MPASLUI :: Volume #9

#859: The fair evacuation, fights to not regrets!

Lies on the bed, the room warm air is hot. 躺在床上,房间暖气热烘烘的。 Time one minute/share one second crossed quietly, Su Mo does not have the sleepiness, starts the careful thinking this time to arrive at the complete harvest after Ruins. 时间一分一秒悄然渡过,苏摩却毫无睡意,开始仔细的思索这次来到遗迹后的全部收获。 Without a doubt, with the Adam tonight's exchange is this Ruins biggest harvest. 毫无疑问,和亚当今晚的交流算是这次遗迹最大的收获。 Not only mastered existence of Game, golden light status, relations between Game and Adam. 不仅搞懂了游戏的存在,金光的身份,还有游戏和亚当之间的关系。 According to Adam said the world that the people are at should in so-called great mountain Xingyu. 按照亚当说的,众人所在的这片世界应该在所谓的“巨山星域”内。 Has not listened, but does not affect Su Mo deeply in the brain. 没听过,但并不影响苏摩深深记在脑子里。 But before butterfly universe and even, all human, reason that can obtain authority, is Adam is turning on the water intentionally, wants to complete the task. 而蝴蝶宇宙乃至以前所有到访的人类,之所以能获得权限,也都是亚当在故意放水,想要完成任务。 Simultaneously this, explained perfectly why Earth human time disaster frequency and scope are stable. 同时这点,也完美的解释了为什么地球人类这一次的灾难频率和幅度非常稳定。 In large scale jump disaster like Ma Gu that note, certainly was human obtains Adam's side to help have the change. 马古那份笔记上大幅度跃升的灾难,肯定是人类得到了亚当的侧面帮助才产生变动。 It seems like the use of authority is not Adam is supervising, but is Game is using some supervisory way to nose.” “看来权限的使用并不是亚当在监督,而是游戏在用某种监察方式查探。” „The way that no matter he noses is anything, has the System camouflage, he is unable to learn true information “不管他查探的方式到底是什么,有着系统遮蔽,他无法获知真实信息” But said like this. Game does not have the lifeform of intelligence, but is one type according to the procedure/program of established rules work?” “但这样说.难道游戏并非是有神智的生物,而是一种按照既定规则工作的程序?” Adam can accidentally, guess on him already to have authority. 亚当都能误打误撞,猜测出他身上已经拥有了权限 But Game is still aloof, treats as the average person to treat him. 游戏却依然无动于衷,还是将他当作普通人来对待。 This, fully deserves pondering. 这点,完全值得深思。 Rance, you did the world core of that world, usually exchange with you before?” “蓝斯,你之前那个世界的世界核心,平时和你们交流吗?” Exchange?” The idol shivers slightly: I only when obtains the god position to see right in front of one world core one time, the surplus times it hidden after the own rules barrier, the absorption external force promotes itself slowly.” “交流?”神像微微颤抖:“我只在获得神位的时候面见过世界核心一次,剩余时间它都隐藏在自己的规则屏障后,缓缓吸收外部力量提升自己。” If five big Ancestral God to become the rules owner in this world, before that he in won't the macrocosm core have the opinion?” “如果说五大祖神是为了成为这片世界的规则拥有者,那之前他在的大世界核心不会有意见吗?” Naturally cannot.” Rance replied decisively: „Our world core of former world, looked forward to us to go out other world to occupy the god position, became more powerful, by can better protection his security. So long as five big Ancestral God do not give up the authority rules strength of beforehand world, they will stiffen will only be of great help to the original world core “当然不会。”蓝斯果断回答:“我们之前世界的世界核心,巴不得我们能出去其他世界占据神位,变得更加强大,以可以更好的守护他的安全。只要五大祖神不放弃之前世界的权限规则力量,那他们变强只会对原有世界核心大有裨益” Moreover I once heard, rules of super world can make the macrocosm degenerate, concrete is not how clear.” “而且我曾经听说,超级世界的规则能让大世界蜕化,具体是怎么样就不清楚了。” „Have you heard great mountain Xingyu?” The Su Mo attempt inquired. “你听说过巨山星域吗?”苏摩尝试询问道。 Has not listened, but each place is different to the own star territory position name, somewhat defers to your human language to explain the meaning, general the name with the universes is not same.” Rance replied. “没听过,不过每个地方对自己的星域位置称呼都不同,有些按照你们人类语言解释出来的意思,并不和宇宙间通用的名称相同。”蓝斯回答。 Recently depended on the barrier disruption, the limit to the Spiritual God even more relaxed, his already crammed ferociously many human knowledge while this opportunity. 最近靠着屏障碎裂,对神灵的限制越发放宽,他已经趁此机会恶补了不少人类知识。 Noun that probably the basic science and technology, as well as these human are in sole possession, also knew near perfect. 像是基础的科技,以及那些人类独有的名词,也算是知道了个八九不离十。 Except for going to other world Spiritual God there purchases robs, what means has to obtain many celestial charts?” “除了去其他世界神灵那里购买抢夺,有没有什么办法获得更多的星图?” Does not have the means that if the Sir believes that I, can wait for me to restore some strengths again, goes to outside to have a look.” “没有办法,如果大人相信我的话,可以等我再恢复一些实力,去外面看看.” Rance is somewhat scruple, does not dare to continue to suggest. 蓝斯有些迟疑,没敢继续暗示下去。 His already found out at present this Sea God character, tried to find out the ways of two world harmonious exchanges probably. 已经摸清楚了眼前这位海神的性格,大概摸索出了两人间和谐交流的方式。 Summarizes, two characters. 总结起来,就两个字。 Obedient. 听话。 Regarding one enslaved rules to urge several thousand over ten thousand years of Spiritual God individually, this was not difficult to achieve. 对于一个别奴役规则驱使了数千上万年的神灵而言,这不难做到。 In the different star territories, the low-rank god must maintain enough respect to the high-rank god. 况且在不同的星域内,下位神本来就要对上位神保持足够的尊敬。 „After this matter, said, five big Ancestral God also 27 hours arrive.” “这件事以后再说,五大祖神还有二十七个小时降临.” Un, is tomorrow's morning 9 o'clock.” “嗯,是明天的早上九点钟。” His sinking sound said: When the time comes I must first attend to them, after discussing matter.” 他沉声道:“到时候我要先料理了他们,在谈以后的事情。” As the time approaches step by step, after having Adam this world core to help . 随着时间一步步临近,有了亚当这个世界核心帮助后。 Regarding taking five big Ancestral God assurances, in the Su Mo heart had confidence. 对于拿下五大祖神的把握,苏摩心中更加有了把握。 Moreover according to Adam said that so long as can ambush five big Ancestral God, Game looks will also provide many rewards. 而且按照亚当所言,只要能狙击了五大祖神,游戏看起来还会发放更多的奖励。 This is a good news. 这可是个好消息。 So long as can quick restore good nature rules, the development many will not be affected greatly. 只要能快一点修复好自然规则,外界的发展也不会受到多大影响。 When this going back, depends on carries the soul plate to carry off some extremely rare technology. 等到这次回去,靠着载物魂盘带走一些极其稀有的技术。 Was too crisp, was equal to the territory to obtain directly during for nine years the development of top technology.” “太爽了,直接等同领地获得了九年间顶尖技术的发展。” So long as and I enter several future Ruins again, that have't can take off directly?” “而且只要我再进几次未来遗迹,那还不得直接起飞?” In Su Mo heart dark crisp, watches outside dim weather, the mood also finally good. 苏摩心中暗爽,看着外面昏暗的天色,心情也终于好了起来。 Also after it is expected that the evacuation, noon quota selects during the daytime, will have a big confusion. 撤离将至,预计白天中午名额选拔出后还有一场大的混乱。 But is unimportant, only remains the final more than 20 hours. 但不要紧,只剩最后的二十多个小时。 He does not plan to prevent not only, instead is glad to see him succeed. 他不光不打算阻止,反而乐见其成。 Had Adam to block opposite world core in any case, five big Ancestral God were the toys. 反正有了亚当阻击对面的世界核心,五大祖神就是玩具。 When the time comes happen to can try to fuse the strength of sea, what level level having a look at divine power to reach. 到时候正好能试试融合海洋之力,看看神力到底能达到什么样的层次水平。 Dark heavy sky not many changes, still probably were luminously ordinary in the evening, only then a careful bright line hangs in the horizon. 暗沉沉的天空光亮并无多少变化,仍旧像是傍晚一般,只有一条细细的亮线挂在天边。 But as the time of evacuation quota selection even more is close, the five big Ancestral God marks in sky are also clearer. 但随着撤离名额选拔的时间愈发接近,天空中的五大祖神印记也更加清晰起来。 And, head picture already of Cursed Tiger Race god hangs in the sky center, overlooks below land like the eyes of devil. 其中,咒虎族神的头像已经高悬在天空中央,如同恶魔的双眼般俯视下方大地。 Other four Ancestral God arrangeds in order, occupied the east, south, west, and north position of Wasteland sky in turn. 其余四个祖神依次顺序排列,占据了废土天空的东南西北方位。 This evening, many people in flurried and no use passed, but more people actually consumed to empty the physical strength in the insignificant beating , smashing and looting fever. 这一晚,不少人在慌乱和无助中度过,但更多的人却在无意义的打砸抢烧中耗空了体力。 With the Feng Tianmin expectation is the same. 就和封天民预料的一样。 As the after subject of entire horizon city turns suspends rottenly, the new residents of these rebellions instantaneously then calm down 40%. 随着整个天际市的主题变成“摆烂”后,这些暴动的新市民们瞬间便冷静下来40%之多。 You do not want to evacuate the quota, you go to and dragon flag territory want, we do not control the quota to apportion anyone. 你不是想要撤离名额吗,你去和龙旗领地要啊,我们又不控制名额到底分给谁。 You do not want to go on living, you go to and five big Ancestral God hopes, crosses two days of arriving Ancestral God in any case is not we. 你不是想要活下去吗,你去和五大祖神祈求呗,反正过两天降临的祖神又不是我们。 Do you want more commodities? 你想要更多的物资? That is also good, horizon city in any case on this thing, you , to snatch snatches casually. 那也行,天际市反正就这点东西,你要是想抢就随便去抢。 At the point of death before, worked as the desire of full devil is not excessive, we can understand. 临死之前,当个饱死鬼的愿望不过分,我们都能理解嘛。 One disappear and hits, daybreak when , the turmoil that this is almost hard to reduce and solve actually ended by the speed that everyone has not thought. 一番连消带打,黎明将至之时,这场几乎难以化解的动乱却以所有人都没想到的速度又结束掉。 Turns back the tunnel along with demoralized new residents. 伴随着一个又一个意志消沉的新市民走回地洞。 By morning 8 o'clock, the daytime horizon city was also instead lonely, only remains the white snow to float gently on the footprint that last night left. 到了早上八点钟,白天的天际市反而又冷清了下来,只剩白雪轻轻漂浮在昨夜留下的脚印上。 This son-of-bitch five big Ancestral God, but also knows that the idea of launching a psychological attack, must hurry, doesn't hurry not to roll good?” Feng Tianmin cursed one in a low voice, rubs the temples alleviation that felt hot excessively to ponder the headache of causing. “这狗娘养的五大祖神,还知道攻心之计,要来赶紧来,不来赶紧滚不行吗?”封天民低声咒骂一句,揉了揉发烫的太阳穴缓解过度思考引起的头疼。 Commander, first has a breakfast, won't they arrive evidently today?” Last night questioned the man who suspended the rotten countermeasure, close said in a low voice. “军长,先吃点早饭吧,看样子他们今天不会降临?”昨夜质疑摆烂对策的男子,靠近低声道。 Ok, the commodity lets loose today eats on the line, arranges the meat to eat up to each brothers.” Feng Tianmin nods, feels in the stomach to be somewhat hungry. “行吧,今天物资放开吃就行,给每个兄弟都安排肉食加餐。”封天民点点头,也感觉到肚中有些饥饿。 Before the present Tianyuan territory may no longer look like, was so poor. 现在的天元领地可不再像以前那么贫穷了。 The magnanimous commodity that the Tianyuan port draws one after another first did not say, was only depended on the commodity that Trading Market gathered not to know from other places for several days had many. 天元港一船一船拉进来的海量物资先不说,光是这些天从其他地方靠着交易市场汇聚过来的物资就不知道有多少。 Now, early constructs good storehouse already by the commodity stopper chock full. 如今,老早就建好的库房都已经被物资塞得满满当当。 Some cover good storehouse was just also operational newly is then piled up with by the commodity. 一些新盖好的库房也是刚刚投入使用便被物资堆满。 Did not say exaggeratingly, even if 2-3 ten million people are not engaged in the production, every day only pure consumption. 不夸张的说,哪怕2-3千万人不从事生产,每天只单纯的消耗。 These storage also enough consumptions continue for several years! 这些储存也足够消耗数年不止! Finished eating simple breakfast that the temporary kitchen sent, after a while, in the conference room the snoring sound rose from all directions. 吃完临时伙房送来的简单早餐,过了一会,会议室中鼾声四起。 Only is left over some people to open Game Panel, enters the dragon flag territory in disaster channel, waits for the quota selection time to arrive. 只剩下些许人打开游戏面板,进入灾难频道里的龙旗领地,等待着名额选拔时间到来。 Fair, in the present this time, already is not important. 公平,在眼下这个时间,已经不在那么重要。 Before the life and death, all people being equal. 生死之前,人人平等。 What is more important, how to make the result of selecting make most human approve satisfaction. 更重要的是,如何让选拔出来的结果让大多数人类都认可满意。 This is one who does not have the difficult problem of means solution, can only give Long'an country to find the way to carry out. 这是一个谁也没办法解决的难题,只能交给龙安国自己来想办法执行。 The long standby period, making people impatient. 漫长的等待时间,让人心急。 Finally, as 12 : 00 pm even more are close, gathers among the survivor in live transmission are also getting more and more, fast over 50 million, press up to 60 million people. 终于,随着正午十二点越发接近,聚集在直播间的幸存者也越来越多,快速超过五千万,直逼六千万人。 Loudly talked too much to say life and death indifferent person, selected, having the responsible mood waiting to begin broadcasting. 大多嘴上说着生死无所谓的人,纷纷点了进来,带着负责的心情等待开播。 But was anticipating person who can be selected, a heart is the violent beat, the tense whole body sweats. 而更多期待着能被选中的人,一颗心更是猛烈跳动,紧张的浑身冒汗。 Must start!” Feng Tianmin sits the straight body, the heart one cold. “要开始了!”封天民坐直身体,心头一凛。 In the picture, gradually no longer is the black, a huge incomparable circular platform appears in everyone at present. 画面中,渐渐不再是黑色,一个巨大无比的圆形平台出现在所有人眼前。 The platform area occupying land area are many, at least also has about 300 draws. 平台面积占地不少,至少也有300平左右。 Dragon Ahn Guk-jeong Station in platform center, eyes visual front, probably is gazing at everyone after picture. 龙安国正站在平台中央,双眼目视着前方,像是注视着画面后的每个人似的。 In his behind, the giant screens, the length and breadth exceeded 20 meters. 在他的身后,有一面巨大的屏幕,长宽均是超过了二十米。 Also does not know that the dragon flag territory used what method at this time, can in this screen show that unexpectedly live transmission is brushing the screen rapidly the content. 也不知道龙旗领地此时用了什么手段,竟然能在这屏幕上显示直播间正在飞速刷屏的内容。 I am the feudal lord in dragon flag territory, the Long'an country, is the hegemon of human alliance.” “我是龙旗领地的领主,龙安国,也是人类联盟的盟主。” Today, is our human dishonorable day, because we soon after leaving Earth will continue to abandon the second position, will shift continues to live on dishonorably to another unknown region “今天,是我们人类一个并不光荣的日子,因为我们即将在离开地球后继续抛弃第二个阵地,转移到另一个未知的地域继续苟活” I know that many people were anticipating the quota can be many, can more to travel by the evacuation the steamship.” “我知道很多人都期待着名额能再多一点,能让更多的人搭乘撤离的大船。” But the fact is so, limited to two Spiritual God Ability, quota only then these.” “但事实就是如此,受限于两位神灵的能力,名额就只有这些。” Brief prologue, does not have any gaudy explanation. 简短的开场白,没有任何花里胡哨的解释。 The Long'an country the fact that comes up the straightforward point the quota is not then able to increase, set the main key to the following selection. 龙安国一上来便直截了当的点出来名额无法增加的事实,给接下来的选取定下了基调。 Here, I take the lead to pledge that this quota selects, the dragon flag territory is respective, the alliance respective high level will not participate, we will accompany all surplus human combat to the last minute.” “在这里,我率先承诺此次名额选拔,龙旗领地所属,联盟所属高层将不会参与,我们将陪同所有剩余人类战斗至最后一刻。” Whish! 哗! The voice falls, the barrage starts to brush crazily, almost already makes one not see clearly is discussing anything in the quarrel. 话音落下,弹幕开始狂刷,几乎已经让人看不清楚到底在争吵议论着什么。 But the Long'an country actually disregards , to continue to say in a low voice: 但龙安国却是不管不顾,继续低声道: „A fair selection, naturally should abandon any can the basis that affects to judge, including luck.” “一场公正的选拔,自然就该抛弃任何能够影响判断的依据,包括运气。” Meanwhile, I also know how you to become the Spiritual God to have very earnest interest.” “同时,我也知道你们对如何成为神灵有着十分热切的兴趣。” Therefore today, our selections will conduct by the simplest way.” “所以在今天,我们的选拔将由最简单的方式进行。” „The god of below invited hunting comes to explain concrete selection rules for us!” “下面有请狩猎之神来为我们讲解具体的选拔规则!” The platform starts to rotate, the illusory person's shadow appears in the Long'an country body side together, gradually congealing reality. 平台开始转动,一道虚幻的人影出现在龙安国身侧,逐渐凝实。 The men sit on the wheelchair, the right leg of disappearance still had not restored, he raised the head, experiences personally Black Tortoise judge Yu iron who the severe wound runs away impressively. 男子坐在轮椅上,消失的右腿仍然没有恢复,他抬起头,赫然正是身受重伤逃走的玄武判官俞铁。 Lifts the left hand gently, Yu iron grasps in void slightly. 轻轻抬起左手,俞铁在虚空中微微一抓。 The soil statue that does not have the appearance appears in his hands, above writes two simple characters. 一个没有面目的泥土塑像出现在他的手中,上面写着两个简单的字。 Day one. 天一。 In the first Spiritual God as human, I must first say the most people unacceptable fact.” “作为人类中第一位神灵,我要先说出一个大多数人都不能接受的事实。” Very much is sorry told everyone, our human the science and technology that used several thousand years of fermentation to come out, already being insufficient makes us defeat these powerful Foreign Race back Spiritual God, but in the universes outside this piece of the world, almost all the lifeform of standing in the peak depended was also not science and technology “很抱歉的告诉大家,我们人类用数千年时间酝酿出来的科技,已经不足以让我们战胜这些强大异族背后的神灵,而在这片世界外的宇宙间,几乎所有站在顶峰的生物靠的也都不是科技” divine power, is a very unusual strength, he can make us have the mighty force that the science and technology is hard to explain.” 神力,是一种很奇特的力量,他能让我们举手投足间都拥有科技难以解释的伟力。” However wants to leave, wants to become the fire seed, wants to make the contribution to the human later revenge, standard that we select only then, that has to become the Spiritual God potential!” “而想要离开,想要成为火种,想要为人类以后的复仇做出贡献,我们选拔的标准只有一个,那就是拥有成为神灵的潜力!” Holds up the soil statue in hand, Yu iron complexion is solemn and respectful. 举起手中的泥土雕像,俞铁面色肃穆。 This is an ordinary divine power statue, can communicate drifts away the fine divine power storage in nihility.” “这是一尊普通的神力塑像,能够沟通游离在虚无中的精神力储存。” On this statue has two characters, everyone does not need to ponder his meaning, so long as in the brain recalls the character unceasingly the shape then “这尊塑像上有两个字,大家不用去细想他的含义,只要脑中不断回忆字的形状即可” Has the person of god potential, will become the master of this statue, own consciousness body projection, obtains to leave the quota.” “拥有成神潜力的人,将成为这尊雕像的主人,将自己的意识体投射其中,获得离开名额。” Can be the human the fire seed, withdraws from this world , to continue the multiplication human civilization waiting revenge opportunity to arrive. 能作为人类的火种,撤离这片世界,继续繁衍人类文明等待复仇机会到来。 Naturally is not simple ordinary human that is elected by the luck can accomplish. 自然不是简单由运气选举出来的普通人类可以办到的。 Therefore, the evacuation has threshold matter, had then been guessed correctly by most people yesterday. 因此,撤离拥有门槛这件事,早就在昨天便被大多数人猜到。 But now, hears Yu iron to mention this strange election rules, stays in the survivors actually somewhat compels in live transmission ignorant. 但现在,听到俞铁讲出这奇怪的选举规则,呆在直播间里的幸存者们却是有些懵逼。 „Can the Spiritual God talented person work as?” “难道神灵是有天赋的人才能当?” The Feng Tianmin complexion is startled, has not chosen questioned immediately, the start that but said according to Yu iron closes one's eyes the shapes of recollection day 1-2 characters. 封天民面色一怔,并没选择马上质疑,而是按照俞铁所说的开始闭眼回忆天1-2字的形状。 Bang. 轰隆。 Resounds in his ear like the slating echo together. 一道如同雷鸣般的回声在他耳边响起。 Subconscious, Feng Tianmin opens the eye, actually only detected oneself arrived in a strange space. 下意识的,封天民睁开眼睛,却只发觉自己来到了一处陌生的空间内。 This space does not have the day, does not have the place, probably abyss generally endless darkness. 这空间没有天,也没有地,像是深渊一般只有无尽的黑暗。 He lifts the hand, detected fiercely the own body does not know when already turned into an illusory blue illusory image. 他抬起手,猛地发觉自己的身体不知什么时候已经变成了一道虚幻的蓝色幻影。 And this illusory image also only then 1/3 bodies, below the waist all vanish. 且这幻影还只有三分之一个身体,腰部以下全都消失。 He looks all around, discovered that is more and more different the color empty shadow to appear in the side. 他环顾四周,发现有越来越多不同颜色的虚影出现在身边。 The shapes of these people also and he is equally strange. 这些人的形状也和他一样奇怪。 Some, only then gigantic head float in in the air, some legs lost tried funny swaggering. 有的只有个硕大的头颅漂浮在空中,有的少条腿失去了着力地滑稽的摇来摇去。 Some do not have the arm at a loss looks to peripheral, some simple is only left over an eye, can only visual peripheral. 有的没有胳膊茫然的看向周边,有的干脆的只剩下一个眼睛,只能目视周边。 Here is “这里是” Feng Tianmin is just about to have doubts to speak, suddenly the golden ray actually shines together in the abyss upper air. 封天民正要疑惑说话,忽然间一道金色光芒却在深渊的高空中亮起。 Looks up, carved a day statue to appear in the top of the head. 抬头一看,正是刻着天一的塑像出现在了头顶。 Now, first person who arrives at the statue place will obtain the first evacuation quota.” “现在,第一个到达塑像处的人将获得第一个撤离名额。” The Yu iron chilly voice resounds. 俞铁清冷的话音响起。 Before the innumerable illusory images were still in a daze, at this time was the meaning that one chatted continually does not have. 之前无数幻影们还在发呆,此时却是一下连闲聊的意思也没了。 Almost in a flash, then several million empty shades rise with a spring, goes all out to resemble the speeding up speed that to the central divine power statue. 几乎一瞬间,便有数百万道虚影一跃而起,冲着中央的神力塑像拼了命似的加快速度。 Feng Tianmin also mixes to be one of them, makes the dog-paddle shape with both hands unceasingly, attempts to pick up the own charge speed. 封天民也混在其中,不断用双手做狗刨状,尝试着加快自己的冲锋速度。 However unfortunately, possibly is he becomes the Spiritual God potential is too low. 然而可惜的是,可能是他成为神灵的潜力太低。 At this time empty shadow already on top of the head has hundreds of thousands, obviously surpasses 20,000 numbers that the dragon flag territory set up. 此时头顶上的虚影已经有数十万道,显然超过了龙旗领地设立的两万之数。 Ok.” “算了。” Continued the dog-paddle a meeting, detected oneself and statue distance in sky on the contrary after unceasingly is changing far, in the Feng Tianmin heart one then chose giving up. 继续狗刨了一会,发觉自己和天空中的塑像距离反倒是在不断变远后,封天民心中一顿便选择了放弃。 Close your eyes, opens eyes. 闭眼,睁眼。 The illusory space vanished, returns in the conference room in horizon city. 虚幻的空间消失,重新回到了天际市的会议室中。 Well, the commander were you also eliminated?” Several humanities that the conference room wakes up are still chatting, sees Feng Tianmin to wake up, was happy. “咦,军长你也被淘汰了?”会议室醒来的几人本还在闲聊着,看到封天民醒来,不由乐了。 What's wrong, you?” “怎么,你们?” Evil , I went not to mention only then does a finger, snatch with what and others?” “害,别提了,我进去就只有一根手指,拿什么和别人抢?” I am also pretty good, only then a kidney, it seems like that the god was doomed is I misses “我也不赖,只有一个腰子,看来成神注定是和我无缘了” You can go, I enter cannot go, it seems like I most do not have that person of qualifications!” “你们都能进去,我连进都进不去,看来我才是最没资格的那个人!” „Couldn't my hair, how many miss well compared with you?” “我这一根头发,比你也差不了多少好吧?” already is ready that gives up evacuating, the people are complaining happily, does not have the least bit to lose the quota actually the sense of being lost and lonely. 已经做好放弃撤离的准备,众人开心的吐槽着,倒是没有半点失去名额的失落感。 But passes along with the time, the quick more and more people open the eye, returns to the reality from the abyss. 而伴随着时间流逝,很快越来越多人睁开眼睛,从深渊中回到现实。 Commander, a day statue starts, after the first person attains, presented the day two, the day three must arouse the vigor to clash downward, is eligible for the quota of evacuation, if in midway chooses gives up, will immediately be eliminated.” “军长,天一雕像只是开始,第一个人拿到后又出现了天二,天三必须要鼓足劲一直往下冲,才有资格获得撤离的名额,中途要是选择自我放弃,马上就会被淘汰出局。” This? That is actually very fair.” Feng Tianmin sighed, the vision sweeps to the live transmission picture is more and more placed in the statue of place, immediately knew the use of great platform. “这样?那倒是还挺公平的。”封天民叹息一声,目光扫到直播画面中越来越多摆在地的塑像,顿时知道了大平台的用处。 The person who makes an effort to run would one possibly attaining the quota, the person who gives up in midway will only be eliminated. 用力奔跑的人总会有一丝可能拿到名额,中途放弃的人只会被淘汰出局。 Screens with such way, not only can find to have the person of divine power talent, but can also screen will firm one batch. 用这样的方式筛选,不仅能找到拥有神力天赋的人,还能筛选出心志坚定的一批来。 Really is fair 果真算是“公平”啊 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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