MTOAW :: Volume #5

#403: Being promoted

Chapter 403: Being promoted 第403章:晋级 „, wait|etc, is queen Your Majesty makes me help your!!” “等,等等,是女王陛下让我来帮你的!!” start to talk, has flash that hastily, the moon/month flatters to feel if oneself did not explain that will certainly be attacked by these flying sword, thereupon has shouted, this makes amethyst wing Lion King look that the vision actually to place that Medusa was, sees her to nod to does not have multibarreled anything, 连忙开口,有那么一瞬间,月媚感觉自己如果不不解释的话一定会被这些飞剑攻击,于是乎不由的大喊了出来,这倒是让紫晶翼狮王把目光看向了美杜莎所在的地方,见她对着自己点头也就没有多管什么, After howling, sent the attack, but flying sword directly composed the electric light poisonous dragon to drill toward the ancient river charge in the past, revolved to bring the lightning comprised of flying sword unceasingly the electric light poisonous dragon drill that makes the heart of river layer on layer/heavily jumped! 只是吼叫一声后发起来进攻,而飞剑则是直接的组成了电光毒龙钻朝着古河冲锋过去,不断旋转带着闪电由飞剑所组成的电光毒龙钻让古河的心不由的重重跳了一下! Has turned around, then sees one braves the blue lightning to revolve the giant drill bit to clash toward oneself, frightens him hastily to avoid. 转过身,便看见一个冒着蓝色闪电旋转着的巨大钻头朝着自己冲过来,吓得他连忙躲避着。 This makes cloud rhyme several people also stare actually, this method had already surpassed their understanding, silly looks at that by electric light poisonous dragon Zuanbi scurrying about ancient river, was initiated the attack to recover until amethyst wing Lion King. 这倒是让云韵几人也是一愣起来,这种手段早已超出了他们的理解,一个个的傻傻的看着那被电光毒龙钻逼的上蹿下跳的古河,直到紫晶翼狮王发起进攻才回过神来。 Because has joining of moon/month of flattering, although her strength is not very strong, but has also constrained that not well-known demon beast, this made amethyst wing Lion King snatch a winning side actually. 因为有着月媚的加入,虽然她的实力不是很强但是也拖住了那个不知名的魔兽,这倒是让紫晶翼狮王重新抢回了一点上风。 Fights technique crazy lion recited!!!” “斗技・狂狮吟!!!” The crazy lion opens mouth to send out deafening roaring, afterward in the mouth condenses is similar to the spiral pill common thing rushed over toward amethyst wing Lion King. 狂狮张嘴发出一声震耳欲聋的咆哮,随后嘴中凝聚出如同螺旋丸一般的东西朝着紫晶翼狮王冲了过去。 Suddenly actually has broken open the purple flame barrier of amethyst wing Lion King, reveals the body of amethyst wing Lion King. 一时间倒是破开了紫晶翼狮王的紫色火焰屏障,露出紫晶翼狮王的身体。 Roar!!!!!” “吼!!!!!” Faced the crazy lion of near body, amethyst wing Lion King was also returning to a heavy claw, but on the claw was condensing a doubtful tail beast jade same thing similarly. 面对着近身的狂狮,紫晶翼狮王也是回了一记重爪,只不过爪子上同样凝聚着一个疑似尾兽玉一样的东西。 Bang!!!!!” 轰!!!!!” Energy to bumping to erupt the huge explosion complementary waves, silhouette flew on the coming out chest to have big three to grasp the mark from the flame, the corners of the mouth also overflowed the blood. 能量的对碰爆发出巨大的爆炸余波,一个人影从火焰之中飞了出来胸口上有着大大的三道抓痕,嘴角也是溢出了鲜血。 Roar!!!!” “吼!!!!” Amethyst wing Lion King sends out angry roaring, the double wing flutter opened the explosion the flame, in the eye has also been full of the anger. 紫晶翼狮王发出愤怒的咆哮,双翼震开爆炸的火焰,眼中也是充满了怒火。 Human, your thorough angered me!!!” “人类,你彻底的惹怒我了!!!” Opens mouth, using the way of where from Dongfang Yan studying to make Battle Qi condense and compress in the mouth, the tail beast jade first time fires in different World, this also made the crazy lion complexion change. 张嘴,用着从东方焱哪里学来的方式让斗气在嘴中凝聚与压缩,尾兽玉第一次在异世界打响,这也让狂狮脸色都变了。 a moment ago to bumping also made him eat not slightly owed. 刚才的对碰也让他吃了个不小的亏来着。 Under strict Shitui.” “严狮退下。” cloud Yundang in front of the injured crazy lion, the in the hand sword sends out luminous of green green, is not difficult to see prepares the hard anti- injury. 云韵挡在受伤的狂狮面前,手中的剑发出翠绿色的光亮,不难看出是准备硬抗伤害。 Wind!!!!” “风来!!!!” Another side old man saw this that, hastily control tornado toward the amethyst wing Lion King assault. 另一边的老者见此那还了得,连忙操控龙卷风朝着紫晶翼狮王袭去。 Distant place, by electric light poisonous dragon Zuanzhui ancient river is also tries to counter-attack, what can is, his each attack by hiding that flying sword broke up the whole into parts in the past, was falls toward oneself that sword technique of various hearing something never heard of before blotted out the sky. 远处,被电光毒龙钻追着的古河也是试图反击起来,不过可以的是,他的每一次进攻都是被飞剑化整为零的躲过去,接着就是各种闻所未闻的剑技铺天盖地的朝着自己落下来。 Suddenly lets the river is also hides somewhat in an extremely difficult situation, flatters as for the moon/month, although said that differs with that demon beast Level not but greatly is also well-matched, this but actually is also inextricably involved that hits. 一时间让古河也是躲得有些狼狈不堪,至于月媚,虽然说与那个魔兽等级相差不大但是也是旗鼓相当,这倒也是打的难解难分。 But all looks at Dongfang Yan in eye did not care at all all, the vision looked was started the blue lotus pent-up anger of blooming flower petal to that by spiritual qi warm support gradually is the corners of the mouth slightly has also pulled out pulling out. 而把一切全都看在眼中的东方焱则是毫不在意,目光重新看向那被灵气温养逐渐开始绽放花瓣的青莲地心火也是嘴角微微的抽了抽。 spiritual qi also some of this thing consumption were too rather big.” “这玩意消耗的灵气未免也有些太大了吧。” Reveals the forced smile, as tenderer nobody can understand that this still blue lotus pent-up anger consumption spiritual qi in fermentation has terrifying how, spiritual qi in oneself space greatly is reducing. 露出苦笑,作为提供者没有人能明白这朵还在酝酿当中的青莲地心火消耗的灵气有多么的恐怖,自己空间之中的灵气正在大幅度的减少来着。 However trades is also huge, Dongfang Yan can the clear feeling in the lotus flower that have the thing of partly visible resonance with. 不过换来的也是巨大的,东方焱能清晰的感受到莲花之中那股与自己有着若隐若现共鸣的东西。 After excessively looks a battlefield did not see any major problem, is not paying attention, starts to resume own condition preparation to start the different fire that will breed this soon born. 偏过头看了眼战场见没什么大问题后,也就不在关注,开始恢复自己的状态准备开始孕育这朵即将出世的异火。 In a more remote desert, middle-aged man face thin and pale walk that sends blue on the desert, 在更加遥远的大漠上,一头蓝发的中年男子一脸憔悴的行走在沙漠上, The whole body is also being scarred bloodstained, just after startled day different fire present world. The middle-aged man also at present sends out bright, is enduring injury, promoting own speed to catch up in the different hot direction, on his neck that but often coughs also has a snake-shaped purple mark. 浑身也是伤痕累累血迹斑斑的,只不过在惊天的异火现世后。中年男子也是眼前发出亮光,忍着身上的伤势,提升着自己的速度朝着异火方向赶过来,只不过不时咳嗽的他脖子上还有一个蛇形的紫色印记。 Different fire present world, this deserts have existence of another different fire, it seems like east my sea waves the life should not certainly.” “异火现世,原来这片大漠真的还有着另一朵异火的存在,看来我海波东命不该绝啊。” In the battlefield, was short of the crazy lion of soldier and meat shield, UU has read 战场之中,少了战士兼肉盾的狂狮,UU看书 Outside old man who only assassin Master cloud of Yunhe remaining eruptions control the wind no other other people. 只剩下爆发的刺客云韵和法师操控风的老者外别无他人。 „......” “啪……” cloud rhyme looks at own barrier of hard anti- injury will soon break, is resisting the blazing purple flame that clenches teeth to go all out, was in her who the peak fights the sovereign to close right up against this opportunity to enter the step finally actually becomes fights the sovereign. 硬抗伤害的云韵看着自己的屏障即将破碎,咬着牙拼命的抵挡着炽热的紫色火焰,本就处于巅峰斗皇的她最后硬是靠着这份机遇进阶成为斗皇。 Must know, amethyst wing Lion King warm had been raised with qualitative change Battle Qi by Dongfang Yan, her purple fire unavoidable will contaminate on some Battle Qi. 要知道,紫晶翼狮王可是被东方焱用质变斗气温养过的,她的紫火难免的会沾染上一些斗气 But cloud rhyme in this flame was more like quenches the body to be fought the sovereign by qualitative change Battle Qi breakthrough that stiffly in that purple flame remained generally. 而在这道火焰中的云韵更像是淬体一般被那紫色火焰中残留下来的质变斗气硬生生的突破到了斗皇。 Suddenly, breakthrough!!!!!” “突,突破了!!!!!” Dumbfounded, the old man was also the opening that could not bear the mouth felt that can force in egg. 目瞪口呆,老者也是忍不住的张大了嘴都感觉能塞进一个鸡蛋了。 Takes back the flame hastily, looks at that became vortex center general cloud rhyme, the vision heavy. 连忙收回火焰,看着那成为漩涡中心一般的云韵,目光沉重了起来。 Many thanks strange fire of Lion King wished my breakthrough bucket of sovereigns, but Lion King must consider that condition that at present once more I said.” “多谢狮王的奇火祝我突破斗皇,不过眼下狮王要不要再次考虑一下我所说的那个条件。” Is cuping one hand in the other across the chest to amethyst wing Lion King, although does not understand in a moment ago that say/way purple fire whose remains Battle Qi is, but that pure Battle Qi at least is she is unable to compare. 对着紫晶翼狮王拱手,虽然不明白刚才那道紫火中的残留斗气是谁的,不过那股精纯的斗气至少是她所无法比拟的。 Snort, how even if you became fight the sovereign.” “哼,就算你成为了斗皇又如何。” coldly snorted that disdains, amethyst wing Lion King also raised 12 spirit, has the fighting sovereigns and two that just promoted fights the king, even if has been injured , but also is a danger of hideaway. 不屑的冷哼一声,紫晶翼狮王也是提起了12分精神,有着一位刚晋升的斗皇和两个斗王,就算有一个受伤了但也是一个隐藏的危险。 The war is ready to be set off, let alone that person of distant place also gradually approaches has discovered present. 大战一触即发,更何况远处的那人也逐渐的靠近发现了眼前的这一幕。 You are ............ “你是…………” The vision looked at always the person, cloud rhyme also feels from him with the same aura, but actually a little different doubts. 目光看向来人,云韵也是从他身上感受到了和自己一样的气息,但却又有一点不一样不由的疑惑起来。 I am east the sea waves, is called the ice sovereign.” “我是海波东,人称冰皇。”
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