MTOAW :: Volume #5

#470: Makes my cat

No wonder, no wonder ......... “难怪,难怪………” Twittering the song, looks at that giant skeleton Zi Yan is also being the breath that cannot bear stagnates. 呢喃细语着,看着那巨大的骸骨紫妍也是忍不住的呼吸一滞起来。 Good, since were Zi Yan your thing that eats, this type of fruit to your help very big perhaps, will have the huge help to you.” “好了既然是紫妍你的东西那就吃了吧,这种果实对你的帮助会很大的吧,说不定会对你有巨大的帮助哦。” Has snatched the fruit, one forces in the small mouth of Zi Yan, suddenly the small mouth of Zi Yan looked like by stops up an apple is been same, this made Zi Yan immediately both hands unceasing was brandishing randomly, a pair of small eye turned looks like has food stuck in the throat white/in vain was the same. 抢过果实,一把塞进紫妍的小嘴里,一时间紫妍的小嘴就像是被塞了一个苹果一样,这让紫妍顿时双手不断的乱挥舞着,一双小眼翻白就像是被噎住了一样。 Subconscious bites, the dragon and phoenix source fruit breaks open the formidable energy to drill toward the throat from the Zi Yan small mouth instantaneously directly. 下意识的一咬,龙凤本源果瞬间破开强大的能量在直接从紫妍小小的嘴里往喉咙里钻。 Formidable Strength erupts from Zi Yan, huge dragon roar resounds, the huge incomparable energy makes Zi Yan yell, whole body purple Battle Qi unceasing condenses a giant dragon shade in behind. 一股强大的力量紫妍身上爆发,紧接着一声巨大的龙吟响起,庞大无比的能量让紫妍大叫着,浑身紫色的斗气不断的在身后凝聚出一道巨大的龙影。 Ah!!! Good to rise, is healthy to rise, probably must split, flame!!!” 啊!!!好涨,身体好涨,好像要裂开了,焱!!!” Kneels on the ground, both hands is covering own chest, big shouting of Zi Yan pain, this makes Medusa anxious wants to go forward actually around wild the energy by Zi Yan to be compelled to draw back, is unable to approach the slightest bit. 跪在地上,双手捂着自己的胸口,紫妍痛苦的大喊道,这让美杜莎紧张的想要上前却被紫妍周围狂暴的能量逼退,根本无法靠近半分。 Insists Zi Yan, don't you want to change? That refining up this energy absorption!!!!” “坚持住紫妍,你不是想要变回去吗?那就把这股能量吸收炼化!!!!” The wild energy looks like the storm is ordinary, Dongfang Yan keeps off in front of Medusa resists the impact of energy for her, simultaneously loud is shouting toward Zi Yan of storm dead center pain. 狂暴的能量就像是风暴一般,东方焱挡在美杜莎面前为她抵挡能量的冲击,同时大声的朝着风暴正中心痛苦的紫妍大喊着。 Quite uncomfortable, the body is quite uncomfortable, Ah!!!!!” “好难受,身体好难受,啊!!!!!” This has not heard the Dongfang Yan's words, is the Medusa arrange/cloth next defense resistance energy storm, making Medusa treat in do not come out, oneself fierce throws into the purple energy storm. 更本没有听见东方焱的话,为美杜莎布下一个防御阵抵抗能量风暴,让美杜莎待在里面不要出来,自己则是猛的一头扎进紫色的能量风暴之中。 In the Zi Yan heart of looks at that pain smiled bitterly is really too reluctant. 看着那痛苦的紫妍心中苦笑道果然还是太勉强了。 Zi Yan, Zi Yan.” 紫妍,紫妍。” Approaches Zi Yan, but on this time Zi Yan face has covered entirely the painful expression, petite delicate body unceasing is shivering, the whole body was soaked by the sweat, looks like from the water general. 靠近紫妍,可是此时的紫妍脸上布满了痛苦的表情,娇小柔弱的身体不断的颤抖着,浑身都被汗水浸湿,就像是从水里拉出来的一般。 Flame ......... Quite uncomfortable ......... Body...... Is healthy to rise...... Probably must split same......” “焱………好难受………身体……身体好涨……好像要裂开了一样……” Difficult narrows the eyes to enlarge ones vision, difficult speaking of that the looks at Dongfang Yan Zi Yan air/Qi has not gasped for breath, but Zi Yan has not noted that wild purple energy to make dragon shade congealing of Zi Yan behind solid, a dragon scale piece by piece is also more and more clear, but eyes or is shutting. 艰难的眯开眼,看着东方焱紫妍气喘不过气的艰难说到,只是紫妍没有注意到那狂暴的紫色能量让紫妍身后的龙影更加的凝实起来,一片片的龙鳞也是越来越清晰,只是眼睛还是闭着而已。 Un, I knew, I will help your.” “嗯,我知道了,我会帮你的。” Touches the head of Zi Yan gently, hugged to open mouth to aspirate such as the Run's small mouth to that in the bosom to kiss. 轻轻摸了摸紫妍的脑袋,抱在怀中对着那微张着嘴吐气如兰的小嘴吻了上去。 Swallows to start, the energy in Zi Yan immature body is similar to received the hauling to drill generally toward the Dongfang Yan body. 吞噬发动,紫妍幼小的身体中的能量如同受到了牵引一般朝着东方焱身体里钻去。 But Dongfang Yan naturally also makes spiritual qi mix in this wild energy. 东方焱自然的也让灵气混入这股狂暴的能量之中。 a moment ago also wild energy, under temperate spiritual qi also gradual becomes must be temperate, the energy in Zi Yan body then all was swallowed before long by Dongfang Yan. 刚才还狂暴的能量,在温和的灵气下也逐渐的变得温和下来,不一会紫妍身体中的能量便尽数被东方焱吞噬。 Rushes in as well as the whole body is incapable, the Zi Yan small mouth that is unable to revolt against, found that to pace back and forth the small fragrant tongue of non- handling, sucks. 闯进以及浑身无力,无法反抗的紫妍小嘴里,找到那仿徨无措的小香舌,吸吮起来。 But Zi Yan is the small face has attractive blushing instantaneously, originally breath shortness she, under kissing of Dongfang Yan max. 紫妍却是小脸瞬间出现诱人的红晕,本就呼吸急促的她,在东方焱max的接吻下。 Zi Yan felt difficulty of breath, the unceasing suction has let the small mouth of Zi Yan also makes un un the sound, a pair of small eye is also blurred, a little during falls into ignorant and wants. 紫妍感觉到了呼吸的困难,不断的吸吮让紫妍的小嘴也是不由的发出嗯嗯的声音,一双小眼也是迷离起来,有点陷入懵和欲之中。 The temperate energy was absorbed by Zi Yan from the Dongfang Yan's mouth, the huge incomparable energy started under the Dongfang Yan's neutralization gradually is tranquil. 温和的能量从东方焱的嘴中被紫妍吸收,原本庞大无比的能量在东方焱的中和下开始逐渐的平静下来。 As for Zi Yan, is almost silly, whatever Dongfang Yan demands, coordinated accidentally/surprisingly. 至于紫妍,几乎是傻傻的任由东方焱索取,意外的配合了。 Under the formidable energy, the purple dragon shade that must vanish concentrates to be solid instantaneously, opens to make and break eyes. 在强大的能量下,原本要消失的紫色龙影瞬间凝实下来,睁开闭着的眼睛 Face upwarded to exude the deafening dragon roar sound, along with dragon roar, this big dragon one that regained consciousness from the deep sleep sneaked in the Zi Yan immature body. 仰天发出了震耳欲聋的龙吟声,伴随着龙吟,这条从沉睡中苏醒的巨龙一头钻进了紫妍幼小的身体之中。 The formidable Strength ball opens Dongfang Yan that does not guard against, 强大的力量弹开毫无防备的东方焱, Zi Yan in a Dongfang Yan situation starts to shine, in the purple ray can the Zi Yan body of clear visible Loli start becomes tall Tiao is slender, after first is raised, curls upwards, although cannot see light to see from this silhouette. Also is a big beautiful woman of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, was only chest front that two lumps felt and Ikaros was similar, plentiful, clear curled upwards # the buttocks to make looks at Zi Yan that Dongfang Yan looked at steadily from the young face turn selects Onee-san high. 东方焱一愣的情况下紫妍开始发光,紫色的光芒中能清晰的看见原本还是萝莉紫妍身体开始变得高挑修长起来,前凸后翘尽管看不见可是光从这身影中就能看出。又是一位倾国倾城的大美女啊,光是胸前那两坨就已经感觉和伊卡洛斯差不多了,丰满,圆润的翘#臀让东方焱目不转睛的看着紫妍从原本童颜变成高挑御姐 The ray diverges, Zi Yan just like falling into the stupor dropped by Dongfang Yan generally is caught gently, the whole body stark naked tender slippery fair flesh lets tracing that Dongfang Yan cannot bear, side does not come to one's ear the sudden transmitting animal two characters to make Dongfang Yan be instantaneous, this thinks that here also has a person to come. 光芒散去,紫妍宛如陷入了昏迷一般落下被东方焱轻轻接住,浑身一丝不挂嫩滑的白皙的肌肤让东方焱也是忍不住的摸了摸,不过耳边突然的传来禽兽两字让东方焱瞬间尴尬,这才想起来自己这里还有一个人来着。 Takes off own coat to put on to Zi Yan, does not know how long Zi Yan wants to wake, is preparing to return to own space. 脱下自己的外套给紫妍披上,也不知道紫妍要多久才能醒过来,正准备送回自己的空间中。 tall Tiao Onee-san Zi Yan, looked like shrank same changed Loli, this made Dongfang Yan stare actually. 原本还是高挑的御姐紫妍,就像是缩水了一样变回了萝莉,这一幕倒是让东方焱一愣起来。 Possibly was the energy of dragon and phoenix source fruit extremely, by the storage of Zi Yan instinct, a moment ago that should be her energy control was not steady causes.” “可能是龙凤本源果的能量太过了,被紫妍本能的储存起来,刚才那应该是她能量掌控的不稳才导致的吧。” Gives own guess, this lets Dongfang Yan is also approves, changes own clothes to Zi Yan, the spacious clothes cover on Zi Yan immature Loli, appears the accident/surprise lovable and lets take pity on that human-controlled cannot trig. 给出自己的猜测,这让东方焱也是认同起来,给紫妍换上自己的衣服,宽大的衣服笼罩在紫妍幼小的萝莉身上,显得意外的可爱和让人控制不住的怜惜。 Is holding Zi Yan, to let her rests comfortably lets the Zi Yan small face by in own shoulder, the vision actually looked that to small seedling that giant skeleton as well as was taken off some fruit energetic dispiriteds. 抱着紫妍,为了让她睡得舒服不由的让紫妍小脸靠在自己的肩头,目光却是看向了那巨大的骸骨以及被摘下果实有些精神萎靡的小树苗。 This is a good thing, first accepts.” “这是个好东西,先收下。” Wraps the small seedling with the flame of life, the huge vitality made the small seedling good so little, was putting out a hand to the giant dragon bone, a golden dragon shade departed from the skeleton changes small stays in Dongfang Yan in the hand finally. 用生灵之焱包裹住小树苗,庞大的生命力让小树苗好了那么一点点,对着巨大的龙骨伸手,一条金色的龙影从骸骨中飞出变小最后停留在东方焱手中 This is ......... “这是………” looks at this golden dragonet of doubts, Yao Lao is also the doubts that cannot bear. 疑惑的看着这条金色的小龙,药老也是忍不住的疑惑起来。 This is the wisp of remnant soul of that big dragon, this to Zi Yan is thing of the big making up.” “这是那条巨龙的一缕残魂,这对紫妍来说是一个大补之物。” Let the golden dragon soul integrate Zi Yan within the body obviously, Zi Yan shivered to be then tranquil. 让金色龙魂融入紫妍的体内,紫妍明显的颤抖了一下然后平静下来。 Puts out a hand to put out a hand to another skeleton once more, the remnant soul of Tianfeng also flew to come out to stop is accepted in Dongfang Yan in the hand integrates Zi Yan within the body similarly. 再次伸手对着另一具骸骨伸手,天凤的残魂也飞了出来停在东方焱手中被收下同样融入紫妍的体内。 After went to a Zi Yan important matter, here does not have what good thing, is bringing Medusa and Zi Yan leaves, here naturally was retained. 了去紫妍的一件大事后,这里也没有什么好东西,带着美杜莎紫妍离开,这里自然的被保留下来。 At present this vestige has not walked. 眼前这个遗迹还没有走完了。 Walks, Zi Yan has not woken up as before, this also lets Dongfang Yan helpless shaking the head, walks is walking, a sudden share of pill lets Dongfang Yan footsteps fragrant, bringing Medusa to turn around to vanish. 一路走来,紫妍也依旧没有醒来,这也让东方焱无奈的摇了摇头,走着走着,突然出现的一股丹香让东方焱脚步一顿,带着美杜莎转身消失。 When appears again then appeared in a place this of named pill Palace lets the Dongfang Yan chuckle actually, just prepared to walk, a furry fellow then headed on to hit in the Dongfang Yan's bosom. 再次出现时便是出现在一处名为丹殿的地方这倒是让东方焱轻笑了一声,刚准备走,一个毛茸茸的家伙便扑面而来撞进了东方焱的怀中。 This is!!!!!” “这是!!!!!” Surprised, the looks at this snow white fellow, Yao Lao is also is all over the body surprised, does not have accidental/surprised this that cannot bear like is the kitten little fellow is compounded drug of changing from. 惊讶,看着这通体雪白的家伙,药老也是忍不住的惊讶起来,毫无意外这个像是小猫一样的小家伙正是一枚化形的丹药。 Meow meow.” “喵喵。” Crying out in a soft voice, the little fellow really like the kitten stands affectionate is also rubbing the Dongfang Yan's face on the Dongfang Yan shoulder. 轻声的叫唤,小家伙还真的像小猫一样站在东方焱肩膀上亲昵的蹭着东方焱的脸。 This lets feel funny, who Dongfang Yan cannot bear held Zi Yan to rub the little fellow with cheek similarly, this made the little fellow show the enjoyment expression actually. 这让东方焱忍不住的感到好笑,不过自己抱着紫妍脸颊同样蹭了蹭小家伙,这倒是让小家伙露出了享受的表情。 pill beast, product Jie is not low, the flame boy our time was gains really sends greatly.” “丹兽,品阶还不低,焱小子咱们这次真的是赚大发了。” looks at that stands the little fellow on Dongfang Yan shoulder, Yao Lao has also smiled, let alone in this pill Palace that could not bear also had big piece pill to come fragrant. 看着那站在东方焱肩头上的小家伙,药老也是忍不住的笑了起来,更何况这个丹殿之中还有大片的丹香迎面而来。 Un, since met must make my cat.” “嗯,既然遇见了要不要做我的猫。” Regarding this long lovable pill beast like kitten, Dongfang Yan is also the chuckle that cannot bear gets up. 对于这个长的可爱像小猫一样的丹兽,东方焱也是忍不住的轻笑起来。 But the latter is also cheerful meow meow called, seems complying general, this makes Dongfang Yan show the smile to take out 56 seven compounded drugs as well as two eight compounded drugs actually gives the little fellow. 而后者也是欢快的喵喵叫了起来,仿佛在答应一般,这倒是让东方焱露出微笑取出56枚七品丹药以及两枚八品丹药给小家伙。 The two cry out happy, lovable is holding the compounded drug with the claw, after having licked Dongfang Yan's cheek, then leapt invested in the bosom of nearby Medusa. 二者叫唤的更加的开心,可爱的用爪子抱着丹药,舔了舔东方焱的脸颊后便一跃投入了一旁美杜莎的怀中。 This makes Medusa somewhat feel helpless, looks at Medusa such, Dongfang Yan is also Haha that cannot bear laughs, the lovable little fellow has also won the Medusa favor. 这让美杜莎有些不知所措起来,看着美杜莎那样,东方焱也是忍不住的哈哈大笑起来,不过可爱的小家伙也是博得了美杜莎的欢心。 Also really looks like a cat, since this names is ............ Meow meow was good.” “还真像一只猫,既然这样的话就取名为…………喵喵好了。” looks at that was held by Medusa in bosom little fellow, whatever strokes, Dongfang Yan is also the chuckle gets up, Zi Yan sudden moving in bosom, this made Dongfang Yan also clearly look like Zi Yan wakes. UU reads 看着那被美杜莎抱在怀中任由抚摸的小家伙,东方焱也是轻笑起来,怀中的紫妍突然的动了动,这让东方焱也是明白看来紫妍是醒过来了。UU看书 Awoke?” “醒了吗?” Opens somewhat difficult eyes, seal pleasant is Dongfang (east) profile, this makes Zi Yan stare, blushes not to know that remembered anything to be the same. 睁开有些艰难的眼睛,印入眼中的便是东方也的侧脸,这让紫妍一愣,紧接着脸红起来不知道是不是想起了什么一样。 Un.” “嗯。” Buries in the face the Dongfang Yan's nape of the neck, this makes Dongfang Yan not make clear the condition since Zi Yan this lovable Loli does not want to leave, that mean breast quantity pastes in chest once for a while vibration, the soft sense of touch makes Dongfang Yan well satisfied. 把脸埋进东方焱的脖颈中,这让东方焱也是没搞清楚状况不过既然紫妍这个可爱的萝莉不想离开就算了吧,那下作的乳量贴在胸膛时不时的抖动,柔软的触觉让东方焱心满意足。 Quite fragrant.” “诶好香啊。” Depends in the Dongfang Yan bosom, waits to recover thoroughly then asks delicate fragrance, this makes Zi Yan shine instantaneously at present. 赖在东方焱怀中,等彻底回过神来这才问到一股清香,这让紫妍瞬间眼前一亮起来。 Hehe, these things cannot eat, the energy of dragon and phoenix source fruit did not have the thorough absorption, do not think again other, waited for you to absorb after at the worst thoroughly, I am giving you to refine to be good.” 呵呵,这些东西也不能吃哦,龙凤本源果的能量都还没彻底的吸收,就不要再想其他的了,大不了等你彻底吸收后我在给你炼制好不好。” Put out a hand to pinch the nose of Zi Yan to comfort gently, this let Zi Yan discontented curling the lip, lazy placed on the Dongfang Yan's shoulder, the vision then saw in the Medusa bosom the lovable little fellow. 伸手轻轻的捏了捏紫妍的鼻子安抚着,这让紫妍不满的撇了撇嘴,慵懒的把头放在东方焱的肩头上,目光这才看见了美杜莎怀中可爱的小家伙。 ............ Good fragrant ............ “唔…………好香…………” Perhaps feels the Zi Yan vision, held the compounded drug to eat the little fellow of compounded drug like the squirrel, the instantaneous fine body hair stood erect, the vigilant looks at vision closely was staring at own Zi Yan. 或许是感受到了紫妍的目光,原本还是抱着丹药像松鼠一样吃着丹药的小家伙,瞬间寒毛竖立,警惕的看着目光紧紧盯着自己的紫妍 Medusa Elder Sister, this fellow is anything.” “呐美杜莎姐姐,这个家伙是什么啊。” On the Zi Yan looks at Medusa face of being perplexed the rare gentle smiling face also stares, inquired. 不明所以的紫妍看着美杜莎脸上难得的温柔笑容也是一愣,紧接着询问起来。 This is meow meow, a pill beast of changing from.” “这是喵喵,一个化形的丹兽。” Is touching the little fellow mild-mannered pure white hair, Medusa is Zi Yan introduces. 抚摸着小家伙柔顺的洁白毛发,美杜莎紫妍介绍起来。 ......... Always feels very delicious appearance ......... “哦………总感觉很好吃的样子………” „!!!!!!” “!!!!!!”
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