MTOAW :: Volume #5

#476: Cannot find out the title, this.

Returns to ancient boundary/world, then gives two people essence and blood as well as essence, was knowing that this is fights the Saint the essence as well as half foot fights the essence and blood of emperor, this lets Xun is the shocking dumbfoundedness, particularly led her to look at to be placed in the airborne great palace temporarily, this let Xun is also sighed that was half foot peak fights the Saint really worthily expert. 回到古界,便把精血以及精髓交给两人,在得知这是斗圣的精髓以及半只脚斗帝的精血,这让薰儿可谓是震惊的目瞪口呆,尤其是带着她去看了一下被暂时安置在空中的巨殿,这让薰儿也是感叹真不愧是半只脚巅峰斗圣的强者 Let two people refine the essence and blood, simultaneously respectively has refined some compounded drugs be it, this touches Xun actually puts out a hand to hold in the arms a Dongfang Yan kiss, as for Xiao Yixian similarly so. 让两人去炼化精血,同时分别为其炼制了一些丹药,这倒是让薰儿感动的伸手搂住东方焱一吻,至于小医仙同样如此。 Treats as bucket of technique same teaching Queen-sama some Martial Arts, this makes Medusa very surprised actually. 把一些武功当做斗技一样的教女王大人,这倒是让美杜莎很惊讶。 So long as own strength suffices, the might of display also hits on more, particularly experiences after personally, Medusa also has to acknowledge, this so-called Martial Arts really strong. 只要自己的实力够强,发挥的威力也就越打,尤其是亲自体验过后,美杜莎也不得不承认,这所谓的武功是真的强。 Movement Graceful Steps upon the Wave endures compared with the place step high rank, sometimes is that profound cloudy 12 swords can with the day step fights the technique side by side, the six pulses Divine Sword that Battle Qi outgoing/manifestation is also the level middle rank. 身法凌波微步堪比地阶高阶,有时是那玄阴12剑更是可以和天阶斗技的比肩,斗气外放的六脉神剑也是地级中阶。 Dongfang Yan teaches without doubt is not the level endures compared with Martial Arts of day step, this makes Medusa very excited actually wields in the hand to congeal purple long sword of gasified sword. 东方焱所教的无疑不是地级就是堪比天阶的武功,这倒是让美杜莎很兴奋的挥动着手中凝气化剑的紫色长剑 The slanting sword in the hand, sharp sharp sword air/Qi erupts from Medusa, she just like disappeared suddenly baseless generally, punctured void with the sword together silently. 斜剑在手,一股锐利剑气从美杜莎身上爆发,陡然间,她宛如凭空消失了一般,与剑一起无声无息的刺破了虚空 in the hand purple long sword is puncturing to own person toward that back, this a sword seems to be illusory, does not have the shade to be invisible, but that person also resembles not to have the detection to be ordinary. 手中的紫色长剑朝着那背对着自己的人刺去,这一剑仿佛虚无缥缈,无影无形一般,而那人也似没有察觉一般。 Concentrates gasified sword, good, this how much time can in the domain governing sword Secret Art the most difficult move, worthily be my person, but want to hit me, you also missed for 20,000 years.” “凝气化剑,不错,这才多少时间就能领域御剑诀中最难的一招,不愧是我的人,不过想要击中我,你还差20000年了。” The faint smile is gazing at the sword of that illusory purple generally, the Dongfang Yan body looks like a leaf, was blown to fly by the sword air/Qi, easy avoids this a sword. 似笑非笑一般注视着那虚幻的紫色之剑,东方焱身体就像是一片树叶般,被剑气吹飞,轻而易举的避开这一剑 If one truly will use the person of sword, will then certainly follow close in, has saying that teaches itself to arrive at the comprehension to congeal the gasified sword from Dongfang Yan, Medusa is actually is an out-and-out talent. 如果是一位真正会用剑的人,那么一定会紧跟而上,不得不说从东方焱教给自己到领悟凝气化剑,美杜莎却是是一个不折不扣的天才。 But this sword air/Qi, actually should not have sword intent that seems like formidable incomparable, actually hundred dense one sparse. 可是这股剑气,却没有该有的剑意,看似强大无比,却又百密一疏。 Snort, the small advantage of this king so is can it be that good to occupy, you give this king to wait, this king wants you to be attractive!!!!” “哼,本王的便宜岂是那么好占的,你给本王等着,本王一定要你好看!!!!” Sees Dongfang Yan easily evades own a sword, Medusa is also the calm face, the hand grasps purple long sword once more toward the Dongfang Yan reunion, can threaten, actually lacks that to cut the day to cut, a sword cutting sword intent. 东方焱轻而易举的躲过自己的一剑,美杜莎也是沉着脸,手握紫色长剑再次朝着东方焱重逢,可以气势汹汹,却缺少那股斩天斩地,一剑斩之的剑意。 However this is also normal, from domain to present, Medusa merely has also used almost two double-hour, such short time you can count on sword intent strongly. 不过这也正常,从领域到现在,美杜莎也仅仅只是用了差不多两个时辰而已,这么短的时间你能指望剑意有多强。 Is facing indignantly, elegant face red Medusa, although that sword intent is getting stronger and stronger, may be only this is merely insufficient, regarding this, sufficing that uses training excuse Dongfang Yan is being cheaply occupies. 面对着气愤不已,俏脸通红的美杜莎,尽管那股剑意越来越强,可仅仅只是这样还不够,对此,用着对练的借口东方焱可谓是便宜占的够。 Medusa of this air/Qi wishes one could to hold that not to touch the buttocks to hug a person of pecking on the face, the shaming anger in eye is getting more and more formidable, kills intent and anger unceasing is tempered in sword China , Italy, small and weak sword intent was also getting stronger and stronger. 这气的美杜莎恨不得抓住那个不是摸屁股就是搂着自己在脸上一啄的人,眼中的羞怒越来越强大,杀意与怒意不断的被磨炼在剑意中,原本弱小的剑意也越来越强。 This lets the Dongfang Yan satisfied feeling chin actually, may be insufficient. 这倒是让东方焱满意的摸着下巴,可还是不够。 Do not let this king catch you, otherwise this king wants you to be attractive.” “别让本王抓到你,不然本王一定要你好看。” Almost is gnash one's teeth looks at that is on the face brings to smile from beginning to end evilly, feels the chin to narrow the meaningful glance to narrow the eyes is taking a look at own person, if the look can kill people to estimate that Dongfang Yan already died 10,000 times to continue. 几乎是咬牙切齿看着那从始至终都是脸上带着邪笑,摸着下巴眯着眼色眯眯打量着自己的人,如果眼神能杀人估计东方焱早就死了10000次不止。 Faces the Medusa ruthless words, Dongfang Yan is actually joking it away, although cuts to kill unceasingly, although void storm tearing expansive sky, cut the air current, as to chop all of front. 面对着美杜莎的狠话,东方焱却是一笑了之,虽说斩杀不断,尽管一道道虚空风暴撕裂长空,斩开气流,仿佛想要将前方的一切都劈掉。 What a pity, sword intent is extremely weak, congealing that is far from achieving itself to estimate is not loose. 可惜,剑意却太过薄弱,远远没有达到自己预计的凝而不散。 „, Missed, the genuine sword meaning was this .” “诶,还是差了点,真正的剑意是这样哒。” Hehe smiles, puts out a hand in the hand then to present golden energy long sword, perhaps looks at this cannot feel this sword intent golden long sword. 呵呵一笑,一伸手手中便出现一把金色的能量长剑,或许看着这把金色长剑感受不到这股剑意。 But Medusa can actually clear feeling on that golden long sword cut the day to cut the place sword intent and lethality. 可是美杜莎却能够清晰的感受到那金色长剑上斩天斩地的剑意和杀伤力。 The sword, the ominous soldier, the Lord kills, the in the hand sword may cut the myriad things. 剑,凶兵,主杀,手中剑可斩万物。 No matter, so long as dares to bully my person, I cut it from a sword!!” “不管是谁,只要敢欺负我的人,我自一剑斩之!!” In the eye fills to kill intent, arrives at common giant sword intent to condense just like a Divine Sword in Dongfang Yan in the hand, changes to hundred meters giant sword, float above Dongfang Yan. 眼中充满杀意,宛如一把神剑降临一般巨大的剑意凝聚在东方焱手中,化作百米巨剑,悬浮在东方焱上方。 As the Dongfang Yan sword falls, above hundred meters giant sword also similarly falls, the space as if cannot withstand this formidable sword intent to be cut to be revealed together the void opening. 随着东方焱剑落,上方的百米巨剑也是同样落下,空间都仿佛承受不了这股强大的剑意被斩破露出一道虚空的口子。 Tyrannical sword air/Qi wreaks havoc, over a hundred meters sword mark keeps the ground together, sword intent does not disperse unceasingly as before is destroying the surrounding steric hindrance the self- restore of space. 强横的剑气肆虐,一道上百米长的剑痕留在地上,剑意不散依旧是不断的摧毁着周围的空间阻碍着空间的自我修复。 The body such as willow leaf, moves with the wind, the light twinkling arrived side already been shocked Medusa, put out a hand to hug Beauty in the bosom. 身如柳叶,随风而动,轻飘飘瞬息降临在早已被惊呆的美杜莎身旁,伸手把美人搂在怀中。 The brow cannot bear selects says with a smile lightly. 眉头忍不住的一挑轻笑道。 What kind, this is genuine sword intent, I have a sword, may cut the myriad things.” “怎么样,这才是真正的剑意,我有一剑,可斩万物。” .................. “………………” looks at void sword violent, Medusa is silent, simultaneously was pondering feels that to hug the hand of waist to start not to be dishonest. 看着虚空剑暴,美杜莎沉默,同时思考着不过感受到那原本搂着自己腰的手又开始不老实起来。 Also is raised the head the knitting the brows vision to disclose dangerous looks at Dongfang Yan, this makes Dongfang Yan awkward actually smiles to receive to reach behind the back. 也是抬起头皱着眉目光透露着危险的看着东方焱,这倒是让东方焱尴尬的一笑收回手。 Snort, so long as there is an enough time, this king can also achieve.” “哼,只要有足够的时间,本王也可以做到。” Disperses in the hand purple long sword, both hands hugs in the chest front alternately, but the corner of the eye actually or cannot bear looked that prevents space restore sword intent to be silent to that as before. 散掉手中紫色长剑,双手交叉抱于胸前,只是眼角却还是忍不住的看向那依旧是阻止着空间修复的剑意沉默。 That is, we Queen-sama is so formidable, not only the person the attractive strength to be strong, this small gift has not divided the minute. Must know that the breast quantity can be proportional with the battle efficiency.” “那是,咱得女王大人这么强大,不仅人长得好看实力又强,这点小意思还不是分分钟。要知道乳量可以和战斗力成正比的。” Not salty not pale has offered an attentiveness, patted flatter this to let the Medusa satisfactory nod actually. 不咸不淡的献了个殷勤,拍了个马屁这倒是让美杜莎满意的点头。 That is, is not sword intent, depends on talent of this king is also not easy, but ......... Was your hand the mislay place Ah!!!!!” “那是,不就是剑意而已,就凭本王的天赋那还不是轻而易举,不过………你手是不是放错地方了啊!!!!!” Reveals to sneer, is pinching if quickly like lightning seizes the Dongfang Yan waist soft meat, instantaneous. 露出冷笑,掐着快若闪电般的一把掐住东方焱腰间软肉,瞬间。 The Dongfang Yan unconscious eyelid jumps, the corners of the mouth twitch, cold sweat unceasing emits from forehead, feels that to pinch the soft meat to start to sway from side to side, immediately Dongfang Yan holds up both hands to beg for mercy. 东方焱不自觉的眼皮一跳,嘴角抽搐,冷汗不断的从额头冒出,感受到那掐着自己软肉开始扭动起来,顿时东方焱举起双手求饶。 Queen forgives, small does not dare ............ “女王饶命,小的不敢了…………” Sees Dongfang Yan such to be tactful, regarding this Medusa coldly snorted lets go actually, this makes Dongfang Yan unable to bear in the heart sigh actually, will be each woman such one move, if, I will rather reduce one-third intelligence quotients to transplant a diamond not bad kidney. 东方焱这么识趣,对此美杜莎倒是冷哼一声松手,这倒是让东方焱忍不住心中一叹,是不是每一个女人都会这么一招啊,如果可以,我宁愿降低1的智商换一个金刚不坏的肾。 The father I was fight the sect to want your younger sister's diamond not bad kidney, went to your Sir wants to deceive my mood. 啊呸,老子我都是斗宗了要你妹的金刚不坏肾,去你大爷的又想骗我情怀。 Has created a disturbance a meeting, told until small maid Qing Ling Father that fumigated had the matter to look for itself, the vision looked at eye nearby Medusa, waving of an appearance of inquiry, this let Medusa rolled the eyes exclusion actually, sending Dongfang Yan to leave. 打闹了一会,直到小女仆青鳞来告诉说薰儿的父亲有事找自己,目光看了眼一旁的美杜莎,一副询问的样子,这倒是让美杜莎翻了个白眼一副嫌弃的挥了挥手,打发东方焱离开。 Won the approval of Queen-sama, Dongfang Yan also nodded rapidly a pecking satisfied departure after the supple lip of Medusa, this let Medusa actually both indignant and helpless. 征得了女王大人的同意,东方焱也就点了点头迅速在美杜莎的柔唇上一啄后满意的离开,这倒是让美杜莎既气愤又无奈。 She has not seen the look that nearby small maid Qing Ling that envies. 只是她没看见一旁小女仆青鳞那羡慕的眼神。 Enters the study room, then saw that already to wait for own person, after Dongfang Yan Hehe to smile, walked. 进入书房,便看见那早就等着自己的人,东方焱呵呵一笑后走了进来。 Yo, you came, has not thought actually these time comes is very quick.” “呦,你来了,没想到这一次倒是来的挺快的。” Sees the person, Father naturally that fumigates also smiles to carry in the teacup drinking tea eye to have the happy expression gently. 看见来人,薰儿的父亲自然的也是一笑端起茶杯轻轻喝了口茶眼中带着笑意。 Rarely since comes quick one time, then rather said your idea.” “既然难得来的快了一次,那么不如说说你的想法吧。” Sitting unrestrained/no trace of politeness in the one side, carries the teacup similarly, although does not like growing tea with this, actually is also treats as to drink water general one to drink, this lets Xun actually Father helpless shaking the head. 毫不客气的坐在一旁,同样端起茶杯,尽管不太喜欢和这种茶,却也是当做喝水一般的一口喝,这倒是让薰儿的父亲无奈的摇了摇头。 Such good tea, your actually so careless and wasteful use of nature's products is really hateful.” “这么好的茶,你却如此暴殄天物真的是可恶至极啊。” Excuse me, you are know that I do not like growing tea with this, takes intentionally, this did not invite my careless and wasteful use of nature's products?” “拜托,你是知道我不喜欢和这种茶的,却故意拿出来,这不是请我暴殄天物的吗?” rolled the eyes, Dongfang Yan is also directly ill-humored speaking. 翻了个白眼,东方焱也是直接没好气的说到。 Okay good, calculates that I am the original work am sentimental, which now four news have advantages and disadvantages you to listen.” “好好好,算我是自作多情,现在有四个消息有好有坏你想要听哪一个。” Shook the head, Father that fumigates is also helpless, sips a tea has put down the looks at Dongfang Yan inquiry to say once more. 摇了摇头,薰儿的父亲也是无奈起来,再次抿了口茶放下看着东方焱询问道。 You happily good, right this is the compounded drug, is almost 78, altogether 231, nine chief ministers of state compounded drug three, you pay attention.” “你开心就好,对了这是丹药,差不多都是78品的,一共231枚,九品丹药三枚,你自己注意一下。” Shrugs, afterward puts out accept Jie, this inside has from vestige pill Palace, there are to refine, but has the flame of life on a little compounded drug luckily, not so owing to grandmother family/home. 耸了耸肩,随后拿出一个纳戒,这里面有从遗迹丹殿里的,也有自己炼制的,不过就这么一点丹药幸好有生灵之焱啊,不然的亏到姥姥家。 You also really suffice optional, good the first news has about the different fire you must listen.” “你还真是够随意的啊,好吧第一个消息就是有关于异火你要不要听。” Almost is subconscious shaking the head, Father that looks at Dongfang Yan fumigates is also very helpless, how therefore accepts the satisfaction of compounded drug corners of the mouth actually unable to conceal. 几乎是下意识的摇了摇头,看着东方焱薰儿的父亲也是很无奈,因此收下丹药嘴角的满意却是怎么都隐瞒不住。 Ok.” “可以。” The nod, this time does not drink in one, sips a tea careful taste, UU has read 点头,这一次不在一口喝,抿了一口茶细细的品味,UU看书 Actually throughout does not understand that has anything to be good, in the shaking the head heart of sighed really not to like drinking tea secretly has the reason. 却始终不明白有什么好的,不由的摇了摇头心中暗叹果然自己不喜欢喝茶是有原因的。 Except the lotus monster fire that only Danta's 3000 flame flame fires soon once more will then be born.” “除去丹塔的3000焱炎火便是即将再次出世的净莲妖火。” Regarding knitting the brows Dongfang Yan, Father that fumigates also smiles perhaps to attack or other, intentional sips a tea simultaneously could not have borne sends out squish the sounds as well as the good tea two characters. 对于皱眉的东方焱,薰儿的父亲也是一笑或许是为了打击又或者别的,故意的抿了口茶同时还忍不住的发出吧唧声以及好茶二字。 Danta's 3000 flame flame fires I obtain certainly, as for only lotus monster fire ......... This makes some preparations to be good.” “丹塔的3000焱炎火我是一定的得到的,至于净莲妖火………这个的做些准备才行。” Regarding fumigating Father action Dongfang Yan rolled the eyes, when once more water same drinks up, also pays self-confident or the smiling face of retaliation for oneself one cup of corners of the mouth once more but actually. 对于薰儿父亲的举动东方焱不由翻了个白眼,再次当水一样的一口喝完,同时再次为自己倒一杯嘴角也是付出自信又或者报复的笑容。 This is naturally, must know that have been only able to subdue him the lotus monster fire innumerable present worlds to the present also nobody, only the lotus monster Saint heard that backlashed to fall from the sky by him, this thing truly speaking I have not thought that you take risk.” “这是自然,要知道净莲妖火无数次的现世到了现在也没有人能收服他,就连净莲妖圣听说都是被他反噬陨落的,这种东西说实在的我还不想你去冒险。” Shook the head, fumigates Father is also serious, after all only the lotus monster fire is really extremely in the danger. 摇了摇头,紧接着薰儿父亲也是一脸严肃起来,毕竟净莲妖火实在是太过于危险。 Risk is certain, but will not die absolutely was right, the soul clan, certainly will not let actually up this opportunity.” “冒险是一定的,不过绝对不会死就对了,倒是魂族,一定不会放过这个机会的吧。” Shook the head, naturally was not worried Dongfang Yan that can be defeated shows the self-confident smiling face, this lets Xun actually Father has flash that stares. 摇了摇头,自然不担心会失败的东方焱露出自信满满的笑容,这倒是让薰儿的父亲有那么一瞬间的一愣。 That, the person in which soul palace does not meddle, the revelation as well as Danta's of pill meeting this day grave, I estimated that will have their silhouette.” “那可不,哪一次魂殿的人不插手,这一次天墓的天启以及丹塔的丹会,我估计都会有他们的身影。” Relax, the issue was not big, says other news.” “放心,问题不大,说说其他的消息呗。” Not caring a whoop smiles, the self-confident appearance made shaking the head of Xun Father cannot bear then say other information afterward. 毫不在意的一笑,自信的模样让薰儿父亲也是忍不住的摇了摇头随后便把其余的情报说了出来。 Other issue about in the future influence.” “其余的嘛就是关于日后势力的问题。”
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