MPASLUI :: Volume #9

#855: The exit strategy, human is atheistic!

The wind and snow float, carry over wū wū whistle. 风雪飘洒,带出呜呜啸叫声。 The weather is dim, made Wasteland lose the daytime and night concept thoroughly, is floating the flying snow that sprinkled also to turn into the pale black. 天色昏暗,彻底让废土失去了白天和黑夜的概念,连带着漂洒的飞雪也变成了淡黑色。 Dragon flag territory, new student/life cradle Shelter. 龙旗领地,新生摇篮避难所 Explodes along with the nuclear bomb one after another, even if Five Great Royal Families currently is several hundred kilometers away in the position from Shelter fully. 伴随着核弹一颗接一颗爆炸,哪怕五大皇族目前所在位置距离避难所足有数百公里远。 The high-frequency vibration transmits one after another, the Shelter load-bearing spot shivers unavoidably unceasingly, exudes creak the sound. 一阵接着一阵高频震动传来,避难所承重部位难免还是不断颤抖,发出咯吱咯吱响声。 Most survivors shrink in oneself narrow and small existing space, opens Game Panel, calmly is injecting in the picture the situation of explosion center. 大多数幸存者都缩在自己狭小的生存空间内,打开游戏面板,静静注射着画面中爆炸中心的情况。 But in Shelter center command post. 而在避难所中心的指挥室中。 Person's shadows also stand at this time in the own position, calmly is gazing at various information of large screen last time transmission. 一道道人影此时也都站立在自己的位置上,静静注视着大屏幕上时刻传递的各类信息。 Mountain ridge base No. 1-9 tactic nuclear warhead already delivers.” “山岭基地1-9号战术核弹头已经投递完毕。” Snowy mountain base No. 15-21 tactic nuclear warhead already success hit target.” “雪山基地15-21号战术核弹头已成功命中目标。” „No. 3 pit No. 10-14 tactic nuclear warhead has arrived assigns the position.” “三号地坑10-14号战术核弹头已抵达指定位置。” „.” “.” Developed for eight years, on Earth developed is not again relaxed the destruction weapon of human. 发展了八年时间,将人类在地球上的毁灭武器重新研制出来的并不轻松。 The nuclear bombs of three big territory manufacture storage, in addition also just crossed hundred. 三大领地制造储存的核弹,加起来也才刚刚过百。 Launches one after another, explosions one after another. 一颗接一颗的发射,一颗接一颗的爆炸。 Front several person's shadows stand shoulder to shoulder, wrinkle the brow, stares at the barrier that innumerable light purple barrier are overlapping to stand erect stubbornly as before not but actually. 前排几道人影并肩站立,皱紧眉头,死死盯着无数淡紫色结界重叠起来的屏障依旧屹立不倒。 Dragon institute, it seems like our exit strategies must start.” “龙所,看来我们的撤离计划必须要开始了。” The middle leans on the person's shadow of walking stick to raise the head, reveals a still shaken face, just Yu iron who was saved from death from the Cursed Tiger Ancestral God hand. 中间拄着拐杖的人影抬起头,露出一张惊魂未定的面孔,正是刚刚从咒虎祖神手中死里逃生的俞铁。 Everyone thinks that they are five big Ancestral God fight directly, ends up dead injuries suffered by both sides. 外界所有人都以为他们是和五大祖神正面交手,才落得一死两伤的局面。 But as everyone knows, their entire journey had not seen the Cursed Tiger Ancestral God surface, but contacted the opposite party to arrange a trap in Wasteland world dark hand, almost the group extinguished. 但殊不知,他们全程连咒虎祖神的面都没见到,只是接触了对方布置在废土世界暗手中的一个陷阱,就差点团灭。 This disparity is huge, before obliterating them , the confidence of completely just inflating. 这种差距是巨大的,完全磨灭了他们之前才刚刚膨胀起来的信心。 In addition the so powerful enemy, is not a person comes, but is five people. 再加上这般强大的敌人,还不是一个人来,而是五个人. Our human contact Spiritual God time was too short, is not enough to be their levels, currently only has to evade its point to support, later has the opportunity to rise.” “我们人类接触神灵时间太短了,根本不足以达到他们那种层次,现在唯有避其锋芒撑过去,以后才有机会重新崛起。” The speech replied that is side is standing Bacchus Herbert. 说话回答的,是旁边站着的酒神赫伯特。 His present injury is more serious, the whole person sits down exhausted on the wheelchair, the abdomen still the giant cavities did not have the flesh to fill, only used the simple bandage to wrap the outer layer. 他现在的伤势更加严重,整个人瘫坐在轮椅上,腹部尚有一个巨大的空洞没有血肉填充,只用了简单的绷带包裹住了外层。 As of late after obtaining powerful divine power, their three people also gather together daily, various mouths. 最近这段时间获得强大神力以后,他们三人还天天聚在一起,各种口嗨。 What powerful God Su is also human, now they become the true Spiritual God finally. 什么强大的苏神也不过是人类,现在他们终于成了真正的神灵。 Even if what five big Ancestral God dare to come, even if cannot be victorious must make them pay the heavy price, henceforth fears the hand to fear the foot. 什么五大祖神就算敢来,就算打不过也要让他们付出惨重代价,从此畏手畏脚。 But this time, he is also like Yu iron, almost scared out of one's wits. 但这一次,他也和俞铁一样,差点吓破胆了。 That type dominates in oneself completely and the others the high-level strengths of several levels, looks like the nightmare to be the same simply. 那种完全凌驾于自己等人几个层次的高级力量,简直就像是噩梦一般。 At this time closes one's eyes, recollection that still can not live. 此时闭眼,仍然能不住的回忆起来。 We have the home advantage, there are two partners of Su feudal lord, defends Wasteland unable to achieve?” The Long'an country complexion is quiet, was more dignified compared with before. “难道我们占据着主场优势,又有苏领主的两个伙伴在,就连守住废土也做不到吗?”龙安国面色沉静,比起之前更加凝重。 Nothing possibility, the strength of that bear I and he have trained, is about the same. But we and disparities between five big Ancestral God are day and the place are simply ordinary, at all is not the population can make up.” Helpless Yu iron shakes the head, in the words somewhat is faintly unwilling. “没有任何可能,那头熊的实力我和他对练过,是在伯仲之间。但我们和五大祖神之间的差距简直是天和地一般,根本不是人数能够弥补的。”俞铁无奈摇头,话语中隐隐有些不甘。 He looks up to the screen, that say/way overlaps already to turn into black divine power barrier gradually. 他抬头看向屏幕内,那道道重叠起来已经渐变成黑色的神力结界 „It looks like our nuclear bombs to meet this barrier to be the same, broken guards, cannot achieve!” “就像是我们的核弹遇到这结界一样,就连破防,都做不到!” Past Su Mo gave us too many false comforts, enabling our naive thinking to conquer the Spiritual God with the missile, if not he, from just started to look for the Spiritual God opportunity, now human will not have reduced to so the situation.” “当年的苏摩给了我们太多虚假的安慰,让我们天真的以为用导弹就能征服神灵,如果不是他,从刚开始就找寻神灵机遇,现在人类未尝会沦落到如此地步。” „If not my brother, you have died now?” “如果不是我哥,你们现在早就死了吧?” , The somewhat grating sound conveys from the rear area suddenly together slightly. 忽的,一道略微有些刺耳的声音从后方传来。 Yu iron complexion tranquil turning the head, after seeing to follow Su Chan Moore and Oreo, shakes the head gently. 俞铁面色平静的转过头,在看到跟着苏婵身边的摩尔奥利奥后,轻轻摇头。 I in statement fact, but, being not as skillful as others, says that now anything was useless.” “我只是在陈述事实罢了,不过,技不如人,现在说什么都没用了。” Regardless of your partner wants combat, we, will only continue to carry out the exit strategy.” He looks at the Long'an country that the eye was shocked as before. “无论你身边的伙伴要不要战斗,我们,只会继续执行撤离计划。”他看了眼依旧愣住的龙安国。 Dragon institute, must do to make a decision, five big Ancestral God are most also three days of time to arrive, may be tomorrow , may be the day after tomorrow, they will meet momentarily!” “龙所,必须要做决断了,五大祖神最多还有三天时间就要降临,可能是明天,也可能是后天,他们随时会到!” But on Wasteland also several million people, you can only have 20,000 people to walk now, how this makes us make a decision!” Long An country sighed, looks that the last nuclear bomb detonated, in scene actually as before stable divine power barrier, in heart, only then sighed with emotion. “可现在废土上还有几千万人,你们只能带两万人走,这让我们怎么决断!”龙安国叹息一声,看着最后一颗核弹引爆,场面中却依旧稳固的神力结界,心中只有感慨。 Without a doubt, this made the god plan to be defeated finally. 毋庸置疑,这场造神者计划到最终还是失败了。 Human did not have God Su to assume personal command, even if made three Spiritual God, comforted itself. 人类没有了苏神坐镇,哪怕造出来三位神灵,也只是安慰自己而已。 They will give credit as for the present to that wrongly. 至于现在他们将错误归功于那位。 Thinks initially live transmission in the picture in the high-spiritedness that sees, seen powerful self-confident. 想想当初在直播间画面中看到的意气风发,看到的强大自信。 Has a look at present two people again, in the Long'an country heart disappointed, is urging the thoughts that they wrestle furiously again weakly several points. 再看看眼前两人,龙安国心中失望更甚,连带着再劝他们奋力一搏的心思都弱了几分。 , Does not fear the god shyly compared with the god. 不怕人比人,就怕神比神。 Yu iron and Herbert can only be counted had the mortal of great power, their mentalities and methods, stay in human average online as before. 俞铁和赫伯特只能算作是拥有了强大力量的凡人,他们的心态和手段,依旧停留在人类平均线上。 But that was called by human makes God Su human, although his strength is a mortal, but the mentality and self-confident can actually be joined to the Spiritual God two characters sufficiently! 而那位被人类唤作苏神的人类,他的力量虽然是凡人,但心态和自信却足以配得上神灵二字! This situation fights again, deceives oneself and others. 这种情况再战下去,也只是自欺欺人。 Dragon feudal lord, our Tianyuan territories do not need to evacuate the quota, must elect, the you interior decides.” “龙领主,我们天元领地不需要撤离名额,要选,伱们自己内部决定吧。” Right, three days later decisive battle, we will participate as before.” “对了,三天后的决战,我们依旧会参加。” Is holding docile Oreo, sets aside the hand racket the shoulder of Moore, Su Chan light say/way. 抱着温顺的奥利奥,又腾出手拍拍摩尔的肩膀,苏婵淡淡道。 Good!” The Long'an country eye reveal startled color, continuously the nod: I represent all human, thanked your payouts.” “好!”龙安国眼露惊色,不住点头:“我代表全体人类,感谢你们的付出。” Then , he did not have after eventually, a few words saying. 说完,他顿了顿,终究是没将后一句话说出来。 Slightly somewhat disappointed looks to Yu iron: „The person who Yu Panguan, 20,000 quotas screen if has not concentrated, does not know that you can, takes away them together?” 只是略微有些失望的看向俞铁:“俞判官,两万名额筛选出来的人如果没有集中起来,不知道你们能不能在走的时候,将他们一起带走?” This does not affect, only needs them to meditate our god names when the time comes, we naturally can induce through the Spiritual God method to carry off together.” “这个不影响,只需要他们到时候默念我们的神名,我们自然就能通过神灵手段感应到一起带走。” That is good, later I will start to screen, strive to complete as soon as possible.” “那就好,待会我就会开始筛选,争取尽快完成。” According to evil intent that Five Great Royal Families back Ancestral God displays repeatedly, if human defeats, they meet under the pain absolutely the killer. 按照五大皇族背后的祖神屡次表现出来的恶意,如果人类战败,他们绝对会痛下杀手。 This is the ethnic group war, does not have any rotation leeway. 这是族群战争,没有任何回转余地。 Therefore, since human is atheistic, can only depend upon two people to have the final fire seed evacuation. 因此,人类既然无神,就只能依靠两人带着最后的火种撤离。 Whom as for leads to walk specifically, the Long'an country complexion is still quiet, the consciousness actually cannot stop called Game Panel. 至于具体带谁走,龙安国面色依旧沉静,意识却止不住的唤出了游戏面板 The status system that the past past, the alliance tacitly consented to took to human too many wounds, divided completely heterogeneous human. 以往的以往,联盟默许的身份制度带给人类太多创伤,以至于将人类完全分割成了三六九等。 But this time, facing final chance of survival 但这次,面对最后的生存机会 Hopes that this final fair, really can bring, even if a wee bit hopes “希望这最后的公平,真的能带来哪怕一丁点的希望吧” Tianyuan territory. 天元领地。 Academy of science underground civilization construction place. 科学院地下文明建设地。 This built in the Wasteland eight years of last ten days of the month, now soon completes the first phase of ground construction underground super Shelter, is located under the original broken army town/subdues. 这座始建于废土八年下旬,如今快要完成第一期地基建设的地下超级避难所,正好位于原来的破军镇下方。 Outside the busy work site, Su Mo and Chen Shen, Su Deben and other people one and stands firm, is looking into below gulf. 忙碌的工地外,苏摩陈审,苏德本等五人一并站定,眺望着下方深坑。 The body feeling temperature presses up to 50 degrees below zero, even if there is assistance of Oreo this marvelous sight statue, temperature that the person can feel also below zero about 30. 外界体感温度直逼零下五十度,哪怕有着奥利奥这座奇观雕像的辅助,人能感受到的温度也在零下三十左右。 However, now worker mostly already that constructs here injects the first issue of Sea God cell, restores Ability, although cannot strengthen their physicals, but actually energy level high enhancement their resistance to adverse circumstance. 不过,如今在这边建设的工人大多都已经注射了第一期的海神细胞,恢复能力虽然不能加强他们的体质,但却能极高的增强他们对恶劣环境的抵抗。 Therefore, even if this grade of weather, the implementation scheduling of underground base does not have the meaning that the least bit stops, still the unceasing expansion, shipped in the material from the factory fast, conducts the assembly imposition. 因此,哪怕是这等天气,地下基地的建设进度也没有半点停止的意思,仍旧不断扩大规模,快速从工厂运来材料,进行组装安放。 Mayor Chen, you may know why this underground civilized plan, will I arrange in order its importance before other plans?” “陈市长,你可知道为什么这地下文明计划,我会将它的重要性列在其他所有计划之前吗?” The Su Mo top of the head wind and frost, in the surface contaminates the snowflake, but the body actually only wears the simple fur lined robe, faint and environment has a being out of sorts feeling. 苏摩头顶风霜,面上沾染雪花,但身上却只穿着简单的皮袍,隐隐和环境有种违和的感觉。 But if some people stand in the face of several people at this time size up carefully, can actually discover, instead put on Chen Shen several people of heavy/thick cotton-wadded jacket to meet the cold wind to blow, appearing was more uncomfortable. 但若是有人此时站在几人面前细细打量,却能发现,反而是穿了厚重棉袄的陈审几人遇到寒风吹过,显得更加难受一些。 But this going against heaven's will physique, already more and more lining Su Mo no longer likely ordinary human. 而这种逆天的体质,已经越来越衬的苏摩不再像普通的人类。 Even if these Foreign Race, currently may also probably weakly at his several points. 哪怕是那些异族,现在也有可能要弱于他几分。 „The meaning that you said I know, now the human survivor on New Continent are truly getting fewer and fewer, can withstand the buckle very much difficultly again, the underground base constructs to be able better maintains the quantity, but.” Chen Shen sipped to purse the lips, licks thin film of ice to say with a sigh. “你说的意思我知道,现在新大陆上的人类幸存者确实越来越少了,很难再经得起折损,将地下基地建起来能更好的保持数量,但是.”陈审抿抿嘴,舔了口冰碴子叹息道。 You want division/discipline school that several deans, burns oneself to resist five big Ancestral God, really didn't have the room to manoeuvre?” “你要学科学院那几位院长,燃烧自己来对抗五大祖神,真的没有回旋的余地了吗?” No, can ask that this issue showed you have not understood.” Su Mo shakes the head slowly, the low body grasps loose snow of falling gently. “不,能问出这个问题说明你还没懂。”苏摩缓缓摇头,低下身子抓起一把飘落的散雪。 The snowflake is pure, does not contain any impurity, almost to put in the degree that in the mouth chews to swallow. 雪花纯净,不含任何杂质,几乎到了放入嘴中嚼嚼就能吞咽的程度。 Below work site many people are so, dry/does was tired, then stresses one nearby snow to put in the mouth within grows to gnaw. 下方工地里很多人便是如此,干的累了,便抓一把旁边的雪放入嘴中生啃。 You may know thing that our human most needs, is what?” Su Mo said in a soft voice. “你可知道我们人类最需要的东西,是什么吗?”苏摩轻声道。 Considers as finished, I do not know.” Chen Shen instinct wants to say the reply in heart, but the words have not exported, oneself then shake the head to break. “是算了,我不知道。”陈审本能的想说出心中的回答,但话没出口,自己便摇头打断。 Time in a hurry in a flash, since Su Mo leaves the already eight years, he detected own these years progress are always the methods. 时间匆匆一晃,自从苏摩离开已经八年时间,他发觉自己这些年来进步的从来都是手段。 In the most essential idea and cognition, is still similar to other human, marks. 在最关键的理念和认知上,依旧和其他人类差不多,原地踏步。 In the past, the manager had also asked me, but he had not told me at that time the answer.” “当年,所长曾经也这么问过我,但那时候他也没告诉过我答案。” That I reply you now.” Su Mo raised the head, in the snowflake the hand scatters downward. “那现在我来回答你。”苏摩抬起头,将手中雪花往下散落。 Time.” “时间。” Can make human repair and maintain thoroughly, opens new times, new rules, new future time.” “一个能让人类彻底修整,重新开辟一个新时代,新规则,新未来的时间。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 The Chen Shen body shakes, other surroundings several people of also facial colors change, does not seem to think that Su Mo actually will reply. 陈审身躯一震,周围其他几人也面色微变,似乎没想到苏摩竟然会这么回答。 To open new times, the time of that need may incessantly several years, and even dozens years. 想要开辟一个新时代,那需要的时间可不止几年,乃至几十年。 Regarding human ethnic group, at least needs three generations, is about 200 years, is opens. 对于人类这个族群来说,至少需要三代,也就是将近两百年的时间,才算重新开辟。 Then the long time, we can wait to obtain.” Chen Shen is hesitating, cannot say the following words. “那么长的时间,我们能等得到吗.”陈审犹豫着,没能说出后面的话。 Therefore, wants some people able to stand unceasingly, reduces the time unceasingly, expands the time unceasingly.” Su Mo answered again, and said one to sound mutually the contradictory idea. “所以,就要有人能不断的站出来,不断缩小时间,又不断扩大时间。”苏摩再答,并且说出了一个听起来互相矛盾的理念来。 New times is a very long process, I and fish writing have discussed carefully, he told I the fish person developed fully was close for 300 years, from the theocracy time transited the era of scientific technology, changed each clansman's cognition and view about the new idea gradually.” “新时代是一个很漫长的过程,我和鱼文君仔细探讨过,他告诉我鱼人整整发展了接近三百年的时间,才从神权时代一路过渡到了科技时代,渐渐改变了每个族人关于新理念的认知和看法。” We want to reach the sky in a single bound now, is not realistic, only then manufacture as far as possible an appropriate hotbed, accelerates this process “我们现在想要一步登天,是不现实的,只有尽量的制造出一个合适的温床来,加速这个过程” So long as some people can stand, solves problem that we come across at present, weeds through the old to bring forth the new more new technologies, this time unceasing reduction.” “只要有人能站出来,解决我们目前遇到的问题,推陈出新更多的新型技术,这个时间就会不断的缩短。” Similarly, so long as some people can stand, foreign enemy who resists these wild ambitions, this time will lengthen.” “同样,只要有人能站出来,抵御这些狼子野心的外敌,这个时间就会加长。” The several hundred years later matter, Su Mo did not say certainly, these that but speaks now actually must come one after information to compile from various aspects. 几百年后的事情,苏摩自己也说不准,但现在所讲的这些却是从各方面得来信息后的一个汇总。 He has not thought is like five big Ancestral God, goes on an expedition these world, continually enhances the strength. 他从来没想过和五大祖神一样,征战这些世界,不断提升实力。 He asked that was always a calm and steady environment, can live on the light and stable life. 他所求的,从来都是一个安稳的环境,能过得上平淡又稳定的生活。 Game leads everyone to Wasteland that moment since, were many innumerable internal and external to be contradictory on being doomed human. 只是,游戏将所有人带到废土的那一刻起,就注定人类多了无数个内外部矛盾。 Su Mo is very clear, in the future human will want to stand firmly on Wasteland, defeating five big Ancestral God will be only the insignificant first matter. 苏摩很清楚,未来人类想要在废土上站住脚,打败五大祖神只是微不足道的第一件事。 Especially now Game is in the situation of the world core. 尤其是现在游戏就是世界核心的情况下。 If processes him, resists the duties of this piece of the world other foreign enemies to fall to his body without doubt. 如果将他处理掉,抵御这片世界其他外敌的任务无疑又要落到他的身上。 Although can have the whole world to regard the human Shelter to sound very awesome, but thinks these dangers and difficulties. 虽然能够拥有一整个世界当成人类的避难所听起来很是牛逼,但想想这些艰难险阻。 Su Mo decides to focus in the first difficulty for the time being. 苏摩还是决定暂且着眼于第一个困难上。 Ok, no matter will have anything in the future, five big Ancestral God you did not need to worry.” “好了,不管将来会发生什么,五大祖神你们不用操心了。” Under perhaps I a handbook to you, according to this arrangement, I can make them hurt truly the previous time.” “等下我会给你们一个手册,按照这个布置,或许我能让他们真正疼上一次。” That of remembering with eternal gratitude hurts.” “刻骨铭心的那种疼。” Burns the possible consequence regarding oneself, Su Mo thinks little. 对于自己燃烧可能产生的后果,苏摩不以为意。 After all this body is not his, the predecessor has died, happen to can completely eliminate this predestined affinity. 毕竟这具身体都不是他的,前身已死,正好能彻底消除了这场前缘。 But the consciousness injury that the combustion aims, has the survival System protection, Su Mo also felt relieved very much. 而燃烧针对的意识伤害,有着生存系统保护,苏摩也很放心。 Most is expenditure Survival Points are more, so long as can complete the task to leave to Ruins outside, these expenditures all can look to make up, even gains one greatly also perhaps. 最多就是花费的生存点多一些,只要能完成任务出到遗迹外面去,这些花费全都可以找补回来,甚至大赚上一笔也说不定。 Has a look.” “下去看看吧。” Following going to the alley in work site, Su Mo sets out downward, may reach bottom of underground 500 meters super Shelter to walk toward this most deep place along the steps of circling. 顺着前往工地的小路,苏摩起身往下,沿着盘旋的阶梯往这座最深处可达地下五百米的超级避难所底部走去。 If can complete smoothly, the population that here can hold exceeds 1500 people, the ratio has resulted in various modern large-scale metropolises sufficiently. 如果能顺利建成,这里能容纳的人口数量超过一千五百人次,足以比得过现代各种大型都市。 Naturally, in the living conditions must certainly miss on many. 当然,生活环境上肯定要差上不少。 According to from the beginning everyone room 20 draws plans, the family population always a person can only increase five square area. 按照一开始每个人房间20平来规划,家庭人口每多一人只能增加五平方面积。 People more than one, unavoidably cramped. 人一多,免不了还是局促。 But the issue is not big, at present also move of trump card that may be called the sure-kill, during is preparing aggressively. 但问题不大,目前还有一招堪称绝杀的杀手锏,正在紧锣密鼓的筹划当中。 Game because of edition unsealing, according to primary Shelter Core that each head/number of people issues! 正是游戏因为版本解封,按照每个人头下发的原初避难所核心 How many cores do we draw in now?” “我们现在收拢了多少核心了?” already had 13 million, because this thing cannot transmit with Trading Market, otherwise the quantity breaks through 30 million now is at least.” Su Deben of familiar core immediately happy say/way. 已经有一千三百万了,要不是因为这东西不能用交易市场传递,否则现在数量突破三千万是至少的。”熟悉核心的苏德本马上喜道。 If really can according to you say that extracts core inside space force, attaches to each room in our base, that effect was too simply invincible, the occupying land area only has 20 draws, actually inside space has 150 draws, this simply is the unthinkable fine deeds!” “如果真能按照你说的,将核心里面的空间力量提取出来,附加到我们这座基地的每个房间中,那效果简直太无敌了,占地只有20平,其实里面空间有150平,这简直是想都不敢想的美事啊!” This does not need to be worried, two days, I an example of end product will have come out to you.” “这个不用担心,过两天,我会给你们一个成品的例子出来。” Su Mo cracks into a smile, patted the chest place to clamp is releasing continuously the warm feeling idol. 苏摩咧嘴一笑,拍了拍胸口处夹着正释放源源不断暖意的神像。 About the research of space, Rance may be an old hand. 关于空间的研究,蓝斯可算是老行家了。 This, restores along with the strength from his god territory, enslaves rules to relieve to increase then to look, the god territory also attached much so-called space force. 这点,从他的神域伴随着力量恢复,奴役规则解除就变大便能看出来,神域也附加了不少所谓的“空间力量”。 But applies in this strength the construction that the ordinary material quality builds to human, possibly is the matter that difficult such as to ascend to heaven. 而将这种力量应用到普通材质打造的建筑内对人类而言,可能算是一项难如登天的事。 But Rance couple of days ago some guarantee of striking one's chest, most only had then required several days of time, he can find out the complete feasible means. 但兰斯前两天便有过拍胸脯的保证,最多只需要几天时间,他就能想出完整可行的办法来。 Therefore, catches up before leaving this Ruins, this technology can also be confirmed here completely. 因此,赶在离开这个遗迹前,这项技术也能在这里得到完整验证。 When the time comes brings back to Wasteland, immediately can dramatically speed up the development of Village of Hope, from the beginning then establishes solid basic! 到时候带回废土里,马上就能大大加快希望村的发展,从一开始便奠定坚实的基础 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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