MTOAW :: Volume #5

#473: Cold deep pool

Even if dies, even if were chased down by the title mother, even if were closed in the Kuro-chan room I also wants the liver clever king!!! 就算是死,就算是被标题娘追杀,就算是被关在小黑屋我也要肝鬼王!!! Beyond the strategy, gathers spirit to be joined to Fallen Heart Flame, quenchings the depuration energy storage, so long as after and other Medusa evolved, these energies will provide. 阵法外,聚灵阵配上陨落心炎,淬炼提纯能量储存起来,只要等美杜莎进化后,这些能量就会提供。 Prepare Medusa, Dongfang Yan then toward from the beginning walks on the praying for rescue place. 布置好美杜莎,东方焱这才朝着一开始就求救的地方走过去。 Before long then sees one group of silt to put out a hand to the silt to wield. 不一会便看见一团淤泥伸手对着淤泥一挥。 A thin person then appears in front of Dongfang Yan, the whole body was being twined by the iron chain, the hands and feet fixedly becomes a large character by the iron chain, several days of iron chains penetrate the shoulder of this person with the thigh, seems like bitten to be the same by the snake. 紧接着一个骨瘦如柴的人便出现在东方焱面前,浑身被铁链缠绕着,手脚被铁链固定成一个大字,其中还有几天铁链穿透此人的肩膀和大腿,就像是被蛇咬住一样。 Rescues, saves me......” “救,救救我……” At the point of death, as if momentarily can die generally the present person, raised the head looks at Dongfang Yan to pray for rescue. 气息奄奄,仿佛随时都能死去一般眼前的人,抬起头看着东方焱求救着。 Makes me think that you called ......... Calling ......... Called the monster dusk was right.” “让我想想啊,你是叫………叫………叫妖暝对吧。” Feels the chin, completely does not care about his praying for rescue, the Dongfang Yan corners of the mouth turns upwards wipes smiles evilly, the naturally of eyes of king in this yellow water clear can feel that has formidable cold air to penetrate iron chain on his shoulder and thigh from that transmits, is consuming his physical strength Battle Qi unceasingly. 摸着下巴,全然不在乎他的求救,东方焱嘴角翘起一抹邪笑,王之眼在这黄色的水中自然清晰的能感觉到有着一股很强大的寒气从那穿透他肩膀和大腿上的铁链传来,不断的消耗着他体力的斗气 Presents Battle Qi, by the cold air will be swallowed, thus was sheared the general pain by the blade likely. 一出现一点斗气,就会被寒气吞噬从而像是被刀割一般痛苦。 You!!!!!” “你!!!!!” Has not thought completely, had not seen the person will call own name, simultaneously then thinks, here is the race restricted area, a point person here besides that fellow, are almost is impossible to know that own existence, let alone the opposite party is a person clan. 完全没有想到,一个自己更本就没见过的人会叫出自己的名字,同时这才想起来,这里是自己种族的禁地,一点自己在这里的人除了那个家伙外,几乎是不可能知道自己的存在,更何况对方还是一个人族。 You are he send.” “你是他派来的。” Almost is hoarse and desperate sound spreads by that dry throat, in the sound is not only desperate, what are more is angry and dismal. 几乎是沙哑和绝望的声音透过那干涸的喉咙传出,声音中不仅仅是绝望,更多的还是愤怒和悲凉。 Do not misunderstand, I am only one know exactly the little passer-by, saves you to be able, I even can also help your breakthrough bottleneck, must know that I am a nine chief ministers of state elixir Master. However I have a condition.” “不要误会,我只是一个恰好知道一点点的路人而已,救你可以,我甚至还能帮助你突破瓶颈,要知道我可是一个九品炼药师哦。不过我有一个条件。” The putting out a hand index finger shook the head, the Dongfang Yan looks at present person chuckle has simultaneously narrowed the eye. 伸手食指摇了摇头,东方焱看着眼前的人轻笑了一声同时眯起了眼。 .................. “………………” The silent, earnest looks at present person, the monster dusk tries to bring on the face of chuckle to see anything from that just obtains is anything does not have. 沉默,认真的看着眼前的人,妖暝试图从那张带着轻笑的脸上看出什么,只不过得到的却是什么也没有。 ......... Must be able to save me to exit, so long as is I can achieve, no matter any condition I comply.” “呼………就要能救我出去,只要是我能做到的,不管是什么条件我都答应。” Hehe, it seems like you paid attention, I who you can achieve do not need, what I want is you cannot achieve, how, must know that I am the nine chief ministers of state elixir Master, even if this cannot let your heart movement?” 呵呵,看来你还是留了心啊,你能做到的我不需要,我要的是你不能做到的,如何,要知道我可是九品炼药师哦,就算是这样也不能让你心动?” ............... “……………” Hears this saying, lived that long monster dusk not to be how clear, actually when hearing that nine chief ministers of state elixir Master, has to acknowledge the monster dusk at heart numerous beats, but looks at Dongfang Yan that young appearance, thereupon subconsciously has neglected, now is emphasized again, the monster dusk was not how clear. 听见这话,活了那么久的妖暝怎么还不明白,其实在听见那九品炼药师时,不得不承认妖暝的心里重重的跳动起来,只不过看着东方焱那面年轻的样子,于是乎下意识的忽略了,如今再次被强调出来,妖暝如何还不明白。 Puts down the deep breath, closes one's eyes a black small snake then to appear from forehead, regarding this Dongfang Yan is also the chuckle gets up, puts out a hand to grip this small snake, latter obvious shivered. 放下深呼吸,闭上眼一条黑色的小蛇便从眉心处出现,对此东方焱也是轻笑起来,伸手握住这条小蛇,后者明显的颤抖了起来。 Leaves behind own king seal, later momentarily can the second kill him, pours did not fear. 留下自己的王印,以后随时都能秒杀他,倒也不怕。 Then...... Can save me to come out ......... “这下……可以救我出来了吧………” Sound extremely hoarse, in the looks at Dongfang Yan eye has also filled complex, since under has decided the idea also only to always do as one is told in the future. 声音极度的沙哑,看着东方焱眼中也是充满了复杂,不过既然已经下定了主意日后也就只能唯命是从了。 Ok.” “可以。” The nod, holds monster dusk space of shoulder under his puzzled expression changes, the dim lake bottom, instantaneously turned into on the cool lawn. 点头,抓住妖暝的肩膀在他不解的表情下空间一变,原本还是昏暗的湖底,瞬间变成了清凉的草地上。 The sudden transformation makes the monster dusk extreme does not adapt, closing one's eyes, a moment later then opens eyes. 突然的转变让妖暝极度的不适应,不由的闭着眼,片刻之后这才睁开眼。 Here ......... “这里………” Doubts is sizing up the surroundings, this makes the monster dusk almost unable to believe that own eyes, in the world has been full of one energy that makes the person relax, 疑惑的打量着周围,这让妖暝几乎是不敢相信自己的眼睛,天地间充满了一股让人放松的能量, Was already devastated very long body indeed so to obtain the restore under this energy, this made the monster dusk very shocking. Here is my space, first did not say that many, these compounded drugs put out, then here breakthrough, after you succeeded breakthrough, I was leading you to exit, right has remembered do not wander about aimlessly.” 早就被摧残了很久的身体在这股能量下尽然得到了修复,这让妖暝很震惊。“这里是我的空间,先不说那么多了,这些丹药拿出,然后在这里突破,等你成功突破后我在带你出去,哦对了记住不要乱走哦。” Puts out compounded drug who altogether one big pushes to return not to respond after monster dusk that is smiles to leave, only in the remaining hearts shocks the monster dusk to take the compounded drug. 拿出一大推的丹药一股脑的塞给还没反应过来的妖暝后,便是轻轻一笑离开,只剩下心中震惊不已的妖暝拿着丹药。 It seems like ......... I should rejoice that is right.” “看来………我应该庆幸才对。” Reveals the forced smile, but focuses is a piece fiery swallows the compounded drug then to start to restore own injury as well as Battle Qi, simultaneously prepares breakthrough. 露出苦笑,不过紧接着眼中便是一片火热吞下丹药便开始恢复自己的伤势以及斗气,同时准备突破 How long was closed under the cold deep pool does not know, Battle Qi has been quenchinged frequently, perhaps this also turns misfortune into a blessing. 被关在寒潭底下不知道多久,斗气时时刻刻都在得到淬炼,这或许也是因祸得福。 As for Dongfang Yan returns to the cold deep pool, looks at that ground iron chain also to smile to put out a hand to hold the iron chain to proceed to insert, the iron chain completely was fixed in the water. 至于东方焱回到寒潭,看着那地上铁链也是一笑伸手抓住铁链往前一插,铁链尽是被固定在水中。 Looks like is fixed on the wall general, is only Medusa that side cold air sudden increasing. 就像是被固定在墙上一般,只是美杜莎那边的寒气突然的变大而已。 After completing all, Dongfang Yan then ran out of nine quiet cold deep pools, the vision looks to another side stele, sat cross-legged to sit Divine Sense to emit crashes in the stele directly. 做好一切后,东方焱便冲出九幽寒潭,目光看向了另一边的石碑,盘膝而坐神识放出直接冲进石碑。 After entering the stele, just like arriving at another stretch of world was ordinary, in the sky the thunder clouds are tumbling, regarding this Dongfang Yan puts out a hand to wield the thunder clouds to retreat. 进入石碑后,就宛如来到了另一片天地一般,天空中雷云在翻滚,对此东方焱伸手一挥雷云退去。 Suddenly the world great change, finger of giant came from the day, the terrifying energy as if could not withstand including the space is ground generally. 忽然间天地巨变,一根巨人的手指从天而来,恐怖的能量似乎连空间都承受不住被碾碎了一般。 Is facing huge finger, the Dongfang Yan coldly snorted standing body looks like the treasured sword that a handle destroys the hardest defenses is common, shooting up to the sky sword intent pierces finger instantaneously. 面对着巨大的手指,东方焱冷哼一声站直身子就像是一柄无坚不摧的宝剑一般,冲天而起的剑意瞬间洞穿手指 Feels the behind great change, Dongfang Yan is not flustered, puts out a hand to grasp is gripped by the backhand by sword intent condensation long sword completely. 感受到身后的巨变,东方焱也不慌张,伸手一握完全由剑意凝聚的长剑被反手握住。 Rules the world!!!” “君临天下!!!” The right hand instead is grasping long sword, fierce downward inserts the formidable sword to intend to the giant palm to proliferate toward all around, the palm is torn to pieces instantaneously successively. 右手反握着长剑,猛的往下一插强大的剑意在巨大的手掌中向着四周扩散,手掌瞬间节节寸断。 Disperses the in the hand sword intent, Dongfang Yan turns around to look to the behind not far away person. 散掉手中的剑意,东方焱转身看向身后不远处的人。 You are very strange, seems not this World person.” “你很奇怪,似乎不是这个世界的人。” Comes the person to use vision of doubts to size up Dongfang Yan, Dongfang Yan gives his feeling likely is not this World, this lets the person is also the vision looking pensive gets up. 来人用着疑惑的目光打量着东方焱,东方焱给他的感觉就不像是这个世界的,这让来人也是目光若有所思起来。 You are underground spring monster Saint.” “你就是黄泉妖圣吧。” The looks at present person, Dongfang Yan had not replied that his doubts, instead the initiative inquiry said. 看着眼前的人,东方焱也没回答他的疑惑,反而主动的询问道。 Yes, this place is the underground spring monster Saint, boy can pass to you giving up study of this place to tell this matter.” “是的,本座就是黄泉妖圣,小子本座可以传给你本座的绝学不过能不能告诉本座一件事。” Feels the chin, underground spring monster Saint looks at Dongfang Yan that very has doubts has filled really curiously, said the attractive condition. 摸着下巴,十分疑惑的黄泉妖圣看着东方焱是真的充满了好奇,不由的说出了诱人的条件。 Ok.” “可以。” Nod, does not care about this remnant soul to do any airplane at present, direct complies. 点头,也不在意眼前这个残魂想要搞什么飞机,直接的答应下来。 Boy, you are not this World person.” “小子,你不是这个世界的人吧。” The corners of the mouth are bringing the chuckle, as if saw through the same underground spring monster Saint to narrow the eye to say. 嘴角带着轻笑,似乎是看穿了一样黄泉妖圣眯起了眼道。 Yes, I am not this World person.” “是的,我不是这个世界的人。” Also has not concealed, direct acknowledgment, this lets the underground spring monster Saint is some have not thought, what are more is curious. 也没有隐瞒,直接的承认下来,这让黄泉妖圣也是有些没想到,不过更多的还是好奇。 Such being the case, you know that in this stretch of world has been short of anything.” “既然如此,那你知道这片天地间少了些什么嘛。” Although curious, but after all present he is only a wisp of remnant soul, thing that loses are really many. 尽管好奇,可是毕竟现在的他只是一缕残魂,丢失的东西实在是再多了。 Therefore also subconsciously said that has twined in that doubts of heart. 因此也是下意识的说出了一直缠绕在心头的那份疑惑。 Knows, this stretch of world has lacked the breakthrough last step source air/Qi.” “知道,这片天地缺少了突破最后一步的源气。” Direct start to talk, this makes the underground spring monster Saint stare, just like seeing the light suddenly general sudden understands, followed closely to focus presented the so that's how it is expression. 直接开口,这让黄泉妖圣一愣,宛如顿悟了一般突然的明白过来,紧随着眼中出现了原来如此的表情。 so that's how it is, so that's how it is, this place said that always felt this stretch of world has lacked anything, so that's how it is, Hahaha!!!” 原来如此,原来如此,本座就说总感觉这片天地缺少了什么,原来如此,哈哈哈!!!” After wants to understand, went just like concern generally, the mood is excellent, looks at Dongfang Yan also smiles. 想明白了以后,宛如心事了去了一般,心情大好,看着东方焱也是一笑起来。 Underground spring unique skill, does not pass on mediocre person, your non- mediocre person, but actually must be able to withstand to test is good, come, so long as you can receive the becoming famous unique skill underground spring day of place to get angry, the underground spring unique skill then grants you to cultivate, meanwhile delivers you essence and blood of this place.” “黄泉绝技,绝不传庸人,你非庸人,但却也得经受得住考验才行,来吧只要你能接下本座的成名绝技黄泉天怒,黄泉绝技便赠与你修炼,同时还送你本座的精血。” The mood is excellent, looks at Dongfang Yan does not give the time that he responded, the direct opening mouth back condensed a huge silhouette opens the mouth, a Strength obvious energy shock-wave flew fast toward oneself. 心情大好,看着东方焱也是不给他反应的时间,直接张嘴后背凝聚出一道巨大的人影张口,一股力量可见的能量冲击波朝着自己快速飞来。 This makes Dongfang Yan serious get up, the whole body erupts to Sky Sword intent, sword intent that this is unable to obliterate looks like the treasured sword that wields from the day cuts generally. 这让东方焱不由的凝重起来,浑身爆发出冲天剑意,这股无法磨灭的剑意就像是挥动的宝剑一般从天斩下。 Both to bumping, the formidable energy scatters in all directions, UU reads 两者的对碰,强大的能量四散,UU看书 this makes Dongfang Yan also be repelled several meters, the complexion somewhat is slightly pale, is for all this, the opposite underground spring monster Saint wanted miserably. www.uukanshu.com这让东方焱也是被击退几米,脸色微微有些苍白,可是尽管如此,对面的黄泉妖圣则是要惨了许多。 Hahaha, for these years you are first through the person who this place tests, is very good, the underground spring unique skill did not pass on the mediocre person, the boy cannot disappoint the prestige of this place.” 哈哈哈,这么多年来你是第一个通过本座考验的人,很好,黄泉绝技不传庸人,小子可不能辜负了本座的威名啊。” Gives birth for the first time is laughing, soul Strength that more and more pale underground spring monster Saint well satisfied disappearance, leaves behind integrates in Dongfang Yan's Divine Sense. 开怀的大笑着,越来越淡的黄泉妖圣心满意足的消失,留下的灵魂力量融入东方焱的神识之中。 Almost was instantaneous Dongfang Yan then grasped this underground spring unique skill, meanwhile one group of golden essence and blood stayed in oneself front. 几乎是瞬间东方焱便掌握了这黄泉绝技,同时还有一团金色的精血停留在自己的面前。 This makes Dongfang Yan hold the fist in the other hand to a moment ago also , the underground spring monster Saint that at this time already vanished expressed gratitude, afterward cautiously, very serious received these essence and blood. 这让东方焱抱拳对着刚才还在,此时早已消失的黄泉妖圣道谢,随后小心翼翼,十分郑重的收好这些精血。 This, Akame they can obtain strengthen large scale.” “这样,赤瞳她们就能得到大幅度的强化了。” The peak fights the Saint, half foot treads into the imperial throne the underground spring monster Saint essence and blood, even if were a thorough disabled person absorbs has also been able to turn into the peerless talent, this let already plan that they strengthened Dongfang Yan of body to be well satisfied to Akame. 巅峰斗圣,半只脚踏入帝位的黄泉妖圣精血,就算是一个彻彻底底的废人吸收了也能变成绝世天才,这让早就打算给赤瞳她们强化身体的东方焱心满意足起来。 Although are not many, but almost is actually the half essence and blood of monster Saint, is the purest essence and blood, is only one drop sufficiently makes people crazy. 虽然不多,但几乎却是妖圣的一半精血,还是最为精纯的精血,光是一滴就足以让人疯狂。 Simply then in the stele space has experienced the underground spring unique skill withdraws arrives at own space, but the monster dusk also starts to try breakthrough to fighting the Saint. 在石碑空间中简单的体验了一下黄泉绝技后便退出来到自己的空间,而妖暝也开始试着突破到斗圣。 Regarding this, has not disturbed his Dongfang Yan then to withdraw from the space to arrive at cold deep pool looks at that is refines the fusion as before Medusa completely is somewhat is suddenly bored. 对此,没有打扰他东方焱便退出空间来到寒潭看着那依旧是提炼融合的美杜莎一时间尽是有些无聊起来。 But does not know that nine quiet deep pythons also merely is withdraws from the demarcation line by universe ancient Longxia arrived , the place that looks at Dongfang Yan is. 而不知道是不是被太虚古龙吓到了的九幽地冥蟒也仅仅是退出界线,看着东方焱所在的地方。 Opens eyes, looks the eye is seethes with excitement as before cold deep pool, Dongfang Yan is also worries, therefore also has to sigh sits is lost in thought in the cold deep pool edge vision looks at pond water that cannot bear. 睁开眼,望了眼依旧是沸腾般的寒潭,东方焱也是忍不住的担忧起来,因此也就只好一叹坐在寒潭边目光怔怔的看着潭水出神。
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