MTOAW :: Volume #5

#496: Purple

Cao clever, pill early morning, the fire is young, Tang Huoer sent beyond the arrangement in gathering spirit, under arrange/cloth strategy protection along with, even if fumigated to walk together toward the third deep place. 把曹颖,丹晨,火稚,唐火儿打发安排外了一处聚灵阵之中,布下阵法保护随即便跟着薰儿一同朝着第三层深处走过去。 After all own goal one crystallizes for the energy, two then to supplement own dead spirit disaster. 毕竟自己的目的一是为了能量结晶,二便是为了补充自己的亡灵天灾。 Now, because in the great strength as well as the channel of third energy refine the energy, making the complete crystallization turn into nine levels. 如今,因为第三层能量的强大以及通道中炼化的能量,让全部的结晶都是变成了九级。 Even also the energies of several Saint levels crystallize. 甚至还有几个圣级的能量结晶。 The after ghosts of strength 89 stars collaborate to weaken by Dongfang Yan and Xun , during forces to take in the frost to be sad. 实力89星的幽魂都会被东方焱与薰儿联手削弱后强制收进霜之哀伤之中。 But the frost sad looks like has World, afterward ghost was all stored up here. 而霜之哀伤中就像是有着一个世界般,随后的幽魂全都被储存在这里。 Usually is presents cultivates, inside ghost will absorb the energy between world to strengthen itself independently, this discovery is also makes Dongfang Yan be surprised. 平常是呈现修炼一趟,里面的幽魂都会自主的吸收天地间的能量强化自己,这一发现也是让东方焱感到惊讶。 Elder Brother Yan, the west side, the north side, the southeast formidable aura, are very likely the ghost of Saint level, do we want to go?” 焱哥哥,西边,北边,东南方都有一股强大的气息,很有可能是圣级的幽魂,我们要去吗?” Again after having solved several 89 levels of ghosts, closed one's eyes to induce to fumigate also to hesitate. 再一次解决了几个89级的幽魂后,闭上眼感应了一下薰儿也犹豫起来。 As well as was forced to haul in the space to practice several evenings after these days tempering, strength also even more formidable, now is also eight star revering, the distance nine stars could not miss many. 经过这段时间的磨炼以及被强制拉进空间中修行了几个晚上,实力也是越发的强大,如今也是八星尊者,距离九星也差不了多少。 But these days Dongfang Yan is also crazy one time has all made up the cultivation that once dropped. 而这段时间东方焱也是疯狂的把曾经落下的修炼全都一次性的补了回来。 Swallows, Northdeep Formless Longevity Technique, the haughty red lotus decides, gathers spirit everything to think all uses the cultivation that Emperor of Time time Strength accelerates earnestly. 吞噬,北冥无相长生功,傲世红莲决,聚灵阵凡是能想起来的全都认认真真利用刻刻帝时间力量加速的修炼着。 Goes, why does not go, the ghost of saint is very strong goon.” “去,为什么不去,圣者的幽魂可是很强的打手。” The corners of the mouth turned upwards slightly, move the body to follow closely are then putting out the frost to look down the eye sadly, in the heart was inexplicably is also sad. 嘴角微微翘起,活动了一下身体紧随着便拿出霜之哀伤低头看了眼,心中也是莫名感伤起来。 Knits the brows slightly, looks at that in the hand takes silhouette of ghost broadsword, the Dongfang Yan brow is selecting, fumigates also enters the combat readiness. 微微皱眉,看着手中拿着鬼头大刀的人影,东方焱眉头一挑起来,就连薰儿也是进入战斗准备。 My this had many years not to taste the blood, quickly forgot that was any flavor, you...... Prepared to go to?” “我这是有好多年没有尝到过鲜血了,都快忘记那是什么味道了,你们……准备好赴死了吗?” silhouette shows the fierce smiling face, carries a in the hand ghost broadsword then toward the Dongfang Yan dive. 人影露出狰狞的笑容,扛着手中的鬼头大刀便朝着东方焱俯冲而来。 Bang! 轰! That said silhouette, the sole trod the pinnacle, terrifying strength suddenly/violently Yi, huge cracks, looked like the poisonous snakes of winding, suddenly from top of spread mountain peak, in an instant. 那道身影,脚掌一踏石峰,恐怖的劲气暴溢而出,一道道庞大的裂缝,就像是一条条蜿蜒的毒蛇般,陡然自山峰之顶蔓延而下,转眼间。 This rocky mountain was becomes has then creakied, giant stone fell from the rocky mountain, that said silhouette, was actually is similar to the ghosts and demons appearance in the Dongfang Yan front not far away midair, the right hand was grasping a ghost broadsword, vision bloodthirsty was looking at Dongfang Yan and Xun. 这座石山便是变得摇摇欲坠了起来,巨石一块块的从石山之上掉落,那道身影,却是如同鬼魅般的出现在了东方焱前方不远处的半空,右手握着鬼头大刀,目光嗜血的望着东方焱与薰儿。 You are not first such to the person who I said that believes that I will not be last, wanting me dead completely can begin to try.” “你不是第一个这么对我说的人,相信我不会是最后一个,想要我死尽可以动手试试。” sword edge aims at the person, this does not spare a glance regarding the provocation of person of front, fumigates is also the complexion one cold, stretches out the pure white non- flaw the white hands, the golden flame blooms slowly. 剑锋对准来人,对于面前之人的挑衅更本不屑一顾,薰儿也是脸色一寒,伸出洁白无瑕的玉手,金色的火焰徐徐绽放。 Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame!!!!” 金帝焚天炎!!!!” That said silhouette suddenly one stiff, vision looks at fumigated in the eye to appear has wiped to fear intent. 那道人影忽然的一僵,目光看着薰儿眼中出现了一抹惧意。 You are the person of ancient clan!!!” “你是古族之人!!!” Looks like is stepped on to kitten one of the tail, from the beginning the strong serious person becomes naturally does not get up suddenly. 就像是被踩到尾巴的小猫一眼,一开始强势的不得了的人忽然的变得不自然起来。 How, have you feared?” “咋的了,你怕了?” The corners of the mouth reveal the chuckle that disdains, perhaps to increase his fear intentionally, Dongfang Yan also emitted Golden Emperor Sky Burning Flame, the silhouette pupil has contracted looks at front two person silence. 嘴角露出不屑的轻笑,或许是为了增加他的恐惧,东方焱故意的也放出了金帝焚天炎,人影瞳孔收缩看着面前两个人一阵沉默。 However Dongfang Yan to deepen impression obviously, seven types of different fires, this lets silhouette one after another is also the corners of the mouth ruthlessly twitches. 不过东方焱明显是为了加深印象,七种异火相继而出,这让人影也是嘴角狠狠的抽搐起来。 You ............ “你…………” Is looking at Dongfang Yan, silhouette is also felt that troublesome, particularly Fallen Heart Flame this type injures the enormous different fire to make him hesitant to the soul. 望着东方焱,人影也是感觉到了麻烦,尤其是陨落心炎这种对灵魂伤害极大的异火让他犹豫起来。 Wind and frost Sky Sword cry!!!!” “风霜天剑鸣!!!!” Does not pay attention to his hesitation, Dongfang Yan decisive wielding a sword, 不理会他的犹豫,东方焱果断的挥剑, Startled day white sword air/Qi direct impact he goes, fumigates also the heart to have the cleverness to wield the golden flame to cut to strike to block his escape route. Although is afraid ancient clan the status actually, could give a thought to that many present to crucial moment where, moreover died did not know many ten thousand years. 惊天的白色剑气直冲他而去,薰儿也心有灵犀般挥出金色的火焰斩击封锁他的后路。虽然害怕古族的身份倒是,如今到了生死关头哪里还顾得上那么多,况且自己本就已经死了不知道多少万年。 Fights Saint expert is different, almost then set firm resolve instantaneously 斗圣强者就是不一样,几乎是瞬间便下定了决心 Since you want me dead, I will not make you feel better!!!!” “既然你们要我死,那我也不会让你们好过!!!!” A in the hand ghost broadsword wields suddenly, the abundant energy cuts to strike is almost suddenly then with the white sword air/Qi of coming to bumping. 手中的鬼头大刀猛然挥动,雄厚的能量斩击几乎是眨眼间便与迎面而来的白色剑气对碰。 Bang!!!!” 轰!!!!” The sword air/Qi is destroying the surrounding to the energy of bumping scattering in all directions, between Dongfang Yan and silhouette the energy, only then scattering in all directions. 剑气对碰四散的能量摧毁着周围的一切,在东方焱人影之间只有四散的能量。 Worthily is the saint ghost, then actually gained.” “不愧是圣者幽魂,这下倒是赚了。” Shows a faint smile, the in the hand frost sad sends out the dark blue dim light gradually, looks at this dim light is also in the heart the emergence of instinct palpitates. 微微一笑,手中的霜之哀伤逐渐发出深蓝色的幽光,看着这道幽光也是心中本能的出现悸动。 Sad frost snow and ice blade, the summit of winding freeze. “哀伤之霜冰雪刃,缠绕封冻之巅。 The breakthrough rational limit, writes down degeneration pledge. 突破理性极限,写下堕落誓言。 Abandons the incredible mission, steps regretless rigid, seeks for the soul of remote direction to move to the dream to pull. 抛开荒诞的使命,踏上无悔的执着,找寻着遥远指引的魂移梦牵。 Tore the false ugly feature, death says the side to reveal, Strength firm and resolute most real side. 撕毁虚伪的丑恶嘴脸,死亡之曰侧显,力量坚毅最真实的一面。 The belief and loyal farewell of death wailed the attachment that called out in grief 死亡的信仰与忠贞告别哀泣悲鸣的眷恋 Singing from Hell abyss dead spirit. ” 来自地狱深渊亡灵的歌唱。” Mana liberates, is centered on Dongfang Yan, general periphery turned into a huge main hall just like the image scenery. 真名解放,以东方焱为中心,宛如心象风景一般周围变成了一个庞大的大殿。 Outside the main hall wind snowy night occurred simultaneously, in main hall, dark blue flame like jack-o'-lantern sending out profound cold light. 大殿之外风雪夜交加,大殿中,深蓝色的火焰如鬼火般散发着深邃的寒光。 At this time, is standing many various spirit bodies in Dongfang Yan behind, these walk by the ghost that the frost swallows sadly. 此时,在东方焱身后站立着许许多多的各种灵体,这些正是一路走来被霜之哀伤所吞掉的亡魂。 Innumerable ghost arrangement ordered fluttering in Dongfang Yan behind, the systematic appearance is ordinary just like Soldier, will only wait to issue an order then to throw toward the saint ghost. 无数的亡魂排列有序的飘荡在东方焱身后,井然有序的模样宛如士兵一般,只等一声令下便会朝着圣者幽魂扑上去。 Related does not extinguish eternal rigid in ideal. “诉说起不灭的永恒执着于理想。 The cold wind carries off paces back and forth, the freeze remains the shatter belief. 寒风带走彷徨,冻结残留破碎信仰。 Helpless life pray blessing low-spirited disconsolate, the disconsolate sings the chapter that leaves. 生命祈祷祝福无奈黯然惆怅,怅怅唱响离别的篇章。 Pulls up the demon sword strange and familiar face, once glory was magnificent. 拔起魔剑陌生而熟悉的脸,曾经的荣耀辉煌。 In penetration yesterday's chest curse the twinkle tears poured out the sadness of frost. 穿透昨日的胸膛诅咒中闪烁泪光倾诉霜之哀伤。 Ignition indifferent winding snow ice of on the wane the freeze blooms lonely. 冻结孤独绽放的凋零点燃冷漠缠绕的霜冰。 The haze curtain of night arrived at the spread to degenerate eclipse to invade the farewell frightened in the past and fate. 阴霾夜幕恐惧降临蔓延堕落蚀侵告别过去与宿命。 The sound of contract listens attentively to enjoy in the soul moment silently the tranquil feeling. 契约之声默默倾听享用灵魂片刻中宁静感受。 Eagerly anticipating of icy peak summon seeks the voice of heart of hearts. ” 冰峰召唤的引领寻内心深处的声音。” Lifts the sword, the wind and snow crowding around outside main hall came the cold air that sends out regarding the main hall to make will of the people bottom appearance suddenly wipe sadly. 举剑,原本大殿之外的风雪簇拥而来围绕着大殿散发出的寒气让人心底忽然的出现一抹悲伤。 Lifts to frosting the sadness, the cold piercing wind and snow winding forms the storm in the sword blade. 举起霜之哀伤,寒冷刺骨的风雪缠绕在剑身形成风暴。 Regarding first time saw to liberate the frost sad Strength Xun without doubt is shocking. 对于第一次看见解放了霜之哀伤力量的薰儿无疑是震惊。 That is shivers including the soul, looked at a soul to feel the sword of cold frightened curse merely. 那是连灵魂都为之颤抖,仅仅只是看了一眼灵魂都能感到寒冷恐惧的诅咒之剑。 When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you, I, is the abyss.” “当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你,我,就是深渊。” Wields a sword, the formidable energy band the chaotic wild storm is wrapping in which the ghost instantaneously, the frost the sword of sad curse is corroding the final soul. 挥剑,强大的能量带着乱狂暴的风暴瞬间把幽魂包裹其中,霜之哀伤的诅咒之剑侵蚀着最后的灵魂。 „...... How long the flame also comes back......” “呜……焱还有多久回来……” Lies on the dinner table, Tohka pout(ed) start to talk of worn out appearance, this is also lets similarly lie on the table that Astraea approves has soon starved to death the appearance but actually. 趴在餐桌上,一副有气无力模样的十香嘟着嘴开口,这倒也是让阿斯特蕾亚赞同的同样趴在桌上一副快要饿死了的样子。 Master ......... master......” “master………master……” That place that Ara ara, very curious flame goes to be any appearance.” 阿拉阿拉,很好奇焱去的那个地方会是什么样子的了。” Covers mouth smiles, has also filled regarding that day grave Tokisaki Kurumi that Xiao Yixian explained curiously. 捂嘴一笑,对于小医仙所解释的那个天墓时崎狂三也是充满了好奇。 Compared with this, good excessively, why not to lead us to go together.” “比起这个,好过分,为什么不带我们一起去。” pout(ed), remembers own request to be refuted unable to bear is depressed. 嘟着嘴,一想起自己的要求被反驳就忍不住的郁闷起来。 Law-abiding, the degree of hazard in day grave was not lower than some saint vestiges completely, now we can do was prepares forthcoming to fight, three big dragon islands got together, if were not ready not to know that the casualties were big.” “安分一点吧,天墓中的危险程度完全不低于一些圣者遗迹了,现在我们能做的就是准备好即将到来的大战了,三大龙岛齐聚,如果不做好准备不知道伤亡又是多大。” Although has been together the period of time, among both sides has understood, because actually World idea different Medusa always felt that among both sides has any gap to result. 尽管相处了一阵子,双方之间都了解了一些,可是却因为世界观念不同美杜莎总感觉双方之间有着什么间隔似得。 Does not have the issue, we have the final trump card.” “没问题的,我们还有最后的杀手锏。” Perhaps saw that gap of Medusa heart, Saeko initiative start to talk spoke, this let Kotori actually they is the nod approval. 或许是看出了美杜莎心底的那份间隔,冴子主动开口说到,这倒是让琴里她们皆是点头赞同。 Medusa Elder Sister said is also, now the ambition of soul clan has exposed, our ancient dragon Clan will also send out few people to help the get through space wormhole three big dragon islands soon meet again now I ............ Can be competent dragon Huang really?” 美杜莎姐姐说的也是,现在魂族的野心已经暴露出来了,我们古龙一族也派出一部分人去帮助打通空间虫洞如今三大龙岛即将重聚我…………真的能胜任龙皇吗?” Zi Yan start to talk said that but remembers itself also to facing three Dragon King also be in the heart lacks self-confidence, suddenly the scene falls into silent Zi Yan also to lower the head, in the eye has filled struggling. 紫妍开口接过话,不过一想起自己还要面对三大龙王也是心中没底起来,一时间场面陷入沉默紫妍也是低着头,眼中充满了挣扎。 Ok.” “可以的。” Un?” “嗯?” The vision looks to start to talk Yuzuriha Inori, the people all stares suddenly, can make Yuzuriha Inori this three not dull moe younger sister start to talk to let the person surprise without doubt. 目光看向突然开口楪祈,众人皆是一愣起来,能让楪祈这个三无呆萌妹开口无疑是让人诧异的。 „, Must believe itself, you have us, what is more important, flame.” “一定可以的,要相信自己,你还有我们,更重要的是,还有焱。” Puts out a hand to draw the bewildered Zi Yan palm, does not know where puts out a purple crystal to place in the Zi Yan palm, Yuzuriha Inori smiles the earnest affirmation to say. 伸手拉过一脸茫然的紫妍手掌,不知道从哪里拿出一枚紫色的水晶放在紫妍的手心上,楪祈微笑着认真肯定道。 Everybody...... ............ Flame ......... “还有大家……还有…………焱吗………” Zi Yan first is in a daze looked at around the eye the person, lowered the head looks at in the hand the attractive crystal, in the heart has filled affected felt that eyes is moist. 紫妍先是发愣的看了眼周围人,低下头看着自己手中的这枚好看的水晶,心中充满了感动的同时也感觉到眼睛湿润起来。 Yes, you have us, Elder Brother.” “是的,你还有我们,还有哥哥。” As if agrees good general, Yuechu is also goes forward is Zi Yan provides encouragement, this makes Zi Yan show a faint smile. 仿佛是约定好的一般,初月也是上前为紫妍加油打气,这让紫妍微微一笑起来。 Un.” “嗯。” One group of people separate respectively, Tokisaki Kurumi sent out clone to start directly to collect the information, Esdeath picks up the senior old profession to start to train ancient dragon Clan Soldier. 一群人各自分开,时崎狂三直接派出分身开始收集情报,艾斯德斯干回了老本行开始训练古龙一族士兵 But idle Saeko also borrowed a peaceful place alone person to realize from experience the say/way of Asura to Zi Yan. 而无所事事的冴子也就向紫妍借了一个安静的地方独自一个人体悟修罗之道。 The inborn tooth, cluster Yunya, the iron broken tooth, exploded day clump of cloud Ability naturally that the broken tooth four blades built become to be needless to say. 天生牙,丛云牙,铁碎牙,爆碎牙四把刀打造而成的天丛云能力自然不用多说。 Yuzuriha Inori also uses the gentle singing sound to comfort the people. 楪祈也用自己温柔的歌声安抚着人们。 The time passes, everyone in handling own matter, no matter the two people in day grave keep dragon Dao the people, all for forthcoming combat readiness. 时间流逝,每个人都在做着自己的事情不管是天墓中的两人还是留在龙岛的众人,全都为了即将到来的战斗准备着。 Arrives at this World then to vanish, leading the person of soul palace to be extinguishing several families purple actually sat on the seat of honor the vision looking pensive is sizing up front flame. 一来到这个世界便消失,带着魂殿之人灭了几个家族的紫却是坐在主位上目光若有所思的打量着面前的火焰。 .................. “………………” Sits on the seat of honor, start to talk that she who following person looks at did not say a word was also silent, after maintaining this condition to be very long , the forefront person cannot bear. 坐在主位上,下面的人看着一言不发的她也是沉默不语,维持这种状况很久之后最前面的人忍不住的开口 Sir, now ancient jade we obtained 6, now only remaining ancient clan in the hand that two ......... We ............ “大人,如今古玉我们已经得到了6块,现在只剩下古族手中的那两块………我们…………” ............... “……………” As before silent, 2000 white hands select gently in the flame, the flame then likely is the firefly of dancing in the air regarding in the Dongfang (east) purple fingertip. 依旧沉默,2000玉手轻轻点在火苗上,火苗便像是飞舞的萤火虫般围绕在东方紫的指尖。 ..................... “…………………” Purple had not answered, but below person does not dare the start to talk scene once more to fall into rashly silent, only then young girl of love of that beautiful woman moves the fingertip just like the flame that butterfly dances in the air. 紫没有回话,而下方的人也不敢贸然开口场面一度再次陷入了沉默,只有那倾城之恋的少女触碰指尖宛如蝴蝶般飞舞的火苗。 One month later some naturally people will deliver ancient jade, I the matter that wants you to handle manages how.” “一个月后自然会有人把古玉送过来,我要你做的事情办的如何了。” The handshake flame vanishes suddenly, the vision looked that has filled tranquilly to the person of purple eyes, just like is carefully examining him imperially. 猛然握手火苗消失,目光看向下方之人紫眼中充满了平静,宛如帝王般审视着他。 Sir, the matter already told, at the latest two months later then can ......... “大人,事情早已吩咐下去,最迟两个月后便能………” One month.” “一个月。” Waves under the interruption the words of person, purple uses the unquestionable tone to speak, this makes below person one raised the head puzzled is looking at her. 挥手打断下方之人的话,紫用着不容置疑的语气说到,这让下方的人一愣的抬起头来不解的望着她。 Sir, one month possible ......... “大人,一个月的时间可能………” You only have one month, one month later, I will leave.” “你只有一个月的时间,一个月后,我就会离开。” Sets out, did not return saying that then left this below to fall into silent, when the Dongfang (east) purple back vanished in setting out that in the black hole under the person then did not say a word thoroughly. 起身,头也不回的说完便离开这让下方的人陷入了沉默,当东方紫的背影彻底消失在黑洞中下方的人这才一言不发的起身。 Told, all called all above people along with my together get through blockade.” “吩咐下去,把所有尊者以上的人全都叫回来随我一起打通封锁。” The purple words are make him set firm resolve without doubt, no matter soul Strength has been promoted that if shade, if the present emperor boundary makes his thorough has believed purple. 紫的话无疑是让他下定了决心,不管是自己灵魂力量得到提升还是那若影若现的帝境都让他彻底的相信了紫的话。 Induced my goal to tear the space to arrive at the site after as for Dongfang (east) purple void in directly. 至于东方虚空中感应了一下我的目标所在后撕裂空间直接来到所在地。 Final flame here?” “最后的火焰就在这里吗?” 2000 white hands cut the space to appear in a breast white World place gently, that breast white results in the liquid occasionally the air bubble to tumble just like magma, runs out of extreme blazing air currents. 2000玉手轻轻划破空间出现在一片乳白色世界般的地方,那乳白色宛如岩浆似得液体偶尔气泡翻滚,冲出一道道极端炽热的气流。 Was only a pity that this temperature purple almost does not have regarding Dongfang (east). 只可惜这温度对于东方紫来说几乎没有。 Purple.” “紫。” Un?” “嗯?” In Dongfang (east) purple curious when is sizing up this piece of breast white World, the familiar sound resounds from behind suddenly, suddenly since purple also narrows the eye. 就在东方紫好奇的打量着这片乳白色世界时,熟悉的声音忽然从身后响起,一时间紫也是眯起了眼。 Sorry ......... Sorry...... I should not abandon you, sorry......” “对不起………对不起……我不应该抛弃你,对不起……” The familiar person used to fill has rebuked oneself and vision of regret apologizes to implore own forgiving toward oneself, lowered the head to narrow the eyes to focus slightly, the corners of the mouth turned upwards to wipe to sneer not to continue to him the opportunity, put out a hand to grasp to him. 熟悉的人用着充满了自责和后悔的目光向着自己道歉祈求着自己的原谅,微微低下头眯着眼,嘴角翘起一抹冷笑也不给他继续说下去的机会,伸手对着他一握。 Space avalanche silhouette vanishes, purple was a tranquility of face, in the eye has also filled indifferently. 空间崩塌人影消失,紫也是一脸的平静,眼中充满了冷漠。 Sorry, I do not accept your apology.” “抱歉,我不接受你的道歉。” Just like patting mosquito has resulted, purple disdains flung the waving the arms about vision to look to most deep place, strolling walks. 宛如拍死了一只蚊子似得,紫不屑的甩了甩手目光看向最深处,闲庭信步的走过去。 All the way also often has some people to take breast white flame long spear to attack itself. 一路上也不时的有着一些人拿着乳白色的火焰长枪进攻自己。 Was only a pity, is actually not able to approach including own body is then destroyed. 只可惜,却连自己的身都无法接近便被摧毁。 Does not know that destroyed many puppet people occasionally, before finally purple arrived at a great palace gate. 不知道摧毁了多少傀儡般的人偶,最后紫来到了一个巨殿门前。 A little meaning.” “有点意思。” A delicate eyebrows wrinkle, looked through real and illusory naturally slightly develops this so-called main hall is any clever thing. 秀眉微微一皱,一眼看破真实与虚幻自然发展了这个所谓的大殿是什么鬼东西。 Also does not see through an affair, waves the energy to cut to break out the entering front door that the great palace front door strolls together. 也不去拆穿,挥手一道能量斩劈开巨殿大门闲庭信步的走进大门。 Pleasant is dense and numerous one does not look at the end person occasionally, but these person strengths of occasionally almost fight a level. 入眼的便是密密麻麻一眼望不到尽头的人偶,只是这些人偶的实力几乎都是斗尊层次的。 Looked that has not looked waves directly, formidable Strength direct crush, below crowd just like by invincible might crush general direct destruction. 看也没看直接挥手,强大的力量直接碾压而过,下方的人群宛如被神威碾压一般直接覆灭。 Raised the head was looking at the eye present front door, showed a faint smile. 抬头在看了眼眼前的大门,微微一笑。 Bang!!!!” 轰!!!!” Formidable Strength direct puncture front door, but after the front door , is a strange space, in this piece of space most noticeable without doubt is that is floating the breast white flame. 强大的力量直接击穿大门,而大门之后便是一个诡异的空间,这片空间中最引人注目的无疑是那漂浮着的乳白色火焰。 This illusion weak, did not have initial nightmare domain.” “这幻境弱的可以啊,还没当初梦魇领域强。” Curling the lip of disdains, seems like optional waving, this piece of space then starts the avalanche to reveal the real appearance finally. 不屑的撇了撇嘴,看似随意的挥手,这片空间便开始崩塌最后露出真实的模样。 Cannot see the end the breast white domain, under just like the magma tumbling the white air bubble liquid, the place of most deep place is a deep black giant stone. 一眼看不见尽头的乳白色领域,下方是宛如岩浆般翻滚着白色气泡的液体,最深处的地方是一座深黑色的巨石。 But on this time giant stone, shocking and serious of white robe man face. 只不过此时的巨石上,一位白袍男子正一脸的震惊和严肃。 Who are you? The millenniums you are I have seen the strongest person, even is stronger than that fellow.” “你是谁?千年来你是我见过最强的人,甚至比那个家伙还要强。” white robe man serious start to talk, from this beautiful woman causing the downfall of the nation person, feels a thick palpitation and restlessness at present. 白袍男子严肃开口,从眼前这个倾城倾国人之上,感受到了一股浓浓的心悸和不安。 Who I am unimportant, you only needed to submit to with me are OK.” “我是谁并不重要,你只需要臣服与我就可以了。” Hehe sneers saying that immediately in the hand unifies the white robe man who the purple energy ball does not pay attention to knit the brows together to dive to go. 呵呵冷笑道,随即手中凝聚出一道紫色的能量球不理会皱眉的白袍男子俯冲而去。 Although does not know that who you are, but since these millenniums I do not know the white wine!!!!” “虽然不知道你是谁,可是这千年以来我也不知白干的!!!!” Purple was provoked the anger, the white robe man is also same in the hand condenses the flame toward purple to overrun, energy to unceasing resounding of explosion that bumping to trigger in this piece of space. 被紫激起了愤怒,白袍男子也是同样手中凝聚出火焰朝着紫冲过去,能量的对碰引发的爆炸在这片空间中不断的响起。 I was stranded this place several thousand years, no matter today you are everyone cannot prevent me broken to seal!!!!!” “我被困此地数千年,今日不管你是谁也不能阻止我破封而出!!!!!”
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