MSCLS :: Volume #14 古帝遮天

#677: shrouding the heavens with a hand!( Big result)

Your father once killed my Underworld Yama Sovereign, father debt recompenses, you then go to Hell along with me, 100,000 years later you are free.” Corpse Sovereign said calmly, the tone is unquestionable. “你父曾杀我地府阎罗皇,父债子偿,你便随我去地狱吧,十万年后还你自由。”尸皇平静说道,语气却不容置疑。 But replied his, was together from the murderous intention that nine heavens came! 但回答他的,是一道自九天而来的杀机! Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly, the sound of heavens collapsing cracks in the earth resounds, a shadow follows tears the vault of heaven, vibrates the universe. 蓦然间,天崩地裂的声音响起,一道黑影紧随其后撕裂苍穹,震动天宇。 That is battle spear! 那是一杆战枪 The low and deep like the abyss, like Mountains and Seas, such as the electricity shoots vigorously, the spear/gun also in the midair, is the heavens collapsing cracks in the earth. 幽沉如深渊,雄浑如山海,如电而射,枪还在半空,便已是天崩地裂。 As soon as it appears, becomes among heaven and earth existence of strongest potential, will present three Ancient Sovereign Paragon aura to suppress completely, annotates anything is true only my Solitary Venerable to the world. 它一出现,就成为天地最强势的存在,将在场三名古皇至尊的气息都完全压制,向世人诠释什么才是真正的“唯我独尊”。 Whose battle spear this...... is this?” “这……这是谁的战枪?” Does not wait for the people to think that battle spear to surpass the limit the speed to arrive in front of the stone sovereign. 不等众人多想,那战枪就以超越极限的速度来到石皇面前。 The latter previous quarter is also insufferably arrogant, at this time is fearful and apprehensive, only thinks already the dead end. 后者前一刻还不可一世,此时却心惊肉跳,只觉已经穷途末路。 Because only black battle spear gives his pressure, really as huge is inconceivable as the bystander. 只因为黑色战枪给他的压力,实在巨大到外人难以想象。 He will not sit waiting for death, raises in the hand subconsciously divine bow. 他自不会坐以待毙,下意识地举起手中神弓 Buzz! 嗡! Corpse Sovereign pulls open the instance of long bow, before the body, opens a Gate of Hell, then a black feather arrow projects loudly. 尸皇拉开长弓的瞬间,身前打开一道地狱之门,然后一支黑色羽箭从中轰然射出。 That is not the common arrow feather, but was death law to the high mystery has presently, even if in the quasi-emperor contamination 1 point must become the bloody pus, died a violent death to perish. 那不是一般的箭羽,而是死亡法则至高奥秘的具现,纵然准帝沾染上一点都要成为脓血,暴毙而亡。 Except for cultivator, divine ability magical treasure and so on its was touched , is also difficult escapes is decayed the danger. 除了修士,神通法宝之类被其触碰,也同样难逃被朽化的危险。 The result that but these collides time is incredible. 可这一次碰撞的结果让人难以置信。 kā chā! 咔嚓 The divine bow direct break, black battle spear crushes death arrow, pierces Gate of Hell, the bang breaks divine bow, to/clashes from Corpse Sovereign within the body. 神弓直接断裂,黑色战枪粉碎死亡之箭,洞穿地狱之门,轰断神弓,自尸皇体内一冲而过。 Sweeps away all obstacles, No Defense Is Unbreakable. 所向披靡,无坚不摧 On spear tip lingers supreme piercing profound truth, the world myriad things may break all! 枪尖上萦绕着一股至高无上的洞穿奥义,世间万物无不可破! Corpse Sovereign cannot block, a pitiful yell, the sovereign blood splash, was passed by a spear pierces. 尸皇根本挡不住,一声惨叫,皇血飞溅,被一枪刺透。 The thick long spear shaft slanting birthplace enters, pierces his left chest, then nails tight ruthlessly on the ground. 粗长的枪杆斜贯而入,将他左胸洞穿,而后狠狠钉死在地上。 The people stare dumbfounded! 众人瞠目结舌! This is a Immemorial Saint sovereign, actually does not have the strength of resistance to be nailed tight by a spear/gun like this. 这可是一尊太古圣皇,竟然就这样毫无反抗之力地被一枪钉死。 All happened quickly, among the electric light flint, the fight had ended. 一切都发生得太快了,电光火石之间,战斗就已经结束。 Corpse Sovereign was suppressed strongly, almost does not have the strength of resistance, even Emperor Weapon was hit to collapse. 尸皇被强势镇压,几乎毫无反抗之力,连帝兵都被打崩。 At this time, he does not even know that is who acts to him. 这时候,他甚至不知道是谁对他出手。 The people instinct is on the rise, looks following the vault of heaven that battle spear flies, actually sees only a mountain range huge form to arrive from the beyond the heavens starry sky. 众人本能地抬头,顺着战枪飞来的天穹望去,却只见一片山脉般庞大的身影自天外星空降临。 nine dragons pulling a coffin!” 九龙拉棺!” The Ye Fan mind shock, nine Black Dragon draws huge bronze ancient coffin to come, above that inner and outer coffin, an profound armor knight silent stands erect. 叶凡心神剧震,九条黑龙拉着巨大的青铜古棺而来,在那棺椁之上,一名玄甲骑士无声屹立。 The mount for fierce ancient beast, the whole body wears armor, the look such as the antiquity ominous king, four hoof god flame beat. 其坐骑为狰狞古兽,浑身披甲,眼神如上古凶王,四蹄神焰跳动。 In the people stare one person, one mount jumps like War God from the great coffin suddenly, four hoof vibration entire world, tread loudly to ground nailed tight Corpse Sovereign. 就在众人凝望之时一人一骑霍然从巨棺上如战神般跃起,四蹄震动寰宇,对着地上被钉死的尸皇轰然踏下。 "Ah..." “啊……” Goes too far!” “欺人太甚!” The Corpse Sovereign violent anger, face upwards howls crazily, raises in the hand crack densely covered divine bow, condenses a blood arrow by own sovereign blood, bends the bow the nocking, then points at a loosen, explodes loudly shoots. 尸皇暴怒,仰天狂啸,举起手中裂纹密布的神弓,以自身皇血凝聚一道血箭,弯弓搭箭,而后手指一松,轰然爆射。 The blood arrow place visited, void all changes into the blood-color instantaneously, died arrives with the malicious ghost, changes to the Human World purgatory there. 血箭所过之处,虚空全都瞬间化为血色,死亡与恶鬼降临,将那里化作人间炼狱。 One zhang (3.33 m) single layer nether world, merely 18 zhang (3.33 m), are 18 heavy Hell! 一丈一重幽冥,仅仅十八丈,便是十八重地狱 So the power and influence, entire Jade Pond forbidden zone can bury. 如此威势,整个瑶池禁地都能葬下。 However that black armor knight is indifferent, ancient beast treading the sky, the hoofbeat like the thunder, resembled antiquity War God to follow the years river to come before eternal. 然而那黑甲骑士冷漠无情,古兽踏天,蹄声如雷,似上古战神从万古前顺着岁月长河而来。 Corpse Sovereign blood divine arrow together with 18 heavy nether world phenomenon, was all trod broken. 尸皇的血神箭连同十八重幽冥异象,全都被一踏而破。 Big Dipper ancient star also vibrates, one person, one mount overbearing these two characters will show incisively, informed the world anything is called truly resists with all one's strength thousand army, having me is invincible. 北斗古星随之震动,一人一骑将“霸道”这两个字展现得淋漓尽致,昭告世人什么叫做真正的力敌千军,有我无敌。 Bang! 轰! The oppression of the people falls to the ground, the bloody water splashes, Corpse Sovereign fleshly body disrupts loudly. 铁蹄落地,血水溅起,尸皇肉身轰然碎裂。 Ancient Sovereign, pours in the pool of blood like this, life and death does not know, from beginning to end was suppressed stubbornly. 一尊古皇,就这样倒在血泊之中,生死不知,从头到尾都被死死压制。 If Heavenly God is run over and dies ants. 天神碾死一只蝼蚁。 Angry, has revolted, has struggled, is useless, damn will die eventually. 愤怒过,反抗过,挣扎过,却没有用,该死的终究会死。 Jade Pond forbidden zone falls the needle to hear. 瑶池禁地落针可闻。 Corpse Sovereign tyrannical Battle Body irrelevant shattered, such as had been ground by the grinding pan, the blood and hashed meat are promiscuous, let person scalp tingles, cold air from tailbone direct impact top of the head. 尸皇强横的战体支离破碎,如被磨盘碾过,鲜血与碎肉混杂,让人头皮发麻,一股寒气从尾骨直冲头顶。 Has not known how long, some people could not bear mutter. 不知过了多久,有人忍不住喃喃自语。 Who this knight is......” “这名骑士是谁……” „Did Heaven Emperor return?!” “难道苍帝归来了?!” The voice falls, void turning round deathly stillness. 话音落下,虚空又复死寂。 This idea is too fearful, unthinkable, is fair. 这个想法太可怕,匪夷所思,却又合情合理。 Except that 100,000 years ago Heaven Emperor attain the dao return, really whom cannot find out also to have such power and influence, a spear/gun treads, two struck suppress and kill antiquity Corpse Sovereign. 除了十万年前的苍帝证道归来,实在想不出谁还能有如此威势,一枪一踏,两击镇杀上古尸皇 Divine Knight whole body duplicate armor, even on the face brings the fierce bronze mask. 神骑士全身覆甲,连脸上都带着狰狞的青铜面具。 He conducts the back to overlook the people in the ancient beast, saw after Chen Muxi, such as ten thousand years of rock ice-cold vision suddenly becomes gentle, simultaneously under the mask spreads hoarsely with the heavy sound. 他在古兽背上俯视众人,看到陈沐兮后原本如万年岩石般冰冷的目光突然变得柔和,同时面具下传出沙哑和厚重的声音。 Has seen Imperial Princess.” “见过帝姬。” Chen Muxi nods with a smile, she is not clear about the concrete status of this knight, therefore does not know how should call. 陈沐兮笑着点头,她也并不清楚这名骑士的具体身份,所以也不知道该如何称呼。 You are not Heaven Emperor Chen Gou, who are you?” “你不是苍帝陈勾,你是谁?” Immortal Tomb Immortal Grandma and Divine Ruins Spirit Sovereign from the knight to the name of Chen Muxi, inferred the critical information keenly. 仙陵仙姥神墟灵皇从骑士对陈沐兮的称呼中,敏锐推断出了关键信息。 Naturally is not, I am only go on an expedition Divine General of Heaven along with Heavenly Emperor.” The heavy armor knight turns around, human and mount united, not slow cannot move toward two Ancient Sovereign anxiously. “自然不是,吾只是随天帝征战上苍的神将。”重甲骑士转身,人骑合一,不急不缓得走向两名古皇 Immortal Grandma and soul in great surprise, the entire god alerts, while said: I and others had not offended Imperial Princess, can the present retreat, from now yields and withdraws to Jade Lake Lineage!” 仙姥和灵魂大惊,一边全神戒备,一边说道:“我等并未冒犯帝姬,可以现在就退走,从此以后对瑶池一脉退避三舍!” They think is different from Corpse Sovereign, they from arriving now, have not in fact acted, spoke several words merely. 他们自认为与尸皇不同,他们自降临到现在,实际上并没有出手,仅仅说了几句话而已。 And the words that spoke to Chen Muxi are also only calm expostulation, although the threatening ingredient, is not excessive. 并且对陈沐兮说的话也只是心平气和的劝诫,虽然有威胁的成分,却也不算过分。 Like Corpse Sovereign, first does not want father debt to recompense directly, takes away Underworld Chen Muxi, who doesn't he die dead? 不像尸皇,一来就直接要父债子偿,把陈沐兮带去地府,他不死谁死? However heavy armor Divine Knight will actually remain unmoved, shakes the head saying: Late, you had committed the capital crime.” 然而重甲神骑将却不为所动,摇头道:“晚了,你们已经犯下死罪。” May I ask me and others to commit what crime?” Immortal Grandma and Spirit Sovereign puzzled and interrogated unwillingly. “敢问我等所犯何罪?”仙姥灵皇不解且不甘地质问。 Said the Heavenly Emperor name, the crime does not have to be possible!” “直呼天帝姓名,罪无可恕!” Finishes barely the words, heavy armor Divine Knight grasps battle spear from the ground, then suddenly explodes, one person, one mount a black flood turbulently. 话音未落,重甲神骑从地上抓起战枪,然后突然暴发,一人一骑一道黑色洪水般汹涌而出。 Titter! 噗嗤! blood light starts, that black god spear/gun such as True Dragon, taking advantage of the unparalleled impact of ancient beast, punctures on breakthrough all hindrance in his hands instantly on Spirit Sovereign, pierces him. 血光乍起,那杆黑色神枪在他手中如一条真龙,借着古兽的盖世冲击,一个刹那就突破所有阻碍刺在灵皇身上,将他洞穿。 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” When Spirit Sovereign scared stiff, face to face to heavy armor Divine Knight the person changes into himself, he heartfelt feeling Corpse Sovereign in a moment ago at that moment had is weak and terrified. 灵皇胆裂魂飞,当面对重甲神骑的人换成自己时,他才真切感受到尸皇在刚才那一刻有多么无力与惶恐。 This does not know comes mysterious Divine General that from where, by realm, actually also only in God King Realm, but can actually all suppress their these Ancient Sovereign superficially, even cuts to extinguish. 这不知从何处而来的神秘神将,论境界,其实也只在神王境,但却可以轻描淡写地将他们这些古皇全都镇压,甚至斩灭。 This means that divine ability, Dao Weapon and Battle Body opposite party, above them! 这意味着,对方的神通道兵战体,都远在他们之上! Walks!” “走!” Immortal Grandma frightened extreme, does not dare to stay, an under foot point then must turn around to cross leaves void. 仙姥恐惧万状,再也不敢停留,脚下一点便要转身横渡虚空离开。 Although Spirit Sovereign is injured, but in the face of the life and death great misfortune, the speed is quicker than Immortal Grandma. 灵皇虽然受了伤,但在生死大劫面前,速度比仙姥还快。 He does not transfer the body, the direct retreat, the body is separated from battle spear forcefully at the same time, is opening a void gate behind, is prepares to back up unexpectedly departure. 他连身都不转,直接后退,将身体从战枪上硬生生脱离的同时,在身后开启一道虚空之门,竟是准备倒退着离开。 Where you escape, not under Heaven?” “你们逃到哪里,不是在上苍之下?” Heavy armor Divine General cold Smile, without manages battered Spirit Sovereign, but sharply not slow does not progress to pursue Immortal Grandma to go. 重甲神将一身冷哂,没有管已经遭受重创的灵皇,而是不急不缓地策马追着仙姥而去。 Quick, profound armor Divine Knight all vanishes with two Ancient Sovereign forms. 很快,玄甲神骑与两名古皇的身影就全都消失。 Before forbidden zone mausoleum chamber, is only left over dead shape pitiful Corpse Sovereign, as well as everywhere blood. 禁区地宫前,只剩下死状凄惨的尸皇,以及遍地鲜血。 Chen Muxi does not dye the least bit dust and blood, snow white Saint lotus that as if in Hell blooms, is so beautiful and noble. 陈沐兮不染半点尘埃与鲜血,仿佛地狱之中绽放的雪白圣莲,那样美丽、高贵。 But no one's facial expression is relaxed, because , a bigger pressure arrives suddenly, covers earth. 但没有人的神情轻松,因为不知不觉间,一股更大的威压骤然降临,笼罩大地 With god armor knight reserved completely opposite, this aura pinnacle is released externally, blots out the sky. 与神甲骑士的内敛完全相反,这道气息极致外放,铺天盖地。 Endless years, made me find to return to the road in Heaven paradise finally......” “无尽岁月了,终于让我找到回上苍仙界的路……” An immortal phoenix spreads the wings, breaking through the sky and descending, the pupil light is arrogant, looks disdainfully eternally. 一头仙凰展翅,裂宇击天而来,眸光倨傲,睥睨万古。 Undying Heavenly Sovereign!” 不死天皇!” He has not died unexpectedly, moreover aura prosperous......” “他竟然没死,而且气息鼎盛……” Whole world all startled, this finished Mythological Era founding the Im­memo­r­ial Era emperor, is world first Ancient Sovereign. 举世皆惊,这位结束神话时代开创太古时代的天皇,为世间第一尊古皇 The hold on prestige, only under founding Mythological Era Emperor Venerable. 古史上的威名之盛,仅在开创神话时代帝尊之下。 From his time, the past over a million years, no one has thought that he has not only died, but also is still at the most flourishing condition, even was stronger than in the past. 距离他的时代,已经过去上百万年,谁也没想到他不仅没死,还依旧处于全盛状态,甚至比往昔更强。 When the Jade Pond people are panic-stricken, immediately is Chen Muxi worries. 瑶池众人惊骇之余,顿时为陈沐兮担忧起来。 Undying Heavenly Sovereign may non- Corpse Sovereign or Spirit Sovereign may compare, even immortal Heavenly Lord and other myth Paragon cannot compare. 不死天皇可非尸皇灵皇可比,甚至连长生天尊等神话至尊无法相提并论 He is in all Paragon that the eternal years are born, the strength was existence of top 5! 他是万古岁月诞生的所有至尊中,实力稳居前五的存在! Suddenly , the dignified sound conveys together. 突然,又一道威严的声音传来。 You cannot get away, cannot stay behind, forever lonesome will be your final home to return.” “你走不了,也留不下,永寂是你最后的归宿。” Bang! 轰! The distant place, the dreadful fluctuation is enormous and powerful, sweeps across eight wildernesses, making dormant Immemorial Paragon awaken, trembles. 远处,滔天波动浩荡,席卷八荒,让蛰伏的太古至尊都惊醒,随之颤栗。 This type of aura, reminding them of the depressing age, a fearful name. 这种气息,让他们想起了压抑的年代,一个可怕的名字。 Great Emperor!” 大帝!” Outside forbidden zone, the big black dog cannot bear yell, the tears long class/flow, control continuously again. 禁区外,大黑狗忍不住大叫,泪水长流,再也控制不住。 That is a great form, the heroic bearing is fearful, black thick, the pupil light wisdom, may pierce all, the graces, heaven and earth ten thousand tremble, wail for him, his elegant demeanor is matchless. 那是一个伟岸的身影,英姿慑人,黑浓密,眸光睿智,可洞穿一切,举手投足,天地万道为他而颤栗、哀鸣,他的风采举世无双。 The immortal road end who is the peak, sees the Without Beginning Dao turns into air! 仙路尽头谁为峰,一见无始道成空! These words do not know that spread many ten thousand years, at the present the world must see real person finally, did not feel exaggeratingly. 这句话也不知道流传多少万年了,而今世人终于得见真人,才觉得一点也不夸张。 So many years, he has confronted with Undying Heavenly Sovereign on Immortal Ascension Road. 这么多年,他一直在成仙路上与不死天皇对峙。 Now, Undying Heavenly Sovereign discovered Immortal Ascension Road is different, nine dragons pulling a coffin is the secret of Heaven ferry, wants to struggle to cross, Without Beginning then also follows. 现在,不死天皇发现了成仙路不同,九龙拉棺才是上苍界渡船的秘密,想来争渡,无始便也紧随其后而来。 Without Beginning, really thinks that this sovereign does fear you?” 无始,真以为本皇怕你?” Five-Colors god phoenix conducts the back suddenly presents together the heroic bearing unparalleled form, looks is a young man. 五彩神凰背上突然出现一道英姿盖世的身影,看去是一个年轻男子。 The voice falls, this man floats in the midair, the under foot god phoenix changes to the immortal light to charge into him suddenly together, finally combines into one in pinnacle radiant holy light. 话音落下,这男子漂浮在半空,脚下神凰则突然化作一道仙光冲向他,最终在极致璀璨的圣光中合而为一。 When the ray diverges, the god phoenix and men do not see, what replaces it is shoulders the immortal wing, the hand is the god claw, makes noise sonorously the like a god and like a demon form. 光芒散去时,神凰与男子都不见,取而代之的是一名背负仙翅,手为神爪,铿锵作响如神似魔的身影。 Immortal God Battle Body of Heaven?!” “上苍的仙神战体?!” Chen Muxi makes noise surprisedly, probably the first loss of self-control since appearance. 陈沐兮惊疑出声,好像是自现身以来的第一次失态。 Although she has not gone to Heaven, moreover Chen Gou has not come back, but can actually induce through the bloodlines conducts the remote exchange occasionally. 她虽然还未去过上苍界,而且陈勾也没有回来过,但却可以通过血脉感应偶尔进行隔空交流。 Therefore she knows that many Heaven secret, naturally also includes Immortal God Battle Body that Heaven is in sole possession. 所以她知道不少上苍界的秘密,其中自然也包括上苍独有的仙神战体 She has not thought, until now by Undying Heavenly Sovereign that Phoenix form shows, unexpectedly is only Dao Spirit, the true emperor has someone else. 她没想到,一直以来以凤凰形态示人的不死天皇,竟然只是道灵,真正的天皇另有其人。 It seems like when Undying Heavenly Sovereign is the person of paradise, the childhood the legend of unexpected wandering about destitute world of mortals should real. 看来不死天皇乃仙界之人,幼年时意外流落下界的传说应该是真的。 What is more important, now the Undying Heavenly Sovereign body unites spirit, opens the Supreme Immortal Body strength to rise dramatically, anxious can Great Emperor Without Beginning win? 更重要的是,如今不死天皇身灵合一,开启无上仙体实力暴增,让人担忧无始大帝能否战而胜之? When! 当! Purple Mountain bell sound, vibrates nine heavens and ten earths. 紫山钟鸣,震动九天十地 Without Beginning waves the hand a move, quiet for a long time Without Beginning Bell departed from Purple Mountain, breaks open void, flies instantly. 无始摇手一招,沉寂了许久的无始钟紫山飞出,破开虚空,刹那飞到手中。 By this moment, had nothing saying that only war. 到了这一刻,没有什么可说的,唯有一战。 Bang, two unparalleled forms hit in the same place. 轰隆一声,两道盖世身影撞在一起。 The Undying Heavenly Sovereign immortal phoenix Battle Body god wing cuts slantingly, makes noise sonorously, a Great Emperor Without Beginning palm racket falls, Dipper Turns Stars Move, the universe reverses, overawes past, present, and future. 不死天皇仙凰战体神翅斜斩,铿锵作响,无始大帝一掌拍落,斗转星移,乾坤逆转,威震古今未来 Two people strike violently, god glow immortal magnificent curls up 30,000 zhang (3.33 m), just like epoch-making. 两人猛烈一击,神芒仙华卷起三万丈,犹如开天辟地。 The intensity of fight, is inconceivable, this is the shocking showdown between Shrouding the Heavens strongest Paragon. 战斗之激烈,难以想象,这是遮天最强至尊之间的惊世对决。 When the situation turns the superheating, heavy armor Divine Knight came back. 就在局势进入白热化的时候,重甲神骑回来了。 He sits well in the ancient beast rides to conduct the back ominously, the back supports straightly, on right hand battle spear is hanging two heads, is really Immortal Grandma and Spirit Sovereign. 他端坐在古兽凶骑背上,腰杆挺得笔直,右手战枪上挂着两颗人头,真是仙姥灵皇的。 Deep phoenix exterminated the clan in Heaven, has not thought that here also has fish slip through unexpectedly.” “冥凰氏在上苍都灭族了,没想到在这里竟还有漏网之鱼。” He gazes at Undying Heavenly Sovereign tranquilly, probably is looking at a deceased person. 他平静注视不死天皇,像是在看着一个死人。 The Undying Heavenly Sovereign vision is instantaneous, he has not thought that Divine General will come back quickly, not to think Without Beginning also hid the strength, moreover hides deeply. 不死天皇目光瞬间凝重,他没想到神将会回来得这么快,更没想到无始也隐藏了实力,而且藏得这么深。 His own Dao Spirit and do the main body unite to open Immortal God Battle Body, the strength far more than multiply? 他自己道灵与本体合一开启仙神战体,实力何止倍增? However Without Beginning actually can still meet as an equal to him, does not drop the wind, making the intention that he fights a battle to force a quick decision go bankrupt. 然而无始却依然能与他分庭抗礼,丝毫不落下风,让他速战速决的意图破产。 Now Divine General returns, with Without Beginning, his almost losing battle has decided jointly! 现在神将归来,与无始联手之下,他几乎败局已定! You, very good.” “你们,很好。” In vain my layout is not eternal, you three people of Dao Fruit, complement over a hundred Paragon.” “不枉我布局万古,你们三人的道果,足抵上百至尊。” Suddenly, an inexplicable internal energy appeared, swallows the myriad things, the entire starry sky and heaven and earth turned into a cauldron unexpectedly slowly, must everyone refining. 突然,一股莫名的气机出现了,吞噬万物,整个星空与天地竟然慢慢化成了一个鼎,要将所有人都炼化 Emperor Venerable, you have not really died!” The Great Emperor Without Beginning pupil light like the electricity, the manner has not changed. 帝尊,你果然没有死!”无始大帝眸光如电,神态未变。 This called one, vibrated heaven and earth, everyone in an uproar. 这个称呼一出,震动了天地,所有人都哗然。 This world actually? 这个世界究竟怎么了? Not only Undying Heavenly Sovereign has not died, even Emperor Venerable is actually also living! 不但不死天皇没有死,连帝尊竟然都还活着! Is I, overlooks eternally, building up the starry sky is a furnace, this world becomes my cauldron, you by my refining, will be helped me say the sublimation extremely, infiltrates the paradise.” “是我,俯视万古,炼星空为炉,这个世界都成为我的鼎,你们将被我炼化,助我极道升华,打入仙界。” The Emperor Venerable dignified sound resounds, acknowledged oneself want refining to fall everyone's Dao Fruit, nourishes itself. 帝尊威严声音响起,承认自己要炼化掉所有人的道果,来滋养自身。 boast shamelessly!” 大言不惭!” Heavy armor Divine Knight smiles, like looking at a joke. 重甲神骑哂笑,如同在看一个笑话。 „After you died, I will enter Heaven, delivers your master to see you.” The Emperor Venerable sound is very indifferent, is proud extraordinarily. “等你死后,我会杀入上苍,送你的主人去见你。”帝尊的声音无比冷漠,自负非凡。 Heavy armor Divine Knight has not spoken again, has not acted, but looks up to the vault of heaven. 重甲神骑没有再说话,也没有出手,而是抬头看向天穹。 Bang!” “轰!” A loud sound, starry sky big quake. 一声巨响,星空大震。 Does not need you to go, I look for you.” “不必你去,我来找你。” The sound that teased together dignifiedly resounded, the Paragon simultaneously pupil of rest shrank fiercely, they felt that the barrier of paradise and this world seemed to be opened. 一道威严而戏谑的声音响起,蛰伏的至尊齐齐瞳孔猛缩,他们感觉到仙界和这个世界的屏障似乎被人打开。 Then, two palms then break open the overlapped space barrier, arrives at Human World from nine heavens above, the instantaneous passing over gently and swiftly starry sky, patted toward Jade Pond forbidden zone. 然后,两只手掌便破开重重叠叠的空间障碍,自九天之上降临人间,瞬间掠过星空,向着瑶池禁区拍来。 This palm is not fierce, probably white jade is ordinary, but vigorous Unfathomable. 这手掌并不狰狞,好像白玉一般温润,但是雄浑莫测 As the palm arrives, the dreadful invincible might covers Big Dipper, the world only thinks that the top of the head did not have Sun, did not have the sky, in the line of sight, is only left over these two palms. 随着手掌降临,滔天的神威笼罩北斗,世人只觉头顶没有了太阳,没有了天空,视线之内,只剩下这两只手掌。 Make people cannot help but think four characters...... 让人不由自主的想起了四个字…… shrouding the heavens with a hand! 只手遮天 ! 噗! ! 噗! In Jade Pond forbidden zone, two spitting blood sounds also resound, two white jade palms clap respectively on Undying Heavenly Sovereign and Emperor Venerable. 瑶池禁区内,两道吐血之声同时响起,两只白玉手掌分别拍在不死天皇帝尊身上。 Former's immortal phoenix Battle Body disintegrates suddenly, then the Dao Spirit deep phoenix blasted out directly, turned into everywhere light rain, vanished into thin air. 前者的仙凰战体陡然解体,接着道灵冥凰直接炸开,化成了漫天光雨,烟消云散。 The Undying Heavenly Sovereign main body was also suppressed , the big mouth coughs up blood, the whole body bone is completely broken. 不死天皇本体也被镇压而下,大口咳血,全身骨头尽碎。 Emperor Venerable does not have many, was rumbled to enter underground over a thousand zhang (3.33 m) at the scene, the aura of whole person instantaneously weak to pinnacle, such as was buried. 帝尊也没有好多少,当场被轰入地底上千丈,整个人的气息瞬间微弱到了极致,如被埋葬。 In an instant, Shrouding the Heavens era strongest Heavenly Lord and Ancient Sovereign, such a person of palm, was suppressed superficially, almost dies an untimely death at the scene. 转眼之间,遮天纪元最强天尊古皇,就这样一人一掌,被轻描淡写镇压,差点当场横死。 Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine, Samsara Sea, Burying Heavens Island and other life forbidden zone in Ancient Paragon frighten soul flies away and scatters all, unbelievable. 太初古矿轮回海葬天岛等生命禁区内的古代至尊们无不吓得魂飞魄散,难以置信。 Who that is, this easily suppresses Emperor Venerable and Undying Heavenly Sovereign, a hand, makes them unable to raise the head!” “那是谁,就这样轻易镇压帝尊不死天皇,一只手而已,就让他们抬不起头来!” The whole world in an uproar, under the starry sky that two palms shocked past, present, and future. 举世哗然,星空下那两只手掌震撼了古今未来 As we all know, settles down, all will finish. 所有人都知道,尘埃落定,一切都将结束了。 No one is the opponent of that two palm, no one can disobey its will. 没有人是那两只手掌的对手,没有人能违逆其意志。 But finally, has not had the accident/surprise. 而结果,也没有发生意外。 Undying Heavenly Sovereign and Emperor Venerable by brutal suppress and kill, divine soul entirely to extinguish, were buried in forbidden zone finally. 不死天皇帝尊最终被无情镇杀,神魂俱灭,葬身禁区 Is Heaven Heavenly Emperor, he is away from the endless space and time to act from the paradise, still under starry sky invincible.” “是苍天帝,他从仙界隔着无尽时空出手,依然星空下无敌。” The answer is obvious, making one shock, is regrettable. 答案显而易见,让人震撼,也让人遗憾。 It is a pity that is considered that has strongest Battle Body Heaven Emperor not to return eventually truly, the person of this life misses to see the appearance/portrait. 遗憾的是被认为拥有最强战体苍帝终究还是没有真正归来,今世之人无缘得见真容。 Under heavy A protection of Divine Knight and Great Emperor Without Beginning, no one dares to covet the sacred object in forbidden zone again. 在重甲神骑无始大帝的守护下,没人再敢觊觎禁区内的圣物。 Chen Muxi enters the mausoleum chamber easely, took the Saint embryo, and revived with the wondrous medicines by Great Accomplishment Saint Physique of seal in Divine Source. 陈沐兮悠然进入地宫,取走了圣胎,并用圣药救活了被封印在神源中的大成圣体 He sees Without Beginning, is incomparably gratified, the father and son can have a reunion in such a way, the life nearly is hence perfect, actually cannot avoid disconsolately some. 他见到无始,自是无比欣慰,父子能以这样一种方式重逢,人生至此近乎完美,却也免不了些许惆怅。 Pitifully your mother is not, if she sees you to have today's achievement, was inevitably happier than me.” Great Accomplishment Saint Physique remembered Em­press Mother of West, the innermost feelings are moved. “可惜你母亲已经不在,她若见到你们有今日的成就,必然比我更高兴。”大成圣体想起了西皇,内心怅然若失。 Who said her not in?” “谁说她不在了?” If Chen Muxi bright eyes resplendent the stars, said with a smile: She is Heavenly Court Queen Mother, model mother three worlds, at the present in Heaven Realm, can meet momentarily.” 陈沐兮明眸灿若星辰,笑道:“她已为天庭王母,母仪三界,而今就在天界,随时可以相见。” This is one related to the all heavens and myriad worlds secret! 这是一个涉及诸天万界的大秘! Initially Shrouding the Heavens World Em­press Mother of West, was only Heaven Realm Queen Mother to seek to promote Heavenly Emperor Realm, mirror image that creates clone, with Haotian clone equally good results from different methods. 当初遮天世界西皇,原本只是天界王母为了求索晋升天帝境,所创造的镜像分身,和昊天的分身异曲同工。 According to the normal condition, clone cultivation to God King Realm, its Dao Fruit will return to the main body to be swallowed finally. 按照正常情况,分身修炼到了神王境,其道果最终会回到本体被吞噬。 However, Chen Gou controls remotely the world of mortals in Heaven, assembles the bureaus of strength arrange millennium Jie Sect and Zhurong emperor clan hidden, finally successfully helps Em­press Mother of West change from guest to host, replaces original Queen Mother to become the main body! 然而,陈勾在上苍遥控下界,调集截教祝融帝族隐藏的力量布下千年之局,最终成功帮西皇反客为主,取代原本的王母成为本体! Now has grasped Heavenly Court half error, this is Chen Muxi will also be labeled as the Heavenly Court Jade Pond Princess reason. 如今已掌握天庭半阙,这也是陈沐兮会被封为天庭瑶池公主的原因。 Haotian not did not detect, but these year of Chen Gou and Grandmaster of Heaven, Flame Emperor and Di Jun collaborate, reverses the situation in Heaven Emperor games gradually, got the winning side. 昊天对此自不是毫无察觉,但这些年陈勾通天教主炎帝帝俊联手,在上苍帝中渐渐逆转局势,占据了上风。 This change affected the Classic of Mountains and Seas God World pattern from top to bottom, Jie Sect rose. 这种变化自上而下地影响了山海神界的格局,截教重新崛起。 Heavenly Court originally is God World attached, Haotian that therefore the life endures good even if had detected, actually pretends not to know, lives in peace with each other. 天庭本就神界附属,因此一生善忍的昊天纵然有所察觉,却装作不知,相安无事。 Heavenly Emperor injunction, gate one year later opens, I first go to Underworld to see the old friend, Imperial Princess must arrange all during this period.” 天帝嘱咐,界门一年后开启,我先去地府见故友,帝姬务必在此期间安排好一切。” The heavy armor knight said after Chen Muxi such a few words, then progresses to depart, crosses the space and time, went to true nether world Underworld directly. 重甲骑士对陈沐兮说了这样一句话后,便策马离去,横渡时空,直接去了真正的幽冥地府 He is one of the Underworld Underworld King Palace Soul Seizing Envoy, is Heavenly King Wudao Ran Min! 他原本是地府冥王殿拘魂使之一,乃武悼天王冉闵 Afterward an accident of sorts, became extremely few to enter one of the Heaven world of mortals cultivator accidentally/surprisingly, then has gone on an expedition Heaven with several Heavenly Emperor, was meritorious, the ominous name may 100000 miles away make God King change color. 后来一次机缘巧合,成为极少数意外进入上苍的下界修士之一,而后一直与几位天帝征战上苍,战功赫赫,凶名可在100000里外让神王变色。 ............ ………… A year later, Shrouding the Heavens World Big Dipper beyond the heavens starry sky immortal light everywhere, the golden lotus builds the god bridge everywhere, pierces Star Darkness, extends to remote Heaven. 一年后,遮天世界北斗天外的星空仙光漫天,遍地金莲筑成神桥,洞穿星冥,延伸到遥远的上苍。 nine dragons pulling a coffin reappears! 九龙拉棺再现! But draws, no longer is bronze ancient coffin, but is immortal island. 但拉的,不再是青铜古棺,而是一座仙岛 That was once Flower Island, after more than 1000 years of transformation sublimations, once sea island totally becomes one to float the spatial flight at the present, even shuttle through the void supreme treasure. 那是曾经的花岛,经过一千多年的改造升华,曾经的海岛而今完全成为一座可以自行浮空飞行,甚至穿梭虚空至宝 The Saint Flower Island length and breadth is boundless, like a mainland. 花岛广袤无边,如同一座大陆。 Above covers entirely a mark and war fortress, on the sky and earth, wore Thunder God battlesuit tiger flood dragon Thunder God Knight, Eighth Wilderness Fire Dragon Knight, Metal Devouring Ancient Thunder Knight wait/etc. once to go on an expedition Classic of Mountains and Seas God World, sweeping away all obstacles divine guard patrols the patrol, meticulous. 其上布满阵纹与战争堡垒,天空与大地上,身穿雷神战衣的虎蛟雷神骑八荒火龙骑吞金古雷骑等曾征战山海神界,所向披靡的神卫游弋巡逻,一丝不苟。 Dongli, Xin Qi, Nuo Dun, Wang Teng, Chubby Head Girl, Edward Park, Ye Qing, Han Feng and other Chen Gou the brothers good friends, become divine guard Commander. 东利辛弃诺顿王腾胖头妹爱德华朴夜青韩风陈勾的兄弟挚友,都成为了神卫统领 immortal island central area pavilions extend unceasingly, Academy occupies a land area broadly, very showy. 仙岛中央地区亭台楼阁延绵不绝,其中一座书院占地广阔,十分显目。 Inside mister does not have Ning Que, Sangsang, Li Manman and Yu Lian, Zhang Xiaofan, Bi Yao and Lu Xueqi...... 里面的先生不只有宁缺桑桑李慢慢余帘,还有张小凡碧瑶陆雪琪…… However entire Flower Island, most noted is actually several immortal palaces. 不过整个花岛,最受瞩目的却是几座仙宫。 Each immortal palace, has female Palace Master. 每一座仙宫,都有一位女宫主 Xu Wanniang, Bai Suzhen, Queen of the Kingdom of Women, Chen Muxi, Queen Mother of the West, Ye Hongyu and Bai Youyou...... in deeply are all gazing at this moment as if by prior agreement end that becomes immortal bridge. 徐晚娘白素贞女儿国王陈沐兮西王母叶红鱼白悠悠……于此刻皆不约而同深深地注视着成仙桥的尽头。 In them some people of surface including the smile, some people tears drip to fall unceasingly, what is the same is in each individual heart hopefully and gentle. 她们中有人面含微笑,有人则眼泪不断淌落,相同的是每个人心中都充满期待与温柔。 Yeah, worried.” In Muxi Immortal Palace, Chen Muxi sighed suddenly. “哎,苦恼啊。”沐曦仙宫内,陈沐兮忽然叹气。 What's wrong, must see that the Emperor was unhappy?” Her maid and follower asked puzzled. “怎么了,要见到帝君了还不开心?”她的侍女和追随者不解问道。 Entered Heaven, others will care about me are Heavenly Emperor's daughter, but will not care that I had tried hard, I thought to struggle obviously, have my story.” “进了上苍,别人更会在意我是天帝之女,而不会关心我自己有多么努力了,明明我想自己奋斗,拥有自己的故事。” Chen Muxi resigned-looking deep sigh: I really do not think, when Heavenly Emperor's daughter.” 陈沐兮一脸无奈的长叹:“我真的不想当天帝之女啊。” „......” “……”
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