed like looked at two people one eyes careless, at once the vision looks at a sky slightly, in the heart unconscious relaxing, looks at two people soul has thought quiet also that fellow came out just to think travelled. 魂幽看似漫不经心的看了两人一眼,旋即目光微微的瞄了眼天空,心中不自觉的松了口气,看着两人魂幽还以为那个家伙出来了正想着跑路来着。 However Divine Sense after cautiously has probed one next, feels relieved. 不过小心翼翼的神识试探了一下后也就放心下来。 Lent a hand to solve, such appearances, were very bothersome.” “出手解决了,这样一个个的现身,挺烦的。” Un “嗯” hearing this, a soul quiet side person, is light smiles, at once the footsteps face forward to tread, immediately, the trim world, seemed at this moment is becoming dim, wanted the tyrannical several fold compared with a lot of two people the vast aura storm the surges that blotted out the sky from within the body. 闻言,魂幽身旁的一人,也是淡淡一笑,旋即脚步朝前一踏,顿时,整片天地,都仿佛是在此刻变得黯淡了许多,一股比起千百两人还要强横数倍的浩瀚气息风暴般从体内铺天盖地的暴涌而出。 Under this grade of terrifying aura, all people are the complexion are pallid, including that a lot of parents, was pale. 在这等恐怖气息下,所有人都是脸色煞白,包括那千百二老,都是苍白了起来。 Fights...... Fights the Saint!!!!” “斗……斗圣!!!!” A lot of two people glassy-eyed are looking at that together slightly frail silhouette, 千百二人目光呆滞的望着那一道略显单薄的身影, Although opposite party whole body by black robe package, but chest front that prominent place actually betrayed the sex of black robe person. looks at that black robe person a lot of two people of bodies shivered, although this sees for a lifetime has not seen true fighting Saint expert, but that solid pressure told them clearly, I fight the Saint!!! 虽然对方浑身被黑袍包裹,可是胸前那突出的地方却是出卖了黑袍人的性别。看着那黑袍人千百二人的身体颤抖了起来,虽然这一辈子见都没见过真正的斗圣强者,但那实实在在的威压却是明明白白的告诉他们,我就是斗圣!!! „The Canaan school, is doomed, where does not know the chief ......... “迦南学院,真的是在劫难逃啊,不知道院长在哪里………” Su thousand grieved smile, in front of fighting Saint expert, how firm and resolute regardless of temper, perhaps is unable to raise the heart of any resistance, because everyone understands that is only not studious. 苏千惨然一笑,在斗圣强者面前,无论性子再如何的坚毅,恐怕都是无法提起什么抵抗之心,因为谁都明白,那只是无用功而已。 Under the saints is the ants 圣者之下皆为蝼蚁 Entire school, after hearing to fight the Saint dead calm, although many people did not know in the sky that person actually strong to any situation, after hearing fought the Saint, is all understands. 整个学院,也在听见斗圣之后死静了下来,虽然很多人不知道天空上那人究竟强到了什么地步,但是当听见斗圣之后,便是一切都明白了。 Suddenly, the desperate fear fills the air in the crowd, in which young girl are panic-stricken extremely, the drippings with blood, were devastated the lethal pitiful condition to be similar next are ordinary, some people of whole bodies frightened shivers. 一时间,绝望的恐惧弥漫在人群,其中的少女们更是惊恐万分,一个个鲜血淋漓,被蹂躏致死的惨状仿佛下一个就是自己一般,其中更是有人浑身恐惧的颤抖起来。 In the person of preparation sky begins, dejected jade actually bites the powder fist that the lower lip is gripping tightly not to realize that the nail pricks in the meat, the lip also breaks by biting, the flavor of blood makes dejected jade recover. 就在天空之人准备动手时,萧玉却是咬着下唇紧握的粉拳都没察觉到指甲刺入肉中,就连嘴唇也都咬破,鲜血的味道让萧玉回过神来。 The instinct wants start to talk to call for help, but actually closely bit own lip not to be made any sound by oneself afterward, because she thought this time enemy suddenly, but the fighting Saint in legend, prayed for rescue also much is called individual to bring death. 本能般想要开口呼救,可是随后却又紧紧的咬住了自己的嘴唇不让自己发出任何的声音,因为她忽然想起来这次的敌人可是传说中的斗圣了,求救也不过是多叫个人来送死而已。 The contrast, dejected jade set firm resolve, even if dies will not pray for rescue. 对比,萧玉下定了决心哪怕是死也不会求救。 When the people think when oneself died, seeing suddenly on that day the person of emptying directly was actually swallowed by the black flame, the pitiful yell transmitted, only left behind the jet black flame. 就在众人以为自己死定了时,却忽然的看见那天空之人被黑色的火焰直接吞噬,惨叫传来,只留下漆黑的火焰。 The soul quiet is dumbfounded looks at this that black flame. 魂幽更是目瞪口呆的看这那朵黑色的火焰。 Ah!!!!!!!” 啊!!!!!!!” Has not recovered, in the a moment ago as if lifesteal ghost common crowd of fierce transmits a pitiful yell, the jet black flame as if self-ignition generally suddenly several hundred people were frightened by this strange one, particularly fights to revere to fight the Saint anti- not under jet black flame continually. 还没回过神来,刚才仿佛吸血鬼一般的人群中猛的传来一声惨叫,漆黑的火焰仿佛自燃一般一时间数百人被这诡异的一幕吓到了,尤其是连斗尊斗圣都抗不下漆黑火焰。 ......... ......... “哒………哒………” Clear space smashing sound resounding suddenly, the soul quiet brow wrinkles subconsciously looked at the past toward the sound whence, followed closely is being is then dumbfounded. 清脆的空间粉碎声忽然的响起,魂幽眉头一皱下意识的朝着声音的来处看过去,紧随着便是目瞪口呆起来。 ..................... “…………………” A black hair flutters with the wind, the solemn expression could not see that any joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness are ordinary, the space fluctuates, a whole body by demon dragon of black flame lightning current winding regarding side Dongfang Yan, dragon eye two wisps of aggressive incomparable vision fierce gatherings of dark red in soul quiet, formidable incomparable pressure from demon dragon proliferation. 一头黑发随风飘动,冷峻的表情看不出任何的喜怒哀乐一般,空间波动,一头浑身被黑色火焰电流缠绕的魔龙围绕在东方焱身边,暗红色的龙眼两缕凶悍无匹的目光猛的汇聚在魂幽身上,强大无比的威压自魔龙扩散而出。 The aggressive incomparable demon dragon opens mouth quiet to the soul and the others was sending out angry roaring, the terrifying dragon roar sound hits the crowd instantaneously, but Battle Qi of black robe person body surface defends the instantaneous collapse, terrifying soul Strength annihilated directly does not know that many strength small and weak black robe people, was almost one move, 霸气无比的魔龙张嘴对着魂幽等人发出愤怒的咆哮,恐怖的龙吟声瞬间击中人群,而黑袍人身体表面的斗气防御瞬间崩溃,恐怖的灵魂力量直接湮灭了不知道多少实力弱小的黑袍人,几乎是一招, One move of then second killed five stars to revere the following all black robe people, but the five-star above black robe person did not feel better. 一招便秒杀了五星斗尊以下的所有黑袍人,而五星以上的黑袍人也不好受。 Face whiten aura confusion did not say, is because the soul was attacked, is a blood spouts, as if under the stuffed dumpling all falls down generally. 脸色苍白气息混乱不说,更是因为灵魂受到攻击,一个个的全都是一口鲜血喷出,仿佛下饺子一般全都掉下去。 Countless person mouths spurt under the blood the stuffed dumpling to fall down from the sky together generally, this makes thousand and the others directly scared Xiao Yan is also dumbfounded. 无数人一同口喷鲜血下饺子一般从天空中掉下去,这一幕让苏千等人直接傻眼起来就连萧炎也是目瞪口呆。 Death.” “死。” Looked at eye below pitiful condition at will, tranquil start to talk, in the heart is actually kills intent to surge, that crowd of lifesteal clever black robe person palms fierce grasps, black mixes with the lightning flame tornado to emerge out of thin air together, that crowd also lived the lifesteal ghost of injury then directly directly to be turned into the ash with the land by the black lightning flame tornado, has not left behind any thing, only had one about 100 meters round hole. 随意的瞄了眼下方的惨状,平静的开口,心中却是杀意涌动,那着那群吸血鬼般的黑袍人手掌猛的一抓,一道黑色夹杂着闪电的火焰龙卷风凭空出现,那一群还活着受了伤的吸血鬼便直接连人带土地直接被黑色闪电火焰龙卷风变成了灰,没有留下任何的东西,只有一个大约100米长的圆坑。 Sees this, all people are open mouth the looks at black lightning flame tornado place that a face compels ignorant, very much slowly imagines and the others is in the life and death when to a moment ago. 见到这一幕,所有人都是张着嘴一脸懵逼的看着黑色闪电火焰龙卷风的地方,很慢想象的到刚才自己等人可是正在处于生死存亡之际。 Bang!!!!!” 轰!!!!!” Under the gaze of innumerable say/way vision, the firecracker of black lightning flame tornado bang started, reveals one to fight the Saint silhouette, but this silhouette pitiful was very right. 在无数道目光的注视下,黑色闪电火焰龙卷风轰的一声响爆开,露出了一位斗圣的身影,只不过这道身影十分的凄惨便对了。 Flame explodes world entirely Rong.” “炎爆・天地俱熔。” Unemotionally, in the eye to indeed so also living the soul surprise one has not cared quiet slightly, to the soul quiet handshake, as if the space was being grasped by Dongfang Yan again in in the hand fierce exploding opens, the black flame flaming burnt, swallowed including void. 面无表情,眼中对尽然还活着的魂幽稍微诧异了一下不过也没在意,再次对着魂幽握手,仿佛空间都被东方焱抓在手中一把猛的爆开,黑色的火焰熊熊燃烧起来了,连虚空都为之吞噬。 A lot of parents, as well as Su thousand Wu Hao and other people deeply inspired, in eye a shock. 千百二老,以及苏千吴昊等所有人深吸了一口气,眼中一片震惊。 This, this fellow ......... “这,这个家伙………” Wu Hao gripped tightly the heavy sword to stand firm oneself expression freely, but the shock in heart is actually not able to speak. 吴昊紧握着重剑尽管稳住了自己的表情可是心中的震惊却无法言说。 dejected jade tightly is also biting the lip, the beautiful pupil looked in that day airborne back look to fill complex of being hard opinion. 萧玉也是紧咬着嘴唇,美眸望着那天空中的背影眼神中充满了难以言论的复杂。 However surface when the time of her God, together the light sound, suddenly from airborne transmits, as if the breeze blows general, has been full of the indifference and heartlessness of wind. 然面就在她愣神的功夫时,一道平淡之声,突然从空中传来,似乎微风吹来一般,充满了风的冷漠与无情。 Three days of time leaves this place, here will destroy.” “三天时间离开此地,这里将会毁灭。” The back in sky loses to behind single-handed, left hand even Tan, distant is remaining the person to grasp to that soul clan gently, immediately a formidable pressure makes that a moment ago make the entire school not have fighting of strength of revolt directly to revere, fights Saint expert, without enough time exudes one including the pitiful yell, then explodes one group of blood fog. 天空中的背影单手负于身后,左手平探而出,遥遥的对着那魂族残留之人轻轻一握,顿时一股强大的威压直接让那刚才还是让整个学院毫无反抗之力的斗尊,斗圣强者,连惨叫都是来不及发出一声,便是爆成一团血雾。 So, making countless people just recover immediately at the scene the delay, looks at front that vision, are unable to believe. 这般一幕,让得无数人刚回过神来就又立马当场呆滞,一道道目光,无法置信的看着前方。 East...... Dongfang (east) elder brother?” “东……东方哥?” However, when the people delay, Xiao Yan was actually raised the head in looks at that familiar silhouette vision to fill surprisedly. 然而,就在众人呆滞时,萧炎却是抬起头看着那熟悉的身影目光中充满了惊讶。 Other people also recover, suddenly living in the person looks at sky that said silhouette curiously all, after just knowing was that person, dumbfounded. 其余人也回过神来,一时间活着的人看着天空中那道身影全都好奇了起来,只不过当得知是那个人之后,一个个的更加的目瞪口呆。 The event that after all initially left behind is very influential. 毕竟当初留下的事件还是挺有影响力的。 Dongfang Yan 东方焱 That has left behind the student of legend in the Canaan school history. 那个在迦南学院历史上留下了传奇的学生。 In the northwest mainland some dim main hall sits a white robe man, the right hand kneels while cheek looks at below people knits the brows. 西北大陆某一处昏暗的大殿上坐着一位白袍男子,右手趁着脸颊看着跪在下方的一众人皱着眉。 You said, Quest failed?” “你说,任务失败了?” Sits person above main hall place is secretly the biggest boss soul God. 坐在大殿座之上的人正是幕后最大的boss魂天帝。 This time soul God both eyes narrows the eyes looks below one to kneel shivering silhouette, the sound light say/way. 此时的魂天帝双眼微眯的望着下方一位跪着颤抖的身影,声音平淡道。 Yes...... Yes, had cleaned up the black angular region, but after the soul quiet elder goes to the Canaan school , the status token was actually breaks to pieces, the information demonstration that finally transmitted which Sir met......” “是……是的,原本已经把黑角域清理完毕,可是魂幽长老前往迦南学院后身份令牌却是碎掉了,最后传来的情报显示遇见了哪位大人……” Below silhouette, full head sweat, but during the speeches, pours clearly concise rubbish. 下方的身影,满头的大汗,不过说话间,倒还是清晰简明没有废话。 Un ......... “嗯………” Hears that person, the soul God facial color is in a sinking vision actually does not know that is thinking deeply about anything just about to again to inquire anything, the pupil is actually fierce shrank completely sees that person to bring three woman to come, performing has stood subconsciously fiercely. 听见那个人,魂天帝面色也是一沉目光中却是不知道在思索着什么刚要再次询问什么,瞳孔却是猛的一缩尽是看见了那个人带着三个女人进来,尽是下意识猛的站了起来。 Three days later opens Emperor ancient Cave mansion, the time are not much, looked the thing that in the share that you such are obedient you want I will help you attain.” “三天后开启古帝洞府,时间不多了,看你这么听话的份上你要的东西我会帮你拿到。” Looked under the eye at will the person, desolate to soul God start to talk, is actually not thinking, when fumigates hears her words completely are the vision fierce to shrink, ten points why is not clear. 随意的瞄了眼下方之人,冷淡的对着魂天帝开口,却不想当薰儿听见她的话尽是目光猛的一缩,十分的不明白为什么。 Yes, Sir.” “是,大人。” The soul God bent the waist hastily, under this makes the person directly scared, the female who can make who the soul clan head of the clan bend the waist to submit to that attractive does not make sense is. 魂天帝连忙弯下腰,这让下方之人直接傻眼起来,能让魂族族长弯腰臣服那个好看的不像话的女子到底是谁。 That, three days later sees, these days do not disturb me.” “那么,三天后见,这段时间就不要打扰我了。” Nodded, afterward purple then has three female preparations to leave, just passed by the soul God to think to leave behind one has seemed like the gem same thing, this also soul God may for be grieves heavily jumps. 点了点头,随后紫便带着三女准备离开,刚路过魂天帝想了想留下了一枚看起来像是宝石一样的东西,这也魂天帝可为是心重重的一跳。 Many thanks Sir.” “多谢大人。” Put out a hand to receive that like is the gem thing, just moved then the obvious detection boundary to become less crowded, this made the soul God excited. Getting up. 伸手接过那像是宝石一样的东西,刚一触碰便明显的察觉到了境界的一丝松动,这让魂天帝更加的兴奋。起来。 Also received the Dongfang Yan's news as for ancient Yuan, at present is linking and universe ancient dragon Clan get through connects the space wormhole of northwest mainland. 至于古元也接到了东方焱的消息,目前正在连和太虚古龙一族打通连接西北大陆的空间虫洞。 But ancient Yuan also has been monitoring recently the soul clan space, but cannot obtain any sound. 而最近古元也一直监控着魂族空间,可是却得不到任何的动静。 From the space channel of get through northwest mainland estimated that probably how three days have not known the flame.” “距离打通西北大陆的空间通道预计大概还有三天的时间不知道焱怎么样了。” Is looking at the blue space gate in square, Yao Lao is also sigh a great deal this time, but the final decisive battle, is only fighting that goes to reveres to fight the Saint is several thousand people, is not only the ancient clansman, universe ancient dragon, nine quiet deep pythons as well as the star meteor pavilions, the Danta and other influence of the people goes together. 望着广场上的蓝色空间门,药老也是感叹良多这一次可是最后的决战,光是前往的斗尊斗圣就是数千人,其中不光是古族人,还有太虚古龙,九幽地冥蟒以及星陨阁,丹塔等势力的人一同前往。 Does not know, but that brat also really suffices hatefully, does not know that fumigates what's the matter.” “不知道,不过那个臭小子还真是够可恶的啊,也不知道薰儿是怎么回事。” Remembers besides own daughter also some that many people, ancient Yuan is the air/Qi does not hit comes out, fumigated may for be has indeed so ended up to turn out Princess existence to that fellow where in the ancient Clan so is out. 一想起除了自己的女儿以外还有那么多人,古元就是气不打一出来,薰儿在古族可为是公主般的存在到了那个家伙哪里尽然落得如此下场。 Un, said where I must also go to the alchemist saying that feels Kyaw Than early morning that small girl is very interesting to him.” “嗯,说起来我要不要也去丹家哪里说说,感觉丹晨那个小丫头也对他挺有意思的。” Under feels, if not pay attention to twitching of nearby Yao Lao corners of the mouth to estimate that Xuan Yi also really such planned did. 摸着下吧,如果不理会一旁药老嘴角的抽搐估计玄衣还真的就这么打算去做了。 Un?” “嗯?” But the one side is wearing the imperial crown selected the aloof Onee-san stature the Zi Yan delicate eyebrows unable to bear a wrinkle that sends out you to determine general un the sound high. 而一旁头戴着皇冠的高挑高冷御姐身材的紫妍秀眉忍不住的一皱发出了一声你确定一般的嗯声。 ........................ “……………………” Making noise of Zi Yan without doubt is silent, then after this fellow solved the matter in clan arranged all, immediately catches up came even continually to ascend the throne the grand ceremony also in a hurry to finish comes. 紫妍的出声无疑又是让人沉默,这个家伙一解决掉族里的事情安排好一切后便立马赶了过来甚至连登基大典也是匆匆结束就过来了。 In the heart some such sounds have been saying, if not overtake will distinguish with him. 心中一直有那么一个声音在说,如果不赶过去的话就会与他分别。 The reason that after this is also why Zi Yan will solve and arranges all, in a hurry catch up at the maximum speed 这也是为什么紫妍会以最快的速度解决并安排好一切后匆匆赶来的原因
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